Women & Family / Marriage

114 products

  • Islam Honors The Woman Islam Honors The Woman

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Islam Honors The Woman

    43 in stock

    Islam Honors The Woman By Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr ISBN: 9781943281602 Author: Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq Bin Abdul Muhsin Al-Bad Book Binding: Paperback Pages 128 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year: 2015 Description About This Book: The book "Islam Honors The Woman," written by Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr, gives insight on women's enhanced place in Islam. The following are some of the book's highlights: Dignity and Equality: Islam respects women's innate dignity and equality, stressing that they are equal partners to males in Allah's relationship. Respect and Rights: The book emphasizes Islam's emphasis on the rights of women, including education, property ownership, work, and decision-making. Duties and obligations: The book explains that Islam provides separate duties and obligations to men and women, recognizing the complementary nature of their contributions to society. Modesty and Protection: Islam encourages modesty and protection for women, fostering an environment in which they can feel safe and respected. Intellectual Pursuits: The book recognizes Islam's support for women's intellectual endeavors, advocating education and knowledge gain. Leadership and Influence: The book emphasizes Islam's acknowledgment of women's leadership and influential positions by analyzing historical instances of famous women in Islamic history. Legal and Social Safeguards: The book delves into Islamic legislation and social safeguards aimed at ensuring women's well-being and equitable treatment. Motherhood and Family: Recognizing the critical role of mothers, the book highlights the importance of motherhood and family in Islam.

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  • 60 Great Women Enshrined in Islamic History By Dr. Tareq As Suwaidan 60 Great Women Enshrined in Islamic History By Dr. Tareq As Suwaidan

    Dakwah Corner Bookstore 60 Great Women Enshrined in Islamic History By Dr. Tareq As Suwaidan

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    60 Great Women Enshrined in Islamic History By Dr. Tareq As Suwaidan ISBN: 9789675699603 Author: Dr. Tareq As Suwaidan Book Binding: Paperbacl Pages 254 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inch Publication year: 2020 Description About This Book: Dr. Tareq As Suwaidan's "60 Great Women Enshrined in Islamic History" is a book that commemorates and recognizes the achievements and roles of 60 significant women throughout Islamic history. These women have made major contributions to society, culture, knowledge, and spirituality in a variety of fields within the Islamic tradition.The book may feature a diverse collection of women who have achieved success in sectors such as: Leadership and Influence: It may emphasize female scholars, educators, and intellectuals who have made significant contributions to Islamic research, theology, and jurisprudence. Leadership and Influence: Women in positions of leadership, authority, and influence, whether in governance, advisory roles, or other areas of societal relevance, could be featured in the book. Spirituality & Devotion: Profiles of women noted for their deep devotion, spiritual teachings, and outstanding character within the context of Islamic spirituality may be included. Social Activism: The book could feature women who advocated for social reform, philanthropy, and community improvement and had a good impact on society. Art and Culture: Women artists, writers, poets, and cultural leaders who have contributed to the enrichment of Islamic arts, literature, and cultural heritage could be featured.

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  • A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman By Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman By Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi

    Authentic Statements Publications A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman By Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi

    22 in stock

    A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman By Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi ISBN: 9781532333873 Author: Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi Book Binding: Paperback Pages 52 Size: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inch Publication year: 2017 Description About This Book: Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi's "A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman" is a particular and dedicated message to Muslim women. Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi addresses Muslim women in this book with crucial counsel and advice adapted to their specific roles and obligations in Islam.The book delves into numerous facets of a Muslim woman's life, such as her relationship with Allah, family, and community. Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi's writing style is compassionate and sympathetic, which makes the message realistic and relevant to Muslim women's lives. In "A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman," readers will obtain a better understanding of the role of faith in shaping their lives. The book offers useful insights and practical advice on how to negotiate the obstacles and opportunities that life throws at them while adhering to Islamic beliefs and principles.Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi's work is an inspiration and source of empowerment for Muslim women who want to deepen their spirituality, nurture their relationships, and constructively contribute to their communities. It emphasizes the crucial role of Muslim women in society and the need of obtaining education and spiritual improvement. "A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman" is a touching and educational book that recognizes and honors Muslim women's unique talents and accomplishments.

