The Legislated Method for Treating Magic and the Evil Eye by Shaykh Aminullah al-Peshawari
ISBN: 9781838489762Author: Shaykh Aminullah al-PeshawariBook Binding:PaperbackPages: 73Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inchPublication year: 2022Language: English
About This Book:
The Quran and Abädith are from the greatest bounties the Lord of the worlds has blessed us with. The apparent and hidden, the body and soul, are cured with them. With this great bounty, a person is not in need of anything other than it with the condition that one fully comprehends and submits with full faith, Allah savs in the Our’an: “This day have I perfected your religion for you.” [Q 5:3] Some people do not value the religion and think it is incomplete, that is why they go down other paths and chase other “-isms” while some people take the Quran and Ahädith only for a spiritual cure related to the success of the hereafter, not a physical cure bringing happiness in this life as well as the next.
Some people depend solely upon doctors for physical diseases and illnesses, while thinking the adhkär which have been shown in the Quran and Ahadith are of no benefit in regards to physical discases and illnesses. Yet the truth is that these adhkär and supplications have greater elect than western medicine, hence why the duG’ is the weapon for a believer, as has been reported in the Hadith collected in al-Mustadrak
The Prophet emphasized on dun and adhkar. He prescribed specific adhkar for specific occasions, hence every Muslim should strive to memorize these due to their importance. This will allow one to achieve happiness in this life and the next. I am writing this booklet (Risalah) about two essential issues (cure for the evil eye and curing magic) at the advice of Al-Haj Prächa because people are in great need of knowing these issues.
Messages Through Animals Quranic Context By Abdul Karim Awad
Author: Abdul Karim Awad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 190
Publication year: 2008
Language: English
About This Book:
The insightful book "Messages Through Animals Quranic Context By Abdul Karim Awad" by Abdul Karim Awad discusses the lessons and guidance given through animals in the Quran. The author clarifies the symbolic and moral implications of many animals described in the divine literature by drawing on Quranic verses. Abdul Karim Awad offers a thorough examination of the animal characters and their functions as heavenly messengers and signals in the stories of the Quran. He explores the deeper meanings underlying the activities and interactions of several animals, including the ant, bee, spider, hoopoe bird, and others. Animals are wonderful creatures of Allah, they bond with humans, protect them and serve them and this has been a fact almost since Allah placed humankind on earth. Why then is it that animals in particular dogs, snakes, pigs, etc are looked down upon in the muslim world?
Perfecting The Obligatory : A Treatise on the Performance of the Sunnah Prayers By Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook
ISBN: 9782987459484
Author: Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 75
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
A notable book that concentrates on the significance and performance of the Sunnah prayers in Islam is "Perfecting The Obligatory : A Treatise on the Performance of the Sunnah Prayers By Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook" by Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook. It attempts to instruct people on how to increase their participation in these voluntary prayers, resulting in a closer spiritual bond with Allah The author, Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook, offers insights and helpful guidance on how to include the Sunnah prayers in daily devotion. The book discusses a number of topics, including highlighting the benefits of Sunnah prayers, describing when they should be said, going through the suggested amount of units (rak'ahs), and outlining the proper protocol to follow while offering them. Optional prayer surely has great value and many positive effects, however there are matters we need to pay attention to in that many Muslims do not give this prayer its full rights in terms of importance as well as being protective over how it is performed. You will find that many people leave off extra prayer, because they are too occupied or they are uninformed as to the lawfulness and its importance, and what comes with it by way of reward and blessing. Because of this I saw the need to prepare this booklet, which deals mainly with supererogatory prayer, which has been confirmed, by the actions of the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ) by his words and actions.
Important Lessons for the General Muslims By Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz
ISBN: 9782987459323
Author: Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 47
Size: 15x21 cm
Publication year: 2006
Language: English
About This Book:
Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz's "Important Lessons for the General Muslims" is a noteworthy work that offers important lessons and direction to all Muslims. In this work, Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz, a revered Islamic scholar, imparts his knowledge and experience The lessons in the book are intended to assist believers in better understanding and putting Islam into practice in their daily lives, so fostering a closer bond with Allah and enabling them to live moral and fruitful lives. For spiritual development. It acts as a thorough manual that covers the problems and conundrums that Muslims frequently encounter and offers useful advice and teachings that can be used in everyday life. The title says it all this book is a must for every muslim & new muslim who needs to know about all the essentials & obligations so that he/she may act upon it.
Pictures in the House By Aboo Ibraaheem Abdul Majeed Alee Hasan
Author: Aboo Ibraaheem Abdul Majeed Alee Hasan
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 32
Size: 15X21 cm
Publication year: 2006
Language: English
About This Book:
It is emphasized that places adorned with pictures are deprived of the presence of the angels of mercy. Furthermore, the gradual presence of pictures can lead to idolatry and disrupt the concentration during prayer, which is a central pillar of Islamic worship. This booklet comes as a piece of advise and as a warning - it is a collection of ahadeeth and fatawa from different scholars on the issue of pictures. Every Muslim should know that it is dangerous to have pictures in the house and in the office and or any place of gathering. The angels of mercy will not visit such places where pictures are hung or decorated. Gradually these pictures lead to idolatry. It also disturbs the concentration in prayer. The picture maker is cursed and he will be punished on the day of resurrection for not giving life to those pictures of living creatures. Making a living from this kind of work is prohibited in Islam.
Eleven Women and Their Husbands By Muhammad ibn Abdul-Kareem Al-Qazweenee
Author: Muhammad ibn Abdul-Kareem Al-Qazweenee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 32
Size: 15X21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
The fascinating collection of hadiths "Eleven Women and Their Husbands By Muhammad ibn Abdul-Kareem Al-Qazweenee" by Muhammad ibn Abdul-Kareem Al-Qazweenee illuminates the lives of eleven exceptional women from various origins who were married to various men. Readers are able to investigate the distinctive narratives of these women, each of whom has their own particular circumstances and experiences. In addition to being interesting and entertaining, the stories in "Eleven Women and Their Husbands" also provide important insights and lessons. In addition to imparting valuable teachings on marriage, piety, and the dynamics of family life, Anyone who enjoys engaging tales that offer a window into the range and richness of human lives will find it to be a compelling read as well. The Messenger ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ) said to Aa'isha (R.A): "I am to you as Aboo Zar'a was to Umm Zar'a (Bukhari) This is an excellent translation of the Hadeeth of the eleven women who spoke regarding their husbands. It goes into the linguistic aspects of the text and in explaining the eloquent forms used by the women in describing their husbands in easy to understand English.
Islam The Basic Truths By Sheikh jaafr S. Idris
ISBN: 9782987459620
Author: Sheikh jaafr S. Idris
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 31
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
Sheikh Jaafar S. Idris' short book "Islam The Basic Truths By Sheikh jaafr S. Idris" introduces readers to the core principles and practices of Islam Sheikh Jaafar examines the central tenet of Islamic monotheism and the conviction in the unity of God in the first chapter, "The Oneness of Allah." He talks about the significance of accepting Allah as the sole deity "The Prophethood of Muhammad," the biography and significance of the Prophet Muhammad in Islam are explored in depth. Sheikh Jaafar sheds light on the Prophet Muhammad's significance as Allah's last messenger and the Muslim community's role model Readers with all knowledge levels and backgrounds can benefit from "The Basic Truths."
