ISBN: 9781563161223
Author: Tasneema Ghazi
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 56
Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Publication 1999
About This Book:
"Let's Learn from the Holy Qur'an Coloring Book" is a tomfoolery and educational shading book that takes you on an excursion through the Quran's sacrosanct stanzas. This book, composed by Tasneema Ghazi, offers an imaginative and intuitive methodology for individuals, everything being equal, to associate with the everlasting insight and examples of the Heavenly Quran.
Educational and inspirational:
This shading book overcomes any barrier between craftsmanship and training by empowering perusers to communicate with the significant illustrations of the Quran while releasing their innovativeness through shading.
Beautifully crafted illustrations:
This book supplements the Quranic stanzas with visual renderings that upgrade the peruser's grip on the message and create a more profound association with the message.
Learn as You Color:
While shading, perusers have the chance to assimilate the Quran's lessons, stories, and shrewdness. It's a stand-out technique for joining creative articulation with learning and reflection.
Cultural and Spiritual Enrichment:
"How about we Gain from the Heavenly Qur'an Shading Book" advances getting it, regard, and thought by giving social and otherworldly knowledge into the Quran's lessons.
Since this shading book is planned for individuals of all foundations and levels of understanding, it is a magnificent asset for the two families and schools hoping to advance regard for the Quran's direction.
A Source of Spiritual Connection:
The sections and subjects in this shading book give significant experiences and fundamental life illustrations, advancing a more profound otherworldly relationship with the Quran.