ISBN: 9789960899121
Author: Imam Hafiz 'Abdul-Ghani Al-Maqdisi
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 86
Size: 15x22cm
Publication Year: 2004
Publisher: Darussalam Publications
About This Book:
"Short Biography of The Prophet and His Ten Companions" by Imam Hafiz 'Abdul-Ghani Al-Maqdisi takes you on a compact yet canny visit through the existences of Prophet Muhammad and 10 of his prominent companions. This unique assortment gives readers concise however quick investigate the characteristics, achievements, and moral characteristics of these persuasive characters in Islamic history.
The Beloved prophet
Find out about the vital occasions in the existence of Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive), from his propitious birth in Mecca to the progressive happenings that occurred during his prophetic vocation. Imam Al-Maqdisi provides readers with a brief summation of the Prophet's life and work, empowering them to grasp the degree of his effect on mankind completely.
As-Siddiq Abu Bakr
Find the life story of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, the main Caliph and adored sidekick. Imam Al-Maqdisi enlightens the enduring devotion, valiance, and unselfish help of Abu Bakr, the Prophet's dearest friend and partner.
Al-Khattab, Umar ibn
Investigate the exceptional existence of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the second Caliph eminent for his mettle, equity, and commitment to the prosperity of the Muslim people. Imam Al-Maqdisi offers bits of knowledge into Umar's progressive administration at an essential point in Islamic history.
Uthman, son of Affan
Find out about the life and tradition of the third Caliph, Uthman ibn Affan, who was loved for his benevolence, devotion, and commitments to the Islamic world. Imam Al-Maqdisi causes to notice Uthman's commitment to the assemblage of the Quran and his obligation to civil rights.