About This Book:
"In today's world, we see a sad decline in human love, and the practice of good manners toward one another has become alarmingly scarce." A closer examination of our current culture reveals the startling amount to which this situation has deteriorated, which is unquestionably the polar opposite of how things used to be when members of the Muslim community freely offered support and collaboration.
Today, the situation is drastically different, with groups frequently resembling competing factions devoid of mutual love. This book serves as a reminder of the Islamic faith's essential principles, which emphasize the need of building love among Muslims. These principles are based on Allah's teachings in His holy book, the Sunnah of His Prophet (PBUH), the example lives of the honorable Companions, and those who followed in their virtuous path.
Insha'Allah, this will benefit everyone, both individuals and society. Love has a profound way of softening hearts and ushering in good news, mutual forgiveness, and pardon among individuals, so it ensures the stability of hearts and the refining of souls."