The Noble Quran: Transliteration in Roman Script with Arabic Text and English (Cream Paper)I
SBN:9789960740799Author: Dr. Muhsin Khan & Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Al-HilaliBook Binding: HardcoverPages 752Size: 6.7 x 9.7 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Even without prior Arabic knowledge, it helps students to pronounce the words. Additionally, transliteration is a helpful tool for individuals studying Arabic because it helps them perfect their pronunciation. The translation itself puts a focus on being a literal rendering of the original Arabic text. It's crucial to understand that total literalness may not always be possible because word meanings might vary depending on the situation. For Muslims who want to read the Quran in English, "The Noble Quran: Transliteration in Roman Script with Arabic Text and English" is a helpful tool. Additionally, it has shown to be a priceless resource for those learning Arabic.To read the Arabic text of the Qur'anic Verses in their correct form is of prime importance to every Muslim, as the meanings of the Arabic words are changed with little changes of the diacritics. So, to help those readers and reciters who are not too familiar with the Arabic language or cannot read Arabic, Darussalam has prepared this edition of the Noble Qur'an inserting the transliteration of the Noble verses along with their translation. It is hoped that this presentation will be of great help and benefit in this regard.
All praise and thanks are Allah's, the Lord of Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists) and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, Muhammad (S). This interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an has been revised and the following changes have been made:
Each Verse has been put separately with its English interpretation.
The Arabic text of the Noble Qur'an has been taken from Mushaf Al-Madinah An-Nabawiyyah, which has been printed by the Mujamma' of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia for the printing of Al-Mushaf Ash-Sharif in the year 1405 A.H., according to the instructions of the Vice-Chancellor of the Islamic University, instead of the old Arabic text of the previous print of this book which was printed in the United States and Turkey, by the Turkish Calligrapher Sheikh Hamid Al-Amadi.
There are some additions and subtractions of Chapters and Ahadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari and other Ahadith collections.
Some additions, corrections, and alterations have been made to improve the English translation and to bring the English interpretation very close to the correct and exact meanings of the Arabic text.
One more column is added in this particular edition of the interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an, providing the readers the transliteration of the Arabic Verses along with their translation. It is hoped that the readers will be able to recite the Noble Verses in more correct way taking the help of transliteration.
Translators: Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilah & Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan
Angel Jibraeel Returns Again By Shazia Nazlee
Author: Shazia Nazlee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages 24
Size: 8.3 x 11.2 inches
Publication year:2006
About This Book:
Shazia Nazlee's wonderful children's book "Angel Jibraeel Returns Again" takes young readers on an enthralling voyage through the world of Islamic history. The book illustrates the significance of the angel Gabriel's (Jibraeel's) return to Earth and his visit to the revered Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through striking graphics and engrossing tales. The story opens with Jibraeel appearing to the Prophet Muhammad in a dream and telling him that he will soon return to Earth with a new revelation from Allah. The Prophet feels both excitement and apprehension as he anticipates this great honor and harbors awe for what the impending revelation might bring. Jibraeel keeps his promise and appears the following day in front of the Prophet to give him the holy revelation. The Prophet immediately starts reciting the holy words as he is overcome with delight. The book details Jibraeel's further meetings with the Prophet as the angel continues to give him more revelations. The Quran, the beloved holy book of Islam, was eventually put together as a result of these revelations.
The Night of Decree By Shazia Nazlee
Author: Shazia Nazlee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages 24
Size: 8.3 x 11.2 inches
Publication year:2006
About This Book:
The young readers who read this compelling children's book on Lailat al-Qadr (the Night of Decree) will have an enjoyable and enlightening experience. The book instantly grabs young readers' attention with its vivid and compelling drawings, exciting and amusing them while teaching them about the significance of this glorious night, when the Noble Qur'an was revealed. Children will travel on a journey that is both entertaining and educational with each page turn. The significance of Lailat al-Qadr is examined in the book, along with its spiritual meaning, in order to help young readers get a deeper appreciation for this holy day. Young readers are enchanted by the vivid images, which act as a visual treat and help them relate to the subject matter more deeply. Children will learn about the spiritual and historical significance of Lailat al-Qadr as they read the story, developing awe and reverence for this fortunate night. The book contains a one-page activity segment at the conclusion to further improve the educational experience. In an entertaining and interesting way, this interactive part reinforces kids' grasp of Lailat al-Qadr while encouraging them to consider the information they have learned.
The Quran Arabic Only,15 Lines Pakistani / Indian/ Persian Script Medium Size Cream Paper, Ref 208 Size (7.8 x 5.5 x 1.3 inch)
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 7.8 x 5.5 x 1.3 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
The exquisite and fluid Pakistani/Indian/Persian script, which is famous for its beauty and readability, is used to produce this particular Quran version. The cream-colored paper enhances the text's legibility, giving a pleasant reading experience. It is comfortable to handle and read due to its greater size. This Quran is an excellent choice for those seeking a visually appealing and reader-friendly edition. The Pakistani/Indian/Persian script is regarded as a good script for beginners, so it is especially helpful for people who are learning Arabic. Key Features of this Quran: Printed in the Pakistani/Indian/Persian script Cream-colored paper Large size for ease of reading The readability is improved suitable for those learning Arabic This copy of Al Quran Al Kareem has 15 lines per page with beautiful green cover. Its clear and standard font made it easy to read/recite it for Muslims.
The Quran Arabic Only , 13 Lines Pakistani / Indian/ Persian Script Black and white (Size XL, 13.5 x 10 x 1.7 Inch) (Ref 111BW)
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 13.5 x 10 x 1.7 Inch
Publication year:2010
About This Book:
The exquisite and fluid Pakistani/Indian/Persian script, which is famous for its beauty and readability, is used to produce this particular Quran version. The cream-colored paper enhances the text's legibility, giving a pleasant reading experience. It is comfortable to handle and read due to its greater size. This Quran is an excellent choice for those seeking a visually appealing and reader-friendly edition. The Pakistani/Indian/Persian script is regarded as a good script for beginners, so it is especially helpful for people who are learning Arabic. Key Features of this Quran: Printed in the Pakistani/Indian/Persian script Cream-colored paper Large size for ease of reading The readability is improved suitable for those learning Arabic
The Quran Arabic Only , 13 Lines Pakistani / Indian/ Persian Script Cream paper (Size XL,13.5 x 10 x 1.7 Inch) 2010 Edition ,(Ref 111-2010)
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 13.5 x 10 x 1.7 Inch
Publication year:2010
About This Book:
The exquisite and fluid Pakistani/Indian/Persian script, which is famous for its beauty and readability, is used to produce this particular Quran version. The cream-colored paper enhances the text's legibility, giving a pleasant reading experience. It is comfortable to handle and read due to its greater size. This Quran is an excellent choice for those seeking a visually appealing and reader-friendly edition. The Pakistani/Indian/Persian script is regarded as a good script for beginners, so it is especially helpful for people who are learning Arabic. Key Features of this Quran: Printed in the Pakistani/Indian/Persian script Cream-colored paper Large size for ease of reading The readability is improved suitable for those learning Arabic
Riyad us-Saliheen Arabic Language, Large Size By Imam An-Nawawi
Author: Imam an Nawawi
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 6.8 inch
Publication year: 2004
About This Book:
Riyadh-us-Saliheen is an extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith. Covering every aspect of Islamic belief and moral conduct, it selects approximately 2000 hadith from the six major collections: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nisa'i, and ibn Majah. It serves as an excellent hadith primer and daily reader. It includes a wide range of topics: sincerity of purpose, spending in the way of Allah, rules of fasting, seeking knowledge, attending funerals, and safeguarding the Quran. This handsome, hardcover two-volume set presents the Arabic text as well as English translation. Riyadh-us-Saliheen comprises about 2000 hadiths in 372 Chapters and 19 Sections. These sections are The Book of Good Manners; The Book about the Etiquette of Eating; The Book of Dress; The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying, and Sitting; The Book of Greetings; The Book of Visiting the Sick; The Book of Etiquette of Traveling; The Book of Virtues; The Book of I'tikaf; The Book of Hajj; The Book of Jihad; The Book of Knowledge; The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah; The Book of Supplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah's Messenger (PBUH); The Book of the Remembrance of Allah; The Book of Du'a (Supplication); The Book of the Prohibited Actions; The Book of Miscellaneous Hadiths of Significant Values; and The Book of Forgiveness
Quran in Pushtu Language (Tafseer Quran Kareem)(Pushtu and Arabic)Translation and Tafseer in Bottom, HC
Translator: Abu Zakariya Abdus Salam RustamiBinding: HardcoverPages: 1666Size: 9.7 x 7.0 x 2.4 inchPublication Year: 2002DescriptionAbout This Book:
Begin your sacred journey through the Quran with the "Quran in Pushtu Language." The Holy Quran is presented in the beautiful Pushtu language, supplemented by the eternal beauty of the original Arabic text, in this remarkable version. This hardcover edition, enriched with Tafseer, encourages readers to dig deeply into the profound insights and wisdom of the Quran Kareem.
