Quran & Tafsir

78 products

  • Learning Arabic Language of the Quran By Izzath Uroosa Learning Arabic Language of the Quran By Izzath Uroosa

    Darussalam Publications Learning Arabic Language of the Quran By Izzath Uroosa

    216 in stock

    Learning Arabic Language of the Quran By Izzath Uroosa ISBN: 9786035000659Author: Izzath UroosaBinding: HardcoverPages: 483Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2010DescriptionAbout This Book: "Learning Arabic: Language of the Quran" by Izzath Uroosa is an exhaustive and receptive handbook planned to help anybody who needs to dig into the intricacies of the Arabic language as it shows up in the Quran. This book, custom-fitted for students, everything being equal, is a great asset for those wanting to figure out the phonetic intricacies of Quranic sections. Izzath Uroosa urges perusers to start a significant revelation of the language that communicates the heavenly message through a coordinated strategy and down-to-earth experiences. Unlocking the Language of Revelation: At the focal point of this work is an endeavor to unravel the language where the Quran, the heavenly disclosure, is verbalized. Izzath Uroosa gives perusers the instruments and skills they need to navigate the Arabic language, giving a guide to grasping the style and intricacy of the Quranic refrains. Step-by-Step Learning Path: "Learning Arabic: Language of the Quran" adopts a bit-by-bit strategy to show perusers the essentials of the Arabic language. The book offers a moderate and efficient movement, taking special care of students at different phases of experience with the language, from fundamental letters and sounds to additional convoluted linguistic designs. Practical Insights and Application: Notwithstanding scholarly clarifications, the book incorporates reasonable bits of knowledge and application exercises. Perusers are urged to effectively associate with the language through undertakings that stress syntax, jargon, and sentence structure. This involved methodology advances a more vivid and successful learning climate.

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  • Noble Quran Word for Word (3 Vol. Set) Noble Quran Word for Word (3 Vol. Set)

    Darussalam Publications Noble Quran Word for Word (3 Vol. Set)

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    Noble Quran Word for Word (3 Vol. Set),word for word quran ISBN: 9789960897660Author: Dr. Muhsin Khan & Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Al-HilaliBinding: HardcoverPages: 1388Size: 9.7 x 6.9 x 1.0 inchPublication Year: 1999DescriptionAbout This Book: Take an extraordinary excursion through the holy entries of the Quran with the "Noble Quran Word for Word (3 Vol. Set)." This total rendition, fastidiously made by Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Taqi-ud-Racket Al-Hilali, is planned to give perusers a significant understanding of the Quranic text through an exact and nitty gritty in the same word interpretation. Word-for-Word Precision: The obligation to in the same words accuracy is key to this variant. Each refrain's Arabic text is enhanced by an accurate English interpretation, permitting perusers to dive into the Quranic language's phonetic complexities and design. This technique gives an exhaustive and educational device for people who need to know the specific implications of every word. Comprehensive Coverage: This three-volume set covers the whole Quran, giving perusers an exhaustive assessment of its sections and stanzas. Every volume is coordinated so that a calculated investigation of the Quranic text is made conceivable, taking into consideration a careful handle of the heavenly disclosures. Linguistic Insights: The interpretation of Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Taqi-ud-Racket Al-Hilali goes past essential word interpretation. The set gives phonetic bits of knowledge into Arabic, helping perusers in valuing the persuasiveness, beat, and profundity of the Quranic refrains. The perusing experience is improved by this semantic methodology. Visual Presentation: The visual show of the Arabic and English texts one next to the other further develops the growing experience. Perusers can follow the Arabic content and its English interpretation in a synchronized style, which helps understanding and elocution for people who are new to the Arabic letters in order.

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  • Help Yourself in Reading The Quran By Qari Abdussalam Help Yourself in Reading The Quran By Qari Abdussalam

    Darussalam Publications Help Yourself in Reading The Quran By Qari Abdussalam

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    Help Yourself in Reading The Quran By Qari Abdussalam ISBN: 9789960740492Author: Qari AbdussalamBinding: SoftcoverPages: 64Size: 17x24cmPublication Year: 2010DescriptionAbout This Book: "Help Yourself in Reading The Quran" by Qari Abdussalam takes you on an independent outing through the consecrated pages of the Quran. This congenial and motivating asset is expected to assist perusers of all levels with further developing their Quranic understanding abilities, lay out a more grounded relationship with the heavenly text, and empower significant commitment with its refrains. Opening the Craft of Quranic Perusing: Qari Abdussalam's book, Opening the Expertise of Quranic Perusing, is a vital aspect of opening the expertise of perusing the Quran with familiarity and understanding. This guide gives useful techniques to upgrade your Quranic understanding experience, whether you are a beginner making your most memorable strides or an accomplished peruser looking for development. Step-by-Step Instructions: The book gives step-by-step guidelines, separating the intricacy of the Quranic and adding something extra to absorbable and justifiable pieces. Qari Abdussalam guides perusers through a step-by-step process, guaranteeing that each step expands on the former one, prompting a progressive and sure dominance of Quranic perusing. Phonetic Transliteration: "Help Yourself in Reading The Quran" uses phonetic literal interpretation to perceive the variety of perusers and their fluctuating degrees of information in Arabic. This capability helps people who are new to the Arabic letters in order, making it accessible to a more extensive crowd prepared to connect straightforwardly with the Quran. Practical Exercises and Advice: All through the book, Qari Abdussalam offers functional activities and exhortation, offering perusers involved chances to apply what they've realized. These exercises are intended to build up fundamental ideas, improve elocution, and cultivate the improvement of a liquid and expressive discussing style.

    387 in stock


  • Last stock! Introduction to The Principles of Tafsir By Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimeen Introduction to The Principles of Tafsir By Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimeen

    Al-Hidaayah Publishing Introduction to The Principles of Tafsir By Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimeen

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    Introduction to The Principles of Tafsir By Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimeen ISBN: 9781898649823Author: Muhammad bin Salih Al-UthaimeenBinding: SoftcoverPages: 204Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2009DescriptionAbout This Book: With "Introduction to The Principles of Tafsir" by the eminent Islamic scholar Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimeen, embark on a comprehensive examination of the magnificent science of Tafsir. This informative study serves as a complete guide, introducing readers to the essential concepts that govern Quran interpretation. Tafsir Foundations:  Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimeen establishes the groundwork for a sophisticated grasp of Tafsir, the science of reading the Quran, in this fascinating book. The author digs into the fundamental ideas that govern divine text interpretation, presenting readers with a strong framework for engaging with Quranic texts. Language and Historical Environment:  Al-Uthaimeen's investigation includes the language and historical environment in which the Quranic revelations were transmitted. Readers get significant insights into the complexities of the Arabic language utilized in the Quran, as well as the precise circumstances that created each verse's revelation. Tafsir's Guiding Principles and Techniques:  The book describes the Tafsir's guiding principles and techniques, illustrating how scholars approach the interpretation of Quranic verses. Al-Uthaimeen's comprehensive explanation enables readers to understand the systematic processes employed by scholars to draw meanings and lessons from the sacred text. Authenticity and Clarity: Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimeen, known for his commitment to authentic Islamic teachings, assures that the principles addressed in this book are based on the Quran and the Sunnah. The lucidity of his explanations makes the book accessible to a wide range of readers, from Islamic studies students to individuals seeking a fundamental understanding of Tafsir.

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  • Last stock! Magnificence of the Quran By Mahmood bin Ahmad bin Saaleh Ad-Dausaree Magnificence of the Quran By Mahmood bin Ahmad bin Saaleh Ad-Dausaree

    Darussalam Publications Magnificence of the Quran By Mahmood bin Ahmad bin Saaleh Ad-Dausaree

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    Magnificence of the Quran By Mahmood bin Ahmad bin Saaleh Ad-Dausaree ISBN: 9789960980119Author: Mahmood bin Ahmad bin Saaleh Ad-DausareeBinding: HardcoverPages: 392Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2009DescriptionAbout This Book: "Magnificence of the Quran" by Mahmood bin Ahmad bin Saaleh Ad-Dausaree will take you on a voyage of spiritual enrichment and profound insight. As it digs into the beauty and ageless wisdom embodied in the sacred text, this awe-inspiring work attests to the profound influence and transformational power of the Quranic revelations. Exploring Divine Beauty:  In "Magnificence of the Quran," Mahmood bin Ahmad bin Saaleh Ad-Dausaree invites readers to discover the divine beauty hidden in Quranic verses. Each chapter emerges like a spiritual tapestry, weaving together themes of guidance, knowledge, and moral enlightenment that strike a deep chord with readers. In-depth Reflections:  The author promotes in-depth reflections on the verses, revealing the layers of meaning and significance found within the sacred text. Ad-Dausaree's insightful commentary guides readers through the profound themes and how to apply them in their lives, building a greater relationship with the divine. Experiencing the Spiritual Depths:  "Magnificence of the Quran" is more than just a book; it is a trip into the spiritual depths of the Quranic revelations. The exploration of Mahmood bin Ahmad bin Saaleh Ad-Dausaree goes beyond literal interpretations, providing readers with a glimpse into the Quran's profound insights and transforming power. Universal Relevance: The book ties the Quranic teachings to universal aspects of human experience using a universal methodology. The insights of Ad-Dausaree make the beauty of the Quran accessible to readers of various backgrounds, establishing a sense of togetherness and shared spirituality.

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  • Last stock! Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 28 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 28 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal

    Darussalam Publications Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 28 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal

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    Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 28 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal The Prophet tells us, "The best of you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it." [Al-Bukhari] This is an excellent tool for anyone who would love to just that. The structure and simplicity of al-Tafsir al-Manhaji (Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran) make it suitable for students of all ages. It has been authored by a team of scholars, all of them experts with Ph.D.'s in Tafsir, and reviewed by the famous scholar and da'iyah, Dr. Umar al-Ashqar. The goal of this textbook is to provide full-time and weekend Islamic schools a complete curriculum for teaching Tafser of the Noble Qur'an to their students. It is suitable for students who have no background in studying the Qur'an or Arabic but will also be beneficial for those students seeking a basic tool to improve their understanding. This Tafseer provides a brief overview of the subject(s) and background of every Surah. It is broken up into lessons, and every lesson provides a list of important vocabulary, commentary, a list of important reflections that can be derived from the verses, and questions to test the students' reading and comprehension. Many lessons also incorporate special exercises such as essay questions or small research assignments to help build the students' knowledge and understanding of the Qur'an. Tafsir Manhaji - Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran. A unique, clear and easy to study Tafsir of the Noble Quran for students of all ages.

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  • Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 29 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 29 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal

    Darussalam Publications Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 29 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal

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    Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 29 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal Author: Dr. Ahmad NawafalBinding: HardcoverPages: 249Size: 20x29cmPublication Year: 2008DescriptionAbout This Book: Dr. Ahmad Nawafal's "Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 29" will take you on a deep investigation of the Quranic revelations. This enlightening study serves as a scholarly guide, providing readers with a thorough and in-depth interpretation of the Noble Quran's penultimate section. Using Divine Wisdom to Navigate Dr. Ahmad Nawafal leads readers through the Quran's penultimate chapter, unveiling the divine wisdom contained in its passages. This portion provides a link between the Quran's wider concepts and the specific instruction provided for believers, allowing readers to ponder the spiritual and moral precepts included within these chapters. Methodical explanation:  As the title suggests, this book offers a methodical explanation of the Quranic verses found in Part 29. Dr. Ahmad Nawafal takes a systematic approach, allowing readers to delve into the texts. This rigorous interpretation enriches the study of the Quran, allowing for a thorough grasp of its messages. Scholarly Insight & Contextual Comprehension:  Dr. Ahmad Nawafal provides scholarly insight into the interpretation, providing a comprehensive comprehension of the Quranic verses' linguistic complexity, historical context, and thematic coherence. Readers acquire vital insights into the circumstances surrounding the revelation of these lines, which enhances their understanding of divine instruction. Reflective and Contemplative Inquiry: The book encourages readers to examine the meanings and teachings embedded in the Quranic text, which encourages a reflective inquiry. Dr. Ahmad Nawafal's commentary encourages readers to take a more introspective approach, asking them to apply the knowledge inherent in these verses to their lives and cultivate a stronger relationship with divine direction.

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  • Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 30 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 30 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal

    Darussalam Publications Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 30 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal

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    Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 30 By Dr. Ahmad Nawafal ISBN: 9786035000802Author: Dr. Ahmad NawafalBinding: HardcoverPages: 295Size: 20x29cmPublication Year: 2008DescriptionAbout This Book: Dr. Ahmad Nawafal's "Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran Part 30" takes you on the concluding leg of a profound journey through the Quranic teachings. This thorough book shines as a light of wisdom, providing readers with a logical and insightful analysis of the Noble Quran's final portion. Divine Wisdom Culmination Dr. Ahmad Nawafal guides readers through the Quran's final quarter, revealing the wisdom and insight hidden in the passages. Part 30 concludes the Quranic discourse by addressing themes of guidance, introspection, and spiritual elevation as the divine revelations come to an end. Methodical analysis:  As the title suggests, this book offers a methodical analysis of Quranic texts. Dr. Ahmad Nawafal takes a methodical approach, providing readers with clarity and depth in their understanding of the verses. The methodical interpretation enriches the study of the Quran, allowing for a thorough examination of the divine word. Scholarly Understanding and Contextual Understanding:  Dr. Ahmad Nawafal goes into the language intricacies, historical context, and thematic coherence of the Quranic verses with scholarly understanding. Readers get a deep grasp of the context in which these verses were revealed, forging a link between the timeless wisdom of the Quran and humanity's concerns. Reflective and Contemplative Exploration: The book encourages readers to explore the Quran in a reflective and contemplative manner. Dr. Ahmad Nawafal's interpretation urges readers to consider the poems' deeper meanings, building a spiritual connection and encouraging personal reflection in the pursuit of guidance and self-improvement.

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  • Study The Noble Quran Verse by Verse (Part 1) By Dr. Muhsin Khan & Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali Study The Noble Quran Verse by Verse (Part 1) By Dr. Muhsin Khan & Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali

    Darussalam Publications Study The Noble Quran Verse by Verse (Part 1) By Dr. Muhsin Khan & Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali

    19 in stock

    Study The Noble Quran Verse by Verse (Part 1) By Dr. Muhsin Khan & Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali ISBN: 9789960982991Author: Dr. Muhsin Khan & Dr. Taqi-ud-Din HilaliBinding: SoftcoverPages: 70Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2006DescriptionAbout This Book: "Study The Noble Quran Verse by Verse (Part 1)," a famous work by the esteemed academics Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali, will take you on a profound journey of understanding and contemplation. This comprehensive book takes readers on a meticulous investigation of the Quranic verses, providing priceless insights into the divine text's meanings, context, and wisdom. A Knowledge Foundation The first section of the book lays the groundwork for a more in-depth comprehension of the Quran. Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali provide historical context, linguistic nuances, and subject overviews to readers, producing a comprehensive framework that enhances the study of the Noble Quran. Verse-by-Verse Commentary:  As readers go through the Quranic verses, the authors provide detailed commentary that dissects each verse, revealing layers of significance and insight. The verse-by-verse approach allows for a thorough investigation, ensuring that readers comprehend the intended messages and lessons buried in the divine revelation. Contextual and Historical Perspectives:  Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali bring the historical and contextual aspects of the Quranic revelations to life. They walk readers through the events, situations, and tales that shaped the verses, building a profound connection between the reader and the divine text through their scholarly competence. Authentic Translation: This book contains a faithful and highly acknowledged translation by Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali, who are well-known for their dedication to correctness and authenticity. The translation guarantees that readers have clear and understanding access to the meanings of the Quranic texts.

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  • An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran By Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran By Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi

    Al-Hidaayah Publishing An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran By Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi

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    An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran By Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi ISBN: 9781898649328Author: Abu Ammaar Yasir QadhiBinding: HardcoverPages: 424Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inchesPublication Year: 1999DescriptionAbout This Book: With "An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran" by the eminent Islamic scholar Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, you can embark on a scholarly examination of the Quran. This informative work serves as a complete guide, providing readers with a thorough understanding of the various sciences that surround the Quran, boosting their respect for the divine word. Foundational Knowledge: Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi provides the groundwork for a deep comprehension of the Quranic sciences in this beautifully produced introduction. The historical context, linguistic complexities, and numerous disciplines that help to understand the depths of the Quran's wisdom are all introduced to readers. Historical Context and Revelation:  Investigate the historical context of the Quran's revelation, learning about the people, places, and events that impacted the divine message. Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi sheds light on the contextual meanings that improve the interpretation of individual verses, providing insights into the chronological order of revelation. Linguistic Nuances: Explore the Quran's linguistic beauty with a concentration on Arabic grammar, rhetoric, and eloquence. The skilled study of Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi unravels the linguistic nuances, allowing readers to appreciate the Quranic text's matchless eloquence and accuracy. Sciences of Recitation and Memorization: The book also discusses the sciences of recitation and memorization, delving into the precise laws controlling the pronunciation and memorizing of the Quran. Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi offers practical advice on the art of recitation, emphasizing the need to maintain the Quran in both letter and spirit.

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  • Selected Surahs & Supplications for the Morning & Evening By Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri Selected Surahs & Supplications for the Morning & Evening By Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

    Darussalam Publications Selected Surahs & Supplications for the Morning & Evening By Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

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    Selected Surahs & Supplications for the Morning & Evening By Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri ISBN: 9782987458264Author: Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-MubarakpuriBinding: SoftcoverPages: 136Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2000DescriptionAbout This Book: "Selected Surahs & Supplications for the Morning & Evening" by Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri transports you to a world of spiritual tranquillity. This carefully curated compilation gathers a selection of Quranic verses and supplications that provide solace, guidance, and blessings for the morning and evening, providing spiritual nourishment for Muslims seeking a deeper connection with their faith. Morning Blessings:  Discover a selection of carefully chosen Surahs and supplications that establish a harmonious tone for the day ahead in the embrace of dawn. The thoughtful compilation of Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri invites introspection and thankfulness, providing a spiritual basis for navigating the challenges and blessings that each morning brings. Evening Tranquility: As the day comes to an end, immerse yourself in the serenity of the evening with specifically chosen Surahs and supplications. Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri leads readers through words that provide solace, ask forgiveness, and invite heavenly protection as night falls, generating a sense of quiet and introspection. Authenticity and Clarity: Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri, noted for his dedication to Islamic knowledge, contributes an authentic and clear perspective to this compilation. Each chosen Surah and petition is accompanied by succinct analysis, ensuring that readers understand the contents and find resonance in their hearts. Practical Guidance for Daily Life: "Selected Surahs & Supplications for the Morning & Evening" is more than just a collection of verses; it is a guide for implementing the wisdom of the Quran into daily life. The supplications presented provide practical counsel for asking Allah's blessings, protection, and kindness throughout the day.

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  • Last stock! Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurat By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurat By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurat By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

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    Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurat By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips ISBN: 9789960966694Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal PhilipsBinding: SoftcoverPages: 304Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inchesPublication Year: 2006DescriptionAbout This Book: "Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurat" by renowned scholar Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips delves into the depths of Quranic wisdom. This insightful work focuses on deconstructing the meanings and lessons buried in Surah al-Hujurat, guiding readers with clarity and depth through the complexity of its passages. Getting to the Heart of Surah al-Hujurat: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips methodically uncovers the layers of Surah al-Hujurat in this incisive commentary, demonstrating its relevance to the social fabric of Muslim society. Readers are guided through the ethical and moral precepts that underpin this chapter, obtaining a comprehensive comprehension of the principles that govern interpersonal relationships. Ethics and Conduct in the Muslim Community:  Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips emphasizes the practical application of Quranic teachings, notably those found in Surah al-Hujurat, by linking them to the conduct and ethics demanded of Muslims. This tafsir guides negotiating the complexities of social interactions, from gossip and slander to the necessity of unity and brotherhood. Contemporary Relevance and Timeless Wisdom:  As the commentary progresses, readers discover the Surah al-Hujurat's contemporary relevance, with Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips drawing parallels between the Quranic verses and the difficulties of the global Muslim community. This surah's ageless wisdom becomes a source of inspiration for anyone seeking guidance in their personal and communal life. The Method of Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, known for his intellectual expertise and adherence to true Islamic teachings, gives a distinct viewpoint to the tafsir genre. His engaging writing style and ability to condense difficult concepts make this work accessible to a wide range of readers, from seasoned scholars to those dipping their toes into the depths of Quranic commentary for the first time.

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  • Tafsir Ibn Kathir (10 Volume Set) By Hafiz Ibn Katheer Tafsir Ibn Kathir (10 Volume Set) By Hafiz Ibn Katheer

    Darussalam Publications Tafsir Ibn Kathir (10 Volume Set) By Hafiz Ibn Katheer

    70 in stock

    Tafsir Ibn Kathir (10 Volume Set) By Hafiz Ibn Katheer ISBN: 9781591440208Author: Hafiz Ibn KatheerBinding: HardcoverPages: 10 BooksSize: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2000DescriptionAbout This Book: The "Tafsir Ibn Kathir" - a magnificent 10-volume book meticulously produced by the great Hafiz Ibn Kathir - will take you on a fascinating and illuminating journey through the pages of Islamic learning. This extensive compilation is a cornerstone of Islamic exegesis, offering readers unmatched insights into the Quran's meanings and interpretations. The Origins of Quranic Exegesis The first volume delves into the foundation of Tafsir Ibn Kathir, investigating the historical backdrop and methodology used by Hafiz Ibn Kathir to uncover the complexities of Quranic texts. The voyage begins with a deep dive into the underlying implications of Al-Fatiha, laying the groundwork for the in-depth investigation that follows. The Meccan Revelations: A Journey The following chapters of the voyage journey through the Meccan revelations, uncover the spiritual and moral teachings inherent in the verses. Hafiz Ibn Kathir's painstaking commentary illuminates prophetic stories, ethical ideals, and everlasting wisdom woven within the fabric of these early revelations. The Medinan Period Taught Us Moving on to the Medinan period, readers investigate the disclosures addressing the Muslim community's sociopolitical situation. The profound thoughts of Hafiz Ibn Kathir guide readers through the scriptures that describe topics of administration, justice, and the ethical behavior expected of believers. Divine Wisdom Culmination The latter volumes capture the pinnacle of heavenly wisdom revealed in the Quran's later chapters. Hafiz Ibn Kathir's commentary dives into verses that cover a wide range of topics, from personal behavior to societal peace, providing readers with a complete comprehension of Quranic concepts.

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  • Last stock! Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 30 By Hafiz Ibn Katheer Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 30 By Hafiz Ibn Katheer

    Darussalam Publications Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 30 By Hafiz Ibn Katheer

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    Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 30 By Hafiz Ibn Katheer ISBN: 9789960899541Author: Hafiz Ibn KatheerBinding: HardcoverPages: 256Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2012DescriptionAbout This Book: "Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 30" by Hafiz Ibn Kathir takes you on a profound trip into the depths of Quranic interpretation. This famous work is a section of the famed Tafsir (exegesis) written by Hafiz Ibn Kathir, an esteemed Islamic thinker. Readers are guided through the interpretation of the final section of the Quran in this chapter, the final part of the Tafsir, uncovering the meanings, wisdom, and contextual insights underlying the divine verses. Investigating the Culmination of Revelation This part introduces readers to the final chapters of the Quran, providing insights into the distinctive themes and narratives found in the heavenly scripture's final quarter. Hafiz Ibn Kathir guides the reader through the passages, revealing the conclusion of divine wisdom that serves as a beacon for believers. Historical Background and Contextual Analysis Examine the historical context and backdrop of the poems in Part 30. Hafiz Ibn Kathir offers a detailed knowledge of the events surrounding the revelations, increasing readers' grasp of the Quranic text by situating it within its historical and social context. Thematic Study of Quranic Verses Investigate the reoccurring themes and interrelated narratives that characterize this section's poetry. The painstaking analysis of Hafiz Ibn Kathir allows readers to grasp the thematic coherence and divine wisdom that unifies the Quran, providing a full knowledge of the interplay between different aspects of the scripture. Spiritual Thoughts and Lessons This section encourages readers to participate in spiritual reflections inspired by the Tafsir. Hafiz Ibn Kathir provides insights into the Quranic verses' moral, spiritual, and practical aspects, encouraging a greater connection between the reader and the profound teachings encapsulated in the text.

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  • Tajweed Quran with Translation In English By Abdullah Yusuf Ali Tajweed Quran with Translation In English By Abdullah Yusuf Ali

    Dar Al Maarifah Tajweed Quran with Translation In English By Abdullah Yusuf Ali

    186 in stock

    Tajweed Quran with Translation In English By Abdullah Yusuf Ali ISBN: 9789933423001Author: Abdullah Yusuf AliBinding: HardcoverPages: 604Size: 9.7 x 6.9 x 1.3 InchPublication Year: 2007DescriptionAbout This Book: With the "Tajweed Quran with Translation in English" by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, embark on a transforming journey through the hallowed passages of the Quran. This one-of-a-kind book blends the skill of Tajweed, which ensures precise and beautiful recitation, with Yusuf Ali's eloquent English translation. This book provides readers with an immersive experience in comprehending and connecting with the everlasting wisdom of the Quran through a harmonious marriage of linguistic clarity and spiritual insight. The Tajweed's Allure Unveiled Enter the world of Tajweed, the musical and rhythmic art of Quranic recitation. This chapter exposes readers to the complexities of Tajweed, laying the groundwork for a beautiful and exact recitation that enriches the spiritual experience of reading the Quran. Abdullah Yusuf Ali's Timeless Translation  Dive into Abdullah Yusuf Ali's profound English translation, a scholar noted for his expressive and accurate interpretation of the Quranic text. This chapter delves into the linguistic complexity and deep meanings that distinguish Yusuf Ali's translation as a recognized and enduring addition to Quranic comprehension. Tajweed and Translation Integration As the chapters go on, notice the flawless merging of Tajweed and translation. Each verse is embellished with Tajweed while being accompanied by Abdullah Yusuf Ali's excellent English translatio, resulting in a dynamic and complete reading experience that captures both the form and substance of the Quranic message. Tajweed for Improving Comprehension This section discusses how the use of Tajweed improves comprehension. Readers are directed to a deeper comprehension of the ideas buried in the poems by blending the rhythmic flow of Tajweed with the clarity of translation, establishing a connection between the heart and the divine word.

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  • The Reasons for Revelation - Juz 1 to 4 By Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-Neesaboori The Reasons for Revelation - Juz 1 to 4 By Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-Neesaboori

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) The Reasons for Revelation - Juz 1 to 4 By Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-Neesaboori

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    The Reasons for Revelation - Juz 1 to 4 By Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-Neesaboori ISBN: 9786035010368Author: Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-NeesabooriBinding: HardcoverPages: 158Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2009DescriptionAbout This Book: "The Reasons for Revelation - Juz 1 to 4" by Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-Neesaboori takes you on an exciting tour through the Quran's revelations. This informative work delves deeply into the historical and contextual context of Quranic verses found in the first four Juz (sections) of the Quran. A famous Islamic scholar, Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-Neesaboori, reveals the complexities of divine wisdom, presenting readers with a profound comprehension of the reasoning behind the revelations. Uncovering the Historical Background Readers are transported back in time to the time of the Quranic revelations in this foundational portion. The historical backdrop surrounding the verses is extensively explored by Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-Neesaboori, offering light on the circumstances that preceded their revelation. This chapter introduces readers to the Quran not just as a timeless source, but also as wisdom applicable to the specific circumstances experienced by the early Muslim community. Thematic Investigations Investigate the thematic lines that go across Juz 1–4 verses. Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-Neesaboori identifies repeating themes and motifs, letting readers to see the divine message's interconnection. This section deepens understanding and appreciation by demonstrating the tremendous coherence and wisdom in the arrangement of the Quranic teachings. Current Importance Abul-Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi An-Neesaboori analyzes the modern relevance of the Quranic revelations, bridging the gap between the historical setting and the present day. This chapter gives readers a perspective through which they might apply the timeless wisdom of the Quran to modern-day difficulties.

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  • Usool at-Tafseer The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips (Hardcover) Usool at-Tafseer The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips (Hardcover)

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) Usool at-Tafseer The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips (Hardcover)

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    Usool at-Tafseer The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips (Hardcover) ISBN: 9789960953328Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal PhilipsBinding: HardcoverPages: 343Size: 8.6 x 5.8 x 0.8 inchPublication Year: 2005DescriptionAbout This Book: "Usool at-Tafseer: The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation" by Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips will take you on an intellectual journey through the Quran. This thorough text, provided in a sturdy hardcover edition, provides as a scholarly guide to comprehending the approach of Quranic interpretation. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, a renowned Islamic scholar, reveals his profound insights in this book, making it an important resource for students, academics, and seekers of knowledge wanting to delve into the depths of Quranic exegesis. Unraveling the Tafseer Principles Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips lays the foundations for comprehending the rules guiding Quranic interpretation in this foundational chapter. Readers acquire insights into the approach that drives the profound science of Tafseer by exploring the historical context and linguistic complexities. This chapter acts as a map, helping readers through the perilous road of interpreting the heavenly verses. Tafseer's Historical Development Explore the evolution of Tafseer as Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips walks you through the history of Quranic interpretation. Readers receive a thorough grasp of how the science of Tafseer has grown over centuries, shaping the rich history of Quranic research, from the early academics to contemporary approaches. Linguistic and Grammatical Examination Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips digs into the linguistic nuances and grammatical complexity of the Quran in this essential component of Tafseer. Readers are guided through the linguistic characteristics of the Quranic text using a scholarly method, strengthening their capacity to grasp the subtle nuances hidden in the divine words.

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  • What is the Holy Quran & How to Recite? By Qari Ahmad Saeed What is the Holy Quran & How to Recite? By Qari Ahmad Saeed

    Darussalam Publications What is the Holy Quran & How to Recite? By Qari Ahmad Saeed

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    What is the Holy Quran & How to Recite? By Qari Ahmad Saeed ISBN: 9786035000970Author: Qari Ahmad SaeedBinding: HardcoverPages: 253Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: With Qari Ahmad Saeed's "What is the Holy Quran & How to Recite?" book, embarking on a spiritual journey and mastery of the Holy Quran becomes an enlightening experience. This enlightening book is intended to unveil the mysteries of the Quran, providing a thorough comprehension of its essence and practical advice on the art of Quranic recitation. Qari Ahmad Saeed, a renowned expert in the field of Quranic studies, provides a wonderful resource for both new and experienced Quranic recitation students. The Essence of the Holy Quran Revealed Readers are exposed to the Holy Quran's tremendous significance in this introductory portion. Qari Ahmad Saeed discusses the divine character of the Quran in depth, delving into its historical context and illuminating its fundamental ideas. This chapter prepares readers to comprehend the depth and wisdom contained within the sacred passages. Memorization Techniques That Work Learn how to memorize the Quran using the approaches given in this section. Qari Ahmad Saeed provides unique ideas and tactics for improving memory retention, making memorizing accessible and rewarding for learners of all levels. Whether a beginner or an advanced student, readers can find useful strategies for memorizing Quranic passages. Common Problems and Solutions Qari Ahmad Saeed addresses typical difficulties experienced during Quranic recitation and provides remedies to promote a smooth and pleasant learning experience. From pronunciation challenges to retaining constancy in practice, this chapter serves as a helpful guide for overcoming roadblocks on the path to mastering Quranic recitation.

