The Holy Quran Colour Coded Tajweed Rules with Colour Coded Manzils (Large Size) Kaaba Cover,15 Lines, Ref 126-CC
ISBN: 9789351691129
Author: Allah
Book Binding:Hardcover
Pages: 618
Size: 9.7 x 7.5 x 1.0 inch
Publication year: 2022
People racing to repent & seeking Allah's forgiveness On the Mountain Peak By Dr. Muhammad Al-'Areefi
ISBN: 9786035002134Author: Dr. Muhammad Al-'AreefiBinding: SoftcoverPages: 63Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2012DescriptionAbout This Book:
Dr. Muhammad Al-'Areefi's book, "People Racing to Repent & Seeking Allah's Forgiveness On the Mountain Peak," takes readers on a gripping journey into the hearts and thoughts of people seeking redemption and forgiveness. This book recounts anecdotes of repentance, redemption, and Allah's unlimited mercy against the backdrop of a mountain peak—an emblem of spiritual ascension.
Ascending to the Spiritual Peak
Begin an ascension journey in which individuals attempt to achieve the spiritual summit of repentance. Dr. Al-'Areefi tells readers about persons who have climbed the metaphorical mountain, which represents the quest of a higher state of consciousness, closeness to Allah, and the ultimate goal of forgiveness.
The Repentance Power
Investigate the transformative power of repentance as portrayed in the stories. Dr. Al-'Areefi dives into the lives of those who, regardless of their backgrounds, come to Allah in repentance, experiencing the freeing and purifying power of seeking pardon with sincerity and humility.
Redemption Narratives
Discover redemption stories that inspire hope and thought. Dr. Al-'Areefi offers examples of individuals who endure great spiritual transformations via the lens of the mountaintop, demonstrating Allah's boundless kindness.
In Adversity, Seeking Allah's Forgiveness
Navigate through stories about people asking forgiveness in the face of adversity. Dr. Al-'Areefi explains how those suffering life's obstacles and trials can find peace, strength, and a route to redemption by repenting and seeking Allah's pardon.
Tajweedi Quran with Urdu Tajweed Rules 16 Lines 8.5 x 6.0 Inch (7B) Hafzi Tajweedi, Medium Size,Standard Print
Beautiful full color 16-line Indo-Pak/Persian script Tajweed Qur'an
Author: ALLAH
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 8.5 X 6.0 X 1.3 Inch
Publication year: 2016
About This Book:
A Quranic edition known as the "Tajweed Quran with Urdu Tajweed Rules" includes both the Arabic text and the Urdu Tajweed regulations. The rules of Tajweed, which are standards for correct pronunciation and recitation of the Quran, are followed in this edition. The presence of Urdu Tajweed rules helps readers comprehend how to properly pronounce and use Tajweed when reciting the Quran. These guidelines, which are frequently given in the margins or footnotes, aid learners in improving their recitation and preserving accurate Arabic letter and word articulation. For readers to read the content easily, readability is ensured by the normal print size. This edition is suitable for people who want to develop their Quranic recitation abilities while comprehending the correct norms of Tajweed because of its reasonable size, clear printing, and inclusion of Tajweed rules in Urdu. Beautiful full color 16-line Indo-Pak/Persian script Tajweed Qur'an by Darussalam. Easy to read large bold script with 16 lines per page and with color coded Tajweed rules in Urdu.
Please note : This Quran is In Arabic Language, Only Tajweed rules are explained in URDU language
Tajweed And Tahajjud Quran (13.5 x 19.5 inch) XL size
ISBN: 9789351690931Author: AllahBook Binding:HardcoverPages:260Size: 9.7 x 6.8 x 1.5 inchPublication year: 2018Language: EnglishDescriptionAbout This Book:
This Quran comes in 247 pages instead of 605 pages, that's because we combined every one Juzz in eight pages instead of 20 pages, where every two pages contain a quarter of Juzz. This helps the Quran reciter to concentrate on the context and the meanings by having an overall view of the Ayas and the Quranic text. Please have a look on the images to see example of an internal page.
Obvious Script (Spaced out, with extra spaces at optional stops)
We also added spaces at the permissible and recommended stopping places, that helps the Quran readers and reciters enjoying better reading and understanding of the Quran by stopping at the right places and times.
The idea behind the Color Coded Tajweed Holy Quran:
Based on a practical understanding of phonology, we have color-coded the place of some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy quran.This had enabled us to classify these letters within three possible categories to enhance the reader's knowledge and remembrance of Tajweed rules, they are:
The letters which requires expanded vocalization: we used red color to highlight these letters.
The letters which is nasalized: these letters are green in color.
The dark blue color indicates the emphatic of the letter (R), the blue color indicates the unrest letters- echoing sound- (qualquala), while the letters which are written but are not pronounced are gray in color.
The reader will very easily get used to reciting the quran by using colors just as he got used to stopping at red lights and passing though green lights.By engaging in this sublime act, the reader will find him/herself applying 24 rules of Tajweed with ease and precision while his/her mind is left free to contemplate and understand the meaning of Holy Quran.It is an honor for Dar Al-Maarifa to adopt and offer this methodology which has been accurately applied after examining the passages written at the end of it, and which was examined and accredited by the Committee of The Noble Quran.
Ahsanul Qawaid (with Gloss Finish Paper) Large Size
ISBN: 9789351690931
Author: Islamic Book Services
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 9.5 x 7.3 x 0.2 inch
Publication year: 2020
Language: English
About This Book:
The phrase "Ahsanul Qawaid (with Gloss Finish Paper) Large Size" designates a large-size edition of the instructional book "Ahsanul Qawaid" with a gloss finish on the paper. The widely used "Ahsanul Qawaid" primer or beginner's book teaches the Arabic alphabet and the fundamentals of Quranic recitation. It is specially made for young people and beginners who are just beginning their studies of Arabic and Quran recitation. The Book (Ahsanul Qawaid) is a brief guide for children and for every unfamiliar beginner who wants to learn Quran easily and Quickly. Different Colours have been used in this book to highlight Hara. kat, Madd, lkhfa, Gunnah, etc. which helps to recognize the words easily. Some Important Kalimas, Tasbeehat-e-Salat have been provided along with the procedure of Making Wudu and performing Salat with illustrated pictures have also been added in this book. All the Kalimas and tasbeehat have been provided with an English translation and its transliteration along with Arabic text which is very useful for those who are unable to recite Arabic text. If anyone reads, understands, and practices according to the exercise given in this book then Insha Allah it will help to recite the Holy Qur'an easily. The ever-popular Ahsan al-Qawa'id with a gloss finish. Ideal for children to read & learning The Quran and the procedure of performing wudu and salah
Follow The Sunnah of The Prophet by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani
ISBN: 9781904336723
Author: Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.7 inch
Publication year: 2022
Language: English
About This Book:
Allah, the Most High said: “And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain [from it].” [al-Hashr (59):7]Abu Hurayrah (radiyAllahu‘anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “All of my Ummah (nation) will enter Paradise except those who refuse.” He was asked: ‘Who would refuse?’ He (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise and whosoever disobeys me, refuses [to enter Paradise].” Al-BukhariThe notion that the Qur’an is the only source of our religion has become widespread in recent times. The Sunnah (or Ahadith), on the other hand, has become something strange, and most people are confused about its status. It is common to hear people denigrating its importance. They often say: “it is only the Sunnah”, implying that one can take it or leave it. It has become the norm to give preference to the opinions of others over the clear and authentic Sunnah. Some even go as far as denying the Sunnah altogether.In Islam the Sunnah holds a lofty and unique position – it is revelation from Allah, the Most High, to al-Mustafa – the chosen one. Learning and teaching the Sunnah is pivotal to understanding and implementing the religion. Allah, al-Hafidh, has Promised to protect his Religion and has Preserved the Sunnah in its entirety. The text before you is a compilation of three works of the learned scholar, Imam al-Albani (rahmatullahi alaihi). The first section of the book discusses Ahadith and its importance in Islam. The second treatise answers questions related to the Noble Qur’an and its relationship to the Sunnah, that were posed to the Sheikh and later transcribed into text form. The final text covers the status of the Sunnah and its necessity in order to fully understand the Qur’an and other related issues.This is an important work for every sincere Muslim who wants to tread the path of the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him] and his noble companions. In these latter times, there are many issues of confusion. The Sheikh perceived that there was an urgent need to respond, and he has succeeded in addressing and dispelling the doubts.
