Messages From The Qur'an كتاب رسائل من القران عرب By Adham Sharqawi
ISBN: 9786297545073
Author: Adham Sharkawi
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 288
Size: 8.46 x 0.79 x 5.51 inches
Publication Year: 2023
Language: English
Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore
About This Book:
In 'Messages from Qur'an,' Shaqua Adham's writing presents the readers with a rewarding experience by exposing them to the true guidance and mind-altering wisdom that His verses encompass. With unmatchable lucidity, depth and absolute devotion, Sharqawi peels off the cover that contains these sacred messages from the books channeling contemplation and reflection into the mirrors of souls where he will let them in.
Exploring Divine Revelation:
The book starts its expedition on the divine messages which are summarized in the Qur'an. It covers spiritual, ethical, and practical guidance for the whole human populace. The readers get an extraordinary experience of digging into a detailed analyzing and explanatory commentary concerning a Quranic verse in a way that the listeners learn the most complex internal spiritual meaning thus expedite the road towards spiritual awakening.
Themes and Concepts:
"Messages From The Qur'an" discusses various key themes and ideas that are prominent in the book's discourse, such as firm belief in God, doing good by oneself, seeking justice, showing mercy, and being compassionate. Sharqawi appeals to the Qur'an citations, stories, and advice. So, he demonstrates how these eternal truths remain valid as well as powerful despite the specific time and culture they were conveyed.
Application in Daily Life:
Moreover, that book not only studies the abstract theory involved, but it highlights the practical application of the messsage of the Qur’an in real life. Through the concrete day-to-day situations, the author tries to make the readers engage themselves with the book by showing them practices and illustrations in their everyday life and also make them think about the answer to the questions that often come to their mind.
Ranks of The Elite - Volume One By Imam Ibn Jawzi
ISBN-13: 9781904336785
Author: Imam Ibn al Jawzi
Pages: 677
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 1.6 inch
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Dar As Sunnah Publications
About This Book
Imam ibn al-Jawzi’s “Sifat al-Safwah” is an archetype of the egregious Divine who helped in the creation of Islamic history. In this brief discourse, we'll focus on the soul of the work in question, emphasizing its value to readers in general.
Discovering "Sifat al-Safwah":
Origin and Purpose:
Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, after being intoxicated by the book "Al-Hilyat al-Awliya" authored by al-Asbahani, decided to embark on the project of extracting and completing a similar book with the title "Sifat al-Safwah". This was his way of making it short and straightened out so that a brief and essential part of the history of the person they admired would be highlighted, and the excess details removed to be replaced by the details that were considered the most important.
Exploring the Lives of Great Men:
The Pinnacle of Virtue:
The Prophet's Sahaba-e-Kiram: The first volume of "the Rabbis of Islam" comprises the sahabas, revered as masters of piety and trustworthinessThese friends were figures of Spiritual perfection as they demonstrated relentless obedience, trust, and confidence towards their beloved and solely relied on the Prophet of their time.
Continuity of Excellence:
Who Were initiators of "Sifat al-Safwah" followed by the Companions' people witnessed the upholding of the legacies of kindness and excellence through the ages. They are known for the likes of scholars, solaces, and commonality of people attracted the society at large that left an indelible mark on Islamic history through their depth of spirituality and contribution to society.
The Legislated Ruqyah Between Revelation & Implemenation by Shaykh falah Ibn Ismail MandakarISBN: 9798350711561Author: Shaykh falah Ibn Ismail MandakarBook Binding: PaperbackPublication Year: 2024Pages: 112Size: 6x 0.2 x 9 inPublisher: Authentic StatementsTranslator: Rasheed BarbeeDescription:About This Book:In “The Legislated Ruqyah Between Revelation and Implementation”, Shaykh Falah Ibn Ismail Mandakar takes into consideration all aspects of the Islamic form of Ruqyah which is the unlawful method of healing through Qur’anic recitations coupled with supplications. As a concept, Ruqyah has been in existence since medieval age and it has not lost its relevance as form of spirituality and healthy to the Islamic world. To my satisfaction, Shaykh Falah Ibn Ismail Mandakar, a leading figure in the world of Islamic scholars, specifically examines the correlation between the sacred scriptural texts of the Qur’an and the physical application of the recitation therapy known as Ruqyah in the contemporary era. Therefore, this book is dedicated to explain to the opens which is the right way of Ruqyah, its origin and application base on the Islamic Law.The Foundations of Ruqyah: Revelation and Practice: Ruqyah is part of the Islamic practice that entails recitation from the Holy Qur’an and supplications passed across by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to overcome aches and diseases. Dr. Shoayb Falah bin Ismail Mandakar precisely expounds the history of Ruqyah with regard to practice as it was initiated by Prophet Muhammad through his revelations. The book underscores strict compliance with the Qur’anic principles of Ruqyah and the Sunnah, practices of Prophet Muhammad, in order to have a proper and effective form of Ruqyah.Practical Implementation of Ruqyah:Such guidelines are too comprehensive as they include all the details of performing Ruqyah down to the procedures of treating particular diseases and ailments. Picking advice from Shaykh Falah on how to employ the tool known as Ruqyah does not only mean that one should keep it around in one’s everyday life like food people consume, but rather, it has to be used frequently as part of the nurturing process people hope to receive. To support his explanation, he presents many and varied cases and examples of how Ruqyah can be effectively done and implemented, based on his practice and work.
Sha'ban Ramadan Shawwal A guide to nurturing the soul during these blessed monthsISBN: 9781915357328Author: Nabeelah NiazBinding: HardcoverPages: 192Size: 5x6.5x0.4 inchesPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Ta-Ha PublishersDescription:About This Book:Zul-Hujjaj: A Guide to the Spiritual Months of Sha’ban, Ramadan & Shawwal is now available for an ultimate spiritual experience. "Sha'ban Ramadan Shawwal: A Guide to the Spiritual Care of Soul during These Blessed Months” enlightens the readers about these holy months and opens your eyes, mind, and heart to look deeper and guide you on how to intensify your spirituality and strengthen your relationship with Allah.The Essence of Sha'ban:The month that precedes the fast, Sha’ban, could be said to be one of preparation and contemplation. In this chapter, the author further elaborates on Sha’ban as well as explores the virtues that are associated with this month and its special role as a month preced, only, by Ramadan. Sadly little is known about how one can enhance their worship this month with useful tips on fasting , prayers and seeking forgiveness.The Holiness of Ramadan:Ramadan is a descendant of the Arabic word ramad, which means intense heat, and is the ninth month of Islamic calendar. In this section, the reader will have a closer understanding of the significance of Ramadan and useful information regarding the physical and spiritual value of fasting along with tips on how one can further improve their devotion during this time . While most are strictly technical innature, it offers useful tips regarding meal planning, energy conservation, and coping with responsibilities while worshipping.The Celebrations of Shawwal:Shawwal being the final month of the fasting period and the culmination of Ramadan is always followed by a happy occasion known as Eid al Fitr.
I Can Pray Salah (a Step-by-Step Illustrated Guide for Your Little Ones)ISBN: 9788178983639Author: Saniyasnain KhanBinding: PaperbackPages: 24Size: 6.22 x 0.12 x 6.5 inchesPublication Year: 2024Language: English/ArabicPublisher: Goodword BooksDescription:About This Book:It is a noble and quite fulfilling task to teach children about the beauty and importance of Salah yet at the same time, it comes with drawbacks. "I Can Pray Salah: This topic is an important aspect of Islamic faith, and therefore the publication “A Step-by-Step Illustrated Guide for Your Little Ones” aims at presenting this aspect in its simplified, engaging form for kids. Children will find this book to be a helpful guideline that not only simplifies the learning of the daily prayers but also adds colors to their understandings and feelings towards the ritual.It also makes learning fun and enjoyable for pupils and students.The targeted learning process is presented as a fun journey in the context of learning and practicing “I Can Pray Salah”. Every page is covered with cheerful, eye-catching drawings that show children like them praying Salah, which creates a familiar, positive atmosphere. The last few chapters of the book contain instructions on how to pray these particular prayers, and since they are described in a simple manner and divided into easily understandable steps, the child would be able to follow along easily.The content is divided into various sections and these sections contain Questions and answers as well as practice questions which enhance understanding and retention in learners. It is essential to satisfy a child’s playful disposition and encourage him to complete the practice, to give a child a sense of fulfillment when he is done with the particular part of prayer.
