ISBN: 9781838489762
Author: Shaykh Aminullah al-Peshawari
Book Binding:Paperback
Pages: 73
Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2022
Language: English
About This Book:
The Quran and Abädith are from the greatest bounties the Lord of the worlds has blessed us with. The apparent and hidden, the body and soul, are cured with them. With this great bounty, a person is not in need of anything other than it with the condition that one fully comprehends and submits with full faith, Allah savs in the Our’an: “This day have I perfected your religion for you.” [Q 5:3] Some people do not value the religion and think it is incomplete, that is why they go down other paths and chase other “-isms” while some people take the Quran and Ahädith only for a spiritual cure related to the success of the hereafter, not a physical cure bringing happiness in this life as well as the next.
Some people depend solely upon doctors for physical diseases and illnesses, while thinking the adhkär which have been shown in the Quran and Ahadith are of no benefit in regards to physical discases and illnesses. Yet the truth is that these adhkär and supplications have greater elect than western medicine, hence why the duG’ is the weapon for a believer, as has been reported in the Hadith collected in al-Mustadrak
The Prophet emphasized on dun and adhkar. He prescribed specific adhkar for specific occasions, hence every Muslim should strive to memorize these due to their importance. This will allow one to achieve happiness in this life and the next. I am writing this booklet (Risalah) about two essential issues (cure for the evil eye and curing magic) at the advice of Al-Haj Prächa because people are in great need of knowing these issues.