Once Upon a Time By Shaykh Muhammad Adly
ISBN: 1902570030
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Adly
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 32
Size: 15x22
Language: English
About This Book:
"Once Upon a Time By Shaykh Muhammad Adly" is a book with a collection of narration from the Prophet Muhammad PBUH known as hadiths. These hadiths address a wide range of issues, including bragging, kindness, loving for Allah's sake, and more. Boasting, Kindness, Loving for the Sake of Allah, and Others are the four themes that each portion of the book addresses. There are various ahadith with Shaykh Adly's interpretation in each segment. The commentary provides explanations of the ahadith's contents and offers ideas on how they might actually be applied to our daily lives. It is a succinct but insightful compilation of ahadeeth dealing with issues such as boasting, being kind, loving for the sake of Allah, and more.
About The Author:
Islamic speaker and scholar Shaykh Muhammad Adly is well-known for his considerable contributions to Islamic instruction and direction. He is renowned for giving interesting lectures and presentations on a variety of crucial Islamic subjects. Shaykh Adly tackles the morality, spirituality, and practical facets of Muslim living in his presentations, giving his audience insightful advice. Shaykh Adly possesses the knowledge
The Golden Path For Teenagers By Abdul Malik Mujahid
ISBN: 9786030290901
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 331
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.9 inch
Publication year: 2019
Language: English
About This Book:
Abdul Malik Mujahid is the author of the book "The Golden Path For Teenagers". Teenagers who are navigating the opportunities and challenges of their formative years can use this book to help them. It attempts to support youngsters in developing sound moral principles and making informed decisions. In particular for young readers, he is renowned for his ability to convey complicated ideas in a relatable and approachable way. The Golden Path for Teenagers recounts the interesting and instructive events of the lives of Allah’s Messenger (peace on him), the rightly-guided caliphs, the pious ancestors, the famous kings, and other luminaries of Islam in an attractive way, with simple, easy, and flowing language. Most of the events have been taken from reliable Arabic sources. We have shunned embellishing the book with unreliable accounts.
About The Author:
An esteemed Islamic scholar, author, and civic leader is Abdul Malik Mujahid. He is honored for his contributions to social activity, interfaith understanding, and Islamic education. Mujahid has devoted his entire life to advancing tolerance, understanding, and peace through his writings, speeches, and work with organizations. His writings are approachable to a broad readership since they frequently concentrate on offering insightful advice that is anchored in Islamic beliefs. The Sound Vision Foundation, a group devoted to advancing Islamic outreach, media, and education, was founded and is led by Mujahid. He has started a number of initiatives through Sound Vision with the goal of empowering Muslims and developing a favorable perception of Islam in the wider community.
The Fourth Caliph Ali By Abu Huthayfa
ISBN: 9789670835099
Author: Abu Huthayfa
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 102
Size: 7.7 x 5.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
Language: English
About This Book:
The first part of the book explores Ali's early years. He was a gifted student who quickly understood the Quran's and Islam's teachings. He also developed his fighting prowess and actively took part in the early Islamic fights. Although Ali wasn't initially chosen as the first caliph, he eventually rose to become the fourth caliph in 656 CE after Uthman ibn Affan was killed. The caliph was chosen by consensus among the Muslim community. Conflicts about who was the legitimate caliph followed, sparking several uprisings against Ali's rule. Ali was killed in 661 CE by a member of the Kharijite sect, a party that disagreed with his reign. One day the Prophet saw addressed his Companions, "Tomorrow, I shall give the flag to one who will conquer the fort (Khaybar) and who has pleased Allah saw and his Messenger ra." The Companions of the Prophet saw that night wondered who that special person would lead them to victory. The next day, the Propehet saw asked his Companions, " Where is Ali ra?....bring him to me." The Prophet saw then gave Ali ra the flag.
The Third Caliph - Uthman (R) By Abu Huthayfa
ISBN: 9789670835082
Author: Abu Huthayfa
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 99
Size: 7.7 x 5.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Book:
Between 577 and 656 CE, Uthman ibn Affan, also known as Uthman al-Ghani, livedHe was a prosperous trader before adopting Islam in 616. Uthman was well known for his benevolence and intense adherence to the Quran. The Muslim community enjoyed peace and prosperity throughout Uthman's reign. He directed the collection of the Quran into a single volume, built a large number of mosques and schools, and increased the size of the Muslim empire. To the North of Arabia in a area called Tabook, the Muslim army was preparing to challenge the Romans. The Prophet saw asked, "Who will equip them and Allah swt will forgive him?'' To the North of Arabia in a area called Tabook, the Muslim army was preparing to challenge the Romans. The Prophet saw asked, \"Who will equip them and Allah swt will forgive him?\'\' The man to equip the Muslim army was Uthman ra. he gave enough camels and horses to equip one-third of the army. He also gave a large sack of gold coins in his hand and said, \"No deed can harm Uthman ra after today.\' Uthman ra was the only Companion who married two daughters of the Prophet saw. Because of the, he was given the title Dhun-Noorain (The Possessor of Two Lights).
The First Caliph - Abu Bakr (R) By Abu Huthayfa
ISBN: 9789670835068
Author: Abu Huthayfa
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 98
Size: 7.7 x 5.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
Language: English
About This Book:
Abu Huthayfa examines Abu Bakr's leadership attributes, emphasising his constancy, knowledge, and unflinching devotion to the Islamic creed. The book provides insight into Abu Bakr's crucial contributions to the Quran's preservation throughout the early Islamic era, as well as his leadership during the Ridda Wars and the conquests that helped the Islamic state grow. Most people have a best friend who they favour amongst all of the people. The best friend of Prophet Muhammad was Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (R). He was the only person, other than the Prophet’s own wife, who accepted Islam immediately and believed in Muhammad (S) from the first movement that he announced his Prophethood. Abu Bakr (R) always remained at the Prophet’s side and he had no reservations about spending his wealth for the sake of Islam and the Muslims. The Prophet’s Companions all recognized his superiority, yet he always remained humble and sincere towards all. This is the story of Abu Bakr (R) and his rise to leadership of the Muslim Ummah.
The Second Caliph-Umar Al farooq By Abu Huthayfa
ISBN: 9789670835075
Author: Imam Ibn Al - Jawzee's
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 78
Size: 7.7 x 5.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Book:
Abu Huthayfa carefully considers Umar's leadership attributes in his book "The Second Caliph-Umar Al farooq By Abu Huthayfa", highlighting his unwavering dedication to justice, equality, and the welfare of the Muslim community. Readers learn more about Umar's crucial contribution to the development of the Islamic state, his implementation of administrative reforms, and his endeavours to build social welfare programmes for the good of society via meticulous investigation. Abu Huthayfa is very careful to highlight Umar's unwavering commitment to maintaining the principles of justice and equality. The author emphasises Umar's substantial contributions to the political and social development of Islamic culture through thorough research and astute analysis.