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  • The Marriage Guide: According To The Sunnah Of The Prophet By Imam Nasir Al-Din Alabni The Marriage Guide: According To The Sunnah Of The Prophet By Imam Nasir Al-Din Alabni

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Marriage Guide: According To The Sunnah Of The Prophet By Imam Nasir Al-Din Alabni

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    The Marriage Guide: According To The Sunnah Of The Prophet By Imam Nasir Al-Din Alabni ISBN: 9781904336686 Author: Imam Muhammad Nasir Al-Din Alabni Book Binding: Softcover Pages: 96 Size: 8.5 x5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication Year: 2021 Description About This Book:Imam Muhmmad Nair Al-Din Al-Albani Allah,the'Most High said: "Among His Signs is that He created   spouses for you of your own kind so that you   may find tranquility in them. And He has placed love and mercy between  you. Verily in that are Signs for those   who reflect." Surah Ar-Rum, 30:21 The Messenger of Allah (a) said, "When a person gets Married, he has completed half of his religion; so, let him. fear Allah with regard to the other half."Bayhaqi, Shu'ab al-Iman, Shal Al-Albani Hasan Li Ghayrihi, Sahih al-Targhib waq-Tarhib (1916) Marriage is an important institution in the great religion of Islam. Humans have been treated as social Creatures, requiring interactions with each other in order to survive.Harmoniously coexisting in love and mercy amongst men and women   were created To complement one another in companionship. The family as a basic social institution is the cornerstone of society, and strong marriages are the basis for strong communities. Thus, marriage was the way of the previous prophets and messengers, and it was the practice  of our noble Prophet   Muhammad (saw) and his companions - may Allah be pleased with them all, Amin. This Simple but important text, covers many aspects of married life which every Muslim Must acquaint themselves with. The Sheikh - may Allah have mercy on him has diligently put together this work, quoting from the Qur'an and authentic Ahadith of the messenger of Allah It is a great guide for all those who intend on getting married, as much as for those who are already married. Familiarizing oneself with this work is a must for every Muslim who wishes to learn and practice the Islamic manners etiquettes related to marital life, It is a text that no Muslim home or library should be without.

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  • Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness By Muhammad Ismail Al Muqaddim Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness By Muhammad Ismail Al Muqaddim

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness By Muhammad Ismail Al Muqaddim

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    Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness By Muhammad Ismail Al Muqaddim ISBN: 9786035013482 Author: Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Muqaddim Book Binding:Hardcover Pages 491 Size:8.8 x 6.0 x 1.0 inch Publication year:2020 Description About This Book: "Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness" by Muhammad Ismail al-Muqaddim is an interesting book that explores the critical role ambition plays in achieving greatness. The author said a goal without a plan is just a desire, not a goal to achieve your goal you need to be more passionate about your work or goal whatever you settled for yourself. He illustrates how ambition can be a powerful driver for positive change by drawing inspiration from historical leaders and philosophers. The book is divided into three sections that explore various facets of ambition. The first section,"The Nature of Ambition," dives into the many varieties of ambition and what inspires them. He highlights that ambition, depending on its goal, can be either productive or destructive. Your goal you settled for your life must be a progressive goal that helps you to grow in your life rather than destructive desires The second section,"The Benefits of Ambition," discusses the several advantages of having a strong ambition. The desires force us to work hard for our goals. Positive behavior is too effective for achieving any kind of goal. Furthermore, he claims that ambition promotes personal development by providing us with a sense of purpose and pushing us to strive for perfection. In the third section,"How to Develop Ambition," al-Muqaddim offers practical guidance on cultivating a strong ambition. He highlights the importance of having specific goals, taking decisive action, and overcoming hurdles along the road. He also emphasizes the significance of keeping a positive mindset and cultivating self-belief along the trip."Fiery Ambitions: The Fuel That Produces Greatness" is a well-written and informative book that provides a thorough knowledge of the importance of ambition. Fiery Ambitions – by Allah’s permission – has been a spectacular jolt of strength and optimism for many Muslims across the globe. Through it, you will be infused – Allah willing – with pride in your religion as well as in the unrivalled inspiring personalities who adhered to it throughout history. You will read about the princes of piety, the sages of scholarship, the chiefs of charity, the captains of courage, the authorities in altruism… and the secret to becoming one of them!To the overachieving soul who is not content with only reading about exceptional human beings and yearns to find a seat amongst them: pull this book close. To the adamant soul who has tried to unlock the code to greatness for years, but to no avail: discover the treasure map in these pages. To the pure, pious soul who is not satisfied with one lifetime of good deeds and earnestly wishes to be a source of inspiration long after departing this world: make that a reality with Fiery Ambitions. 

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  • Last stock! Road To Recovery Healing From Domestic Violence By Rahmanara Chowdhury Road To Recovery Healing From Domestic Violence By Rahmanara Chowdhury

    Ta-Ha Publishers Road To Recovery Healing From Domestic Violence By Rahmanara Chowdhury

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    Road To Recovery Healing From Domestic Violence By Rahmanara Chowdhury ISBN:9781842001066 Author: Rahmanara Chowdhury Book Binding: Paperback Pages 144 Size: 8.3 x 5.9 x 0.3 inch Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: Rahmanara Chowdhury's book Road to Recovery: Healing from Domestic Violence is a thorough guide for Muslim female survivors of domestic violence and abuse. This Book is divided into three partsPart 1: What is Domestic Violence?Part 2: Overcoming Domestic ViolencePart 3: ContinuingChowdhury examines the many types of domestic violence, the indications of abuse, and the consequences of abuse on survivors in Part 1 She also discusses the Islamic perspective on domestic violence and how to seek assistance from the Muslim community.Chowdhury explores the process of rehabilitation from domestic violence in Part 2 The practical advice for the emotional and psychological affect of abuse and to reconstruct your life to protect yourself from such thingsChowdhury explores how to move on from domestic violence and start a new life in Part 3 The Author tells how to recover and rebuild relationships, safe and healthy environment for you and for your childrenRoad to Recovery is an invaluable resource for Muslim women who have experienced domestic violence and abuse.Road to Recovery is a sympathetic and reassuring guide for Muslim female survivors of domestic violence and abuse. It is a companion book to the Road to Recovery Programme developed by the author but can be used as a stand-alone resource to aid in the recovery process.It contains: A comprehensive look at the various forms of domestic violence and abuse Practical advice on how to get through the aftermath of abuse including self-care, setting goals and parenting Emotional support and understanding of the obstacles faced in the recovery process Both an Islamic and psychological approach in order to gently guide survivors within their recovery journey.

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  • Marital Guide : Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz Marital Guide : Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz

    Authentic Statements Publications Marital Guide : Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz

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    Marital Guide :Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz ISBN: 9781792389689 Author: Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz Book Binding:Paperback Pages:250 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.7 inch Publication year: 2011 Description About This Book: It dives into a number of subjects and circumstances and provides theological judgments to explain the Islamic viewpoint on marriage. Key topics discussed in the book include the following: Choosing a Righteous Spouse: The book emphasizes the traits to seek in a prospective spouse while examining the significance of picking a pious and virtuous companion for marriage. Marriage Process: The stages involved in marrying a good woman are covered, as well as the function of the guardian, the significance of the dowry, and appropriate behavior during the marriage contract. Maintaining a Harmonious Relationship: The book emphasizes the value of encouraging positive companionship between couples and offers advice on how to foster a strong and loving marital tie. Polygyny: It clarifies the circumstances and laws surrounding polygyny, revealing when it is acceptable and how to perform numerous weddings in a respectful manner. Resolving Marital Conflicts: The book offers guidance on how to handle and settle disputes and conflicts inside a marriage, encouraging amicable resolutions and reconciliation. Invalid and Impermissible Marriages: It identifies and describes marriages that are deemed invalid or forbidden in accordance with Islamic law, assisting readers in understanding the limitations and boundaries in marital partnerships.

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  • Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback) Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback)

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback)

    80 in stock

    Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback) ISBN: 9781904336136 Author: Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Book Binding: Paperback Pages:256 Size: 9.3 x 6.1 x 0.6 inch Publication year: 2012 Description About This Book:The paperback book "Relief from Distress" was written by Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. For people going through sorrow and adversity in their life, this informative work provides direction and consolation. Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah tackles numerous sorts of sorrow and offers spiritual and practical solutions thanks to his thorough understanding of Islamic principles. The book provides encouragement and direction during trying times by drawing on verses from the Quran, prophetic traditions, and the scholastic knowledge of Ibn Taymiyyah. Shaykh aI-Islam ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah sanctify his soul, was asked about the saying of the Prophet (SAW) said, The invocation of my brother Yunus, "none has the right to be worshipped save You; glory be to You, far removed are You from any imperfection; I have been amongst the wrong-doers," none who is experiencing difficulty employs it except that Allah would relieve him of his difficulty 1. What is the meaning of this dua? 2. Are their any unstated conditions that have to be met when one articulates it? 3. What is the connection between belief in the heart and the meaning of this supplication such that it leads to the removal of difficulty? 4. Why did he explicitly confess, 'I have been amongst the wrongdoers' when it is known that tawhid in itself leads to the removal of  difficulty? Is it sufficient to acknowledge ones sin alone, or must this be accompanied by repentance and the firm resolve not to repeat that sin in the future? 5. Why is it that difficulty and harm is removed only when a person relinquishes any hope, reliance and dependency upon the creation? 6. How can the heart relinquish the characteristic of putting hope in the creation and depending upon them, and instead put its hope in Allah, Exalted is He, and turn to Him in its entirety? 7. What are the methods that would aid the heart in doing this?

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  • Common Mistakes Of The Woman By Shaykh Dr  Abdullah Al-Tayyar Common Mistakes Of The Woman By Shaykh Dr  Abdullah Al-Tayyar

    Authentic Statements Publications Common Mistakes Of The Woman By Shaykh Dr Abdullah Al-Tayyar

    49 in stock

    Common Mistakes Of The Woman By Shaykh Dr Abdullah Al-Tayyar ISBN: 9781792393419 Author: Shaykh Dr Abdullah Al-Tayyar Book Binding:Paperback Pages:121 Size: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inch Publication year: 2022 Description About This Book: The author of "Common Mistakes of the Woman" is Shaykh Dr. Abdullah Al-Tayyar. Specifically within the context of Islamic teachings and values, the book strives to address and throw light on typical mistakes that women may inadvertently make in various facets of their lives. He has devoted his time to learning about and instructing about different facets of Islam, especially topics specifically related to women. To address the issues faced by women in modern society, his work in "Common Mistakes of the Woman" probably draws on Islamic teachings, scholarly research, and real-world experiences.The mistakes outlined are both numerous and varied. From them are: mistakes in beliefs, in clothing, in changing the appearance of the body, in the way they walk, concerning food and drink, mistakes related to the way in which they sleep and awake, free-mixing, holidays and events, listening (i.e. to music and the likes of it), mistakes concerning traveling, and the condition in which one goes to the doctor.

    49 in stock


  • Last stock! Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women By Ibrahim M. Kunna Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women By Ibrahim M. Kunna

    Darussalam Publications Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women By Ibrahim M. Kunna

    4 in stock

    Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women By Ibrahim M. Kunna ISBN: 9789960717074 Author: Ibrahim M. Kunna Book Binding: Hardcover Pages: 72 Size: ‎14X21 Language: English Description About This Book: Ibrahim M. Kunna's book, Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for Muslim Women, offers solutions to several inquiries concerning Islam that are particularly pertinent to Muslim women. The themes covered in the book are numerous and include: Prayer Fasting Marriage Divorce pregnancy and menstruation Teenage DeathKunna bases his responses on both the Quran and the Sunnah, and he offers proof from both to back up his claims. In order to help readers comprehend the Islamic perspective on the subjects covered, he also intersperses quotations from the Quran and the Sunnah throughout the book. Question and answer in an effective method of teaching. It has been recognized since long ago, and even Prophet Muhammad (S) has adopted it to teach his Companions. A Muslim reader who wishes to check his knowledge about his own religion, without the labor of formal learning and research, can confidently make use of such a collection of questions and answers as this. Since these questions and answers have been prepared on such a basis that the women readers will find them both informative and refreshing, on may get new bits of information and reform their earlier notions; some others may refresh their memories About The Author: Islamic scholar and author Ibrahim M. Kunna. Numerous works on Islam have been authored by him, including "Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women," "The Rulings of the Two Eids in the Light of the Authentic Sunnah," and "110 Ahadith Qudsi (Arabic and English)." Kunna is a graduate of Saudi Arabia's Islamic University in Madinah. He has also attended the Pakistani University of Karachi. The Islamic Jurisprudence Council of North America has recognized him as an authorized Islamic scholar.

