About This Book:
Paying Zakat correctly is a crucial Islamic rule. It entails donating some of your money to help others in need. This benefits both the people in need and you. Zakat is a type of charity that Muslims who can afford it must pay. It's generally around 2.5% of the money and items you've accumulated over the course of a year.
What is the purpose of Zakat?
There are two major reasons for this:
Helping People:
Zakat is like a helping hand for people who don't have enough money. It ensures that everyone has access to the necessities of life.
Cleaning Your Money:
Giving Zakat is similar to cleaning your money. It reminds you that money isn't everything and assists you in letting go of greed.
To pay Zakat appropriately, you must first determine how much you owe and ensure that it reaches the appropriate persons. Most Muslims prefer to do this during Ramadan, however, it may be done at any time of year. In a word, appropriately paying Zakat is a method for Muslims with money to help others while also cleaning their own hearts and riches.