How Do We Raise Our Children & What Is The Obligation Of The Parents & The Children By Shaykh Muhammad Jameel Zeno
ISBN: 9781792375484Author: Shaykh Muhammad Jameel ZenoBook Binding:PaperbackPages:87Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inchPublication year: 2022Language: EnglishDescriptionAbout This Book:
The importance of raising children in accordance with Islamic principles is explored in depth in the book. The writer uses a straightforward, succinct writing style that appeals to both parents and teachers. It clarifies the idea that children are a blessing from God and have certain rights that should be upheld. The second chapter delves into the pivotal role parents play in nurturing their children. In the third chapter, the book addresses the obstacles encountered when raising children in today's society. It sheds light on the importance of setting boundaries, implementing discipline, and instilling Islamic values in children's lives. The fourth chapter offers practical advice on effectively raising children in accordance with Islamic teachings. It provides valuable insights into communication with children, teaching them about Islam, and managing common challenges that arise in the process.A gift for every mother and father who want happiness for their children,for teachers who are an example to their students,for students who want to be successful,for all parents and children,I present to them this treatise.
The Noble Quran: Transliteration in Roman Script with Arabic Text and English (Cream Paper)I
SBN:9789960740799Author: Dr. Muhsin Khan & Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Al-HilaliBook Binding: HardcoverPages 752Size: 6.7 x 9.7 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Even without prior Arabic knowledge, it helps students to pronounce the words. Additionally, transliteration is a helpful tool for individuals studying Arabic because it helps them perfect their pronunciation. The translation itself puts a focus on being a literal rendering of the original Arabic text. It's crucial to understand that total literalness may not always be possible because word meanings might vary depending on the situation. For Muslims who want to read the Quran in English, "The Noble Quran: Transliteration in Roman Script with Arabic Text and English" is a helpful tool. Additionally, it has shown to be a priceless resource for those learning Arabic.To read the Arabic text of the Qur'anic Verses in their correct form is of prime importance to every Muslim, as the meanings of the Arabic words are changed with little changes of the diacritics. So, to help those readers and reciters who are not too familiar with the Arabic language or cannot read Arabic, Darussalam has prepared this edition of the Noble Qur'an inserting the transliteration of the Noble verses along with their translation. It is hoped that this presentation will be of great help and benefit in this regard.
All praise and thanks are Allah's, the Lord of Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists) and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, Muhammad (S). This interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an has been revised and the following changes have been made:
Each Verse has been put separately with its English interpretation.
The Arabic text of the Noble Qur'an has been taken from Mushaf Al-Madinah An-Nabawiyyah, which has been printed by the Mujamma' of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia for the printing of Al-Mushaf Ash-Sharif in the year 1405 A.H., according to the instructions of the Vice-Chancellor of the Islamic University, instead of the old Arabic text of the previous print of this book which was printed in the United States and Turkey, by the Turkish Calligrapher Sheikh Hamid Al-Amadi.
There are some additions and subtractions of Chapters and Ahadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari and other Ahadith collections.
Some additions, corrections, and alterations have been made to improve the English translation and to bring the English interpretation very close to the correct and exact meanings of the Arabic text.
One more column is added in this particular edition of the interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an, providing the readers the transliteration of the Arabic Verses along with their translation. It is hoped that the readers will be able to recite the Noble Verses in more correct way taking the help of transliteration.
Translators: Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilah & Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan
The Gift of My Ramadan By Shazia Nazlee
Author: Shazia Nazlee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages 24
Size: 8.3 x 11.2 inches
Publication year:2006
About This Book:
The charming children's book "The Gift of My Ramadan" by Shazia Nazlee follows the journey of a young girl named Ayesha as she learns the significance of Ramadan. The vivid pictures in this engrossing book catch young readers' attention and bring the story to life. Ayesha awakens on the first day of Ramadan, which marks the beginning of the enthralling story. Fortunately, Ayesha's mother steps in as her mentor, offering advice and assisting her in getting ready for the forthcoming Ramadan. Ayesha learns about the essential tenets of Ramadan—fasting, prayer, and almsgiving—through sincere talks and fascinating tales. Additionally, she learns the importance of cherishing the moments spent with loved ones during this wonderful month and the value of spending quality time with them. Ayesha gains a deeper grasp of Ramadan as the days go by. She learns that now is the perfect time to develop a close relationship with Allah while cultivating self-control and patience within herself. The novel skillfully captures Ayesha's development as she absorbs important lessons and appreciates the real meaning of Ramadan.
A day Out To The Zoo By Shazia Nazlee
Author: Shazia Nazlee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages 24
Size: 8.3 x 11.2 inches
Publication year:2006
About This Book:
The fascinating children's book "A Day Out to the Zoo" by Shazia Nazlee takes young readers on an action-packed zoo excursion. This book strives to delight and educate kids about the wonders of the animal kingdom with its vibrant images and compelling text. A group of kids leave for a fun-filled excursion to the zoo at the start of the tale. They come across a broad variety of fascinating animals from all over the world as they explore the various displays. Each page features fascinating new discoveries and delightful encounters with various animals, such as stately lions, graceful giraffes, lively monkeys, and colorful birds. Young readers will not only love the entertainment value of the story but also learn more about many animal species and their habitats thanks to the descriptive descriptions and brilliant images. They will gain knowledge of the special traits and behaviors of each species, encouraging awe and respect for the variety of life in our world. In addition to the enjoyable story, "A Day Out to the Zoo" also has educational components. Children are encouraged to broaden their knowledge and continue their exploration by the story's seamless integration of entertaining facts and educational morsels about the animals.
Angel Jibraeel Returns Again By Shazia Nazlee
Author: Shazia Nazlee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages 24
Size: 8.3 x 11.2 inches
Publication year:2006
About This Book:
Shazia Nazlee's wonderful children's book "Angel Jibraeel Returns Again" takes young readers on an enthralling voyage through the world of Islamic history. The book illustrates the significance of the angel Gabriel's (Jibraeel's) return to Earth and his visit to the revered Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through striking graphics and engrossing tales. The story opens with Jibraeel appearing to the Prophet Muhammad in a dream and telling him that he will soon return to Earth with a new revelation from Allah. The Prophet feels both excitement and apprehension as he anticipates this great honor and harbors awe for what the impending revelation might bring. Jibraeel keeps his promise and appears the following day in front of the Prophet to give him the holy revelation. The Prophet immediately starts reciting the holy words as he is overcome with delight. The book details Jibraeel's further meetings with the Prophet as the angel continues to give him more revelations. The Quran, the beloved holy book of Islam, was eventually put together as a result of these revelations.
The Night of Decree By Shazia Nazlee
Author: Shazia Nazlee
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages 24
Size: 8.3 x 11.2 inches
Publication year:2006
About This Book:
The young readers who read this compelling children's book on Lailat al-Qadr (the Night of Decree) will have an enjoyable and enlightening experience. The book instantly grabs young readers' attention with its vivid and compelling drawings, exciting and amusing them while teaching them about the significance of this glorious night, when the Noble Qur'an was revealed. Children will travel on a journey that is both entertaining and educational with each page turn. The significance of Lailat al-Qadr is examined in the book, along with its spiritual meaning, in order to help young readers get a deeper appreciation for this holy day. Young readers are enchanted by the vivid images, which act as a visual treat and help them relate to the subject matter more deeply. Children will learn about the spiritual and historical significance of Lailat al-Qadr as they read the story, developing awe and reverence for this fortunate night. The book contains a one-page activity segment at the conclusion to further improve the educational experience. In an entertaining and interesting way, this interactive part reinforces kids' grasp of Lailat al-Qadr while encouraging them to consider the information they have learned.
My Dua book,My Prayer Book, My Wudu Book By Darussalam Research Division
Author: Darussalam Research Division
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages 30,24,36,Pages
Size: 7.0 x 6.4 inch each book
About This Book:
My Prayer Book
This small full-color illustrated book is a complete step by step guide to perfecting your child's obligatory prayers according to the Quran and the Sunnah.
My Wudu Book:
This small full-color illustrated book is a complete step-by-step guide to perfecting your child's Wudu according to the Quran and the Sunnah.
My Dua' Book:
Selected supplications (Du'a) for every child according to the Quran and the Sunnah. This small color full booklet includes many dua's from Bismillah to dua for entering the graveyard. It includes 15 beautiful du'as with mentioning of the occasion, Arabic wording, transliteration, and English translation
Tafsir of Short Surahs for Muslim Youth By Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi
Author: Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 72
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year:2022
About This Book:
Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi's book "The Tafsir of Short Surahs for Muslim Youth" is a helpful tool for giving Muslim youth an understandable knowledge of the shorter surahs (chapters) of the Quran. In this work, Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi examines and explains the interpretations and meanings of the chosen shorter surahs. During their early Quranic study, young Muslims frequently memorize these surahs. The book intends to aid young readers in developing a greater understanding of the Quran's message and its value in their lives by concentrating on these few chapters. The explanations of Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi are lucid and perceptive; they provide useful advice, motivation, and profound teachings that appeal to Muslim youngsters. This book is a useful resource for engaging with the Quranic text and developing a deeper understanding of its wisdom and lessons, whether utilized for individual study or in educational settings.Tafsir of Short Surahs for Muslim Youth was written for Muslim children and the youth, and is a concise explanation of Surah al-Fatihah and some short chapters, beginning with Sarah Ad-Duha and ending with Sarah an-Nas. This book was written to allow them to understand the general meaning of the Qur'an so they can ponder over it, benefit from it and work according to it. Shaykh Ahmad al-Mazrooi selected this explanation from the tafsir of Ibn Kathir, Sa`di, Baghawi, and others.
