Al-Khulasa: The Cream of Remembrance By Habib Umar b. Hafiz
ISBN: 9781870582230
Author: Habib Umar bin Hafiz
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 618
Size: 8.7 x 5.5 x 1.5 inch
Publication year: 2020
About This Book:
The Path of Invocation and that of supplication is the path of spiritual absolution. This is a unique collation of Remembrance (of God), integrating Quranic chapters and verses, litanies, supplications and selected poems into an interconnected .graceful and fluid unit The Quran in many of its verses makes reference to Remembrances and Glorifications of God the Almighty, as do many of the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W given the turbulent times in which we live, this composition is a necessary companion and directive, that will, through His Enabling Grace, guide us to the Path of Salvation.
Biography of Habib bin Umar
Morning and Evening Invocations And Supplications
Invocations and Supplications Relating To Fajr
The Duha Prayer
Invocations and Supplications After The Zuhr Prayer
Invocations and Supplications After The 'Asr Prayer
Invocations and Supplications Before The Maghrib Prayer
Invocations and Supplications After The 'Isha Prayer
The Istikhara Prayer
Supplications of the Tasbih prayer
Supplications for Travel
Al-Mashrab al-Ahna
Invocations and Supplications For The Night and The Day of Jumu'ah
And More
Children's Quran Stories - A Classic Treasury by Saniyasnain Khan (Hardcover)
ISBN: 9788194366324
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 132
Size: 9.2 x 9.2 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
Hardcover book "Children's Quran Stories - A Classic Treasury by Saniyasnain Khan (Hardcover)" The book is designed to resist repeated usage and can be enjoyed for years to come thanks to its sturdy hardback shape. The stories were chosen with care from the Quran, and they make important moments, morals, and personalities approachable for young readers. These Quranic stories are expertly retold by Saniyasnain Khan, who is renowned for his knowledge of children's literature, catching the interest and imagination of young readers. The book is visually engaging and engrossing for young readers because it captures the essence of the original Quranic narratives while using language that is appropriate for their age and bright images. Children’s Quran Stories is a collection of more than 20 Quran stories to read, love, and cherish. The easy-to-read text and bright, full-color illustrations on every page make this book a perfect way to introduce little ones to the stories, prayers and teachings of the Quran. The simple, short, and beautifully narrated stories highlight key aspects of the Quran— love, humility, obedience, patience, and trust. Full of faith, teachings, and fun, Children’s Quran Stories is a wonderful gift for any child.
100 Best Quran Stories by Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9789386589668
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 207
Size: 8.0 x 6.0 x 0.8 inch
Publication year: 2021
About This Book:
Hardcover book "100 Best Quran Stories" by Saniyasnain Khan was released by Goodwords. This book offers readers of all ages a collection of 100 engrossing tales from the Quran that are exquisitely written and illustrated. The stories in this book are taken from several chapters of the Quran, highlighting the knowledge, direction, and moral precepts contained within. Readers can examine the narratives and learn more about the Quran's teachings thanks to the meticulous narration of each story. The book is suitable for repeated readings and sharing with family and friends because of its hardcover edition, which guarantees durability and longevity. With their ability to capture each story's spirit and make it aesthetically appealing for readers, the enthralling pictures further improve the reading experience.
Atlas of Hajj & Umrah: History & Fiqh By Sami Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Maghlouth (Urdu Language)
ISBN: 9786039138105
Author: Sami Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Maghlouth
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 413
Size: 12 x 8.5 x 1.0 inch
Publication year: 2019
About This Book:
Atlas of Hajj & Umrah: History & Fiqh is a book written in Urdu by Sami Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Maghlouth. This thorough atlas examines the religious and historical facets of the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina. A wide range of topics linked to the Hajj and Umrah are covered in the book, including their historical significance, customs, and the underlying fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) that underpins them. It serves as a helpful manual for Muslims making these auspicious excursions, including insightful information about the historical setting, the significance of the major pilgrimage locations, and the proper conduct throughout these religious pursuits. The book also examines the fiqh rules on Hajj and Umrah, including the requirements, best practices, and mistakes to avoid. Along with providing geographical and historical details, it also works as a helpful guide for people who want to perform these acts of worship in line with Islamic beliefs and principles. Beautiful large size, full color, illustrated Atlas of Hajj & Umrah - History & Fiqh. It covers the history of Makkah Al-Mukarramah & all the holy places of Islam related to Hajj & Umrah. This authentic, detailed book contains maps, drawings, diagrams and beautiful pictures to clearly explain the subject matter.
Uthman ibn Affan : His Life and Times (Dr. Ali M Sallabi) Islamic History Series - The Rightly Guided Caliphs Part 3
ISBN: 9786035012164
Author: Dr. Ali M Sallabi
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 663
Size: 8.7 x 5.8 x 1.3 inch
Publication year: 2013
About This Book:
In today's crisis-ridden world, amidst the numerous internal and external forces striking at the roots of Islam, Muslims are truly hard pressed to find strong and competent leaders. This has not always been the case, though. Examples of first-rate leaders are plentiful in Islamic history. The life and times of Uthmân ibn Affân, as detailed in this book by Dr. Ali M. Sallâbi, truly illustrate the characteristics of exemplary leaders along with the commendable qualities of those under them. This account of how Uthmân ibn Affân, the third Rightly-Guided Caliph, expanded the Islamic state, compiled the Qur'an into a single edition, and, finally, dealt with the turmoil that engulfed the Ummah, makes for a very enlightening read. The author has also given us insight into the life of Dhun-Noorayn (Uthmân, the 'Possessor of the Two Lights') before he became the caliph. Readers discover his attachment to the Prophet (sa), his relationship with the Qur'an and his generous financial contributions towards the founding of the Islamic state. All in all, this book will prove to be a valuable resource on Islamic history.
Biography Of Four Caliph Of Islam (Complete Set) By Dr. Ali Muhammad Muhammad As-Sallaabee (iiph Publications)
Author: Dr. Ali Muhammad Muhammad As-Sallaabee
Book Binding: HardCover
Pages: 3941 Pages For Al Books
Size: 8.8 x 7.8 x 5.8 inch Pacakge
Language: English
About This Book:
The "Biography of Four Caliphs of Islam" provides readers with insights into the admirable traits and leadership philosophies displayed by these caliphs. For anyone trying to comprehend the early Islamic era, the difficulties the Muslim community experienced, and the crucial part the caliphs played in influencing Islamic history, the collection is an invaluable resource. This compilation is a rich and instructive source of knowledge thanks to Dr. Ali Muhammad Muhammad As-Sallaabee's intellectual approach and captivating narrative style. It enables readers to understand the accomplishments and legacies of the four caliphs and draw conclusions about modern-day situations from their lives. For anyone interested in learning more about the four caliphs of Islam, the "Biography of Four Caliphs of Islam (Complete Set)" is a useful resource.
Usool at-Tafseer The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
ISBN: 9789960953342
Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 343
Size: 8.5 x 5.6 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2005
About This Book:
The informative book "Usool at-Tafseer: The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation" was written by Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. Respected Islamic scholar Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips gives a thorough description of the process used to interpret the Quran. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips carefully walks readers through the ideas and methods needed to comprehend the Quran's message. The book examines a number of subjects, such as the value of knowing Arabic, the significance of historical context, and the guidelines for understanding passages with different interpretations. Dr. Bilal has significantly influenced Islamic literature and education. Between 1994 and 2001, he established the Islamic Information Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, as well as the Dar al Fatah Islamic Press' Foreign Literature Department in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. He founded the Islamic Online University in 2001, the first certified Islamic institution of higher learning online.
