About This Book:
Dr. Abdul Hamid A. Abu Sulayman takes readers on a fascinating journey into the complexities of marital relationships in "Marital Discord," providing readers with a thorough and enlightened perspective on the higher purposes of Islamic law (Maqasid al-Sharia) in the context of marriage. This book provides a guide to navigating the issues of marital disagreement while maintaining human dignity and Islamic law principles.
Understanding Marital Conflict:
The book begins by delving into the nature of marital conflict and the numerous problems that couples experience. Dr. Abdul Hamid A. Abu Sulayman offers insightful insights into the causes and manifestations of conflict within the context of Islamic jurisprudence.
Higher Islamic Law aims:
The author then goes into the concept of higher Islamic law aims, highlighting their importance in regulating human behavior and relationships. He explains how these higher goals might be useful in addressing and resolving marital strife difficulties.
Balancing Rights and Responsibilities:
"Marital Discord" emphasizes the significance of establishing a balance between both spouses' rights and responsibilities within the Islamic legal framework. It promotes mutual respect and cooperation as necessary components of a happy marriage.
Dignity and Respect:
The book places a high value on human dignity. It emphasizes the need to respect the dignity of each spouse in a marriage and approach problems with respect and understanding.
Practical Guidance:
Dr. Abdul Hamid A. Abu Sulayman provides practical advice on how couples can handle marital strife. He gives resources for efficient communication, conflict resolution, and getting professional assistance as needed.