The article "A Reminder on the Evils of Ribaa - Its Essence, Forms and Harms" by Abdullah bin Saalih Al-Qusayyir explains riba, or usury, from an Islamic perspective. This book delves deeply into the subject while maintaining a human touch. It begins with a precise definition of riba before exploring its many forms. The author emphasizes the negative impacts of riba on both particular people and society as a whole. This book offers a comprehensive explanation of the topic by drawing on the Quran, the Sunnah (teachings of Prophet Muhammad), and the knowledge of early scholars like Imam al-Ghazali and Imam Ibn Taymiyyah. It emphasizes the importance of staying away from riba and serves as a warning to Muslims. Originally written in Arabic, the book is a reminder of the evils and the forms of Ribaa (Usury) and the threat of The Almighty concerning those who defy His warnings. The fact that those who give, consume, witness, writes, and are involved in Ribaa-based transactions, their good deeds, supplications, and charity will not be accepted by The Almighty and in turn will make their hearts hardened along with afflictions and tribulations that would affect them severely.