About This Book:
This book is about Muhammad ibn Ismâ'eel al-Bukhari, a highly prominent individual. He was a well-known scholar who gathered and recorded sayings and anecdotes regarding the Prophet Muhammad. The International Islamic Publishing House published the book in 2017. It contains 104 pages and is bound with a soft cover.
This book contains information on Imam Bukhari's life. He was born in Bukhara, Uzbekistan, and passed away in Khartank. It discusses how he went to school as a child, how he traveled to discover sayings about the Prophet, and how he compiled the Saheeh al-Bukhari, Islam's most trusted compilation of these sayings. The book also discusses Imam Bukhari's personality and how he aided Islam. It's a fantastic read for anyone interested in learning more about him.
This book can teach you the following things: