Civilization of faith By Dr. Mustafa as-Sibaaie
ISBN: 9789960850481Author: Dr. Mustafa as-SibaaieBook Binding: SoftcoverPages: 226Size: 16x21cmPublication year: 2022Language: EnglishDescription About This Book:
We are living at a time when western civilization is at its peak and the Muslim nations are at their weakest point, dazzled by the power of the west with its wealth, means and scientific and technological advantages. Muslims who do not read history, may well be unaware of the fact that this is not always been the case. A few hundred years ago, it was just the opposite. The Muslim ummah was the superpower of the age and the Muslims were the leaders in culture, science, and technology. The cites of the Muslim world were centres of learning to which people came from far and wide, including - as in the case of Muslims Spain - and the lands of Christian Europe. The Muslims, at one time, were the most technologically advanced civilization on earth, and the uniqueness of their civilization lies in the fact that although they achieved a great deal in materialistic terms, they remained a compassionate society where the poor and disadvantaged were cared for. This book is a reminder to Muslims that they have a glorious past and that for many centuries they had the upper hand over their enemies. They became masters of the world at the time when they adhered to Islam; when they became preoccupied with worldly gain and the pursuit of luxury, then decline set in. If the Muslims adhere to Islam and take their religion faithfully; they will, once again, be supported by the Will of ALLAH and will again be able to lead the world in all spheres of life.About The Author:Syrian-born Dr. Mustafa as-Sibaaie is a well-known Islamic author and academic. He was born in Aleppo in 1950 and completed his post-secondary studies there, earning a PhD in Islamic Jurisprudence. He has worked as a professor for many universities in Syria and Qatar. Through his incisive publications, Dr. as-Sibaaie has made a substantial contribution to the discipline. He is the author of a number of well-known publications on the history, theology, and legal system of Islam. His knowledge extends beyond books; he frequently makes contributions to renowned Islamic periodicals and publications.
Collection Of Treatises & Fatawa on Fiqh Of Polygyny, Marital Conduct, & Fair Treatment In Polygyny By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih al-Uthaymin
ISBN:9781637957899Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih al-UthayminBook Binding: PaperbackPages: 326Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.8 inchPublication year:2021DescriptionAbout This Book:
In his Tafsīr, al- Qurṭubī concluded his refutation of similar arguments by saying:"Opinions of similar nature reflect lack of understanding of the Qurʾān and Sunnah, not to mention total negligence of the practice of the early pious predecessors (Salaf). One probable cause is ignorance of the Arabic language and the [implications] of the texts of the Sunnah.
It is also a violation of the consensus of the Muslim community because there is not a single narration reporting any of the Companions or the Successors to have been married to more than four wives at the same time." Polygyny is conditioned with the achievement of fairness among the wives.
If one is unconfident in treating them fairly, he is not permitted to marry more than one. However, his marriage would be lawful if he disregarded this unconference. Still, it would be a sin to do so. Tangible fairness is the intended meaning here. In other words, the husband should be financially capable of feeding, clothing, housing, and any other aspect where exercising fairness among the wives is within grasp.
The first verse implied the necessity of financial capability to cover the living costs of the second wife and her children. It is indicated in the clause, "That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice." Al- Qurṭubī (V) quoted al-Shāfiʿī saying: "This part of the verse means [doing injustice] especially with the increasing number of children [were one to marry more than one]." Polygyny is made lawful in the two Qurʾānic verses in Sūrah An-Nisāʾ [verses 3 & 129].
Debunking the canons of Atheism with Decisive proofs by Sheikh Abdul-Rahman ibn Nasir al-Sa'di
ISBN: 9781684895830Author: Sheikh Abdul-Rahman ibn Nasir al-Sa'diBook Binding: Soft coverPages: 213Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.5 inchPublication year:2021
About This Book:
The Book "Sheikh Abdul-Rahman ibn Nasir al-Sa'di is the most valuable book that stands for this genre The significance of this problem cannot be emphasized, as the development of atheism and materialism has impacted and misled many people. Deceived preachers, misguided leaders, colonialist politicians, individuals lacking wisdom, and hypocritical speakers are all instances. Unfortunately, atheism has grown in popularity, raising serious issues.
Many people are unfamiliar with Islam, and sincere adherence to its values has become equivalent to clutching a flaming fire. This work effectively tackles and refutes atheists' diverse arguments. It reveals the flaws in their logic, their resistance to natural urges, and the wisdom that contradicts their erroneous ideals.
The author approaches their points from several angles. Sometimes the book depicts their arguments realistically, which is enough to refute them. At times, it gives irrefutable proof to demolish the canons of atheism, revealing their inherent flaws while presenting the truth that contradicts those beliefs.
Explanation Of The 100 Verse Poem On The Life Of The Best Of Mankind By Ali bin Ali bin Muḥammad bin Abi al-Izz ad-Damashaqi al-Hanafi
ISBN: 9781640072336Author: Ali bin Ali bin Muḥammad bin Abi al-Izz ad-Damashaqi al-HanafiBook Binding: PaperbackPages: 186Size: 8.3 x 5.9 x 0.7 InchPublication Year: 2017DescriptionAbout This Book:
The eminent scholar Ali bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Abi al-Izz ad-Damashaqi al-Hanafi wrote a significant work titled "Explanation of the 100-Verse Poem on the Life of the Best of Mankind". A literary masterpiece that eloquently depicts the life and virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the subject of the author's thorough and perceptive discussion in this book.Key Characteristics:Historical and Poetic Brilliance:The book is based on a unique 100-verse poem that captures the life, character, and legacy of the Prophet Muhammad. It is both historically and poetically brilliant. The poem is a distinctive and priceless literary work because it combines historical accuracy with poetic elegance.Intellectual analysis:Known for his intellectual knowledge, Ali bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Abi al-Izz ad-Damashaqi al-Hanafi provides a thorough and scholarly analysis of each verse of the poem. His commentary dives deeply into the lyrics' historical setting, linguistic intricacies, and spiritual lessons.Biographical Insights:Readers obtain a profound understanding of the Prophet Muhammad's biography, his honorable nature, and his exemplary behavior through this work. The author's commentary clarifies the incidents and life lessons learned by the Prophet.Educational Resource:Beyond historical and biographical information, the book provides spiritual enrichment by emphasizing the Prophet's ethical and moral precepts. Readers who wish to model the Prophet's values in their own lives might use it as a guide.
Explanation Of The Poem: Manhaj Al-Haqq Concerning Aqidah And Islamic Moral Conduct By Shaykh ʿAbdur-Rahmān ibn ʿAbdullāh ibn Nāsir ibn Sʿadī
ISBN: 9781649705051Author: Sheikh Abdur Rahman Bin Nasir SaadiBook Binding: ChoosePages: 268Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 0.7 inchPublication year: 2022
DescriptionAbout This Book:"Explanation Of The Poem: Manhaj Al-Haqq Concerning Aqidah And Islamic Moral Conduct" is a book that explains and analyzes the poetry "Manhaj Al-Haqq." In a brief and poetic fashion, the poem digs into essential components of Islamic belief (Aqidah) and moral conduct. Shaykh Abdur-Rahmn ibn Abdullah ibn Nasir ibn Sad, a renowned scholar known for his skill in Islamic theology and ethics, wrote this enlightening book.
The book's content is a line-by-line explanation of the poem, breaking down the complex principles of Aqidah and Islamic moral conduct into simple words. Readers can expect to develop a deeper grasp of core faith doctrines including Allah's oneness, Prophethood, the afterlife, and other foundational beliefs, as well as essential moral concepts that guide Muslims in their daily lives.
Readers can have a better understanding of the relevance of Aqidah and how it forms the foundation of a Muslim's worldview and behaviors by reading Shaykh Abdur-Rahmn ibn Abdullah ibn Nasir ibn Sad's remarks. The book may also include practical advice on how to use these ideas in order to live a pure and virtuous life according to Islamic beliefs.
Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles By Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baz
ISBN: 9781641366847Author: Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin BazBook Binding: PaperbackPages: 188Size: 8.3 x 5.9 x 0.5 InchPublication Year: 2017DescriptionAbout This Book:Abdul Aziz Receptacle Abdullah Container Baz's "Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles" is a significant and edifying work of Islamic review that gives an intensive handle of the focal standards of Islamic confidence and conviction. This book is a critique on the work "The Three Major Standards" (Al-Usul al-Thalathah), composed by Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, a notable Islamic logician of the eighteenth 100 years.Sheik Abdul Aziz Receptacle Baz, a noticeable Islamic researcher and a previous Terrific Mufti of Saudi Arabia, goes profoundly into the major thoughts that comprise the foundation of the Islamic religion in this illuminating review. These three key thoughts are made sense of in the book in a trained and calculated way.Knowledge of Allah (Tawheed):The book examines the unity of Allah (Tawheed), featuring the outright and selective person of Allah's standard, His names and characteristics, and the meaning of monotheism in Islamic ideas.Knowledge of the Religion (Islaam):Sheik Receptacle Baz makes sense of Islamic confidence in basic terms, including its precepts and the significance of sticking to the Quran and Sunnah (the colloquialisms and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad, harmony arrive).Knowledge of the Prophet Muhammad (Sunnah):Grasping the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive): This segment underscores the benefit of taking the Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive) as a good example for Muslims, making sense of the importance of his life and character as well as the meaning of the Sunnah he abandoned in impacting Islamic practice.
God Arises By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
ISBN: 9789960850191Author: Maulana Wahiduddin KhanBinding: SelectPages: 312Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Description:This book, the result of 30 years of exhaustive research, attempts to present the basic teachings of religion in the light of modern knowledge and in a manner consistent with modern scientific methods. After a thorough investigation of the subject, the writer has reached the conclusion that religious teachings are, academically, valid and as understandable and intellectually acceptable as any theories propounded by men of science.
History of Islam (Four Rightly Guided Caliphs) By Maulvi Abdul Aziz Complete Set
Author: Molvi Abdul AzizBook Binding: Hardcover / 4 BooksPages: 610Publiication year: 2012DescriptionAbout This Book:Maulvi Abdul Aziz's four-volume classic, "The History of Islam (Four Rightly Guided Caliphs)," immerses readers in the captivating stories of Islam's first four caliphs. These books take us to the period between the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the rise of the Umayyad kingdom.1. Abu Bakr As Siddiq the First of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs:Our trip begins in the first volume with the life of the first caliph, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. Abu Bakr, revered for his close friendship with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), was instrumental in the early spread of Islam. His administration was characterized by shrewdness and fairness, firmly establishing him as one of the renowned "Rightly Guided Caliphs."2. Umar IBN Al Khattab the Second of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs:Umar's steady and strong leadership guided the Islamic world to unparalleled growth. He is remembered for his administrative improvements, such as codifying Islamic doctrine and establishing a systematic revenue system.3. Uthman IBN Affan the Third of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs:The third volume immerses readers in the life of Uthman ibn Affan, the third caliph. Uthman, a wealthy businessman known for his compassion and piety, became embroiled in a scandal owing to alleged partiality. Tragically, this turbulent period ended with his tragic death at the hands of rebel elements.4. ALI IBN ABI Taalib the Last of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs:Many considered Ali to be the appropriate successor because to his strong familial links to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), but his leadership faced a stiff challenge from Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, who claimed the caliphate. This conflict was a watershed moment in Islamic history."
