Wa-Lillah al-Asma' al-Husna (Arabic Only)
Author: Dr. Yusuf
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 6.8 inch
Publication year: 2006
About This Book:
The Arabic phrase "Wa-Lillah al-Asma' al-Husna"means "To Allah belong the Beautiful Names." It relates to the idea of Allah's (God's) ninety-nine names or attributes, which are thought to encapsulate all of His divine qualities and traits. These names appear in numerous Quranic verses as well as Hadith literature The salutation "Wa-Lillah al-Asma' al-Husna" serves to remind us of the importance and majesty of Allah's names. It emphasizes the idea that Allah is complete and lovely in all of His traits, including kindness, compassion, wisdom, and might. It is seen as an act of worship to think about and invoke these names as a way to ask Allah for blessings and direction.'And God Has the Most Beautiful Names', Dr. Yusuf Mur'ashli's outstanding work on the names and attributes of Allah. In Arabic with 2 color text.
Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
ISBN: 9781904336730
Author: Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Book Binding: Paperback
About This Book:
Allah, the Most High, Says: “Remember Me, and I shall remember you” Qur’an 2:152Abu Hurayrah (radiy Allahu ‘anhu), said that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘Allah the Almighty said:’ “I am as My servant thinks of Me. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a cubit, and if he draws near to Me a cubit, I draw near to him a fathom, if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed. (al-Buhkari and Muslim)Remembrance in Islam has a lofty position, its great virtue and excellence is crystal clear in the Book of Allah and the Noble Sunnah. Allah, the Most High commands the believers to remember Him.
Through this the servant will attain the pleasure of His Lord, His Mercy and forgiveness. Those who are devoted to the remembrance of Allah, their heart will be at peace and tranquillity – full of joy and will find themselves in safety and security.For in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. In this very valuable and useful text the author – may Allah have mercy on him – mentions 78 benefits of remembrance. Ibn Qayyim commences the book with chapters related to the path of happiness, how to rectify the heart and cleanse it. He also talks about the different stages of the prayer, charity and fasting. He then goes through 78 benefits of remembrance of Allah.
This gripping text will keep the reader in awe and quench the thirst of every reader that seeks for the closeness to their Lord, a book that you will read over and over again.It will up-lift your heart, give you a much lacking spiritual connection to the remembrance of Allah and the sincere servant of Allah will shed many tears at the lost opportunity that life has passed him by, but this masterpiece will awaken your soul to make up for the lost time. After reading it you will see every new dawn as a new opportunity to get closer to Allah, the Most High.You will never see remembrance in the same light again, a delight to read and learn. Strive! O reader and wear the robes of remembrance, equip yourself for you will not be disappointed, through it you will fi nd strength, meaning to your life and a path to eternal salvation. A text every devoted believer cannot afford to be without!
Rules Of Tajweed (Safar Learn To read Series) Madinah Script
ISBN: 9781912437221
Author: Safar Publications
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 112
Size: 9.3 x 6.5 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
An instructional book called "Rules of Tajweed (Safar Learn to Read Series) - Madinah Script" is intended to help readers grasp the rules of Tajweed as well as the correct pronunciation and recitation of the Quran. The book offers a thorough explanation of Tajweed, addressing issues like pronunciation, articulation points, elongation, and the unique properties of the numerous letters and sounds in the Quran. It provides thorough justifications and illustrations to aid students in comprehending and effectively using Tajweed laws.Rules of Tajwīd, is a sequel to the Safar Qāʿidah and part of the comprehensive Safar Learn to Read Series. This book consists of seven progressive levels, each targeting a unique feature of learning, which follow on from the 13 levels of the Safar Qāʿidah. It may be taught alongside Safar Juz ʿAmma or while a student starts to read the Qurʾān. While reading the book, students will master the application of tajwīd in the passages of the Qurʾān that are to be read to the teacher. This book is the product of teaching tajwīd for several years at Safar Academy and will help students to gradually reach a proficient level of Qurʾān recitation. The script has been imported directly from the Madīnah Qurʾān which is used worldwide. The text is not colour-coded with Tajwīd rules, so that students are able to read black and white Qurʾāns without such aids. It includes a unique marking code, diary and checklist, designed to keep track of students’ progress and enhance communication between students, parents and teachers.
Quran in Pushtu Language (Tafseer Quran Kareem)(Pushtu and Arabic)Translation and Tafseer in Bottom, HC
Translator: Abu Zakariya Abdus Salam RustamiBinding: HardcoverPages: 1666Size: 9.7 x 7.0 x 2.4 inchPublication Year: 2002DescriptionAbout This Book:
Begin your sacred journey through the Quran with the "Quran in Pushtu Language." The Holy Quran is presented in the beautiful Pushtu language, supplemented by the eternal beauty of the original Arabic text, in this remarkable version. This hardcover edition, enriched with Tafseer, encourages readers to dig deeply into the profound insights and wisdom of the Quran Kareem.
A Linguistic Tapestry:
Immerse yourself in the linguistic complexity of the Pushtu language as the Quran unfolds its words in an eloquent tapestry. This edition offers Pushtu speakers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with the Divine message in their tongue.
Translation and Tafseer in Harmony:
Each line is meticulously translated into Pushtu, it is complemented by a detailed Tafseer that unravels the layers of significance. This dual presentation ensures that the Quranic teachings are thoroughly understood.
Hardcover Elegance:
Enjoy the Quran in a magnificent hardcover style that reflects the sacred text's reverence and sanctity. This durable version is built to last, making it a treasured companion for personal thought and study.
Insights into Divine Knowledge:
Delve into the depths of Quranic knowledge with extensive Tafseer explanations at the bottom of each page. Readers can delve into the context, historical backdrop, and spiritual insights to better understand the Divine message.
Pushtu and Arabic Parallel Text:
Study the original Arabic verses alongside the Pushtu translation to gain a comprehensive grasp of the Quran. This dual-language presentation appeals to a wide range of audiences by emphasizing inclusivity and accessibility.
Bulugh Al-Maram Hindi Language
About This Book:
Based on the Ahadith of our Prophet, which serve as the foundation for Islamic jurisprudence, Bulugh Al-Maram (attainment of the purpose in accordance with the proof of the regulations) is a concept. If there are multiple sources, he has also done a comparison of the variations. It delivers the hadiths in a thorough way that makes it simpler for readers to comprehend and use them in their daily lives.The Hindi translation of "Bulugh Al-Maram" encourages readers to expand their understanding of Islamic law and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. People can get advice on problems of worship, moral behavior, and the application of Islamic principles in various spheres of life by studying the hadiths included in this book. Bulugh Al-Maram is based upon the Ahadith of our Prophet which have been the sources of Islamic Jurisprudence. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (Hijrah 777-853) has recorded the true significance of the Ahadith and their origins & also made a comparison of the versions, if the sources are more than one Bulugh Al-Maram - Attainment of the Objective - According to Evidence of the Ordinances. Compiled by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani with brief notes from the book Subul-us-Salam written by: Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Sanani.
