Contemporary Sciences & Achievements Are Accommodated
Author: Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sadi
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 86
Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inch
Publication Year: 2022
About The Book
This Book features conclusive proofs that the religion of Islām, its sciences, practices, and teachings are packed with goodness, mercifulness, guidance, righteousness, and reformation for all times and conditions. Also, the cosmic sciences and the useful modern technologies are covered under the umbrella of religion whose practices are in concordance with them, contrary to the arguments raised by the ignorant or the materialists. Indeed, every science regarded as beneficial to religion and life, groups, and individuals is an integral part of Islām.
The religion of Islām highlighted and guided people’s attention to such beneficial sciences and whatever else was useful till the Day Resurrection. It is clear that modern sciences will be more harmful than beneficial if not based on religion. To capture this notion, however, two requirements must be fulfilled:1) learning the teachings of the Qurʾān and the Sunnah in general and in detail; 2) developing the necessary knowledge of scientific facts recognized by the unprejudiced rational people. Whenever anybody has a good grasp of both requirements, he will instantly realize that anything good and reformative is accommodated in the Islāmic sciences, practices, and arts so much that they become synonymous with each other.
Any shortcoming would therefore be the result of neglecting one of the earlier requirements. Essentially, primary Sharīʿah principles should govern our understanding of the secondary issues. Still, it would be a fatal mistake to argue about the secondary issues without in-depth knowledge of the primary principles, which gives rise to suspicions whose impact affects only the ignorant. However, they come in circulation by the opinionated.