Author:Jalal al-Din al-Mahalli
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 1248
Size: 6.0 x 4.2 x 1.3
Publication Year: 2010
Language: Arabic
About This Book:
A mainstay of old-style Islamic information, "Tafsir al-Jalalayn" gives invaluable experiences into the implications of the Quranic sections. The exemplary analysis by Jalal al-Noise al-Mahalli and Jalal al-Racket al-Suyuti is rejuvenated in this reduced Arabic version, empowering perusers to collaborate straightforwardly with the adept understanding of the Quran in its unique tongue. This book, a consolidated at this point careful asset, keeps up with the soul of "Tafsir al-Jalalayn," empowering a more extensive readership to get to the scholastic discourse.
Classical Exegesis:
The old-style translation of the Quran in "Tafsir al-Jalalayn" is very much commended. The discourses by the recognized researchers al-Mahalli and al-Suyuti offer perusers a profound and extensive understanding of the Quranic stanzas by combining etymological, verifiable, and legitimate perspectives.
Arabic Language:
To protect the first text's realness and etymological virtue, this version is given only in Arabic. Perusers are more capable at understanding the implications and subtleties of the Quranic analysis by submerging themselves in the rich language, no matter what their degree of Arabic capability.
Compact Size:
This release's decreased size works on its versatility, empowering perusers to take this priceless asset for Islamic review with them any place they go. As a result of its convenience, individuals can investigate the profound experiences of "Tafsir al-Jalalayn" at whatever point they need, which supports customary connection with the editorial on the Quran.
Extensive Commentary:
"Tafsir al-Jalalayn" gives a broad editorial on each section of the Quran, covering the entire text. The editorial gives perusers a complete understanding of the Quranic text by including etymological examination, verifiable setting, legitimate decisions, and otherworldly reflections.