Dar As Sunnah Publications

74 products

  • Fleeing From The Fire By Ibn Rajab Al Hanbli Fleeing From The Fire By Ibn Rajab Al Hanbli

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Fleeing From The Fire By Ibn Rajab Al Hanbli

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    Fleeing From The Fire By Ibn Rajab Al Hanbli ISBN: 9781904336587 Author: Ibn Rajab Al Hanbli Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 352 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 1.2 inch Publiication: 2019 Description About This Book: Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali's "Fleeing From The Fire" is an immortal and profoundly elevating book that gives critical bits of knowledge into the idea of wrongdoing, contrition, and the quest for ethicalness in Islam. A noticeable Islamic logician, scholar, and law specialist, Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali, jumps into the profundities of human instinct and the groundbreaking force of contrition despite offenses. The book draws on Islamic lessons, explicitly the Quran and Hadith (colloquialisms and demonstrations of the Prophet Muhammad, harmony arrive), to offer knowledge on the accompanying significant subjects: Sin and its Consequences: Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali comprehensively looks at many kinds of sins, their reality, and their otherworldly impacts. He features the meaning of knowing the harmful idea of transgression and what it could mean for one's life. Tawbah (Contrition): The book presents a refined and enlightening perspective on the subject of atonement in Islam. It goes through the prerequisites for a certified apology, as well as how going to Allah in lowliness and looking for exoneration can prompt otherworldly recuperating and improvement. The consideration of Allah: All through the book, Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali stresses Allah's limitless benevolence and His ability to exonerate individuals who atone truly. He shows that Allah's graciousness is impressively greater than human blemishes and blame. Profound Turn of events and Personal development: "Escaping From The Fire" is an asset for those hoping to better themselves profoundly and morally. It advances thoughtfulness, self-reflection, and a commitment to consistent personal growth. Looking for Asylum from the Fire: The title of the book, "Escaping From The Fire," addresses the earnestness and meaning of escaping the results of transgression. Perusers are propelled by Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali to make proactive moves to isolate themselves from terrible ways of behaving and take a stab at ethicalness.

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  • The Beacon of Basra By Imam Ibn Jawzi The Beacon of Basra By Imam Ibn Jawzi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Beacon of Basra By Imam Ibn Jawzi

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    The Beacon of Basra By Imam Ibn Jawzi  ISBN: 9781904336617 Author: Imam Ibn Jawzi Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 160 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.6 inch Publiication: 2019 Description About This Book:There are many individuals who left a profound mark in Islam's history; few however, combined within them virtues and qualities that are rarely found in one person. Such was Abu Sa'eed Al-Hasan Al-Basri, the Tabi'i, the Imam of elevated rank, the exegete of the Qur'an, the jurist, the one known for immense worship and given to much asceticism and reflection. Abundant knowledge has been gathered and preserved and passed down the centuries through him. It is enough of a testimony to appreciate the status of Al-Hasan than the words of the famous Companion, Abdullah ibn 'Umar al-Khattab who said, "Had the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him met Al-Hasan, he would have been pleased with him." Every work written on the character of Al-Hasan attests to his close resemblance and likeness to that of a Sahabi (Companion of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him) in terms of his manners and etiquette and worldly outlook. In this short work penned by Ibn Al-Jawzi, he highlights certain aspects of Al-Hasan's life, his morals and the words of deep wisdom and contemplation he is known for. Readers will no doubt, be moved by Al-Hasan's scattered gems and be inspired to evaluate life's priorities and renew their own commitments.

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  • The Key to Paradise By Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali The Key to Paradise By Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Key to Paradise By Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali

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    The Key to Paradise By Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali ISBN: 9781904336204 Author: Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali Book Binding: Paperback Pages 110 Description About This Book: "The Key to Paradise" (Miftah Dar al-Sa'adah) is a well-known Islamic work published by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, a notable figure in Islamic history and a renowned scholar of the Hanbali school of Islamic law. The book is a simple and all-encompassing guide to understanding and achieving happiness in this world and the next. In "The Key to Paradise," Ibn Rajab explores Islamic theology, ethics, and practical advice for living a decent and joyful life. The book discusses issues such as:Tawheed (Monotheism): The significance of believing in and worshiping the one and only real God. Tawbah (repentance): The notion of begging forgiveness and returning to Allah after committing sins. Gratitude (Shukr): Being grateful to Allah for His favours. Patience (Sabr): The ability to withstand difficulties and tribulations with patience and endurance. Fear and Hope (Khauf and Raja'): Striking a balance between dread Allah's wrath and believing in His benevolence. Contentment (Qana'ah): Finding contentment and tranquility with what Allah has ordained (Qana'ah). Tawadu' (humility): The value of humility and modesty in one's character. Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah): The importance of remembering Allah through prayer and praise. Acts of Worship: Instructions on how to practice acts of worship like as prayer, fasting, and charity. Avoiding Sin: Advice on how to avoid bad conduct and seek forgiveness. The Afterlife: A reminder of death's reality, the Day of Judgment, and the repercussions of one's conduct in the Afterlife. The lucidity and practicality of "The Key to Paradise" are highly respected. It is a wonderful resource for Muslims who want to learn more about Islamic spirituality and ethics. The book emphasizes the need of true devotion to Allah and leading a good life in order to achieve permanent enjoyment in the Hereafter, which is commonly referred to as "Paradise" in Islamic language.