A Recipe for Faith and Wellbeing: A Guide to Nutrition in IslamISBN: 9781915357359Author: Nishat Samiha ChowdhuryBinding: PaperbackPages: 120Size: 10 x 9 x 0.50 InchesPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Ta-Ha PublishersDescription:About This Book:"A Recipe for Faith and Wellbeing: A Non-Fiction Book summing up does not simply state what the title of a book reveals, “A Guide to Nutrition in Islam” takes the reader on a stunning voyage through the most important rules guiding the diet of Islamic people and their nature based on the viewpoints of present-day science. This book provide needed information for anyone who wants to learn how faith and health as two of the most essential elements of human life are linked in Islam. reveals how the dietary proscription in the Quran and Hadith not only addresses the spiritual needs of the Muslims but also their physiological needs; hence integrating health in line with the holistic life.Faith and Food: Thus, understanding the role of nutrition in the context of the Islamic tradition is key to determining the spiritual value of such an aspect of human lives.This is why Islam, through its teachings, reminds its followers that food is, in fact, a boon bestowed by the Almighty and hence should be eaten in a positively grateful and non indulgent manner. Animal part consumption, ban on Alcohol and Pork, Fasting in RAMADAN, etc are described in this chapter in light of the spiritual perspective in Islam. Through analyzing these areas, the audiences will get insights on how these strategies are intended to promote discipline, gratitude, and the feeling of closeness with the deity. The text also exposes the following mystery and the related etiquette and the health related information about food the traditions and prophecy of moderation in eating. As such, the book unfolds the reality that Islamic dietary regulation or prohibition is much more than just following certain rules and norms but it is a process towards attaining health and happiness in the world as well as in the Hereafter.
Collection of Treatises on Riba (Usury) Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin BazISBN: 9798894805177Author: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin BazBinding: PaperbackPages: 187Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.5 inchPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Maktabatul-Irshad PublicationsDescription:About This Book:“Collection of Treatises on Riba (Usury)” by Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz is an accumulation of evidences and research done by eminent scholars of Islam specially in systematic prohibition of Riba, which in English is called usury. Shaykh bin Baz: a holy man, a distinguished Islamic scholar, formerly the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, brilliantly analyzes riba, its essence and its ban under Islamic law, its consequences concerning the economic activity of people and state. I found this collection to be highly commendable for anyone studying and researching the financial ethics of Islamic, here we have everything from history, theology and even practical sound information.Gathering of Writings On Riba (usury)This compilation provides the insight into the broad subject of riba and discusses its meaning, its subcategories, and the rationality of the ban. Shaykh bin Baz provides a detailed analysis of different facets of riba, such as the evidences used by the prophet to prohibit riba along with statistical analysis on the relevancy of riba in pre Islamic era and the modern day financial systems. He narrates the social injustice brought about by riba and enumerates ways on how it makes social, economic, and political exploitation. The treatises also elaborate on the madhavi or legal consequences that are associated with engaging in riba with citing from the Quran, Hadiths, and the-related work of jurists.Furthermore, some of the works of Shaykh bin Baz are written in a plain straightforward language and at the same time contain profound discussion so that people within and outside the scholarly framework can have easy time grasping the themes examined. These writings entailed manners currently issues and knowledge in banking, loans, interest, and ways on how Muslims can survive this modern world financially but losslessly in accordance to the Islamic laws.
Explanation of the Book of Divorce By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin
Binding: Paperback
Pages: Part1:230 Pages, Part 2: 236 Pages , Part 3:236 Pages
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inch
Publication Year: 2024
Language: English
Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications
Available in 3 Parts, you can buy individual book or set.
Explanation of the Book of Divorce Part 1, ISBN:9798894431048
Explanation of the Book of Divorce Part 2, ISBN:9798894430966
Explanation of the Book of Divorce Part 3, ISBN:9798894430980
About This Book:
This third installment of the "Explanation of the Book of Divorce" by Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin provides an in-depth analysis of Islamic rulings and guidance on the sensitive and intricate matters of divorce. Drawing from the rich tradition of Islamic jurisprudence, Shaykh Al-Uthaymin offers clarity on key issues surrounding talaq (divorce), its conditions, and implications.
Key Topics
Types of Divorce:
Understand the different forms of divorce in Islam, including revocable and irrevocable divorce, and the situations where each applies.
Conditions and Procedures:
Detailed guidance on the proper steps and conditions for issuing a divorce, ensuring it aligns with Islamic law.
Consequences and Aftermath:
Explanation of the effects of divorce on family life, child custody, and financial responsibilities.
Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 1)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin
ISBN: 9798894431048,9798894430959
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin
Binding: Choose
Pages: 230
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inches
Publication Year: 2024
Language: English
Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications
About This Book:
This third installment of the "Explanation of the Book of Divorce" by Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin provides an in-depth analysis of Islamic rulings and guidance on the sensitive and intricate matters of divorce. Drawing from the rich tradition of Islamic jurisprudence, Shaykh Al-Uthaymin offers clarity on key issues surrounding talaq (divorce), its conditions, and implications.
Key Topics
Types of Divorce:
Understand the different forms of divorce in Islam, including revocable and irrevocable divorce, and the situations where each applies.
Conditions and Procedures:
Detailed guidance on the proper steps and conditions for issuing a divorce, ensuring it aligns with Islamic law.
Consequences and Aftermath:
Explanation of the effects of divorce on family life, child custody, and financial responsibilities.
Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 2)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin
ISBN: 9798894430966,9798894430973,
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin
Binding: Choose
Pages: 236
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inches
Publication Year: 2024
Language: English
Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications
About This Book:
This third installment of the "Explanation of the Book of Divorce" by Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin provides an in-depth analysis of Islamic rulings and guidance on the sensitive and intricate matters of divorce. Drawing from the rich tradition of Islamic jurisprudence, Shaykh Al-Uthaymin offers clarity on key issues surrounding talaq (divorce), its conditions, and implications.
Key TopicsTypes of Divorce:
Understand the different forms of divorce in Islam, including revocable and irrevocable divorce, and the situations where each applies.
Conditions and Procedures:
Detailed guidance on the proper steps and conditions for issuing a divorce, ensuring it aligns with Islamic law.
Consequences and Aftermath:
Explanation of the effects of divorce on family life, child custody, and financial responsibilities.
Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 3)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin
ISBN: 9798894430980,9798894430997
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin
Binding: Choose
Pages: 236
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inches
Publication Year: 2024
Language: English
Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications
About This Book:
This third installment of the "Explanation of the Book of Divorce" by Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin provides an in-depth analysis of Islamic rulings and guidance on the sensitive and intricate matters of divorce. Drawing from the rich tradition of Islamic jurisprudence, Shaykh Al-Uthaymin offers clarity on key issues surrounding talaq (divorce), its conditions, and implications.
Key Topics
Types of Divorce:
Understand the different forms of divorce in Islam, including revocable and irrevocable divorce, and the situations where each applies.
Conditions and Procedures:
Detailed guidance on the proper steps and conditions for issuing a divorce, ensuring it aligns with Islamic law.
Consequences and Aftermath:
Explanation of the effects of divorce on family life, child custody, and financial responsibilities.
How to Get Rid of Magic by Shaykh Abdullah Al-TayyarISBN: 9798350721706Author: Shaykh Abdullah Al-TayyarBinding: PaperbackPages: 67Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inchPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Authentic StatementsDescription:About This Book:Professor Abdullah Al-Tayyar’s How to Get Rid of Magic can be described as an all-embracing manual based on Islamic orthodoxy to avoid magical negativity. Accurate particulars of magic, consequences of it, and the ways given in Islam to treat this evil are also discussed in the book. Islamic Scholar Shaykh Abdullah Al-Tayyar gives peoples useful advices, every day rituals about how Muslims can protect their faith and stay safe.In "How to Get Rid of Magic," Shaykh Abdullah Al-Tayyar addresses a topic that has intrigued and troubled many Muslims: the fact and role of magic. Finally, in relation to the topic at hand, it is noteworthy to turn to the Qur’an and hadith again to understand those aspects of the nature of magic that would manifest in the modern context and those which can become potentially dangerous. He then goes on and gives comprehensive instructions on how to remedy the situation through spiritual means and how to avoid or minimize the impacts. Indeed this book is an asset for anyone who wants to strengthen their beliefs as well as guard against the negative energy of magic. The instructions provided by Shaykh Al-Tayyar are quite clear, the ideas given very deep, as to help readers to understand this non-trivial problem, the author shares methods which can be applied in accordance with the Islamic canons.
Earnest Advice to My Brothers and Sisters in the W.D Community by Rasheed BarbeeISBN: 9798350724431Author: Rasheed BarbeeBinding: PaperbackPages: 181Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inchPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Authentic Statements PublicationsDescription:About This Book:Earnest Advice to My Brothers and Sisters in the W. D Community by Rasheed Barbee is a crises map intended for the members of the W. D community containing practical and spiritual guidelines with references to Islamic rules of conduct. Barbee installs himself as the main figure of the community along with the difficulties of the contemporary society and offers counsels on how to stay religious and moral. The sincere and empathetic disposition with which Barbee addresses his brothers and sisters is a force for positivity and communal solidarity when it comes to wanting to draw closer to Allah and also for seeking change in one’s own life as well as in the lives of people around.Rasheed Barbee uses this title Earnest Advice to My Brothers and Sisters in the W. D Community” to directly appeal to his audience, their souls, and emotions. Barbee also admonishes his brothers and sisters to always remain Muslims thus needing to practice various principles in this righteous life; gain knowledge, be patient, and remain close to Allah. He tries to be a counselor to the W. D. community and he also looks at the problems confronting women in the W. D community or even anywhere advising them to seek the word of God for countering what they face. Being a phenomenal example of a wise and compassionate man, Barbee gives his readers motivation to develop unity, strength, and incomparable purpose that leads them on the right way.
Al-Fiqh Al-Muyassar in light of the Quran & Sunnah (3 Parts Set) By Shaykh Salih Al ash-Shaykh
Author: Shaykh Salih Al ash-ShaykhBinding: PaperbackPages: Part1:334 Pages, Part 2: 316 Pages , Part 3:332 PagesSize: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inchPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications
Available in 3 Parts, you can buy individual book or set.
Al-Fiqh Al-Muyassar in light of the Quran & Sunna Part 1, ISBN:9798894802558
Al-Fiqh Al-Muyassar in light of the Quran & Sunna Part 2, ISBN:9798894802572
Al-Fiqh Al-Muyassar in light of the Quran & Sunna Part 3, ISBN:9798894802596
From The Books
This book encompasses the juristic rulings governing acts of worship as well as manners and dealings among people, all explained along with their juristic proofs from the Glorious Qur'an and authentic Sunnah. This is all presented in an easily comprehensible manner without any complication or needless prolongation that renders it hard for most Muslims to benefit from. Meanwhile, the book presents its topics with adequate explication without any omission or alteration of the selected material. In line with the Complex's absolute keenness to present perfection in every published book, the authorship of this book has been assigned to a blessed constellation of Islamic scholars, especially jurisprudence masters. The book was then presented before a consultant committee to review it and ensure its precision and clarity. This produced a work that boasts considerable advantages, among which:
1- Accurate verification of the authenticity of the hadiths and reported narratives on which the juristic rulings are based.
2- Presenting all the topics of jurisprudence that knowledge of is indispensable to every Muslim.
3- Clarity of the style in which the book is written so it can be comprehensible to all Muslims, not just scholars.
Sahih Al-Bukhari (9 Vol. Set) By Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan
ISBN: 9789960717319Author: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin KhanBinding: HardcoverPages: 4050Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Bring a profound jump into the standards of Islam with the "Sahih Al-Bukhari (9 Vol. Set))" which was carefully assembled by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. This huge arrangement, which catches the expressions and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive), is viewed as one of the most prized and veritable Hadith assortments. Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan gives the center of Imam Al-Bukhari's masterpiece in a nine-volume series with an unwavering obligation to legitimacy, giving perusers an extremely valuable device for understanding, applying, and satisfying the standards of Islam.
The Book of Revelation (Kitab Al-Wahy):
Investigate the standards of prophethood and the heavenly disclosures that the Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive) got from the Book of Disclosure (Kitab Al-Wahy). The historical backdrop of Islamic sacred writing is analyzed in this book, alongside the Courier's capability in getting the message out of Allah.
The Book of Belief (Kitab Al-Iman):
Concentrate on the essentials of Islamic confidence with the assistance of the Book of Conviction (Kitab Al-Iman). The convictions, lessons, and principles that structure the otherworldly premise of a committed Muslim are investigated top to bottom in Volume 2.
The Book of Knowledge (Kitab Al-Ilm):
They turned out to be completely participated in the Islamic journey for information. Volume 3 examines the worth of information obtaining, the job of specialists, and the ethical ramifications of data social occasion and scattering.
The Book of Prayers (Kitab Al-Salat):
Look at Islamic petition customs and standards in The Book of Supplications (Kitab Al-Salat). Volume 5 offers an exhaustive investigation of Salah, explaining the various features of this fundamental Islamic petition point of support.
The Rites of Hajj and Umrah, Visiting Madinah & Authentic Supplications By Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alam (Pocket Size)
Author: Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alam
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 5.8 x 4.1 x 0.2 inch
Publication year:2023
About This Book:
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid Alam | Salafi Publications
Before you is a simple yet comprehensive guide that will help you through the rites of Umrah and Ḥajj according to the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah. The author has carefully compiled this booklet with illustrations and tips to suit the English-speaking pilgrim. There is an extensive contents page to help you reach what you need quickly and easily.
At the end of each chapter there are lined sections for ‘your notes’ ― and it’s small enough to carry around in a pouch or handbag. All-in-all an excellent scholarly work based on authentic sources so you can do what is right and avoid contradicting the Sunnah.
The Rights Of Brotherhood By Shaykh Salih Aal Al-ShaykhISBN: 9798989748235Author: Shaykh Salih Aal Al-ShaykhBinding: PaperbackPages: 176Size: 8.2 x 0.4 x 14.5 inchesPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Hikmah PublicationsDescription:About This Book:Sustaining friendship in Islam is not just a random sociological network, but it penetrates closely into the core of a Muslim’s existence both in the spiritual and communal realms. This outstanding work titled ‘The Rights of Brotherhood’ by Shaykh Salih Aal Al-Shaykh offer quite an enlightening insight to this very noble theme by shedding light and giving the reader every bit of information needed on the rights, obligations and duties inhering in this noble relationship of Islamic fraternity.This paper focuses on The Rights of Brotherhood by Shaykh Salih Aal Al-Shaykh:In “The Rights of Brotherhood” Shaykh Salih Aal Al-Shaykh engages the reader with the concepts of brotherhood from the Quran, traditions from the Prophet Muhammad and the scholarly understandings. He can identify the rules that apply to the relations among Muslims, focusing on the aspects of mutual amity, support, and love. Shaykh Salih speaks of those virtues that allow for enhancing the relations between individuals and those rules that guarantee the Muslim society’s members’ mutual tolerance. Given that it provides practical suggestions for heeding the Scriptural instructions and offers cogent philosophical perspectives, this book is a divine tutor and a manual for Muslim men and women on how to rightfully address their brothers and sisters in religion. So, no matter if you are a newcomer to such ideas or you want to explore these notions to the very end, “The Rights of Brotherhood” should be read as this work will broaden the view on one of the Islamic values that is dear to the Muslims.
Baby's First Book of Quran Stories Volume 1 (5 Board Books Set)
ISBN: 9789391969851
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Board Books
Pages: 22
Size: 6.0 x 6.0 x 0.5 inch Each Book
Publiication: 2024
About This Book:
With the "Ramadan And Eid - Gift Box," a charming set of four board books carefully chosen to teach young readers to the beauty, meaning, and customs of these holy Islamic events, you may fully immerse yourself in the spirit of Ramadan and Eid. This delightful gift box is the ideal tool for families and educators looking to nurture a love for these holy months in children's hearts since it beautifully captures the essence of Ramadan and Eid via vivid images, captivating storytelling, and interactive features.
The Month of Ramadan
Within the first volume of "Ramadan And Eid - Gift Box," readers explore the meaning, customs, and blessings of the month of Ramadan as they go on a journey. During this holy time, children are taught the value of fasting, prayer, almsgiving, and introspection through vibrant pictures and straightforward explanations. This book provides a kind introduction to Ramadan, encouraging young people to accept its spiritual meaning and develop a closer relationship with their religion.
The Powerful Night (Laylat al-Qadr)
The second volume of this set delves into the significance of the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr), revealing the deep spiritual significance of this auspicious night in the Islamic faith. Children learn the importance of supplicating to Allah, asking for forgiveness, and engaging in acts of worship on this auspicious occasion through fascinating images and captivating storytelling. This book instills in young minds the significance of taking advantage of Laylat al-Qadr's opportunity for spiritual refreshment and progress.
Baby's First Book of Quran Stories Volume 1 (5 Board Books Set)
ISBN: 9789391969110
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Board Books
Pages: 22
Size: 6.0 x 6.0 x 0.5 inch Each Book
Publiication: 2024
About This Book:
With the "Ramadan And Eid - Gift Box," a charming set of four board books carefully chosen to teach young readers to the beauty, meaning, and customs of these holy Islamic events, you may fully immerse yourself in the spirit of Ramadan and Eid. This delightful gift box is the ideal tool for families and educators looking to nurture a love for these holy months in children's hearts since it beautifully captures the essence of Ramadan and Eid via vivid images, captivating storytelling, and interactive features.
