Muslim Character

186 products

  • Last stock! Seerah Encyclopedia: The Hidden Pearls (Vol 2) Seerah Encyclopedia: The Hidden Pearls (Vol 2)

    Darussalam Publications Seerah Encyclopedia: The Hidden Pearls (Vol 2)

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    Seerah Encyclopedia: The Hidden Pearls (Vol 2) ISBN: 9786035004374 Author: Muhammad Kamal Myshhkat Book Binding: Hardcover Pages 656 Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 1.3 Publication year:2020 Description About This Book: Muslims face numerous hurdles in these difficult and dangerous times. Outsiders are attempting to undermine Islam from within the Muslim community. They attain this goal through politics and education. The world's culture, which emphasizes instant gratification, satisfying cravings, and keeping up with the latest entertainment, has led Muslim youth to wander away from Allah's Messenger's teachings. It has forced them to utterly disconnect from him. The best way to overcome this difficult crisis is for every Muslim to rediscover their love for Allah's Messenger. We may accomplish this by accurately recounting his life and teachings. This will illuminate their souls and keep them connected to their beliefs. In these dark and disturbing times, the Muslim Ummah is confronted with innumerable challenges. The entire disbelieving world is arrayed against the believers attempting to challenge and destroy Islam from the inside out. Through political and academic means, there people working day and night in an effort to achieve this end. A global culture of instant gratification, fulfilling sexual desires and acquiring the latest entertainment technology has alienated Muslim youth from Allah's Messenger, pushing them to cut off their relationship to him entirely. The only solution to this terrible situation is to rekindle the love of Allah's Messenger in the hearts of every Muslim, illuminating their souls with an accurate account of his life and works. Not a single event of the Messenger's life has been left or overlooked in this encyclopedia. Each and every event has been thoroughly researched, examined and vetted by the thirteen-member Committee and then written in an easy, flowing style. Note: This NOT the translation of the 4-Vol Arabic work with the same name, اللؤلؤ المكنون. It is a brand new work recently compiled by Darussalam originally in Urdu and being translated in to other languages of the world.

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  • Last stock! I Am Proud To Be A Muslim By Dr. V Abdur Rahim I Am Proud To Be A Muslim By Dr. V Abdur Rahim

    Uk Islamic Academy I Am Proud To Be A Muslim By Dr. V Abdur Rahim

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    I Am Proud To Be A Muslim By Dr. V Abdur Rahim ISBN: 9781872531564 Author: Dr. V Abdur Rahim Book Binding: Paperback Pages 109 Size: 6.1 x 4.5 inch Publication year:2018 Description About This Book: "This book is the discussion about the beauty of Islam and richness ."This book is composed of comprehensive research work in simple English. The book is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about Islam or strengthening their faith.The book is divided into different chapters fewer are discussed here: Introduction: This chapter of this book is a discussion about this book's aimForty Selected Gems: This chapter contains the forty essays that comprise the book. The book discusses a lot about some serious issues, including the beauty of Islam, the significance of prayer, the value of charity, the value of family, the position of women in Islam, the value of education, the necessity for social justice, and the value of peace. Conclusion: At the end of the book, it summarizes what the book discussed and its primary point. Innumerable are the beauties of Islam a Muslim can be proud of, but some of these beauties of Islam through important in themselves do not get highlighted enough in a holistic approach to Islam. Hence the need to highlight them specially now when the benign and humane teachings of Islam need to be presented in a way which is not only acceptable to the new generation but also is attractive to them. Forty beautiful aspects of Islamic teachings pertaining to different walks of life have been dealt with in this short book. It is hoped that it will succeed in enthusing the reader with a sense of pride in the teachings of Islam and its great contribution to human civilization and culture. 

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  • Last stock! Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women By Na'ima B. Robert Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women By Na'ima B. Robert

    Kube Publishing Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women By Na'ima B. Robert

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    Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women By Na'ima B. Robert ISBN: 9781847741417 Author: Na'ima Robert Binding: Paperback Pages: 120 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication Year: 2021 Description About This Book: Nai’ma shares the story of how she came to understand the meaning of ‘Showing Up’ through tragic circumstances and enormous life changes.So many of us sleepwalk through life: frustrated, unhappy and lacking confidence in our abilities and accomplishments, destined never to reach our full potential. We allow our limiting beliefs to hold us back. We allow our challenges to define us. We allow other people’s expectations to imprison us.‘Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women’ is based on the lessons Na’ima learnt on her journey, inviting the reader to show up, authentically and sincerely, in their lives, casting aside the role of victim and instead, living as the hero of their own life story.It Covers Many Topics including: The Loss What is Showing Up? Showing Up: A Prophetic Sunnah What does ‘Showing Up’ in YOUR life look like Showing up For Yourself Showing up For Your Relationship And More The book is replete with personal stories, quotes from Qur’an, Hadith, and contemporary thinkers, as well as action points and space for the reader, to reflect and apply the principles. 

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  • Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi

    Kube Publishing Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi

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    Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi ISBN: 9781847741370 Author: OYasir Qadhi Binding: Paperback Pages: 254 Size: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.6 inch Publication Year: 2021 Description About This Book: Surah Yusuf, a chapter of the Qur'an (Koran), was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad at a critical juncture of his life. This was the time when he had gone through ten to eleven years of ridicule and rejection in Makkah, a time when he lost his wife and partner, Khadija, a time when he lost his dear uncle Abu Talib. Allah revealed this precious surah to strengthen the Prophet Muhammad’s heart. To remind him that he lives in the footsteps of the great prophets of the past and that Allah’s help and support is there. This surah is full of meaningful messages of patience, reliance on Allah and how to overcome hardship and betrayal. It was also educational, teaching the Prophet Muhammad the answers to queries that were posed to him by the local Jews and Muslims. Finally, this surah was a timely morale booster for the Prophet and his companions in a time of need. Yasir Qadhi has clearly divided the surah into related themes, as per the revelations, so that the reader can easily understand and grasp the great wealth of knowledge relayed through this surah to all.

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  • 40 on Justice; The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform By Omar Suleiman 40 on Justice; The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform By Omar Suleiman

    Kube Publishing 40 on Justice; The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform By Omar Suleiman

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    40 on Justice; The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform By Omar Suleiman ISBN: 9781847741431 Author: Omar Suleiman Binding: Paperback Pages: 339 Size: 9.3 x 6.2 x 0.7 inch Publication Year: 2021 Description About This Book: The insightful book "40 on Justice: The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform" was written by eminent Muslim activist and scholar Omar Suleiman. The collection of 40 insightful hadiths (proverbs) from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) centers on the Islamic concept of social justice. Each hadith is accompanied by Suleiman's intelligent commentary, which deftly clarifies its significance and modern relevance. The book explores a wide range of social justice-related topics inside its pages, including problems with poverty, inequality, discrimination, and environmental challenges. Suleiman skillfully steers conversations around the tremendous contribution Muslims make to promoting constructive social change. For anyone who want to learn more about the Islamic view of justice, "40 on Justice" is a priceless resource. It offers timely insights into how Muslims might effectively address the challenges of injustice in the twenty-first century, demonstrating its timeliness.The following are a some of the deep hadiths examined in the book: Justice is the foundation of the throne of Allah." (Tirmidhi) "The most beloved deed to Allah is to establish justice between two people." (Bukhari) "Whoever oppresses a person, Allah will oppress him on the Day of Judgment." (Muslim) "The strong is not the one who overpowers others, but the strong is the one who controls his anger." (Bukhari) "The best of you are those who are best to their women." (Bukhari)

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  • The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith (Concise Words on Good and Bad Companionships) The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith (Concise Words on Good and Bad Companionships)

    Salafi Publications The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith (Concise Words on Good and Bad Companionships)

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    The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith (Concise Words on Good and Bad Companionships) By Shaikh 'Abdur-Rahman As-Sa'di, Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan, Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Hadi, and Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhali ISBN: 9781902727493 Author: Shaikh Abdur-Rahman As-Sa'di Book Binding: Paperback Pages 58 Size: 8.5 x 5.25 x 0.2 inch Publication year:2017 Description About This Book: "The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith" is a brief and thorough compilation on the importance of good and bad companionships written by four eminent scholars: Shaikh 'Abdur-Rahman As-Sa'di, Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan, Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Hadi, and Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhali.The book goes into the impact of who we associate with and who we keep company with on our character and conduct. Using the comparison of a perfume seller and a blacksmith, the writers make clear contrasts between positive effects (such as a perfume seller's smell) that raise one's conduct and negative influences (such as a blacksmith's soot) that tarnish one's behavior.The scholars underline the necessity of choosing righteous and pious partners who inspire and encourage virtuous behaviors throughout the text. They caution against exposing oneself to harmful influences, which might lead to moral degeneration and deviance from the proper path.The lessons offered in this book provide invaluable assistance for those trying to live a moral and God-conscious life. The scholars motivate readers to be attentive to the company they keep and aim to preserve positive relationships that contribute to personal and spiritual development by underlining the importance of companionship in our spiritual progress. A compilation of small treatises regarding companionship, collected from the works and speeches of some of the noble scholars of our times. Al-Hafiz Abu Hatim Muhammad bin Hibban Al-Busti (rahimahullah) said: “Indeed; from the greatest indications upon understanding what it is a person is upon by way of his fluctuations and his dormancy is: taking into consideration who it is that he converses with and loves. Since a person is upon the religion of his close friend; and the birds of the sky converge on their own likeness.” (Rawdatul Uqalaa wa Nuzhatul Fudalaa) Al-Allamah Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaimin (rahimahullah) said:“Strive to keep company with a people who are people of good. They show you the right way if you err. They guide you if you are misled. They remind you if you forget. They teach you if you do not know. All of these are from the factors for the increase in Ulamaa.”(Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari)