Meadows of the Divine: 40 Prophetic Traditions on the Virtues & Ruling of the Qur'an By Alomgir Ali
ISBN: 9780993020100
Author: Alomgir Ali
Book Binding: Softcover
Language: English
About This Book:
Alomgir Ali is the author of the book "Meadows of the Divine: 40 Prophetic Traditions on the Virtues & Ruling of the Qur'an". This insightful work digs into 40 chosen Prophetic traditions (hadiths) that highlight the benefits and import of the Qur'an in Muslims' daily lives. Allah’s (s.w.t) speech and mighty revelation is replete with wisdom, truth and justice. Its verses are perfected by One who is perfect; it guides those who lend their ear to it from utter darkness to the full glory of its light and guides them towards and along a straight path. It is indeed the everlasting miracle. Allah (s.w.t) says about His words: Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward. [17:9] It comes as no surprise then for there to exist an extraordinary and diverse array of virtues connected to the Qur’an and for there to be alongside this a comprehensive set of rulings governing its interaction. The contents of this book will help you discover a significant portion of this and hopefully will strengthen even further your resolve to be classified amongst Allah’s (s.w.t) people: the people of His Qur’an.
Fataawa ( Rulings ) concerning Tobacco Cigarettes By Abdullah bin baz
ISBN: 9782987459699
Author: Abdullah bin baz
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 48
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
The colossal devastation of human health cause by tobacco use and smoking in the recent centuries cannot be denied by any sensible person. It is the single largest preventable cause of death all over the world causing unmentionable suffering and millions of debts yearly, yet even today the multinational tobacco corporations refuse to accept the conclusive scientific evidence and continue to selfishly promote their multi-billion dollar industry often among those ignorant to the far reaching hazards and health consequences. The Islamic legal judgements of some of the most eminent scholars – Jurists of our era, translated here for the time in the booklet prove unequivocally that the use and promotion of all tobacco products is strictly prohibited (haram) and juristically punishable according to Islamic Law and legal precepts. The lucid, intelligent and legally sound arguments presented countered the feeble claim that tobacco use is merely obnoxious (Makrooh) and therefore a lesser social evil to be tolerated society.
About The Author:
Throughout his career, Sheikh Abdullah bin Baz held a number of significant posts He participated actively in advancing Islamic teachings and values both domestically and abroad as a member of numerous Islamic organisations.Sheikh bin Baz offered advice on a variety of situations that Muslims encountered throughout his lifetime, addressing current issues while staying grounded in Islamic teachings. People, academics, and world leaders from all over the world sought for his judgements and fatwas (Islamic legal opinions). The Muslim community will never forget Abdullah bin Baz's contributions to Islamic study, his initiatives to disseminate accurate information, and his dedication to safeguarding Islamic norms. He is regarded as a revered scholar and a cornerstone of Islamic education and direction.
Hajj & Tawheed By Dr. Saleh As-Saleh
ISBN: 9782987459569
Author: Dr. Saleh As-Saleh
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 28
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
A renowned academic and writer who has significantly advanced the field of Islamic studies is Dr. Saleh As-Saleh. His detailed handbook, "Hajj & Tawheed By Dr. Saleh As-Saleh" covers the Hajj journey and places an emphasis on the idea of Tawheed (monotheism) in Islam. In his book "Hajj & Tawheed," Dr. Saleh explores the meaning and customs of the yearly Hajj to the holy city of Mecca. He explains every stage of the journey in great depth, including the acts of worship, the background information, and the spiritual teachings learned along the way. Dr. Saleh clarifies the essential idea of Tawheed, which forms the basis of Islamic doctrine Hajj is to set out for Makkah to worship ALLAH by performing certain religious rights in accordance with the Prophets صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم sunnah. It is a time in which to call upon ALLAH to purify the self from any worship to anyone other than him. This booklet explains the basic rights of Hajj. It also notes that the tawheed of Allah requires the Muslim to follow the perfect way of worship, demonstrated by Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم and is understood by the Sahaabah who were the best of mankind.
Lying Against The Prophet By Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun
ISBN: 9782987459644
Author: Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 24
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun through his book "Lying Against The Prophet By Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun" he carefully investigates the different instances throughout history where people have purposefully promoted untruths and false stories about the Prophet Muhammad. He clarifies the causes of such behaviours and how they affect the legitimacy of Islamic teachings.This work will enlighten the reader about the impact of attributing lies to the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ). This issue leads its perpetrator to serious consequences. The author explains the reasons which prompts and results in many people falling into this trap. The main motive behind this summarized work is to correct what is heard from people, some claiming to be students of knowledge, quoting and giving references from fabricated traditions of the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ). Others establish their religious duties and seek closeness to ALLAH by basing their activities on fabricated traditions without any authorized links proving their attribution to the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ). He also sheds some light on the Islamic ruling upon people who lie against the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم )
About The Author:
Author Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun is renowned for his lucid and succinct writing style, which makes difficult themes understandable to a variety of audiences. He blends in-depth study with profound spiritual understanding to provide readers insightful viewpoints and direction. The books of Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun have become more well-liked among academics, students, and casual readers eager to learn more about Islam.
Abraha and His Army of Elephants By Shazia Nazlee
ISBN: 9782987459507
Author: Shazia Nazlee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 12
Size: 17x24cm
Language: English
About This Book:
Abraha and His Army of Elephants, a gripping children's book by Shazia Nazlee, tells the remarkable story of the Yemeni monarch Abraha and his bold scheme to destroy the Kaaba in Mecca. This book "Abraha and His Army of Elephants By Shazia Nazlee", which has its roots in the Quranic story of the elephant, teaches kids important lessons about the power of faith and the importance of preserving Islamic holy sites. The narrative opens with the introduction of Yemen's powerful and ambitious ruler, Abraha. He is motivated to build a magnificent cathedral in Sana'a and thinks that by diverting pilgrims from Mecca to his city, he will gain power and status. Abraha sets out for Mecca with a mighty army of elephants. The Meccans are terrified of the elephants because of their size and intimidating presence. However, the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) sincerely implores Allah for help, pleading for His intervention. Allah responds by sending a flight of birds to attack Abraha's army and bombard them with stones composed of sijjil, a rock famed for its unmatched toughness and ability to pierce even metal. Surat Al-Feel (The Elephant) In the Name of ALLAH, the Most Beneficient, the Most Merciful 1-Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the owners of the elephant? 2-Did He not make their plot go astray? 3-And sent against them birds, in flocks, 4-Striking them with stones of Sijjill. 5-And made them like an empty field of stalks.
About The Author:
The field of children's literature has benefited from the creative writing of Shazia Nazlee. She has penned novels that enthral and encourage kids because she loves telling stories and knows how crucial it is to educate young brains. Shazia Nazlee creates captivating narratives that teach children valuable lessons and introduce them to significant facets of Islamic history and faith through her works, such as "Abraha and His Army of Elephants.
The Effect of Homosexuality and Pornography on Society By Shaykh Michael Mumisa
ISBN: 9781902570303
Author: Shaykh Michael Mumisa
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 32
Size: 15x21 cm
Publication year: 2011
Language: English
About This Book:
It attempts to promote critical thinking and awareness of the potential repercussions on people and society while fostering an informed dialogue about human sexuality.The book "The Impact of Human Sexual Practises and Unregulated Pornography: A Societal Perspective" explores how sexual practises have changed over time, beginning with the dawn of human civilization. It explores the effects on people and society of the many forms of sexual expression have arose throughout numerous cultures and societies. By illuminating the beginnings, development, and effects of human sexual practises as well as the unrestricted nature of pornography, this book inspires readers to thoughtfully and respectfully critically evaluate and reflect on these topics.The effect of Homosexuality and pornography on society;] Michael [Mumisa. 4c2, PB, 32pp, Message of Islam, From time immemorial, lewdness and shamelessness are prese]
Al-islam Religion & Life By Dr. Abdul Karim Awad
Author: Dr Abdul Karim Awad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 264
Publication year: 2011
Language: English
About This Book:
The eminent scholar and educator Dr. Abdul Karim Awad is the author of the outstanding work "Al-islam Religion & Life By Dr. Abdul Karim Awad" This fascinating book goes deeply into Islam's fundamental principles and presents it as a complete, all-encompassing way of life. The investigation by Dr. Awad covers the key tenets, customs, and beliefs that characterize Islam. Dr. Abdul Karim Awad deftly navigates through important subjects including prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage in the pages of "Al-Islam Religion & Life." His intention is to explain the relevance of these Islamic tenets and instruct readers on how to put them into practice in real-world situations. absolute clarity, The book aims to provide a detailed description towards understanding the religion of Islam. It is for those who are keen on getting acquainted with its teachings. The religion of islam combines scientific reason with spiritiual reality associated with belief far removed from violence, injustice, hatred and enmity. It plays a positive role in reviving common values for mankind and uniting people for justice and equality, in particular those who are weaker. The book is a unique effort which explicity demonstrates the true essence of the Islamic religion. It explains the principles of Islam, its objective and its view of life.
Branches of Faith By Dr Abdul Karim Awad
ISBN: 9781902570266
Author: Dr Abdul Karim Awad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 446
Publication year: 2002
Language: English
DescriptionAbout This Book:
The outstanding book "Branches of Faith By Dr Abdul Karim Awad" explores the numerous branches and fundamental elements of the Islamic faith. The voyage starts with an investigation of the idea of faith in Islam, stressing its importance and significant influence on a Muslim's life. "Branches of Faith" expertly conveys these essential tenets of faith in an approachable and captivating manner, making it appropriate for readers with various levels of expertise. Iman (faith) is more than a feeling or emotion, it is an inclusive celestial expression, which includes actions of the heart, whatever is uttered by the tongue and all practices of other organs of the body. Hence to recognise its spiritual and practical side we have to interpret the Quran and grasp the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W.W).
How to Attain the Love of Allah By Dr. Abdul Karim Awad
ISBN: 9782987460367
Author: Dr Abdul Karim Awad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 180
Size: 15x21 cm
Publication year: 2013
Language: English
About This Book:
The voyage begins with a look at several forms of love before settling on the intense love for Allah. The author emphasizes that for every Muslim, loving Allah is the highest kind of attachment and aim. The book then goes into detail on the various ways Muslims might develop and feel their love for Allah. The book makes the following points, to name a few: The highest kind of love is love for Allah. Gaining Allah's affection is possible in a variety of ways. Peace, fulfillment, and happiness come from loving Allah. The book is suited for readers with any degree of Islam knowledge because of how clearly and succinctly it is written This book aims to answer these questions and clarify how to exactly The love of Allah can be attained, by studying various ayat from The Quran and texts from the Sunnah of Prophet Mohmmad (SAW).
What Leads to Hell By Dr Abdul Karim Awad
ISBN: 190257009X
Author: Dr Abdul Karim Awad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 357
Publication year: 2005
Language: English
About This Book:
Dr. Abdul Karim Awad's informative book "What Leads to Hell By Dr Abdul Karim Awad" examines the significant and insignificant life factors that can send a person to hell. The book begins by explaining the numerous sorts of hell in order to provide readers with a better grasp of its many facets. The investigation of the principal sins that have the power to send people to hell follows. Shirk (associating partners with Allah), Kufr (disbelief), Nifaq (hypocrisy), Zina (murder, adultery, or fornication), robbery, usury, drinking alcohol, sorcery, and mocking Allah or His Messenger are just a few examples of these sins. In order to live a good life, Dr. Abdul Karim Awad emphasises the significance of comprehending and accepting these sins throughout the entire book. It acts as a warning of the repercussions of such actions and inspires readers to seek forgiveness and work for spiritual development. Allah has granted humankind a certain span of life in this world andwith it the ability to think and then decide their course in this life.After that, everyone will die and be buried. Then all of Allah'screation will be brought back to life on the Day of Judgment. Those who didwell on the earth will be rewarded with Heaven/Paradise, but those whowere unfortunate (i.e., the wrongdoers) will be sent to Hell. Heaven isthe abode of enjoyment, which Allah prepared for the righteous and Hellis the abode for penalty or torment, which He set up for thedisbelievers.This book covers the major and minor things in life that can leadyou to Hell.
The True Islamic Etiquette By Dr Abdul Karim Awad
Author: Dr Abdul Karim Awad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 296
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
Dr. Abdul Karim Awad's book "The True Islamic Etiquette By Dr Abdul Karim Awad" is a worthwhile resource that explores the importance of etiquette in Islam. "The True Islamic Etiquette" is a priceless tool for people who want to learn more about the fundamentals of Islamic manners. It provides insights and advice for people looking to embody the principles and practices of good etiquette in accordance with Islamic teachings thanks to its authoritative base, readability, and wide breadth. The book's salient qualities include its thorough treatment of Islamic etiquette, its reliance on reliable texts like the Quran and the Sunnah, its lucid and succinct presentation, and its adaptability for readers with any level of Islamic acquaintance.
Dinner time (Stories of Islamic akhlaq) By Dr. Abidullah Ghazi
ISBN: 9781563163012
Author: Dr. Abidullah Ghazi
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 24
Language: English
About This Book:
The fascinating book "Dinner Time: Stories of Islamic Akhlaq" by Dr. Abidullah Ghazi offers a selection of tales showcasing Islamic morals and etiquette, particularly with regard to the theme of the dinner hour. This entertaining book seeks to teach young readers important moral principles and manners. Dr. Abidullah Ghazi addresses the value of good manners, kindness, thankfulness, sharing, and other virtues during mealtimes through a collection of accessible narratives. Each tale offers illustrations of how people with strong Islamic akhlaq (moral character) conduct themselves and relate to others while dining.
Gentleness O People of the Sunnah, with the People of the Sunnah
ISBN: 9780992813604
Author: Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbad
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inch
Language: English
About This Book:
Gentleness O People of the Sunnah, with the People of the Sunnah' A translation of the second edition of Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbad's 'Rifqan Ahlus Sunnah bi Ahlus Sunnah'. The first edition was published in 2003/1424H and was originally written as a much needed and timely advice directed to his brothers and sisters among the People of the Sunnah due to the turmoil and controversy that had occurred as a result of the defamation and heretication of certain scholars and students of knowledge. In the second edition, which was published in 2005/1426H—a more two years later—the shaykh added a new introduction addressing some issues that were raised by certain groups after the first edition was published and distributed. He also added two chapters to the end of 'Rifqan Ahlus Sunnah', titled 'The Heresy of Testing the People by Individuals' and 'Cautioning Against the Tribulation From Some of the People of the Sunnah in This Era of Disparaging and Heretication'. We have also added the shaykh's follow up advice titled 'Once Again, Gentleness O People of the Sunnah, with the People of the Sunnah'. This was published in December 2010/Muharram 1432H and shows that the shaykh's stance on gentlesness between Ahlus Sunnah stands to the current day. Please see the back cover for selections from the praise of the scholars (including Shaykh Fawzan) for this work.
About The Author:
A well-known Islamic scholar noted for his proficiency in a variety of Islamic areas is Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbad Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbad has received praise for his in-depth understanding of the Qur'anic sciences, Hadith (Prophetic traditions), Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), and Aqeedah (Islamic creed). He has studied under eminent scholars. He is well-known for upholding the precepts of the Salaf (righteous predecessors) and his dedication to disseminating accurate Islamic information
This Is Love By Ali Albarghouthi
ISBN: 9789675699733
Author: Ali Albarghouthi
Book Binding:Softcover
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 1.0 inch
Publication year: 2021
Language: English
About This Book:
The book "This Is Love" was written by Ali Albarghouthi. From an Islamic viewpoint or in the framework of relationships and spirituality, it examines the issue of love. It might offer perceptions, considerations, and helpful guidance on developing and fostering love in various spheres of life. The author of "This Is Love," Ali Albarghouthi, is an expert with a thorough knowledge of Islamic teachings and values. Heprovide readers with a distinctive viewpoint on love and its relevance in the context of Islam and personal growth through the book.
All of us are looking for love. We carry enough pain, frustration, and doubt in us to crush us. Only the comforting embrace of love can save us. We look around and see a world embroiled in so much greed, racism, inequality, and cynicism. We have become more suspicious of each other, more intolerant, and crueler. We need change. Many sing the praises of love and tout it as the answer. But they do not tell us what love is, what to love, and how to love? Everyone imagines and lives it differently.Who is right? Which path should we follow? No one understands love better than the One who created it. He knows how much we need it and how it can be nurtured. He sent His Books and Prophets to teach us what love is so we can love Him and each other. And He warned us against distorted and toxic love. Islam is the handbook of love. It is the best, fastest, and most comprehensive way to it.
This book presents the Islamic message of love through forty hadiths on loving Allah, His Prophet, and His creation. lt explains the indispensability of divine love in human existence, the centrality of love in Islam, and the means to attain and spread love on earth. lt also clarifies common misunderstandings about love in Islam, affirming that Islam is the religion of love par excellence.
Common Mistakes Of The Woman By Shaykh Dr Abdullah Al-Tayyar
ISBN: 9781792393419
Author: Shaykh Dr Abdullah Al-Tayyar
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
The author of "Common Mistakes of the Woman" is Shaykh Dr. Abdullah Al-Tayyar. Specifically within the context of Islamic teachings and values, the book strives to address and throw light on typical mistakes that women may inadvertently make in various facets of their lives. He has devoted his time to learning about and instructing about different facets of Islam, especially topics specifically related to women. To address the issues faced by women in modern society, his work in "Common Mistakes of the Woman" probably draws on Islamic teachings, scholarly research, and real-world experiences.The mistakes outlined are both numerous and varied. From them are: mistakes in beliefs, in clothing, in changing the appearance of the body, in the way they walk, concerning food and drink, mistakes related to the way in which they sleep and awake, free-mixing, holidays and events, listening (i.e. to music and the likes of it), mistakes concerning traveling, and the condition in which one goes to the doctor.
The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger
ISBN: 9781792394300
AUTHOR: Rasheeed barbee
BINDING: Paperback
PAGES: 767
SIZE:9 x 6 x 2.0 inch
About This Book:
Rasheed Barbee's thorough work "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" explores the lives of more than 850 of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) companions. It is split into three separate portions, each of which focuses on a different time period. Biographies of the companions who had the privilege of meeting the Prophet before to his relocation to Medina are given in the first part. These people participated in the early phases of Islam's formation and witnessed them. The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger is an encyclopedia of more than 850 noble companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, those from mankind and the jinn. This book was extracted from the classic history book Attainment of the Objective in Distinguishing the Companions by Hafidh Ibn Hajar Asqalani, with notes taken from The Lives of Noble Figures by Imam adh-Dhahabi. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them (the next generation), and then those who will come after them (i.e. the next generation),……Sahih Al Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 437. For those who want to learn more about the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" is a priceless tool.
About This Author:
American Muslim author and lecturer Rasheed Barbee. Numerous publications on Islam are written by him, including "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" and "The Reality of the Nation of Islam in Light of True Islam." In 1967, Barbee was created in Raleigh, North Carolina. While serving in the US Army in 1992, he converted to Islam. After receiving his Army discharge, Barbee relocated to New York City and started studying Islam under the guidance of numerous eminent masters. Barbee established the Islamic Dawah Centre of New York City in the year 2000. The center's mission is to inform and engage the broader public about Islam. In addition, Barbee has provided consulting services to a number of other Islamic institutions.
Sahaba Cards By Laila Mabruk
ISBN: 9781905516056
AUTHOR: Laila Mabruk
BINDING: Hardcover
PAGES: 34 Cards
SIZE: 14x8
About This Book:
Each card in the set contains details about a certain Sahaba, such as their name, history, noteworthy accomplishments, and personal anecdotes. The cards may also include drawings or pictures that are associated with the Sahaba, acting as visual aids to draw in and inform users. Your favourite Companions, Now in Your Pocket By now, you probably know that the Sahaba were legends, the likes of which this Ummah has never seen since their time. You know that they are so important for you and your kids to know about and take inspiration from. But there were so many Sahaba and keeping up with each of their stories is a maze at best. That's where the Sahaba Cards come in. Sahaba Cards is a treasure chest of golden glimpses into the lives of the men and women around the Prophet Muhammad (S). The entire set makes it easy for you to grasp the lives of the Companions by: Providing a summary of a Companion’s life, capturing their timeless legacy. Covering the lives of both male and female Sahaba, so everyone can benefit from them. Including 34 well-known and legendary Companions, so you have plenty of examples to follow. Presenting their lives on pocket side cards that can be easily taken anywhere on the go. Quoting what the Prophet (S) said about the Sahaba so you can see their importance and virtue. Including a list of suggested games and uses for both groups and individuals so you can get the most out of the cards. Learning Roots were the first publishers in the world to pioneer flashcards on the Sahaba, and this product has been revised and revamped by popular demand. To order your Sahaba Cards, simply click the 'Add to Cart' button above.
The Box of Manners
AUTHOR: Learning Roots
BINDING: Hardcover
PAGES: 54 Cards
SIZE: 3.8x3.8x1.5" (9.5x9.5x3.5 cm)
About This Book:
A selection of tales, exercises, or interactive resources that teach and reaffirm several facets of excellent manners found in "The Box of Manners". Saying please and thank you, sharing, being considerate, being kind, and maintaining good hygiene are a few examples of the subjects it might cover. "The Box of Manners" attempts to teach kids the value of manners in their daily interactions and relationships through interesting text, vibrant images, and relatable situations. It may offer helpful advice on how to use polite behavior in many contexts, encouraging empathy, consideration, and respectful conduct.
The Giant Journey ; Play The Puzzle Of The Prophets
ISBN: 9509647495862
Author: Learning Roots (Little Kids 5 Plus)
Book Binding:75 Pieces Puzzle card
Size: 11 x 8.2 x 2.2 inch Box Size
Publication year: 2021
Language: English
About This Book:
A game or puzzle book called "The Giant Journey: Play the Puzzle of the Prophets" is probably intended to keep kids interested while teaching them about the prophets in the Islamic religion. Although it probably provides kids with an engaging approach to learning about the prophecies and their messages. The Giant Journey is a stunning puzzle vividly illustrating the lives of the prophets .More than just an amazing image, the map is a springboard to discuss the life of each prophet, from Adam through to Muhammad. This puzzle is a fantastic learning experience for children to discover the highlights from the stories of the greatest people in history.
Love and Hate for the Sake of Allah By Shaykh Hilaalee Saleem
ISBN: 9781898649090
Author: Shaykh Hilaalee Saleem
Book Binding:Softcover
Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.2inch
Publication year: 1995
Language: English
About This Book:
LOVE AND HATE FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH is one of the great doors leading to the good of the Hereafter and a cause of tasting the sweetness of eemaan in this world. There are some people who think that loving and hating is an affair of the heart only and that a person in unable to have any control over it, so how is he able to cause himself to love and to hate another? From that which is known necessarily in Islam is that the heart is to follow "aqeedah and eemaan, so whoever in Allah as his Lord, Islam as his religion and way of life (deen) and in Muhammad as the Messenger, then he must necessarily love whoever loves Allah, therefore loving and hating is an obligation upon the Muslim. Furthermore, Allah, the Most High, has warned us against going beyond bounds in these two matters so that we do not cause distensions and widespread corruption in the land, as occurs a the end of sooratul-Anfaal.
About The Author
:Author and respected Islamic scholar Shaykh Hilaalee Saleem is of Yemeni and American descent. Shaykh Hilaalee Saleem started memorizing the Quran at an early age to show his loyalty to and commitment to the Islamic faith. Under the guidance of numerous masters, notably his revered father Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee, he obtained a thorough education in Islam. Shaykh Hilaalee Saleem has had the good fortune to learn from renowned academics in the US along his path, including Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, and Shaykh Mufti Menk. A PhD in Islamic Studies from the prestigious International Islamic University Malaysia represents the peak of academic brilliance for this man who also pursued further education at the Islamic Online University.
American Family Series : Jamaal's Jam
ISBN: 9780915957408
Book Binding:Softcover
Condition : Used
Language: English
About This Book:
Part of a bigger collection, "American Family Series: Jamaal's Jam" is an interesting and uplifting tale. This television program incorporates a little bit of Islamic culture while celebrating the diversity and experiences of American families. In this specific story, Jamaal, a young and passionate character, commands attention.In "Jamaal's Jam," readers are introduced to the fascinating world of making their own jam. Jamaal sets off on an adventure to learn the craft of making delectable jams from fresh, seasonal fruits under the supervision of his loving family. Jamaal gains a strong respect for nature's gifts as a result of this adventure, which also teaches him the importance of using natural products.
The Attic By uthman Hutchinson
Used Very Good
ISBN: 9780915957354
Author: Uthman Hutchinson
Book Binding:Softcover
Condition : Used Very Good
Language: English
About This Book:
In the enthralling story "The Attic," Jamaal sets out on a quest that ultimately leads him to find a source of confidence within himself. Curiosity and apprehension combine as he peers up at the mysterious attic door, sending a whirlwind of feelings through his little heart. The attic presents a difficult obstacle for Jamaal to overcome due to its reputation for being dark and unsettling. "The Attic" is included in the Children's Stories Project's fiction section, which is made up of 36 short stories that have been painstakingly assembled and thoughtfully organised by reading difficulty. These stories appeal to children's imaginations from grades one through six in the American educational system, which range in age from six to eleven. Without ever losing sight of their primary target, the stories' goal exceeds simple amusement as they work to present an accurate portrayal of Muslim practise and culture in a modern setting. Jamaal's quest for self-awareness develops during the events of "The Attic." His terror starts to wane with each stride he takes into the unknown and is gradually replaced by a growing sense of bravery. Jamaal draws on his inner courage reserve, and the space's darkness and the attic steps become the only challenges to be faced. He finds the attic's hidden treasures thanks to his perseverance and finds his own strength and potential in the process.
Bad Day, Good Day By Uthman Hutchinson
Used Like New
ISBN: 9780915957477
Author: Uthman Hutchinson
Book Binding:Softcover
Publication year: 1995
Language: English
About This Book:
Jamaal is having a bad day. First, his bike's tire goes flat, and nobody is available to fix it. Then, he gets into a disagreement with his sister. Finally, he gets sent to his room because he is being rude to his father. Jamaal just feels like being mean to everyone. Read this book to find out how Jamaal learns to turn a bad day into a good one. Jamaal awakens anticipating a joyful day filled with exploration and laughter. By reading this book you feels that the luck of this man is works against him at some point The painful truth that his bike's tyre has totally flatted, rendering it immovable, hits him as he climbs aboard to set out into the world. Jamaal is left stranded with broken hopes as he becomes frustrated upon realizing that no one is accessible to assist in fixing it.
Used Like New
Miswak By Uthman Hutchinson
ISBN: 9780915957507
Author: Uthman Hutchinson
Book Binding:Softcover
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 inch
Publication year: 2004
Language: English
About This Book:
The book "Miswak" was authored by Uthman Hutchinson. It emphasizes on the importance, advantages, and application of the miswak, a customary Islamic tool for brushing teeth. Uthman Hutchinson likely investigates the miswak's origins and significance within Islamic tradition as well as its historical and cultural components. The scientific and health advantages of utilizing a miswak as a natural alternative to current oral hygiene procedures may also be covered in the book.Readers can find useful instructions on how to correctly use a miswak, as well as information on the device's different uses and potential advantages for dental health. To make the best use of the miswak, Uthman Hutchinson might offer detailed instructions, advice, and suggestions. The purpose of "Miswak" is probably to educate and uplift readers about this conventional dental hygiene product while promoting its use as an essential component of a holistic and Islamic lifestyle.
The First and Final Commandment: A Search for Truth in Revelation within the Abrahamic Religion By L.B. Brown
ISBN: 9781590080283
Author: L.B. Brown
Book Binding:Softcover
Size: 15.24X3.18X22.23cm
Publication year: 2004
Language: English
About This Book:
A powerful challenge to conventional Judeo-Christian theology, The First and Final Commandment begins by defining the internal conflicts that fracture the metaphysical worlds of Judaism and Christianity from within, and indeed, which demand reappraisal of the Judeo-Christian scriptures themselves. Incorporating detailed analysis, this work continues on to document the scriptural evidences that suggest continuity in revelation from Judaism to Christianity and, in the end, to orthodox (Sunni) Islam. Provocative and thought-provoking, intelligent and inspiring, this book enters the melee of two thousand years of religious debate with clarity of vision, accuracy of detail, and common sense conclusions which boldly confront conventional Judeo-Christian conclusions. About the Author Laurence Brown received his B.A. from Cornell University, his MD from Brown University Medical School, and his ophthalmology residency training at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC. He served as an ophthalmologist in the U.S. Air Force for eight years, earning the position of Chief of Ophthalmology both at Lake heath Air Force Base in England and at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida (the largest military base in the free world). Currently he is the Medical Director and Chief ophthalmologist of Magrabi Eye Centre in the Holy City of Medina, Saudi Arabia. He has lived and travelled extensively in the Middle and Far East, and brings that depth of experience to bear in this present work.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Parenting (Part1) By Ekram Beshir and Mohamed Rida Beshir
If You want To Buy Part Two Visit This Link
ISBN: 9781590080368
Author: Ekram Beshir and Mohamed Rida Beshir
Book Binding:Softcover
Size: 6.08 x 0.39 x 8.96 inches
Publication year: 2005
Language: English
About This Book:
The authors of the book "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Parenting (Part 1)" are Dr. Ekram and Mohamed Beshir. This book continues to address frequent worries and difficulties parents encounter when raising their children, building on their earlier work. Dr. Ekram Beshir is an expert in the field of parenting, child psychology, or a related area. They offer insightful advice based on their knowledge and experience thanks to their professional backgrounds. As a co-author, Mohamed Beshir might bring further insight or share personal tales to enliven the material. This book, second in the series of Answers to FAQs on Parenting, provides the reader with answers to the most frequently asked questions on the subject of parenting in North America from an Islamic perspective. The answers cover a variety of topics such as character-building and behavior, environment, young children, preteens, teenagers, and others. The answers to the FAQs in this book represent crucial issues of concern occupying the minds of many parents. The methodology used in answering these questions draws heavily on verses of the Quran, teachings of Prophet Muhammad (saaws), and events in his seerah, as well as the authors' wealth of practical experience, gained from their countless parenting counseling sessions over the years, and their knowledge of child psychology.
About The Author:
In the field of Islamic parenting and family issues, Dr. Ekram Beshir is well-known as an excellent author and lecturer. She has written a number of publications that provide Muslim parents with vital direction and assistance, assisting them in successfully navigating the challenges of parenting children while adhering to Islamic teachings.
Muslims in America By Amir Nashid Ali Muhammad
ISBN: 9780915957750
Author: Amir Nashid Ali Muhammad
Book Binding:Softcover
Size: 6.06 x 0.29 x 8.98 inches
Publication year: 2001
Language: English
About This Book:
Amir Muhammad is the author of the second version of the book "Muslims in America: Seven Centuries of History (1312-2000)". The author, who is well known for his travelling museum display titled "Muslims in America," has combed through old records to unearth fresh facts regarding the early presence of Muslims in America and their ongoing contributions to the growth of American society. This is the second edition of Muslims in America-Seven Centuries of History (1312-2000) by Amir Muhammad. The author who has become well known through his traveling musuem of 'Muslims in America'has dug out new information about the presence of Muslims in early America and their continued contributions to the enrichment of American Society. It is a small book packed with much information for further reserach and reflection.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Parenting (Part 2) By Dr Ekram Beshir ,Mohamed Beshir
If You Want To Buy Part 1 Visit This Link
ISBN: 9781590080498
Author: Dr Ekram Beshir ,Mohamed Beshir
Book Binding:Softcover
Size: 6" X 9"
Publication year: 2007
Language: English
About This Book:
The authors of the book "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Parenting (Part 2)" are Dr. Ekram and Mohamed Beshir. This book continues to address frequent worries and difficulties parents encounter when raising their children, building on their earlier work. Dr. Ekram Beshir is an expert in the field of parenting, child psychology, or a related area. They offer insightful advice based on their knowledge and experience thanks to their professional backgrounds. As a co-author, Mohamed Beshir might bring further insight or share personal tales to enliven the material. This book, second in the series of Answers to FAQs on Parenting, provides the reader with answers to the most frequently asked questions on the subject of parenting in North America from an Islamic perspective. The answers cover a variety of topics such as character-building and behavior, environment, young children, preteens, teenagers, and others. The answers to the FAQs in this book represent crucial issues of concern occupying the minds of many parents. The methodology used in answering these questions draws heavily on verses of the Quran, teachings of Prophet Muhammad (saaws), and events in his seerah, as well as the authors' wealth of practical experience, gained from their countless parenting counseling sessions over the years, and their knowledge of child psychology.
About The Author:
In the field of Islamic parenting and family issues, Dr. Ekram Beshir is well-known as an excellent author and lecturer. She has written a number of publications that provide Muslim parents with vital direction and assistance, assisting them in successfully navigating the challenges of parenting children while adhering to Islamic teachings.
Tomatoes By Uthman Hutchinson
Used Very Good
ISBN: 9780915957361
Author: Uthman Hutchinson
Book Binding:Softcover
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 inch
Publication year: 1995
Language: English
About This Book:
A swarm of mosquitoes poses a huge obstacle to Jamaal's perseverance and diligence. Intriguing fiction is featured in The Children's Stories Project, which has 36 short stories arranged by reading difficulty. In the American educational system, each level corresponds to a certain grade and serves kids between the ages of six and eleven. These tales are meant to enchant and entertain young readers. They never lose sight of their main audience—the kids—while providing an accurate picture of Muslim customs and culture in a modern context. Readers of all backgrounds will find this series to be of great value and fun as it explores the experiences and worries of youngsters with sharp insight and humour. parents, teachers, Jamaal’s perseverance and hard work are almost ruined by insects. The fiction component of the Children’s Stories Project is a collection of 36 short stories grouped by reading level. Levels one through six correspond to grades one through six of the American school system (children aged six through eleven). These stories will entertain and delight. Aimed at giving a true picture of Muslim practice and culture as they exist in a contemporary setting, they somehow never lose sight of their audience. The stories are written for children and about children and address a child’s experience and concerns with insight and humor. Whatever one’s background, this series will be of great value and a pleasure to teachers, parents, and children alike.
Gateway to Arabic Poster Pack Two (6 posters) By Dr. Imran Hamza Alawiye
ISBN: 9780956688293
Author: Dr. Imran Hamza Alawiye
Book Binding:Softcover
Size: 33 x 23.5 Inch
Language: Arabic
About This Book:
Dr. Imran Hamza Alawiye's "Gateway to Arabic Poster Pack Two" is a set of six posters. The visual aid provided by these posters helps Arabic language learners study more effectively. Each poster was created with education in mind and focuses on a different topic of Arabic grammar and language. The posters might discuss vocabulary, grammatical principles, sentence construction, or other crucial linguistic components. Learners can reinforce their comprehension of Arabic language ideas in a visually appealing and memorable way by using visual aids like these posters. The posters are made to accommodate various learning methods and preferences while also being educational, appealing, and approachable.This is a pack of six, colourful A1-sized posters that have been designed to facilitate the teaching of the Arabic alphabet in its isolate and joined forms; the long and short vowels; tanween (nunation); the sun and moon letters, and also Arabic cardinal numbers. Each poster measures 841 by 594 mm when unfolded. The six are packed together in a clear thin plastic wallet.
About The Author:
Dr. Imran Hamza Alawiye is a well-known author, professor, and authority on Arabic language instruction. He has devoted his professional life to creating efficient instructional materials and strategies that help people learn Arabic. Many renowned Arabic language textbooks and materials that are utilized by students and teachers all over the world were written by Dr. Alawiye. His books, including the "Gateway to Arabic" series, are well-known for their methodical approach, understandable explanations, and useful activities.
Note:This is not full Quran it is only Part 30 of the Quran
Tajweed Qur'an (Juz' Amma, With Russian Translation and Transliteration) (Arabic and Russian) (Russian Edition)
Таджвид Корана
Language : Russian and Arabic
Publisher : Dar-Al-MaarifahBinding : Softcover
About This Book:
There is a book called "Tajweed Qur'an (Juz' Amma, With Russian Translation and Transliteration) (Arabic and Russian)" that mixes the Qur'anic recitation with the Russian translation and transliteration. It is made primarily to aid Muslims who speak Russian in memorising and comprehending the Qur'an. This translation of the Tajweed Qur'an is a great resource for recitation, comprehension, and introspection on the sacred text and is tailored exclusively to the Russian-speaking audience. The standards and guidelines for good Qur'anic recitation, which ensure the right pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm, are known as "Tajweed". This book intends to give Russian-speaking Muslims a useful tool for studying the Qur'an while preserving the correct recitation manner. This particular edition, among others, aims to make the Qur'an understandable to people from various linguistic backgrounds so they can interact with its teachings and gain spiritual benefit from its recitation.
Al Adab al-Mufrad with Full Commentary: A Perfect Code of Manners and Morality By Adil Salahi
ISBN: 9780860376095
Author: Adil Salahi
Book Binding: Softcover
Publication year: 2019
Language: English
About This Book:
In "Al Adab al-Mufrad with Full Commentary," Adil Salahi examines and clarifies the ideas of Adab (manners) and akhlaq (morality), which are taken from Islamic teachings. Discussions on numerous moral and etiquette principles, such as kindness, honesty, respect, humility, empathy, and justice, as demonstrated by the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), are included in the text.The book can provide tips, case studies, and anecdotes to assist readers in cultivating and putting these characteristics into practice in their private and public lives. The book may make use of traditional and classical Islamic texts to offer advice on how to live out these virtues in daily activities and interpersonal interactions. A complete, newly translated edition of al-Adab al-Mufrad, the most famous collection of Prophetic traditions on manners and morals, with a pioneering commentary by Adil Salahi.
About The Author:
Popular Islamic author, journalist, and academic Adil Salahi has made important contributions to the subject of Islamic studies. Born in Sudan, he completed his schooling in the UK, where he earned diplomas in Arabic language and literature and English literature. Writing and participation in numerous media channels show Adil Salahi's dedication to advancing a fair and accurate knowledge of Islam. He has written numerous pieces for well-known Islamic journals and actively participated in interfaith discussions that aimed to promote respect and understanding across various religious communities.
Adam : Between Evolution, Theistic Evolution & Revelation By Ibrahim Elshahat
ISBN: 9789675699870
Author: Ibrahim Elshahat
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 217
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2022
Language: English
About This Book:
This research project is a qualitative investigation into the life of Adam, looking at it from several philosophical and theological angles. In order to answer the crucial question of how mankind first came into being, the research tries to examine many narratives and hypotheses on the origin of man.Theistic evolutionary approaches and the Theory of Evolution are thoroughly investigated and critically analyzed in the paper. The academics aim to analyze and comprehend the story of Adam within an Islamic framework by adding insights from religious literature, such as the Qur'an and reliable Sunnah. Through the prism of the Islamic viewpoint, it largely focuses on contrasting the religious perspective with scientific theories. This work is a qualitative study in which the story of Adam has been examined from different scientific and religious approaches. The study analyzed different accounts of the main theories and addressed the critical issue of the Origin of Man. It compared the origin of man from a religious perspective and concluded with the most authentic account of the story of Adam. A critical analysis was done on the basis of the Theory of Evolution, Theistic Evolutionary Approaches, focusing on the Islamic perspective, to interpret the account of Adam mentioned in the religious texts. The study concluded that the non-methodological, inauthentic, and contradicting attempts to interpret the religious account of Adam from an evolutionary perspective was completely unsuccessful, affirming the miraculous creation of Adam as detailed in the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah.
Leadership Lessons From The Life Of Rasulullah By Mirza Yawar Baig
ISBN: 9789678604628
Publisher: Mirza Yawar Baig
Book Binding: Softcover
Size: 23 × 15.5 × 1.6 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
A book by Mirza Yawar Baig titled "Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasulullah" was published. An in-depth analysis of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) life yields insightful leadership teachings that can be used in many facets of daily life. In "Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasulullah," Mirza Yawar Baig highlights the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) exceptional leadership traits and takes inspiration from his life. Through the perspective of the Prophet's life and deeds, the book examines several facets of leadership, including communication, decision-making, empathy, integrity, and strategic thinking. DECIDED to write this book for two reasons: to make the lessons from the life of Rasulullah SAW relating specifically to leadership, easily accessible to the readers whether muslim or not and to make an attempt to see how these lessons are applicable today in a word that is in principle, very similar to the world he lived in. My premise is that, since he was able to change his world and to take his people from being the most insignificant, oppressed and weakest to being the predominant, admired and strongest in just one generation, If we learn how he was able to do it. Then, we will be able to learn to succeed in our world today. I ask ALLAH to be pleased with this work and for His help.
About The Author:
Islamic author, leadership consultant, and scholar Mirza Yawar Baig. He is well known for his leadership development knowledge, especially from an Islamic viewpoint. In order to help those looking to succeed in both their personal and professional life, Mirza Yawar Baig has authored a number of works on leadership, personal development, and spirituality. Mirza Yawar Baig emphasizes the value of moral leadership that is based on Islamic beliefs and principles. In order to help people become effective leaders while remaining true to their faith, he mixes modern leadership theories with Islamic teachings. He provides individuals with these practical insights and tactics.
My Quran Friends Storybook By Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9789351791560
Publisher: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 166
Size: 6 X 8
Publication year: 2009
Language: English
About This Book:
A selection of stories from the Quran is adapted and presented in "My Quran Friends Storybook" in a kid-friendly storytelling style. Various topics, including as the lives of the prophets, moral precepts, and illustrations of faith and virtue, may be covered in these tales. To help kids think about the principles presented in the stories, the book may also include discussion topics or exercises. My Quran Friends Storybook has sixty stories from the lives of the prophets, highlighting Islamic teachings and virtues. This book encourages children to read Allah’s word and apply it in their everyday lives. It will help them to imbibe the true spirit of Islam.This storybook contains the following:
Quranic stories and modern-day stories in simple language
Questions for discussion
Personal short prayers of children
Quranic verses with each story, making them more meaningful
Vivid, colorful illustrations with each story
About The Author:
A prolific author of children's books, Saniyasnain Khan is recognised for his books on Islamic subjects. He is well-known for his ability to keep Islamic teachings interesting and simple sufficient for young readers. The works of literature by Saniyasnain Khan involve a wide range of subjects, including stories from the Quran, the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic history, and moral principles.