The Month of Ramadan
Within the first volume of "Ramadan And Eid - Gift Box," readers explore the meaning, customs, and blessings of the month of Ramadan as they go on a journey. During this holy time, children are taught the value of fasting, prayer, almsgiving, and introspection through vibrant pictures and straightforward explanations. This book provides a kind introduction to Ramadan, encouraging young people to accept its spiritual meaning and develop a closer relationship with their religion.
The Powerful Night (Laylat al-Qadr)
The second volume of this set delves into the significance of the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr), revealing the deep spiritual significance of this auspicious night in the Islamic faith. Children learn the importance of supplicating to Allah, asking for forgiveness, and engaging in acts of worship on this auspicious occasion through fascinating images and captivating storytelling. This book instills in young minds the significance of taking advantage of Laylat al-Qadr's opportunity for spiritual refreshment and progress.
Quran Stories Book Tower (Set of 10 chunky board books)
ISBN: 9789391969387
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Board Books
Pages: 22
Size: 6.0 x 6.0 x 0.5 inch Each Book
Publiication: 2024
About This Book:
With the "Ramadan And Eid - Gift Box," a charming set of four board books carefully chosen to teach young readers to the beauty, meaning, and customs of these holy Islamic events, you may fully immerse yourself in the spirit of Ramadan and Eid. This delightful gift box is the ideal tool for families and educators looking to nurture a love for these holy months in children's hearts since it beautifully captures the essence of Ramadan and Eid via vivid images, captivating storytelling, and interactive features.
The Month of Ramadan
Within the first volume of "Ramadan And Eid - Gift Box," readers explore the meaning, customs, and blessings of the month of Ramadan as they go on a journey. During this holy time, children are taught the value of fasting, prayer, almsgiving, and introspection through vibrant pictures and straightforward explanations. This book provides a kind introduction to Ramadan, encouraging young people to accept its spiritual meaning and develop a closer relationship with their religion.
The Powerful Night (Laylat al-Qadr)
The second volume of this set delves into the significance of the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr), revealing the deep spiritual significance of this auspicious night in the Islamic faith. Children learn the importance of supplicating to Allah, asking for forgiveness, and engaging in acts of worship on this auspicious occasion through fascinating images and captivating storytelling. This book instills in young minds the significance of taking advantage of Laylat al-Qadr's opportunity for spiritual refreshment and progress.
Tajweed Quran,Arabic Only, Delux Edition by Dar Al Marifah Mutilple Size Avaialble
Available in Hardcover and Flexible cover
Tajweed Quran Large Size,Arabic Only, Delux Edition (Hardcover) ISBN:9789933423056
Tajweed Quran Medium Size,Arabic Only, Delux Edition (Hardcover) ISBN:9789933900298
Tajweed Quran Small Medium Size,Arabic Only, Delux Edition (Hardcover) ISBN:9789933458898
Tajweed Quran Small Size,Arabic Only, Delux Edition (Hardcover) ISBN:9789933423322
Tajweed Quran Large Size,Arabic Only,(Flexible Cover) ISBN:9789933645236
Tajweed Quran Medium Size,Arabic Only,(Flexible Cover) ISBN:9789933458645
Tajweed Quran Small Medium Size,Arabic Only,(Flexible Cover) ISBN:9789933458966
Tajweed Quran Small Size,Arabic Only,(Flexible Cover) ISBN:9789933573430
Book Binding: Choose from Binding
Pages: 608
Size: Select From Option
Publication Year: 2003
About This Book:
The "Tajweed Quran By Dar Al Marifah (Whole Quran, Medium Size) (Arabic Edition)" is a highly regarded and treasured copy of the Quran, Islam's holy book, notable for its scrupulous adherence to Tajweed standards. Tajweed is the correct and beautiful recitation of the Quran, and this edition is intended to assist readers in reciting the Quran with appropriate pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
A One-of-a-Kind and Revered Edition:
This Quran edition is widely respected for its emphasis on Tajweed, which is necessary for Muslims who want to recite the Quran correctly and gracefully. It includes the complete Quran in its original Arabic script.
Tajweed Rules and Markings:
Tajweed rules and markings are one of the "Tajweed Quran By Dar Al Marifah"'s distinguishing aspects. These notations instruct readers on accurate pronunciation, articulation, and enunciation when reciting the Quran, ensuring that the Quran is recited precisely and reverently.
Facilitating Proper Recitation:
The Tajweed principles included in this edition assist readers in avoiding common recitation and pronunciation errors. The book provides a simple and disciplined approach to Tajweed, making it suitable for readers of varying levels of expertise.
Increasing Spiritual Connection:
Reciting the Quran with Tajweed is about increasing one's spiritual connection with the divine as well as accurate pronunciation. Proper recitation improves the experience of reading and comprehending the timeless messages of the Quran.
A Timeless Resource:
The "Tajweed Quran By Dar Al Marifah" is a timeless resource for Muslims who want to improve their Quranic recitation. It is a tribute to the dedication to preserving the Quranic text's purity and appropriate recitation.
Palestine Activity Book by Adilah Joossab
ISBN: 9780860379683
Author: Adilah Joossab
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 16 pages
Size: 7.5 x 0.3 x 9.5 inches
Publication Year: 2024
Language: English
Publisher: Kube Publishing Ltd
About This Book:
Fun with Engage & Educate Games
The Palestine Activity Book has been developed to help occupying the minds of young learners as they are taught on the historical, cultural and social aspects of palestine. Full of games, mazes, dotted drawings, crosswords, matching games just to name but a few, this book ensures children have fun learning about Palestine.
Let’s Explore Palestine
Children will go on a discovery of the Palestinian geography, historical sites, cultural icons and other regions of interest. This book offers children an artistic point of view of the most attractive locations in Palestine, starting from the famous Dome of the Rock and finishing with the picturesque olive trees.
An Educational Resource for Parents and Teachers
You will be amazed at how fun this activity book is, all while being an educational resource! As for me, I think that parents and teachers can use it as the script to tell children about Palestinian traditions, famous people or important events. Every game has information or knowledge which complements the learning of the child participating in the games.
Cross Cultural Education through Art Techniques and Play Activities
The activities contribute to cultural understanding since they present a positive and enriching image of palestine then and now. Children will develop an understanding of Palestinian culture by creating the art and through the completion of creative tasks such as drawing and problem solving which will improve their abilities in thinking, dexterity and coordination.
Perfect for All Ages
Despite the fact that it is a children’s book, the Palestine Activity Book is fun for everyone, young and old. It is also good for anyone who wants to get the first glimpse of the cutlure and history of Palestine.
Excellent Supplications For Everyday Life Revised
ISBN: 9789675699771
Author: Abu Ahmed Farid
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 114 pages
Size: 7.8 x 0.3 x 4.7 inches
Publication Year: 2022
Language: English
Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore
About This Book:
Excellent Supplications For Everyday Life is a compilation of supplications that are of prior importance and should be included in a Muslims daily life. Whether you are in need of spiritual fortification, appreciation or direction, this book offers prayers in every part of a day.
Supplications for Every Occasion
The prayers in this book are ranged from morning wake up prayers, prayers before eating, when traveling, asking for protection, prayers before sleeping among others. It is a handy book that solves this problem by encouraging the readers to integrate dua into the daily routine.
Easy-to-Understand Format
The prayers are explained in the most understandable manner with Arabic text, English vowels and translations. This makes it easy to understand by any person who knows or does not know the Arabic language and can thus benefit from these awesome prayers.
Strengthen Your Spiritual Connection
Dua is an important factor in establishing a good relation with Allah swt. This book not only compiled the basic prayers but at the same time builds awareness regarding being grateful and thoughtful. Every supplication is a call to ask Allah for beneficial things in all aspects of life that is why it is useful for those who wish to increase their iman (faith).
Ideal for All Ages
Therefore, no matter if you are a new learner seeking new duas or one who seeks to know more, “Excellent Supplications For Everyday Life” will be of value for any age of Muslims. It is very useful when you want to read it yourself or to share with your family or when you want to join an Islamic study circle.
Destination Jannah by Mufti Ismail Menk
ISBN: 9789675699962
Author: Mufti Ismail Menk
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 367
Size: 8.4 x 0.7 x 5.5 inches
Publication Year: 2022
Language: English
Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore
About This Book:
“Destination Jannah” is an inspiring and enlightening book which provides its readers with an incredible ride towards the interpretation and realization of Jannah. Islamic concept of work differential rewards – a book that is published by Dakwah Book Corner is a book that expounds on the Islamic understanding, actions and attitude towards work in order to be rewarded by Allah.
An Inspirational Book with the Step by Step Solutions for Making our Life more Meaningful
As a guide to the Muslim reader, this book provides a systematic framework on how to lead a pleasing life to Allah by engaging inspiring reflections, real hadiths and useful tips. It covers topics like prayer, Charity, Patience and Seeking pardon thus being useful for guiding its readers to live in a way that will help them achieve the ultimate paradise or Jannah.