Awesome Quran Questions and Answers for Curious Minds By Saniyasnain Khan (Paperback)
ISBN: 9789351790082
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Book:
The fascinating paperback book "Awesome Quran Questions and Answers for Curious Minds" is written by Saniyasnain Khan. This charming work offers solutions to intriguing issues regarding the Quran in an effort to pique the interest of young brains. The book provides insights and explanations on numerous Quranic issues using a question-and-answer style. A talented writer, Saniyasnain Khan skilfully responds to questions that kids might have regarding the lessons, tales, characters, and overarching themes of the Quran. Young readers are enthralled by the book's interactive and educational style, which inspires them to discover the mysteries of the Quran. Written especially for children aged 7 and above, it is an ideal gift for children who are curious to know the facts behind these magnificent and amazing stories of faith. It also brings the message of the Quran alive to readers in an easy and fun way. These interesting facts and stories come with stunning photographs and colorful illustrations.
Your Money Matters The Islamic Approach to Business, Money and Work By Mohammad Rahman
ISBN: 9786035012539
Author: Mohammad Rahman
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 8.7 x 5.8 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2014
About This Book:
Islam imbues every aspect of a Muslim's life, and that includes money management. Not surprisingly, the twenty-first century has already witnessed the phenomenal rise of Islamic finance to a multi-billion dollar industry This book highlights many issues in Islam that will, Allah (God) willing, prove to be important and relevant to Muslims when they engage in tasks related to personal finances, business administration, investment, and work. Readers will find an overview of relevant excerpts from the Quran and the authentic Sunnah. Non-Muslims as well can gain valuable insights from this book that should prove useful in today's multicultural business landscapes. "Your Money Matters" emphasizes the value of managing funds and conducting business in a way that is consistent with the values of justice, honesty, and compassion through the prism of Islamic teachings.
Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback)
ISBN: 9781904336136
Author: Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 9.3 x 6.1 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2012
About This Book:The paperback book "Relief from Distress" was written by Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. For people going through sorrow and adversity in their life, this informative work provides direction and consolation. Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah tackles numerous sorts of sorrow and offers spiritual and practical solutions thanks to his thorough understanding of Islamic principles. The book provides encouragement and direction during trying times by drawing on verses from the Quran, prophetic traditions, and the scholastic knowledge of Ibn Taymiyyah. Shaykh aI-Islam ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah sanctify his soul, was asked about the saying of the Prophet (SAW) said, The invocation of my brother Yunus, "none has the right to be worshipped save You; glory be to You, far removed are You from any imperfection; I have been amongst the wrong-doers," none who is experiencing difficulty employs it except that Allah would relieve him of his difficulty
1. What is the meaning of this dua? 2. Are their any unstated conditions that have to be met when one articulates it? 3. What is the connection between belief in the heart and the meaning of this supplication such that it leads to the removal of difficulty? 4. Why did he explicitly confess, 'I have been amongst the wrongdoers' when it is known that tawhid in itself leads to the removal of difficulty? Is it sufficient to acknowledge ones sin alone, or must this be accompanied by repentance and the firm resolve not to repeat that sin in the future? 5. Why is it that difficulty and harm is removed only when a person relinquishes any hope, reliance and dependency upon the creation? 6. How can the heart relinquish the characteristic of putting hope in the creation and depending upon them, and instead put its hope in Allah, Exalted is He, and turn to Him in its entirety? 7. What are the methods that would aid the heart in doing this?
Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi
ISBN: 9781847741387
Author: Yasir Qadhi
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2021
About This Book:
The insightful hardcover book "Lessons From Surah Yusuf: Pearls from the Qur'an" is written by Yasir Qadhi. The teachings learned from Surah Yusuf (Chapter of Joseph) in the Quran are the main emphasis of this work. In this perceptive study, Qadhi examines the narrative of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) and draws important lessons and directives from its verses. In the story of Surah Yusuf, he examines the concepts of faith, perseverance, and confidence in Allah. Surah Yusuf, a chapter of the Qur'an (Koran), was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad at a critical juncture of his life. This was the time when he had gone through ten to eleven years of ridicule and rejection in Makkah, a time when he lost his wife and partner, Khadija, a time when he lost his dear uncle Abu Talib. Allah revealed this precious surah to strengthen the Prophet Muhammad’s heart. To remind him that he lives in the footsteps of the great prophets of the past and that Allah’s help and support is there. This surah is full of meaningful messages of patience, reliance on Allah and how to overcome hardship and betrayal. It was also educational, teaching the Prophet Muhammad the answers to queries that were posed to him by the local Jews and Muslims. Finally, this surah was a timely morale booster for the Prophet and his companions in a time of need. Yasir Qadhi has clearly divided the surah into related themes, as per the revelations, so that the reader can easily understand and grasp the great wealth of knowledge relayed through this surah to all.
Quran Dictionary for kids (Goodwords) By Saniyasnain Khan,paperback,
ISBN: 9788178988849
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Publication year: 2014
About This Book:
A useful tool in the shape of a paperback book called "Quran Dictionary for Kids" was written by Saniyasnain Khan. This book, written and published by Goodword, attempts to help kids comprehend and acquire the words used in the Quran. The dictionary includes age-appropriate definitions and explanations of important Quranic terminology with a focus on clarity and accessibility. It helps young readers navigate and understand the complex language of the Quran."Quran Dictionary for Kids" enables kids to gain a greater comprehension of the Quranic verses they encounter in a style that is specifically tailored to young readers. Children can deepen their understanding of the divine text and broaden their knowledge with this book, strengthening their ties to their faith. Goodword Quran Dictionary for Kids is an ideal first reference book for children who are curious to know about the Quran. Designed especially for children, this unique treasury of Quranic words guides them through over 350 essential names, terms and concepts mentioned in the Quran. Alphabetically arranged, words are clearly defined and are accompanied by charming illustrations and pictures that make it fun for children to find the words and understand them. Beside this, Goodword Quran Dictionary for Kids includes prayers from the Quran with references and their translation and Quran facts to help children learn the message and teachings of the Quran.
About The Author:
A prolific author of "Quran Dictionary for kids", Saniyasnain Khan is recognised for his books on Islamic subjects. He is well-known for his ability to keep Islamic teachings interesting and simple sufficient for young readers. The works of literature by Saniyasnain Khan involve a wide range of subjects, including stories from the Quran, the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic history, and moral principles.
365 Hadith with Stories By Ali CaraCam & Kevser Sahin (Hardcover)
ISBN: 9788178988771
Author: Ali Karacam & Kevser Sahin
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 10.5 x 7.5 x 0.5 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Book:
"365 Hadith with Stories By Ali CaraCam & Kevser Sahin (Hardcover)",' provides a distinctive blend of straightforward yet meaningful hadith and stories that connect to the events of our everyday lives. It perfectly captures the pleasures and difficulties we experience along the way. Children are invited to investigate how seemingly commonplace events and everyday activities can be illuminated and better understood in light of the eternal teachings of the Prophet Muhammad through these intriguing hadith and anecdotes. This book's pages come alive with endearing tales and sentimental quotes from the Prophet, and it is beautifully illustrated to hold young readers' attention. In helping kids understand the life and message of the Prophet Muhammad, it acts as a helpful guide. This book, with its simple yet profound hadith and stories, set in the circumstances of our daily existence, expresses the joy and challenges of life This book, with its simple yet profound hadith and stories, set in the circumstances of our daily existence, expresses the joy and challenges of life. Reading these hadith and stories, children will come to know how ordinary incidents and day to day activities can be seen and better understood in the light of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. These charming stories and heart-warming sayings of the Prophet, enlivened by stunning and illustrations, will become a wonderful accompaniment for children on their path to understanding the life and message of the Prophet Muhammad, to appreciating the glory and kindness of Allah, and will bring them closer to their Prophet and Creator.