A Linguistic Tapestry:
Immerse yourself in the linguistic complexity of the Pushtu language as the Quran unfolds its words in an eloquent tapestry. This edition offers Pushtu speakers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with the Divine message in their tongue.
Translation and Tafseer in Harmony:
Each line is meticulously translated into Pushtu, it is complemented by a detailed Tafseer that unravels the layers of significance. This dual presentation ensures that the Quranic teachings are thoroughly understood.
Hardcover Elegance:
Enjoy the Quran in a magnificent hardcover style that reflects the sacred text's reverence and sanctity. This durable version is built to last, making it a treasured companion for personal thought and study.
Insights into Divine Knowledge:
Delve into the depths of Quranic knowledge with extensive Tafseer explanations at the bottom of each page. Readers can delve into the context, historical backdrop, and spiritual insights to better understand the Divine message.
Pushtu and Arabic Parallel Text:
Study the original Arabic verses alongside the Pushtu translation to gain a comprehensive grasp of the Quran. This dual-language presentation appeals to a wide range of audiences by emphasizing inclusivity and accessibility.
Bulugh Al-Maram Hindi Language
About This Book:
Based on the Ahadith of our Prophet, which serve as the foundation for Islamic jurisprudence, Bulugh Al-Maram (attainment of the purpose in accordance with the proof of the regulations) is a concept. If there are multiple sources, he has also done a comparison of the variations. It delivers the hadiths in a thorough way that makes it simpler for readers to comprehend and use them in their daily lives.The Hindi translation of "Bulugh Al-Maram" encourages readers to expand their understanding of Islamic law and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. People can get advice on problems of worship, moral behavior, and the application of Islamic principles in various spheres of life by studying the hadiths included in this book. Bulugh Al-Maram is based upon the Ahadith of our Prophet which have been the sources of Islamic Jurisprudence. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (Hijrah 777-853) has recorded the true significance of the Ahadith and their origins & also made a comparison of the versions, if the sources are more than one Bulugh Al-Maram - Attainment of the Objective - According to Evidence of the Ordinances. Compiled by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani with brief notes from the book Subul-us-Salam written by: Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Sanani.
Riyad us-Saliheen Hindi
Author: Imam an Nawawi
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 8.8 x 6.0 inch
Publication year: 2007
About This Book:
Riyadh-us-Saliheen is an extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith. It serves as an excellent hadith primer and daily reader. It includes a wide range of topics: sincerity of purpose, spending in the way of Allah, rules of fasting, seeking knowledge, attending funerals, and safeguarding the Quran. This handsome, hardcover two-volume set presents the Arabic text as well as the English translation. Riyadh-us-Saliheen comprises about 2000 hadiths in 372 Chapters and 19 Sections. These sections are The Book of Good Manners; The Book about the Etiquette of Eating; The Book of Dress; The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying, and Sitting; The Book of Greetings; The Book of Visiting the Sick; The Book of Etiquette of Traveling; The Book of Virtues; The Book of I'tikaf; The Book of Hajj; The Book of Jihad; The Book of Knowledge; The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah; The Book of Supplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah's Messenger (PBUH); The Book of the Remembrance of Allah; The Book of Du'a (Supplication); The Book of the Prohibited Actions; The Book of Miscellaneous Hadiths of Significant Values; and The Book of Forgiveness.
Al Quran Al Kareem: Mushaf Uthmani (Medium Size) 15 Lines
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 8.0 x 5.8 x 0.7 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Quran:
The medium-sized Quran "Al Quran Al Kareem: Mushaf Uthmani (Medium Size) 15 Lines" is written in the Mushaf Uthmani script. It is formatted with 15 lines on each page, giving readers a text that is clear and easy to read. For its correctness and faithfulness to the Uthmani script, the Quran's traditional script, this edition of the Quran is highly valued. Genuine Uthmani Script.The original Uthmani script is used to present the Quran, upholding the long-standing and well-known calligraphic style. The Uthmani script is renowned for its elegance and clarity, which enables readers to interact deeply with the text. The Quran is portable and practical for everyday usage due to its medium size. It is portable and simple to use, so readers can interact with the Quran This Arabic only Qur'an, features a deluxe hardcover, with Deluxe Pages of the Qur'an in standard Uthmani script. Beautiful Page and Script. Color may vary depends upon availability of stock
Al-Quran Al-Kareem Ahsan-al-Hawashi (Arabic /Urdu Translation)
Author: Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.7 x 7.0 x 1.8 inch
Publication year: 2016
About This Quran:
The Holy Quran's translation into Urdu, known as the Ahsan-al-Hawashi Quran, the author is renowned for its thoroughness, beauty, and fluency. The translator, Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf, is well known and esteemed for his illustrious work, Ahsan-ul-Bayan. Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf expertly combines commentary with the pertinent verses on the same page in this translation, showcasing his outstanding capacity to do this difficult task with great completeness. The two-color cover that the translation is provided adds to its appealing design. The Ahsan-al-Hawashi Quran, as a whole, is an exceptional Urdu translation of the Holy Quran that retains the translator's illustrious reputation and offers readers a thorough and attractive presentation of the sacred text.
An Inspiration to the World by Dr. Aid al-Qarni
ISBN: 9786039177234
Author: Dr. Aid al-Qarni
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 7.0 x 1.5 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
A Prophetic Biography Unlike Any Othe
Unlike any book of Seerah that came before it.
Based on authentic reports
Connecting the Seerah to our everyday, modern lives.
Beyond biography – a project towards reformation of character.
To guide you through all aspects and circumstances of life.
An Inspiration to the World is not a repetition of what has already been written about the Seerah, or an imitation of those who have written on this topic before me. It is not a collection of quotations or a list of reports. Rather it is based on reflection and contemplation of those reports, aimed at presenting the spirit of the Seerah and connecting it to people›s everyday lives, by diving deep into its ocean, trying to discover its secrets, show its lights, highlight its objectives, display its uniqueness and discuss its benefit
This book is Unique and different from other seerah books like Sealed Nector, Golden Seerah by Abdul Malik Mujahid, As- Seerah by Dr. As-Sallabi, As- Seerah by Dr. Mahdi Rizq-ul-Allah and many others, Because these books are about the biography of the Prophet PBUH, his childhood, Life before Prophethood, Life in Makkah, Life in Madinah, etc.These books are also informative and useful but “An inspiration to the world” is different from all such books.An Inspiration to the World is a record of the Sunnah, a biography of one who was the greatest example, a way of life, a book of manners, a covenant of honour, a call to salvation, a project of reform, a message of Tawheed, and a call to a new life.An Inspiration to the World is the story of a Prophet and Messenger PBUH, a biography of one who was infallible, a historical record of the mercy whom Allah sent to the world, a great blessing, in which you will find divine inspiration, prophetic breezes, the greatest miracle, the momentous news, and the final, eternal message.An Inspiration to the World represents the journey of half a century, in which the author accompanied the one who was an inspiration to the world PBUH by night and by day, at home and when traveling, in private and in public, at times of hardship and times of ease.
The author spent his life studying his noble Sunnah and biography, and he realized that he should pay his dues and fulfill the covenant, by undertaking the duty to convey and promote his Sunnah and to spread his message.
French Quran: Le sens des versets du Saint Qouran (Medium Size) By Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda
Author: Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda
Book Binding:Hard Cover
Size: 6.8 x 5.0 x 1.5 inch
Publication year: 2010
About This Book:
Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda translated and elucidated a French-language Quran entitled "Le Sens des Versets du Saint Coran". The goal of this small book is to give French translations and explanations of the Holy Quran's passages. The following are important aspects of "Le sens des versets du Saint Coran":
The verses of the Holy Quran are translated from their original Arabic into French in this book. It enables readers who speak French to access and comprehend the Quran's message and lessons.