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  • Halal Intimacy from the Islamic Perspective By Abdullateef Abdullah Halal Intimacy from the Islamic Perspective By Abdullateef Abdullah

    Dakwah Corner Bookstore Halal Intimacy from the Islamic Perspective By Abdullateef Abdullah

    10 in stock

    Halal Intimacy from the Islamic Perspective By Abdullateef Abdullah ISBN: 9789675699894 Publisher: Abdullateef Abdullah Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 224 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.6 inch Publication year: 2022 Language: English Description About This Book: Intimate relationships are examined in the context of Islamic teachings and principles in the book "Halal Intimacy from the Islamic Perspective". This book, written by Abdullateef Abdullah, strives to offer advice and ideas on sustaining an intimate connection that is halal (permissible) and rewarding within the constraints imposed by Islam. The book probably examines different facets of intimacy from an Islamic perspective, such as marriage, love, and physical intimacy. It might touch on issues like the value of consent, the necessity of communication and respect between partners, the significance of emotional intimacy, and the rules laid down by Islamic teachings about physical intimacy within the confines of marriage. About The Author: Abdullateef Abdullah is a Muslim author and scholar who has published works on a range of subjects, including relationships, personal growth, and Islam. Unfortunately, except from what is contained in my training data up until September 2021, I am unaware of any specifics regarding Abdullateef Abdullah's past or credentials. He might have written books or essays on Islamic issues, such as the above mentioned subject of halal intimacy. If you want to learn more about Abdullateef Abdullah or his writings, I would advise doing a targeted search using his name or looking into respectable Islamic bookshops or online resources that might stock his writings.

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  • Women In Islam by Abdur Raheem Kidwai Women In Islam by Abdur Raheem Kidwai

    Kube Publishing Women In Islam by Abdur Raheem Kidwai

    17 in stock

    Women In Islam by Abdur Raheem Kidwai ISBN: 9781847741400 Author: Abdur Raheem Kidwai Binding: Hardcover Pages: 180 Size: 7.5 x 5.0 x 0.5 inch Publication Year: 2020 Language: English Description About This Book: Abdur Raheem Kidwai's work "Women in Islam" examines the status, rights, and roles of women in Islam. It explores different facets of women's lives within the perspective of Islamic teachings, dispelling prevalent myths and offering a thorough explanation of their rights, obligations, and contributions within the Islamic framework. By eliminating myths and fostering a better awareness of the rights and obligations accorded to women in the Islamic faith, "Women in Islam" aims to present a fair and accurate perspective on the position of women in the religion. About The Author: Islamic novelist, educator, and scholar Abdur Raheem Kidwai is well-known. Numerous publications on various facets of Islam, such as Islamic law, Quranic exegesis, Islamic history, and women's issues in Islam, have been authored by him. A Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Aligarh in India belongs to Dr. Abdur Raheem Kidwai. He has worked as an English professor at Aligarh Muslim University and has been an active participant in both academic research and instruction.

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  • Trials and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik Trials and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik

    Ta-Ha Publishers Trials and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik

    23 in stock

    Trials and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik ISBN: 9781915357045 Author: Faisal Malik Binding: Hardcover Pages: 118 Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 0.5 inch Publication Year: 2022 Language: English Description About The Book: Trial and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik An Islamic Perspective, Faisal Malik examines how Muslims approach overcoming obstacles in life. A variety of duas (supplications) that can be used to ask Allah for assistance are offered in the third section of the book, which is separated into three sections: the first part addresses the nature of trials and tribulations, the second part offers helpful advice on how to cope with them, and the third part offers advise on how to deal with them. Malik starts off by pointing out that everyone experiences hardships in life, regardless of their religious beliefs. He then goes on to talk about the various kinds of difficulties that Muslims could have, like physical illness, financial difficulty, and emotional anguish. According to Malik, these difficulties are not a punishment from Allah but rather a chance for spiritual development. He also stresses the value of perseverance and faith in Allah amid trying times.