The Prophet Muhammad Storybook 2 By Saniyasnain Khan (Hardcover)
ISBN: 9788178988559
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Publication year: 2014
About This Book:
Saniyasnain Khan is the author of the engrossing children's book "The Prophet Muhammad Storybook 2. This book, which has 96 pages, offers a readable and interesting story geared toward kids 7 and older. The stories it tells come to life on its pages thanks to the vibrant artwork. The book opens with a description of Muhammad's development as an adult into an affluent trader and his marriage to the successful businesswoman Khadija. Then, it reveals the revelations of God given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. The Quran, Islam's beloved holy book, was built on the revelations that would come later. The Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم Storybook –2, meant for 7 years old and above, encourages children to discover for themselves the message of the life of the Prophet and to find their own ways of applying the Prophet’s timeless teachings to their lives.
About The Author:
A prolific author of children's books, Saniyasnain Khan is recognised for his books on Islamic subjects. He is well-known for his ability to keep Islamic teachings interesting and simple sufficient for young readers. The works of literature by Saniyasnain Khan involve a wide range of subjects, including stories from the Quran, the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic history, and moral principles.
Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool
ISBN: 9781467582315
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2013
About This Book:
The fascinating work "Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul" by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool discusses the transformative power of contemplating the Quranic verses and their effect on soul purification. Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool explores the fundamental process of studying the Quran in this illuminating work, highlighting its significance in fostering spiritual development and inner self-purification. Readers are led on a transformational journey of self-reflection and spiritual introspection by the author through an incisive examination of several Quranic verses and their profound implications. Excerpt: "A Book (the Qur’an) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses, and that men of understanding may remember." [Sad:29]. It is known that anyone who does not busy himself with contemplation of the Great Qur’an, i.e. reading it, understanding it, appreciating its meanings, and acting on it, then is in opposition to the Qur’an, not a contemplator of it, and therefore deserving of the disapproval and scolding mentioned in the verses, as Allah gave him understanding in order that he may be able to contemplate the Qur’an.
The Evolution of Fiqh Islamic Law & The Madh habs By Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips (Paperback)
ISBN: 9789960953335
Author: Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 8.4 x 5.7 x 0.4 inch
Publication year: 2006
About This Book:
In the Evolution of Fiqh (Islamic Law & the Madh-habs). The author very dearly presents a brief overview of the historical development of Islamic law and its schools (the madh·hahs). The book identifies the main reason for the appearance of the madhhabs and the factors leading to differences among them. For those to whom the madhhabs have been a mystery. this aspect of the book will be extremely enlightening. Although the author sheds light on both the positive and negative roles of the madhhabs in the past, the main message of the book is a call to the understanding of logistic differences (with an aim to remove them where possible), and a proposal for the unification of the madhhabs. "What makes this book stimulating are the perceptive and penetrating questions that Abu. Ameenah raises ... The book is important as it draws the Muslims' attention to self-criticism that is long overdue" - Dr. Abdur Rahman Doi, Muslim World Book Review, Vol 10, no.4, 1990 "In this book the author ... presents the subject in such an attractive and lucid manner''- that I could not part from it once I started reading it, finishing it in one sitting" - M.M. Abdul Cader, Former Supreme Court Judge. Sri Lanka
About The Author:
DR. ABU AMEENAH BILAL Phillips was born in Jamaica, West Indies, and grew up in Canada, where he accepted Islam in 1972. He completed a BA from the College of Islamic Disciplines (Usool ad-Deen) at the Islamic University of Madeenah in 1979 and an M.A. in Islamic Theology in 1985 at the University of Riyadh, College of Education. From 1994 to 2001, Dr. Bilal founded and directed the Islamic Information Center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and the Foreign Literature Department of Dar al Fatah Islamic Press in Sharjah, UAE. In the year 2001, Dr. Bilal established the Islamic Online University, the first accredited Islamic university on the Internet.
Muhammad the Messenger of Guidance by Dr. Ahmad M.Halimah
ISBN: 9786035011686
Author: Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 8.4 x 5.7 x 0.4 inch
About This Book:
Dr. Ahmad M. Halimah's book "Muhammad the Messenger of Guidance" illuminates the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH The author explores the Prophet Muhammad's enormous relevance as a teacher and role model for humanity in the pages of this perceptive book. Dr. Ahmad M. Halimah provides a complete and sincere portrayal of the Prophet's life, character, and teachings by drawing on substantial study and intellectual views. The book meticulously recounts the significant occasions in the life of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, from his birth in Mecca to his exalted mission as Allah's last messenger, taking readers on an engrossing journey. It demonstrates his great character, strong faith, and unwavering commitment to promoting Islam.
The Pillars of Islam and Iman, And what every Muslim must know about his religion By Muhammad bin Jamil Zino (Paperback)
ISBN: 9789960732503
Author: Muhammad bin Jamil Zino
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 15x22cm
Publication year: 2006
About This Book:The instructive paperback "The Pillars of Islam and Iman, And what every Muslim must know about his religion By Muhammad bin Jamil Zino (Paperback)" will improve your knowledge of Islam and fortify your faith. Readers will take a profound journey of study into the fundamental ideas and customs of Islam within the pages of this fascinating book. The five pillars of Islam—Shahadah (Testimony of Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakah (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (Pilgrimage)—are expertly dissected by the author with painstaking attention to detail. The author reveals the profound significance of each pillar while also emphasizing the useful applications and spiritual advantages that result from their serious adherence through rigorous examination and explanation. Besides being a great scholar, Sheikh Muhammad bin Jamil Zino is also the author and compiler of many books directly related to the fundamentals of Islam. He holds the honor to have a place in the rank of those authors of the present time whose works have been widely accepted & attributed.This is his first ranking work. In this Book, the learned writer discussed the fundamental constituents of Islam: Salat (prayer), Saum (fasting), Hajj and Zakat, etc., in a lucid and impressive manner. The discussion regarding Faith and Belief in the first part is an added value to the book The distinctive feature of this book is its simplicity. Anyone can learn & practice Islam easily through the guidance of this book.
Learning the Pillars of Islam with Jibril By Abu Ahmed Farid
ISBN: 9789670835198
Author: Abu Ahmed Farid
Book Binding: Softcover
Language: English
About This Book:
Abu Ahmed Farid's fascinating book "Learning the Pillars of Islam with Jibril" aims to explain the five pillars of Islam in a straightforward and understandable way. Readers experience a life-changing transformation through the entertaining discourse between Jibril, the angel who delivered the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad, and a young Muslim. The book begins by outlining the essence of each of the five Islamic pillars and giving a brief explanation of each:
Shahadah: The profound profession of faith reaffirming Muhammad's prophetic status and the unity of Allah.
