Rasheed Barbee's book "The Reality of the Nation of Islam in Light of True Islam" is thought-provoking and educational. It examines and contrasts the beliefs and practises of the Nation of Islam with the tenets and teachings of traditional Islam in-depth. Rasheed Barbee provides a critical assessment of the Nation of Islam, a religious movement that originated in the United States in the middle of the 20th century, throughout the course of the book. He provides a detailed overview of the majority of Islam while examining its history, notable individuals, and distinctive teachings. Regrettably, there are those within the Black American Muslim community who exaggerate the praises of Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, while offering no criticism of their egregious errors.Remaining silent about the errors of the N.O.I. is disingenuous to the Muslim community and betrayal toward those in the Nation of Islam who are sincerely searching for the truth.This is a clarification of the divergent beliefs of the Nation of Islam that prevent them from being within the fold of Islam.This is an invitation to the Nation of Islam to accept and embrace true Islam.