Riyad us-Saliheen Hindi
Author: Imam an Nawawi
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 8.8 x 6.0 inch
Publication year: 2007
About This Book:
Riyadh-us-Saliheen is an extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith. It serves as an excellent hadith primer and daily reader. It includes a wide range of topics: sincerity of purpose, spending in the way of Allah, rules of fasting, seeking knowledge, attending funerals, and safeguarding the Quran. This handsome, hardcover two-volume set presents the Arabic text as well as the English translation. Riyadh-us-Saliheen comprises about 2000 hadiths in 372 Chapters and 19 Sections. These sections are The Book of Good Manners; The Book about the Etiquette of Eating; The Book of Dress; The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying, and Sitting; The Book of Greetings; The Book of Visiting the Sick; The Book of Etiquette of Traveling; The Book of Virtues; The Book of I'tikaf; The Book of Hajj; The Book of Jihad; The Book of Knowledge; The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah; The Book of Supplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah's Messenger (PBUH); The Book of the Remembrance of Allah; The Book of Du'a (Supplication); The Book of the Prohibited Actions; The Book of Miscellaneous Hadiths of Significant Values; and The Book of Forgiveness.
I am a Muslim Girl by Ahmad Al- Mazrooi (Small Booklet)
ISBN: 9781792390531
Author: Shaykh Ahmad Al- Mazrooi
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 6.0 x 4.0 x 0.1 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
Ahmad Al-Mazrooi does a wonderful job of capturing the struggles and victories that Muslim females confront in the modern world. He discusses issues including donning the headscarf, negotiating cultural expectations, and juggling one's faith with one's aspirations in life. The book helps Muslim girls accept their individuality and find confidence in their faith by offering them helpful advice and motivation. "I Am a Muslim Girl," a condensed pamphlet written by a human named Ahmad Al-Mazrooi, explores the existence and identity of Muslim girls. By examining a variety of facets of young Muslim girls' life, this influential book seeks to empower and encourage them. It clarifies the Islamic concepts of justice, fairness, and compassion and illustrates how Muslim girls conduct their lives according to these ideals.
Marital Guide :Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz
ISBN: 9781792389689
Author: Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.7 inch
Publication year: 2011
About This Book:
It dives into a number of subjects and circumstances and provides theological judgments to explain the Islamic viewpoint on marriage.
Key topics discussed in the book include the following:
Choosing a Righteous Spouse:
The book emphasizes the traits to seek in a prospective spouse while examining the significance of picking a pious and virtuous companion for marriage.
Marriage Process:
The stages involved in marrying a good woman are covered, as well as the function of the guardian, the significance of the dowry, and appropriate behavior during the marriage contract.
Maintaining a Harmonious Relationship:
The book emphasizes the value of encouraging positive companionship between couples and offers advice on how to foster a strong and loving marital tie.
It clarifies the circumstances and laws surrounding polygyny, revealing when it is acceptable and how to perform numerous weddings in a respectful manner.
Resolving Marital Conflicts:
The book offers guidance on how to handle and settle disputes and conflicts inside a marriage, encouraging amicable resolutions and reconciliation.
Invalid and Impermissible Marriages:
It identifies and describes marriages that are deemed invalid or forbidden in accordance with Islamic law, assisting readers in understanding the limitations and boundaries in marital partnerships.
Al Quran Al Kareem: Mushaf Uthmani (Medium Size) 15 Lines
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 8.0 x 5.8 x 0.7 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Quran:
The medium-sized Quran "Al Quran Al Kareem: Mushaf Uthmani (Medium Size) 15 Lines" is written in the Mushaf Uthmani script. It is formatted with 15 lines on each page, giving readers a text that is clear and easy to read. For its correctness and faithfulness to the Uthmani script, the Quran's traditional script, this edition of the Quran is highly valued. Genuine Uthmani Script.The original Uthmani script is used to present the Quran, upholding the long-standing and well-known calligraphic style. The Uthmani script is renowned for its elegance and clarity, which enables readers to interact deeply with the text. The Quran is portable and practical for everyday usage due to its medium size. It is portable and simple to use, so readers can interact with the Quran This Arabic only Qur'an, features a deluxe hardcover, with Deluxe Pages of the Qur'an in standard Uthmani script. Beautiful Page and Script. Color may vary depends upon availability of stock
The Holy Quran Tajweed Rules with Colour Coded (Pocket Size) (Persian/Urdu script)
Publisher: Islamic Books Servise
Book Binding:Hard Cover
Size: 5.7 x 4.0 x 1.3 inch
About This Book:
A portable version of the Holy Quran with Tajweed rules and color-coded text is called "The Holy Quran Tajweed Rules with Colour Coded (Pocket Size) (Persian/Urdu script)". With the aid of visual clues and instructions, this edition seeks to make the proper recitation of the Quran easier.
Tajweed Rules: The rules guiding the correct pronunciation and articulation of the Arabic letters and sounds are provided alongside the Quranic text in this edition. These guidelines aid readers in pronouncing the Quran correctly and accurately.
The Quranic text has been color-coded to draw attention to certain Tajweed regulations and pronunciation instructions. Different hues are utilized to distinguish between various articulation points and sound genres. This graphic aids readers in comprehending and using the Tajweed regulations when reciting the Quran.
The tiny and portable form of this version makes it easy for readers to bring it with them and use it wherever they are. Its diminutive size makes it manageable and accessible.
Persian/Urdu Script: To better serve readers who are more accustomed to this particular script, the Quranic text in this edition is offered in Persian/Urdu script. For those who prefer reading the Quran in Persian or Urdu, it adds another degree of accessibility.
A color-coded Quran in an Arabic script that is easy to read for the non-Arabic speaking person as well. Seven different-color shades have been used: each color representing a different tajwid rule. Letters are colored according to the corresponding tajweed rule. The actual rules of tajwid in English are included in the back of the Quran. This edition of the Qur'an can help those who desire to recite the Qur'an correctly with the proper pronunciations and intonations.
