About This Book:
The colossal devastation of human health cause by tobacco use and smoking in the recent centuries cannot be denied by any sensible person. It is the single largest preventable cause of death all over the world causing unmentionable suffering and millions of debts yearly, yet even today the multinational tobacco corporations refuse to accept the conclusive scientific evidence and continue to selfishly promote their multi-billion dollar industry often among those ignorant to the far reaching hazards and health consequences. The Islamic legal judgements of some of the most eminent scholars – Jurists of our era, translated here for the time in the booklet prove unequivocally that the use and promotion of all tobacco products is strictly prohibited (haram) and juristically punishable according to Islamic Law and legal precepts. The lucid, intelligent and legally sound arguments presented countered the feeble claim that tobacco use is merely obnoxious (Makrooh) and therefore a lesser social evil to be tolerated society.
About The Author:
Throughout his career, Sheikh Abdullah bin Baz held a number of significant posts He participated actively in advancing Islamic teachings and values both domestically and abroad as a member of numerous Islamic organisations.Sheikh bin Baz offered advice on a variety of situations that Muslims encountered throughout his lifetime, addressing current issues while staying grounded in Islamic teachings. People, academics, and world leaders from all over the world sought for his judgements and fatwas (Islamic legal opinions). The Muslim community will never forget Abdullah bin Baz's contributions to Islamic study, his initiatives to disseminate accurate information, and his dedication to safeguarding Islamic norms. He is regarded as a revered scholar and a cornerstone of Islamic education and direction.