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  • Themes of the Quran What does Quran Say to Us? By Dr. Sabiha Saleem Themes of the Quran What does Quran Say to Us? By Dr. Sabiha Saleem

    Ta-Ha Publishers Themes of the Quran What does Quran Say to Us? By Dr. Sabiha Saleem

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    Themes of the Quran What does Quran Say to Us? By Dr. Sabiha Saleem ISBN: 9781842000502Author: Dr. Sabiha SaleemBinding: SoftcoverPages: 279Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: Dr. Sabiha Saleem's "Themes of the Quran: What Does the Quran Say to Us?" is a provocative examination of the significant topics and messages inborn in the Quran, Islam's sacrosanct book. Dr. Saleem dives into the timeless insight and direction tracked down in the Quran, unwinding its vital subjects and demonstrating their materialness to current troubles in this enlightening work. In-Depth Quranic Analysis: Dr. Sabiha Saleem takes readers on an inside and out and edifying visit through the Quran, taking apart its points with academic thoroughness. The writer gives a total understanding of the Quran's subjects by depending on phonetic, verifiable, and otherworldly perspectives, assisting perusers with understanding the colossal information encapsulated in its refrains. Relevance to modern Issues: The book examines the advanced pertinence of Quranic subjects, exhibiting how the Quran's ageless insight talks straightforwardly to the issues that people and social orders stand up to in the present time. Dr. Saleem overcomes any barrier between the Quran's antiquated lessons and the present applicable difficulties, offering useful answers for exploring life's hardships. Unity and Diversity: One of the essential topics examined is the Quran's accentuation on solidarity and variety. Dr. Sabiha Saleem explores how the Quran empowers concordance among shifted social orders and features the normal mankind that joins individuals together, giving an immortal message of resilience and participation. Ethical and Moral Guidance: The Quran's moral and moral lessons are investigated exhaustively, exhibiting the ethical compass that the Quran accommodates individuals and countries. Dr. Saleem makes sense of the Quranic rules that drive adherents to their own and public activities toward sympathy, equity, and appropriate conduct.

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  • Journey Through the Quran By Muhammad Al Ghazali Journey Through the Quran By Muhammad Al Ghazali

    Dar al-Taqwa Journey Through the Quran By Muhammad Al Ghazali

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    Journey Through the Quran By Muhammad Al Ghazali ISBN: 9781870582902Author: Muhammad Al GhazaliBinding: HardcoverPages: 558Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: Muhammad Al Ghazali's "Journey Through the Quran" is a transforming investigation of Islam's sacred text. The author takes readers on a fascinating and enlightening journey through the pages of the Quran, unveiling its eternal wisdom and guiding principles in this illuminating work. The approach of Muhammad Al Ghazali blends intellectual depth with accessibility, making the Quran's lessons accessible to a broad audience and giving a roadmap for spiritual reflection and personal improvement. Comprehensive Quranic Investigation "Journey Through the Quran" is a comprehensive handbook that takes readers on a methodical journey through the Quranic verses. Muhammad Al Ghazali studies significant themes, tales, and ethical concepts in depth, providing a comprehensive grasp of the Quran's message. The book takes readers on a chronological tour through Islamic doctrines and the circumstances in which they were revealed. Spiritual Reflection and Personal Growth The book encourages readers to participate in spiritual meditation and personal improvement in addition to intellectual examination. Muhammad Al Ghazali bridges the theoretical and practical divides by demonstrating how the Quran's lessons can be applied to modern life. The voyage is transformed into a transforming experience that encourages positive change and personal development, as well as an intellectual exploration. Accessibility and clarity The literary style of Muhammad Al Ghazali is distinguished by clarity and accessibility, making the profound teachings of the Quran accessible to people of various backgrounds. The author employs both eloquent and clear language, ensuring that the Quran's message resonates with the hearts and minds of a varied audience. Because of its ease of use, the book is an excellent companion for both scholars and people fresh to Islamic ideas.

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  • Part 28 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text Part 28 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text

    Dar al-Taqwa Part 28 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text

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    Part 28 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text  ISBN: 9781870582162Author: Abdullah Yusuf AliBinding: SoftcoverPages: 96Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: "Part 28 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text" enables readers to dig into the Quran's rich spiritual tapestry, focusing on the 28th portion. This expertly edited edition includes the entire Arabic text, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the original verses' eloquence and timeless beauty. This book, with its authentic translation, is an invaluable resource for those desiring to examine the divine secrets contained within this key section of the Quran. Text of the Quran in its entirety The whole Arabic text of the 28th portion of the Holy Quran is at the center of this publication. Each passage is attentively presented, providing an unvarnished contact with the Quran's linguistic brilliance and artistic depth. This area covers a wide range of topics, including moral counsel, prophetic narratives, and meditations on the essence of existence. Reliable Translation The book offers a faithful translation of the Arabic text to make it more accessible. The translation, created with care and attention, strives to express the meanings and messages of the Quranic verses in a straightforward and understandable manner. This enables readers, regardless of Arabic expertise, to appreciate the profound wisdom hidden in the sacred passages. Spiritual Insights and Commentary The edition may incorporate spiritual comments and insights into the passages to enhance the reader's experience. These additions provide context, historical importance, and nuanced interpretations that help the reader better appreciate the divine instruction provided in this passage of the Quran. Such commentary is an invaluable resource for individuals seeking a deeper connection with the text.

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  • Part 29 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text Part 29 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text

    Dar al-Taqwa Part 29 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text

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    Part 29 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text ISBN: 9781870582117Author: Abdullah Yusuf AliBinding: SoftcoverPages: 95Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: "Part 29 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text" provides readers with an invaluable opportunity to interact with the Quran's penultimate section. The complete Arabic text of the 29th portion is included in this carefully edited edition, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the elegance and beauty of the original verses. This book, with its faithful translation, provides as a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking a deeper knowledge of the divine secrets contained within this key section of the Quran. Text of the Quran in its entirety The presentation of the whole Arabic text of the 29th portion of the Holy Quran is central to this book. Every verse has been painstakingly structured to provide readers with an unaffected encounter with the Quran's linguistic skill and artistic brilliance. This part contains chapters on a wide range of topics, from ethical counsel to stories of past prophets. Reliable Translation This book includes a faithful translation of the Arabic text to facilitate accessibility. The translation, created with care and regard, strives to portray the meanings and messages of the Quranic verses in a straightforward and understandable manner. Readers, regardless of Arabic proficiency, can appreciate the profound wisdom hidden in the hallowed passages. Spiritual Insights and Commentary This edition may include spiritual commentary and insights that clarify the context, historical relevance, and nuanced interpretations of the passages in addition to the translated text. These additions help the reader appreciate the divine instruction provided in this part of the Quran in a broader and more nuanced way.

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  • Part 30 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text

    Dar al-Taqwa Part 30 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text

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    Part 30 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text ISBN: 9781870582278Author: Abdullah Yusuf AliBinding: SoftcoverPages: 95Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: "Part 30 of the Holy Quran With Arabic Text" is a hallowed and fundamental gathering that offers perusers an engaged examination of the Quran's closing quarter. This release is an extensive depiction of the Sacred Quran's thirty-first part, including the first Arabic text close by a loyal interpretation. This book is expected to build the comprehension peruser might interpret the Quranic sections included inside this vital part by filling in as an otherworldly aide and reference. Text of the Quran in its entirety The entire Arabic text of the Heavenly Quran's 30th part lies at the core of this distribution. Each line is introduced carefully, permitting perusers to become drenched in the style and magnificence of the first Arabic language. This part is huge on the grounds that it contains the Quran's last sections, every one of which offers one-of-a-kind experiences into different parts of confidence, direction, and profound quality. Reliable Translation This book offers a reliable interpretation of the Arabic text to make the Quran's examples more open to a more extensive crowd. The interpretation is carefully created with veneration, fully intent on passing on the implications and messages of the Quranic refrains in a clear and reasonable way. Perusers can draw in the significant information innate in the holy sections no matter what they associate with the Arabic language. Spiritual Insights and Commentary This release might include otherworldly remarks and bits of knowledge in the stanzas to upgrade the peruser's insight. Researchers and perusers have the same advantage from extra settings, verifiable realities, and translations that assist them with understanding the Quranic lessons all the more profoundly. These bits of knowledge are an important asset for people who need to dive further into the hallowed text's degrees of importance.

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  • Tafsir al Qurtubi (Volume 1) (A Classical Commentary Of The Quran) By Imam al-Qurtubi & Tr. Aisha Bewley Tafsir al Qurtubi (Volume 1) (A Classical Commentary Of The Quran) By Imam al-Qurtubi & Tr. Aisha Bewley

    Dar al-Taqwa Tafsir al Qurtubi (Volume 1) (A Classical Commentary Of The Quran) By Imam al-Qurtubi & Tr. Aisha Bewley

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    Tafsir al Qurtubi (Volume 1) (A Classical Commentary Of The Quran) By Imam al-Qurtubi & Tr. Aisha Bewley ISBN: 9781870582223 The publication of this volume represents a significant landmark in the history of Islamic literature in English. There has until now been a dearth of translations of classical tafsir literature into English. With the first volume of this abridged translation of Imam al-Qurtubi’s al-Jami’ li-ahkam al-Qur’an (“The Compendium of Legal Rulings of the Qur’an”), an important step has been taken towards remedying this situation. It gives English-speaking readers access to one of the great classical commentaries, containing a wealth of authoritative traditional exposition of the Sacred Text. Comprehensive interpretation of the Holy Qur’an requires consideration of every aspect — spiritual, legal, linguistic, social, and others. While his Tafsir covers them all, Imam al-Qurtubi was especially concerned to bring out the legal implications of the Qur’anic text, and his work emphasizes the practical applications of the Revelation. This gives it particular relevance to those interested in learning how the Qur’an informs the daily life of the Muslims, on both the individual and communal level. The author also explains the diversity of the various readings (qira’at) and explores the alternative interpretations that can be derived from them.

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  • Miracles of the Quran By Muhammad Mitwalli ash Sharawi By Muhammad Mitwalli ash Sharawi Miracles of the Quran By Muhammad Mitwalli ash Sharawi By Muhammad Mitwalli ash Sharawi

    Dar al-Taqwa Miracles of the Quran By Muhammad Mitwalli ash Sharawi By Muhammad Mitwalli ash Sharawi

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    Miracles of the Quran By Muhammad Mitwalli ash Sharawi By Muhammad Mitwalli ash Sharawi ISBN: 9781870582018Author: Muhammad Mitwalli ash SharawiBinding: SoftcoverPages: 275Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: The famous Islamic scholar Muhammad Mitwalli ash-Sharawi reveals the profound and amazing qualities of the Quran in "Miracles of the Quran," delving into the divine wisdom and eloquence that distinguishes this holy source. ash-Sharawi leads readers on a journey of discovery, investigating the awe-inspiring phenomena that validate the divine origins of the Quran, with a genuine devotion to revealing the wondrous nature of the Quranic revelations. Linguistic Wonders Ash-Sharawi starts by delving into the linguistic wonders hidden inside the Quranic passages. He walks readers through the incomparable beauty, clarity, and depth of the Arabic language, demonstrating how the Quran's linguistic wonders exceed the limitations of human speech, drawing on his intellectual experience. Scientific Wonders The book delves into the Quran's scientific discoveries, revealing verses that correspond to present scientific understanding. Ash-Sharawi emphasizes how the Quran, revealed over 1,400 years ago, provides insights into natural occurrences and cosmological truths that have just lately been found via scientific advances, confirming the Quran's timeless wisdom. Mathematical Wonders Muhammad Mitwalli ash-Sharawi dives into the Quran's deep mathematical patterns and structures. He reveals the numerical subtleties that pervade the scripture through painstaking study, proving the precision and coherence that defy human manipulation and attesting to the Quran's divine character. Historical Wonders The author investigates the Quran's historical veracity and prophetic insights. Ash-Sharawi looks into the accounts of previous civilizations, prophets, and events, demonstrating how the Quran presents an unprecedented historical narrative that corresponds to archeological finds and historical records.

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  • Paragons Of The Quran By Imam IbnQayyim al-Jawziyyah Paragons Of The Quran By Imam IbnQayyim al-Jawziyyah

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Paragons Of The Quran By Imam IbnQayyim al-Jawziyyah

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    Paragons Of The Quran By Imam IbnQayyim al-Jawziyyah ISBN: 9781904336372Author: Imam IbnQayyim al-JawziyyahBinding: SoftcoverPages: 128Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2012DescriptionAbout This Book: Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah's "Paragons of the Quran" is a thorough examination of the lives and tales of the extraordinary individuals referenced in the Quran. The acclaimed Islamic scholar dives into the narratives of these paragons in this illuminating study, drawing lessons and insights that serve as a source of guidance and inspiration for believers. Exemplary Characters:  Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah methodically studied the lives of many characters described in the Quran, ranging from prophets and messengers to regular people who had outstanding attributes. The book is a gallery of exceptional personalities, a beautiful tapestry of virtues, resilience, and piety. Quranic Stories:  The author expertly relates and interprets Quranic stories, revealing the layers of wisdom and moral teachings hidden inside each narrative. Imam Ibn Qayyim presents readers with insights into the everlasting significance of these stories to contemporary life through a comprehensive understanding of the Quranic verses. Lessons and Reflections: "Paragons of the Quran" is more than just a historical record; it is also a guide for introspection and reflection. Imam Ibn Qayyim draws significant lessons from the Quranic characters' experiences, prompting readers to consider the moral and spiritual components of their own lives. Spiritual Development: The book emphasizes the Quranic narratives' transforming effect in nurturing spiritual development. Imam Ibn Qayyim advises believers to draw inspiration from these paragons for personal growth, character development, and a greater connection with Allah.

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  • Tafseer Al Muawwidhatayn Explanation of Surah al Falaq & Surah an Nas By Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyah Tafseer Al Muawwidhatayn Explanation of Surah al Falaq & Surah an Nas By Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyah

    Al Firdous LTD Tafseer Al Muawwidhatayn Explanation of Surah al Falaq & Surah an Nas By Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyah

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    Tafseer Al Muawwidhatayn Explanation of Surah al Falaq & Surah an Nas By Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyah ISBN: 9781874263777Author: Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-JawziyahBinding: SoftcoverPages: 121Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2005DescriptionAbout This Book: "Tafseer Al Muawwidhatayn" by eminent Islamic researcher Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyah gives a careful and savvy journey into the profundities of Surah al-Falaq (Part 113) and Surah an-Nas (Section 114) of the Quran. The creator purposefully unloads the profound, phonetic, and pragmatic parts of these sections in this enlightening analysis, uncovering the never-ending astuteness concealed inside the Muawwidhatayn. Seeking Refuge in Allah: Ibn Al-Qayyim dives into the fundamental idea of Surah al-Falaq and Surah an-Nas, looking for shelter in Allah. The writer takes perusers on an excursion of otherworldly stronghold and strength as he investigates the significant results of confiding in Allah for security. Understanding Evil and Harm: The Tafseer makes sense of the complex idea of wickedness and damage, which can appear in different ways. Ibn Al-Qayyim utilizes the Quran to provide total information on the different types of misfortune that devotees look for security from, whether physical, mental, or profound. Linguistic and Rhetorical Excellence: The editorial stresses the semantic complexities and logical splendor found in Surah al-Falaq and Surah An-Na's stanzas. Ibn Al-Qayyim's scientific review underlines the familiarity of the Quranic language, giving perusers a more prominent comprehension of the magnificence and force of these sections. Spiritual Healing and Remedy: Expanding on the profound topics, the Tafseer explores the parts as a wellspring of recuperating and solutions for essence problems. Ibn Al-Qayyim makes sense of how presenting these lines goes about as an otherworldly balm, offering harmony and security in difficult situations.

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  • Islamic Rulings Regarding The Quran By Faisal Ibn Muhammad Islamic Rulings Regarding The Quran By Faisal Ibn Muhammad

    Al-Hidaayah Publishing Islamic Rulings Regarding The Quran By Faisal Ibn Muhammad

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    Islamic Rulings Regarding The Quran By Faisal Ibn Muhammad ISBN: 9781898649571Author: Faisal Ibn MuhammadBinding: SoftcoverPages: 109Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2002DescriptionAbout This Book: Faisal Ibn Muhammad's "Islamic Rulings Regarding The Quran" is a thorough reference that meticulously addresses the numerous issues of Islamic law linked to the Quran. This informative text navigates the legal and ethical components of the Quran, providing readers with a complete understanding of the Islamic principles that govern its recitation, memorization, and overall veneration in a Muslim's life. Recitation Etiquette: The book begins with an examination of the proper way to recite the Quran. Faisal Ibn Muhammad discusses the necessary etiquette and spiritual decorum that Muslims should follow when engaging with the sacred text. This chapter offers helpful tips for developing a deep and respectful relationship with the Quran. Rules of Tajweed: Faisal Ibn Muhammad delves into the laws of Tajweed, elucidating the principles controlling the right pronunciation and intonation of Quranic verses. This part is designed to help readers improve the quality of their recitation by assuring an accurate and harmonious delivery of the heavenly words. Guidelines for Memorization: This chapter addresses the noble task of memorizing the Quran and provides instructions and concerns for people going on the Hifz journey. Faisal Ibn Muhammad offers insights into efficient memorization strategies while highlighting the spiritual and educational importance of memorizing the Quran. Respect and Handling of the Quran: In Islamic practice, the holiness of the Quran is of the utmost importance. Faisal Ibn Muhammad investigates the right handling, storage, and disposal of the Quranic text, providing advice on how to keep its purity and reverence in all facets of daily life.

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  • Surah al-Mutaffifin By Shaykh Husayn al-Awayishah Surah al-Mutaffifin By Shaykh Husayn al-Awayishah

    Al-Hidaayah Publishing Surah al-Mutaffifin By Shaykh Husayn al-Awayishah

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    Surah al-Mutaffifin By Shaykh Husayn al-Awayishah ISBN: 9781898649663Author: Shaykh Husayn al-AwayishahBinding: SoftcoverPages: 36Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: Shaykh Husayn al-Awayishah's commentary on "Surah al-Mutaffifin" is insightful and informative in this work. This book takes readers on a spiritual journey through the Quran's complexity, uncovering its meanings, lessons, and profound insights. Shaykh al-Awayishah navigates the verses of Surah al-Mutaffifin with deep knowledge and eloquence, presenting a holistic understanding that resonates with readers' hearts and minds. Surah al-Mutaffifin's Essence Revealed: The voyage starts with a look at the essence of Surah al-Mutaffifin. Shaykh al-Awayishah guides readers to the Surah's historical and cultural context, laying the groundwork for a profound and transforming study. Thematic Exploration:  This chapter delves into the thematic depth of Surah al-Mutaffifin, dissecting the primary ideas and lessons hidden in each verse. Shaykh al-Awayishah guides readers through the profound lessons of this chapter by providing sharp insights into the concepts of justice, accountability, and the consequences of ethical imbalances. Linguistic and Rhetorical Brilliance:  Shaykh al-Awayishah reveals the linguistic and rhetorical brilliance of Surah al-Mutaffifin, revealing the Quranic language's complex beauty and eloquence. This part gives readers a better understanding of the stylistic skill used in presenting the heavenly word. Practical Application in Daily Life: This chapter discusses the practical application of Surah al-Mutaffifin in the context of the present day, bridging the gap between the ancient knowledge of the Quran and contemporary living. Shaykh al-Awayishah offers advice on how to translate the Surah's teachings into deeds and attitudes that would enrich the reader's daily life.

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  • Tafsir 67 A Commentry On Surah al Mulk By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips Tafsir 67 A Commentry On Surah al Mulk By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips

    Al-Hidaayah Publishing Tafsir 67 A Commentry On Surah al Mulk By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips

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    Tafsir 67 A Commentry On Surah al Mulk By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips ISBN: 9781898649731Author: Dr Abu Amina Bilal PhilipsBinding: SoftcoverPages: 212Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: Dr. Abu Amina Bilal Philips presents an enlightening commentary on Surah Al-Mulk in "Tafsir 67," providing readers with a thorough and incisive analysis of this chapter from the Quran. Dr. Philips, a renowned Islamic scholar, combines his extensive understanding of the Quranic text with clarity and accessibility, revealing the meanings, teachings, and spiritual dimensions hidden in Surah Al-Mulk. An Overview of Surah Al-Mulk: The first chapter provides as an introduction to Surah Al-Mulk, providing readers with context, historical context, and an overview of the ideas covered in this strong chapter. Dr. Philips sets the tone for an in-depth trip, urging readers to delve deeper into the verses. Thematic Analysis:  In this section, Dr. Philips delves into the key messages and lessons embedded in each verse of Surah Al-Mulk. The commentary reveals the many facets of Surah Al-Mulk, touching on issues like divine sovereignty, creation, accountability, and Allah's unfathomable kindness. Linguistic and Rhetorical Insights:  Dr. Philips goes expertly into the linguistic and rhetorical intricacies of Surah Al-Mulk, unraveling the verses' elegance and accuracy. This part provides readers with a better understanding of the poetic beauty and grammatical expertise inherent in the Quranic text. Contemporary Relevance: Dr. Philips investigates the eternal applicability of Surah Al-Mulk to the issues and questions encountered by individuals and communities today, bridging the historical background with current relevance. The commentary highlights analogies between the Surah passages and the complexity of modern life, offering spiritual reflection and practical application instruction.