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  • The Inner Secrets Of Worship By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi The Inner Secrets Of Worship By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Inner Secrets Of Worship By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi

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    The Inner Secrets Of Worship By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi ISBN: 9781904336624 Author: Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 128 Size: 9 x 6 inch Publiication: 2019 Description About This Book: Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi's "The Inner Secrets of Worship" is a deep Islamic literature that digs into the inner dimensions and spiritual components of Islamic acts of devotion. This book is regarded as a classic work of Islamic spirituality and law, having had a considerable impact on Islamic thinking and practice. Here is a summary of what this book contains: Spiritual Dimensions of Worship: Imam Ibn Qudamah delves into the deeper spiritual dimensions of acts of devotion like as prayer, fasting, and supplication. He highlights the need of sincerity (ikhlas) in worship as the key to attaining Allah's favor. Cleansing of the Heart: As a vital component of worship, the book emphasizes the cleansing of the heart (tazkiyah). It deals with the idea of cleaning one's intents and inner self in order to come closer to Allah. Tawhid (Monotheism): Imam Ibn Qudamah emphasizes the importance of tawhid (belief in Allah's oneness) in worship. He shows how knowing and embracing tawhid is critical to a Muslim's spiritual growth. The Role of Intention: A recurring subject in the text is the intention (niyyah) underlying acts of devotion. Imam Ibn Qudamah emphasizes that acts of worship should be performed entirely for the love of Allah and not for the benefit of worldly gain. Ihsan (Excellence): The notion of ihsan, or worship excellence, is examined in depth. It entails worshiping Allah as if one sees Him, and understanding that He sees everything even if one does not see Him. Imam Ibn Qudamah delves into how to achieve this level of worship perfection. Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah): The book dives into the importance of dhikr (remembrance of Allah) as a method of strengthening one's relationship with the Divine and maintaining a state of mindfulness and thankfulness. Sufism and Tasawwuf: "The Inner Secrets of Worship" briefly mentions Sufism (Islamic mysticism) and Tasawwuf (spiritual growth), although it largely concentrates on the spiritual qualities of conventional Islamic activities. Practical Guidance:Imam Ibn Qudamah gives practical suggestions throughout the book on how individuals might improve their prayer and spiritual path. He provides practical applications for the spiritual themes he addresses.

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  • Dajjal And The Return Of Jesus By Yusuf Ibn Abdullah Ibn yusuf Al-wabil Dajjal And The Return Of Jesus By Yusuf Ibn Abdullah Ibn yusuf Al-wabil

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Dajjal And The Return Of Jesus By Yusuf Ibn Abdullah Ibn yusuf Al-wabil

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    Dajjal And The Return Of Jesus By Yusuf Ibn Abdullah Ibn yusuf Al-wabil ISBN: 9781904336303 Author: Yusuf Ibn Abdullah Ibn yusuf Al-wabil Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 176 Size: 6 x 9 Publiication: 2009 Description About This Book: The book titled "Dajjal And The Return of Jesus" written by "Yusuf Ibn Abdullah Ibn yusuf Al-wabil" Its about the arrivale of Dajjal and also known as the wrong Messiah and the return of jesus as prmised. The book derives its knowledge from the Quran, the Sunnah (the Prophet's teachings and practices), and the wisdom of famous scholars. This book covers a wide range of important subjects, including: The definition and nature of the Dajjal. The indicators point to the appearance of the Dajjal. The Dajjal possesses remarkable talents and powers. The ways of protecting oneself against the Dajjal's deception. The expected return of Jesus. It is an excellent resource for people seeking a greater knowledge of the Dajjal and Jesus's impending return. This book's key insights include: The Dajjal is a deceitful figure who will appear at the end of time. He will be endowed with strong abilities, including the capacity to twist the truth as a lie. Despite the fact that he will fool many, those who are really directed by Allah will be impervious to his deception. The return of Jesus is predicted, and he will play a key part in fighting the Dajjal and restoring justice and peace."

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  • The Sublime Beauty Of The Prophet: Al-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyyah By Imam Muhammad Ibn Isa Al-Tirmidhi The Sublime Beauty Of The Prophet: Al-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyyah By Imam Muhammad Ibn Isa Al-Tirmidhi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Sublime Beauty Of The Prophet: Al-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyyah By Imam Muhammad Ibn Isa Al-Tirmidhi

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    The Sublime Beauty Of The Prophet: Al-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyyah By Imam Muhammad Ibn Isa Al-Tirmidhi ISBN: 9781904336648 Author: Imam Muhammad Ibn Isa Al-Trimidhi Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 388 Size: 9 x 6 x 1 inch Publiication: 2020 Description About This Book: Imam Muhammad Ibn Isa Al-Tirmidhi's "The Sublime Beauty of the Prophet: Al-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyyah" is a compelling and illuminating work that looks into the exceptional physical and spiritual attributes of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Imam Al-Tirmidhi's excellent work gives readers an intimate insight into the amazing character and appearance of Allah's loving Messenger. Imam Al-Tirmidhi painstakingly gathers a collection of Hadiths (sayings and acts) that create an immaculate portrayal of the Prophet's physical attributes, mannerisms, and habits. This collection, titled "Al-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyyah," encourages readers to experience the Sublime Beauty that embodied the Prophet's presence. Imam Al-Tirmidhi walks readers through the Prophet's appearance, clothes, speech, and behavior through vivid descriptions and narrations. Beyond the physical realm, the book sheds insight into the Prophet's character qualities, humility, and loyalty to Allah. It depicts him as a model of kindness, compassion, and wisdom, exemplifying the noble qualities that inspire Christians to follow in his footsteps. "The Sublime Beauty of the Prophet" is more than just a descriptive narrative; it is an encouragement to emulate the Prophet's exceptional traits in our own life. Readers are urged to acquire virtues and connect their behavior with Islamic teachings by improving our comprehension of his traits. If we truly love Allah, the Most High, it is incumbent that we obey his chosen Messenger, the best of Mankind and the seal of all Prophets. Allah, the Most High instructs him to inform the people: "Say, "If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Most Forgiving and Merciful." Aali Imran 3:31

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  • Purification Of The Soul By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi Purification Of The Soul By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Purification Of The Soul By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi

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    Purification Of The Soul By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi  ISBN: 9781904336655 Author: Imam Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi Book Binding: Paperback Pages 288 Size: 17 X 24 CM Publication year: 2020 Description About This Book: Allah, The Most High Says: "Those who purify their souls have succeeded and those who corrupt their souls have failed." [Qur'an (91): 9-10] Purifying the soul is the key to reforming the believer and succeeding in the daily battles against the diverse facets of the lower self, such as: pride, selfishness, arrogance, greed, lust, miserliness and other destructive tendencies.The true servant of Allah pays great attention to his inner thoughts and feelings. He works hard to rein them in, and not run headlong into disobedience of Allah, the Most Exalted. Rectification of the heart is the only way to withstand the relentless onslaught of materialism and overcome the various challenges we face, leading to a happy and purposeful life and the Pleasure of our Lord Allah, the Most High. For the this reason the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Beware, in the body there is a piece of flesh; if it is sound, the whole body is sound and if it is corrupt the whole body is corrupt, and verily it is the heart." Muslim # 1599 In this fourth instalment, the author Imam Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi - may Allah have mercy on him - discusses how to purify the soul and remove the rust of desire and heedlessness which encapsulates the heart. He quotes from the Qur'an, Sunnah, the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and stories from the salaf. This powerful work will awaken the soul from procrastination and heedlessness, with the permission of Allah, and lead to a pure and wholesome life - away from sins and vain desires. The reward is the Pleasure and Protection of Allah the Most High, in this life, the grave and the afterlife.

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  • Disciples of Hadith: The Noble Guardians by Imam Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi Disciples of Hadith: The Noble Guardians by Imam Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Disciples of Hadith: The Noble Guardians by Imam Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi

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    Disciples of Hadith: The Noble Guardians by Imam Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi ISBN: 9781904336662 Author: Imam Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi Book Binding: Paperback Pages 320 Size: 17 X 24 CM Publication year: 2020 Description About This Book: "Disciples of Hadith: The Noble Guardians" is a book written by Imam Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, a 10th-century Islamic scholar and historian. This essential study offers light on the function and significance of the scholars who dedicated their life to preserving and conveying the Hadith, Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) sayings, actions, and approvals In "Disciples of Hadith," Imam Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi gives honor to the Muhaddithun, committed scholars who diligently gathered, validated, and transmitted Hadith for decades. He delves into the technique used by these scholars to ensure the Hadith's accuracy and credibility. The book focuses on the difficulties that the Muhaddithun encountered in preserving the Hadith before the arrival of modern technologies. It also demonstrates their persistent commitment to maintaining Prophetic traditions and safeguarding Islam's true teachings. Abi Hatim al-Razi said: "No nation has existed since the creation of Adam, wherein its trustworthy ones memorize the narrations of the Messengers like this nation." Knowledge of Hadith is carried by the most worthy of people of every successive generation. They reprimand the radical elements for their attempted corruptions, the falsifiers for their distortions and the ignorant for their esoteric interpretations. They purify the Sunnah and refocus people's priorities back to the Prophetic narrations. Countless books have been authored on the subject of Hadīth sciences, the special status its scholars occupy and the nobility of those who adhere to the Sunnah and the scholarly reports regarding it. This book is among the finest in this field in the way it's arranged and the ease with which one can grasp the content. Al-Khatīb recounts Prophetic narrations, statements of the Muhaddithīn and scholars of renown, by way of his own chain of transmissions (isnād); and this is an especially unique feature of this book. Ibn Hajar accurately noted, "Every objective person knows that scholars of Hadīth who come after Al-Khatīb are indebted to his works." It isn't difficult to see why that is the case as Al-Khatib was from the last generation of titans that shone above others. He authored a number of pioneering works in Hadith literature.  It is a privilege for Daar as-Sunnah to be publishing its first edition of 'Sharaf Ashābu'l Hadīth' of Imām Al-Khatīb al-Baghdādi for the English speaker. A welcome introduction allowing a person acquaint themselves with the most delicate of Islamic sciences.

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  • Forty Hadith On Islam By Imam Abu Bakr Al-Ajurri Forty Hadith On Islam By Imam Abu Bakr Al-Ajurri

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Forty Hadith On Islam By Imam Abu Bakr Al-Ajurri

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    Forty Hadith On Islam By Imam Abu Bakr Al-Ajurri ISBN: 9781904336525 Author: Imam Abu Bakr al-Ajurri Book Binding: Paperback Pages 208 Size: 8.5 X 5.5 X 0.7 Inch Publication year: 2017 Description About This Book: This work covers, the Islamic creed, Pillars of Islam, Lawful & Unlawful, Piety and Righteousness, with commentary of Imam al-Ajurri. A number of scholars throughout Muslim history have penned their respective compilation of Forty Hadith books. Imam al-Ajurri’s kitab ularba` in Hadithan is among the earliest. It is a highly regarded text for Muslims to study and memorise, for it addresses fundamental aspects of religion, with particular focus on Creed, Pillars of Islam, the Halal and Haram as well as Piety and righteousness. Imam al-Ajurri originally compiled this work for the benefit of new Muslims, thus including within it, foundational essentials of the noble Islamic faith. The author may Allah have mercy upon him, has commented on each hadith, presenting the subject matter in a simplified way designed to assist readers in memorising the Prophetic narrations, and implementing what they learn in an easy manner. Imam al-Ajurri originally compiled this work for the benefit of new Muslims, thus including within it, foundational essentials of the noble Islamic faith. The author may Allah have mercy upon him, has commented on each hadith, presenting the subject matter in a simplified way designed to assist readers in memorising the Prophetic narrations, and implementing what they learn in an easy manner. This refreshing work is a must for Muslims of all levels of knowledge and competency; requiring attention from the young and old. Useful also as a teaching aid in schools, or as ideal gift for new Muslims and those commencing their journey in pursuit of sacred knowledge. This is a work that should be part of every library and every seeker of sacred knowledge should familiarise them self with, a truly indispensable text.