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  • The Cherished Queens The Beauty of Polygamy By Iman Daglas The Cherished Queens The Beauty of Polygamy By Iman Daglas

    Darussalam Publications The Cherished Queens The Beauty of Polygamy By Iman Daglas

    38 in stock

    The Cherished Queens The Beauty of Polygamy By Iman Daglas ISBN:9786039177289 Author: Iman Daglas Pages: 248 Book Binding: Paperback Size: 8.3 x 5.5 x 0.5 inch Publication year: 2022 Language: English Description About This Book: "The Cherished Queens The Beauty of Polygamy By Iman Daglas"Islamic teachings focus on a topic that revolves around the tradition of having many wives. It is essential to recognise that while polygamy is allowed in Islam, it is not required and is subject to a number of restrictions. especially verse 4:3 of the Quran, which says: "And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those who please you of [other] women, two or three or four," indicates that the concept of polygamy begins in Islam. But [marry only] one of those that your right hand possesses if you fear that you will not be just. That is more acceptable so that you will not tend

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  • Hijabi girl - What it takes Hijabi girl - What it takes

    Ali Gator Productions Hijabi girl - What it takes

    15 in stock

    Hijabi girl - What it takes ISBN: 9781921772795 Author: Firhana Imam Book Binding: Softcover Pages: 24 Size: 8.5 x 8.5 inches Publication Year: 2021 Description About This Book: "Hijabi girl - What it takes" is an elevating and empowering novel that follows the excursion of a youthful Muslim young lady as she takes on the hijab, an Islamic image of unobtrusiveness and religion. Readers are welcome to encounter the battles, triumphs, and internal strength expected to gladly wear the hijab in the present different world through the hero's eyes. Key characteristics include: Relatable Protagonist: Readers are acquainted with a thoughtful young Muslim lady who sets out on a journey of self-revelation and self-acknowledgment in the book. Her encounters and sentiments will reverberate with individuals from varying backgrounds, encouraging sympathy and understanding. Identity Exploration: "Hijabi girl - What it takes" plunges into the fragile inquiry of character and self-articulation, giving bits of knowledge into the hero's viewpoints and sentiments while wearing the hijab. It digs into the meaning of such an important choice with regard to one's confidence and values. Empowerment and perseverance: The book underscores the hijabi young lady's tirelessness and strength as she defeats various difficulties, like previously established inclinations, biases, and cultural assumptions. Her way is a moving delineation of the mental fortitude expected to hold relentlessly in one's thoughts. Cultural understanding: While zeroed in on the hijab and Muslim confidence, the book energizes social comprehension and variety, empowering perusers to feel included and acknowledged. Educational and Informative: "Hijabi girl - What it takes" shows perusers the meaning of the hijab in Islam and the different justifications for why Muslim ladies decide to wear it. It scatters legends and advances the open conversation about strict and social variety.

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  • Advice on Rectifying our Homes By Shaykh Khalid Al-Dhafiri Advice on Rectifying our Homes By Shaykh Khalid Al-Dhafiri

    Hikmah Publications Advice on Rectifying our Homes By Shaykh Khalid Al-Dhafiri

    6 in stock

    Advice on Rectifying our Homes By Shaykh Khalid Al-Dhafiri ISBN: 9781939833129Author: Shaykh Kkhalid Al-DhafiriBinding: SoftcoverPages: 114Size: 5.5 X 8.5Language: EnglishPublisher: Hikmah PublicationsDescriptionAbout This Book: Shaykh Khalid Al-Dhafiri's "Advice on Rectifying Our Homes" will take you on a transformative path toward creating peaceful and spiritually uplifting homes. This fascinating book provides priceless insights from the acclaimed Shaykh, as well as practical and spiritually uplifting guidance on building a loving environment in our homes. This book, based on Islamic principles, is a beacon of insight for people and families looking to improve the foundation of their households. The Spiritual Core of the Home:  Examine the fundamental ideas that create the spiritual core of our homes. Shaykh Khalid Al-Dhafiri discusses the need to cultivate a culture of love, compassion, and loyalty to Allah within the family unit. This chapter provides as a road plan for constructing a home where faith thrives and Allah is important to daily life. Nurturing Family Bonds: Exploration of the intricacies of familial connections and their significance in shaping the overall health of a home. Shaykh Khalid offers unique insights regarding strengthening family bonds, emphasizing the necessity of communication, empathy, and mutual respect. Readers will get helpful information on how to create a stable and caring family structure. Balancing Dunya and Deen: Navigate the difficulties of balancing worldly obligations with spiritual commitments. Shaykh Khalid explores the delicate balance required to build a successful home while following Islamic ideals in this chapter. Readers will discover advice on balancing worldly activities with spiritual progress, from managing work-life balance to infusing Islamic precepts in daily routines.

