Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah's "Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet" is a timeless and complete reference on the healing capabilities of the medicines and practices prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Islamic tradition. Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah investigates the Prophetic teaching on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being with painstaking scholarship and a thorough understanding of traditional medicine, providing readers with a comprehensive approach to health and healing.
Tradition of Prophetic Medicine
This chapter exposes readers to the Prophetic tradition of healing with natural treatments and practices, emphasizing the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) wisdom in supporting holistic health.
The Healing Power of Quranic Verses and Duas
Learn about the therapeutic effects of Quranic verses and supplications as prescribed by the Prophet for seeking protection and healing from diseases.
Natural Treatments and Dietary Advice
This section delves into the Prophet's use of natural treatments, herbs, and dietary advice to maintain and restore health.
Physical and mental well-being
Investigate the Prophet's instructions on preserving physical and mental fitness, including the significance of regular exercise and stress management.
Faith and Spirituality's Role
This chapter focuses on the relationship between faith, spirituality, and healing, emphasizing the importance of a strong belief system in supporting general well-being.