The Path Of The Prophets : A Thrilling puzzle Adventure
ISBN: 9509572151987
Author: Learning Roots
Book Binding:175 Pieces Puzzle
Size: 11 x 8.2 x 2.2 inch Box Size
About This Book:
Some puzzles are fun to make. Some are great to look at. Some are great to learn from. Few puzzles have all three qualities. You’re looking at one of the few. The Path of the Prophets combines over 200 elements to detail over 70 stories from the lives of the Prophets all into one amazing image. There’s so much to learn, so much to discover and so much to discuss. The Path of the Prophets is arguably one of our most creative works and we feel comfortable saying you’ve probably never seen anything like this before. Here’s why: It’s an all-in-one story image that sticks in your child’s mind as it is visually engaging which helps them remember the Prophets in a fun way. Each Prophet’s name along the path has images relating to highlights from their story so your child builds an immediate mental association for better long-term memory. There is a pathway that helps your child learn the order in which the Prophets were sent. There are subtle details in the images which reveal hidden relationships between the Prophets for the more advanced children. The set comes with a map guide that walks you through the stories illustrated along the path of discovery. There are special pieces in the shape of different objects, making the puzzle more engaging. The Path of the Prophets is a large floor puzzle, measuring 68cm x 48cm with 178 pieces ensuring that it is just the right level of difficulty for a child aged 8-11 to complete. It is also easy to handle and the pieces are not small assuring that the pieces will not get lost. The puzzle comes in a sturdy box that’s highly durable for safekeeping and storage. The puzzle pieces are made from specialist puzzle boards used in high-quality products from world-class puzzle makers. The fact that this is a puzzle, guarantees that your child is more likely to learn about the Prophets in a much more engaging and fun way. If you’re looking for something similar for younger children, check out The Giant Journey which covers a similar concept for little kids To get your puzzle, click the ‘Add to Cart’ button above. May you and your children be adorned with the character of the Prophets.
Al-Quran Al-Kareem Ahsan-al-Hawashi (Arabic /Urdu Translation)
Author: Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.7 x 7.0 x 1.8 inch
Publication year: 2016
About This Quran:
The Holy Quran's translation into Urdu, known as the Ahsan-al-Hawashi Quran, the author is renowned for its thoroughness, beauty, and fluency. The translator, Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf, is well known and esteemed for his illustrious work, Ahsan-ul-Bayan. Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf expertly combines commentary with the pertinent verses on the same page in this translation, showcasing his outstanding capacity to do this difficult task with great completeness. The two-color cover that the translation is provided adds to its appealing design. The Ahsan-al-Hawashi Quran, as a whole, is an exceptional Urdu translation of the Holy Quran that retains the translator's illustrious reputation and offers readers a thorough and attractive presentation of the sacred text.
An Inspiration to the World by Dr. Aid al-Qarni
ISBN: 9786039177234
Author: Dr. Aid al-Qarni
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 7.0 x 1.5 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
A Prophetic Biography Unlike Any Othe
Unlike any book of Seerah that came before it.
Based on authentic reports
Connecting the Seerah to our everyday, modern lives.
Beyond biography – a project towards reformation of character.
To guide you through all aspects and circumstances of life.
An Inspiration to the World is not a repetition of what has already been written about the Seerah, or an imitation of those who have written on this topic before me. It is not a collection of quotations or a list of reports. Rather it is based on reflection and contemplation of those reports, aimed at presenting the spirit of the Seerah and connecting it to people›s everyday lives, by diving deep into its ocean, trying to discover its secrets, show its lights, highlight its objectives, display its uniqueness and discuss its benefit
This book is Unique and different from other seerah books like Sealed Nector, Golden Seerah by Abdul Malik Mujahid, As- Seerah by Dr. As-Sallabi, As- Seerah by Dr. Mahdi Rizq-ul-Allah and many others, Because these books are about the biography of the Prophet PBUH, his childhood, Life before Prophethood, Life in Makkah, Life in Madinah, etc.These books are also informative and useful but “An inspiration to the world” is different from all such books.An Inspiration to the World is a record of the Sunnah, a biography of one who was the greatest example, a way of life, a book of manners, a covenant of honour, a call to salvation, a project of reform, a message of Tawheed, and a call to a new life.An Inspiration to the World is the story of a Prophet and Messenger PBUH, a biography of one who was infallible, a historical record of the mercy whom Allah sent to the world, a great blessing, in which you will find divine inspiration, prophetic breezes, the greatest miracle, the momentous news, and the final, eternal message.An Inspiration to the World represents the journey of half a century, in which the author accompanied the one who was an inspiration to the world PBUH by night and by day, at home and when traveling, in private and in public, at times of hardship and times of ease.
The author spent his life studying his noble Sunnah and biography, and he realized that he should pay his dues and fulfill the covenant, by undertaking the duty to convey and promote his Sunnah and to spread his message.
French Quran: Le sens des versets du Saint Qouran (Medium Size) By Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda
Author: Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda
Book Binding:Hard Cover
Size: 6.8 x 5.0 x 1.5 inch
Publication year: 2010
About This Book:
Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda translated and elucidated a French-language Quran entitled "Le Sens des Versets du Saint Coran". The goal of this small book is to give French translations and explanations of the Holy Quran's passages. The following are important aspects of "Le sens des versets du Saint Coran":
The verses of the Holy Quran are translated from their original Arabic into French in this book. It enables readers who speak French to access and comprehend the Quran's message and lessons.
Explanations and Interpretation:
Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda offers interpretations and explanations of the verses of the Quran. These explanations aid readers in comprehending the verses' intended meanings, historical context, and practical ramifications, which improves their comprehension of the Quran's instructions.
The Compact Format:
Readers may readily access the translated Quranic text and explanations because of the small size, whether they're at home, on the go, or in another location.
Authentic Source:
Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda, a recognized scholar and translator, is the creator of the translation and interpretations presented in the book. The validity and veracity of the information supplied may be trusted by readers.
Interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an with Arabic text in the modern French language. A summarized version of At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari.This summarized 1 volume version offers brief commentary and Ahadith wherever necessary. This unique combination of commentary and relevant Ahadith makes this a very useful study reference tool. The Arabic text is taken from Mushaf al Madinah.
Fathul Majeed (Sharh Kitab At-tawheed), (Arabic Language) By Syaikh Abdul Rahman Hasan Al Sheikh (Darussalam) Large Size
Author: Syaikh Abdul Rahman Hasan Al Sheikh
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.7 x 7.0 inch
About This Book:
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Hasan Al Sheikh's prestigious Arabic-language book "Fathul Majeed (Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed)" was released by Darussalam in a large-size version. A thorough commentary on the significant Islamic text "Kitab At-Tawheed" (The Book of Monotheism) is provided in this book. "Fathul Majeed (Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed)"'s salient characteristics include:
Because the book is published in Arabic, readers have the chance to interact with the original text directly and deepen their comprehension of Islamic ideas.
Comprehensive Commentary:
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Hasan al-sheik, the author, offers a thorough commentary on "Kitab At-Tawheed." The commentary examines the key ideas, tenets, and teachings around the unity of Allah (Tawheed). It offers in-depth explanations and dives into the text's linguistic, legal, and theological facets. The author backs up the provided lessons with proof from the Qur'an and reliable Hadiths.
Printed at a large size:
Which makes it simple to read and follow along with the content, the book is produced. The legible typography and roomy layout make reading easier and improve understanding. Fathul Majeed Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed ( Abdur Rehman Bin Hasan ) Darussalam Arabic
Islamic Studies Student Workbook Level 3 (Weekend Learning Series) By Mansur Ahmad and Husain A.NuriISBN: 9781936569717Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. NuriBook Binding:softcoverPages:128Language : EnglishDescriptionAbout This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of "The Islamic Studies Student Workbook Level 3", a renowned instructional tool from the "Weekend Learning Series." This workbook has been specifically created to assist students at Level 3 in their pursuit of Islamic education.