Salah: The performance of the five daily prayers, establishes a connection between people and their Creator and promotes spiritual development.
Zakat: The yearly charity gift deed that exemplifies compassion and civic duty.
Sawm: The revered Ramadan fasting custom that promotes self-control, thankfulness, and compassion.
Hajj: The significant pilgrimage to Mecca, a unifying trek for Muslims of all origins.
The most basic details of the Islamic faith and rituals need to be presented in a simple yet thorough manner, enough for them to grasp the main purpose behind the faith, in its recommended forms, as taught by the Prophet PBUH himself. Concise and to the point, this book will certainly take the reader by the hand and lead him/her with ease into appreciating the pillars of Islam.
A Priceless Princess - Love Notes to a Daughter By Dr.Nasiroh Omar
ISBN: 9789675699559
Author: Dr. Nasiroh Omar
Book Binding: Softcover
Publication year: 2019
About This Book:
Dr. Nasiroh Omar's touching book "A Priceless Princess - Love Notes to a Daughter" is a collection of personal letters from a mother to her cherished daughter. The book is deliberately split into three separate sections, each of which covers important facets of a daughter's life path. The author explores the fundamentals of faith and how Islam views them in Part One. She emphasizes how having religion provides her daughter with comfort, guidance, and strength as she makes her way through life. The author explores the tenets of faith and emphasizes the value of prayer and the Quran's transformational influence on a Muslim's life. The book's second section explores the lovely life path that awaits a Muslim woman. The author addresses the different difficulties girls could experience in a sympathetic manner, covering everything from cultural expectations to the difficulties of dating, marriage, and parenthood. Parallel to this, she emphasizes the pursuit of love, happiness, and personal development while celebrating the joys and benefits that life has to offer She emphasizes the value of creating a caring atmosphere that is characterized by love, respect, and constant support. The author also understands the need of encouraging her daughter's independence, develop her critical-thinking abilities, and pointing her in the direction of a path of self-discovery. A Priceless Princess – Love Notes to a Daughter A Daughter is an everlasting treasure, a priceless gift". As time goes on, our girls will grow up and start to lead their own lives. They will encounter many challenges throughout their journey in this world, but with the help of useful reminders and lasting knowledge, one can stay on the rightteous path of Islam.
Release from the Shackles of Desires by Ibn Qayyim
ISBN: 9789675699726
Author: Ibn Qayyim
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 7.0 X 5.0 X 0.2 INCH
Publication year: 2021
Language: English
About This Book:
This instructive book is broken into two parts, each of which provides insightful advice. Ibn Qayyim examines the essence of wants in the first section, offering profound insights into their cause and intent. The second section of the book concentrates on doable methods for restraint and regulation of our wants. He also emphasizes the critical function of asking for help from the Divine, realizing the significance of relying on Allah's direction and assistance in our quest for self-mastery. Ibn Qayyim provides a deep understanding and useful advice to assist people in navigating the difficulties of their desires. "Release from the Shackles of Desires" is an invaluable tool for anyone attempting to comprehend and conquer the difficulties presented by their own inner impulses, eventually aiming for spiritual and personal development. Mankind is granted innate desires as a means of trial and sound intellect to help guide and regulate his desires. Allah also provided man divine guidance to fortify his intellect in this great task of controlling his desires which assures him tremendous blessings and favors he will gain if he places his desires under control and dominance. Al-Imam Ibn Qayyim discussed human desires in a section of his book, Raodat al-Muhibbin (The Garden of Lovers), describing its meaning, usages, how people get entangled in the web of desires, and most extensively, the means of getting released from the shackles of desires. This book is the translation of that section
A Reminder on the Evils of Ribaa – Its Essence, Forms and Harms By Abdullah bin Saalih Al-Qusayyir
ISBN: 9789834420864
Author: Abdullah bin Saalih Al-Qusayyir
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2012
About This Book:
The article "A Reminder on the Evils of Ribaa - Its Essence, Forms and Harms" by Abdullah bin Saalih Al-Qusayyir explains riba, or usury, from an Islamic perspective. This book delves deeply into the subject while maintaining a human touch. It begins with a precise definition of riba before exploring its many forms. The author emphasizes the negative impacts of riba on both particular people and society as a whole. This book offers a comprehensive explanation of the topic by drawing on the Quran, the Sunnah (teachings of Prophet Muhammad), and the knowledge of early scholars like Imam al-Ghazali and Imam Ibn Taymiyyah. It emphasizes the importance of staying away from riba and serves as a warning to Muslims. Originally written in Arabic, the book is a reminder of the evils and the forms of Ribaa (Usury) and the threat of The Almighty concerning those who defy His warnings. The fact that those who give, consume, witness, writes, and are involved in Ribaa-based transactions, their good deeds, supplications, and charity will not be accepted by The Almighty and in turn will make their hearts hardened along with afflictions and tribulations that would affect them severely.
Surah Yaseen with Urdu Translation (Arabic and Urdu)
ISBN: 9789675699849
Author: Allah
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.1 inch
Language: Arabic/ Urdu
About This Book:
The 36th chapter of the Quran, Surah Yaseen, has 83 verses. The letter "Ya Seen" that appears at the beginning of the Surah serves as the inspiration for its name The Surah discusses significant subjects like the unity of Allah, the veracity of the Quran, the Day of Judgement, and Muhammad's (peace be upon him) prophethood. It places a strong emphasis on the message of instruction, forewarning, and resurrection and implores readers to consider the evidence of Allah's creation and choose the upright path. The history of earlier civilizations and the repercussions of rejecting their prophets are also highlighted in Surah Yaseen. To prove the veracity of the Quran and the reality of the hereafter, it offers arguments and logical justification. This Surah is well-known for its many benefits and blessings. It is frequently said to invoke blessings, protection, and forgiveness. On important occasions, such as during illness, funerals, or when seeking spiritual solace, many Muslims read Surah Yaseen.
Surah Al-Waqiah (Arabic Only Large Words)
ISBN: 9789675699849
Author: Allah
Book Binding:Paperback
Pages: 12
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.1 inch
Language: Arabic
About This Book:
The 56th chapter of the Quran, Surah Al-Waqiah, has 96 verses. One of the chapters that were revealed in Mecca is named for the occurrence that is alluded to in the first verse, "Al-Waqiah," which means "The Inevitable Event" or "The Event that Must Occur." This Surah places a strong emphasis on the necessity of understanding life's ultimate reality and the effects of one's deeds The Surah explains the benefits and rewards for those who carry out their duties, honestly worship Allah, and walk the straight path. It highlights how fleeting earthly possessions are and how the afterlife is eternal. Many people memorize Surah Al-Waqiah because of its many advantages. When chanted frequently, it is thought to boost sustenance and provide favors. It is often recited by Muslims, especially on Friday nights.
Commentary On The Creed Of Imam At-Tahawi By Ibn Abi Al-'Izz Al-Dimashqi Al-Hanafi
ISBN: 9789675699849
Author: Ibn Abi Al-'Izz Al-Dimashqi Al-Hanafi
Book Binding:Hardcover
Pages: 743
Size: 9.2 x 6.2 x 1.7 inch
Publication year: 2022
Language: English
About This Book:
The pious predecessors have placed utmost importance on the preservation of the pure Islamic ‘aqidah (creed) on practical and theoretical grounds, free from all superstition, innovation, false interpretation, and denial. They did so through education, authorship, dialogue, and debate. Among the highly regarded books on this subject is The Creed of At-Tahawi of Imäm Abū Ja’far At-Tahawi (d. 321 A.H.). It is a very accurate and precise text, considering its small size. It includes the fundamental principles of belief and its most important issues. The commentary of the noble scholar ‘Ali Ibn Abi Al-‘Izz Al-Dimashqi Al-Hanafi (d. 792 A.H.) on this book has obtained high stature, his explanation is adequate and in an easy-to-understand language. That is because it encompasses the true creed of the Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jāma’ah. This book has obtained high stature in Islamic publication history. It has been the main reference book for the ‘aqidah, and it has received special attention from the scholars and leaders of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah.
About The Author:
Ibn Abi Al-'Izz Al-Dimashqi had a thorough understanding of theology, jurisprudence, and hadith (Prophetic traditions) as well as other branches of Islamic knowledge. He was renowned for both his thorough comprehension of Hanafi legal foundations and his capacity to offer insightful explanations of challenging theological ideas. His ability to clarify and elaborate on issues of Islamic theology and religion from a Hanafi viewpoint is demonstrated in this work.
Why Islam? American Revert-to-islam Answers by K Sherman
ISBN: 9786035011181
Author: K Sherman
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 144
Publication year: 2011
About This Book:
"Why Islam? American Revert-to-Islam Answers" by K. Sherman is a book that delves into the personal experiences and reasons behind the author's conversion to Islam. The author, an American woman, shares her journey in three distinct parts: Part One: My Journey to Islam In this section, the author takes us through her spiritual voyage, beginning from her upbringing in a non-religious household to the eventual embrace of Islam. Part Two: Islam's Beauty. The author here examines the underlying beauty of Islam, both in terms of its tenets and real-world applicability. She considers the Islamic doctrine of Tawheed, highlighting the notion of the unity of God. The Difficulties of Being a Muslim in America, Part Three The author discusses the challenges that Muslims in America face in this concluding section. She exposes the many misconceptions about Islam in Western society and addresses freely the prejudice and discrimination experienced by Muslims. She also discusses the particular challenges of raising
Often, the first thing someone is asked when they discover the truth and embrace Islam is the question: Why Islam? Here, an American revert-to-Islam answers that question. The author, K. Sherman, writes: The beauty of Islam is probably the best-kept secret in modern times; it is about time it was revealed. This is the sentiment of a majority of people who are discovering the truth about Islam every day. My first exposure to the religion was through a perusal of a fifty-page booklet titled Towards Understanding Islam (written in 1932). It explained to me everything that twenty years of life and fifteen years of education could not. After the initial sense of relief, I suddenly felt cheated. I was consumed with rage. Why? I could not fathom how people could know about this phenomenal way of life and not speak out and inform others. This book is my personal take on the beauty of Islam, backed up by relevant and authentic references. I am convinced that humanity direly needs it and it is my duty to speak out.
Learning About Iman By Siddiq Hasan Khan al-Qanuji
ISBN: 9781838489779
Author: Siddiq Hasan Khan al-Qanuji
Book Binding:Soft cover
Pages: 90
Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2022
Language: English
About This Book:
In the words of the author, this small treatise, Ta 'limul (man (Learning About Iman),is the explanation of complete Iman, which is the means of entering Paradise.The first thing he mentioned at the start of this treatise in a summarised explanation ofthe famous badith of Jibril. He then goes on to mention a summarised definition ofman, the virtue of the statement of Tawlid as well as other issues pertaining to"Agidab in a concise manner.This treatise was authored on1305/1888. Wednesday the 9th of Jümadul Äkhirah in the year Shaykh Siddiq Hast Khan was born in 1832 in his mother's village, Banis Barele. He was of noble linage which traced back to the Prophet (%) and he ended up becoming a Sunni scholar of high eminence during his era. At 21 years of age, he travelled to the centre of Islämic knowledge in his region, Delhi. During his studies he mastered the Arabic language, Figh, Tafsir, Hadith and other sciences from the likes of Shäh 'Abd al-'Aziz. Dehlawi and Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir Muhaddith Banärsi. In 1871, while he was in the service of the state of Bhopal, hegained the status of Nawab (Viceroy) which is a royal title indicating a sovereign ruler and essentially acted as the head of state. With his new-found authority he launched orphanages, Masjids and research centres for the propagation of Islamic academic works etc. He made every effort to prevent and exterminate crime in order to promote peace and security within his region. He spent lots of money on buying the manuscripts of Tafsir In Kathir, Fathul Bari Sharb Sahil al-Bukhäri and Naylul Awtar etc. He spent 50,000 rupees (of his era) on Fathul Bari alone which shows that he was funding a significant amount of wealth towards these ventures. Before this,these books were not obtainable in the Indian Subcontinent. Due to all of this effort, Bhopal flourished in becoming the centre for the scholars of hadith and knowledge for a certain period of time. His Fathud Bayan Fi Magasid al-Qur an, Fathul 'Allam Bi Shark Bulighul Maram, Makärim ul-Akblag, Ieihaf An-Nubala and Abjad al- Ulim are great examples of his vast knowledge and eloquence in Islamic authorship.
The Legislated Method for Treating Magic and the Evil Eye by Shaykh Aminullah al-Peshawari
ISBN: 9781838489762Author: Shaykh Aminullah al-PeshawariBook Binding:PaperbackPages: 73Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inchPublication year: 2022Language: English
About This Book:
The Quran and Abädith are from the greatest bounties the Lord of the worlds has blessed us with. The apparent and hidden, the body and soul, are cured with them. With this great bounty, a person is not in need of anything other than it with the condition that one fully comprehends and submits with full faith, Allah savs in the Our’an: “This day have I perfected your religion for you.” [Q 5:3] Some people do not value the religion and think it is incomplete, that is why they go down other paths and chase other “-isms” while some people take the Quran and Ahädith only for a spiritual cure related to the success of the hereafter, not a physical cure bringing happiness in this life as well as the next.
Some people depend solely upon doctors for physical diseases and illnesses, while thinking the adhkär which have been shown in the Quran and Ahadith are of no benefit in regards to physical discases and illnesses. Yet the truth is that these adhkär and supplications have greater elect than western medicine, hence why the duG’ is the weapon for a believer, as has been reported in the Hadith collected in al-Mustadrak
The Prophet emphasized on dun and adhkar. He prescribed specific adhkar for specific occasions, hence every Muslim should strive to memorize these due to their importance. This will allow one to achieve happiness in this life and the next. I am writing this booklet (Risalah) about two essential issues (cure for the evil eye and curing magic) at the advice of Al-Haj Prächa because people are in great need of knowing these issues.
Messages Through Animals Quranic Context By Abdul Karim Awad
Author: Abdul Karim Awad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 190
Publication year: 2008
Language: English
About This Book:
The insightful book "Messages Through Animals Quranic Context By Abdul Karim Awad" by Abdul Karim Awad discusses the lessons and guidance given through animals in the Quran. The author clarifies the symbolic and moral implications of many animals described in the divine literature by drawing on Quranic verses. Abdul Karim Awad offers a thorough examination of the animal characters and their functions as heavenly messengers and signals in the stories of the Quran. He explores the deeper meanings underlying the activities and interactions of several animals, including the ant, bee, spider, hoopoe bird, and others. Animals are wonderful creatures of Allah, they bond with humans, protect them and serve them and this has been a fact almost since Allah placed humankind on earth. Why then is it that animals in particular dogs, snakes, pigs, etc are looked down upon in the muslim world?
Perfecting The Obligatory : A Treatise on the Performance of the Sunnah Prayers By Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook
ISBN: 9782987459484
Author: Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 75
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
A notable book that concentrates on the significance and performance of the Sunnah prayers in Islam is "Perfecting The Obligatory : A Treatise on the Performance of the Sunnah Prayers By Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook" by Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook. It attempts to instruct people on how to increase their participation in these voluntary prayers, resulting in a closer spiritual bond with Allah The author, Abdulla Ibn Sulayman Ibn Muhammad al-Marzook, offers insights and helpful guidance on how to include the Sunnah prayers in daily devotion. The book discusses a number of topics, including highlighting the benefits of Sunnah prayers, describing when they should be said, going through the suggested amount of units (rak'ahs), and outlining the proper protocol to follow while offering them. Optional prayer surely has great value and many positive effects, however there are matters we need to pay attention to in that many Muslims do not give this prayer its full rights in terms of importance as well as being protective over how it is performed. You will find that many people leave off extra prayer, because they are too occupied or they are uninformed as to the lawfulness and its importance, and what comes with it by way of reward and blessing. Because of this I saw the need to prepare this booklet, which deals mainly with supererogatory prayer, which has been confirmed, by the actions of the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ) by his words and actions.
Important Lessons for the General Muslims By Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz
ISBN: 9782987459323
Author: Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 47
Size: 15x21 cm
Publication year: 2006
Language: English
About This Book:
Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz's "Important Lessons for the General Muslims" is a noteworthy work that offers important lessons and direction to all Muslims. In this work, Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz, a revered Islamic scholar, imparts his knowledge and experience The lessons in the book are intended to assist believers in better understanding and putting Islam into practice in their daily lives, so fostering a closer bond with Allah and enabling them to live moral and fruitful lives. For spiritual development. It acts as a thorough manual that covers the problems and conundrums that Muslims frequently encounter and offers useful advice and teachings that can be used in everyday life. The title says it all this book is a must for every muslim & new muslim who needs to know about all the essentials & obligations so that he/she may act upon it.
Pictures in the House By Aboo Ibraaheem Abdul Majeed Alee Hasan
Author: Aboo Ibraaheem Abdul Majeed Alee Hasan
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 32
Size: 15X21 cm
Publication year: 2006
Language: English
About This Book:
It is emphasized that places adorned with pictures are deprived of the presence of the angels of mercy. Furthermore, the gradual presence of pictures can lead to idolatry and disrupt the concentration during prayer, which is a central pillar of Islamic worship. This booklet comes as a piece of advise and as a warning - it is a collection of ahadeeth and fatawa from different scholars on the issue of pictures. Every Muslim should know that it is dangerous to have pictures in the house and in the office and or any place of gathering. The angels of mercy will not visit such places where pictures are hung or decorated. Gradually these pictures lead to idolatry. It also disturbs the concentration in prayer. The picture maker is cursed and he will be punished on the day of resurrection for not giving life to those pictures of living creatures. Making a living from this kind of work is prohibited in Islam.
Eleven Women and Their Husbands By Muhammad ibn Abdul-Kareem Al-Qazweenee
Author: Muhammad ibn Abdul-Kareem Al-Qazweenee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 32
Size: 15X21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
The fascinating collection of hadiths "Eleven Women and Their Husbands By Muhammad ibn Abdul-Kareem Al-Qazweenee" by Muhammad ibn Abdul-Kareem Al-Qazweenee illuminates the lives of eleven exceptional women from various origins who were married to various men. Readers are able to investigate the distinctive narratives of these women, each of whom has their own particular circumstances and experiences. In addition to being interesting and entertaining, the stories in "Eleven Women and Their Husbands" also provide important insights and lessons. In addition to imparting valuable teachings on marriage, piety, and the dynamics of family life, Anyone who enjoys engaging tales that offer a window into the range and richness of human lives will find it to be a compelling read as well. The Messenger ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ) said to Aa'isha (R.A): "I am to you as Aboo Zar'a was to Umm Zar'a (Bukhari) This is an excellent translation of the Hadeeth of the eleven women who spoke regarding their husbands. It goes into the linguistic aspects of the text and in explaining the eloquent forms used by the women in describing their husbands in easy to understand English.
Islam The Basic Truths By Sheikh jaafr S. Idris
ISBN: 9782987459620
Author: Sheikh jaafr S. Idris
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 31
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
Sheikh Jaafar S. Idris' short book "Islam The Basic Truths By Sheikh jaafr S. Idris" introduces readers to the core principles and practices of Islam Sheikh Jaafar examines the central tenet of Islamic monotheism and the conviction in the unity of God in the first chapter, "The Oneness of Allah." He talks about the significance of accepting Allah as the sole deity "The Prophethood of Muhammad," the biography and significance of the Prophet Muhammad in Islam are explored in depth. Sheikh Jaafar sheds light on the Prophet Muhammad's significance as Allah's last messenger and the Muslim community's role model Readers with all knowledge levels and backgrounds can benefit from "The Basic Truths."
Once Upon a Time By Shaykh Muhammad Adly
ISBN: 1902570030
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Adly
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 32
Size: 15x22
Language: English
About This Book:
"Once Upon a Time By Shaykh Muhammad Adly" is a book with a collection of narration from the Prophet Muhammad PBUH known as hadiths. These hadiths address a wide range of issues, including bragging, kindness, loving for Allah's sake, and more. Boasting, Kindness, Loving for the Sake of Allah, and Others are the four themes that each portion of the book addresses. There are various ahadith with Shaykh Adly's interpretation in each segment. The commentary provides explanations of the ahadith's contents and offers ideas on how they might actually be applied to our daily lives. It is a succinct but insightful compilation of ahadeeth dealing with issues such as boasting, being kind, loving for the sake of Allah, and more.
About The Author:
Islamic speaker and scholar Shaykh Muhammad Adly is well-known for his considerable contributions to Islamic instruction and direction. He is renowned for giving interesting lectures and presentations on a variety of crucial Islamic subjects. Shaykh Adly tackles the morality, spirituality, and practical facets of Muslim living in his presentations, giving his audience insightful advice. Shaykh Adly possesses the knowledge
The Golden Path For Teenagers By Abdul Malik Mujahid
ISBN: 9786030290901
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 331
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.9 inch
Publication year: 2019
Language: English
About This Book:
Abdul Malik Mujahid is the author of the book "The Golden Path For Teenagers". Teenagers who are navigating the opportunities and challenges of their formative years can use this book to help them. It attempts to support youngsters in developing sound moral principles and making informed decisions. In particular for young readers, he is renowned for his ability to convey complicated ideas in a relatable and approachable way. The Golden Path for Teenagers recounts the interesting and instructive events of the lives of Allah’s Messenger (peace on him), the rightly-guided caliphs, the pious ancestors, the famous kings, and other luminaries of Islam in an attractive way, with simple, easy, and flowing language. Most of the events have been taken from reliable Arabic sources. We have shunned embellishing the book with unreliable accounts.