Stories of The Punishments Lessons,and Exhortations BY Shaykh Hamood Ibn Abdullah Al-Tuwaijri
Author: Shaykh Hamood Ibn Abdullah Al-Tuwaijri
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 140
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.4 inch
Publication year:2022
About This Book:
In this outstanding work, Shaykh Hamood At-Tuwaijri offers a compilation of stories illustrating the repercussions and punishments suffered by people who audaciously disobeyed Allah's order.
Numerous captivating tales can be found in the book, some of which include:
The story of the miserable man who took the black stone, a priceless artifact.
The story of a Roman who wanted to desecrate the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) grave.
The tale of a couple who committed adultery on the Day of Arafah, an important day for Muslim pilgrimage.
The event involving the kidnapping of a small boy in the Ka'bah area.
Cases in which people lied about their wives.
The account of a couple that switched wives.
The instance where a child injured a bird.
Reports of people disrespecting their mum.
Instances in which the dead were buried facing the wrong Qibla (direction of prayer), and more.
Respected scholar Shaykh Rabee praises Shaykh Hamood's writings and emphasizes how crucial it is for young people to read this excellent Salafi master's publications. Shaykh Hamood committed his entire life to educating people about the truth and safeguarding the Sunnah (teachings) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from new ideas and erroneous teachings.
The Holy Quran Arabic Only, 30 Parts Set In Velvet Coated Box (Paperback) 9 lines Ref 1003
0 Juzz Parts of The Holy Quran Arabic Text 9 Lines Ref 100 P.B.
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 8.0 x 5.5 x 1.3 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
30 individual parts Of The Holy Qur'an in pocket sized format. Box Colour May Vary
• Indo / Pak Arabic script
• Big letters,
• Easy to read
• Specially for senior citizens
• Full Tashkeel
9 Lines Per PageLarge Arabic Text/Writing Large Writing So Easy To Read.Also, easy to handle because one Juz at a time.
The Quran Arabic Only,15 Lines Pakistani / Indian/ Persian Script Medium Size Cream Paper, Ref 208 Size (7.8 x 5.5 x 1.3 inch)
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 7.8 x 5.5 x 1.3 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
The exquisite and fluid Pakistani/Indian/Persian script, which is famous for its beauty and readability, is used to produce this particular Quran version. The cream-colored paper enhances the text's legibility, giving a pleasant reading experience. It is comfortable to handle and read due to its greater size. This Quran is an excellent choice for those seeking a visually appealing and reader-friendly edition. The Pakistani/Indian/Persian script is regarded as a good script for beginners, so it is especially helpful for people who are learning Arabic. Key Features of this Quran: Printed in the Pakistani/Indian/Persian script Cream-colored paper Large size for ease of reading The readability is improved suitable for those learning Arabic This copy of Al Quran Al Kareem has 15 lines per page with beautiful green cover. Its clear and standard font made it easy to read/recite it for Muslims.