Drawing Closer to Allah
Similar to ‘Destination Jannah,’ genuine worship and submission to Allah is the key while calling out to the mercy and grace of Allah stressing on the opportunity of achieving success in the hereafter. It has useful life lessons on how a person can change for the better, grow in faith, and keep a healthy outlook toward life despite trials.
Inspiration for All Muslims
From an Islamic point of view, it is generally relevant for anyone of the faith whether being a new convert or an old-timer who needs to revamp his or her perspective in approaching the faith, this book comes handy for anyone who wishes to upgrade his or her level of worship and get even closer to Allah. They particularly recommend this for individual meditations, group discussions, group studies or as a gift.
I Am Awesome by Latifah Peerbux 9789675699931
ISBN: 9789675699931
Author: Latifah Peerbux
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 36
Size: 10.1 x 0.19 x 10.1 inches
Language: English
Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore
About This Book:
Though simple in presentation, colorful and fun, Discovering Your Amazing Body is a great book that can develop over time the idea of the child to embrace and understand the beauty of the body. This large and funny volume provides a fun and light-hearted look at how the human body is built and functions, from feet to head. It enlightens young readers and the creative and colourful illustrations used in this book makes it easier for a child to learn the various body systems.
Recognition of Marvel of Allah’s Creations
The applied format that distinguishes this book from other anatomic books is a perspective of Islamic point of view. Not only it details the exhilarating activities of the human body, but also the fine features of Allah’s work. Each of them is created in a way that will let the children become aware of great works of art that God has made within them. The inclusion of spiritual aspect enhances the scientific curriculum in such a way that nameof makes the learning process valuable and motivating. From Eyes to Toes: A Major Analysis Some of the different areas of the body that have been depicted in Discovering Your Amazing Body include; It leads the readers through different parts of the body and informs the end users concerning the functionality and significance of every part. And again, no matter if it is the work of the eyes, muscles, or heart, all of the aspects are described in a way, which will encourage the interest and amazement. As the reader, one is taken through a process of developing an interest in the body, and more specifically the human body, and making children appreciate their bodies.
Learners Handbook Tajweed (Intermediate)
ISBN: 9786297545165
Author: Dr. Islam Fekry
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 181 pages
Size: 10.2 x 0.3 x 8.2 inches
Publication Year: 2024
Language: English
Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore
About This Book:
This Learners’ Handbook of Tajweed is suited for both self-study and in classroom usage. If you wish to learn Tajweed, in as a self-study program or in the context of a formal course, this book offers a highly flexible program as well as a thorough overview of the field’s rules and recommendations.
Tajweed interactive book
Unlike more or less mechanistic standard Tajweed texts that operate with rules this handbook allows to learn interactively. It is unique of its kind, revolutionalizing the way learners learn Tajweed by adopting more of an active approach. You will not just learn the rules at the back of your head; you will be engaged in exercises that will create a fun way of learning.
Blending Enjoyment with Information
Frustration associated with learning Tajweed has never been this eliminated. Thus, the Learners’ Handbook of Tajweed is one more source that is interesting and engaging both at the same time. Every of them is meant to be interesting, so that the information given can be comprehensible and memorable, at the same time making the learner interested.
A Comprehensive Tajweed Guide
The author presents Tajweed in a very systematic approach as he explains all the basic rules right up to the complex ones. This handbook can be useful no matter whether you have no prior background knowledge or a little bit of it. These concepts are expounded with clear explanations accompanied by exercises that assist learners in consolidating their learning of Tajweed.
Pursuing the Straight Path and Defying the Path
ISBN: 9786297545134Author: Ibn TaymiyyahBinding: HardcoverPages: 693Size: 9.0 x 1.5 x 6.2 inchesLanguage: EnglishPublication Year: 2024Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore
About This Book:
This is a very important work from the pen of Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, one of the most distinguished scholars in the history of Islām, where the author tackles the vital issue of refraining from emulating the non-Muslims. His discourse looks at the key areas of belief, worship, feasts, jurisprudence and moral virtues making it a reference point for Muslims to help them live a non-conformist Islamic life in all aspects.
A Brief but Constructive and Exhaustive Analytical Report
In this book, the author is keen at a detailing of the hazards of practicing things that are in a reverse to Islamic culture. His argumentation is grounded in both critical thinking process, and the Islams sacred books such as Qur’an and Sunna so that the reader is not only given theoretical knowledge, but also the practical advice. Before proceeding, Ibn Taymiyyah spends time on historical pattern where he uses the precedent of ‘Salaf’, the early generations of Muslims who had demonstrated the correct course of action supported by the Islamic shariah.
Clarity in Complexity
Despite the fact that the topics under discussion are complex, readers do not face any difficulty in understanding issues under discussion due to scholarly strictness of Ibn Taymiyyah. He approaches each part of the subject matter whether it is about religious practices, manners, or ethics in a topical manner that enables the reader to get a good grasp of it. This work is not only an explanation of the conduct required in adherence to Islamic law but also a review on the impact of the introduction of foreign systems on Muslim societies.
My First Salah Book : Why and How We Pray
ISBN: 9781915381125
Author: Learnng Roots Team
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 91
Size: 9.2 x 8.0 x 0.4 inch
Language: English
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Learnng Roots Team
About This Book:
My First Salah Book is one of the most creative solutions to teach children about Salah or the Muslim prayer. What sets this book apart is that while most books on prayer will tell the reader ‘why’ at some point they should pray, then proceed to tell them ‘how’, this one does it methodologically; thereby presenting the learning process in a more exciting and educative manner.
Holistic Approach to Understanding Salah
All these aspects of Salah serve a great importance in the book, which gives a general perspective that makes children embrace the aspect of spirituality during Salah. Such addition is useful and helpful because it provides proper historical background and help to inspire young readers.
Comprehensive Coverage of Wudu and Salah
Besides the chapter on Salah, the book provides detailed descriptions of Wudu, the whole process is explained to the children. The above mentioned combined approach of teaching helps in laying down good Islamic practices amongst the children.
Interactive Learning with Kiitab Features
Thanks to the Kiitab symbol on the cover of the book, it combines reading with practical usage for an entertaining and skillfully developed story told through games. Through this aspect of the process, teaching children about Salah is fun, hence they develop positive attitudes towards their religion.
Let's Pray - The Fun Salah Game
ISBN: 9781915381262
Author: Learnng Roots Team
Binding: Hardboard box with laminated cards
Pages: 40 Crads
Size: 5.91 x 4.72 Inches
Language: English
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Learnng Roots Team
About This Book:
When it comes to Learning about Salah there are many ways to go about it and even when your child knows how to pray, taking them through the prayer process is life-long. Let’s pray is aimed at making that transition fun and productive.
Salah Made Simple
As we all know, even if you miss in the stadium or on the football pitch, Salah scores and he is a blessing to the English team. Habits we develop towards teaching our children Salah keeps them informed and inspired in their practice of this noble task. Let’s Pray demystifies the learning process into fun and excitement hence improving comprehensive learning for a life time.
Product Details
This comes with a hardboard box packaging and comprises laminated cards which are easy to manage and very strong. This one should be used by children who are 6 years and above, and comes in a small size of 15mm x 110mm x 25mm.
Compatibility and Contents
As Kiitab’s complement, Let’s Pray is easy to integrate into the activity and is composed of 40 cards divided into four sets with proper instruction provided. This colorful and interactive tool makes Salah part of children’s lives and nudges them to practice it daily.
Builders of a Nation by Haifaa Younis
ISBN: 9781847742131
Author: Haifaa Younis
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 112
Size: 5 x 0.8 x 7.5 inches
Language: English
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Kube Publishing Ltd
About This Book:
In the course of the historical development, women as active agents contributed a lot a disseminating the Islamic culture. Mothers, wives, supporters, and defenders of the faith thesecharacters have been vital to the nourishment and sustenance of our Deen. By reading this book, readers may get a glance of the lives of thirty-seven great women who has greatly contributed in the outcome of Islamic civilization.
Women from the Prophet's Household to Pioneers of Islamic History
Starting with the women of the household of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the book stretches itself to covering the female companions and other moulders of Islamic history. These women were_child bearers and builders of nations where they acted as teachers and caregivers and scholars. They have impacted the Islamic world in very many ways; from modesty to being raised to powerful positions as scholars to leaders.
A Timeline of Achievement and Encouragement
All these strong willed women have played significant role in Muslim Ummah and their stories ought to motivate us to date. Information about them is the basic thing one can know to respect and pay tribute to the great humanitarians. We allow others to be inspired by their accomplishments and celebrate their success and nothing must let the inspirations of such heroes go unnoticed.