This workbook's main attributes are as follows:
Comprehensive Curriculum:
The workbook provides a thorough education that builds on the fundamental information learned in earlier levels. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Islam by examining a variety of Islamic studies topics, such as the Qur'an, Hadith, Seerah (biography of the Prophet Muhammad), Islamic history, and moral principles.
Exercises that are Interactive:
The workbook includes exercises and activities that are interactive to keep students interested and promote active learning. These exercises contain short answer questions, matching exercises, fill-in-the-blanks, comprehension questions, and more. Students can successfully apply their information and solidify their understanding through these activities.Islamic Studies - Student Workbook - Level 3 is designed to complement the revised and enlargedIslamic Studies textbook for this level. The workbook has large number of test questions to cover each lesson in a comprehensive manner.
Preschool Activity Book , Level P
ISBN: 9781936569809
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Page:
Children age 3 to 5 are a bundle of joy. They play games, run, climb, watch TV. They express curiosity about almost everything they see and experience. They see things from their own viewpoint and interpret them in their own ways. They want to experiment with new things. They have new ideas. They show new skills. It amazes parents when they see an empty cereal box can be so much fun to them than an expensive toy. They are still in the process of learning their language and sometimes multiple languages are spoken at home. As parents and caregivers, how do you deal with children of this age group? How do you help them in their learning process? How do you engage them? How do you build the right foundation and empower them? Many parents are confused by the array of activities, learning tools, and curriculum available to them. Expert educators and child psychologists have volumes to say about this process. Your 3-year-old is transitioning from being a toddler to a preschooler. There is a lot to expect as the transition happens. Five key developments during this transition are as follows:
Physical development
Emotional development
Social development
Cognitive development
Language development
Of these five areas of development, the cognitive and language developments in a 3-year-old are important. Cognitive development is not all about learning the alphabet or how to count. Similarly, language development is not about expressing needs and wants. Both cognitive and language development entails the entire learning process and absorbing information. This involves observing, processing, and understanding information. Weekend Learning Publishers is glad to announce the publication of a new book titled, PRESCHOOL ACTIVITY BOOK. This book is mainly an activity book with very limited text to support the activities. In many cases, a teacher, or caregiver will require to explain the objective of the activity. For some children, the concept-building exercises and interactive activities will introduce them to fun-filled learning and prepare them for the grades ahead. For others, it will be a simple introduction to how learning takes place. In many cases, there is no right or wrong answer. In many cases, it is about making a choice.Please use this book in a manner that best suits the learning needs of your child.
Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 1 by Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of the extensive instructional tool "Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 1". This edition was created primarily to help teachers give education and support to Level 1 students in an efficient manner. The book offers a variety of useful elements and resources that improve the teaching process, such as: Lesson Plans: Carefully produced lesson plans that define the goals, teaching techniques, and suggested activities for each lesson are included in the annotated teacher's version. Teachers can use these plans as a road map to successfully lead their students through the curriculum. This edition provides teachers with a complete toolkit to measure student progress and reinforce important ideas. These resources include worksheets, assessments, and answer keys. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 8. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 2. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 1. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 2 by Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of the extensive instructional tool "Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 2". This edition was created primarily to help teachers give education and support to Level 2 students in an efficient manner. The book offers a variety of useful elements and resources that improve the teaching process, such as: Lesson Plans: Carefully produced lesson plans that define the goals, teaching techniques, and suggested activities for each lesson are included in the annotated teacher's version. Teachers can use these plans as a road map to successfully lead their students through the curriculum. This edition provides teachers with a complete toolkit to measure student progress and reinforce important ideas. These resources include worksheets, assessments, and answer keys. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 8. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 2. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 2. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 3 by Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of the extensive instructional tool "Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 3". This edition was created primarily to help teachers give education and support to Level 3 students in an efficient manner. The book offers a variety of useful elements and resources that improve the teaching process, such as: Lesson Plans: Carefully produced lesson plans that define the goals, teaching techniques, and suggested activities for each lesson are included in the annotated teacher's version. Teachers can use these plans as a road map to successfully lead their students through the curriculum. This edition provides teachers with a complete toolkit to measure student progress and reinforce important ideas. These resources include worksheets, assessments, and answer keys. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 8. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 3. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 3. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 4 by Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of the extensive instructional tool "Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 4". This edition was created primarily to help teachers give education and support to Level 8 students in an efficient manner. The book offers a variety of useful elements and resources that improve the teaching process, such as: Lesson Plans: Carefully produced lesson plans that define the goals, teaching techniques, and suggested activities for each lesson are included in the annotated teacher's version. Teachers can use these plans as a road map to successfully lead their students through the curriculum. This edition provides teachers with a complete toolkit to measure student progress and reinforce important ideas. These resources include worksheets, assessments, and answer keys. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 4. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 4. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 4. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 5 by Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of the extensive instructional tool "Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 5". This edition was created primarily to help teachers give education and support to Level 8 students in an efficient manner. The book offers a variety of useful elements and resources that improve the teaching process, such as: Lesson Plans: Carefully produced lesson plans that define the goals, teaching techniques, and suggested activities for each lesson are included in the annotated teacher's version. Teachers can use these plans as a road map to successfully lead their students through the curriculum. This edition provides teachers with a complete toolkit to measure student progress and reinforce important ideas. These resources include worksheets, assessments, and answer keys. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 8. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 5. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 5. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 6 by Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of the extensive instructional tool "Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 6". This edition was created primarily to help teachers give education and support to Level 8 students in an efficient manner. The book offers a variety of useful elements and resources that improve the teaching process, such as: Lesson Plans: Carefully produced lesson plans that define the goals, teaching techniques, and suggested activities for each lesson are included in the annotated teacher's version. Teachers can use these plans as a road map to successfully lead their students through the curriculum. This edition provides teachers with a complete toolkit to measure student progress and reinforce important ideas. These resources include worksheets, assessments, and answer keys. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 8. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 6. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 6. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 7 by Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of the extensive instructional tool "Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 7". This edition was created primarily to help teachers give education and support to Level 8 students in an efficient manner. The book offers a variety of useful elements and resources that improve the teaching process, such as: Lesson Plans: Carefully produced lesson plans that define the goals, teaching techniques, and suggested activities for each lesson are included in the annotated teacher's version. Teachers can use these plans as a road map to successfully lead their students through the curriculum. This edition provides teachers with a complete toolkit to measure student progress and reinforce important ideas. These resources include worksheets, assessments, and answer keys. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 8. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 7. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 8 by Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of the extensive instructional tool "Annotated Teacher's Edition Level 8". This edition was created primarily to help teachers give education and support to Level 8 students in an efficient manner. The book offers a variety of useful elements and resources that improve the teaching process, such as: Lesson Plans: Carefully produced lesson plans that define the goals, teaching techniques, and suggested activities for each lesson are included in the annotated teacher's version. Teachers can use these plans as a road map to successfully lead their students through the curriculum. This edition provides teachers with a complete toolkit to measure student progress and reinforce important ideas. These resources include worksheets, assessments, and answer keys. The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 8. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
Meeting Muhammad By Omar Suleiman
ISBN: 9781847741776
Author: Omar Suleiman
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 7.5 x 5.0 x 0.7 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
This fascinating book explores the significant effects and life-changing encounters that people had with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) throughout his lifetime. These interactions demonstrate the profoundly transformational impact he had on people from all areas of life through his presence, words, and character. The book "Meeting Muhammad" encourages readers to ponder on the timeless lessons learned from the Prophet's relationships with various people. It highlights his lasting legacy and the deep influence of his teachings.My eyes have never seen anything better than you. No woman has ever given birth to anyone as beautiful as you. You were created free from all flaws. As if you were created exactly as you wished. – Hassan Ibn Thabit (RA) Allah has never sent a Prophet except that Prophet had a beautiful face and a beautiful voice. In the case of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Ali (RA) said, “I’ve never seen anything like him, before him or after him”. However, as stunning as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) appearance was, his character was even more strikingly beautiful. Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be in the presence of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, as his companions were? What would it be like to see him, to host him in your home, pray behind him, and have him as a teacher and friend? Through 30 beautifully detailed chapters with narrations from companions, take a journey from only knowing about him to knowing him and loving him and feel what it was like to be a companion of his in this life and strive to be companions of his in the next.
The Prophet of Mercy: How Muhammad (PBUH) Rose Above Enmity Insult
ISBN: 9781847741721
Author: Omar Suleiman
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 0.4 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
The exceptional ability of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to demonstrate mercy and compassion in the face of hostility and insults is explored in the book "The Prophet of Mercy: How Muhammad (PBUH) Rose Above Enmity Insult" by Mohammad Elshinawy and Omar Suleiman. This fascinating book is broken down into 70 chapters, each of which tells a unique tale that emphasizes the Prophet's extraordinary act of mercy.
Several of the intriguing tales are:
A description of the Prophet forgiving a guy who had previously tried to kill himself.
The story illustrates how the Prophet treated a blind woman with the utmost respect and love.
The motivational story of the Prophet who, in the face of insults from his enemies, decided not to respond in kind.
To delegitimize the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم is to call into question the entire message. During his time, the Makkans called hima poet, a magician, and a madman, among other names. Today, he is insulted with other labels. The question of whether or not he sacrificed his principles in the pursuit of conveying his message successfully is one that requires an in-depth look
The Path to Allah and the Hereafter By Sheikh al-Allamah Abdulrahman bin Nasir al-Sa'di
Author: Sheikh al-Allamah Abdulrahman bin Nasir al-Sa'di
Book Binding: Softcover
Size: 21x16 cm
About The Book:
This fascinating book is based on a fascinating poem written by Sheikh Abdulrahman B. Nasir al-Sadi (rahimullah), a renowned Tafsir expert. The poem explores the profundity of the Afterlife, concentrating on the traits and characteristics of believers who fervently look forward to its arrival. The believers' meticulous preparation to find true pleasure in both this world and the afterlife is depicted in a wonderful way. The poem beautifully highlights the fact that these pious people's joy comes from their constant dedication to leading a life that is exclusively focused on Allah's pleasure. They are impervious to the tricks of this passing world and the whispers of Satan since their ultimate objective is to pursue His delight. This book is based on a beautiful poem by the esteemed scholar of Tafsir, Sheikh Abdulrahman b. Nasir al-Sadi (rahimullah). The context of the poem is concerning the Hereafter and the characteristics of the believers yearning for it. This poem highlights the believers' preparation to achiever happiness n this life and the Hereafter. They are the most content people since they are living a life to please Allah which is their goal. They are not deceived by this world and Satan. Rather they are careful in order to preoccupy themselves before Satan has a chance to occupy them.
The Essay Of Ahmad bin Hanbal On Prayer By Dr. Hafiz M.S.Usmani
Author: Dr. Hafiz M.S.Usmani
Book Binding: Softcover
Size: 15x22 Description
About This Book:
The book examines the ideas and innovations that Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal brought to the Islamic prayer. It focuses particularly on his viewpoints and teachings as a well-known Islamic jurist. Dr. Hafiz M.S. Usmani conducts a thorough investigation of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal's idea of prayer by reading all of his writings and other works. The book discusses numerous facets of this essential practise and emphasizes the significance of prayer in Islam. It provides justifications, interpretations, and helpful guidance based on the teachings of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. Readers can expand their understanding of prayer and learn insightful lessons from Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal by actively engaging with the book. mtiaz Ahmad has put very serious emphasis on the importance of prayer. He mentioned Qur'aanic verses, Ahaadith, Statement of Sahaabah and sayings of Taabi'een, in abundant, to authentic his opinion. He also seriously took notice of those, who are headless in their prayers. It has been discussed in detail how we should prostate, bow and stand up praying behind an Imam or individual.
Muhammad SAW: Life Of The Most Praised One By Imtiaz Ahmad
ISBN: 9789675699818
Author: Imtiaz Ahmad
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 538
Size: 22.8 × 15.5 × 2.6 cm
About This Book:
Imtiaz Ahmad's book "Muhammad SAW: Life Of The Most Praised One" explores the life and personality of the beloved Islamic prophet Muhammad (SAW). Imtiaz Ahmad gives a thorough biography of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), building on reliable historical documents and folklore. Readers learn more about the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his interactions with companions and contemporary people, and the difficulties he had in advancing the cause of Islam through studying his life. Imtiaz Ahmad's representation strives to motivate readers by showcasing the Prophet's kindness, discernment, and commitment to helping others.History has witnessed several personalities who have contributed immensely to the welfare of mankind. One such personality was Prophet Muhammad who is in fact the best among all of them. What makes his life story so unique from others is the fact that he was not only the ‘most praised’ person during his lifetime (which includes his staunchest enemies) but he remains the most praised and engaging individual even today, centuries after his passing away. For any reader, it will be interesting to explore why he is the most praised person and why his teachings are so ardently followed and revered for centuries by those following his footsteps. This book is a detailed account of the life of the most praised person on the globe, praise that has been raised for years is happening today, and will continue until the day of judgment. This beautiful life is presented in a simple and easy language by a highly regarded scholar, Sheikh Imtiaz Ahmad (Translator of The Easy Quran), May Allah rewards him.
