About This Book:
Mustafa as-Sibâ'ee's "The Sunnah and its Role in Islamic Legislation" is a thorough and insightful examination of the subject of Sunnah within Islamic jurisprudence. This book offers vital insights into the Sunnah's role as a main source of Islamic law, providing a thorough grasp of its relevance in developing Islamic legislation and practices.
Mustafa as-Sibâ'ee exposes readers to the concept of Sunnah and its vital significance in Islamic jurisprudence in this fascinating work. The introduction sets the tone for a thorough examination of the sources of Islamic law and the crucial role of Sunnah.
The Sunnah's Characteristics
The book dives into the nature and substance of Sunnah, highlighting its importance as a source of Islamic law. Mustafa as-Sibâ'ee investigates the historical backdrop and the numerous components that comprise the Sunnah, including the Prophet Muhammad's sayings, actions, and approvals.
Sunnah as a Source of Islamic Law
This section investigates Sunnah's basic importance as a source of Islamic law. Mustafa as-Sibâ'ee emphasizes the relationship between the Quran and Sunnah, explaining how they work together to form the foundation of Islamic law.
The Sunnah's Authenticity
The book explores the methods of Sunnah authenticity and verification, emphasizing the stringent standards used by Islamic scholars to assure the veracity of hadith (narrations from the Prophet). Mustafa as-Sibâ'ee delves into the science of hadith and its significance in discerning between authentic and manufactured narrations.