A Summary of Imam al-Ghazali’s The Revival of Religious Sciences (4 Volumes)By Salih Ahmad Ash-Shami
ISBN: 9786035014663
Author: Salih Ahmad Ash-Shami
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 1600
Size: 8.7 x 5.8 x 0.5 inch
Publication Year: 2024
Language: English
Publisher: IIPH
About This Book
The value of the ‘’Revival of Religious Sciences’’ written by Imam al-Ghazâlî is outstanding, it is a chance to plunge into the depth of his work and reveal its essence. This four volume work remains one of the most valuable contributions to the Islamic tradition, and one of the most detailed studies of spirituality, ethics and practice. Al-Ghazâlî’s Book provides readers with a set of recommendations on how they could return to their faith and knowledge and how they could develop as better Muslims and individuals in both, the personal and the collective sense.
Meticulously Translated for Modern Readers
This collection is first devotedly translated from the original source into a style comprehensible in these writings and hence beneficial for both scholars and the newbies into al-Ghazâlî’s works. The translation is as dense and meaningful as the source Arabic text, and facilitates the readers giving full heed to the significant scholarly and spiritual heritage of one of the most renowned Islamic scholars, Ibn Taymiyyah.
A Transformative Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment
The Revival of Religious Sciences is full of precise examples and elaborations regarding the most profound aspects of Islamic wisdom and guides the readers through the path of purification and virtue. If you ingress into al-Ghazâlî’s oeuvres, you undertake a process that will enrich one’s soul as well as the external environment by bringing harmony into one’s life.
A Treasure in Any Private and Public Library
Clean, tight and bound with style, these four volumes will make an excellent addition to any individual or corporate library. The set not only keeps al-Ghazâlî’s teachings relevant for generations currently and in the future but also helps a reader who is interested in enriching his knowledge of the Islamic spirituality and ethical values.
Navigating the Soul's Journey Ibn Qudamah’s Teachings
ISBN: 9781904336556, 9781904336440, 9781904336600, 9781904336624
Author: Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 64, 80, 176, 128
Size: Vary
Publication Year: 2018, 2013, 2019, 2019
Language: English
Publisher: Daar Us-Sunnah Publishers
About This Book
The Remembrance Of Death And The Afterlife
Al-Mu`adhdha Al-Raadhiyyah FI Dhikr Al-Mittah WA Al-Aakhirah composed by Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi, is, in fact, a profound and intellectually inciting work for the reader as it is based on the central precinct of Islam, death and the perpetual tenure of life hereafter. It is a classic text that has so much wisdom and counsel about what it takes to embark on the journey into the afterlife and which we know cannot be avoided.
Ranks of the Fearful By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi
This book proves that “Ranks of the Fearful” by Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi is a real, eternal and invaluable Islamic work that immerses into the occult and spirituality of fear as well as the awareness of God and the threat of the divine. This exemplary work by a conspicuous Islamic researcher furnishes perusers with an cautiously built comprehension of the different level of cognizance, respect, and devotion that people could accomplish on their journey towards a greater or divine presence.
Discipline The Path To Spiritual Growth
The life of a believer is a life of a struggle, so as to purify one’s self and strive for the cause of good deeds in accordance to the will of our Lord, Allah the Most High.h. For this reason disciplining oneself is of importance so that people can attain the spiritual activities, which every soul needs. Savage and inner battle against the self occurs on everyday basis in every person; but only the earnest and strong one will eliminate those thoughts and urges, and all the forces of desire.
The Inner Secrets Of Worship
Al-Hajjia Aisha Abdullahi ably translated the Arabic title work “The Inner Secrets of Worship” by Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi as a profound Islamic text that calls for unveiling the deeper mystical aspects of rituals of worship often taken on the surface level. It has been said that this book is an example of the Islamic spirituality and Law which has greatly influenced the development of Islamic thinking and practice.
Tajweed Qur'an (Juz' Tabarak, With Meaning Translation in English and Transliteration) (Part 29 only)
ISBN: 9789933458508Language : English, ArabicPublisher : Dar Al-Ma'arifahBinding: PaperbackPages: 34Size: 10 x 7 x 0.25 inchesPublisher year: 2012
Juzk Tabarak with Meanings Translation and Transliteration in English
This isTabarak part of the Tajweed Quran, Part twenty nine , starts from sura Mulk till sura "Mursalat", it includes translations and transliteration into English. Translation: meanings of the Quranic versus are translated into English and placed on the margins around the Arabic text.
Arabic letters are presented by English letters with added symbols in order to give the same sound of Arabic letters. English transliteration makes it easier for the speakers of the English language to read the Tajweed Quran in Arabic pronunciation using the English alphabet letters. Considering that this Part contains small suras; it is a perfect start for kids, beginners and students.
This Amma Part comes in the standard portrait form, with a nice glossy soft cover. Each page contains 15 lines as any standard Quran. This part of the Tajweed Quran is in Hafs narration.
All our Tajweed Quran products - including this item - come with the following:
1- Colour coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules, very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules .
2- Obvious script: extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.
3- Permissible stops: long spaces were added at certain places where it is permissible to stop. It helps to avoid stopping at wrong places or times.
4- A set of very useful indexes such as: Surahs Colour Index, Subject Index.
5- Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration.
The Danger Of Innovated Principles Upon Methodology & Creed By Shaykh Hasan al-Mardawi
ISBN: 9798350730258
Author: Abu Ahmad Ayyub Ibn James Elkins
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 144
Size: 9.0 x 0.5 x 6.0 inch
Language: English
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Authentic Statements Publication
About This Book:
Shaykh Hasan al-Mardawi offers an invaluable analysis of how innovated principles (bid’ah) can affect the Islamic Methodology (manhaj) and Creed (‘aqeedah) in this beneficial work titled; The Danger of Innovated Principles Upon Methodology & Creed. Using messages from the Quran and Sunnah as appropriate, this book stands as a valuable critique of Muslims’ ignorance of the Holy book’s teachings and a cautionary tale against relying on resources other than the Quran and Sunnah for guidance.
Understanding Innovated Principles (Bid'ah)
Chapters 24 to 26 in this book present Shaykh al-Mardawi’s understanding of how such changes in the area of innovation of religious practices and beliefs give rise to a gradual erosion of the correct Islamic methodology and creed. He however come up with a good definition of bid ‘ah term, stating it to mean any additions or changes that were not performed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions. Innovations such as these the author stresses often enter the Muslim culture insidiously and unobtrusively, gradually and slowly eroding the Muslims commitment to the original and pure teachings of their faith, Islam.
The Impact on Methodology (Manhaj)
Shaykh al-Mardawi states clearly the consequences of Atraf in Islamic methodology and stated they create deviation in the perceptions of Muslims concerning their religion. Socio-Cultural Innovations usually create confusion about the rights application of Islamic laws in the day to day life.
The Ruling On The One Who Leaves Off The Prayer By Shaykh Muhammad Taqiud-Deen al-Hilali
ISBN: 9798350721713
Author: Abu Ahmad Ayyub Ibn James Elkins
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 112
Size: 9.0 x 0.5 x 6.0 inch
Language: English
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Authentic Statements Publication
About This Book:
Al-Hilali’s work: In The Ruling on the One Who Leaves Off the Prayer emphasizes the information on one of the main tenets of the Muslim faith which is Salah. This book discusses the terrible end and the Shariah verdict for missing the obligatory prayers and highlights the place of this act of worship in the life of a Muslim.
The Importance of Salah in Islam
After that, Shaykh al-Hilali sets the stage by defining Salah as one of the five main pillars of the Islam religion. It also calls prayer not only as a worship but an interaction betweeen a believer and Allah. The author emphasizes many a Quranic verse and a hadith revealing the pivotal role the prayer occupies in the life of a believer in terms of faith, spirituality, and association with Allah.
The Rulings on Abandoning Prayer
This book discusses in details the different opinions from the Islamic jurists as to how the absentee from the prayers should be treated. Shaykh al-Hilali compares the lazy people in Salah with those who deny Salah at all, looking at the Islamic legal right of both sides. This work uses Quranic ayats, Hadiths, and the rulings of scholars and jurists summarise the spiritual and legal consequences of leaving out this act of worship.
The Journey of Self-Discipline: Ibn Al-Jawzi's Legacy
Disciplining the Soul
At Their Feet Piety Towards Parents
Sincere Counsel to the Seekers of Sacred Knowledge
Awaking From the Sleep of the Heedlessness
Disturber Of The Hearts
Seeds of Admonishment And Reform
Author:Ibn al-Jawzi
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 112, 96, 112, 64, 112, 224
Size:8.5 X 5.5 X 0.2 Inch
Publication Year: 2011, 2011, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2011
Language: English
Publisher:Dar As Sunnah Publications
About This Book
Disciplining the Soul by Ibn al-Jawzi
The content of this book is a true, deep revelation on self-discipline and spiritual advancement. This old book gives the techniques of modifying the soul and controlling the Self and emotions for the purpose of solving problems in order to free our souls to be closer to Allah.
At Their Feet by Ibn al-Jawzi
The author very appropriately puts the Islamic teachings of honoring and respecting parents. The author of this book seeks, through Qur’anic and Hadith stories, to emphasize the benefits of respecting parents by being loving, patient and grateful to them.
Sincere Counsel to the Seekers of Sacred Knowledge by Ibn al-Jawzi
One has to wonder how a book with such a title that does not even mention the word student/learner, offers such valuable tips to a student of Islamic knowledge? Due to the style and content of this book, it can become an essential guide to turning to people longing to develop spiritually and intellectually; the author calls for genuine intentions, rigorous work, and humility when it comes to learning.
Awaking From the Sleep of Heedlessness by Ibn al-Jawzi
The book is a sobering message to wake up and live spiritually each day as life is short. Sophisticated ruminations presented in this book provide people with the urge to forget many material things and dedicate themselves to greater spirituality and obedience.
Disturber of The Hearts by Ibn al-Jawzi
This is a deeply authenticizable work that carries the soul and its empathy with the consequences here after. This is why the authors of the book use strong appeals to the feelings, which would help them wake up the readers to the questions of the spiritual state of a person and his openness to repentance.
Seeds of Admonishment and Reform by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi
Putting it in fairly simple terms, there is actually helpful advice in the creation of the self, and perhaps even the spirit, to be found in this book. With valuable and self-developmental/faith-enhancement straightforward notes and axiological musings, the author provides a good guide to saintly, spirited living.
Journey Through Trials: The Wisdom of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Characteristics of The Hypocrites
Paragons Of The Quran
Remembrance of the Most Merciful
Heartfelt Advice To A Friend
Inner Dimensions of the Prayer
Trials and Tribulations
Author: Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 80, 96, 96, 128, 80
Size: 8.3 X 5.8 X 0.2 Inch
Publication Year: 2004, 2013, 2004, 2012, 2016
Language: English
Publisher: Daar Us-Sunnah Publishers
About This Book
Characteristics of The Hypocrites by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
To this extent, this book proposes an elaborate analysis of the features and behaviors that relate to hypocrisy in Islam. This book enables readers to distinguish these vices in them and other people, and promotes real faith and righteousness in human action.
Inner Dimensions of the Prayer by Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
This book takes a look at the Souls of Islam, especially into the realm of Salah (prayer). This enlightening book focuses on purpose, attention, and sincerity focusing the reader’s connection with Allah and increasing the effectiveness of prayer.
Trials and Tribulations by Al-Imam al-Izz bin Abdi-s-Salam
The author looks at the concept of tests and trials in life based on the Islamic point of view. This Oppressive masterpiece, provides insight and light on ways of tackling hardships with patience and belief in the Almighty Allah and the lessons that come with tribulations.
Paragons of the Quran by Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Unlike other books which give a general description of the Quran, this book focuses on the personalities and incidences that bear virtues in the Quran. This inspiring book provides great wisdom on what such stories teach us and ways to become good, faithful and, moral people based on the principles taught in Scripture.
Heartfelt Advice to a Friend by Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
This is a helpful book it is a kind book that provides advice and directions about life problems. With help of the crucial and helpful reflections with the practical advice, this book can help people become a better faithful person and good character in addition to having good relationships.
Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
This power point presentation and lecture reveals the importance of Dhikr as a means to drawing closer to Allah. This helpful book focuses on the process of remembering the Most Merciful by prayers and contemplation to help the audiences experience healing and spiritual development.
The Ideal Community: A Comprehensive Guide for Muslims
The Ideal Muslim Society
Ideal Muslimah (Muslim Woman)
The Ideal Muslim
Author: Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 544, 549, 386
Size: Vary
Publication Year: 2007, 2006, 2005
Language: English
Publisher: IIPH
About This Book
The Ideal Muslim Society by Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi
The Ideal Muslim Society by Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi As for the main idea, the author provides guidelines for the creation of a positive community’s culture consistent with Islamic norms. This work aims at discussion of the major concepts of social justice, mercy, and ethical behaviors based on the sources of Islam as the Qur’an and Prophetic traditions. Some of the recommendations are useful in building a society which people could embrace and the general wellbeing of the people’s spirit, soul and body. Very useful for anyone interested in learning basic principles of how Muslim society can prosper.
Ideal Muslimah by Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi
This book has been written in a scholarly manner and focuses on what Islam and an ideal Muslim woman entails. As the title of this book translated as Rendering of the Time, is based on the Islamic teachings and history, this work underscores the virtues of faith, chastity, and virtues much alike. Paper’s use practical approach on how women who are expected to be role models in church should be active players in family and in society through education and being empowered.
The Ideal Muslim by Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi
This book keeps truly very close focus on the characteristics of an ideal Muslim. Employing accurate Islamic principles of teachings standard, substantive character, honesty, benevolence, and accountability to the community are depicted in the book. In this light, Al-Hashimi also provides clear and helpful advice to those seeking an effective approach to the cultivation of the Muslim self that is responsible and responsive to both self and community.
The Muslim Woman's Wisdom Set: Embracing Love and Faith
You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World
A Muslim Woman's Diary
Honorable Wives of the Prophet (S)
Ideal Muslimah (Muslim Woman)
20 Pieces Of Advice To My Sister Before Her Marriage
Author: Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi
Book Binding: Softcover,Hardcover
Pages: 549
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication Year: 2005, 2006
About This Book:
The Muslim Woman's WisdomEmbracing Love and Faith
As per a golden rule to look for stores that have a positive message, Shop the look presents a variety of apparel that empowers. The Muslim Woman’s Wisdom Set is an aesthetically pleasing collection that is meant to help improve your spiritual life and gain knowledge about both love and wisdom with an Islamic approach.
Let there be joy for the Blacks to maintain their faith and spiritual journey.
Engage yourself with religion knowledge that will help to enhance the relationship between Allah and His creatures. Every book in this collection has a thoughtful message that can inspire and stimulate thoughtful Islamic practice, and they should be on the shelves of every Muslimah.
A Journey Through love and relationships
Manage relationship with ease and compassion Amid hardship. The set is focused on the qualities of compassion, patience and harmony to help to cultivate the bond with family and friends, as well as the larger society.
Easy Budget and Elegant Style Recommended as an Ideal Gift for Every Occasion
It can be helpful when used for self-improvement or when trying to find the best gift for someone special: The Muslim Woman’s Wisdom Set . Hence it has been found useful and advisable for women of all ages to read and seek to live purposefully and with faith.
Bidah Hasanah The Misunderstood Term by Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
ISBN: 9789675699993
Author: Skeikh Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 88
Size: 6 x 0.27 x 9 inches
Publication year: 2023
Description:About This Book:
This paper seeks to unravel the meaning of Bidah Hasanah
In Islamic jurisprudence Bidah Hasanah has a contentious meaning that is described as good innovation in Islam. The term Bidah simply translates to the creation or any event that is new while Bidah Hasanah specifically refers to that creation or new event that is considered to be positive. However, this difference may cause confusion especially because any thing that relates to Bidah seems to be regarded as evil according to the teachings of Islam. Nevertheless, Bidah Hasanah involves actions or practices that may not be prohibited in Shari’ah but adds value or brings convenience in worshipping or in any Islamic public interest.
Myth and Disputation
They are called Bidah Hasanah which, in due course, became an issue of controversy among Muslims and their distortions. There are those who are of the view that, there is no form of innovation that is permissible in Islam and that all form of ijtihad is unlawful, and there are those who believe that there is permissible ijtihad in so far as the innovations that are being practiced conform to the intentions and spirit of the Islamic faith. Such understanding provides different perceptions resulting to conflict as to the permissibility of innovations and practices developed after the end of the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions.
Examples and Applications of Bid’ah Hasanah
In order to clarify Bidah Hasanah, it is possible for one to refer to examples of history of Islam. For example the act of collecting Quran as a single book in the time of Caliph Abu Bakr and then the unification of Quran text by the Caliph Uthman are examples of Mustahhab innovations. Although these actions where not done by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to an extent they where beneficial in helping to protect the Quran and therefore are seen by many scholars as Bidah Hasanah.
Relating Stories of the Prophets from Adam to Muhammad
ISBN: 9786297545158
Author: Abu Ahmed Farid Murtala Adedukum
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 393
Size: 6 x 0.78 x 9 inches
Publication year: 2024
About This Book:
Journey Through the Lives of the Prophets
Explore the incredible lives of the prophets, starting from Adam to the final prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon them). This book presents stories that have shaped history, offering timeless lessons for people of all ages.