About The Author:
An esteemed Islamic scholar, author, and civic leader is Abdul Malik Mujahid. He is honored for his contributions to social activity, interfaith understanding, and Islamic education. Mujahid has devoted his entire life to advancing tolerance, understanding, and peace through his writings, speeches, and work with organizations. His writings are approachable to a broad readership since they frequently concentrate on offering insightful advice that is anchored in Islamic beliefs. The Sound Vision Foundation, a group devoted to advancing Islamic outreach, media, and education, was founded and is led by Mujahid. He has started a number of initiatives through Sound Vision with the goal of empowering Muslims and developing a favorable perception of Islam in the wider community.
The Fourth Caliph Ali By Abu Huthayfa
ISBN: 9789670835099
Author: Abu Huthayfa
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 102
Size: 7.7 x 5.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
Language: English
About This Book:
The first part of the book explores Ali's early years. He was a gifted student who quickly understood the Quran's and Islam's teachings. He also developed his fighting prowess and actively took part in the early Islamic fights. Although Ali wasn't initially chosen as the first caliph, he eventually rose to become the fourth caliph in 656 CE after Uthman ibn Affan was killed. The caliph was chosen by consensus among the Muslim community. Conflicts about who was the legitimate caliph followed, sparking several uprisings against Ali's rule. Ali was killed in 661 CE by a member of the Kharijite sect, a party that disagreed with his reign. One day the Prophet saw addressed his Companions, "Tomorrow, I shall give the flag to one who will conquer the fort (Khaybar) and who has pleased Allah saw and his Messenger ra." The Companions of the Prophet saw that night wondered who that special person would lead them to victory. The next day, the Propehet saw asked his Companions, " Where is Ali ra?....bring him to me." The Prophet saw then gave Ali ra the flag.
The Third Caliph - Uthman (R) By Abu Huthayfa
ISBN: 9789670835082
Author: Abu Huthayfa
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 99
Size: 7.7 x 5.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Book:
Between 577 and 656 CE, Uthman ibn Affan, also known as Uthman al-Ghani, livedHe was a prosperous trader before adopting Islam in 616. Uthman was well known for his benevolence and intense adherence to the Quran. The Muslim community enjoyed peace and prosperity throughout Uthman's reign. He directed the collection of the Quran into a single volume, built a large number of mosques and schools, and increased the size of the Muslim empire. To the North of Arabia in a area called Tabook, the Muslim army was preparing to challenge the Romans. The Prophet saw asked, "Who will equip them and Allah swt will forgive him?'' To the North of Arabia in a area called Tabook, the Muslim army was preparing to challenge the Romans. The Prophet saw asked, \"Who will equip them and Allah swt will forgive him?\'\' The man to equip the Muslim army was Uthman ra. he gave enough camels and horses to equip one-third of the army. He also gave a large sack of gold coins in his hand and said, \"No deed can harm Uthman ra after today.\' Uthman ra was the only Companion who married two daughters of the Prophet saw. Because of the, he was given the title Dhun-Noorain (The Possessor of Two Lights).
The First Caliph - Abu Bakr (R) By Abu Huthayfa
ISBN: 9789670835068
Author: Abu Huthayfa
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 98
Size: 7.7 x 5.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
Language: English
About This Book:
Abu Huthayfa examines Abu Bakr's leadership attributes, emphasising his constancy, knowledge, and unflinching devotion to the Islamic creed. The book provides insight into Abu Bakr's crucial contributions to the Quran's preservation throughout the early Islamic era, as well as his leadership during the Ridda Wars and the conquests that helped the Islamic state grow. Most people have a best friend who they favour amongst all of the people. The best friend of Prophet Muhammad was Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (R). He was the only person, other than the Prophet’s own wife, who accepted Islam immediately and believed in Muhammad (S) from the first movement that he announced his Prophethood. Abu Bakr (R) always remained at the Prophet’s side and he had no reservations about spending his wealth for the sake of Islam and the Muslims. The Prophet’s Companions all recognized his superiority, yet he always remained humble and sincere towards all. This is the story of Abu Bakr (R) and his rise to leadership of the Muslim Ummah.
The Second Caliph-Umar Al farooq By Abu Huthayfa
ISBN: 9789670835075
Author: Imam Ibn Al - Jawzee's
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 78
Size: 7.7 x 5.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Book:
Abu Huthayfa carefully considers Umar's leadership attributes in his book "The Second Caliph-Umar Al farooq By Abu Huthayfa", highlighting his unwavering dedication to justice, equality, and the welfare of the Muslim community. Readers learn more about Umar's crucial contribution to the development of the Islamic state, his implementation of administrative reforms, and his endeavours to build social welfare programmes for the good of society via meticulous investigation. Abu Huthayfa is very careful to highlight Umar's unwavering commitment to maintaining the principles of justice and equality. The author emphasises Umar's substantial contributions to the political and social development of Islamic culture through thorough research and astute analysis.
Meadows of the Divine: 40 Prophetic Traditions on the Virtues & Ruling of the Qur'an By Alomgir Ali
ISBN: 9780993020100
Author: Alomgir Ali
Book Binding: Softcover
Language: English
About This Book:
Alomgir Ali is the author of the book "Meadows of the Divine: 40 Prophetic Traditions on the Virtues & Ruling of the Qur'an". This insightful work digs into 40 chosen Prophetic traditions (hadiths) that highlight the benefits and import of the Qur'an in Muslims' daily lives. Allah’s (s.w.t) speech and mighty revelation is replete with wisdom, truth and justice. Its verses are perfected by One who is perfect; it guides those who lend their ear to it from utter darkness to the full glory of its light and guides them towards and along a straight path. It is indeed the everlasting miracle. Allah (s.w.t) says about His words: Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward. [17:9] It comes as no surprise then for there to exist an extraordinary and diverse array of virtues connected to the Qur’an and for there to be alongside this a comprehensive set of rulings governing its interaction. The contents of this book will help you discover a significant portion of this and hopefully will strengthen even further your resolve to be classified amongst Allah’s (s.w.t) people: the people of His Qur’an.
Fataawa ( Rulings ) concerning Tobacco Cigarettes By Abdullah bin baz
ISBN: 9782987459699
Author: Abdullah bin baz
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 48
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
The colossal devastation of human health cause by tobacco use and smoking in the recent centuries cannot be denied by any sensible person. It is the single largest preventable cause of death all over the world causing unmentionable suffering and millions of debts yearly, yet even today the multinational tobacco corporations refuse to accept the conclusive scientific evidence and continue to selfishly promote their multi-billion dollar industry often among those ignorant to the far reaching hazards and health consequences. The Islamic legal judgements of some of the most eminent scholars – Jurists of our era, translated here for the time in the booklet prove unequivocally that the use and promotion of all tobacco products is strictly prohibited (haram) and juristically punishable according to Islamic Law and legal precepts. The lucid, intelligent and legally sound arguments presented countered the feeble claim that tobacco use is merely obnoxious (Makrooh) and therefore a lesser social evil to be tolerated society.
About The Author:
Throughout his career, Sheikh Abdullah bin Baz held a number of significant posts He participated actively in advancing Islamic teachings and values both domestically and abroad as a member of numerous Islamic organisations.Sheikh bin Baz offered advice on a variety of situations that Muslims encountered throughout his lifetime, addressing current issues while staying grounded in Islamic teachings. People, academics, and world leaders from all over the world sought for his judgements and fatwas (Islamic legal opinions). The Muslim community will never forget Abdullah bin Baz's contributions to Islamic study, his initiatives to disseminate accurate information, and his dedication to safeguarding Islamic norms. He is regarded as a revered scholar and a cornerstone of Islamic education and direction.
