About This Book:
The huge and enlightening scholarly work of art "Hayatus Sahabah (The Existences of the Sahabah) - 3 Volumes" by Muhammad Yusuf Kandhelvi takes perusers on a careful visit into the existences of the Sahabah, the Prophet Muhammad's (tranquility arrive) well-known partners. This three-volume set offers a complete and top-to-bottom evaluation of the people who assumed urgent parts at the beginning of Islam.
Volume 1
Acquaints readers with the idea of the Sahabah and its unmatched significance in Islamic history. It recounts the narrative of the Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive) and his nearest relates exhaustively, shining light on their honorable person, consistent commitment, and penances for the sake of Islam. The accounts of their changes, difficulties, and triumphs rouse Muslims who need to imitate their enthusiasm and devotion.
Volume 2
Digs further into the existences of the Sahabah, giving individual histories that rejuvenate these excellent individuals. Perusers will find out about Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib, and some more. These reminiscent portrayals depict their accomplishments, yet in addition offer crucial bits of knowledge into their characters, values, and commitments to Islam.
Volume 3:
The last volume keeps on relating the existence of the Sahabah, accentuating the vital job they played in spreading the message of Islam and laying the foundation for the Muslim people group. This book dives into the existence of outstanding female sidekicks, the fights they battled in, and the troubles they persevered. It likewise gives an understanding of the period following the Prophet's demise, when the Sahabah kept on safeguarding the religion.