Elevating Sahih Al-Bukhari : Affirming The Status of Imam Al Bukhari and His Sahih by Dispelling the Misconceptions Surrounding Them (DCB) By Abdul Qadir Muhammad Jalal
ISBN: 9789675699795
Author: Abdul Qadir Muhammad Jala
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 223
Size: 21.5 × 14 × 1.3 cm
About This Book:
The goal of Abdul Qadir Muhammad Jalal's work, "Elevating Sahih Al-Bukhari: Affirming The Status of Imam Al-Bukhari and His Sahih by Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Them (DCB)" is to uphold the eminent status of Imam Al-Bukhari and his renowned collection of hadith, Sahih Al-Bukhari. The book provides insights into the process, exacting standards, and meticulous efforts used by Imam Al-Bukhari in compiling his collection through in-depth study and academic research. These attacks (in the past and present) are of various forms, and today have become widespread due to the advent of social media. Thus, we consider it obligatory and timely to produce a book that dispels these misconceptions and preserves the status of the hadith; particularly its most authentic collection – Sahih al-Bukhārī. This book addressed 21 major misconceptions arranged in five chapters and presented academic responses to those misconceptions in a manner that is comprehensible to the layman and sufficient for the one seeking the truth. This work is a noble attempt to fill a gap in defending the pure Sunnah and is considered part of a debt paid towards Imam al-Bukhārī and his great book (Sahih al-Bukhārī).
Reasons for Deviation from the Truth By Shaikh Rabi' bin Hadi al-Madkhali
ISBN: 9781902727158
Author: Shaikh Rabi' bin Hadi al-Madkhali
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 68
Language: English
About This Book:
"From the most important things that I advise myself with and my brothers is to be firm upon the truth, to have sincerity in this to Allah, the Most High, and to feel accountable to Allah in this. These are the points that I will be covering and will speak about (even if it be with some swiftness). O brothers, be firm, be firm at this time and in this age where trials and tribulations have increased so much, and in turn, turning people away from accepting the true Islam. People faced situations and circumstances, living lives upon superstition and misguidance. It may be that many of them lived far away from the religion of Allah. Either they lived as Shi'ites, communists, secularists, or amongst socialist parties and so on. From these destructive foundations and slogans, many calls were established, yet all of them evaporated at implementation stage. Their value disintegrated in the minds of the people, such that many began to realise that true value and happiness in this life and the hereafter is only achieved by following the true Islam.
40 Hadith On Community Service & Activism By Dr. Mohammad Hakeem
ISBN: 9781847741592
Author: Dr. Mohammad Hakeem
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 231
Size: 15x21 cm
About This Book:
Dr. Mohammad Hakeem's book "40 Hadith on Community Service & Activism" is a collection of 40 Quranic verses that emphasize the importance of activism and community service in the Islamic faith. The book includes a commentary to clarify the significance and meaning of each hadith. Additionally, it offers a complete list of other sources for people looking for more information. For individuals who want to learn more about Islamic teachings on civic engagement and activity, this book is a priceless resourceThis book is meant to be a Muslim's handbook to change the world. It provides the most relevant Hadiths that Muslims in the 21st century and beyond need to maximize their potential, serve their community, and leave a legacy. Aided with a commentary and a list of actionable items for each hadith, these hadiths provide a framework that answers the most relevant questions for activists and community leaders: The WHY (The spiritual element), the WHAT (the social and political responsibility), the HOW (The Figh and Adab guidelines), the WHO (tips on building successful teams), and the WHILE (self-care advice). For all those who have goals beyond their own selves and aspire to make an impact, guided by prophetic wisdom, this book is for you!
Secrets of Leadership and Influence By Sulaiman Ibn Awad Qaiman
ISBN: 9789675699030
Author: Sulaiman Ibn Awad Qaiman
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 240
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 inch
Publication year: 2020
About This Book:
Readers of Sulaiman Ibn Awad Qaiman's book "Secrets of Leadership and Influence" will delve into a variety of potent leadership situations, thorough work plans, and successful tactics for mastering the art of persuasion and effecting meaningful change. The book provides readers with significant insights into systems that can release immense strength and nurture high levels of skill in effective leadership. It does this by offering a thorough investigation of the inner workings of the human soul. Readers will come across a wide variety of real-life leadership situations across the book's pages, giving them the opportunity to learn from inspiring examples and obtain practical information. These situations serve as useful case studies, demonstrating how different leadership styles may be applied and emphasizing the results they can produce. Beyond offering cursory counsel, "Secrets of Leadership and Influence" dives into the fundamental ideas and processes that underpin effective leadership..In this book, you will read about an enormous number of strong leadership situations, the work plans and the means to achieving the mastery of the machineries for influencing people, and of the ways of impacting changes. The book presents to you some illustrations from the inside of the human soul to get you acquainted with systems that can provide you with enormous strength and high aptitude toward effective leadership.
Al-Khulasa: The Cream of Remembrance By Habib Umar b. Hafiz
ISBN: 9781870582230
Author: Habib Umar bin Hafiz
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 618
Size: 8.7 x 5.5 x 1.5 inch
Publication year: 2020
About This Book:
The Path of Invocation and that of supplication is the path of spiritual absolution. This is a unique collation of Remembrance (of God), integrating Quranic chapters and verses, litanies, supplications and selected poems into an interconnected .graceful and fluid unit The Quran in many of its verses makes reference to Remembrances and Glorifications of God the Almighty, as do many of the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W given the turbulent times in which we live, this composition is a necessary companion and directive, that will, through His Enabling Grace, guide us to the Path of Salvation.
Biography of Habib bin Umar
Morning and Evening Invocations And Supplications
Invocations and Supplications Relating To Fajr
The Duha Prayer
Invocations and Supplications After The Zuhr Prayer
Invocations and Supplications After The 'Asr Prayer
Invocations and Supplications Before The Maghrib Prayer
Invocations and Supplications After The 'Isha Prayer
The Istikhara Prayer
Supplications of the Tasbih prayer
Supplications for Travel
Al-Mashrab al-Ahna
Invocations and Supplications For The Night and The Day of Jumu'ah
And More
Children's Quran Stories - A Classic Treasury by Saniyasnain Khan (Hardcover)
ISBN: 9788194366324
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 132
Size: 9.2 x 9.2 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
Hardcover book "Children's Quran Stories - A Classic Treasury by Saniyasnain Khan (Hardcover)" The book is designed to resist repeated usage and can be enjoyed for years to come thanks to its sturdy hardback shape. The stories were chosen with care from the Quran, and they make important moments, morals, and personalities approachable for young readers. These Quranic stories are expertly retold by Saniyasnain Khan, who is renowned for his knowledge of children's literature, catching the interest and imagination of young readers. The book is visually engaging and engrossing for young readers because it captures the essence of the original Quranic narratives while using language that is appropriate for their age and bright images. Children’s Quran Stories is a collection of more than 20 Quran stories to read, love, and cherish. The easy-to-read text and bright, full-color illustrations on every page make this book a perfect way to introduce little ones to the stories, prayers and teachings of the Quran. The simple, short, and beautifully narrated stories highlight key aspects of the Quran— love, humility, obedience, patience, and trust. Full of faith, teachings, and fun, Children’s Quran Stories is a wonderful gift for any child.
100 Best Quran Stories by Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9789386589668
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 207
Size: 8.0 x 6.0 x 0.8 inch
Publication year: 2021
About This Book:
Hardcover book "100 Best Quran Stories" by Saniyasnain Khan was released by Goodwords. This book offers readers of all ages a collection of 100 engrossing tales from the Quran that are exquisitely written and illustrated. The stories in this book are taken from several chapters of the Quran, highlighting the knowledge, direction, and moral precepts contained within. Readers can examine the narratives and learn more about the Quran's teachings thanks to the meticulous narration of each story. The book is suitable for repeated readings and sharing with family and friends because of its hardcover edition, which guarantees durability and longevity. With their ability to capture each story's spirit and make it aesthetically appealing for readers, the enthralling pictures further improve the reading experience.
Atlas of Hajj & Umrah: History & Fiqh By Sami Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Maghlouth (Urdu Language)
ISBN: 9786039138105
Author: Sami Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Maghlouth
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 413
Size: 12 x 8.5 x 1.0 inch
Publication year: 2019
About This Book:
Atlas of Hajj & Umrah: History & Fiqh is a book written in Urdu by Sami Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Maghlouth. This thorough atlas examines the religious and historical facets of the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina. A wide range of topics linked to the Hajj and Umrah are covered in the book, including their historical significance, customs, and the underlying fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) that underpins them. It serves as a helpful manual for Muslims making these auspicious excursions, including insightful information about the historical setting, the significance of the major pilgrimage locations, and the proper conduct throughout these religious pursuits. The book also examines the fiqh rules on Hajj and Umrah, including the requirements, best practices, and mistakes to avoid. Along with providing geographical and historical details, it also works as a helpful guide for people who want to perform these acts of worship in line with Islamic beliefs and principles. Beautiful large size, full color, illustrated Atlas of Hajj & Umrah - History & Fiqh. It covers the history of Makkah Al-Mukarramah & all the holy places of Islam related to Hajj & Umrah. This authentic, detailed book contains maps, drawings, diagrams and beautiful pictures to clearly explain the subject matter.
Uthman ibn Affan : His Life and Times (Dr. Ali M Sallabi) Islamic History Series - The Rightly Guided Caliphs Part 3
ISBN: 9786035012164
Author: Dr. Ali M Sallabi
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 663
Size: 8.7 x 5.8 x 1.3 inch
Publication year: 2013
About This Book:
In today's crisis-ridden world, amidst the numerous internal and external forces striking at the roots of Islam, Muslims are truly hard pressed to find strong and competent leaders. This has not always been the case, though. Examples of first-rate leaders are plentiful in Islamic history. The life and times of Uthmân ibn Affân, as detailed in this book by Dr. Ali M. Sallâbi, truly illustrate the characteristics of exemplary leaders along with the commendable qualities of those under them. This account of how Uthmân ibn Affân, the third Rightly-Guided Caliph, expanded the Islamic state, compiled the Qur'an into a single edition, and, finally, dealt with the turmoil that engulfed the Ummah, makes for a very enlightening read. The author has also given us insight into the life of Dhun-Noorayn (Uthmân, the 'Possessor of the Two Lights') before he became the caliph. Readers discover his attachment to the Prophet (sa), his relationship with the Qur'an and his generous financial contributions towards the founding of the Islamic state. All in all, this book will prove to be a valuable resource on Islamic history.
Usool at-Tafseer The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
ISBN: 9789960953342
Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 343
Size: 8.5 x 5.6 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2005
About This Book:
The informative book "Usool at-Tafseer: The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation" was written by Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. Respected Islamic scholar Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips gives a thorough description of the process used to interpret the Quran. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips carefully walks readers through the ideas and methods needed to comprehend the Quran's message. The book examines a number of subjects, such as the value of knowing Arabic, the significance of historical context, and the guidelines for understanding passages with different interpretations. Dr. Bilal has significantly influenced Islamic literature and education. Between 1994 and 2001, he established the Islamic Information Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, as well as the Dar al Fatah Islamic Press' Foreign Literature Department in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. He founded the Islamic Online University in 2001, the first certified Islamic institution of higher learning online.
Awesome Quran Questions and Answers for Curious Minds By Saniyasnain Khan (Paperback)
ISBN: 9789351790082
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Book:
The fascinating paperback book "Awesome Quran Questions and Answers for Curious Minds" is written by Saniyasnain Khan. This charming work offers solutions to intriguing issues regarding the Quran in an effort to pique the interest of young brains. The book provides insights and explanations on numerous Quranic issues using a question-and-answer style. A talented writer, Saniyasnain Khan skilfully responds to questions that kids might have regarding the lessons, tales, characters, and overarching themes of the Quran. Young readers are enthralled by the book's interactive and educational style, which inspires them to discover the mysteries of the Quran. Written especially for children aged 7 and above, it is an ideal gift for children who are curious to know the facts behind these magnificent and amazing stories of faith. It also brings the message of the Quran alive to readers in an easy and fun way. These interesting facts and stories come with stunning photographs and colorful illustrations.
Your Money Matters The Islamic Approach to Business, Money and Work By Mohammad Rahman
ISBN: 9786035012539
Author: Mohammad Rahman
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 8.7 x 5.8 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2014
About This Book:
Islam imbues every aspect of a Muslim's life, and that includes money management. Not surprisingly, the twenty-first century has already witnessed the phenomenal rise of Islamic finance to a multi-billion dollar industry This book highlights many issues in Islam that will, Allah (God) willing, prove to be important and relevant to Muslims when they engage in tasks related to personal finances, business administration, investment, and work. Readers will find an overview of relevant excerpts from the Quran and the authentic Sunnah. Non-Muslims as well can gain valuable insights from this book that should prove useful in today's multicultural business landscapes. "Your Money Matters" emphasizes the value of managing funds and conducting business in a way that is consistent with the values of justice, honesty, and compassion through the prism of Islamic teachings.
Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback)
ISBN: 9781904336136
Author: Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 9.3 x 6.1 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2012
About This Book:The paperback book "Relief from Distress" was written by Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. For people going through sorrow and adversity in their life, this informative work provides direction and consolation. Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah tackles numerous sorts of sorrow and offers spiritual and practical solutions thanks to his thorough understanding of Islamic principles. The book provides encouragement and direction during trying times by drawing on verses from the Quran, prophetic traditions, and the scholastic knowledge of Ibn Taymiyyah. Shaykh aI-Islam ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah sanctify his soul, was asked about the saying of the Prophet (SAW) said, The invocation of my brother Yunus, "none has the right to be worshipped save You; glory be to You, far removed are You from any imperfection; I have been amongst the wrong-doers," none who is experiencing difficulty employs it except that Allah would relieve him of his difficulty
1. What is the meaning of this dua? 2. Are their any unstated conditions that have to be met when one articulates it? 3. What is the connection between belief in the heart and the meaning of this supplication such that it leads to the removal of difficulty? 4. Why did he explicitly confess, 'I have been amongst the wrongdoers' when it is known that tawhid in itself leads to the removal of difficulty? Is it sufficient to acknowledge ones sin alone, or must this be accompanied by repentance and the firm resolve not to repeat that sin in the future? 5. Why is it that difficulty and harm is removed only when a person relinquishes any hope, reliance and dependency upon the creation? 6. How can the heart relinquish the characteristic of putting hope in the creation and depending upon them, and instead put its hope in Allah, Exalted is He, and turn to Him in its entirety? 7. What are the methods that would aid the heart in doing this?
Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi
ISBN: 9781847741387
Author: Yasir Qadhi
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2021
About This Book:
The insightful hardcover book "Lessons From Surah Yusuf: Pearls from the Qur'an" is written by Yasir Qadhi. The teachings learned from Surah Yusuf (Chapter of Joseph) in the Quran are the main emphasis of this work. In this perceptive study, Qadhi examines the narrative of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) and draws important lessons and directives from its verses. In the story of Surah Yusuf, he examines the concepts of faith, perseverance, and confidence in Allah. Surah Yusuf, a chapter of the Qur'an (Koran), was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad at a critical juncture of his life. This was the time when he had gone through ten to eleven years of ridicule and rejection in Makkah, a time when he lost his wife and partner, Khadija, a time when he lost his dear uncle Abu Talib. Allah revealed this precious surah to strengthen the Prophet Muhammad’s heart. To remind him that he lives in the footsteps of the great prophets of the past and that Allah’s help and support is there. This surah is full of meaningful messages of patience, reliance on Allah and how to overcome hardship and betrayal. It was also educational, teaching the Prophet Muhammad the answers to queries that were posed to him by the local Jews and Muslims. Finally, this surah was a timely morale booster for the Prophet and his companions in a time of need. Yasir Qadhi has clearly divided the surah into related themes, as per the revelations, so that the reader can easily understand and grasp the great wealth of knowledge relayed through this surah to all.
Quran Dictionary for kids (Goodwords) By Saniyasnain Khan,paperback,
ISBN: 9788178988849
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Publication year: 2014
About This Book:
A useful tool in the shape of a paperback book called "Quran Dictionary for Kids" was written by Saniyasnain Khan. This book, written and published by Goodword, attempts to help kids comprehend and acquire the words used in the Quran. The dictionary includes age-appropriate definitions and explanations of important Quranic terminology with a focus on clarity and accessibility. It helps young readers navigate and understand the complex language of the Quran."Quran Dictionary for Kids" enables kids to gain a greater comprehension of the Quranic verses they encounter in a style that is specifically tailored to young readers. Children can deepen their understanding of the divine text and broaden their knowledge with this book, strengthening their ties to their faith. Goodword Quran Dictionary for Kids is an ideal first reference book for children who are curious to know about the Quran. Designed especially for children, this unique treasury of Quranic words guides them through over 350 essential names, terms and concepts mentioned in the Quran. Alphabetically arranged, words are clearly defined and are accompanied by charming illustrations and pictures that make it fun for children to find the words and understand them. Beside this, Goodword Quran Dictionary for Kids includes prayers from the Quran with references and their translation and Quran facts to help children learn the message and teachings of the Quran.
About The Author:
A prolific author of "Quran Dictionary for kids", Saniyasnain Khan is recognised for his books on Islamic subjects. He is well-known for his ability to keep Islamic teachings interesting and simple sufficient for young readers. The works of literature by Saniyasnain Khan involve a wide range of subjects, including stories from the Quran, the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic history, and moral principles.
365 Hadith with Stories By Ali CaraCam & Kevser Sahin (Hardcover)
ISBN: 9788178988771
Author: Ali Karacam & Kevser Sahin
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 10.5 x 7.5 x 0.5 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Book:
"365 Hadith with Stories By Ali CaraCam & Kevser Sahin (Hardcover)",' provides a distinctive blend of straightforward yet meaningful hadith and stories that connect to the events of our everyday lives. It perfectly captures the pleasures and difficulties we experience along the way. Children are invited to investigate how seemingly commonplace events and everyday activities can be illuminated and better understood in light of the eternal teachings of the Prophet Muhammad through these intriguing hadith and anecdotes. This book's pages come alive with endearing tales and sentimental quotes from the Prophet, and it is beautifully illustrated to hold young readers' attention. In helping kids understand the life and message of the Prophet Muhammad, it acts as a helpful guide. This book, with its simple yet profound hadith and stories, set in the circumstances of our daily existence, expresses the joy and challenges of life This book, with its simple yet profound hadith and stories, set in the circumstances of our daily existence, expresses the joy and challenges of life. Reading these hadith and stories, children will come to know how ordinary incidents and day to day activities can be seen and better understood in the light of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. These charming stories and heart-warming sayings of the Prophet, enlivened by stunning and illustrations, will become a wonderful accompaniment for children on their path to understanding the life and message of the Prophet Muhammad, to appreciating the glory and kindness of Allah, and will bring them closer to their Prophet and Creator.
The Prophet Muhammad Storybook 2 By Saniyasnain Khan (Hardcover)
ISBN: 9788178988559
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Publication year: 2014
About This Book:
Saniyasnain Khan is the author of the engrossing children's book "The Prophet Muhammad Storybook 2. This book, which has 96 pages, offers a readable and interesting story geared toward kids 7 and older. The stories it tells come to life on its pages thanks to the vibrant artwork. The book opens with a description of Muhammad's development as an adult into an affluent trader and his marriage to the successful businesswoman Khadija. Then, it reveals the revelations of God given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. The Quran, Islam's beloved holy book, was built on the revelations that would come later. The Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم Storybook –2, meant for 7 years old and above, encourages children to discover for themselves the message of the life of the Prophet and to find their own ways of applying the Prophet’s timeless teachings to their lives.
About The Author:
A prolific author of children's books, Saniyasnain Khan is recognised for his books on Islamic subjects. He is well-known for his ability to keep Islamic teachings interesting and simple sufficient for young readers. The works of literature by Saniyasnain Khan involve a wide range of subjects, including stories from the Quran, the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic history, and moral principles.
Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool
ISBN: 9781467582315
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2013
About This Book:
The fascinating work "Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul" by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool discusses the transformative power of contemplating the Quranic verses and their effect on soul purification. Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool explores the fundamental process of studying the Quran in this illuminating work, highlighting its significance in fostering spiritual development and inner self-purification. Readers are led on a transformational journey of self-reflection and spiritual introspection by the author through an incisive examination of several Quranic verses and their profound implications. Excerpt: "A Book (the Qur’an) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses, and that men of understanding may remember." [Sad:29]. It is known that anyone who does not busy himself with contemplation of the Great Qur’an, i.e. reading it, understanding it, appreciating its meanings, and acting on it, then is in opposition to the Qur’an, not a contemplator of it, and therefore deserving of the disapproval and scolding mentioned in the verses, as Allah gave him understanding in order that he may be able to contemplate the Qur’an.