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  • Secrets to Successful Families Secrets to Successful Families

    Ta Ha Publishers LTD Secrets to Successful Families

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    Secrets to Successful Families by Afshan Khan ISBN: 9781915357106Author: Afshan KhanBinding: PaperbackPages: 159Size: 148 x 210 cmPublication Year: 2023 Language: EnglishPublisher: Ta Ha Publihers LTDDsecriptionAbout This Book: In a society where familyatic values are nearly absent, "Secrets to Successful Families" offers a smart guide for creating and sustaining good, enduring family structures.The book will not only provide through scientific experimentation as well as documented accounts from families all over the nation but we will also show the readers the science and anecdotes behind the above components. Foundations of Connection: “Explore the significance of fundamental factors that form the basis of life-long tie between the members of a family.” The backbone of a healthy family can be seen in this book, these are very important issues such as trying to be consistent with communication and in sharing common values and traditions. Overcoming Obstacles with Grace: All of our families encounter difficulties, yet it's the way we hold them through that matter.The ways pointed in "Family Secrets of Success" enable to build up resilience, overcoming failure's obstacles, and transforming challenges into learning experiences are practical. Creating Sturdy Relationships: Forget about dysfunctional families but instead investigate a well functioning family relationships.The momentary engagement of the employed tools in this book will give birth to solid, loving relationships that will last over the lifetime, given siblings-ships and parent-child relations. Communication Techniques: In families, communication is an inevitable tool which is used more than all the other elements.Developing the ability to communicate with personal touch and etiquette leading to empathy, understanding and openness will be your responsibility.Check in how the family can be brought up where everyone in it values and has a chance to be heard. Balancing Individuality and Unity: Finding the Tight Balance Between Promoting Individuality and oneness: Develop the ability of creating a family that is its “nucleus” while allowing its members to maintain their individuality.The infographic "Secrets to Successful Families" provides concrete tips on raising the kids while retaining a strong family resource at the same time.

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  • Last stock! Facets of Muslimah’s Journey by Abu Sahl Adebayo Dhikrullah Facets of Muslimah’s Journey by Abu Sahl Adebayo Dhikrullah

    Dakwah Corner Bookstore Facets of Muslimah’s Journey by Abu Sahl Adebayo Dhikrullah

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    Facets of Muslimah’s Journey by Abu Sahl Adebayo Dhikrullah ISBN: 9786297545035 Author: Abu Sahl Adebayo Dhikrullah Binding: Paperback Pages: 269 Size: 8.46 x 0.59 x 5.51 inches Publication Year: 2023 Language: English Publisher: Dawah Corner Bookstore Dsecription About This Book: "Facets of Muslimah’s Journey" represents an engaging work that takes us on the varied travels of Muslim women, bringing their difficulties, successes, and spiritual struggles to the forefront. The book portrays inspiring stories, deepest thoughts, and rich insights of Muslim women who are vulnerable to all social aspects. These contribute to social life, showing their resilience and their ambitions in their identity as women. Embracing Diversity: It starts with a wonderful celebration of the multifaceted nature of the Muslim culture as it is manifest in the lives of every woman and the various elements that make every woman unique as an individual. The author is tackling some of the most intricate questions that a Muslim woman might pass through in her journey of life. From the merging of the faith and her identity to the diversity of the cultural landscape and the societal norms, the book takes a closer look at the rich facets of the aforementioned issues. Spiritual Reflections: Every chapter of the book describes a different part of her ongoing spiritual voyage with personal narratives, interpretations of Quran, and hadiths in order to illuminate the path toward her spiritual nourishment. Sometimes they doubt, worry about the faith; sometimes they seek comfort and consolation in the wane moments; or they reflect about the universal involvement of God in their world and in his/her potential higher connection. In this case, they mostly use the guidance of Islamic teachings to find the answers. Challenges and Resilience: In this book, using the first person accounts and stories, the main problem of the book, "Facets of Muslimah’s Journey" is demonstrated while women are pursuing their education, careers, faith, and independence. These narratives range from challenging societal stereotypes and misconceptions to the struggle of dealing with systemic barriers and cultural pressures; however, they all culminate in the protagonist’s show of power under dire circumstances, courage, and strong determination while on their way to attaining inner peace and self-actualization.

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Women & Family / Marriage

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