ISBN: 9786035000215
Author: Sa'id bin Ali bin Wahaf Al-Qahtani
Binding: Soft Rexin Cover
Pages: 244
Size: 9x12.5cm
Publication Year: 2008
About This Book:
Sa'id bin Ali bin Wahaf Al-Qahtani delivers a pocket-sized gem wrapped in a durable Rexin cover in "Fortress of the Muslim," combining mobility and resilience. This volume is a powerful collection of supplications, invocations, and Islamic prayers that will serve as a constant companion for Muslims seeking solace, direction, and connection with the Divine in their daily lives.
A Small Application Repository
Set out on a spiritual journey with this pocket-sized edition's tiny storehouse of supplications. Al-Qahtani's book combines authentic and powerful invocations from the Quran and Sunnah, resulting in a comprehensive guide for seeking Allah's mercy, protection, and blessings.
At Your Fingertips: Daily Remembrances
Discover daily remembrances right at your fingertips. Al-Qahtani's collection assures that believers can engage in continual acts of remembrance, cultivating a heightened awareness of Allah in their everyday routines, from rising in the morning to retiring at night.
Seeking Safety and Refuge
Investigate supplications for protection and shelter from various afflictions and tribulations. Al-Qahtani's compilation serves as a spiritual shield, directing readers to request Allah's protection against danger, evil influences, and life's tribulations.
Guidance for Every Occasion
Navigate through supplications made for every event, including happy and sad occasions. Al-Qahtani's collection addresses a wide range of human emotions, including prayers for happiness and thankfulness, as well as prayers for comfort and patience amid difficulties.