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  • Tafsir 85 A Commentary On Surah Al Buruj By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips Tafsir 85 A Commentary On Surah Al Buruj By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips

    Al-Hidaayah Publishing Tafsir 85 A Commentary On Surah Al Buruj By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips

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    Tafsir 85 A Commentary On Surah Al Buruj By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips ISBN: 9781898649748Author: Dr Abu Amina Bilal PhilipsBinding: SoftcoverPages: 93Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: Dr. Abu Amina Bilal Philips presents an informative commentary on Surah Al-Buruj in "Tafsir 85," providing readers with a profound analysis of this chapter from the Quran. Dr. Philips, a recognized Islamic scholar, uses his knowledge and profound grasp of the Quranic text to unearth the meanings, teachings, and spiritual insights hidden in Surah Al-Buruj. Unveiling the Surah Al-Buruj: The first chapter introduces readers to the essence of Surah Al-Buruj and places it within the larger context of Quranic revelations. Dr. Philips digs into Surah's origins, historical context, and important themes, creating the framework for a thorough and enlightening reading. Thematic Analysis: Dr. Philips discusses the primary meanings and teachings communicated by the verses in this section, which includes a thematic analysis of Surah Al-Buruj. The reader is guided through the various levels of meaning, offering insight on the Surah's moral, spiritual, and historical components. Linguistic and Rhetorical intricacies:  Dr. Philips explores beyond the surface meaning of Surah Al-Buruj, exploring its linguistic and rhetorical intricacies. The commentary dives into the Quranic language's eloquence, revealing the great beauty and accuracy with which the verses are written. Practical Applications: The commentary finishes with insights into the practical applications of Surah Al-Buruj's teachings. Dr. Philips provides advice on how to apply what you've learned in your daily life, nurture spiritual growth, and face problems with faith and resilience.

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  • Juz Amma Tafseer Ibn Katheer Part 30 By Sameh Strauch Juz Amma Tafseer Ibn Katheer Part 30 By Sameh Strauch

    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) Juz Amma Tafseer Ibn Katheer Part 30 By Sameh Strauch

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    Juz Amma Tafseer Ibn Katheer Part 30 By Sameh Strauch ISBN: 9789960501055Author: Sameh StrauchBinding: HardcoverPages: 320Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2005DescriptionAbout This Book: "Juz Amma Tafseer Ibn Katheer Part 30" by Sameh Strauch is an in-depth examination of the Quran's 30th and final part, known as Juz Amma. This book is a wonderful resource for individuals who want to learn more about the meanings and interpretations of the verses in this crucial section of the Quran. Commentary by Tafseer Ibn Katheer: Sameh Strauch offers a comprehensive and analytical commentary on Ibn Katheer's renowned book, which is based on the work of one of the most revered traditional Islamic thinkers. The book dives into the Quranic verses' meanings, providing context, historical context, and linguistic observations. Juz Amma Importance:  Juz Amma contains the final 37 chapters of the Quran and is frequently used as a beginning point for many people, especially those learning to recite the Quran. This portion is important because of its compact yet profound chapters, making it a crucial aspect of Quranic study. Accessible Language: Sameh Strauch delivers the commentary in simple English, allowing readers with varied levels of knowledge of Islamic terminology to engage with the topic. The goal is to make Juz Amma's profound teachings understandable to a wide audience. In-Depth Analysis:  The book examines the themes, lessons, and spiritual truths hidden in the verses of each surah (chapter) inside Juz Amma. This method allows readers to obtain a better understanding of the wisdom and counsel included in these chapters. Educational Tool: "Juz Amma Tafseer Ibn Katheer Part 30" is an educational resource for Quran students, individuals, and instructors. The book provides a structured and extensive commentary, making it appropriate for self-study as well as classroom application.

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  • My First Quran Story Book By Saniyasnain Khan My First Quran Story Book By Saniyasnain Khan

    Goodword Books My First Quran Story Book By Saniyasnain Khan

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    My First Quran Story Book By Saniyasnain Khan ISBN: 9788178985541Author: Saniyasnain KhanBinding: HardcoverPages: 319Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2008DescriptionAbout This Book: Saniyasnain Khan's "My First Quran Story Book" is a compelling introduction to the Quran made just for young brains. This wonderfully illustrated book provides as a gentle and age-appropriate introduction to the Quran's stories and lessons, making them accessible and fascinating for children eager to learn more about the Islamic faith. Child-Friendly Narratives: Saniyasnain Khan expertly translates Quranic legends into child-friendly narratives, ensuring that young readers can readily understand and connect with the eternal teachings and morals buried in each tale. Colorful and fascinating pictures:  The book is filled with vibrant graphics that bring the stories to life. The bright pictures not only attract young readers' attention but also help them understand the storylines, making the reading experience visually interesting. Simple Language:  "My First Quran Story Book" uses clear language that is appropriate for young readers. The approachable writing style fosters individual reading or cooperative reading with parents, promoting an early love of the Quran. Moral Values and Moral Education: Each story is carefully chosen to showcase key moral ideals and lessons. Children learn about kindness, honesty, generosity, and other qualities through the characters and situations, establishing vital values in a relatable and easy-to-understand approach. Learning that is interactive: Through interesting questions, activities, and debates relating to each narrative, the book promotes participatory learning. This interactive approach not only promotes knowledge but also helps youngsters to reflect on what they've learned and apply what they've learned in their daily lives.

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  • Studying The Glorious Quran Principles and Methodology By Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Studying The Glorious Quran Principles and Methodology By Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

    Uk Islamic Academy Studying The Glorious Quran Principles and Methodology By Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

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    Studying The Glorious Quran Principles and Methodology By Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi  ISBN: 9781872531229Author: Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali NadwiBinding: SoftcoverPages: 112Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi's landmark work "Studying The Glorious Quran: Principles and Methodology" serves as a guiding light for those embarking on the profound journey of learning and studying the Quran. Nadwi elucidates the ideas and approaches required for meaningful engagement with the Glorious Quran with profound insights and a wealth of knowledge, providing thorough guidance to both experts and enthusiasts. Quranic Study's Foundations: Nadwi begins by laying the groundwork for Quranic study, emphasizing the Quran's divine essence and vital position in Islamic life. He delves into the value of approaching the Quran with a sincere heart, humility, and a profound understanding of its divine source, laying the groundwork for an authentic and transforming study. Historical Background and Revelation: The book digs into the historical backdrop of Quranic revelation, giving readers a comprehensive knowledge of how verses were revealed. Nadwi explains the chronological order of revelations as well as their contextual significance, allowing readers to grasp the divine wisdom behind each revelation. Aspects of Linguistics and Literature: Nadwi guides us through the linguistic and literary components of the Quran, providing insights into its eloquence and distinctive literary traits. He explains the linguistic intricacies, rhetorical strategies, and the compelling use of language used by the Quran to deliver its eternal message. Tradition and Interpretation of Tafsir: The book delves into the rich legacy of Quranic commentary (Tafsir), explaining the approaches used by both classical and modern scholars. To understand the intended meanings of Quranic passages, Nadwi highlights the significance of studying reputable commentators and knowing the historical background.

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  • Last stock! The History of The Quranic Text from Revelation to Compilation By Professor Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami The History of The Quranic Text from Revelation to Compilation By Professor Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami

    Uk Islamic Academy The History of The Quranic Text from Revelation to Compilation By Professor Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami

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    The History of The Quranic Text from Revelation to Compilation By Professor Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami ISBN: 9781872531656Author: Professor Muhammad Mustafa al-AzamiBinding: SoftcoverPages: 400Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: Professor Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami's "The History of the Quranic Text from Revelation to Compilation" is a scholastic masterpiece that methodically follows the path of the Quranic text from divine revelation to comprehensive compilation. Professor al-Azami, known for his expertise in Islamic studies, offers readers an authoritative and incisive investigation of the formation of the Quran, giving light on the fundamental processes that molded this hallowed document. Divine Revelation and Guidance: Professor al-Azami goes into the historical circumstances surrounding the revelation of the Quran in the first few chapters. He investigates the historical backdrop and divine direction that accompanied the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the Quranic verses were revealed over a 23-year period. This part provides a basic grasp of the beginnings of the Quran, emphasizing its divine nature and the spiritual value of its revelations. Divine Revelation and Guidance: Professor al-Azami goes into the historical circumstances surrounding the revelation of the Quran in the first few chapters. He investigates the historical backdrop and divine direction that accompanied the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the Quranic verses were revealed over a 23-year period. This part provides a basic grasp of the beginnings of the Quran, emphasizing its divine nature and the spiritual value of its revelations. Oral Communication and Memorization: The author travels back in time to when the Quran was mostly conveyed verbally. He delves into the amazing importance of memorization in the early Muslim community, explaining how the Quran was preserved via the dedicated efforts of memorizers (Huffaz). This part emphasizes the great attention required to ensure that the Quran is accurately transmitted from generation to generation.

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  • Last stock! The Authentic Musnad Of Reasons For The Descending Of Revelation By Ash-Sheikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi' Al-Waadi'ee The Authentic Musnad Of Reasons For The Descending Of Revelation By Ash-Sheikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi' Al-Waadi'ee

    Authentic Statements Publications The Authentic Musnad Of Reasons For The Descending Of Revelation By Ash-Sheikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi' Al-Waadi'ee

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    The Authentic Musnad Of Reasons For The Descending Of Revelation By Ash-Sheikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi' Al-Waadi'ee ISBN: 9781467518215Author: ASH-SHEIKH MUQBIL IBN HAADIBinding: SoftcoverPages: 325Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2012DescriptionAbout This Book: With "The Authentic Musnad of Reasons for the Descending of Revelation" by Ash-Sheikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi' Al-Waadi'ee, embark on a scholarly journey into the depths of revelation. This illuminating work delves into the reasons and conditions that led to the revelation of Quranic verses, giving readers unique insights into the historical and spiritual circumstances that created divine instruction. Because of Ash-Sheikh Muqbil's commitment to authenticity and scholarly rigor, this book will be a helpful resource for individuals seeking a deeper knowledge of the Quran. Revelation's Contexts Revealed: The heart of this book is its thorough examination of the settings and reasons for the revelation of individual Quranic verses. Ash-Sheikh Muqbil digs into the historical events, questions, and situations that caused the divine revelation, providing readers with a deeper grasp of the wisdom contained within each verse. Authenticity and Academic Rigor: Ash-Sheikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi' Al-Waadi'ee, noted for his dedication to authenticity, methodically sifts through historical narratives to confirm the veracity of the data offered. The intellectual rigor used in the production of this work ensures that readers are getting reliable insights into the causes for the descent of revelation. Dimensions of History and Spirituality: This text is more than just a chronological record; it dives into the spiritual implications of revelation. Ash-Sheikh Muqbil ties revelation events to greater themes of faith, guidance, and divine wisdom, giving readers a holistic viewpoint that deepens their understanding of the Quranic message.

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  • Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Kalam Quran Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Pocket Plus size) By Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Kalam Quran Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Pocket Plus size) By Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan

    Darussalam Publications Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Kalam Quran Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Pocket Plus size) By Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan

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    Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Kalam Quran Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Pocket Plus size) By Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan ISBN: 9782987459941Author: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin KhanBinding: SoftcoverPages: 1141Size: 4x6x1 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book: "Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Kalam Quran" is a careful work that consolidates the magnificence of the Arabic Quranic text with an exact Urdu interpretation, furnishing perusers with a vivid encounter of the Quran's implications and translations. This pocket-sized volume, ordered by the well-known Islamic researcher Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, is intended for comfort, making it a valuable ally for anybody looking for more profound information on the Quranic stanzas. Overview of the Content: This pocket-sized book incorporates the entire Arabic text of the Quran as well as Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan's intensive Urdu interpretation. The Tafseer (analysis) offers indispensable bits of knowledge into the unique circumstance, foundation, and implications of the stanzas, permitting perusers to dig into the profundities of the Quranic message. The expertise of the Author: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, a famous Islamic researcher and interpreter, adds to this distribution. His interpretation work is for the most part appreciated for its devotion to validness and clearness. He is notable for his commitment to Islamic writing. Language and format accessibility: The Urdu interpretation is presented in a language that is reasonable to a great many individuals. The pocket-larger size design further develops availability, permitting individuals of any age and foundation to interface with the Quran. Conclusion: The pocket-hefty size release of "Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Kalam Quran" is a compact and easy-to-use asset for people craving to peruse and figure out the Quran in Arabic with the comfort of an Urdu interpretation. Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan's commitment to validness and lucidity guarantees that perusers can drench themselves in the Quran's significant insight, fostering a nearer association with the heavenly message.

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  • Tafseer Ahsan-ul-bayan Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Medium Size) Green Page By Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf Tafseer Ahsan-ul-bayan Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Medium Size) Green Page By Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf

    Darussalam Publications Tafseer Ahsan-ul-bayan Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Medium Size) Green Page By Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf

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    Tafseer Ahsan-ul-bayan Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Medium Size) Green Page By Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf Author: Hafiz Salahuddin YusufBinding: HardcoverPages: 1472Size: 8.7 x 5.8 x 2.5 inchDescriptionAbout This Book: Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Bayan" is a medium-sized distribution that consolidates the first Arabic text with an intensive Urdu interpretation by Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf. This version, composed by a famous Islamic researcher, is planned to give perusers a more profound handle of the implications and understandings of Quranic sections in a straightforward and open organization. Overview of the Content: The book remembers the total Quran for its unique Arabic composition as well as a one next to the other Urdu interpretation, permitting perusers to associate with the expressiveness of the Arabic language while as yet understanding the ideas in Urdu. The interpretation of Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf is noted for its lucidity and accuracy, making the significant insight of the Quran open to a great many individuals. Explanations in Depth: Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf, a notable Islamic researcher and interpreter, adds to this version. With an exhaustive dominance of both Arabic and Urdu, the creator ensures that the interpretation protects the trustworthiness of the first Quranic message, making it a trustworthy hotspot for individuals intrigued by the Quran's message. Explanations in Depth: "Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Bayan" contains careful clarifications and conversation on picked Quranic sections. This gives perusers more data about the verifiable foundation, language complexities, and profound guidance contained in the entries. The comments are planned to work on the peruser's information and execution of Quranic lessons in day to day existence. Green Page Layout: The medium-sized release has a distinctive green page plan that makes it outwardly gorgeous and effectively recognizable. The format has been purposely intended to give an open to understanding experience, empowering perusers to draw in with the Quranic text and its interpretation without any problem.

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  • Last stock! Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhari (2 Vol. Set) Urdu By Imam Abu Alabsas Alzbeedi

    Darussalam Publications Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhari (2 Vol. Set) Urdu By Imam Abu Alabsas Alzbeedi

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    Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhari (2 Vol. Set) Urdu By Imam Abu Alabsas Alzbeedi ISBN: 9782987458388Author: Imam Abu Alabsas AlzbeediBinding: HardcoverPages: 1456Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2012DescriptionAbout This Book: With Imam Abu Alabsas Alzbeedi's "Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhari" (Abridged Sahih Bukhari), embark on a profound voyage into the core of genuine Hadith. This two-volume Urdu set is a shortened compilation of the legendary Sahih Bukhari, one of the most authentic collections of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) sayings and activities. Imam Alzbeedi's painstaking abridgment provides readers with a thorough yet concise analysis of the profound wisdom and guidance found in Sahih Bukhari's Hadith. Islamic Knowledge Foundations In the first volume, delve into the fundamental concepts of Islam as enlightened by Hadith. Imam Alzbeedi carefully picks and organizes Hadiths on faith, prayer, fasting, charity, and other important parts of Islamic life. This book is a foundation for comprehending the religion's main tenets. Morality, ethics, and social behavior In the second volume, investigate the ethical and moral precepts embedded in the Hadiths of Sahih Bukhari. Imam Alzbeedi gives a collected collection of sayings that offer advice on personal behavior, interpersonal relationships, and societal ethics. This book explains how the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) represented the greatest ideals of character and virtue. The Importance of Genuine Hadith Recognize the importance of authentic Hadith in Islamic scholarship. Imam Alzbeedi introduces readers to Imam Bukhari's technique for selecting and certifying Hadiths, emphasizing the careful process that secures their validity. Practical Advice for Everyday Life Immerse yourself with Hadith-based practical advice for daily life. The abridgment by Imam Alzbeedi brings forth the Prophet's teachings on numerous facets of life, providing a timeless guide for persons wanting to embody Islamic ideals in their day-to-day activities.

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  • Daily Wisdom Series (3 Book Set) By Abdur Raheem Kidwai

    Kube Publishing Daily Wisdom Series (3 Book Set) By Abdur Raheem Kidwai

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    Daily Wisdom Series (3 Book Set) By Abdur Raheem Kidwai Author: Abdur Raheem KidwaiBinding: HardcoverPages: 3 BooksSize: 5x6 inchesPublication Year: 2013DescriptionAbout This Book: Abdur Raheem Kidwai's "Daily Wisdom Series" will take you on an excursion of ordinary motivation and profound reflection. This enchanting three-book assortment is an abundance of information, giving perusers a day-to-day portion of Islamic lessons, direction, and reflections. Abdur Raheem Kidwai, a carefully prepared researcher, blends scholarly understanding in with functional information to make an assortment that will act as a steady friend for anybody wishing to imbue the significant lessons of Islam into their day-to-day routines. Islamic Prayers & Supplications - Daily Wisdom This book will assist you with adding significance and profound profundity to your ordinary supplications. Abdur Raheem Kidwai offers a gathering of petitions and requests, taking perusers through their significance and giving bits of knowledge into every's otherworldly characteristics. This book goes about as a friend from first light to nightfall, helping perusers develop a nearer relationship with Allah by means of their everyday petitions. Daily Wisdom - Selections from the Qur'an Through painstakingly picked stanzas, find the timeless insight and direction of the Quran. Abdur Raheem Kidwai curates a day-to-day trip through the Quran, introducing considerations on the chosen stanzas as well as their pragmatic pertinence in regular day-to-day existence. This book is a phenomenal asset for any individual who needs to carry out Quranic lessons into their day-to-day routines. Daily Wisdom - Prophet Muhammad's Sayings Plunge into the insight of the Prophet Muhammad with a gathering of his platitudes and customs. Abdur Raheem Kidwai offers day-to-day experiences into the Prophet's significant lessons, teaching perusers the best way to execute these illustrations in their lives. This book is both a motivation and a viable aide for integrating the Sunnah into everyday demonstrations and connections.

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  • Tajweed Quran Colour Coded 6 Parts ( Pocket Version ) Tajweed Quran Colour Coded 6 Parts ( Pocket Version )

    Dar Al Maarifah Tajweed Quran Colour Coded 6 Parts ( Pocket Version )

    33 in stock

    Tajweed Quran Colour Coded 6 Parts (Pocket Version) ISBN: 9789933423285Author: Dar Al-MarifaBinding: HardcoverPages: 600Size: 5.3 x 3.5 x 2.5 inchesPublication Year: 2011DescriptionAbout This Book: The "Tajweed Quran Colour Coded 6 Parts (Pocket Version)" is a compact and user-friendly edition meant to make Tajweed recitation easier. Tajweed is the precise pronunciation and articulation of Arabic letters, which ensures that readers recite the Quran correctly and reverently. This one-of-a-kind pocket-sized edition is color-coded, making it a great companion for both new and experienced Quran readers looking to improve their recitation skills. Tajweed regulations are Color-Coded:  Each Arabic letter in the Quran is color-coded to denote specific Tajweed regulations. This novel feature assists readers in understanding and applying accurate pronunciation, elongation, and other Tajweed norms. Six Pocket-Sized sections:  The Quran is divided into six easily manageable sections, allowing readers to conveniently carry a portion with them. This segmentation makes it especially useful for daily recitation, memorizing, or on-the-go studying. Clear and readable Script:  The content is provided in a clear and readable script, making it accessible to readers of all ages. The precise placement of the text improves the overall reading experience. Tafsir and Concise Translation: A short translation and Tafsir (exegesis) of the Quranic verses may be found beside the Arabic text. This helps readers comprehend the meaning and context of the verses they are reciting. Durable and portable: The pocket-sized style makes this Quran more portable, allowing users to take it in a handbag, pocket, or bag. The long-lasting structure makes it suited for daily use.

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  • Last stock! The Quran & Politics A Study of the Origins of political Thought in the Makkan Quran By Eltigani Abdelgadir Hamid

    IIIT( International Institute Of Islamic Thought ) Publications The Quran & Politics A Study of the Origins of political Thought in the Makkan Quran By Eltigani Abdelgadir Hamid

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    The Quran & Politics A Study of the Origins of political Thought in the Makkan Quran By Eltigani Abdelgadir Hamid used ISBN: 9781565644052Author: Eltigani Abdelgadir HamidBinding: SoftcoverPages: 225Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2004DescriptionAbout This Book: Eltigani Abdelgadir Hamid's "The Quran & Politics" is a thorough inquiry into the beginnings of political philosophy inside the Makkan Quran, exposing the intricate link between Islamic scripture and political ideology. This scholarly treatise digs into the verses revealed in Makkah during Prophet Muhammad's early mission, offering insight into the fundamental ideas that set the cornerstone for Islamic political philosophy. Historical Background and Revelation: Eltigani Abdelgadir Hamid contextualizes the research by evaluating the verses revealed in Makkah during a period of social, political, and spiritual transformation. The book reveals the political truths hidden in the Quranic revelations, giving readers a comprehensive knowledge of how these verses impacted the fledgling Muslim society. Origins of Political Philosophy:  The book's main focus is on finding the origins of political philosophy in the Quran. Eltigani Abdelgadir Hamid painstakingly analyzes verses dealing with governance, justice, and the individual-state interaction. The reader is taken on a scholastic journey to unearth the seeds of Islamic political philosophy sown in the early revelations. Foundational Principles: "The Quran & Politics" examines and elucidates the fundamental concepts that underpin Islamic political theory. The book reveals the timeless principles that continue to inspire Islamic political philosophy and practice, from the concepts of justice and accountability to instruction on government and leadership. Integration of Spiritual and Political Dimensions: The author deftly investigates how the Quran effortlessly blends spiritual and political dimensions. Eltigani Abdelgadir Hamid illustrates the Quranic perspective on the relationship between the individual's moral conduct and the greater political and social landscape by dissecting specific passages, providing a complete knowledge of governance in Islam.

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  • Quran in Marathi Language(Mukhtasar Tafsir Ahsnul Bayan) Arabic To Marathi Translation By Saif ur Rehman Mubarik Puri Quran in Marathi Language(Mukhtasar Tafsir Ahsnul Bayan) Arabic To Marathi Translation By Saif ur Rehman Mubarik Puri

    Darussalam Publications Quran in Marathi Language(Mukhtasar Tafsir Ahsnul Bayan) Arabic To Marathi Translation By Saif ur Rehman Mubarik Puri

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    Quran in Marathi Language(Mukhtasar Tafsir Ahsnul Bayan) Arabic To Marathi Translation By Saif ur Rehman Mubarik Puri ISBN: 9786035001250Author: Saif ur Rehman Mubarik PuriBinding: HardcoverPages: 1032Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inchesPublication Year: 2010DescriptionAbout This Book The "Quran in Marathi Language (Mukhtasar Tafsir Ahsnul Bayan)" is a breakthrough and much-anticipated publication that provides everlasting wisdom and guidance on the Quran in Marathi. This translation, written by Saif ur Rehman Mubarik Puri, bridges the gap between Arabic and Marathi, making the Quran's profound lessons more accessible to Marathi-speaking people. This book makes an important contribution to the area of Islamic literature by ensuring that the Quran's words and insights are understood and appreciated by a wider audience. The Quran's Importance in Marathi The first chapter emphasizes the significance of translating the Quran into Marathi. It discusses India's cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as the need for a Marathi translation to bring the Quran closer to Marathi-speaking people's hearts. This section also discusses Saif ur Rehman Mubarik Puri's initiative to embark on this difficult undertaking. Saif ur Rehman Mubarik Puri is the author. This chapter dives into the life and background of the visionary behind this Marathi translation, Saif ur Rehman Mubarik Puri. Readers will discover his objectives, credentials, and the enormous research that went into making this masterpiece. His commitment to providing an accurate and culturally appropriate translation is highlighted. A Translation from Arabic to Marathi The process of translating the Quran from Arabic to Marathi is examined in this chapter. The intricacies and difficulties of keeping the original meanings, nuances, and depth of the Quran while converting it to Marathi are highlighted. This translation project's linguistic and cultural considerations are thoroughly described.

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  • Quran In Hindi Language (Arabic To Hindi Translation with Tafseer) By Saif ur Rehman Mubarikpuri Quran In Hindi Language (Arabic To Hindi Translation with Tafseer) By Saif ur Rehman Mubarikpuri

    Darussalam Publications Quran In Hindi Language (Arabic To Hindi Translation with Tafseer) By Saif ur Rehman Mubarikpuri

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    Quran In Hindi Language (Arabic To Hindi Translation with Tafseer) By Saif ur Rehman Mubarikpuri Author: Saif ur Rehman MubarikpuriBinding: HardcoverPages: 1152Size: 8.5 x 6 x 2.2Publication Year: 2005DescriptionAbout This Book: "Quran In Hindi Language" is an exceptional and approachable edition of the Holy Quran that includes the pure Arabic text as well as a faithful translation in Hindi that is filled with Tafseer (exegesis). This book is an invaluable resource for Hindi-speaking readers, allowing them to engage with the eternal wisdom, guidance, and spiritual teachings of the Quran in their local tongue. The Arabic Quran This edition retains the original Arabic text of the Quran, maintaining the holy revelation's authenticity and ability. The Arabic script has not been altered, allowing readers to experience the Quran in its entirety. Tafseer provides accurate Hindi translation. Saif ur Rehman Mubarikpuri methodically crafts the Hindi version, which includes Tafseer (exegesis). It presents the Quran's meanings and teachings with precision and clarity, allowing for a deeper grasp of the Quranic text. Format in Both Languages The book is offered in a bilingual manner with Arabic and Hindi text side by side. This layout allows readers to compare and consider the original verses with the translated interpretations, improving their understanding of the Quran's teachings. Academic Integrity Saif ur Rehman Mubarikpuri is a well-known academic who specializes in Islamic studies and Arabic. His translation, together with Tafseer, adheres to the greatest levels of correctness and fidelity, making this version a scholarly and authoritative resource.

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  • Tafsir As-Sadi (Parts 28-29-30) Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran By Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi Tafsir As-Sadi (Parts 28-29-30) Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran By Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi

    Darussalam Publications Tafsir As-Sadi (Parts 28-29-30) Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran By Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi

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    Tafsir As-Sadi (Parts 28-29-30) Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran By Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi ISBN: 9786035002806Author: Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-SaadiBinding: HardcoverPages: 477Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication: 2014DescriptionAbout This Book: "Tafsir As-Sadi (Parts 28-29-30)" is the culmination of Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi's profound journey through the Quran, providing a comprehensive and insightful exegesis of the Noble Quran's final sections. This continuation of the Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran is an important contribution to the field of Quranic exegesis studies. Scholarly Excellence:  The Tafsir of Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi is distinguished by its depth, clarity, and correctness. His interpretation demonstrates significant knowledge of the Quranic text and tafsir principles, making it a respected resource among Islamic academics and students. Methodical Approach:  The book interprets the Quran in a methodical and structured manner, allowing readers to follow the author's thought process and analysis. This makes it suitable for both scholars and individuals who are fresh to Quranic exegesis. Quranic Context: Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi looks into the historical and contextual background of the Quranic verses, giving readers a thorough grasp of the circumstances surrounding these revelations. Spiritual Insight:  The Tafsir, in addition to linguistic and historical analysis, provides spiritual and moral insights, encouraging readers to draw lessons and implement Quranic teachings in their daily lives. Authentic Sources: The interpretations are deeply based on the Quran, Hadith, and the Islamic academic tradition, confirming the content's accuracy and reliability.

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  • Short Surahs (Workbook) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon

    Iqra International Educational Foundation Short Surahs (Workbook) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon

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    Short Surahs (Workbook) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon ISBN: 9781563161032Author: Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema KhatoonBinding: SoftcoverPages: 42Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inchesPublication 1995DescriptionAbout This Book: The engaging and informative companion workbook "Short Surahs (Workbook)" by Abdullah Ghazi and Tasneema Khatoon is meant to improve knowledge and recitation of the Quran's short chapters (Surahs). This workbook is an excellent resource for students, academics, and anybody interested in increasing their understanding of the Quranic text. Because of their brevity and powerful meanings, the Quranic chapters covered in this workbook, known as "Short Surahs," retain a special position in Islamic tradition. This workbook was created by Abdullah Ghazi and Tasneema Khatoon to engage readers in a hands-on examination of these Surahs, allowing them to practice, ponder, and connect with the divine message. Interactive tasks: To assist readers in engaging with the Short Surahs, the workbook includes a number of interactive tasks like as recitation practice, memory, and comprehension activities. Reflection and comprehension:  Thought-provoking questions and prompts inspire readers to ponder the meaning and relevance of the Surahs, creating a closer relationship with the Quranic text. Recitation and memorizing: The workbook includes tips and exercises to help you improve your recitation and memorizing of the Short Surahs. Spiritual Enrichment:  Reading these Surahs allows readers to glean spiritual and ethical principles that they might implement in their daily lives. Self-Guided Learning: This workbook is a versatile resource for anybody looking to connect with the Quran and is suitable for self-guided study or group settings.

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  • Last stock! Teachings of the Quran Volume 1 (Textbook ) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon Teachings of the Quran Volume 1 (Textbook ) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon

    Iqra International Educational Foundation Teachings of the Quran Volume 1 (Textbook ) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon

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    Teachings of the Quran Volume 1 (Textbook ) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon ISBN: 9781563161018Author: Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema KhatoonBinding: SoftcoverPages: 86Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inchesPublication 2006DescriptionAbout This Book: The book "Teachings of the Quran Volume 1 (Textbook)" by Abdullah Ghazi and Tasneema Khatoon is a comprehensive and insightful analysis of the Quran's teachings. This textbook, part of an insightful series, provides a disciplined and thorough method to learning the Quran's principles, values, and advice, making it a useful educational resource for people from all areas of life. The authors delve into a wide range of core subjects and themes taken from the Quran in this volume, giving readers with a fuller knowledge of Islam's religious, moral, and ethical components. The textbook encourages contemplation, conversation, and self-discovery, allowing readers to connect with and implement the Quran's profound teachings. Comprehensive Examination: The textbook examines Quranic teachings in-depth, providing insights into numerous elements of faith, morality, and spirituality. Thought-Provoking Exercises: Each section offers exercises and discussion questions to foster active thought and critical thinking among readers. Contemporary Relevance: The authors highlight the Quran's teachings' lasting relevance in tackling contemporary difficulties and challenges. Ethical and Moral Values:  Based on Quranic principles, the book highlights the necessity of ethical behavior, excellent character, and the formation of moral values. Practical Application: "Teachings of the Quran Volume 1" gives practical counsel for applying Quranic principles to daily life, fostering personal growth and spiritual development.

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  • Last stock! Teachings of the Quran Volume 2 (Textbook) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon Ghazi Teachings of the Quran Volume 2 (Textbook) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon Ghazi

    Iqra International Educational Foundation Teachings of the Quran Volume 2 (Textbook) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon Ghazi

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    Teachings of the Quran Volume 2 (Textbook) By Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon Ghazi ISBN: 9781563161049Author: Abdullah Ghazi & Tasneema Khatoon GhaziBinding: SoftcoverPages: 100Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inchesPublication 2005DescriptionAbout This Book: "Teachings of the Quran Volume 2 (Textbook)" by Abdullah Ghazi and Tasneema Khatoon Ghazi is a thorough and illuminating examination of the Quran's teachings. This textbook, part of a profound series, provides an organized and insightful method to learning the Quran's principles, values, and direction, making it an invaluable educational resource for people from all areas of life. The authors delve into a wide range of essential issues and concepts taken from the Quran in this volume, giving readers a fuller knowledge of Islam's religious, moral, and ethical components. The book promotes thought, discussion, and self-discovery, allowing readers to connect with the Quran's profound teachings and apply them to their lives. Comprehensive Examination:  The course material examines Quranic teachings in-depth, providing insights into numerous elements of faith, morality, and spirituality. Thought-Provoking Exercises: Each section offers exercises and discussion questions to foster active thought and critical thinking among readers. Contemporary Relevance:  The authors highlight the Quran's teachings' lasting relevance in tackling contemporary difficulties and challenges. Ethical and Moral Values: Based on Quranic principles, the book highlights the necessity of ethical behavior, excellent character, and the formation of moral values. Practical Information for Applying Quranic Teachings to Daily Life: "Teachings of the Quran Volume 2" gives practical information for applying Quranic teachings to daily life, promoting personal growth and spiritual development.

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