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  • Angels in Your Presence By Omar Suleiman Angels in Your Presence By Omar Suleiman

    Kube Publishing Angels in Your Presence By Omar Suleiman

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    Angels in Your Presence By Omar Suleiman ISBN: 9781847741509 Author: Omar Suleiman Book Binding: Paperback Pages 139 Size: 7.5 x 5.0 x 0.4 inch Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: Omar Suleiman's book "Angels in Your Presence" is published. This book looks into Islam's complex concept of angels and their importance in the life of a believer. Omar Suleiman, a notable Islamic scholar, and speaker, investigates the many roles angels play in the spiritual realm, their interactions with humans, and their relevance in shaping the life and faith of believers. Suleiman uses Islamic teachings, Quranic scriptures, and Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) throughout the book to present a thorough knowledge of angels' nature, roles, and interactions with the material world. He also illuminates the logic underlying angelic presence and their divine missions in the lives of individuals and Muslim society as a whole. "Angels in Your Presence" is likely to provide readers with a better understanding of the unseen realm and how it relates to their daily lives. Through a clearer understanding of the heavenly realm in Islam, the book is intended to motivate believers to improve their faith, embrace spirituality, and create a closer link with the divine. Readers can hope to discover profound insights that will enrich their spiritual path thanks to Omar Suleiman's knowledge and entertaining writing style. Throughout your existence, there are angels in your presence. But it’s your actions that cause those angels to either praise you or disgrace you. Through this book, we will explore the actions that invite these blessed unseen beings to pray upon you, and carry your name and mention to the One who created us all.

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  • Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness By Muhammad Ismail Al Muqaddim Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness By Muhammad Ismail Al Muqaddim

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness By Muhammad Ismail Al Muqaddim

    19 in stock

    Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness By Muhammad Ismail Al Muqaddim ISBN: 9786035013482 Author: Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Muqaddim Book Binding:Hardcover Pages 491 Size:8.8 x 6.0 x 1.0 inch Publication year:2020 Description About This Book: "Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness" by Muhammad Ismail al-Muqaddim is an interesting book that explores the critical role ambition plays in achieving greatness. The author said a goal without a plan is just a desire, not a goal to achieve your goal you need to be more passionate about your work or goal whatever you settled for yourself. He illustrates how ambition can be a powerful driver for positive change by drawing inspiration from historical leaders and philosophers. The book is divided into three sections that explore various facets of ambition. The first section,"The Nature of Ambition," dives into the many varieties of ambition and what inspires them. He highlights that ambition, depending on its goal, can be either productive or destructive. Your goal you settled for your life must be a progressive goal that helps you to grow in your life rather than destructive desires The second section,"The Benefits of Ambition," discusses the several advantages of having a strong ambition. The desires force us to work hard for our goals. Positive behavior is too effective for achieving any kind of goal. Furthermore, he claims that ambition promotes personal development by providing us with a sense of purpose and pushing us to strive for perfection. In the third section,"How to Develop Ambition," al-Muqaddim offers practical guidance on cultivating a strong ambition. He highlights the importance of having specific goals, taking decisive action, and overcoming hurdles along the road. He also emphasizes the significance of keeping a positive mindset and cultivating self-belief along the trip."Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness" is a well-written and informative book that provides a thorough knowledge of the importance of ambition. Fiery Ambitions – by Allah’s permission – has been a spectacular jolt of strength and optimism for many Muslims across the globe. Through it, you will be infused – Allah willing – with pride in your religion as well as in the unrivalled inspiring personalities who adhered to it throughout history. You will read about the princes of piety, the sages of scholarship, the chiefs of charity, the captains of courage, the authorities in altruism… and the secret to becoming one of them!To the overachieving soul who is not content with only reading about exceptional human beings and yearns to find a seat amongst them: pull this book close. To the adamant soul who has tried to unlock the code to greatness for years, but to no avail: discover the treasure map in these pages. To the pure, pious soul who is not satisfied with one lifetime of good deeds and earnestly wishes to be a source of inspiration long after departing this world: make that a reality with Fiery Ambitions. 

    19 in stock


  • Qawwamoon: Protectors and Maintainers By Rahmanara Chowdhury Qawwamoon: Protectors and Maintainers By Rahmanara Chowdhury

    Ta-Ha Publishers Qawwamoon: Protectors and Maintainers By Rahmanara Chowdhury

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    Qawwamoon: Protectors and Maintainers By Rahmanara Chowdhury ISBN: 9781842001622 Author: Rahmanara Chowdhury Book Binding:Softcover Pages 125 Size: 8.3 x 5.9 x 0.3 inch Publication year:2016 Description About This Book: Rahmanara Chowdhury's powerful book "Qawwamoon: Protectors and Maintainers" delves into the divine duty of men as defenders and maintainers of women. It focuses light on the devastation caused by domestic abuse and provides strategies for effectively assisting both the oppressor and the afflicted. This book is a complete source of guidance for the person who are victimized and trying to get on the road of recovery to their life The novel is broken into three sections. Chowdhury addresses the Islamic idea of qawwamoon in the first part, "The Divine Role of Men," emphasizing that it extends beyond physical protection to include emotional, financial, and spiritual care. She encourages males to be great role models and confronts the culture of silence surrounding domestic violence. The Second part of this book discusses the implications and mental effects of domestic abuse about how can be domestic abuse is long-term mental punishment for women as well as for children Chowdhury discusses the impact of the emotional psychological and physical condition of the victim and the conditional consequences. She also discusses several types of domestic abuse and warning signals that someone is being abused. The last part of this book is about helping the victim of domestic abuse person how can be the society show support for them. She also gives advice on addressing the abuser and creating a safe atmosphere for the victim."Qawwamoon: Protectors and Maintainers" is a must-read for anyone interested in learning more about domestic violence in the Muslim community. It is a wonderful resource for anybody seeking information on this subject and provides invaluable insights for those committed to preventing domestic abuse and fostering a safer society for all. Qawwamoon: Protectors and Maintainers is a book for us all: to raise awareness in the male population of their divinely prescribed role as protectors and maintainers of women; to highlight the devastating impact of domestic abuse for members of the public; to inform community leaders and professionals as to how best to effectively help both the oppressor and the oppressed; and; last but not least; it aims to provide a voice for the victims of domestic abuse; emotional support and practical advice for the road to recovery.

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  • Ibn Aqil al-Hanbali's Essay on Islamic Manners By Abu-l-Wafa Ali b. Aqil al-Hanbali Ibn Aqil al-Hanbali's Essay on Islamic Manners By Abu-l-Wafa Ali b. Aqil al-Hanbali

    Dar Al-Arqam Ibn Aqil al-Hanbali's Essay on Islamic Manners By Abu-l-Wafa Ali b. Aqil al-Hanbali

    43 in stock

    Ibn Aqil al-Hanbali's Essay on Islamic Manners By Abu-l-Wafa Ali b. Aqil al-Hanbali ISBN:9781916475670 Author: Abu-l-Wafa Ali b. Aqil al-Hanbali Book Binding: Soft Cover Pages 26 Size: 9.5 x 6.3 x 0.1 inch Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: This book is a translation of Ibn 'Aqil al-Hanbali's (d. 513/1119) essay on Islamic manners, Fusül al-ādāb wa makārim al-akhlāq al-mashrū'a. It presents a significant number of commendable etiquettes Muslims are required to observe for everyday living and dealings. Ibn 'Aqil's essay is considered to be the shortest, and the earliest extant work from the Hanbali school on Islamic manners. The language employed in the translation has been kept simple, straightforward, and modern to make the work accessible to everyone. This bilingual edition, with its parallel Arabic text, will allow readers to access the original Arabic and hopefully help with vocabulary building, oracy, and future translations. In Islam, good manners(ādāb) are required and admired; and it's developed through study and practice. It is hoped the translation, Ibn Aqil al-Hanbali's Essay on Islamic Manners becomes a means to refine manners better. Jewel Jalil did his opening Arabic and Islamic studies in England and Yemen. He read part of his BA in Islamic studies at Al-Jāmi'a Al Wataniyya, Sana'a,and his MA at SOAS, University of London. Currently he is reading his PhD in Arab and Islamic studies at the University of Exeter. His other publications include: An Epitome of Hanbali Substantive Law(2018),and The Student's Guide (2020)

    43 in stock


  • The Impact of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Upon Marriage By Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar The Impact of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Upon Marriage By Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar

    Authentic Statements Publications The Impact of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Upon Marriage By Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar

    55 in stock

    The Impact of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Upon Marriage By Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar ISBN:9781792370120 Author: Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar Book Binding: Paperback Pages 139 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inch Publication year:2021 Description About This Book:The Book named "The Impact of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Upon Marriage" by Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar. Authentic Statements released it in 2021. The book investigates medical and Sharia perspectives on contagious and genetic disorders, as well as their impact on marriage, fertility, and children. It addresses essential, but rarely mentioned, issues such as: The benefits and drawbacks of requiring a medical evaluation before marriage. Genetic testing for abnormalities that can lead to miscarriage. Marriage to someone infected with a contagious sickness. When both partners have an infectious condition, they cannot marry. Intimacy with a spouse suffering from an infectious sickness. A pregnant lady with an infectious illness. Having children while the father has a contagious sickness. Abortion because of an infectious sickness The book is written in straightforward and brief language, and it is packed with useful advice that can be utilized in everyday life. It is an excellent resource for anyone seeking knowledge on the effects of sexually transmitted illnesses on marriage. Shaykh Dr. ʻAbdullāh al-Tayyār examines various medical and Sharia opinions related to infectious and genetic diseases, and their effect upon marriage, fertility, and children. He tackles important, yet rarely discussed, topics, such as: the pros and cons of mandating medical examination before marriage. testing for genetic disorders that can cause miscarriage. marriage to someone with an infectious disease. marriage when both spouses have an infectious disease. intimacy with a spouse who has an infectious disease. pregnancy of a woman who has an infectious disease. conceiving children when the father has an infectious disease. abortion due to infectious disease. sustainability of marriage with an infectious disease. divorce due to infectious disease. a parent with an infectious disease raising a healthy child

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  • Last stock! Road To Recovery Healing From Domestic Violence By Rahmanara Chowdhury Road To Recovery Healing From Domestic Violence By Rahmanara Chowdhury

    Ta-Ha Publishers Road To Recovery Healing From Domestic Violence By Rahmanara Chowdhury

    5 in stock

    Road To Recovery Healing From Domestic Violence By Rahmanara Chowdhury ISBN:9781842001066 Author: Rahmanara Chowdhury Book Binding: Paperback Pages 144 Size: 8.3 x 5.9 x 0.3 inch Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: Rahmanara Chowdhury's book Road to Recovery: Healing from Domestic Violence is a thorough guide for Muslim female survivors of domestic violence and abuse. This Book is divided into three partsPart 1: What is Domestic Violence?Part 2: Overcoming Domestic ViolencePart 3: ContinuingChowdhury examines the many types of domestic violence, the indications of abuse, and the consequences of abuse on survivors in Part 1 She also discusses the Islamic perspective on domestic violence and how to seek assistance from the Muslim community.Chowdhury explores the process of rehabilitation from domestic violence in Part 2 The practical advice for the emotional and psychological affect of abuse and to reconstruct your life to protect yourself from such thingsChowdhury explores how to move on from domestic violence and start a new life in Part 3 The Author tells how to recover and rebuild relationships, safe and healthy environment for you and for your childrenRoad to Recovery is an invaluable resource for Muslim women who have experienced domestic violence and abuse.Road to Recovery is a sympathetic and reassuring guide for Muslim female survivors of domestic violence and abuse. It is a companion book to the Road to Recovery Programme developed by the author but can be used as a stand-alone resource to aid in the recovery process.It contains: A comprehensive look at the various forms of domestic violence and abuse Practical advice on how to get through the aftermath of abuse including self-care, setting goals and parenting Emotional support and understanding of the obstacles faced in the recovery process Both an Islamic and psychological approach in order to gently guide survivors within their recovery journey.

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  • 8 Steps to Happiness (Awakening the Inner Self in Pursuit of Personal Change) by Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sadi 8 Steps to Happiness (Awakening the Inner Self in Pursuit of Personal Change) by Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sadi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications 8 Steps to Happiness (Awakening the Inner Self in Pursuit of Personal Change) by Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sadi

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    8 Steps to Happiness (Awakening the Inner Self in Pursuit of Personal Change) by Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sa'di ISBN:9781904336631 Author: Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sa'di Book Binding: Paperback Pages 80 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year:2020 Description About This Book: veryone chases after happiness, yet few fully recognize what it is or whence it comes from. Happiness isn’t a destination but a journey needing certain inner qualities and a right state of mind to experience and reap. It’s neither sold as a commodity nor can be bought, except through carefully crafting one’s character and following a plan of action. For indeed, those who don’t plan will fail to realize desired results. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Those among us (destined to be) from people of happiness [in the Hereafter] will (find it easy to) enact deeds of people of happiness...” [Sahih Al-Bukhari, #4948]. In other words, by choosing a path reflecting attitudes of happy people one will recognize its reality and the ease and pleasantry in having good deeds done that are in themselves, characteristics of happy people. It requires contemplation of an alternate world view to one that compounds first world problems, for example. Shaykh Nasir Al-Sa’di mentions in this short summary, eight ways to achieving the goal of bringing about happiness while driving away its opposites - sadness, grief, and anxiety. Reaching it is contingent on three main causes he identifies to leading a goodly life. These succinct pointers are easy to understand and you’ll be able to identify the impediments you need to rework and hence live your life with happiness. This will transform you into being the best Muslim you can in today’s complex world, and will also inspire you to train your inner self. Whoever follows these eight steps will find self-awareness and a pathway to joy and success in this life and the next, Insha’Allah.

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  • The Dress Code For The Muslim Women By Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani The Dress Code For The Muslim Women By Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Dress Code For The Muslim Women By Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani

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    The Dress Code For The Muslim in The Quran And Sunnah Women By Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani (D. 1420H) ISBN: 9781904336693 Author: Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani Book Binding: Paperback Pages 240 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.7 inch Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: "The Dress Code for Muslim Women" by Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani is a detailed treatise on Islamic women's dress. Imam Al-Albaani presents a thorough explanation of the different features and criteria of Islamic clothing, drawing on the Quran and Sunnah. The book starts by highlighting the importance of humility in Islam. The Author said that if you think modesty is the only virtue to endorse by Allah But it's not the only virtue This establishes the groundwork for the ensuing consideration of the intricacies of Islamic women's attire. The most important requirement and primary requirement for Muslim women by Allah is to cover the complete body except for the face and hand He elaborates on the reasons behind this prescription and provides insights into the wisdom and benefits of following this dress code. Furthermore, the book looks into the various styles of attire that are considered appropriate under Islamic norms. Imam Al-Albaani bases his arguments on Islamic sources and academic interpretations throughout the text. He explains the fundamentals of Islamic attire, with the goal of providing clarity and advice to Muslim women in adhering to this aspect of their faith.  Allah, the Most High, said: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters, and the women of the believers, to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments,” — Al-Ahzaab (33): 59. In Islam, women are held in a high position: whether a woman is a daughter or a mother, single or married, rich or poor, Islam has honored all believing women. At the center of society is the family home, the heartbeat of which are the women who raise the next generation. This is why women are crucial to the making of a virtuous society. When women achieve righteousness, the world around them will in turn rectify and refine itself, because it is in the hands of women that upcoming nations are nurtured. Being a complete way of life, Islam has a code of conduct for both males and females, and one’s clothing is an aspect of good conduct that presents itself outwardly. Contrary to the flawed arguments of those who oppose Islam, our religion is one that venerates and respects women more than any other creed or ideology. In today’s society, many have discussed and debated the clothing of a Muslim woman. It has become a controversial issue that is often brought up to attack Islam, with some even going as far as to say that aspects of Muslim women’s clothing are oppressive or that they have nothing to do with the religion. The dress code for Muslim women is a matter of great importance which the Qur’an and Sunnah has already resolved for us. Following guidance outlined by both is a true mark of a believing woman, a sign of her piety, a means to elevating her rank and attaining the status of a woman of Paradise. This extensive text covers important attributes and intricate details related to the clothing of believing women, whom Allah mentions in the above verse alongside the wives and daughters of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him). Nobility, dignity, and respect lies in following what Allah and His Messenger have instructed us with, and it is the path to success in this life and the Hereafter. Having our dear sisters understand and apply in their lives what is published within these pages, is vital to achieving the pleasure of our Lord. In the words of the author, may Allah have mercy on him, “This is a fine thesis and a beneficial treatise, Insha'Allah, which I have compiled to make clear the clothing that it is incumbent upon the Muslim woman to wear when she goes out of her house and the conditions that she must fulfil in order for her garb to be Islamic. In doing so, I have relied on the Qur’an and Sunnah, being guided also by the traditions and sayings of the Companions (radiyAllahu`anhum) and the Imams.

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  • Islamic Conquests Throughout The Ages by Dr Abdul Aziz Ibn Ibraheem Al Omary Islamic Conquests Throughout The Ages by Dr Abdul Aziz Ibn Ibraheem Al Omary

    Darussalam Publications Islamic Conquests Throughout The Ages by Dr Abdul Aziz Ibn Ibraheem Al Omary

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    Islamic Conquests Throughout The Ages by Dr Abdul Aziz Ibn Ibraheem Al Omary ISBN: 9786035004596 Author: Dr Abdul Aziz Ibn Ibraheem Al Omary Book Binding: Hardcover Pages 502 Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 1.3 Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: The literal meaning of al-fath is the antonym of closure (i.e., opening), but what is meant by it here is the conquest of lands at war with the Muslims and the entry into the lands of the enemy. The plural is futooh. The word fath can also mean victory and conquest. The understanding of al-futooh is not limited to military victory. It goes beyond to include all aspects of life, whether military, ethical or moral, which combined, caused the people, in the lands that were conquered, to embrace Islam willmgly and by conviction, triumphing the creed of Tawheed (professing and believing in Allah's Oneness), as opposed to shirk (idolatry or polytheism) that was common in those territories. The word futooh, with this general understanding, means the jihad (strive) which the Muslims undertook, the conquest of the lands, pavmg the way for the call to Allah and conveying the Religion of Islam to the world, and demolishing the iniquitous powers of evil that forbade the Muslims and the people in those different lands (from following Islam). It also includes the military events and the accompanying da'wah (call to Islam), beginning from the era of the Messenger of Allah ^, and becoming more prominent in its own sense during the era of the Caliphate Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq ^ and continued throughout the eras of the righteous Caliphs who succeeded him, and the other different Islamic eras that came after them, such as the Umayyads, the 'Abbasids, the Ayyubids, the Mameluks, the Ottomans and other Islamic states that followed them or were contemporaneous with them. It is also appropriate to include significant defensive operations in the events of the conquests whose aim was to repel enemies and protect previous conquests.

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  • Perished Nations- Book of Penalties By Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-Dunya Perished Nations- Book of Penalties By Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-Dunya

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Perished Nations- Book of Penalties By Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-Dunya

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    Perished Nations , Book of Penalties By Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-Dunya  ISBN:9781904336716Author: Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-DunyaBook Binding: PaperbackPages 176Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.6 inchPublication year:2021DescriptionAbout This Book: “Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you if you repent, but if you return to sin, We will return to punishment...” [Al-’Isra, 8]Whether done in open or secret, sins have consequences. Some of their repercussions on an individual or society manifest in the removal of particular blessings, replaced then with trials and disgrace. When they transgressed against their Lord, belligerent nations came to witness agonising recompense, while those who belittled sins and insisted on committing them further hastened and increased the ferocity of their torment on earth. A Muslim is therefore, always fearful of any wrongdoing he falls into and is swift in turning back to Allah in repentance.“Many are the towns whose end We delayed while they did wrong, then We seized them. And to Me is the final return.” [Al-Hajj, 48]Originally compiled by the author over eleven hundred years ago, this book deals with matters relating to sin and its fallout. He selected various Prophetic narrations and sayings of the early Muslims to form the first genre of its kind. With this English rendering of ‘Kitab al-Uqubat’, readers will be able to understand the relationship between actions and events where one is a direct result of the other. They will also recognize remedial measures that diminish the punishment of Allah and return them back into the fold of His safety and grace. 

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  • Leaving Sufism How I Was Guided to Monotheism and the Straight Path Leaving Sufism How I Was Guided to Monotheism and the Straight Path

    Authentic Statements Publications Leaving Sufism How I Was Guided to Monotheism and the Straight Path

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    Leaving Sufism, How I was guided to monotheism and the straight path By Shaykh Muhammad Jamil Zeno ISBN: 9781792378256Author: Shaykh Muhammad Jamil ZenoBook Binding: PaperbackPages 118Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inchPublication year:2021DescriptionAbout This Book: Shaykh Muhammad Jamil Zeno's book, Leaving Sufism: How I Was Guided to Monotheism and the Straight Path, describes his transition from Sufism to Salafism. Zeno spent many years studying Sufism before being born into a Sufi family in Syria. He finally quit the Sufi path, nevertheless, after coming to the conclusion that Sufism was against the Quran and Sunnah. Zeno explains the different versions of Suffic ideas and practices and makes a case study that they are not found on the Quran and the sunnah He also talks about the several issues he observed with Sufism, including its concentration on mysticism and its use of tawassul (seeking intercession with people other than Allah). Shaykh Muhammad Jamil Zeno tells of his journey of coming to the truth, from the polytheism of Sufism to the monotheism of Islam. "Another Sufi wanted to cultivate his soul and belittle it, so he carried a bag around his neck and filled it with nutmeg fruit. He went to the market, and every time a child passed by him,he would say to him, "Spit in my face so I can give you a nutmeg fruit." It is a fruit that the children love, so the child would spit in his face, and he would give him a nutmeg fruit. And like this, the spit from the children came in succession on the face of the shaykh, desiring to take the nutmeg fruit, while the Sufi shaykh was happy. When I heard these two stories, I almost burst with rage and my chest became tightened from this corrupt cultivation that Islam is free from."

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  • Follow The Sunnah of The Prophet by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani Follow The Sunnah of The Prophet by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Follow The Sunnah of The Prophet by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani

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    Follow The Sunnah of The Prophet by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani ISBN: 9781904336723 Author: Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani Book Binding:Paperback Pages:224 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.7 inch Publication year: 2022 Language: English Description About This Book: Allah, the Most High said: “And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain [from it].” [al-Hashr (59):7]Abu Hurayrah (radiyAllahu‘anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “All of my Ummah (nation) will enter Paradise except those who refuse.” He was asked: ‘Who would refuse?’ He (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise and whosoever disobeys me, refuses [to enter Paradise].” Al-BukhariThe notion that the Qur’an is the only source of our religion has become widespread in recent times. The Sunnah (or Ahadith), on the other hand, has become something strange, and most people are confused about its status. It is common to hear people denigrating its importance. They often say: “it is only the Sunnah”, implying that one can take it or leave it. It has become the norm to give preference to the opinions of others over the clear and authentic Sunnah. Some even go as far as denying the Sunnah altogether.In Islam the Sunnah holds a lofty and unique position – it is revelation from Allah, the Most High, to al-Mustafa – the chosen one. Learning and teaching the Sunnah is pivotal to understanding and implementing the religion. Allah, al-Hafidh, has Promised to protect his Religion and has Preserved the Sunnah in its entirety. The text before you is a compilation of three works of the learned scholar, Imam al-Albani (rahmatullahi alaihi). The first section of the book discusses Ahadith and its importance in Islam. The second treatise answers questions related to the Noble Qur’an and its relationship to the Sunnah, that were posed to the Sheikh and later transcribed into text form. The final text covers the status of the Sunnah and its necessity in order to fully understand the Qur’an and other related issues.This is an important work for every sincere Muslim who wants to tread the path of the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him] and his noble companions. In these latter times, there are many issues of confusion. The Sheikh perceived that there was an urgent need to respond, and he has succeeded in addressing and dispelling the doubts. 

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  • Marital Guide : Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz Marital Guide : Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz

    Authentic Statements Publications Marital Guide : Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz

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    Marital Guide :Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz ISBN: 9781792389689 Author: Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz Book Binding:Paperback Pages:250 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.7 inch Publication year: 2011 Description About This Book: It dives into a number of subjects and circumstances and provides theological judgments to explain the Islamic viewpoint on marriage. Key topics discussed in the book include the following: Choosing a Righteous Spouse: The book emphasizes the traits to seek in a prospective spouse while examining the significance of picking a pious and virtuous companion for marriage. Marriage Process: The stages involved in marrying a good woman are covered, as well as the function of the guardian, the significance of the dowry, and appropriate behavior during the marriage contract. Maintaining a Harmonious Relationship: The book emphasizes the value of encouraging positive companionship between couples and offers advice on how to foster a strong and loving marital tie. Polygyny: It clarifies the circumstances and laws surrounding polygyny, revealing when it is acceptable and how to perform numerous weddings in a respectful manner. Resolving Marital Conflicts: The book offers guidance on how to handle and settle disputes and conflicts inside a marriage, encouraging amicable resolutions and reconciliation. Invalid and Impermissible Marriages: It identifies and describes marriages that are deemed invalid or forbidden in accordance with Islamic law, assisting readers in understanding the limitations and boundaries in marital partnerships.

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  • An Inspiration to the World by Dr. Aid al-Qarni An Inspiration to the World by Dr. Aid al-Qarni

    Darussalam Publications An Inspiration to the World by Dr. Aid al-Qarni

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    An Inspiration to the World by Dr. Aid al-Qarni  ISBN: 9786039177234 Author: Dr. Aid al-Qarni Book Binding:Hardcover Pages:771 Size: 9.8 x 7.0 x 1.5 inch Publication year: 2022 Description About This Book: A Prophetic Biography Unlike Any Othe Unlike any book of Seerah that came before it. Based on authentic reports Connecting the Seerah to our everyday, modern lives. Beyond biography – a project towards reformation of character. To guide you through all aspects and circumstances of life. An Inspiration to the World is not a repetition of what has already been written about the Seerah, or an imitation of those who have written on this topic before me. It is not a collection of quotations or a list of reports. Rather it is based on reflection and contemplation of those reports, aimed at presenting the spirit of the Seerah and connecting it to people›s everyday lives, by diving deep into its ocean, trying to discover its secrets, show its lights, highlight its objectives, display its uniqueness and discuss its benefit This book is Unique and different from other seerah books like Sealed Nector, Golden Seerah by Abdul Malik Mujahid, As- Seerah by Dr. As-Sallabi, As- Seerah by Dr. Mahdi Rizq-ul-Allah and many others, Because these books are about the biography of the Prophet PBUH, his childhood, Life before Prophethood, Life in Makkah, Life in Madinah, etc.These books are also informative and useful but  “An inspiration to the world” is different from all such books.An Inspiration to the World is a record of the Sunnah, a biography of one who was the greatest example, a way of life, a book of manners, a covenant of honour, a call to salvation, a project of reform, a message of Tawheed, and a call to a new life.An Inspiration to the World is the story of a Prophet and Messenger PBUH, a biography of one who was infallible, a historical record of the mercy whom Allah sent to the world, a great blessing, in which you will find divine inspiration, prophetic breezes, the greatest miracle, the momentous news, and the final, eternal message.An Inspiration to the World represents the journey of half a century, in which the author accompanied the one who was an inspiration to the world PBUH by night and by day, at home and when traveling, in private and in public, at times of hardship and times of ease. The author spent his life studying his noble Sunnah and biography, and he realized that he should pay his dues and fulfill the covenant, by undertaking the duty to convey and promote his Sunnah and to spread his message.

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  • The Prophet of Mercy: How Muhammad (PBUH) Rose Above Enmity Insult The Prophet of Mercy: How Muhammad (PBUH) Rose Above Enmity Insult

    Kube Publishing The Prophet of Mercy: How Muhammad (PBUH) Rose Above Enmity Insult

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    The Prophet of Mercy: How Muhammad (PBUH) Rose Above Enmity Insult ISBN: 9781847741721 Author: Omar Suleiman Book Binding:Hardcover Pages:110 Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 0.4 inch Publication year: 2022 Description About This Book: The exceptional ability of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to demonstrate mercy and compassion in the face of hostility and insults is explored in the book "The Prophet of Mercy: How Muhammad (PBUH) Rose Above Enmity Insult" by Mohammad Elshinawy and Omar Suleiman. This fascinating book is broken down into 70 chapters, each of which tells a unique tale that emphasizes the Prophet's extraordinary act of mercy. Several of the intriguing tales are: A description of the Prophet forgiving a guy who had previously tried to kill himself. The story illustrates how the Prophet treated a blind woman with the utmost respect and love. The motivational story of the Prophet who, in the face of insults from his enemies, decided not to respond in kind. To delegitimize the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم is to call into question the entire message. During his time, the Makkans called hima poet, a magician, and a madman, among other names. Today, he is insulted with other labels. The question of whether or not he sacrificed his principles in the pursuit of conveying his message successfully is one that requires an in-depth look

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  • Last stock! Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi (Hardcover) Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi (Hardcover)

    Kube Publishing Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi (Hardcover)

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    Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi ISBN: 9781847741387 Author: Yasir Qadhi Book Binding: Hardcover Pages:254 Size: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.6 inch Publication year: 2021 Description About This Book: The insightful hardcover book "Lessons From Surah Yusuf: Pearls from the Qur'an" is written by Yasir Qadhi. The teachings learned from Surah Yusuf (Chapter of Joseph) in the Quran are the main emphasis of this work. In this perceptive study, Qadhi examines the narrative of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) and draws important lessons and directives from its verses. In the story of Surah Yusuf, he examines the concepts of faith, perseverance, and confidence in Allah. Surah Yusuf, a chapter of the Qur'an (Koran), was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad at a critical juncture of his life. This was the time when he had gone through ten to eleven years of ridicule and rejection in Makkah, a time when he lost his wife and partner, Khadija, a time when he lost his dear uncle Abu Talib. Allah revealed this precious surah to strengthen the Prophet Muhammad’s heart. To remind him that he lives in the footsteps of the great prophets of the past and that Allah’s help and support is there. This surah is full of meaningful messages of patience, reliance on Allah and how to overcome hardship and betrayal. It was also educational, teaching the Prophet Muhammad the answers to queries that were posed to him by the local Jews and Muslims. Finally, this surah was a timely morale booster for the Prophet and his companions in a time of need. Yasir Qadhi has clearly divided the surah into related themes, as per the revelations, so that the reader can easily understand and grasp the great wealth of knowledge relayed through this surah to all.

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  • Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool

    Authentic Statements Publications Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool

    14 in stock

    Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool ISBN: 9781467582315  Author: Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool Book Binding: Paperback Pages:80 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year: 2013 Description About This Book: The fascinating work "Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul" by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool discusses the transformative power of contemplating the Quranic verses and their effect on soul purification. Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool explores the fundamental process of studying the Quran in this illuminating work, highlighting its significance in fostering spiritual development and inner self-purification. Readers are led on a transformational journey of self-reflection and spiritual introspection by the author through an incisive examination of several Quranic verses and their profound implications. Excerpt: "A Book (the Qur’an) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses, and that men of understanding may remember." [Sad:29]. It is known that anyone who does not busy himself with contemplation of the Great Qur’an, i.e. reading it, understanding it, appreciating its meanings, and acting on it, then is in opposition to the Qur’an, not a contemplator of it, and therefore deserving of the disapproval and scolding mentioned in the verses, as Allah gave him understanding in order that he may be able to contemplate the Qur’an.

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  • The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger by Rasheeed barbee The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger by Rasheeed barbee

    Authentic Statements Publications The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger by Rasheeed barbee

    20 in stock

    The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger ISBN: 9781792394300 AUTHOR: Rasheeed barbee BINDING: Paperback PAGES: 767 SIZE:9 x 6 x 2.0 inch PUBLICATION YEAR: 2022 Description About This Book: Rasheed Barbee's thorough work "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" explores the lives of more than 850 of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) companions. It is split into three separate portions, each of which focuses on a different time period. Biographies of the companions who had the privilege of meeting the Prophet before to his relocation to Medina are given in the first part. These people participated in the early phases of Islam's formation and witnessed them.  The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger is an encyclopedia of more than 850 noble companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, those from mankind and the jinn. This book was extracted from the classic history book Attainment of the Objective in Distinguishing the Companions by Hafidh Ibn Hajar Asqalani, with notes taken from The Lives of Noble Figures by Imam adh-Dhahabi. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them (the next generation), and then those who will come after them (i.e. the next generation),……Sahih Al Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 437. For those who want to learn more about the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" is a priceless tool. About This Author: American Muslim author and lecturer Rasheed Barbee. Numerous publications on Islam are written by him, including "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" and "The Reality of the Nation of Islam in Light of True Islam." In 1967, Barbee was created in Raleigh, North Carolina. While serving in the US Army in 1992, he converted to Islam. After receiving his Army discharge, Barbee relocated to New York City and started studying Islam under the guidance of numerous eminent masters. Barbee established the Islamic Dawah Centre of New York City in the year 2000. The center's mission is to inform and engage the broader public about Islam. In addition, Barbee has provided consulting services to a number of other Islamic institutions.

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  • Last stock! Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women By Ibrahim M. Kunna Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women By Ibrahim M. Kunna

    Darussalam Publications Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women By Ibrahim M. Kunna

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    Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women By Ibrahim M. Kunna ISBN: 9789960717074 Author: Ibrahim M. Kunna Book Binding: Hardcover Pages: 72 Size: ‎14X21 Language: English Description About This Book: Ibrahim M. Kunna's book, Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for Muslim Women, offers solutions to several inquiries concerning Islam that are particularly pertinent to Muslim women. The themes covered in the book are numerous and include: Prayer Fasting Marriage Divorce pregnancy and menstruation Teenage DeathKunna bases his responses on both the Quran and the Sunnah, and he offers proof from both to back up his claims. In order to help readers comprehend the Islamic perspective on the subjects covered, he also intersperses quotations from the Quran and the Sunnah throughout the book. Question and answer in an effective method of teaching. It has been recognized since long ago, and even Prophet Muhammad (S) has adopted it to teach his Companions. A Muslim reader who wishes to check his knowledge about his own religion, without the labor of formal learning and research, can confidently make use of such a collection of questions and answers as this. Since these questions and answers have been prepared on such a basis that the women readers will find them both informative and refreshing, on may get new bits of information and reform their earlier notions; some others may refresh their memories About The Author: Islamic scholar and author Ibrahim M. Kunna. Numerous works on Islam have been authored by him, including "Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women," "The Rulings of the Two Eids in the Light of the Authentic Sunnah," and "110 Ahadith Qudsi (Arabic and English)." Kunna is a graduate of Saudi Arabia's Islamic University in Madinah. He has also attended the Pakistani University of Karachi. The Islamic Jurisprudence Council of North America has recognized him as an authorized Islamic scholar.