Engaging Stories with Moral Lessons
Each story in this collection serves as both a narrative and a moral guide. The lives of the prophets are brought to life, illustrating values like patience, humility, courage, and faith in Allah. The book captures the trials and triumphs faced by the prophets, inspiring readers to apply these teachings in their daily lives.
Ideal for Readers of All Ages
Written in a language that is simple yet captivating, this book is perfect for families, educators, and anyone looking to deepen their understanding of Islamic history. Whether you are introducing these stories to young readers or revisiting them yourself, this collection offers insights and wisdom for all.
A Must-Have Addition to Your Islamic Library
"Relating Stories of the Prophets from Adam to Muhammad" is a valuable addition to any Islamic book collection. This inspiring compilation reminds readers of the steadfast devotion, resilience, and compassion that the prophets demonstrated, and it encourages readers to embody these qualities.
Negative Impact of Fabricated Hadith upon the Image of Islam
ISBN: 9786297545226
Author: Prof. Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 68
Size: 5 x 1 x 8 inches
Publication year: 2024
About This Book:
Introduction to Fabricated HadithTechnically, Hadith refers to the saying and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S); Hadith serves as a most crucial aspect of the Islamic faith and practice among the populace. Nevertheless, a number of Hadiths have been indeed forged with the passage of time and they are surrounded in an attempt to meet certain political gains. This has had serious implications on Muslims and at some point produced wrong interpretations about the religion of Islam.
How Fabricated Hadith EmergeFabricated Hadith usually came into light when there were political, social or ideological tensions existed. People or communities would quote the Prophet in specific situations to justify actions they would undertake, beliefs they harbored and even the policies they supported. These forged Hadith further preach different from the teachings of Islam and therefore mislead the people besides dividing the society.
Impact on Islam and its Preceptsinnovations have brought into the fabric of the religion concepts and practices that are alien to genuine Islamic teachings. As these false sayings were in circulation, they generated misconceptions about the norms of the Islamic Shari’ah. This has resulted into practices that are incongruent with the message communicated in the Quran and the authentic Hadith and sometimes Muslims practice what is actually an invention of ignorance.
To the Broken Hearted : Relieving Life's Challenges
ISBN: 9786297545219
Author: Adham Sharkawi "Quss Bin Saeeda"
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 276
Size: 6 x 0.66 x 9 inches
Language: English
Publication Year: 2024
About This Book:
A Guide for the WearyTo the Broken-Hearted: Relieving Life’s Challenges is a caring and perceptive text, helping others with life’s burdens to find comfort for themselves. This is a book for coping with sorrows, pains, confusion and all forms of human struggles in life.
Real Life Struggle and Challenges
It’s the truth because life is full of sad and hard moments. This book looks at the way people suffer and how they can go about getting past their suffering. And from broken relationships to loss of dear ones, it spells all the psychological barriers through which one may find one’s self helpless.
Curing Through Belief and Time
The book mainly focuses on the strength of faith and patience healing emotional scars. It is enriching with spiritual and psychological insights though it can teach the readers where the strength can be found in cases of elemental weakness.
The author also provides useful tips for dealing with difficulties.
As with most of Wiersbe’s works, To the Broken-Hearted is filled with guidance and solutions for the problems that life presents to the believer. It covers various aspects of the human individual from techniques of practicing mindfulness to self-care that makes the book support a wholesome healing process that engages a person’s mental and emotional side.
Al-Bitaqat: Chapters of the Noble Qur’an Explored in 114 Cards
ISBN: 9786297545011
Author: Prof. Dr. Yasir Bin Ismail Radi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 267
Size: 6 x 0.59 x 9 inches
Publication year: 2023
About This Book:
Al-Bitaqat is a highly selected and stimulating approach to teach the chapters (Surahs) of the Noble Qur’an. This set of education contains 114 cards, Each and every card is uniquely and creatively conceptualized representing one chapter of the Quran. It is useful and took time and effort to create insight and summaries, bold and clear, creating a guide for the useful and beautifully simple cards.
Comprehensive and Convenient Learning Tool:All the cards in the Al-Bitaqat set are intended to help audience gain more insights about the chapters in the Qur’an. In short and valuable summaries combined with themes and meanings, this set is an appropriate means to discuss the message of the Qur’an easily and knowingly. It proved to be rather useful for both first-time and more experienced learners as it provides exclusive material regarding the Qur’an.
A Tool for Reflection and Study:Al-Bitaqat may be applied for self-study, for group work or for educational purposes and contribute to the process of learning. It is a tool for anybody who wants to access the message of the Qur’an and also wants to know more about its unchanging values.
A Beautiful Gift of Knowledge:These 114 cards make for a good present for someone who has a general interest in Islamic studies or Quron. It is intended to assist anyone trying to enhance their understanding of the religion and, at the same time, to provide a purposeful means to contemplate the lessons of the Qur’an in everyday practice.Al-Bitaqat is more than just a card game, it is an additional source which can be useful for everyone who wants to study the Qur’an in a systematic way.
Umrah Dua Cards Step by Step Guide Umrah Duas
Author: Albidaya Islamic Store
Binding: Flash Cards
Cards: Number of Pieces 2
Size: 3.94 x 2.76 icnh
Publication Year: 2024
Language: English
Publisher: Albidaya Islamic Store
About This Book
Complement your trip with this pack of Umrah dua cards that will help you recite the right prayers when in Umrah. This set of 18 cards helps you follow the main duas said during Umrah step by step if you’re not sure which ones are said when.
Comprehensive Duas:
The attendance comprises 17 fundamental duas that might be said from the moment a person enters Mecca to when he or she is carrying out Tawaf and Sa’i. Every card is associated with a certain part of the pilgrimage, and all text is transliterated and explained in English.
Portable and Practical:
The cards themselves are small, lightweight and joined together by a simple ring so it is easy to take with you during your Umrah trip. Wear them around you when moving around the hall, praying or just thinking around Kaaba in Masjid Al-Haram.
Easy to Follow:
This isn’t a problem, however, as most of the text on the cards is in Arabic, but translated clearly in Roman script and with brief English descriptors for those who cannot directly read Arabic.
Ideal Gift:
If you are planning for your own Umrah or if you want to create a beautiful gesture by offering customized cards to your near and dear ones who are going for their pilgrimage these cards will be of great help in making the pilgrimage much more enriching.
Daily Dua Cards Islamic Flash Cards for Muslim Children
Author: Albidaya Islamic Store
Binding: Flash Cards
Cards: 20
Size: 4 x 0.50 x 3
Publication Year: 2024
Language: English
Publisher: Albidaya Islamic Store
About This Book
Teachers and parents will appreciate using these Daily Dua Cards to teach young students the simple elegance of Muslim prayer by using these colorful, fun daily prayer cards for children. These Islamic flashcards encompass basic duas that kids need to memorize in their day to day lives in order to strengthen their religious belief and practice.
Essential Duas for Kids:
Every single card has a different dua for the morning, eating, going out of the house and even going to bed. These duas help children recollect Allah in every turn of the events in their everyday lives.
Child-Friendly Design:
These cards come along with appealing colours and styles that are appealing to children in order to make learning of duas as interesting as is possible.
Transliteration and Translation:
All dua provided here is in Arabic along with easy to read transliteration in English and simple English translation so that anyone who does not understand Arabic can easily read it.
Durable and Portable:
The cards are designed from strong and highly qualitative material to allow manipulation by younger children and twice a day washers. Due to its small size and an included ring, the set can be placed together and transported wherever your child is.
Becoming Acquainted with The means for Achieving Prosperity & Happiness
ISBN: 9781685240592
Author: Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Abdur Rahman ar-Rajihi
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 97
Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inch
Publication Year: 2022
Language: English
Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications
About This Book:
Within this Magnificant Qurʾān, which Allāh spoke, He illustrated the means for achieving prosperity, salvation, and happiness. Allah who is most truthful, swore that salvation, happiness, or prosperity are all impossible to achieve in this life as well as the Hereafter unless by these four means:
First means: ʾĪmān
Second means: Righteous Deeds
Third means: Daʿwah to Allāh
Fourth means: Patience
These are the means and qualities one embodies to be among the prosperous. These are also the means for achieving salvation and happiness, so who is the One that informed us of this? Simple, it is Allāh who mentioned it His Magnificant Book. To be more specific, Allāh cited these means in one of the shortest chapters of the Qurʾān, which will be recited until the Day of Resurrection.The great Imām ash-Shāfiʿī mentioned about this chapter:“Had Allāh only revealed this chapter has a proof to be established for or against His creation; then this would be sufficient.”