History Of Islam A Reader Series Ali Ibn Talib By Molvi Abdul Aziz
ISBN: 9786035000840Author: Molvi Abdul AzizBinding: HardcoverPages: 173Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.5 inchPublication Year: 2012
About This Book:
Molvi Abdul Aziz's "History of Islam: A Reader Series - Ali Ibn Talib" will take you on a scholastic journey through Islamic history. This painstakingly prepared book digs into Ali Ibn Talib's (RA) life and times as the fourth Caliph of Islam and a pivotal figure in the early Muslim world. Molvi Abdul Aziz takes readers on a trip through historical narratives, providing a full grasp of the legacy of Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) cherished companion.In-Depth Examination: Molvi Abdul Aziz provides an in-depth examination of Ali Ibn Talib's (RA) life, diving into the historical context, significant events, and contributions that impacted his position in the formation of Islam.Scholarly Approach: This reader series, founded on a scholarly approach, provides a well-researched and authoritative resource for readers seeking a comprehensive understanding of Islamic history. The diligent research of Molvi Abdul Aziz confirms the correctness and validity of the information offered.Early Years and Companionship: Learn about Ali Ibn Talib's (RA) early years, his close companionship with Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and the special tie that defined their relationship. The story moves through crucial episodes, painting a vivid picture of Ali's life.Leadership and Caliphate: Investigate Ali's (RA) Caliphate leadership, the problems he faced, and the achievements he gave to the Muslim Ummah. The book gives details about his reign as the fourth Caliph's government, fairness, and wisdom.Cultural Contributions:"History of Islam: A Reader Series - Ali Ibn Talib" highlights Ali's (RA) cultural contributions, such as his support for scholarship, poetry, and the arts, which enrich the Muslim world's cultural environment.
IQRA' Arabic Reader 2 Textbook By Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah
ISBN: 9781563160332
Author: Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 164
Size: 11 x 8.4 x 0.4 Inch
Publication Year: 2011
About This Book:
Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah's "IQRA' Arabic Reader 2 textbook" is an essential companion to the second level of the IQRA' Arabic Reader series. This textbook was created to reinforce and enhance the learning experience by providing students with interactive tasks and activities that supplement the content of the Arabic Reader 2 textbook. This workbook, written by Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah, is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their Arabic language skills.Overview of the Content:The lessons in the "IQRA' Arabic Reader 2" textbook are effortlessly integrated into the workbook. It includes a variety of tasks aimed at improving and reinforcing vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing abilities. The planned activities adapt to diverse learning styles, ensuring that students receive complete and engaging practice as they advance in their Arabic language studies.Learning that is interactive:"IQRA' Arabic Reader 2 Textbook" places an emphasis on interactive learning. The exercises encourage active engagement and allow students to apply what they have learnt in the textbook. The workbook offers a dynamic and hands-on approach to learning Arabic, from vocabulary-building activities to sentence creation and comprehension exercises.Grammar Improvement:Sections of the workbook are dedicated to reinforcing grammar skills presented in the Arabic Reader 2 textbook. Students can strengthen their comprehension of Arabic grammatical principles, sentence structure, and verb conjugation through tailored exercises, laying a firm basis for language mastery.
Khadijah Mother of History's Greatest Nation By Fatima Barkatulla
ISBN: 9781905516681Author: Fatima BarkatullaBook Binding: HardcoverPages: 192Size: 6.3 X 8.9 X 1.1 InchesPubliication: 2016DescriptionAbout This Book:Fatima Barkatulla's "Khadijah Mother of History's Greatest Nation" is a significantly discerning and genuinely moving life story of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, quite possibly of the most worshiped and influential lady in Islamic history. This book tells the entrancing account of Khadijah, the Prophet Muhammad's revered spouse, harmony, and her critical job in the beginning of Islam.Key features of "Khadijah: Mother of History's Greatest Nation" include:Historical Context:The book gives a rich verifiable system, submerging perusers in the vivacious and complex air of pre-Islamic Arabia, where Khadijah's life happened.Biographical Detail:Fatima Barkatulla gives a nitty gritty and personal picture of Khadijah, featuring her personality, values, and the huge love and backing she gave to the Prophet Muhammad all through his prophethood's initial years.Spiritual Significance:Perusers can draw motivation and profound direction from Khadijah's determined confidence, tirelessness, and commitment to equity and empathy.Women's Empowerment:The book stresses Khadijah's job as a pioneer for ladies' strengthening by featuring her accomplishments as a fruitful business person, steady life partner, and committed mother.Interfaith and Intercommunity Harmony:Khadijah's biography features the significance of interfaith and intercommunity congruity, as she was instrumental in spanning isolates and advancing solidarity.Legacy and Influence:The book digs into Khadijah's continuous inheritance and her huge effect on the advancement of Islamic otherworldliness and morals.
Kitab At Tawheed Explained By Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab
ISBN: 9781898649618Author: Muhammad Ibn Abdul-WahhabBinding: HardcoverPages: 228Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2003
About This Book:"Kitab At-Tawheed Explained" is an exhaustive and savvy assessment of the fundamental Islamic idea of Tawheed, or Allah's unity. This book, composed by Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab, a striking Islamic logician and reformer, gives as a manual for understanding and executing Tawheed in a Muslim's life. The different layers of Tawheed are opened up in this broad composition, making it open to anybody looking for significant information on Islamic monotheism.Tawheed Exposition:Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab's work jumps into the fundamental thought of Tawheed, explaining the Islamic faith in Allah's outright unity. The book is an insightful handbook that explains various parts of Tawheed and its importance in Islamic philosophy.Authoritarian Interpretation:Since Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab composed the first text, his contemplations have authority and authenticity. This clarification gives perusers admittance to the researcher's straight translation, which depends on his broad information on Quranic refrains and hadith (colloquialisms of the Prophet).Islamic Belief Foundations:"Kitab At-Tawheed Made sense of" analyzes the three classes of Tawheed: Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Unity of Allah's Lordship), Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah (Unity of Allah's Love), and Tawheed al-Asma' wal-Sifat (Unity of Allah's Names and Traits).Comprehensive Analysis:The book offers a careful assessment of crucial philosophical issues, diving into the implications of Tawheed in Allah's love, the dismissal of partner accomplices with Him, and the right comprehension of His characteristics as given in the Quran and Sunnah.
Quran In Farsi (Persian) Language (Tafseer Ahsan-ul-kalam) Arabic To Farsi language Translation with Tafseer
ISBN: 9786035000673Author: Dr. Abdul Ghafor HussainBinding: HardcoverPages: 667Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 1.5 inchPublication: 2009Publisher: Darussalam Publications
About This Book:
The "Quran In Farsi (Persian) Language" with "after Ahsan-ul-kalam" is an uncommon and vital asset for Persian-talking people craving to connect personally with the Quran, Islam's sacrosanct book. This volume incorporates the Arabic text of the Quran as well as a total and savvy Persian interpretation with Tafseer (exposition) for more inside-and-out comprehension of the Quran's items and lessons.The immortal Arabic sections of the Quran are given with a dazzling Farsi interpretation that conveys the Quran's message to Persian-talking populaces in this unique release. The consideration of Tafseer gives inside and out clarifications and remarks, permitting perusers to dive into the Quran's significant information and direction.Book in Arabic and Persian:The Quranic stanzas are given in Arabic content close by an unmistakable and articulate Persian interpretation, making the book open to Persian-talking perusers.Tafseer Ahsan-ul-kalam:Remembered for this version is Tafseer Ahsan-ul-kalam, a regarded and exhaustive critique that gives perusers more profound bits of knowledge into the implications and setting of the Quran.Comprehensive Understanding:The blend of Arabic, Persian interpretation, and Tafseer guarantees an intensive handle of the Quran's lessons, permitting perusers to contemplate its significant insight and direction.Cultural and Linguistic Connection:This rendition lays out major areas of strength between Persian-talking perusers and the Quran, permitting them to draw in with the hallowed message in their home tongue and accomplish a more profound comprehension of its message.
Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Qur'an, Qaloon Narration) Arabic Edition By Dar Al Marifah-978-9933-423-54-4
ISBN: 9789933423544Author: Dar Al MaarifahBook Binding: HardcoverPages:604Size: 9.7 x 6.7 x 1.4 inchPublication year: 2007DescriptionAbout This Book:The Tajweed Qur'an (Arabic Edition, Qaloon narrative) from Dar Al-Marifah is a Quran designed to assist Muslims in reading the Quran with correct Tajweed while following the Qaloon narrative. This version offers some features created specifically for this purpose:Tajweed Markings:Each page of the Quran is embellished with color-coded markings that emphasize the Tajweed regulations. This makes it easy to appropriately enunciate each word.Qaloon narrative:The Quran recitation in this version follows the Qaloon narrative, which provides a distinct recitation style.Durable Hardcover Binding:The Quran is provided in a hardcover binding that ensures its durability and simplicity of usage.Dar Al-Marifah's Tajweed Qur'an (Arabic Edition, Qaloon Narration) is a great resource for anyone wishing to read the Quran with correct Tajweed while sticking to the Qaloon narration. Its user-friendly design and extensive feature set make it an excellent candidate for this purpose.The Tajweed Qur'an (Arabic Edition, Qaloon narrative) from Dar Al Marifah is a wonderful resource for those who want to read the Quran with the correct Tajweed while following the Qaloon narrative. Its user-friendly design and extensive feature set make it a good choice for this application.
The Book Of Marriage From The Explanation Of Bulugh Al-Maraam Part 3 By Shaykh Muḥammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin
ISBN: 9798887967691Author: Shaykh Muḥammad Bin Ṣāliḥ Al-ʿUthaymīnBook Binding: ChoosePages: 238Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 0.7 inchPublication year: 2022Language: EnglishDescriptionAbout This Book:Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaymin's "The Book of Marriage from the Explanation of Bulugh al-Maraam Part 3" is a very valuable and thorough book that explores the Islamic tenets and laws governing marriage. The book's third section explicitly addresses divorce and second marriages.
He also discusses the delicate subject of polygamy and sheds light on the obligations and rights of co-wives. For individuals seeking a deeper understanding of the Islamic laws governing marriage, "The Book of Marriage from the Explanation of Bulugh al-Maraam Part 3" is an essential resource.
The Book Of Marriage From The Explanation Of Bulugh Al -Maraam ( Part One) By Shaykh Muhammad al-Uthaymeen
ISBN: 9781635875102Author: Shaykh Muhammad al-UthaymeenBook Binding: PaperbackPages: 295Size: 5.8 x 8.9 X 0.9Publication year: 2017DescriptionAbout This Book:Part of the full clarification of Bulugh Al-Maraam, "The Book Of Marriage" by Shaykh Muhammad al-Uthaymeen presents a definite and smart examination of the Islamic point of view on marriage and conjugal connections. This book, in light of Islamic lessons, is a helpful asset for Muslims wishing to figure out the ideas, customs, and morals encompassing the sacrosanct establishment of marriage.Key Attributes include:Islamic Jurisprudence:Shaykh Muhammad al-Uthaymeen, a recognized researcher, presents a full clarification of Islamic law (Fiqh) concerning marriage. Perusers get an intensive comprehension of the regulations, conditions, and cycles overseeing marriage under Islamic regulation.Quranic and Hadith References:The book contains various inferences to Quranic stanzas and Hadith (idioms and activities of the Prophet Muhammad, harmony arrive). It utilizes essential sources to make sense of the basics of marriage in Islam.Family Values:The creator underlines the significance of solid family values in Islam, as well as how an effective marriage is the groundwork of a sound and energetic Muslim society.Rights and Responsibilities:Shaykh Muhammad al-Uthaymeen examines the freedoms as well as limitations of mates in a marriage. He underlines the significance of accomplices' common regard, thoughtfulness, and empathy.Practical Guidance:as well as inspecting the hypothetical parts of marriage, the book offers useful direction on the most proficient method to conquer the hardships of hitched life. It examines subjects like choosing a viable mate, the marriage contract, and the wedding function.
Tajweed Quran Arabic Only,Leather Zipper Case,(7 x9 inch) (Large Size),978-9933-645-18-2
ISBN: 9789933645182Author: Dar Al MarifahPublisher: Islamic Books ServiseBinding: Zipper SoftcoverPages: 608Size: 14 x 20 cmPublication Year: 2008Language: ArabicPLEASE NOT: TITLE COLOR OF QURAN DEPEND ON AVAILABILITYDescription From PublisherThis is complete Deluxe Color Coded Tajweed Quran (from Surah Al-Fatiha to Surah Al-Nas), it comes with a nice, beautifully designed hard and heavy-duty cover, very strong binding, perfect finishing. This Quran comes in different colors (unfortunately we cannot guarantee the color availability, however all colors are very nice). The paper quality is very high, with Interpretation of selected words on the margin of each page.Allah (sw) ordered us in his holy book to recite the Quran with Tajweed ... "Quran recitation modulating". System of Tajweed serves as a guide for improving the recitation of Quranic style. It was in this way that the Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as well as the manner in which he recited it. Therefore, the readers of the Quran are eager to realize the promise of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): "whoever recites the Quran correctly and proficiently will be with the bountiful dutiful writers (the angels of the preserved tablet - Al lauh Al Mahfuz".Based on a practical understanding of phonology, we have color-coded some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy Quran. This enabled us to classify these letters into three possible categories to enhance the reader's knowledge and remembering of Tajweed rules:- The letters which requires expanded vocalization. We used red color to highlight these letters.- The letters which are nasalized these letters are green in color.- The dark blue color indicates the emphasis of the letter (R), the blue color indicates the unrest letters-echoing sound- (qualquala)- While the letters which are written but are not vocalized. These letters are gray in color.The reader will get used to reciting the Quran by using colors very easily. By engaging the eye, the reader will find him/herself applying 24 rules of Tajweed with ease and precision while his/her mind is left un-engaged to comprehend and understand the meaning of the holy Quran.This Tajweed Quran is in Hafs narration.All our Tajweed Quran products -including this Quran- come with the following:* Color coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules, very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules.* Obvious script: extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.* Permissible stops: long spaces were added at certain places where it is permissible to stop. It helps to avoid stopping at wrong places or times.* A set of very useful indexes such as: Surahs Color Index, Subject Index.Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration
Tell Me About The Prophet Muhammad By Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9788187570110Language: EnglishPages: 56Book Binding: HardcoverSize: 7.87x 5.51 x 1.57 inchesPublisher: Goodword Books Publication Year: 2000
The book presents the life of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, from his childhood in the desert to his divine mission and early preaching in Makkah. It goes on to describe the hostility of Makkans towards his message, their total boycott of him and his family, the Night Journey to seven heavens and the migration from Makkah to Madinah. In Madinah he was welcomed and lived there for ten years teaching and calling people to the divine truth. His life went through stages of poverty, prosperity, defeat and success. Yet whatever his state of well-being or hardship, he never once strayed from the path of moderation. At all times, and right till the end, he remained the patient and grateful servant of the Almighty, bringing his message of peace and truth to all mankind.
The Book Of Marriage From The Explanation Of Bulugh Al-Maraam Part 2 By Shaykh Muḥammad Bin Ṣāliḥ Al-ʿUthaymīn
ISBN: 9781685642617Author: Shaykh Muḥammad Bin Ṣāliḥ Al-ʿUthaymīnBook Binding: HardcoverPages: 235Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 0.7 inchPublication year:2022
About This Book:1.The Islamic laws governing marriage are covered in the work titled The Work of Marriage from the Explanation of Bulugh al-Maram Part 2 by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymin. This book contains 13 chapters each of which explain different aspect of marriage Various kinds of marriages are discussed in this book which are acceptable in Islam.
The book then discusses the requirements for a legal marriage as well as the various processes that constitute the marriage ceremony. The book also talks about how to handle marital couple conflicts in an effective and right way for both husband and wife The examination of marriage breakup finishes the book. A well-written and educational book, The Book of Marriage from the Explanation of Bulugh al-Maram Part
2. The writing of Shaykh al-Uthaymin is lucid and captivating, and he offers a wealth of knowledge regarding the Islamic laws governing marriage. The index number of topics and references are also included in this book I strongly suggest reading The Book of Marriage from the Explanation of Bulugh al-Maram Part 2 if you're interested in learning more about the Islamic laws governing marriage. Anyone who wants to comprehend the Islamic teachings on marriage should use it as a great resource. Compatibility in terms of religion is very essential.
According to the consensus of Muslim jurists and the dictate of textual evidence, a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a disbelieving man: "Then, if you ascertain that they are true believers, send them not back to the disbelievers. They are not lawful (wives) for the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful (husbands) for them." [Sūrah Al-Mumtaḥinah (60):10] This is because she is superior to him [on the merit of her belief in Islām].
Allāh (Glorified & Exalted is He) says:
"Made lawful to you this day are At-Tayyibât [all kinds of Halāl (lawful) foods, which Allāh has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables, and fruits)]. (Lawful to you in marriage) are chaste women from the believers and chaste women from those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) before your time when you have given their due Mahr (bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), desiring chastity (i.e., taking them in legal wedlock) not committing illegal sexual intercourse, nor taking them as girl-friends." [Sūrah Al-Māʾidah (5):5]
The Easy Quran, Translation of the Holy Quran in Easy English By Imtiaz Ahmad (New Edition)
ISBN: 9786030063598Multiple Color Available* A healthy tone of simplicity, accuracy and spiritually prevails.* Skillful blending of literal meanings and its relevant interpretations.* The emphasis was laid on the context and its meaning.* References to al-Hadith were also given to ensure authenticity.* The recent scientific discoveries were also included in it wherever relevant.* Following the way of the People of the Sunnah and the Jama'ah in the explanation and exposition,* Employ expressions that are commonly used and easy to understand.* Avoided difficult phrases and explications that may burden the non-Arab-speaking readers.* Includes authentic reasons of the revelation of the verses of the Holy Quran.
Noble Life of the Last Prophet & Messenger of Allah Muhammad
ISBN: 9786035004572
Author: Professor Abdulaziz Ibrahim Alomary
Pages: 402
Binding: Paperback
Size: 9.4 x 6.6 x 0.5 inches
Publisher: Darussalam Publications
Language: EnglishPublication Year: 2019
About This BookI fully acknowledge that there are many books about the Prophet's life, written by tireless researchers and exceptional authors over the generations. These books have covered every aspect of the seerah, extracting lessons from it as well as Islamic rulings and many other benefits. It has been a centuries-long group effort, written in various languages for every type of audience.I hold these works and their authors in great regard, and I ask Allah to grant them the highest honors, for they are my predecessors in this field. It is my humble dream to be admitted into their ranks, as one who stands behind his imam, following him in prayer. I have found that writing about the Prophet's life granted me great joy, and I hope to pass that on to my readers. Perhaps Allah will accept this deed from me and grant me the intercession of His Prophet, and allow me to meet my beloved leader, what a wonderful honor that would be.This is the second publication of the abridged version. It includes some revisions of some minor issues that were pointed out to me by readers of the first print - many thanks to them and may Allah reward them. I ask Allah to grant us all beneficial knowledge and pious actions, for certainly He is the one to turn to and is capable of all things.