Explanations and Interpretation:
Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda offers interpretations and explanations of the verses of the Quran. These explanations aid readers in comprehending the verses' intended meanings, historical context, and practical ramifications, which improves their comprehension of the Quran's instructions.
The Compact Format:
Readers may readily access the translated Quranic text and explanations because of the small size, whether they're at home, on the go, or in another location.
Authentic Source:
Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda, a recognized scholar and translator, is the creator of the translation and interpretations presented in the book. The validity and veracity of the information supplied may be trusted by readers.
Interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an with Arabic text in the modern French language. A summarized version of At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari.This summarized 1 volume version offers brief commentary and Ahadith wherever necessary. This unique combination of commentary and relevant Ahadith makes this a very useful study reference tool. The Arabic text is taken from Mushaf al Madinah.
Fathul Majeed (Sharh Kitab At-tawheed), (Arabic Language) By Syaikh Abdul Rahman Hasan Al Sheikh (Darussalam) Large Size
Author: Syaikh Abdul Rahman Hasan Al Sheikh
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.7 x 7.0 inch
About This Book:
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Hasan Al Sheikh's prestigious Arabic-language book "Fathul Majeed (Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed)" was released by Darussalam in a large-size version. A thorough commentary on the significant Islamic text "Kitab At-Tawheed" (The Book of Monotheism) is provided in this book. "Fathul Majeed (Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed)"'s salient characteristics include:
Because the book is published in Arabic, readers have the chance to interact with the original text directly and deepen their comprehension of Islamic ideas.
Comprehensive Commentary:
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Hasan al-sheik, the author, offers a thorough commentary on "Kitab At-Tawheed." The commentary examines the key ideas, tenets, and teachings around the unity of Allah (Tawheed). It offers in-depth explanations and dives into the text's linguistic, legal, and theological facets. The author backs up the provided lessons with proof from the Qur'an and reliable Hadiths.
Printed at a large size:
Which makes it simple to read and follow along with the content, the book is produced. The legible typography and roomy layout make reading easier and improve understanding. Fathul Majeed Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed ( Abdur Rehman Bin Hasan ) Darussalam Arabic
The Essay Of Ahmad bin Hanbal On Prayer By Dr. Hafiz M.S.Usmani
Author: Dr. Hafiz M.S.Usmani
Book Binding: Softcover
Size: 15x22 Description
About This Book:
The book examines the ideas and innovations that Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal brought to the Islamic prayer. It focuses particularly on his viewpoints and teachings as a well-known Islamic jurist. Dr. Hafiz M.S. Usmani conducts a thorough investigation of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal's idea of prayer by reading all of his writings and other works. The book discusses numerous facets of this essential practise and emphasizes the significance of prayer in Islam. It provides justifications, interpretations, and helpful guidance based on the teachings of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. Readers can expand their understanding of prayer and learn insightful lessons from Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal by actively engaging with the book. mtiaz Ahmad has put very serious emphasis on the importance of prayer. He mentioned Qur'aanic verses, Ahaadith, Statement of Sahaabah and sayings of Taabi'een, in abundant, to authentic his opinion. He also seriously took notice of those, who are headless in their prayers. It has been discussed in detail how we should prostate, bow and stand up praying behind an Imam or individual.
Atlas of Hajj & Umrah: History & Fiqh By Sami Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Maghlouth (Urdu Language)
ISBN: 9786039138105
Author: Sami Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Maghlouth
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 413
Size: 12 x 8.5 x 1.0 inch
Publication year: 2019
About This Book:
Atlas of Hajj & Umrah: History & Fiqh is a book written in Urdu by Sami Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Maghlouth. This thorough atlas examines the religious and historical facets of the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina. A wide range of topics linked to the Hajj and Umrah are covered in the book, including their historical significance, customs, and the underlying fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) that underpins them. It serves as a helpful manual for Muslims making these auspicious excursions, including insightful information about the historical setting, the significance of the major pilgrimage locations, and the proper conduct throughout these religious pursuits. The book also examines the fiqh rules on Hajj and Umrah, including the requirements, best practices, and mistakes to avoid. Along with providing geographical and historical details, it also works as a helpful guide for people who want to perform these acts of worship in line with Islamic beliefs and principles. Beautiful large size, full color, illustrated Atlas of Hajj & Umrah - History & Fiqh. It covers the history of Makkah Al-Mukarramah & all the holy places of Islam related to Hajj & Umrah. This authentic, detailed book contains maps, drawings, diagrams and beautiful pictures to clearly explain the subject matter.
The Pillars of Islam and Iman, And what every Muslim must know about his religion By Muhammad bin Jamil Zino (Paperback)
ISBN: 9789960732503
Author: Muhammad bin Jamil Zino
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 15x22cm
Publication year: 2006
About This Book:The instructive paperback "The Pillars of Islam and Iman, And what every Muslim must know about his religion By Muhammad bin Jamil Zino (Paperback)" will improve your knowledge of Islam and fortify your faith. Readers will take a profound journey of study into the fundamental ideas and customs of Islam within the pages of this fascinating book. The five pillars of Islam—Shahadah (Testimony of Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakah (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (Pilgrimage)—are expertly dissected by the author with painstaking attention to detail. The author reveals the profound significance of each pillar while also emphasizing the useful applications and spiritual advantages that result from their serious adherence through rigorous examination and explanation. Besides being a great scholar, Sheikh Muhammad bin Jamil Zino is also the author and compiler of many books directly related to the fundamentals of Islam. He holds the honor to have a place in the rank of those authors of the present time whose works have been widely accepted & attributed.This is his first ranking work. In this Book, the learned writer discussed the fundamental constituents of Islam: Salat (prayer), Saum (fasting), Hajj and Zakat, etc., in a lucid and impressive manner. The discussion regarding Faith and Belief in the first part is an added value to the book The distinctive feature of this book is its simplicity. Anyone can learn & practice Islam easily through the guidance of this book.
The Golden Path For Teenagers By Abdul Malik Mujahid
ISBN: 9786030290901
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 331
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.9 inch
Publication year: 2019
Language: English
About This Book:
Abdul Malik Mujahid is the author of the book "The Golden Path For Teenagers". Teenagers who are navigating the opportunities and challenges of their formative years can use this book to help them. It attempts to support youngsters in developing sound moral principles and making informed decisions. In particular for young readers, he is renowned for his ability to convey complicated ideas in a relatable and approachable way. The Golden Path for Teenagers recounts the interesting and instructive events of the lives of Allah’s Messenger (peace on him), the rightly-guided caliphs, the pious ancestors, the famous kings, and other luminaries of Islam in an attractive way, with simple, easy, and flowing language. Most of the events have been taken from reliable Arabic sources. We have shunned embellishing the book with unreliable accounts.
About The Author:
An esteemed Islamic scholar, author, and civic leader is Abdul Malik Mujahid. He is honored for his contributions to social activity, interfaith understanding, and Islamic education. Mujahid has devoted his entire life to advancing tolerance, understanding, and peace through his writings, speeches, and work with organizations. His writings are approachable to a broad readership since they frequently concentrate on offering insightful advice that is anchored in Islamic beliefs. The Sound Vision Foundation, a group devoted to advancing Islamic outreach, media, and education, was founded and is led by Mujahid. He has started a number of initiatives through Sound Vision with the goal of empowering Muslims and developing a favorable perception of Islam in the wider community.
Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women By Ibrahim M. Kunna
ISBN: 9789960717074
Author: Ibrahim M. Kunna
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 72
Size: 14X21
Language: English
About This Book:
Ibrahim M. Kunna's book, Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for Muslim Women, offers solutions to several inquiries concerning Islam that are particularly pertinent to Muslim women. The themes covered in the book are numerous and include:
Prayer Fasting Marriage Divorce pregnancy and menstruation Teenage DeathKunna bases his responses on both the Quran and the Sunnah, and he offers proof from both to back up his claims. In order to help readers comprehend the Islamic perspective on the subjects covered, he also intersperses quotations from the Quran and the Sunnah throughout the book. Question and answer in an effective method of teaching. It has been recognized since long ago, and even Prophet Muhammad (S) has adopted it to teach his Companions. A Muslim reader who wishes to check his knowledge about his own religion, without the labor of formal learning and research, can confidently make use of such a collection of questions and answers as this. Since these questions and answers have been prepared on such a basis that the women readers will find them both informative and refreshing, on may get new bits of information and reform their earlier notions; some others may refresh their memories
About The Author:
Islamic scholar and author Ibrahim M. Kunna. Numerous works on Islam have been authored by him, including "Miscellaneous Questions & Answers for the Muslim Women," "The Rulings of the Two Eids in the Light of the Authentic Sunnah," and "110 Ahadith Qudsi (Arabic and English)." Kunna is a graduate of Saudi Arabia's Islamic University in Madinah. He has also attended the Pakistani University of Karachi. The Islamic Jurisprudence Council of North America has recognized him as an authorized Islamic scholar.
The Divine Message for All Mankind By Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya
Author: Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya
Book Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 112
Size: 14X21
Language: English
About This Book:
Insightful and provocative, "The Divine Message for All Mankind" by Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya attempts to make the eternal teachings and ideals of Islam accessible to individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs. Respected Islamic scholar Dr. Mababaya provides a thorough examination of Islam's central message, highlighting its importance and relevance in the modern world. The essential ideas of Islam, such as the unity of God, the value of faith, the importance of prayer, and the pursuit of justice, are explored in depth in this book, taking readers on a voyage of discovery. Dr. Mababaya expertly navigates through complicated subjects, offering concise justifications and perceptive observations that appeal to both Muslims and non-Muslims. This book aims to enlighten all peoples from all races, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds and perspectives as well as beliefs in all parts of the world to adhere to the Divine Message for all mankind. In short, this book addresses all humanity to the Qur’an. It serves as a key eye-opener to all of us to open our minds and hearts to the Book of Allah.
About The Author:
Author and professor from Malaysia named Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya. At the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), she teaches Islamic studies. Her writings on Islamic subjects, such as the Quran, hadith, and fiqh, are substantial. She has written numerous books, including the following:
The Quran as a Manual for the Contemporary Muslim
The Hadith: A Source of Insight and Guidance
Fiqh: The Islamic legal code
Respected for her scholarship, Dr. Mababaya's work has been translated into other languages. She frequently speaks on Islamic subjects at conferences and workshops. She serves on the editorial board of numerous journals that are Islamic.
A Concise Biography Of The Prophet (SAW) And His Special Traits By Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan
ISBN: 9781910015315
Author: Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan
Book Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 55
Size: 160 x 240mm
Language: English
About This Book:
The highly regarded author of "A Concise Biography of the Prophet (SAW) and His Special Traits," Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan, is the author of the book. This outstanding piece of literature explores the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and sheds light on his extraordinary traits and defining traits.
Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan, the author of this biography, is probably a well-known academic with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the teachings and life of the Prophet Muhammad. He skilfully delivers a condensed yet comprehensive biography that captures the essence of the Prophet's life, crucial moments, and his distinctive characteristics through rigorous research and devoted study.
About The Author:
Islamic literature and academic study. He has written extensively on numerous topics related to Islamic history, spirituality, and jurisprudence. He is renowned for his knowledge of the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The depth of Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan's comprehension of Islamic ideas and his dedication to providing true and correct information can be seen in many of his publications. He is probably knowledgeable about the Quran and Hadith, and his writings may make use of these authoritative primary sources to offer enlightening and trustworthy insights on Islamic beliefs.
Let's Learn By Shiekh Haytham Bin Mohammad Sarhan
ISBN: 9781910015513
Author: Shiekh Haytham Bin Mohammad Sarhan
Book Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 48
Size: 21x27 cm
About This Book:
The English translation of the entertaining novel "Come, Let's Play" is excellent. Its main goal is to teach young Muslim children Islamic manners and the foundations of the Islamic religion in an engaging and approachable way. Taking into account a child's natural tendency towards fun and developing their sense of caring, the book skillfully combines actual knowledge with the application of Islamic teachings. Children are introduced to important Islamic ideas and beliefs through interactive games, tales, and images in the pages of "Come, Let's Play." The information is purposefully created to pique a child's interest and make learning fun. The book discusses a variety of subjects, such as the five pillars of Islam
About The Author:
Respected Islamic author and scholar Sheikh Haytham Bin Mohammad Sarhan has made significant contributions to the study of Islam. It is safe to conclude that Sheikh Haytham Bin Mohammad Sarhan has devoted his life to the study, comprehension, and propagation of Islamic teachings despite the lack of easily available information about him. Sheikh Haytham Bin Mohammad Sarhan is an Islamic scholar who specializes in a number of areas of Islamic knowledge, such as Hadith studies, Islamic law (Fiqh), spirituality, and Quranic exegesis. His writings and lectures demonstrate his dedication to upholding the veracity and integrity of Islamic doctrine.
Islam for Teenagers by Abu Zayd Kamran Ali
Author: Abu Zayd Kamran Ali
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 136
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.4 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
A simple guide explaining common issues faced by teenage Muslims. This book covers a wide range of challenges that Muslim adolescents face as they develop. Teenage brains work differently than adults when they make decisions or face problems. Their actions are guided more by the emotional & reactive process and less by the thoughtful & reasonable way of solving problems.Topics covered:
1.Arrogance2.Backbiting & Slandering3.Beard & Haircuts4.Bullying5.Clothing & Accessories6.Companions & Friends7.Cursing & Swearing8.Drawing & Photography9.Drug & Alcohol10.Free Mixing11.Games & Sports12.How To Treat Your Parents13.Imitating the Kuffaar (Disbelievers)14.Lowering The Gaze15.Manners & Character16.Purification17.Recitation & Memorization18.Respect Your Elders19.Salaah20.Singing, Music & Dancing21.Smoking22.Social Media23.Suicide24.Tattoos25.Vacations26.Violent Behavior
Uswah Tul Alam By Dr. Aid al-Qarni (Urdu Language)
AUTHOR: Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni
BINNDING: Hardcover
PAGES: 817
SIZE: 9.7 x 7.0 x 1.5 inches
About The Book:
The world-famous Islamic author and scholar Dr. Aid al-Qarni is the author of the book Uswah tul Alam (The Model for the World). This biography of the Islamic prophet Muhammad is regarded as one of the most thorough and reliable versions of his life written in Urdu. A distinct facet of Muhammad's life is covered in each of the book's 30 chapters. Muhammad's birth, childhood, education, marriage, political career, and religious teachings, including the Quran, hadith, and writings by other historians, are only a few of the themes covered in the chapters. He has also drawn on his personal understanding of Islamic history and theology to offer a thorough and perceptive portrayal of Muhammad's life.
عالمی شہرت یافتہ اسلامی مصنف اور اسکالر ڈاکٹر امداد القرنی کتاب اسوہ العالم (دنیا کے لیے نمونہ) کے مصنف ہیں۔ اسلامی پیغمبر محمد کی اس سوانح حیات کو اردو میں لکھی گئی ان کی زندگی کے سب سے مکمل اور قابل اعتماد نسخوں میں شمار کیا جاتا ہے۔ کتاب کے 30 ابواب میں سے ہر ایک میں محمد کی زندگی کے ایک الگ پہلو کا احاطہ کیا گیا ہے۔ محمد کی پیدائش، بچپن، تعلیم، شادی، سیاسی کیریئر، اور مذہبی تعلیمات بشمول قرآن، حدیث، اور دیگر مورخین کی تحریریں، ابواب میں شامل چند موضوعات ہیں۔ اس نے اسلامی تاریخ اور الہیات کے بارے میں اپنی ذاتی تفہیم کو بھی کھینچا ہے تاکہ محمد کی زندگی کی مکمل اور ادراک کی تصویر کشی کی جاسکے۔ - اسوۃ عالم یہ کتاب مصنف کے سالہا سال مطالعہ کا نچوڑ ہے۔ - یہ کتاب اس بات کی عکاسی کرتی ہے کہ مصنف کی رسول اللہ ﷺ کی ذات سے محبت اور وابستگی کس قدر گہری ہے - یہ کتاب ہمارے دلوں کے اندر بھی سیرت سے محبت اورلگن کی شمع روشن کرتی ہے۔ - یہ کتاب ہمیں کامیابی ابدی زندگی اور دائمی راحت کی راہ دکھاتی ہے۔ - یہ کتاب سیرت کے موضوع پر ایک نادر اور اچھوتی کتاب ہے۔ یہ کتاب آپ کی زندگی بدل دے گی اور اسے پڑھنے والا دائی مسرتوں اور کامیابیوں حامل بن جائے گا۔ان شاءاللہ
Islam Ki Sachai Aur Science Kay Aitrafat
AUTHOR: i.A Ibrahim
BINNDING: Hardcover
PAGES: 335
SIZE: 6.7 x 4.7 x 0.3 inch
About This Book:
The truth of Islam and Scientific Discoveries: Islam Ki Sachai Aur Science Kay Aitrafat Since its initial 1992 publication, the book has been translated into more than 20 different languages. Many Muslims have commended Islam Ki Sachai Aur Science Kay Aitrafat for its accurate and instructive exposition of Islamic principles. But it has also drawn criticism for its lack of interaction with critical research and its oversimplified view of science. A book called Islam Ki Sachai Aur Science Kay Aitrafat aims to foster understanding between Islam and science. The Big Crunch Theory describes the universe as expanding gradually before contracting, in accordance with the teachings of the Quran. This idea is consistent with scientific theories on the evolution of the cosmos. The Earth and the heavens are frequently mentioned in the Quran, and they are correctly described as spherical bodies with surrounding domes. The human body is accurately described in the Quran as well, with important parts like blood, veins, and arteries being mentioned. For instance, the Quranic passage that reads, "We created man from water," can be interpreted as supporting the notion that the earliest organic molecules that led to life on Earth.
Fatawa Islamiyah : 4 Volume Set : Urdu Language / فتاوی اسلامیّه اردو
Author: Muhammad Bin Abdul Aziz
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 2191
Size: 9.7 x 6.8 x 1.2 inch
Publication Year: 1999
Language: Urdu
About The Book:
Famous Islamic book series "Fatawa Islamiyah" has four volumes and is written in the Urdu language. The series is a collection of Islamic legal judgements and rulings (fatawa) on numerous spiritual, interpersonal, and pragmatic problems that Muslims encounter on a daily basis. The Hadith—the sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad—as well as the opinions of Islamic scholars serve as the foundation for the fatawa. A group of Islamic scholars who are experts in several branches of Islamic law collectively wrote the series. The fatawa offered in the volumes is intended to address real-world problems that Muslims are currently facing, with a focus on upholding Islamic teachings. The "Fatawa Islamiyah" series is a thorough reference that addresses a variety of subjects, including social issues, family law, economic operations, ethics, and more. In a question-and-answer format, the fatawa address the worries and questions of Muslims looking for direction in topics of religious practice and Islamic jurisprudence.
Khawateen Kay Imtiyazi Massail By Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yousaf
Author: Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yousaf
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 421
Size: 8.5 x 5.7 x 1.0 inch
Publication Year: 2008
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
The phrase "Khawateen Kay Imtiyazi Massail" suggest to the particular problems and concerns pertaining to women in Islam. Various areas of women's lives, such as their duties, rights, and obligations, dress code, social interactions, marriage, divorce, education, and more, may be covered in these issues. The phrase "Imtiyazi Massail" denotes that certain problems are exclusive to women and hence call for special care and comprehension. These topics are frequently discussed and addressed by Islamic scholars and jurists in order to give women and the larger Muslim community direction and clarification. The goal is to ensure that women can live in accordance with Islamic teachings, meet their commitments, and practice their faith while taking into account their unique requirements and circumstances. The meaning of "Khawateen Kay Imtiyazi Massail" might change based on the societal, cultural, and geographic setting. Islamic academics and jurists base their decisions and prescriptions for women on the Quran, Hadith (prophet Muhammad's words and deeds), the scholarly consensus (ijma'), and logic (ijtihad).
About The Author:
In addition to being an author, researcher, commentator, and former editor-in-chief of Al-Aitisam Weekly (a Pakistani weekly magazine), Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yousaf was a Pakistani Muslim scholar, Qur'anic commentator, author, and researcher. He oversaw the Research Division department for Darussalam in Lahore. Yousaf began his work as a teacher at the Darul Uloom Karachi after earning his degree from the Jamia Uloom-ul-Islamia. Before relocating to Lahore to serve as a researcher at the Darussalam Research Division, he spent two years teaching at Darul Uloom Karachi. Yousaf spent 24 years as a researcher at the Darussalam Research Division. He wrote various works on Islamic subjects while working at the Darussalam Research Division, including Tafseer Ahsanul Bayyan, Maani ul Quran, and Tafsir Ibn -e- Kathir.
Islam Par 40 Aitrazat Ke Aqli O Naqli Jawab by Dr Zakir Naik Abdul karim Naik
Author: Dr Zakir Naik
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 231
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.6 inch
Publication Year: 2007
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
Dr. Zakir Naik and Abdul Karim Naik wrote the book "Islam Par 40 Aitrazat Ke Aqli O Naqli Jawab by Dr Zakir Naik Abdul karim Naik". This book responds to 40 typical criticisms and misconceptions of Islam with logical arguments and biblical support. Many Islamic leaders and scholars have lauded Islam Par 40 Aitrazat Ke Aqli O Naqli Jawab. The general population has likewise accepted it favorably. Many misconceptions about Islam have been dispelled by the book, and many people have been inspired to study more about it. With regard to each of these inquiries, Naik offers logical and biblical responses. He contends that God permits suffering in order to put our faith to the test. Additionally, he contends that polygamy is not as repressive as some people think it to be and that it is only permitted under specific conditions. He argues that it is a question of modesty and privacy for women to cover their hair. Additionally, he contends that drugs and alcohol can cause addiction and crime and are bad for the body and the intellect. Finally, he makes the case that everyone will be held accountable for their deeds on the Day of Judgement, which is a reality that will materialize.
About The Author:
Dr. Zakir Naik is an Indian Muslim scholar, preacher, and public speaker who specializes in comparative religion. On October 18, 1965, he was born in Mumbai, India. Dr. Naik, who has a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) degree, first wanted to be a doctor before deciding to devote his life to preaching and teaching Islam. The Islamic Research Foundation (IRF), a Mumbai-based organization that seeks to advance Islamic knowledge and understanding, was founded and is managed by Dr. Naik. On many subjects about Islam, comparative religion, and modern issues, he has given several lectures and participated in debates. Dr. Naik is renowned for his captivating speaking style and his capacity to persuade audiences of the validity of Islamic ideas. Islamic preacher, public speaker, and academic Dr. Zakir Naik is renowned for his in-depth understanding of Islam and other religions. On a variety of subjects pertaining to Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and other religions, he has given several lectures and participated in discussions. Dr. Naik wants to dispel myths about Islam and encourage interaction amongst people of different faiths.
Biography of Imam Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah in Urdu Language
Author: Salaahuddeen Ali Abdul Mawjood
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 375
Size: 8.7 x 5.8 x 0.8 inch
Publication Year: 2008
Language: Urdu
About The Book:
This Book Biography of Imam Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah covers the almost every life aspect of Imam Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah A well-known Islamic scholar and jurist who lived in the eighth century CE was Imam Sufyan ibn 'Uyaynah (sometimes spelled Sufyan ibn 'Uyna). He was raised in Makkah and was well-known for his profound understanding of the Islamic sciences, especially those about hadith (prophetic narrations) and Islamic law (Fiqh). He was well-known among his contemporaries for his intelligence, piety, and steadfast commitment to the Sunnah (the teachings and customs of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). He was renowned for his honesty and steadfast commitment to Islamic jurisprudence. Future generations of academics have benefited significantly from his contributions to the field of Islamic scholarship, particularly in the areas of hadith and fiqh. Scholars have studied and used his rules and teachings throughout history.
About The Author:
Author and academic Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood is the author of numerous works on the history and biographies of Muslims. In the Pakistani city of Karachi, he was born in 1950. He completed his studies at the University of Karachi and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies there. The University of Medina awarded him a Master of Arts in Islamic Jurisprudence before he continued his education there. Mawjood returned to Pakistan after completing his studies and started working as a professor at the University of Karachi. He started penning works on the biography and history of Islam. His most well-known book is The Biography of Imam Bukhaaree, a thorough examination of the life and contributions of one of the most significant Islamic scholars.
Minhajul Muslim (Islami Tarz-e Zindagi) (Urdu Language) By Imam Abu Bakr al-Jazairi (Large Print)
Author: Imam Abu Bakr al-Jazairi
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 720
Size: 9.7 x 7.0 x 1.5 inch
Publication Year: 2010
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
Popular Islamic work "Minhajul Muslim (Islami Tarz-e Zindagi) (Urdu Language) By Imam Abu Bakr al-Jazairi " by Imam Abu Bakr al-Jazairi. It is also frequently referred to as "The Way of the Muslim" or "Islamic Manner of Living." On a variety of facets of a Muslim's life, such as beliefs, acts of worship, personal conduct, interpersonal relationships, and moral principles, the book offers direction and helpful advice. Purification, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, pilgrimage, family life, ethics, manners, and relationships with society are just a few of the many topics it tackles. Because of its clear and short style, the book is understandable by readers with varying levels of education and comprehension. "Minhajul Muslim (Islami Tarz-e Zindagi) (Urdu Language) By Imam Abu Bakr al-Jazairi " has received praise for its thorough examination of many facets of Islamic practice and its capacity to operate as a helpful manual for Muslims.
About The Author:
An Islamic philosopher and jurist who lived in the 19th century, Imam Abu Bakr al-Jazairi's full name is Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Salih al-Mahmudi al-Jaza'iri. 1808 saw his birth in Algeria, and 1881 saw his death. Imam al-Jazairi was renowned for his expertise in a number of Islamic fields, including Tafsir (Quranic exegesis), hadith, and Islamic law (Fiqh). Numerous volumes, including those on Islamic law, hadith, and spirituality, were written by Imam al-Jazairi. His most well-known piece is "Minhajul Muslim" (also known as "The Way of the Muslim" or "Islamic Manner of Living"), which we previously covered. It is a thorough guide on following Islamic customs and etiquette in daily life.
Bulugh-ul-Maram (2 Vol Set) (Urdu Language) By Mawlana Abdul-Wakeel Alawi (Large print)
Author: Mawlana Abdul-Wakeel Alawi
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 1138
Size: 9.7 x 7.0 x 1.5 inch
Publication Year: 2009
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani gathered the hadith in Bulugh-ul-Maram. One of the most well-known and renowned hadith collections in the Sunni world. There are 100 chapters in the book, each of which covers a different area of Islamic law. Each chapter's hadith are ordered in order of relevance, with the most significant hadith appearing first. Mawlana Abdul-Wakeel Alawi's translation of Bulugh-ul-Maram into Urdu is a faithful and precise translation of the original Arabic text. There is a brief commentary that explains the content of the hadith and the translation is simple to read and comprehend. Anyone who wants to understand more about Islamic law should consult Bulugh-ul-Maram. It is a thorough and carefully arranged collection of hadith that offers a strong framework for comprehending Islamic law.
About The Author:
Born in the Indian town of Alawi, Mawlana Abdul-Wakeel Alawi (1910–1955) was a scholar and an authority on Islam. He completed his education at the Jamia Millia Islamia and the Darul Uloom Deoband. He was a prolific writer and the creator of numerous publications on Islamic mysticism, law, and theology. Additionally, he played a significant role in the Tablighi Jamaat, an international Islamic missionary movement. The subject of Islamic studies has benefited greatly from the work of Mawlana Abdul-Wakeel Alawi, a highly esteemed academic and Islamic scholar. Muslims from all over the world read and study his writings extensively.
Fiqhi Ihkam o Masail (2 Vol Set) (2 Vol) فقہی احکام و مسائل (Urdu Language)
Author: Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzan
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 922
Size: 9.7 x 6.7 x 0.9 inch
Publication Year: 2007
Language: Urdu
About The Book:
Muhammad Subhi bin Hassan Khallaaq wrote Fiqhi Ihkam o Masail (2 Vol Set), a two-volume work on Islamic law (fiqh), in the Urdu language. The book discusses a variety of subjects, including as the five pillars of Islam, the regulations for prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and the hajj, as well as a number of other themes like divorce, inheritance, and criminal law. The book is organised clearly and concisely, and it is simple to read and understand. For anyone who wants to understand more about Islamic law, it is a great resource
.اللہ عزوجل نے یہ کائنات ہست و بود انسان کے لیے بنائی ہے اور انسان کو اپنی بندگی کے لیے پیدا فرمایا ہے۔ انسان کی زندگی میں پیش آنے والے مسائل اور احکام کو فقہی اصولوں کے تحت سمجھنے اور ان کے مطابق عمل کرنے کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ اللہ تعالیٰ نے قرآن کریم کی صورت میں اوامر نواہی کی بنا پہچانے ہیں تاکہ ہم ان کا عمل کریں اور ان کے راستے پر چلیں۔ حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی سیرت طیبہ ہمیں ان اوامر و نواہی کی تفصیلی تشریح فراہم کرتی ہے اور ہمیں ہمیشہ کے لئے روشنی میں لے جاتی ہے۔علماءِ سنت نے ان اوامر و نواہی کو جو کتاب و سنت میں بیان ہوئے ہیں، آسان زبان میں ایک ترتیب کے ساتھ امت مسلمہ کے سامنے پیش کر دیا ہے۔ "فقہی احکام و مسائل" نامی کتاب میں ایک مسلمان کی زندگی میں پیش آنے والے تمام مسائل کو ایک خاص ترتیب کے ساتھ بیان کیا گیا ہے تاکہ قاری باآسانی اپنے مسائل کو سنت کے مطابق حل کر سکے۔ اس کتاب میں فقہی مسائل، نماز، روزے، زکاۃ، حج، نکاح، طلاق، وصیت، ارث، تجارت، بیمہ، جرح و
About The Author:
A well-known Islamic scholar and jurist from Saudi Arabia is Sheikh Saleh ibn Fawzan al-Fawzan. In the Saudi Arabian province of Al-Qasim, he was born in 1933. Sheikh Fawzan is well-known for his knowledge of Islamic law (Fiqh) and commitment to the Hanbali school of thinking. He taught a variety of disciplines, including Islamic law and Tawhid (Islamic monotheism), at the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh. Numerous books and publications written by Sheikh Fawzan cover a wide spectrum of Islamic subjects, and his works are highly regarded and studied by scholars.
Khwabon Ki Tabeerain by Imam Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Rashid Urdu language
Author: Imam Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Rashid
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 672
Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 1.5 inch
Publication year: 2012
Language: Urdu
About The Book:
Imam Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Rashid authored a book on dream interpretation titled Khwabon Ki Tabeerain (Urdu: English: Interpretation of Dreams). In the Islamic world, it is one of the most well-known and respected publications on the subject. There are 17 chapters in the book, each of which discusses a distinct kind of dream. Anyone who is interested in finding out more about dream interpretation could consult Khwabon Ki Tabeerain. The book offers a thorough review of the topic and is well-written and simple to understand. Anyone who wishes to comprehend the significance of their dreams should read it.
About The Author:
Scholar and Sufi saint Imam Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Rashid lived in the 17th century. In what is now Pakistan, he was born in the city of Multan. He was a revered scholar and a progenitor of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was also a talented writer and poet. A number of works on a range of topics, including Sufism, theology, and dream interpretation, were written by Imam Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Rashid. The interpretation of dreams, also known as Khwabon Ki Tabeerain, is still one of his most well-known works. In the Islamic community, Imam Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Rashid had a position of great esteem.
Sayeda Khadija ke Zindagi kay Sunehray Waqiyat by Abdul Malik Mujahid (Urdu Language)
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 224
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 2011
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
Abdul Malik Mujahid is the author of the Urdu book "Sayeda Khadija ke Zindagi kay Sunehray Waqiyat". The phrase "Golden Stories from the Life of Sayeda Khadija" translates. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Sayeda Khadija, is likely the subject of this book, which explores her life via a variety of uplifting and instructive tales. In "Sayeda Khadija ke Zindagi kay Sunehray Waqiyat," Abdul Malik Mujahid probably recounts major occasions, tales, and situations from Sayeda Khadija's life. Her extraordinary character, persistent devotion to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), financial savvy, and services to the early Muslim society may all be highlighted in the book.
About The Author:
Abdul Malik Mujahid leader, and well-known Islamic scholar. He has actively participated in many Islamic organizations and made major contributions to the field of Islamic education. His publications frequently place a strong emphasis on imparting moral teachings, life lessons, and insights into comprehending and applying Islamic ideas in daily life. The writings of Abdul Malik Mujahid stress the value of spirituality, social justice, and individual development within an Islamic context.
Du'aon ki Qabuliyyat ke Sunehray Waqiaat By Abdul Malik Mujahid
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 320
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.7 inch
Publication year: 2011
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
Abdul Malik Mujahid probably uses true accounts, anecdotes, or events from Islamic history or the present in "Du'aon ki Qabuliyyat ke Sunehray Waqiaat" to highlight the effectiveness of prayer and Allah's mercy. The book might provide examples of people who had their prayers accepted and experienced the beneficial effects it had on their life. The collection of inspiring stories that readers can anticipate reading will serve to emphasize the value of prayer, faith, and trust in Allah's kindness and His willingness to grant the sincere pleas of His followers. For those looking to strengthen their relationship with Allah through supplication, the book can be a source of motivation and inspiration.
About The Author:
Author, community leader, and well-known Islamic scholar Abdul Malik Mujahid. Through his publications and participation in many Islamic organisations, he has made a substantial contribution to the field of Islamic education. Particularly in the fields of Qur'anic studies, Islamic spirituality, and social justice, Abdul Malik Mujahid is renowned for his in-depth understanding of Islamic doctrines. Numerous publications on a variety of subjects, such as Tafsir (Qur'anic exegesis), Hadith (Prophetic traditions), Islamic history, and current problems affecting the Muslim world, have been written by him. His publications frequently place a strong emphasis on imparting moral teachings, life lessons, and insights into comprehending and applying Islamic ideas in daily life.
Shah Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud Ki Qiyadat O Siyasat Ke15 Rehnuma Usool : Urdu
Author: Yusuf Bin Usman Huzzaim
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 152
Size: 8.6 x 5.8 x 0.5 inch
Publication year: 2010
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
The Urdu book "Shah Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud Ki Qiyadat O Siyasat Ke 15 Rehnuma Usool" covers the political philosophy and leadership of Shah Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. The book probably goes in-depth on the leadership traits, political ploys, and governing ideologies Shah Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud used in power. The development of a coherent and unified state and his methods for diplomacy, leadership, military operations, and other matters may be covered. For those who want to learn more about Shah Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud's political and leadership philosophies, "Shah Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud Ki Qiyadat O Siyasat Ke 15 Rehnuma Usool" is a valuable reference. It offers details about his management style, decision-making procedures, and governance ideas.
About The Author:
Shah Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, a well-known ruler and the architect of the current Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, lived from 1875 to 1953. Under his leadership, he played a crucial part in bringing the tribes and provinces of the Arabian Peninsula together, creating a centralised kingdom that is now known as Saudi Arabia. Shah Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud was able to successfully unite numerous tribes and regions, especially those around the cities of Riyadh, Mecca, and Medina, through strategic alliances, military prowess, and wise governance. He put into practise a hardline understanding of Islam and aimed to create an Islamic state.
Kitab-ut-Tawheed wa Taqwiyat-ul-Iman (Urdu Language)
Author: Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 103
Size: 8.7 x 5.8 x 0.6 inch
Publication year: 1997
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
A book in Urdu titled "Kitab-ut-Tawheed wa Taqwiyat-ul-Iman" concentrates on the ideas of Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) and bolstering one's faith (Iman). It is a collection of lectures and debates on the fundamental ideas of Islam and the significance of growing a firm and steadfast trust in Allah. The fundamental Tawheed principle of the Oneness of Allah in His lordship, worship, and qualities is highlighted in the book. It covers subjects including the acceptance of Allah's existence and oneness, His qualities, and the repercussions of departing from Tawheed as it investigates the numerous facets of Tawheed. "Kitab-ut-Tawheed wa Taqwiyat-ul-Iman" emphasises the need of enhancing one's faith (Iman) via knowledge of and adherence to Islamic principles. It addresses issues including the tenets of Iman, the significance of doing what is right, and the perils of scepticism or hypocrisy.
About The Author:
Arabian Peninsula-born Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab (1703–1792) was a theologian and scholar of Islam. The Wahhabi movement, an Islamic reform movement that began in the 18th century in the area that is now Saudi Arabia, bears the brunt of its fame. His teachings placed a strong emphasis on the value of absolute monotheism, the abolition of customs connected to praying to saints or other holy figures, and the rejection of idolatry and superstitious beliefs. The Qur'an and the genuine Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) were emphasized as the two main sources of guidance in Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab's teachings.
Dil Shikista Na Hou – Don’t be Disappointed (Urdu Language)
Author: Syed Taj Ahmed
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 318
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.8 inch
Publication year: 0000
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
Syed Taj Ahmad's "Dil Shikista Na Hou" is a strong and inspirational book that connects with readers on a profound emotional level. The book's subtitle, "Don't Be Disheartened," sums up its core message, which is to inspire readers to keep hope, fortitude, and an optimistic outlook despite life's obstacles. Syed Taj Ahmad explores the human experience in this book, focusing on the disappointments, defeats, and struggles that people face along the way. He provides direction and wisdom on how to get through trying times without losing faith or becoming disheartened with his perceptive comments and sympathetic demeanour. In addition to being a book to read, "Dil Shikista Na Hou" is a friend to turn to when things are tough. Its pages are brimming with ageless wisdom that enables readers to rise above setbacks, overcome self-doubt, and find the fortitude to continue on their path to a more fulfilled life.
The Inimitable & Physical Sciences By Syed Iqbal Zaheer
Author: Syed Iqbal Zaheer
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 268
Size: 9.25 x 6.50 x 0.60 inch
Publication year: 2016
Language: English
About The Book
Syed Iqbal Zaheer examines the connection between Islamic doctrine and the natural sciences in this book. He examines the relationship between scientific disciplines and Islamic teachings by delving into subjects like cosmology, physics, biology, and other academic disciplines. The goal of the book is to shed light on how Islamic philosophy and scientific knowledge may coexist and benefit one another. Readers of "The Inimitable & Physical Sciences" have the chance to examine the compatibility of Islamic teachings and the physical sciences as well as how they might complement one another. It challenges readers to get a thorough grasp of the universe by engaging in both spiritual reflection and scientific research.
About The Author:
Islamic author, educator, and scholar Syed Iqbal Zaheer. He is renowned for his in-depth studies and works on theology, Islamic history, comparative religion, and modern issues, among other areas of Islam. Syed Iqbal Zaheer has made a contribution to the study of Islam through his perceptive and erudite writings. Syed Iqbal Zaheer has written a lot of books, essays, and research papers that cover a wide range of Islamic subjects. His writings span a wide range of topics, such as the Tafsir (exegesis) of the Qur'an, Hadith (prophetic traditions), Sharia (Islamic law), Islamic business, Islamic education, and more. He has also written about the difficulties Muslims encounter in the contemporary world and offered Islamic principles-based advice on how to overcome those difficulties.
Nukhbatul Sahiheen Urdu / نُخبتُه الصّحِیحَین اردو By Qari Suhaib Ahmed Meer Muhammadi (Urdu Language) Paperback
ISBN: 9789695741955
Author: Qari Suhaib Ahmed Meer Muhammadi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 111
Size: 8.3 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2014
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
In the Islamic tradition, "Nukhbatul Sahiheen" is a well-known hadith anthology. The eminent Islamic scholar Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (1372–1449 CE) collated a selection of genuine hadiths—sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him—and included them in this book. Translated as "The Cream of the Authentic" or "The Elite of the Authentic Ones," the title "Nukhbatul Sahiheen" means "The Authentic Ones." The book usually comes in paperback format, making it broadly accessible and affordable for readers. It includes a collection of authentic hadiths that have been carefully chosen and are frequently divided into pertinent chapters or sections. The authentic narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) can be studied and understood using this work, which is highly esteemed among hadith scholars and students.
About The Author:
An Islamic scholar, educator, and translator who speaks Urdu, Qari Suhaib Ahmed Meer Muhammadi is renowned for his contributions to hadith studies and Islamic literature. He has written and translated a number of works, many of which are in Urdu, making Islamic knowledge available to Urdu-speaking people. Respected for his knowledge of hadith, Qari Suhaib Ahmed Meer Muhammadi has taken on the challenge of translating and elucidating key works of hadith into Urdu. His translations are intended to help a larger audience understand the concepts and lessons included in the original Arabic texts, allowing speakers of the Urdu language to gain from the rich Islamic legacy.
Tafsir Muntakhab, Tafsir 30th part of the Quran in Urdu Language
Publisher: Shehryar Bano
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 176
Size: 8.5 x 5.8 x 0.5 inch
Publication year:
Language: Arabic/Urdu
About This Book:
The Indian scholar Shehryar Bano wrote a tafsir (exegesis) of the Quran titled Tafsir Muntakhab. All 30 chapters of the Quran are covered in this extensive and well-researched treatise. One of the most well-known tafsirs in the Urdu-speaking world is Tafsir Muntakhab, which is written in the language. The Tafsir Muntakhab is broken up into three sections. The first section of the Quran comprises the first fifteen verses, the second part the middle ten verses, and the third part the final five verses. Each section is then broken down into chapters, and each chapter is then broken down into verses. Anyone who wishes to understand more about the Quran should consult Tafsir Muntakhab. It is a thorough and well-researched text that offers a thorough interpretation of the Quranic verses. Anyone who wants to understand more about the Islamic faith should consult Tafsir Muntakhab.
Noble Quran Medium Size with Metal Corner Protector (Size 8.8 x 6.0 x 2.0 Inch) (Arabic and English)
Author: Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 1189
Size: 8.7 x 6.0 x 1.8 inch
Publication year: 2011
About This Book:
Each verse of the Noble Quran has been extracted and made available along with an English translation.This edition's Arabic text of the Quran is drawn from the Mushaf Al-Madinah An-Nabawiyyah, which was published by the Mujamma' of King A.H. The Vice-Chancellor of the Islamic University gave the printing company the necessary instructions. This edition replaces the outdated Arabic text that was used in the book's earlier printing, which was done by Turkish calligrapher Sheikh Hamid al-Amadi and printed in the US and Turkey. In this edition, some Ahadith (proverbs of the Prophet Muhammad) and chapters from Sahih Al-Bukhari and other collections have been added or deleted. Certain additions, changes, and alterations have been made in order to enhance the English translation and guarantee that it accurately conveys the precise meanings of the Arabic text. The previous edition of the book cannot be reprinted or copied after the release of this updated edition. With the Arabic text and its English interpretation neatly side by side, this new version seeks to give readers a dependable and improved reading experience of the Noble Quran.
About The Author:
The eminent Islamic scholar and translator Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali was born in Yemen. He was born in the Pakistani city of Sindh in 1929. The life's work of Dr. Al-Hilali was the study and dissemination of Islamic knowledge.One of Dr. Al-Hilali's most significant accomplishments is his partnership with Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan in creating the famed English translation of the Quran known as "The Noble Quran." Muslims who speak English highly regard this translation for being faithful to the original Arabic text and accurate. Dr. Al-Hilali also wrote a number of other books on Tafsir, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence, as well as other topics related to Islam. He was renowned for his rigorous research, intellectual approach, and dedication to making Islamic teachings clear and understandable.
The Sealed Nectar (Ar-raheeq Al-makhtum) Biography Of The Noble Prophet ( New Edition with Metal Corner Protector)ISBN: 9789960899558
Author: Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 588
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication year: 2002, Revised 2015 Edition
Language: English
About This Book:
An authentic work that gives a thorough account of the Prophet Muhammad's (S) biography is The Sealed Nectar. Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri is the author, and the World Muslim League has recognised and honoured it as the first prize winner book. It is crucial to study this book in order to fully comprehend the Prophet Muhammad's (S) meticulous way of living. It is a helpful tool for individuals looking for in-depth information on his life. It is said of those who follow the Prophet Muhammad (S) that they are steadfast and forgiving. They dedicate their lives to prayer in order to gain Allah's blessings and satisfaction. Their features, which display signs of prostration during prayers, demonstrate their faith. A thorough and reliable work called "The Sealed Nectar" offers profound insights into the Prophet Muhammad's (S) life. One can fully comprehend his teachings, deeds, and the importance of following his example by reading this book.
About The Author:
Author and respected Islamic scholar Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri. He was born in 1942 in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh's Azamgarh district, in the Husainabad village of Mubarakpur. Mubarakpuri devoted his entire life to learning about and teaching others about Islam. "Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum" (The Sealed Nectar), a thorough biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is Mubarakpuri's most well-known book. One of the most accurate and trustworthy biographies of the Prophet, this work has had tremendous global success.
Kitab At-Tauhid By Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab (Urdu Language)
Author: Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 206
Size: 8.8 x 5.8 x 0.6 inch
Publication Year:
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
His most well-known composition is "Kitab At-Tauhid" (The Book of Monotheism). It explores the central tenet of Islam—that Allah (God) is one—as well as the significance of upholding orthodox monotheism. The book investigates a number of facets of Tauhid, such as its classifications, the acceptance of the attributes of Allah, and the repercussions of departing from the true understanding of monotheism. This significant work is now available to readers who know Urdu thanks to the translation of "Kitab At-Tauhid" into Urdu. The translation's goal is to translate the original Arabic material into Urdu so that a larger audience can gain from the lessons and insights the book offers.
About The Author:
A well-known theologian and scholar of Islam from the Arabian Peninsula, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab lived from 1703 to 1792 CE. His contributions to the growth of the Wahhabi or Salafi movement in religion are what are most widely recognized about him. The teachings of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab focused on the idea of Tauhid (monotheism) and the purifying of Islamic customs from what he saw as polytheistic or idolatrous aspects. He emphasised the need for strict observance of the monotheistic principles set forth in the Quran and Sunnah (the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad).
Sunehray Naqoosh By Abdul Malik Mujahid (Urdu Language)
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 384
Size: 8.8 x 5.8 x 0.8 inch
Publication Year: 2008
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
The author has gathered tales from Islam's glorious past. He has also told the instructive tales of other well-known Muslim kings and caliphs. This Urdu book has a wealth of information on Islamic history. This book is essentially a collection of images that depicts both the positive and negative sides of life. True accounts of several individuals with both good and evil intentions are illustrated by the author. You absolutely must read this book, and you'll want to recommend it to your loved ones and friends.
About The Author:
Author, academic, and Islamic activist Abdul Malik Mujahid is well-known. Numerous books on Islamic subjects, social issues, and history have been authored by him or to which he has contributed. He is connected to an Islamic publishing company, which specializes in Islamic literature and has produced a large number of works in several languages.
110 Ahadith Qudsi in Urdu Language
ISBN: 9786035001762
Author: Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hādi al-Wādi’ī
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 191
Size: 6 x 0.48 x 9 inches
Publication Year: 2022
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
The Ahadith Qudsi is a collection of statements and deeds attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad that Allah revealed to him but are not found in the Quran. These hadiths are revered and thought to contain Allah's words as they were conveyed through the Prophet Muhammad. Because they are told in the Prophet's own words and include divine messages, Ahadith Qudsi are different from verses in the Quran.
About The Author:
An important Salafi leader and well-known Islamic scholar, Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi'i lived from 1933 until 2001. He was raised in Yemen and rose to prominence for his profound understanding of Hadith (the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad) and his work promoting Islam. Various scholars in Yemen and Saudi Arabia taught Shaykh Muqbil as he was growing up. His emphasis on reliable Hadith sources and careful obedience to the Sunnah (the Prophet's traditions) and Quranic teachings made him well-known. In addition to advancing a more conventional and orthodox perspective of Islam, he was instrumental in resurrecting the study of Hadith.
Sunehri Kirney By Abdul Mailk Mujahid
Author: Abdul Mailk Mujahid
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 349
Size: 9.6 x 6.8 x 0.9 inch
Publication Year: 2012
Language: Urdu
About This Book:
Islamic narratives like stories and motivational anecdotes are based on historical events, Islamic teachings, and the lives of prophets, scholars, and pious people. They hope to encourage people to live ethical lives, to impart moral teachings, and to offer spiritual counsel. The following are some important features and advantages of Islamic anecdotes and stories
Moral Lessons:
Islamic narratives frequently emphasize values like integrity, perseverance, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion. They assist readers comprehend the ethical implications of their decisions and behaviours by illustrating the effects of both good and negative actions.
Spiritual Guidance:
These narratives frequently include themes of faith, confidence in Allah (SWT), and the significance of upholding a strong relationship with the Divine. They help readers understand the idea of Tawheed (the unity of God) and exhort them to worship Allah and do good acts.