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  • Reviving the Spirit of the Youth By Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzan Ibn Abullah Ibn Al-Fawzan Reviving the Spirit of the Youth By Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzan Ibn Abullah Ibn Al-Fawzan

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Reviving the Spirit of the Youth By Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzan Ibn Abullah Ibn Al-Fawzan

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    Reviving the Spirit of the Youth By Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzan Ibn Abullah Ibn Al-Fawzan ISBN:  9781904336679 Author: Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan Book Binding: Softcover Pages 5.5 Size: 8.5 x 8.3 inches Publication year:2020 Description About This Book: Youth are the backbone to any nation; they are the leaders of tomorrow who fuel the future of a society. Thus, they shoulder an enormous responsibility in cultivating a constructive community, which requires characteristics that will equip them in fulfilling this duty. Thereafter, subsequent generations will carry the baton to greater heights should they inherit virtues of uprightness and steadfastness, placing them in a better position to refine the world around them. slam places fundamental importance in the well-being of the youth. As we witness the rise of new trends and their far-reaching influences, concern over potential harm is elevated due to their consequences that follow: impairing the lines between good and bad, right and wrong. In this timely publication, we are introduced to a basic outline of the role the youth play in society, and some of the problems and challenges they face at this crucial stage of life. A number of practically effective solutions and their virtues are highlighted to assist in mitigating the issues that are mentioned, alongside the wider tangible benefits they offer when implemented accordingly. This book belongs to every young person, male or female, who aspires to achieve great heights in this world and the next. It speaks to every soul that wants be successful: motivating you to take advantage of this life, advising on how to plan for a better tomorrow, and much more. But it also signposts you to be cautious of the plots and plans that lead to failure. If you want to leave behind a legacy then this sincerely simple book will show the way, Insha’Allah.

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  • The Marriage Guide: According To The Sunnah Of The Prophet By Imam Nasir Al-Din Alabni The Marriage Guide: According To The Sunnah Of The Prophet By Imam Nasir Al-Din Alabni

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Marriage Guide: According To The Sunnah Of The Prophet By Imam Nasir Al-Din Alabni

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    The Marriage Guide: According To The Sunnah Of The Prophet By Imam Nasir Al-Din Alabni ISBN: 9781904336686 Author: Imam Muhammad Nasir Al-Din Alabni Book Binding: Softcover Pages: 96 Size: 8.5 x5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication Year: 2021 Description About This Book:Imam Muhmmad Nair Al-Din Al-Albani Allah,the'Most High said: "Among His Signs is that He created   spouses for you of your own kind so that you   may find tranquility in them. And He has placed love and mercy between  you. Verily in that are Signs for those   who reflect." Surah Ar-Rum, 30:21 The Messenger of Allah (a) said, "When a person gets Married, he has completed half of his religion; so, let him. fear Allah with regard to the other half."Bayhaqi, Shu'ab al-Iman, Shal Al-Albani Hasan Li Ghayrihi, Sahih al-Targhib waq-Tarhib (1916) Marriage is an important institution in the great religion of Islam. Humans have been treated as social Creatures, requiring interactions with each other in order to survive.Harmoniously coexisting in love and mercy amongst men and women   were created To complement one another in companionship. The family as a basic social institution is the cornerstone of society, and strong marriages are the basis for strong communities. Thus, marriage was the way of the previous prophets and messengers, and it was the practice  of our noble Prophet   Muhammad (saw) and his companions - may Allah be pleased with them all, Amin. This Simple but important text, covers many aspects of married life which every Muslim Must acquaint themselves with. The Sheikh - may Allah have mercy on him has diligently put together this work, quoting from the Qur'an and authentic Ahadith of the messenger of Allah It is a great guide for all those who intend on getting married, as much as for those who are already married. Familiarizing oneself with this work is a must for every Muslim who wishes to learn and practice the Islamic manners etiquettes related to marital life, It is a text that no Muslim home or library should be without.

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  • 8 Steps to Happiness (Awakening the Inner Self in Pursuit of Personal Change) by Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sadi 8 Steps to Happiness (Awakening the Inner Self in Pursuit of Personal Change) by Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sadi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications 8 Steps to Happiness (Awakening the Inner Self in Pursuit of Personal Change) by Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sadi

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    8 Steps to Happiness (Awakening the Inner Self in Pursuit of Personal Change) by Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sa'di ISBN:9781904336631 Author: Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sa'di Book Binding: Paperback Pages 80 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year:2020 Description About This Book: veryone chases after happiness, yet few fully recognize what it is or whence it comes from. Happiness isn’t a destination but a journey needing certain inner qualities and a right state of mind to experience and reap. It’s neither sold as a commodity nor can be bought, except through carefully crafting one’s character and following a plan of action. For indeed, those who don’t plan will fail to realize desired results. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Those among us (destined to be) from people of happiness [in the Hereafter] will (find it easy to) enact deeds of people of happiness...” [Sahih Al-Bukhari, #4948]. In other words, by choosing a path reflecting attitudes of happy people one will recognize its reality and the ease and pleasantry in having good deeds done that are in themselves, characteristics of happy people. It requires contemplation of an alternate world view to one that compounds first world problems, for example. Shaykh Nasir Al-Sa’di mentions in this short summary, eight ways to achieving the goal of bringing about happiness while driving away its opposites - sadness, grief, and anxiety. Reaching it is contingent on three main causes he identifies to leading a goodly life. These succinct pointers are easy to understand and you’ll be able to identify the impediments you need to rework and hence live your life with happiness. This will transform you into being the best Muslim you can in today’s complex world, and will also inspire you to train your inner self. Whoever follows these eight steps will find self-awareness and a pathway to joy and success in this life and the next, Insha’Allah.

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  • The Dress Code For The Muslim Women By Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani The Dress Code For The Muslim Women By Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Dress Code For The Muslim Women By Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani

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    The Dress Code For The Muslim in The Quran And Sunnah Women By Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani (D. 1420H) ISBN: 9781904336693 Author: Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani Book Binding: Paperback Pages 240 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.7 inch Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: "The Dress Code for Muslim Women" by Imam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani is a detailed treatise on Islamic women's dress. Imam Al-Albaani presents a thorough explanation of the different features and criteria of Islamic clothing, drawing on the Quran and Sunnah. The book starts by highlighting the importance of humility in Islam. The Author said that if you think modesty is the only virtue to endorse by Allah But it's not the only virtue This establishes the groundwork for the ensuing consideration of the intricacies of Islamic women's attire. The most important requirement and primary requirement for Muslim women by Allah is to cover the complete body except for the face and hand He elaborates on the reasons behind this prescription and provides insights into the wisdom and benefits of following this dress code. Furthermore, the book looks into the various styles of attire that are considered appropriate under Islamic norms. Imam Al-Albaani bases his arguments on Islamic sources and academic interpretations throughout the text. He explains the fundamentals of Islamic attire, with the goal of providing clarity and advice to Muslim women in adhering to this aspect of their faith.  Allah, the Most High, said: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters, and the women of the believers, to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments,” — Al-Ahzaab (33): 59. In Islam, women are held in a high position: whether a woman is a daughter or a mother, single or married, rich or poor, Islam has honored all believing women. At the center of society is the family home, the heartbeat of which are the women who raise the next generation. This is why women are crucial to the making of a virtuous society. When women achieve righteousness, the world around them will in turn rectify and refine itself, because it is in the hands of women that upcoming nations are nurtured. Being a complete way of life, Islam has a code of conduct for both males and females, and one’s clothing is an aspect of good conduct that presents itself outwardly. Contrary to the flawed arguments of those who oppose Islam, our religion is one that venerates and respects women more than any other creed or ideology. In today’s society, many have discussed and debated the clothing of a Muslim woman. It has become a controversial issue that is often brought up to attack Islam, with some even going as far as to say that aspects of Muslim women’s clothing are oppressive or that they have nothing to do with the religion. The dress code for Muslim women is a matter of great importance which the Qur’an and Sunnah has already resolved for us. Following guidance outlined by both is a true mark of a believing woman, a sign of her piety, a means to elevating her rank and attaining the status of a woman of Paradise. This extensive text covers important attributes and intricate details related to the clothing of believing women, whom Allah mentions in the above verse alongside the wives and daughters of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him). Nobility, dignity, and respect lies in following what Allah and His Messenger have instructed us with, and it is the path to success in this life and the Hereafter. Having our dear sisters understand and apply in their lives what is published within these pages, is vital to achieving the pleasure of our Lord. In the words of the author, may Allah have mercy on him, “This is a fine thesis and a beneficial treatise, Insha'Allah, which I have compiled to make clear the clothing that it is incumbent upon the Muslim woman to wear when she goes out of her house and the conditions that she must fulfil in order for her garb to be Islamic. In doing so, I have relied on the Qur’an and Sunnah, being guided also by the traditions and sayings of the Companions (radiyAllahu`anhum) and the Imams.

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  • Perished Nations- Book of Penalties By Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-Dunya Perished Nations- Book of Penalties By Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-Dunya

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Perished Nations- Book of Penalties By Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-Dunya

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    Perished Nations , Book of Penalties By Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-Dunya  ISBN:9781904336716Author: Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-DunyaBook Binding: PaperbackPages 176Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.6 inchPublication year:2021DescriptionAbout This Book: “Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you if you repent, but if you return to sin, We will return to punishment...” [Al-’Isra, 8]Whether done in open or secret, sins have consequences. Some of their repercussions on an individual or society manifest in the removal of particular blessings, replaced then with trials and disgrace. When they transgressed against their Lord, belligerent nations came to witness agonising recompense, while those who belittled sins and insisted on committing them further hastened and increased the ferocity of their torment on earth. A Muslim is therefore, always fearful of any wrongdoing he falls into and is swift in turning back to Allah in repentance.“Many are the towns whose end We delayed while they did wrong, then We seized them. And to Me is the final return.” [Al-Hajj, 48]Originally compiled by the author over eleven hundred years ago, this book deals with matters relating to sin and its fallout. He selected various Prophetic narrations and sayings of the early Muslims to form the first genre of its kind. With this English rendering of ‘Kitab al-Uqubat’, readers will be able to understand the relationship between actions and events where one is a direct result of the other. They will also recognize remedial measures that diminish the punishment of Allah and return them back into the fold of His safety and grace. 

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  • Follow The Sunnah of The Prophet by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani Follow The Sunnah of The Prophet by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Follow The Sunnah of The Prophet by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani

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    Follow The Sunnah of The Prophet by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani ISBN: 9781904336723 Author: Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani Book Binding:Paperback Pages:224 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.7 inch Publication year: 2022 Language: English Description About This Book: Allah, the Most High said: “And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain [from it].” [al-Hashr (59):7]Abu Hurayrah (radiyAllahu‘anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “All of my Ummah (nation) will enter Paradise except those who refuse.” He was asked: ‘Who would refuse?’ He (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise and whosoever disobeys me, refuses [to enter Paradise].” Al-BukhariThe notion that the Qur’an is the only source of our religion has become widespread in recent times. The Sunnah (or Ahadith), on the other hand, has become something strange, and most people are confused about its status. It is common to hear people denigrating its importance. They often say: “it is only the Sunnah”, implying that one can take it or leave it. It has become the norm to give preference to the opinions of others over the clear and authentic Sunnah. Some even go as far as denying the Sunnah altogether.In Islam the Sunnah holds a lofty and unique position – it is revelation from Allah, the Most High, to al-Mustafa – the chosen one. Learning and teaching the Sunnah is pivotal to understanding and implementing the religion. Allah, al-Hafidh, has Promised to protect his Religion and has Preserved the Sunnah in its entirety. The text before you is a compilation of three works of the learned scholar, Imam al-Albani (rahmatullahi alaihi). The first section of the book discusses Ahadith and its importance in Islam. The second treatise answers questions related to the Noble Qur’an and its relationship to the Sunnah, that were posed to the Sheikh and later transcribed into text form. The final text covers the status of the Sunnah and its necessity in order to fully understand the Qur’an and other related issues.This is an important work for every sincere Muslim who wants to tread the path of the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him] and his noble companions. In these latter times, there are many issues of confusion. The Sheikh perceived that there was an urgent need to respond, and he has succeeded in addressing and dispelling the doubts. 

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  • Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

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    Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah ISBN: 9781904336730 Author: Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah Book Binding: Paperback Description About This Book: Allah, the Most High, Says: “Remember Me, and I shall remember you” Qur’an 2:152Abu Hurayrah (radiy Allahu ‘anhu), said that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘Allah the Almighty said:’ “I am as My servant thinks of Me. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a cubit, and if he draws near to Me a cubit, I draw near to him a fathom, if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed. (al-Buhkari and Muslim)Remembrance in Islam has a lofty position, its great virtue and excellence is crystal clear in the Book of Allah and the Noble Sunnah. Allah, the Most High commands the believers to remember Him. Through this the servant will attain the pleasure of His Lord, His Mercy and forgiveness. Those who are devoted to the remembrance of Allah, their heart will be at peace and tranquillity – full of joy and will find themselves in safety and security.For in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. In this very valuable and useful text the author – may Allah have mercy on him – mentions 78 benefits of remembrance. Ibn Qayyim commences the book with chapters related to the path of happiness, how to rectify the heart and cleanse it. He also talks about the different stages of the prayer, charity and fasting. He then goes through 78 benefits of remembrance of Allah. This gripping text will keep the reader in awe and quench the thirst of every reader that seeks for the closeness to their Lord, a book that you will read over and over again.It will up-lift your heart, give you a much lacking spiritual connection to the remembrance of Allah and the sincere servant of Allah will shed many tears at the lost opportunity that life has passed him by, but this masterpiece will awaken your soul to make up for the lost time. After reading it you will see every new dawn as a new opportunity to get closer to Allah, the Most High.You will never see remembrance in the same light again, a delight to read and learn. Strive! O reader and wear the robes of remembrance, equip yourself for you will not be disappointed, through it you will fi nd strength, meaning to your life and a path to eternal salvation. A text every devoted believer cannot afford to be without!

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  • Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback) Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback)

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback)

    80 in stock

    Relief from Distress By Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Paperback) ISBN: 9781904336136 Author: Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Book Binding: Paperback Pages:256 Size: 9.3 x 6.1 x 0.6 inch Publication year: 2012 Description About This Book:The paperback book "Relief from Distress" was written by Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. For people going through sorrow and adversity in their life, this informative work provides direction and consolation. Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah tackles numerous sorts of sorrow and offers spiritual and practical solutions thanks to his thorough understanding of Islamic principles. The book provides encouragement and direction during trying times by drawing on verses from the Quran, prophetic traditions, and the scholastic knowledge of Ibn Taymiyyah. Shaykh aI-Islam ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah sanctify his soul, was asked about the saying of the Prophet (SAW) said, The invocation of my brother Yunus, "none has the right to be worshipped save You; glory be to You, far removed are You from any imperfection; I have been amongst the wrong-doers," none who is experiencing difficulty employs it except that Allah would relieve him of his difficulty 1. What is the meaning of this dua? 2. Are their any unstated conditions that have to be met when one articulates it? 3. What is the connection between belief in the heart and the meaning of this supplication such that it leads to the removal of difficulty? 4. Why did he explicitly confess, 'I have been amongst the wrongdoers' when it is known that tawhid in itself leads to the removal of  difficulty? Is it sufficient to acknowledge ones sin alone, or must this be accompanied by repentance and the firm resolve not to repeat that sin in the future? 5. Why is it that difficulty and harm is removed only when a person relinquishes any hope, reliance and dependency upon the creation? 6. How can the heart relinquish the characteristic of putting hope in the creation and depending upon them, and instead put its hope in Allah, Exalted is He, and turn to Him in its entirety? 7. What are the methods that would aid the heart in doing this?

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  • Patience and Perseverance by Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa Patience and Perseverance by Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Patience and Perseverance by Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa

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    Patience and Perseverance by Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa ISBN:9781904336747 Author: Ibn Abie ad-Dunyaa Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 96 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year: 2022 Language: English Description About This Book: Sulayman ibn Qasim said, “The reward of every deed is known except for patience, for Allah Almighty Said: ‘Indeed, those who endure patiently will be given their reward in full without limit.’ [Al-Zumar, 10]. The attribute of patience is less about the ability to sit tight and wait out any adversity or misfortune, and more about holding good etiquette and Islamic propriety while waiting. This includes persevering throughout the ordeal, not complaining about one’s condition (except to Allah) and recognising that Allah’s wisdom and decree necessitate holding good positive thoughts about Him. Allah, the Most High, presses the believers to seek His assistance through patience and prayer. It is a realisation that Allah doesn’t put you through hardship except to grant you relief, nor place a burden on you more than you can bear. To know that He tests those whom He loves, will make you appreciate even the harshest of trials you may be going through is in fact, good for you. Allah also Said: “And We test you with evil and good as a trial” [21:35] Meaning: “With evil”, to see how you’ll show patience. “And with good”, to see how you’ll show gratitude. ‘Al-Sabr wa’l Thawab ‘alayha’ is Dar as-Sunnah’s second instalment of an Ibn Abi Dunya’s work. We hope this complete English translation will inspire the reader to appreciate the realities of patience and put in place items of action that will guide them through their own set of difficulties in life. About The Author: Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr, Abdullah ibn Muhammad, ibn Abi Al-Dunya was an authoritative and prolific writer and compiler of Hadith. Highly respected for leading an exemplary lifestyle, he was known for his piety and asceticism, spending much of his adult life teaching and counselling. Over a hundred works have been attributed to him, many of which are no longer extant. What is available runs into approximately sixty titles. He died in the year 281 Hijri, may Allah be pleased with him.

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  • The Downfall of Muslims and the Solutions The Downfall of Muslims and the Solutions

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Downfall of Muslims and the Solutions

    167 in stock

    The Downfall of Muslims and the Solutions Author: Muhammad Naasir-ud-Din Al-Albaani Pages: 80 Book Binding: Paperback Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.2 inch Publication year: 2023 Language: English Description About This Book: Deviation from Islamic teachings: Muslims consider that personal and societal success depends upon maintaining Islamic principles and values. Deviation from these values might result in spiritual, social, or financial challenges, such as ignoring religious obligations moral decline, or engaging in unlawful conduct. Ignorance and Lack of Education: Islam's comprehension, practice, and application may suffer from a lack of awareness about its teachings and tenets. A lack of knowledge of one's religion can result in misunderstandings, false beliefs, and shaky foundations for one's and society's advancement.

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  • The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri

    189 in stock

    The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri ISBN:9780953647682 Author: Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri Binding: Paperback Pages: 80 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.2 inch Publication Year: 2023 Description About The Book: The method or path taken by people in their acts of worship are referred to as The Way of the Worshipper By Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri" It involves numerous kinds of worship like prayer (Salah), fasting (Sawm), giving (Zakah), pilgrimage (Hajj), and other acts of devotion. The method or path taken by people in their acts of worship are referred to as "The Way of the Worshipper." It involves numerous kinds of worship like prayer (Salah), fasting (Sawm), giving (Zakah), pilgrimage (Hajj), and other acts of devotion. About The Author: Yusuf ibn 'Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Qutaibah Al-Mundhiri, also referred to as Al-Haafidh Al-Mundhiri, was a renowned Islamic scholar and hadith collector. He was born in what is now modern-day Iraq in the 7th century AH (13th century CE). Al-Mundhiri is best known for the contributions he made to hadith compilation and literature.

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  • The Illustrious Life Of Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) By Imam Ibn Jawzi. The Illustrious Life Of Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) By Imam Ibn Jawzi.

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Illustrious Life Of Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) By Imam Ibn Jawzi.

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    The Illustrious Life Of Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) By Imam Ibn Jawzi ISBN: 9781904336761 Author: Imam Ibn Jawzi Binding: Paperback Pages: 144 Size: 9.0 x 6.2 x 0.5 inch Publication Year: 2023 Language: English About This Book: It is an undeniable fact that no individual has left a deeper impression and significance on human history than Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him). The esteem and respect due to him by society is made clear when reflecting on his noble life. It brings the realisation what his lofty stature and rights necessitate from us. It is essential for every person, Muslim and non-Muslim to take a tour through his (peace and blessings be upon him) life and times and recognise those standards and virtues that set him apart from any other figures of history. Covering Life of Muhammad (PBUH): The author, may Allah have mercy on him, illustrates the life of the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him] in his unique way, intending to be concise yet readily inspiring. It captures the important stages of his [peace and blessings be upon him] life, making it easy to emulate for those who desire to pattern their own live upon his. An Eye Opener For Everyone: Forming a chapter taken from 'Sifat al-Safwah' of Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, this book is an excellent resource for studying the character and sublime nature the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was endowed with. It will leave an impression of awe and deep love for all those who have not been negatively influenced by aspects of bias of mass media. About The Author: The author, Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597 AH), was a learned scholar possessing extensive knowledge. While still young, he became known as someone who was religious and given to learning. He would not waste his time in idle activities and would scrupulously avoid any food whose source was doubtful. He was a great preacher and his fame was widespread; many people repented and accepted Islam at his hands. He was also a prolific writer and authored over one thousand works encompassing a multitude of Islamic disciplines and sciences. 

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  • Purity of Faith  Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Purity of Faith  Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Purity of Faith Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

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    Purity of Faith - A Textbook on Islamic Monotheism - A new translation and commentary of Kitab Al-Tawhid with accompanying Arabic Text ISBN: 9781904336464 Author: Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Binding: Paperback Pages: 480 Size: 9.2 x 6.2 x 1.3 inch Publication Year: 2015 Language: English A new translation and commentary of Kitab at-Tawhid with Commentary by 15 scholars including: Nasir al-Sa'di, Ibn 'Uthaymeen, Salih Al Fawzan, Sulayman ibn Abdullah About This Book: The order to live one’s life in accordance to the dictates of Tawhid, belive there is only one, is the single most important injunction laid down by the revealed law, it formed the core of the call of all Prophets and was the essential message of all revealed scripture. To worship Allah based on Tawhid is the purpose of human existence, and it is through this worship that man achieves a sense of fulfilment and contentment; in the words of one of the scholars, ‘he enters a paradise in this world before entering the Paradise of the next.’ Covering Area: This book, apportioned in sixty-seven chapters, deals with many aspects of Tawhid, all of them essential learning for any Muslim. Its focal topic revolves around issues of ulùhiyyah, divinity and `ibadah, worship, with some chapters dealing with al-Asmm wa’l-Sifat, the Names and Attributes of Allah. Its simple language, well-ordered structure, and heavy reliance on Qur’anic verses and Hadith of the Prophet (saw) lends it to easy reading and its importance cannot be underestimated. Authenthicity: Kitab al-Tawhid is a landmark work analysing orthodox Islamic monotheism. Since it was authored it has received a great deal of attention, a large number of commentaries and has been translated into over twenty languages. Relevant as it was then, it remains relevant today and Muslims are in dire need of reading it, studying it and teaching it.Unfortunately, despite previous laudable efforts, a translation does not yet exist in English that truly reflects the importance of this work. It gives Dar us-Sunnah great pleasure to present this work to the reader in the hope that it fills this gap Features: • An accurate translation in easy to read modern English • Annotations taken from 15 major commentaries • All major criticisms against the book by its antagonists addressed• All Hadiths and narrations critically analysed and referenced • This work also includes the authors ‘Letters on Tawhid and Essay on the meaning of the Kalimah’• Overview of the style and structure of the book • Biography of the author analysing his life, creed and works • The Arabic text of the whole book included • This is an ideal text book for every Muslim on this very important topic

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  • The Ten Promised Paradise by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi The Ten Promised Paradise by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Ten Promised Paradise by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi

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    The Ten Promised Paradise by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi ISBN: 9781904336778Author:Imam Ibn al-JawziBinding: PaperbackPages: 112Language: EnglishPublisher: Dar-Us-SunnahDsecription:About This Book: "The Ten Promised Paradise" takes you on a remarkable journey into spirituality and enlightenment. The Ten Offered Paradise, written by the enigmatic sage, is a transforming book that provides a riveting investigation of the ageless concept of paradise as offered in numerous religious traditions. The author delves deeply into the essential teachings of several faiths, revealing the mysteries that link humanity to the endless yearning for divine existence. The inception of Divine Promise In this first chapter, readers are introduced to the promised heaven concept, a key motif in major religious writings. The author thoroughly examines the similar threads that run through these promises, revealing light on the universal desire for a state of permanent joy. The Ten Prophetic Voices Discover the voices of eleven prophetic visionaries whose lessons transcend countries and faiths. Each prophet conveys a promise of paradise, adding to the rich tapestry of divine revelations. The chapter examines the teachings of these famous personalities, providing a comparative analysis that reveals a common vision of a utopian afterlife. Symbols & Archetypes This section goes into the symbolic language utilized in portrayals of paradise from various religious systems. From gardens of prosperity to flowing rivers, the author decodes the metaphors and archetypes that connect earthly experience with the promised paradise, encouraging a greater comprehension of the spiritual narrative.

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  • Ranks of The Elite - Volume One By Imam Ibn Jawzi Ranks of The Elite - Volume One By Imam Ibn Jawzi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Ranks of The Elite - Volume One By Imam Ibn Jawzi

    43 in stock

    Ranks of The Elite - Volume One By Imam Ibn Jawzi ISBN-13: 9781904336785 Author: Imam Ibn al Jawzi Pages: 677 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 1.6 inch Binding: Paperback Language: English Publication Year: 2024 Publisher: Dar As Sunnah Publications Description About This Book Imam ibn al-Jawzi’s “Sifat al-Safwah” is an archetype of the egregious Divine who helped in the creation of Islamic history. In this brief discourse, we'll focus on the soul of the work in question, emphasizing its value to readers in general. Discovering "Sifat al-Safwah": Origin and Purpose: Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, after being intoxicated by the book "Al-Hilyat al-Awliya" authored by al-Asbahani, decided to embark on the project of extracting and completing a similar book with the title "Sifat al-Safwah". This was his way of making it short and straightened out so that a brief and essential part of the history of the person they admired would be highlighted, and the excess details removed to be replaced by the details that were considered the most important. Exploring the Lives of Great Men: The Pinnacle of Virtue: The Prophet's Sahaba-e-Kiram: The first volume of "the Rabbis of Islam" comprises the sahabas, revered as masters of piety and trustworthinessThese friends were figures of Spiritual perfection as they demonstrated relentless obedience, trust, and confidence towards their beloved and solely relied on the Prophet of their time. Continuity of Excellence: Who Were initiators of "Sifat al-Safwah" followed by the Companions' people witnessed the upholding of the legacies of kindness and excellence through the ages. They are known for the likes of scholars, solaces, and commonality of people attracted the society at large that left an indelible mark on Islamic history through their depth of spirituality and contribution to society.

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  • Diseases Of The Hearts & Their Cures By Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Diseases Of The Hearts & Their Cures By Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Diseases Of The Hearts & Their Cures By Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah

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    Diseases Of The Hearts & Their Cures By Shaykhul-Islam Ibn TaymiyyahISBN: 9781904336099Author: Shaykhul-Islam Ibn TaymiyyahBinding: SoftcoverPages: 160Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2006DescriptionAbout This Book:Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah's "Diseases of the Hearts & Their Cures" is a significant and immortal examination of the otherworldly diseases that plague individuals' hearts. As quite possibly one of Islam's most prominent logicians, Ibn Taymiyyah jumps into the unpretentious highlights of the human spirit, diagnosing the illnesses that block otherworldly development and proposing Islamic-based medicines.Identifying Spiritual IllnessesIbn Taymiyyah starts by fastidiously depicting the various diseases of the heart, like pride, jealousy, fraud, and common love. He uncovered the inconspicuous ways these infirmities create and obliterate the quintessence of one's profound prosperity, drawing on the Quran and Sunnah.The Causes of Spiritual IllnessThe creator dives into the essential causes and foundations of coronary illness in this part. Ibn Taymiyyah gives a far-reaching assessment to help perusers fathom the wellsprings of their otherworldly difficulties, whether they are the consequence of mixed-up thoughts, unrestrained driving forces, or a separation from divine direction.The Impact on Spiritual Well-beingIbn Taymiyyah examines the huge effect of profound issues on an individual's complete prosperity. He makes sense of how these diseases could obstruct one's association with Allah, weaken judgment, and make it hard to carry on with a satisfying and moral life.Islamic Healing and RemediesIbn Taymiyyah conveys the mitigating salve of Islamic lessons as a treatment for heart problems in this enlightening part. He gives viable methods, requests, and demonstrations of commitment to purge and reinforce the heart, drawing on Quranic texts and Prophetic customs. The part fills in as an aide for perusers looking for a way to profound cleaning and recuperating.

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  • Disturber Of The Hearts By Abul-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzi Disturber Of The Hearts By Abul-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Disturber Of The Hearts By Abul-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzi

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    Disturber Of The Hearts By Abul-Faraj Ibn al-JawziISBN: 9781904336358Author: Abul-Faraj Ibn al-JawziBinding: SoftcoverPages: 112Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:Abul-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzi's "Disturber Of The Hearts" is a compelling account of the complicated and often tumultuous journey of the human heart. Ibn al-Jawzi, a profound scholar of Islamic literature and spirituality, dives into the profound parts of the human mind, uncovering the difficulties that worry and stir the hearts of spiritual seekers.Internal ConflictsIbn al-Jawzi begins by discussing the internal conflicts that beset people's hearts, delving into the complexities of doubt, temptation, and the plethora of distractions that break the peace of the spirit. He provides insights into the common challenges faced by spiritual growth seekers and offers help in overcoming these disturbances through fascinating narratives.The World's InfluencesThe author digs into the external forces that might disrupt people's hearts in this chapter, notably the impact of worldly distractions and monetary ambitions. Ibn al-Jawzi investigates the temptation of wealth, prestige, and wants, demonstrating how these outside forces can lead to spiritual unrest. He offers guidance on how to navigate the world's difficulties while retaining inner serenity and attention on the divine.Satan's FunctionIbn al-Jawzi investigates Satan's nefarious role in upsetting the hearts of believers. Using Islamic theology and Qur'anic teachings, he reveals the subtle and overt methods by which the devil strives to sow dissension in people's hearts. The chapter serves as a warning about recognizing and overcoming Shaytan's traps.

    171 in stock


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