Hajj & Tawheed By Dr. Saleh As-Saleh
ISBN: 9782987459569
Author: Dr. Saleh As-Saleh
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 28
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
A renowned academic and writer who has significantly advanced the field of Islamic studies is Dr. Saleh As-Saleh. His detailed handbook, "Hajj & Tawheed By Dr. Saleh As-Saleh" covers the Hajj journey and places an emphasis on the idea of Tawheed (monotheism) in Islam. In his book "Hajj & Tawheed," Dr. Saleh explores the meaning and customs of the yearly Hajj to the holy city of Mecca. He explains every stage of the journey in great depth, including the acts of worship, the background information, and the spiritual teachings learned along the way. Dr. Saleh clarifies the essential idea of Tawheed, which forms the basis of Islamic doctrine Hajj is to set out for Makkah to worship ALLAH by performing certain religious rights in accordance with the Prophets صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم sunnah. It is a time in which to call upon ALLAH to purify the self from any worship to anyone other than him. This booklet explains the basic rights of Hajj. It also notes that the tawheed of Allah requires the Muslim to follow the perfect way of worship, demonstrated by Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم and is understood by the Sahaabah who were the best of mankind.
Lying Against The Prophet By Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun
ISBN: 9782987459644
Author: Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 24
Size: 15x21 cm
Language: English
About This Book:
Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun through his book "Lying Against The Prophet By Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun" he carefully investigates the different instances throughout history where people have purposefully promoted untruths and false stories about the Prophet Muhammad. He clarifies the causes of such behaviours and how they affect the legitimacy of Islamic teachings.This work will enlighten the reader about the impact of attributing lies to the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ). This issue leads its perpetrator to serious consequences. The author explains the reasons which prompts and results in many people falling into this trap. The main motive behind this summarized work is to correct what is heard from people, some claiming to be students of knowledge, quoting and giving references from fabricated traditions of the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ). Others establish their religious duties and seek closeness to ALLAH by basing their activities on fabricated traditions without any authorized links proving their attribution to the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ). He also sheds some light on the Islamic ruling upon people who lie against the Prophet ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم )
About The Author:
Author Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun is renowned for his lucid and succinct writing style, which makes difficult themes understandable to a variety of audiences. He blends in-depth study with profound spiritual understanding to provide readers insightful viewpoints and direction. The books of Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun have become more well-liked among academics, students, and casual readers eager to learn more about Islam.
Abraha and His Army of Elephants By Shazia Nazlee
ISBN: 9782987459507
Author: Shazia Nazlee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 12
Size: 17x24cm
Language: English
About This Book:
Abraha and His Army of Elephants, a gripping children's book by Shazia Nazlee, tells the remarkable story of the Yemeni monarch Abraha and his bold scheme to destroy the Kaaba in Mecca. This book "Abraha and His Army of Elephants By Shazia Nazlee", which has its roots in the Quranic story of the elephant, teaches kids important lessons about the power of faith and the importance of preserving Islamic holy sites. The narrative opens with the introduction of Yemen's powerful and ambitious ruler, Abraha. He is motivated to build a magnificent cathedral in Sana'a and thinks that by diverting pilgrims from Mecca to his city, he will gain power and status. Abraha sets out for Mecca with a mighty army of elephants. The Meccans are terrified of the elephants because of their size and intimidating presence. However, the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) sincerely implores Allah for help, pleading for His intervention. Allah responds by sending a flight of birds to attack Abraha's army and bombard them with stones composed of sijjil, a rock famed for its unmatched toughness and ability to pierce even metal. Surat Al-Feel (The Elephant) In the Name of ALLAH, the Most Beneficient, the Most Merciful 1-Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the owners of the elephant? 2-Did He not make their plot go astray? 3-And sent against them birds, in flocks, 4-Striking them with stones of Sijjill. 5-And made them like an empty field of stalks.
About The Author:
The field of children's literature has benefited from the creative writing of Shazia Nazlee. She has penned novels that enthral and encourage kids because she loves telling stories and knows how crucial it is to educate young brains. Shazia Nazlee creates captivating narratives that teach children valuable lessons and introduce them to significant facets of Islamic history and faith through her works, such as "Abraha and His Army of Elephants.
The Effect of Homosexuality and Pornography on Society By Shaykh Michael Mumisa
ISBN: 9781902570303
Author: Shaykh Michael Mumisa
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 32
Size: 15x21 cm
Publication year: 2011
Language: English
About This Book:
It attempts to promote critical thinking and awareness of the potential repercussions on people and society while fostering an informed dialogue about human sexuality.The book "The Impact of Human Sexual Practises and Unregulated Pornography: A Societal Perspective" explores how sexual practises have changed over time, beginning with the dawn of human civilization. It explores the effects on people and society of the many forms of sexual expression have arose throughout numerous cultures and societies. By illuminating the beginnings, development, and effects of human sexual practises as well as the unrestricted nature of pornography, this book inspires readers to thoughtfully and respectfully critically evaluate and reflect on these topics.The effect of Homosexuality and pornography on society;] Michael [Mumisa. 4c2, PB, 32pp, Message of Islam, From time immemorial, lewdness and shamelessness are prese]
Al-islam Religion & Life By Dr. Abdul Karim Awad
Author: Dr Abdul Karim Awad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 264
Publication year: 2011
Language: English
About This Book:
The eminent scholar and educator Dr. Abdul Karim Awad is the author of the outstanding work "Al-islam Religion & Life By Dr. Abdul Karim Awad" This fascinating book goes deeply into Islam's fundamental principles and presents it as a complete, all-encompassing way of life. The investigation by Dr. Awad covers the key tenets, customs, and beliefs that characterize Islam. Dr. Abdul Karim Awad deftly navigates through important subjects including prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage in the pages of "Al-Islam Religion & Life." His intention is to explain the relevance of these Islamic tenets and instruct readers on how to put them into practice in real-world situations. absolute clarity, The book aims to provide a detailed description towards understanding the religion of Islam. It is for those who are keen on getting acquainted with its teachings. The religion of islam combines scientific reason with spiritiual reality associated with belief far removed from violence, injustice, hatred and enmity. It plays a positive role in reviving common values for mankind and uniting people for justice and equality, in particular those who are weaker. The book is a unique effort which explicity demonstrates the true essence of the Islamic religion. It explains the principles of Islam, its objective and its view of life.
Branches of Faith By Dr Abdul Karim Awad
ISBN: 9781902570266
Author: Dr Abdul Karim Awad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 446
Publication year: 2002
Language: English
DescriptionAbout This Book:
The outstanding book "Branches of Faith By Dr Abdul Karim Awad" explores the numerous branches and fundamental elements of the Islamic faith. The voyage starts with an investigation of the idea of faith in Islam, stressing its importance and significant influence on a Muslim's life. "Branches of Faith" expertly conveys these essential tenets of faith in an approachable and captivating manner, making it appropriate for readers with various levels of expertise. Iman (faith) is more than a feeling or emotion, it is an inclusive celestial expression, which includes actions of the heart, whatever is uttered by the tongue and all practices of other organs of the body. Hence to recognise its spiritual and practical side we have to interpret the Quran and grasp the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W.W).