About This Book:
Shaykh Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn 'The Difference Between a Prophet and a Messenger" is a provocative and sharp conversation of an essential issue in Islamic philosophy: the qualification between Prophets (Nabi) and Couriers (Rasul). This book makes sense of exhaustively the assignments and commitments of these extraordinary men picked by Allah to impart His blessed word to humankind.
The following are some of the highlights of "The Difference Between a Prophet and a Messenger":
Theological Clarity:
The book makes sense of why it is vital to recognize Prophets and Couriers in Islam. It explains the measures and attributes that recognize these two groupings.
Quranic and Hadith References:
Shaykh Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn 'Abdullaah al-Imaam validates and upholds his clarifications with Quranic refrains and Hadith (Prophet's customs), furnishing perusers with a firm premise of proof.
Historical Context:
The book arranges the idea of Prophets and Couriers inside its authentic and social setting, permitting perusers to get a handle on the hindrances and conditions that made these people's missions.
Role and Mission:
It investigates the unmistakable jobs and missions of Prophets and Couriers, enlightening the idea of their direction and the heavenly lessons they shipped off their singular networks.
Scholarly Approach:
The book adopts an insightful strategy to the issue, offering perusers a well-informed and broad treatment of the subject.
Interfaith Understanding:
While the book is basically focused on Muslims, it can likewise add to interfaith comprehension by giving experiences into Islamic philosophy and the jobs of Prophets and Couriers in Islam.