About This Book:
Hassan Somali's book "Forty Hadith Concerning The Major Sins" It collects forty of the Prophet Muhammad's sayings on the major no-nos in Islam. The book is divided into three sections:
Understanding significant Sins:
In the first section, it defines significant sins and provides evidence from the Quran and the Prophet's teachings that these important sins exist.
The Hadiths:
In the second section, these forty sayings (hadiths) are presented one by one. Each phrase is accompanied by a brief explanation.
Consequences and Avoidance:
The third section discusses the consequences of serious sins. This includes difficult situations like disease or even afterlife punishment. However, it also provides advice on how to avoid these major faults. Even if you are not an expert in Islamic beliefs, the book is simple to read. It is quite beneficial for Muslims who want to understand more about this subject.
Here are several main sins mentioned in the book:
- Shirk is the practice of associating people with Allah.
- Kufr (disbelief in Islam)
- Pretending to believe when you don't (Nifaq)
- Severing familial connections (Qit'at ar-rahim)
- committing adultery (Zina)
- Al-khamr (alcohol use)
- Gharar (gambling)
- Unfair interest charging (Riba)
- Dustur being unkind
- Qat wal-qatl (murder)
- Witchcraft practice (Sihr)
The book also discusses what can happen if you commit grave crimes, such as becoming sick or destitute in this life, and facing retribution in the hereafter, such as eternal damnation in Hell.
However, it concludes on a positive note, demonstrating how to avoid big sins: