About This Book:
"Al-Khidr, the Green One" dives into the secretive person of Al-Khidr, a legendary and regarded figure in Islamic religious philosophy. Hugh Talat Halman leads perusers out traveling to find the secret and meaning of the personality of Al-Khidr in Islamic custom. The book dives into the various narratives, legends, and translations of Al-Khidr's life and acts, offering experiences into how he is seen distinctively in various Islamic social orders. It digs into his association with information, guidance, and thoughtful gestures.
This examination gives perusers a superior handle of Islam's otherworldly and supernatural parts, as well as the capability of Al-Khidr as an image of heavenly information and direction. Halman's article gives a complete and receptive gander at this noteworthy person, making it a magnificent asset for individuals inspired by Islamic supernatural quality and otherworldliness. "Al-Khidr, the Green One" is a book that permits perusers to consider Al-Khidr's profound lessons and imagery, offering light on the proceeding with fascination and commitment that encompasses his picture in Islamic practice.