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  • The Reality Of The Nation Of Islam In Light Of True Islam By Rasheed Barbee The Reality Of The Nation Of Islam In Light Of True Islam By Rasheed Barbee

    Authentic Statements Publications The Reality Of The Nation Of Islam In Light Of True Islam By Rasheed Barbee

    72 in stock

    The Reality Of The Nation Of Islam In Light Of True Islam By Rasheed Barbee ISBN:9781792397660 Author: Rasheed Barbee Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 70 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year: 2022 Description About This Book Rasheed Barbee's book "The Reality of the Nation of Islam in Light of True Islam" is thought-provoking and educational. It examines and contrasts the beliefs and practises of the Nation of Islam with the tenets and teachings of traditional Islam in-depth. Rasheed Barbee provides a critical assessment of the Nation of Islam, a religious movement that originated in the United States in the middle of the 20th century, throughout the course of the book. He provides a detailed overview of the majority of Islam while examining its history, notable individuals, and distinctive teachings. Regrettably, there are those within the Black American Muslim community who exaggerate the praises of Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, while offering no criticism of their egregious errors.Remaining silent about the errors of the N.O.I. is disingenuous to the Muslim community and betrayal toward those in the Nation of Islam who are sincerely searching for the truth.This is a clarification of the divergent beliefs of the Nation of Islam that prevent them from being within the fold of Islam.This is an invitation to the Nation of Islam to accept and embrace true Islam. 

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  • Islam for Teenagers by Abu Zayd Kamran Ali Islam for Teenagers by Abu Zayd Kamran Ali

    Darussalam Publications Islam for Teenagers by Abu Zayd Kamran Ali

    8 in stock

    Islam for Teenagers by Abu Zayd Kamran Ali ISBN:9798849546971 Author: Abu Zayd Kamran Ali Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 136 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.4 inch Publication year: 2022 Description About This Book: A simple guide explaining common issues faced by teenage Muslims. This book covers a wide range of challenges that Muslim adolescents face as they develop. Teenage brains work differently than adults when they make decisions or face problems. Their actions are guided more by the emotional & reactive process and less by the thoughtful & reasonable way of solving problems.Topics covered: 1.Arrogance2.Backbiting & Slandering3.Beard & Haircuts4.Bullying5.Clothing & Accessories6.Companions & Friends7.Cursing & Swearing8.Drawing & Photography9.Drug & Alcohol10.Free Mixing11.Games & Sports12.How To Treat Your Parents13.Imitating the Kuffaar (Disbelievers)14.Lowering The Gaze15.Manners & Character16.Purification17.Recitation & Memorization18.Respect Your Elders19.Salaah20.Singing, Music & Dancing21.Smoking22.Social Media23.Suicide24.Tattoos25.Vacations26.Violent Behavior

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  • The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger by Rasheeed barbee (Hardcover) The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger by Rasheeed barbee (Hardcover)

    Authentic Statements Publications The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger by Rasheeed barbee (Hardcover)

    11 in stock

    The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger (Hardcover) ISBN: 9781792394553 AUTHOR: Rasheeed barbee BINNDING: Hardcover PAGES: 767 SIZE: 9 x 6 x 2.0 inch PUBLICATION YEAR: 2022 Description About This Book: Over 850 of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) companions are profiled in Rasheed Barbee's book The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger. The companions are broken up into three sections: the first lists them alphabetically, the second lists them by tribe or location, and the third lists them according to their professions. The name of the companion, their tribe, locality, vocation, and any renowned occurrences or quotations attributed to them are all included in each entry in the book. A number of hadiths (proverbs of the Prophet Muhammad) that extol the companions and their merits are also included in the book. The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger is an encyclopedia of more than 850 noble companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, those from mankind and the jinn. This book was extracted from the classic history book Attainment of the Objective in Distinguishing the Companions by Hafidh Ibn Hajar Asqalani, with notes taken from The Lives of Noble Figures by Imam adh-Dhahabi. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them (the next generation), and then those who will come after them (i.e. the next generation),……Sahih Al Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 437 About The Author: American Muslim author and lecturer Rasheed Barbee. Numerous publications on Islam are written by him, including "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" and "The Reality of the Nation of Islam in Light of True Islam." In 1967, Barbee was created in Raleigh, North Carolina. While serving in the US Army in 1992, he converted to Islam. After receiving his Army discharge, Barbee relocated to New York City and started studying Islam under the guidance of numerous eminent masters. Barbee established the Islamic Dawah Centre of New York City in the year 2000. The center's mission is to inform and engage the broader public about Islam. In addition, Barbee has provided consulting services to a number of other Islamic institutions.

    11 in stock


  • Patience and Perseverance by Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa Patience and Perseverance by Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Patience and Perseverance by Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa

    121 in stock

    Patience and Perseverance by Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa ISBN:9781904336747 Author: Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 96 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year: 2022 Language: English Description About This Book: Sulayman ibn Qasim said, “The reward of every deed is known except for patience, for Allah Almighty Said: ‘Indeed, those who endure patiently will be given their reward in full without limit.’ [Al-Zumar, 10]. The attribute of patience is less about the ability to sit tight and wait out any adversity or misfortune, and more about holding good etiquette and Islamic propriety while waiting. This includes persevering throughout the ordeal, not complaining about one’s condition (except to Allah) and recognising that Allah’s wisdom and decree necessitate holding good positive thoughts about Him. Allah, the Most High, presses the believers to seek His assistance through patience and prayer. It is a realisation that Allah doesn’t put you through hardship except to grant you relief, nor place a burden on you more than you can bear. To know that He tests those whom He loves, will make you appreciate even the harshest of trials you may be going through is in fact, good for you. Allah also Said: “And We test you with evil and good as a trial” [21:35] Meaning: “With evil”, to see how you’ll show patience. “And with good”, to see how you’ll show gratitude. ‘Al-Sabr wa’l Thawab ‘alayha’ is Dar as-Sunnah’s second instalment of an Ibn Abi Dunya’s work. We hope this complete English translation will inspire the reader to appreciate the realities of patience and put in place items of action that will guide them through their own set of difficulties in life. About The Author: Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr, Abdullah ibn Muhammad, ibn Abi Al-Dunya was an authoritative and prolific writer and compiler of Hadith. Highly respected for leading an exemplary lifestyle, he was known for his piety and asceticism, spending much of his adult life teaching and counselling. Over a hundred works have been attributed to him, many of which are no longer extant. What is available runs into approximately sixty titles. He died in the year 281 Hijri, may Allah be pleased with him.

    121 in stock


  • The Personality Of Allah's Last Messenger By Abdul Waheed Khan (Hardcover) The Personality Of Allah's Last Messenger By Abdul Waheed Khan (Hardcover)

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) The Personality Of Allah's Last Messenger By Abdul Waheed Khan (Hardcover)

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    The Personality Of Allah's Last Messenger By Abdul Waheed Khan (Hardcover) ISBN: 9789960501093 AUTHOR: Abdul Waheed Khan BINDING: Hardcover PAGES: 112 SIZE: 5.8 x 8.5 inches PUBLICATION YEAR: 2008 LANGUAGE: English Description About This Book: The world has not lacked for heroes or great personalities, yet most of them distinguished themselves in one field or another, unlike the unlettered Prophet, Muhammad ibn Abdullah. This man was a towering personality who excelled in many diverse fields as statesman, general, teacher, lawmaker, social reformer, exemplary father and husband. His honesty and integrity were known and respected by all, even his enemies. In spite of all this, it must be said that the truth is about one whom George Bernard Shaw described as that wonderful man who is unknown to many outside the Muslim world. In this book, Abdul Waheed Khan has attempted to feature out the true personality of the last messenger of Allah to demolish all the distortions and misconceptions which have been propagated by biased or ignorant writers and hopefully, to induce in the reader a sense of reverence and respect for this greatest man in the history of the world. This book is really a valuable one no reader can dispense with. In addition, the book has been revised and annotated by Sameh Strauch.

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  • The Downfall of Muslims and the Solutions The Downfall of Muslims and the Solutions

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Downfall of Muslims and the Solutions

    167 in stock

    The Downfall of Muslims and the Solutions Author: Muhammad Naasir-ud-Din Al-Albaani Pages: 80 Book Binding: Paperback Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.2 inch Publication year: 2023 Language: English Description About This Book: Deviation from Islamic teachings: Muslims consider that personal and societal success depends upon maintaining Islamic principles and values. Deviation from these values might result in spiritual, social, or financial challenges, such as ignoring religious obligations moral decline, or engaging in unlawful conduct. Ignorance and Lack of Education: Islam's comprehension, practice, and application may suffer from a lack of awareness about its teachings and tenets. A lack of knowledge of one's religion can result in misunderstandings, false beliefs, and shaky foundations for one's and society's advancement.

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  • The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri

    189 in stock

    The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri ISBN:9780953647682 Author: Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri Binding: Paperback Pages: 80 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.2 inch Publication Year: 2023 Description About The Book: The method or path taken by people in their acts of worship are referred to as The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri" It involves numerous kinds of worship like prayer (Salah), fasting (Sawm), giving (Zakah), pilgrimage (Hajj), and other acts of devotion. The method or path taken by people in their acts of worship are referred to as "The Way of the Worshipper." It involves numerous kinds of worship like prayer (Salah), fasting (Sawm), giving (Zakah), pilgrimage (Hajj), and other acts of devotion. About The Author: Yusuf ibn 'Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Qutaibah Al-Mundhiri, also referred to as Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri, was a renowned Islamic scholar and hadith collector. He was born in what is now modern-day Iraq in the 7th century AH (13th century CE). Al-Mundhiri is best known for the contributions he made to hadith compilation and literature.

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  • The Illustrious Life Of Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) By Imam Ibn Jawzi. The Illustrious Life Of Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) By Imam Ibn Jawzi.

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Illustrious Life Of Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) By Imam Ibn Jawzi.

    65 in stock

    The Illustrious Life Of Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) By Imam Ibn Jawzi ISBN: 9781904336761 Author: Imam Ibn Jawzi Binding: Paperback Pages: 144 Size: 9.0 x 6.2 x 0.5 inch Publication Year: 2023 Language: English About This Book: It is an undeniable fact that no individual has left a deeper impression and significance on human history than Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him). The esteem and respect due to him by society is made clear when reflecting on his noble life. It brings the realisation what his lofty stature and rights necessitate from us. It is essential for every person, Muslim and non-Muslim to take a tour through his (peace and blessings be upon him) life and times and recognise those standards and virtues that set him apart from any other figures of history. Covering Life of Muhammad (PBUH): The author, may Allah have mercy on him, illustrates the life of the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him] in his unique way, intending to be concise yet readily inspiring. It captures the important stages of his [peace and blessings be upon him] life, making it easy to emulate for those who desire to pattern their own live upon his. An Eye Opener For Everyone: Forming a chapter taken from 'Sifat al-Safwah' of Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, this book is an excellent resource for studying the character and sublime nature the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was endowed with. It will leave an impression of awe and deep love for all those who have not been negatively influenced by aspects of bias of mass media. About The Author: The author, Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597 AH), was a learned scholar possessing extensive knowledge. While still young, he became known as someone who was religious and given to learning. He would not waste his time in idle activities and would scrupulously avoid any food whose source was doubtful. He was a great preacher and his fame was widespread; many people repented and accepted Islam at his hands. He was also a prolific writer and authored over one thousand works encompassing a multitude of Islamic disciplines and sciences. 

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  • Purity of Faith  Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Purity of Faith  Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Purity of Faith Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

    50 in stock

    Purity of Faith - A Textbook on Islamic Monotheism - A new translation and commentary of Kitab Al-Tawhid with accompanying Arabic Text ISBN: 9781904336464 Author: Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Binding: Paperback Pages: 480 Size: 9.2 x 6.2 x 1.3 inch Publication Year: 2015 Language: English A new translation and commentary of Kitab at-Tawhid with Commentary by 15 scholars including: Nasir al-Sa'di, Ibn 'Uthaymeen, Salih Al Fawzan, Sulayman ibn Abdullah About This Book: The order to live one’s life in accordance to the dictates of Tawhid, belive there is only one, is the single most important injunction laid down by the revealed law, it formed the core of the call of all Prophets and was the essential message of all revealed scripture. To worship Allah based on Tawhid is the purpose of human existence, and it is through this worship that man achieves a sense of fulfilment and contentment; in the words of one of the scholars, ‘he enters a paradise in this world before entering the Paradise of the next.’ Covering Area: This book, apportioned in sixty-seven chapters, deals with many aspects of Tawhid, all of them essential learning for any Muslim. Its focal topic revolves around issues of ulùhiyyah, divinity and `ibadah, worship, with some chapters dealing with al-Asmm wa’l-Sifat, the Names and Attributes of Allah. Its simple language, well-ordered structure, and heavy reliance on Qur’anic verses and Hadith of the Prophet (saw) lends it to easy reading and its importance cannot be underestimated. Authenthicity: Kitab al-Tawhid is a landmark work analysing orthodox Islamic monotheism. Since it was authored it has received a great deal of attention, a large number of commentaries and has been translated into over twenty languages. Relevant as it was then, it remains relevant today and Muslims are in dire need of reading it, studying it and teaching it.Unfortunately, despite previous laudable efforts, a translation does not yet exist in English that truly reflects the importance of this work. It gives Dar us-Sunnah great pleasure to present this work to the reader in the hope that it fills this gap Features: • An accurate translation in easy to read modern English • Annotations taken from 15 major commentaries • All major criticisms against the book by its antagonists addressed• All Hadiths and narrations critically analysed and referenced • This work also includes the authors ‘Letters on Tawhid and Essay on the meaning of the Kalimah’• Overview of the style and structure of the book • Biography of the author analysing his life, creed and works • The Arabic text of the whole book included • This is an ideal text book for every Muslim on this very important topic

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  • Purification of the Heart: Its Diseases and Their Cures by  Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim Purification of the Heart: Its Diseases and Their Cures by  Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim

    Hikmah Publications Purification of the Heart: Its Diseases and Their Cures by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim

    111 in stock

    Purification of the Heart: Its Diseases and Their Cures by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim ISBN: 9781792369872Author: Imam Ibn Al-QayyimBinding: PaperbackPages: 282Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.7 inchPublication Year: 2023Language: English/ArabicDescriptionAbout This Book: "Purification of the Heart: Its Diseases and Their Cures" by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim is a profound and timeless investigation of the spiritual components of human existence. This influential text, based on Islamic beliefs, gives unique insights into heart problems and a road map for their treatment. Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim's excellent analysis, which draws on the rich history of Islamic study, serves as a guidance for persons striving to purify their souls and achieve a greater level of spiritual awareness. Spiritual Diagnosis - Identifyingguide Heart Diseases: Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim methodically defines and categorizes the ailments that affect the human heart in the first chapters. The author presents a comprehensive grasp of the difficulties that impede spiritual growth, ranging from subtle spiritual diseases to more obvious ailments. Remembrance and Repentance as Spiritual Healing Tools: The emphasis on remembrance of Allah and real repentance as important instruments for cleaning the heart is central to the book's content. Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim explores the transformational power of repentance to Allah, providing a road to redemption and spiritual well-being. Allah's Love and Fear - Nurturing a Wholesome Spiritual Connection: This part delves into the fundamental notions of Allah's love and terror, illuminating how these emotions can mold the heart and direct one's conduct. Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim offers guidance on how to cultivate a healthy and honest relationship with the Divine, building a deep and meaningful connection.

    111 in stock


  • Last stock! A Reference Guide for Character Development by Dr. Feryad A. Hussain

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) A Reference Guide for Character Development by Dr. Feryad A. Hussain

    3 in stock

    A Reference Guide for Character Development by Hussain Feryad A ISBN: 9786035014373Author: Dr. Feryad A. HussainBinding: HardcoverPages: 224Size: 21.5x14.5x1 inchesPublication Year: 2023Language: EnglishPublisher: IIPHDescriptionAbout This Book: "A Reference Guide for Character Development" by Hussain Feryad A. will take you on a transformative path toward personal growth and moral greatness. This comprehensive guide shines as a light of wisdom, providing practical insights and timeless concepts to those striving to cultivate virtues, honesty, and a noble character. This book, written with clarity and depth, is an invaluable companion for people seeking self-improvement and ethical development. Character Foundations:  Examine the fundamental ideas that create the framework for developing a strong and ethical character. Hussain Feryad A discusses the significance of self-awareness, intentionality, and the development of constructive habits in developing a firm ethical foundation. Readers will receive useful advice on navigating life's complications with integrity and perseverance. Virtues and Values:  Investigate the various landscapes of virtues and values that contribute to the making of a noble character. This chapter dives into the value of characteristics like honesty, compassion, and humility, offering readers a road map for incorporating these qualities into their daily lives. Hussain Feryad A urges readers to adopt these timeless principles with relatable examples and practical counsel. Overcoming Character Challenges: Navigate the common challenges that people confront on their path to character development. Feryad, Hussain A covers themes such as temptation, difficulty, and the impact of outside influences, providing intelligent techniques for overcoming challenges and being committed to personal improvement.

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  • Managing Your Emotions (Therapy from Quran and Sunnah-2)

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) Managing Your Emotions (Therapy from Quran and Sunnah-2)

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    Managing Your Emotions (Therapy from Quran and Sunnah-2) ISBN: 9786035014472Author: Dr. Feryad A. HussainBinding: HardcoverPages: 208Size: 14.5 x 21.5 cm inchesPublication Year: 2023Language: EnglishPublisher: IIPHDescriptionAbout This Book: Begin a transformative journey toward emotional well-being with "Managing Your Emotions: Therapy from the Quran and Sunnah-2." This enlightening book, built with Quranic and Sunnah wisdom, offers a therapeutic guide for understanding and managing emotions by Islamic principles. Building on the success of the first book, this sequel delves further into the profound psychological truths found in the Quran and Sunnah, giving readers practical strategies for living a balanced and emotionally robust life. Emotional Intelligence in the Quran:  Dive into the profound verses of the Quran that give timeless knowledge on emotional intelligence. The author uses the divine direction given in the Quran to delve into the depths of human emotions, offering insights on recognizing, comprehending, and controlling emotions according to Islamic principles. Sunnah-based Emotional Resilience Strategies: Investigate the exemplary life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Sunnah as a source of emotional resiliency guidance. This chapter looks at how the Prophet's acts and teachings provide a framework for dealing with a wide range of emotions, from joy and thankfulness to patience and endurance in the face of hardship. Overcoming Negative Emotions with Dua and Dhikr: Learn about the therapeutic value of supplications (dua) and remembrance of Allah (dhikr) in dealing with negative emotions. The book contains a compilation of pertinent prayers and dhikr, educating readers on how to seek solace, strength, and healing from Allah during times of stress, anxiety, or despair.

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  • Last stock! Recognizing and Changing Destructive Behaviours by Dr. Feryad A. Hussain

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) Recognizing and Changing Destructive Behaviours by Dr. Feryad A. Hussain

    3 in stock

    Recognizing and Changing Destructive Behaviours by Dr. Feryad A. Hussain ISBN: 9786035014397 Author: Dr. Feryad A. HussainBinding: Hardcover Pages: 384Size: 14.5 x 21.5 cm inchesPublication Year: 2023Language: EnglishPublisher: IIPHDescriptionAbout This Book: Dr. Feryad A. Hussain's "Recognizing and Changing Destructive Behaviors" will take you on a groundbreaking way toward mindfulness and positive change. This illuminating book is a finished aide for any individual who needs to find and be liberated from harming propensities for conduct that smother individual advancement and prosperity. Dr. Hussain's information, alongside viable strategies and mental bits of knowledge, prepares perusers to cross the way of self-revelation and accomplish long-haul, positive changes in their lives. Understanding Destructive Behaviors: Research the basic causes and mental groundwork of horrendous direct. Dr. Feryad A. Hussain provides perusers with a careful outline of the components that add to practicing self-destructive behavior conduct, helping them in endlessly perceiving negative examples that might be keeping them down. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Research the changing capability of self-reflection and expanded mindfulness. This section strolls perusers through practices and pragmatic ways to deal with assists them in gaining a superior consciousness of their thoughts, sentiments, and ways of behaving, laying out the foundation for positive change. Breaking the Cycle: Gain pragmatic strategies for breaking liberated from harming cycles. Dr. Hussain guides how to make better ways of behaving, methods for dealing with especially difficult times, and the executive's procedures. This section furnishes perusers with a guide for exploring the hindrances of progress and developing a more sure and productive way of life.

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  • Parenting and Nurturing Muslim Children in The Digital Era Parenting and Nurturing Muslim Children in The Digital Era

    Darussalam Publications Parenting and Nurturing Muslim Children in The Digital Era

    19 in stock

    Parenting and Nurturing Muslim Children in The Digital Era ISBN: 9781915851048Author: Dr Jabed AkhtarBinding: SoftcoverPages: 307Size: 14x21Publication Year: 2023Language: EnglishPublisher: Darussalam International PublicationsDescriptionAbout This Book: Nurturing has taken on new aspects in the rapidly changing advanced age, and Muslim families have specific challenges in raising their children. The exhaustive manual "Parenting and Nurturing Muslim Children in The Digital Era" investigates the subtleties of utilizing innovation while maintaining Islamic convictions and values. For guardians who are attempting to figure out how to coordinate their adoration for innovation with giving their children a strong Islamic childhood, this book is a goldmine of insight. Nurturing in the Advanced Age: This segment of the book dives into the specific challenges faced by Muslim guardians in the advanced age. The discussion is around how guardians can effectively cross these computerized scenes while saving their youngsters' Islamic character, from the effect of web-based entertainment to the overflow of online substance. Guardians are given the instruments they need to go with instructed choices and lay out a protected and sound computerized climate for their youngsters through contextual investigations, genuine models, and supportive exhortation. Sustaining Islamic Qualities: This section tends to the key standards of Islam and how guardians can assist their children with recollecting them notwithstanding mechanical interruptions. In a general public where the distinction is normal, it examines the benefit of imparting major areas of strength for a compass, sympathy, and a sensation of the local area. The book gives exhortation on the most proficient method to apply Islamic standards in day-to-day existence, featuring the meaning of developing a profound viewpoint and character improvement.

    19 in stock


  • Last stock! Nurturing Emotional Intelligence - The Prophetic Path to Inner Harmony and Personal Growth Nurturing Emotional Intelligence - The Prophetic Path to Inner Harmony and Personal Growth

    Dakwah Corner Bookstore Nurturing Emotional Intelligence - The Prophetic Path to Inner Harmony and Personal Growth

    1 in stock

    Nurturing Emotional Intelligence - The Prophetic Path to Inner Harmony and Personal Growth ISBN: 9786297545097Author: Muhammad JavedBinding: PaperbackPages: 307Size: 22.5 × 15 × 1.8 cmLanguage: EnglishPublisher: Dakwah Corner BookstoreDsecriptionAbout This Book: It is only in the present-day busy world that emotional intelligence has gained so much importance in negotiating the intricacies of interpersonal relationships and reaching personal fulfillment. "Nurturing Emotional Intelligence," inspired by the guidelines of prophets and spiritual leaders cutting across nations gives a changed course of life, visiting peace from the core and all this at the fitter pace leading to overall personal evolution. The ageless philosophies and ancient scriptures offer profound wisdom tapped from within in offering useful tips and techniques for developing emotional intelligence in our daily lives. Knowing What Emotional Intelligence Is These are the roots of understanding, managing, and effective communication of feelings and emotions. There are common concepts of emotional intelligence that are explained in the following chapter of its value in building bonding, meditation of self-awareness, and promotion of health. Derived from prophetic teachings, it reflects on the lessons that need empathy, self-control, and social skills in facing adversities in life with elegance and strength. Accepting Yourself-Awareness The most fundamental building block of emotional intelligence is self-awareness, which means the capacity for recognizing accurately and transparently one's feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. This chapter leads a person through a journey of introspection and self-discovery reflective techniques inspired by the exercises of one of the prophets from his teachings and sayings on how to develop further authenticity, purpose, and values.

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! Pursuing the Straight Path and Defying the Path Pursuing the Straight Path and Defying the Path

    Dakwah Corner Bookstore Pursuing the Straight Path and Defying the Path

    4 in stock

    Pursuing the Straight Path and Defying the Path ISBN: 9786297545134Author: Ibn TaymiyyahBinding: HardcoverPages: 693Size: 9.0 x 1.5 x 6.2 inchesLanguage: EnglishPublication Year: 2024Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore Description About This Book: This is a very important work from the pen of Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, one of the most distinguished scholars in the history of Islām, where the author tackles the vital issue of refraining from emulating the non-Muslims. His discourse looks at the key areas of belief, worship, feasts, jurisprudence and moral virtues making it a reference point for Muslims to help them live a non-conformist Islamic life in all aspects. A Brief but Constructive and Exhaustive Analytical Report In this book, the author is keen at a detailing of the hazards of practicing things that are in a reverse to Islamic culture. His argumentation is grounded in both critical thinking process, and the Islams sacred books such as Qur’an and Sunna so that the reader is not only given theoretical knowledge, but also the practical advice. Before proceeding, Ibn Taymiyyah spends time on historical pattern where he uses the precedent of ‘Salaf’, the early generations of Muslims who had demonstrated the correct course of action supported by the Islamic shariah. Clarity in Complexity Despite the fact that the topics under discussion are complex, readers do not face any difficulty in understanding issues under discussion due to scholarly strictness of Ibn Taymiyyah. He approaches each part of the subject matter whether it is about religious practices, manners, or ethics in a topical manner that enables the reader to get a good grasp of it. This work is not only an explanation of the conduct required in adherence to Islamic law but also a review on the impact of the introduction of foreign systems on Muslim societies.

    4 in stock


  • Purification of the Soul: Concept, Process and Means Purification of the Soul: Concept, Process and Means

    Dakwah Corner Bookstore Purification of the Soul: Concept, Process and Means

    120 in stock

    Purification of the Soul: Concept, Process and Means ISBN: 9789675699535 Author: Dr. Ali Albarghouthi Book Binding: Softcover Pages: 473 Size: 6 x 9 inch Publication Year: 2018 About This Book: For a number of reasons, this is a very important time to be writing a book of this nature. First, the concept of purification of the soul as a whole is and always will be central to the message of Islam and to the welfare of humans, both in this life and the Hereafter. Indeed, it was a main mission of the messengers and prophets themselves. Second, there is a very strong need to shed light on the correct path of purification as delineated by the Quran and Sunnah- free of the foreign influence, deviations and heresies that have found their way into the realm of the religion and have caused a great deal of harm. The path described by the Quran and Sunnah is the only path that can result in a true purification of the soul. Indeed, it is the only path that is truly consistent with the purpose for which humans were created. Hence, any discussion of purification of the soul must rely heavily and exclusively on the Quran and Sunnah and what can be correctly derived from those two sources. Third, many Muslims themselves are today being influenced by secular, materialistic psychology, leading them to neglect the spiritual side of humans and to ignore the guidance that Islam offers for the purification of the soul. This influence often occurs at a level wherein the person himself may not be completely aware that it is occurring.

    120 in stock


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