About This Book:
Scarcely any words in the English language bring out such fear and misconstruing as 'jihad.' Books talking about this issue with regards to Western examination much of the time fall into two classifications: they're either obviously biased and antagonistic, or they're portrayed by the agony made by various demonstrations of psychological oppression connected with jihad. This fear is exacerbated by the authentic memory of approximately 1,400 years of trades, and sometimes conflicts, among Islam and Christianity.
"War and Harmony in Islam: The Purposes and Maltreatments of Jihad" expects to converse such a point of view. This book, composed by Islamic strict specialists and Muslim scholastics, gives an intensive outline of standard Sunni and Shi'i Islam lessons and sentiments on jihad. Its objective, upheld by significant exploration and grant, is to offer a far-reaching image of how most of the world's 1.7 billion Muslims view and lead jihad today.
While the book's center subject is jihad, it doesn't keep itself to this issue. It is separated into three segments: Past Harmony: The Act of Abstinence, Leniency, Empathy, and Love, and War and Its Training. In doing so, "War and Harmony in Islam: The Purposes and Maltreatments of Jihad" looks to expose a significant number of the fantasies encompassing jihad and Islam's relationship with the 'Other.' It gives a more nuanced and complete perspective on these basic issues.