The Quran Arabic Only,15 Lines Pakistani / Indian/ Persian Script Medium Size White Paper, Ref 208 Size (7.8 x 5.5 x 1.3 inch)
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 7.8 x 5.5 x 1.3 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
This copy of Al Quran Al Kareem has 15 lines per page with beautiful green cover. Its clear and standard font made it easy to read/recite it for Muslims.The exquisite and fluid Pakistani/Indian/Persian script, which is famous for its beauty and readability, is used to produce this particular Quran version. The cream-colored paper enhances the text's legibility, giving a pleasant reading experience. It is comfortable to handle and read due to its greater size. This Quran is an excellent choice for those seeking a visually appealing and reader-friendly edition. The Pakistani/Indian/Persian script is regarded as a good script for beginners, so it is especially helpful for people who are learning Arabic. Key Features of this Quran: Printed in the Pakistani/Indian/Persian script Cream-colored paper Large size for ease of reading The readability is improved suitable for those learning Arabic
The Quran Arabic Only , 13 Lines Pakistani / Indian/ Persian Script Black and white (Size XL, 13.5 x 10 x 1.7 Inch) (Ref 111BW)
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 13.5 x 10 x 1.7 Inch
Publication year:2010
About This Book:
The exquisite and fluid Pakistani/Indian/Persian script, which is famous for its beauty and readability, is used to produce this particular Quran version. The cream-colored paper enhances the text's legibility, giving a pleasant reading experience. It is comfortable to handle and read due to its greater size. This Quran is an excellent choice for those seeking a visually appealing and reader-friendly edition. The Pakistani/Indian/Persian script is regarded as a good script for beginners, so it is especially helpful for people who are learning Arabic. Key Features of this Quran: Printed in the Pakistani/Indian/Persian script Cream-colored paper Large size for ease of reading The readability is improved suitable for those learning Arabic
The Quran Arabic Only , 13 Lines Pakistani / Indian/ Persian Script Cream paper (Size XL,13.5 x 10 x 1.7 Inch) 2010 Edition ,(Ref 111-2010)
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 13.5 x 10 x 1.7 Inch
Publication year:2010
About This Book:
The exquisite and fluid Pakistani/Indian/Persian script, which is famous for its beauty and readability, is used to produce this particular Quran version. The cream-colored paper enhances the text's legibility, giving a pleasant reading experience. It is comfortable to handle and read due to its greater size. This Quran is an excellent choice for those seeking a visually appealing and reader-friendly edition. The Pakistani/Indian/Persian script is regarded as a good script for beginners, so it is especially helpful for people who are learning Arabic. Key Features of this Quran: Printed in the Pakistani/Indian/Persian script Cream-colored paper Large size for ease of reading The readability is improved suitable for those learning Arabic
A Commentary on the Poem al-Bayquniyyah By Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymeen (Hardcover)
ISBN: 9781916475694
Author: Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymeen
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 9.7 x 6.5 x 0.7 inch
Publication year:2021
About The Book:
A commentary on the famous poem in the field of hadith sciences entitled al-Manzumah al-Bayquniyyah by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen (Rahimahullah) The Merits of the Poem of al-Bayquni Shihab al-Din al-Dimyathi said, “The poem of the knowledgeable Imam of understanding and perception, al-Shaykh al-Bayquni (Rahimahullah) is one of the most interesting summaries of the science of hadith and the most eloquent of the writings upon which one takes the rigorous course upon, for it is comprised of clear yet fine expressions that overwhelms its counterparts with a grim face.
”The importance of this subject:
The knowledge of Usul al-hadith is a science that serves the radiant Prophetic traditions; with it one can distinguish the Prophetic narrations in terms of authenticity and fabrication, soundness and weakness.Al-Imam ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak said, “The quality of the hadith is not in the conciseness of the isnad, rather its quality lies in the soundness of its narrators."Al-Imam Yahya ibn Sa`id al-Qattan said, “Do not look at the hadith but rather look at its chain. If the chain is sound [then the narration is sound]. If not, then do not be deceived by the narration with a chain that is not sound.”Al-Hafiz ibn Qutaybah al-Daynuri said, “There is no nation amongst the nations with the isnad like their chains (i.e. this nation); narrator from the narrator, the trustworthy from the trustworthy in such a way until it reaches the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) and his Companions, so that the sound can be differentiated from the weak, the connection from the disconnected and the fabricated from the genuine.”About The Commentator Shaykh UthayminMuhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymin al-Wuhaibi al-Tamimi (1925-2001 CE) was one of the most prominent Saudi Islamic scholars of the latter half of the twentieth century. Born in Saudi Arabia, he memorised the Qur'an at an early age and studied under some of the well-known scholars of the time including Abd ar-Rahman as-Sa'adi, Muhammad Ash-Shanqiti, and 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Baz. During his many years of study, he became world renowned as a reviver of Salafi dawah and his knowledge in fiqh.
Wafiyat Siyar Alam al-Nubala (Arabic Language) by Muhammad ibn Ahmad
ISBN: 9789953851181
Author:Muhammad ibn Ahmad
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 1424
Size: 9.6 x 7.0 x 2.3 inch
Publication Year: 2007
Language: Arabic
About This Book:
Muhammad ibn Ahmad is the author of the comprehensive encyclopedia "Wafiyat Siyar Alam al-Nubala". It provides a streamlined compilation of the biographies of famous individuals from a variety of fields, including philosophy, language, poetry, and Sufism. This book explores the lives of the revered Companions of the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him), their followers, and those who continued their teachings up until the middle of the eighth century AH. It is noteworthy because it is a distilled overview taken from the classic historical book written by al-Dhahabi. And the deaths of the flags of the nobles, and with him the definition of those with high The deaths of the nobles' flags; Followed by the cycle of history known as the media, the deaths of the media, and the deaths of the sheiks of Imam al-Dhahabi, known as al-Mu’jam al-Kabir; The death of the competent lexicographer We have shortened the book, rounded it up, and refined it from what was mentioned in it of stories and narrations, and stripped the mention of the sheiks and students of the translator to it. Preserving their names as mentioned by the compiler, and what is known of their times, lineages, titles, nicknames, and the year of their death, from the east to the west, and the regions, layer by layer.
Al Dawlah Al-Umawiyah 2 Vol Set (Arabic only)
Author: Dr. Ali Muhammad As Sallabi
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 6.9 X 0.9 inches
Publication year:2007
About This Book:
"Al Dawlah Al-Umawiyah," a two-volume Arabic work, explores the rich and complex history of the Umayyad Caliphate, which flourished from 661 to 750 CE. This comprehensive periodical dives deep into various facets of the Umayyad state, offering readers a comprehensive examination into its ascent to power, administration, political and social organisation, military campaigns, cultural advances, and contributions to Islamic heritage. Dedicated to those who are proficient in Arabic and seek to learn more about the Umayyad Caliphate, this scholarly piece of work is full of detailed facts and analysis from archival sources.In two volumes, a complete history of the first Muslim dynasty, the Umayyads, by Islamic historian Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi.
Taysirul 'Allam Sharh Umdatul Ahkam 2 Vol Set (Arabic only)
Author: Abdullah Ibn Abdur Rahman Al-Bassam
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 6.9 X 0.9 inches
Publication year:2007
About This Book:
This book is the explanation of the above mentioned book (Umdatul Ahkam), which is one of the best sharh ever written on it as it is classical but concise and not too detailed. The Shareh explained the problematic narrations, supplemented some Ahadith with others, brought out the wider understanding (Fiqh) of the hadith as well as combined the views of the Fuqaha. In this Sharh, He also benefited from different books of Fiqh including Fatawa of Imam ibn Taymiyyah (Majmu' al-Fatawa) Sharh Uddah by Ibn Daqiq al-'Eid and the Hashiya By Allama Amir San'ani.
About Umdatul Ahkam
Umdatul Ahkam is a famous text that contains hadith pertaining to juristic rulings (ahkam) from Bukhari & Muslim written by Imam Abd Al-Ghaniyy Al-Maqdisi. Like Bulugh al Maram, ibn Hajar, the author leaves out the chains of narration and suffices with the name of the Sahabi. The ordering of the chapters falls in line with the Hanbali fiqh as the author himself was Hanbali, yet despite that many scholars from other schools of thought paid great attention to this text, such as Ibn Daqiq al-'Eid and ibn al-Mulaqqin.
About The Author Of Umdatul Ahkam
Abd al-Ghani ibn ‘Abd al-Waḥid al-Maqdisi was born in 541 Hijrii n the village of Jummail in Palestine. He was a classical Sunni Islamic Hanbali scholar and a prominent Hadith master. He studied with scholars in Damascus; many of whom were from his own extended family. He studied with many scholars including the Imam of Tasawwuf, Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani. Umdatul Ahkam is his noble work and gained popularity and acceptance among the scholars of all Madhahib.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir 2 Vol Set (Arabic Only)
Author: Ibn Kathir
Book Binding:Hardcover 2 vol set
Size: 6.0 x 8.8
About This Book:
Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Azim, most popular as Tafsir ibn Kathir.
It is the most renowned and accepted explanation of the Qur'an in the entire world. In it one finds the best presentation of Ahadith, history, and scholarly commentary. Especially popular because it uses the hadith to explain each verse and chapter of the Qur'an.
About The Author:
Hafidh Abul Fida Ismail ibn Abi Hafs Shihabuddin Omar ibn Kathir ibn Daw ibn Kathir in Zar the Quraishite – originally from Busra (Syria) – and raised in Damascus. He followed the Shafi`i school of thought. Ibn Kathir was born in the year 701 AH in an area called Majdal, near Busra, west of Damascus. His father died when he was only four years old and was taken in by his brother and moved to Damascus in 706. Here, he learned from great scholars such as Ibn Asakir, Ishaq ibn Yahya al-Amudi and the great Ibn Taymiyyah who was extremely close to him. He also studied under various other sheikhs who gave him permission in fiqh and Hadith. He made many academic contributions to Islamic sciences.
Riyad us-Saliheen Arabic Language, Large Size By Imam An-Nawawi
Author: Imam an Nawawi
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 6.8 inch
Publication year: 2004
About This Book:
Riyadh-us-Saliheen is an extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith. Covering every aspect of Islamic belief and moral conduct, it selects approximately 2000 hadith from the six major collections: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nisa'i, and ibn Majah. It serves as an excellent hadith primer and daily reader. It includes a wide range of topics: sincerity of purpose, spending in the way of Allah, rules of fasting, seeking knowledge, attending funerals, and safeguarding the Quran. This handsome, hardcover two-volume set presents the Arabic text as well as English translation. Riyadh-us-Saliheen comprises about 2000 hadiths in 372 Chapters and 19 Sections. These sections are The Book of Good Manners; The Book about the Etiquette of Eating; The Book of Dress; The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying, and Sitting; The Book of Greetings; The Book of Visiting the Sick; The Book of Etiquette of Traveling; The Book of Virtues; The Book of I'tikaf; The Book of Hajj; The Book of Jihad; The Book of Knowledge; The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah; The Book of Supplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah's Messenger (PBUH); The Book of the Remembrance of Allah; The Book of Du'a (Supplication); The Book of the Prohibited Actions; The Book of Miscellaneous Hadiths of Significant Values; and The Book of Forgiveness
Tatirul-Enam fi Tarib-Menam (Arabic Only)
Author: Hannan Mohammed Nur TabbaraBook Binding:HardcoverPages:462Size: 9.8 x 6.8 inchPublication year: 2006
About This Book:
Wa-Lillah al-Asma' al-Husna (Arabic Only)
Author: Dr. Yusuf
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 6.8 inch
Publication year: 2006
About This Book:
The Arabic phrase "Wa-Lillah al-Asma' al-Husna"means "To Allah belong the Beautiful Names." It relates to the idea of Allah's (God's) ninety-nine names or attributes, which are thought to encapsulate all of His divine qualities and traits. These names appear in numerous Quranic verses as well as Hadith literature The salutation "Wa-Lillah al-Asma' al-Husna" serves to remind us of the importance and majesty of Allah's names. It emphasizes the idea that Allah is complete and lovely in all of His traits, including kindness, compassion, wisdom, and might. It is seen as an act of worship to think about and invoke these names as a way to ask Allah for blessings and direction.'And God Has the Most Beautiful Names', Dr. Yusuf Mur'ashli's outstanding work on the names and attributes of Allah. In Arabic with 2 color text.
Al-Mujaz Fi Usul al-Fiqh (Arabic Only)
Author: Shaykh Muhammad 'Ubayd Allah al-As'adi
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 6.8 inch
Publication year: 2010
About This Book:
The Rightly Guided Caliphate: A Short History and The Jurisprudence of the Prophetic Biography (2008 Edition). Many people have written about and examined the life of the God-sent Messenger. They portrayed it as an example of human greatness, insisting on making people understand that his conquests were nothing more than a Left-wing economic revolution against a Right-wing extremist and duping them into thinking that the Messenger of God's true motivation was his desire to transfer sovereignty from the hands of non-Arabs to those of the Arabs. This Arabic-language work offers a succinct yet thorough summary of the fundamental ideas of Fiqh. Its main goal is to clarify the essential ideas and legal precepts that scholars use to derive Islamic decisions. The book covers a wide range of Usul al-Fiqh issues, such as the origins of Islamic law, legal reasoning techniques, the function of analogy (qiyas), and the import of textual evidence. It also explores the many methods and arguments that academics have used to derive legal conclusions from the founding scriptures of Islamic law. Students strongly value "Al-Mujaz Fi Usul al-Fiqh" as a valuable resource.
Miraculous Dual Verses in Quranic Pages (ARABIC ONLY)
ISBN: 9781792389689
Author: Dr. Eng. Subhi Taha
Translator: Dr. Muhammad Khaled Al Azmah
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.5 x 6.8 inch
Publication year: 2008
About This Book:
This is one of the Tajweed Quran products that aims for better understanding of the Holy Quranic meanings and its miraculousness. Dual verses are two Aya in the same Quranic page between them there is integrated relationship in form and meaning.This product shows the full Quranic page; Highlights dual verses in each Quranic page by using colored background and explains the Miraclousness on the margin.Alla (sw) ordered us in his holy book to recite the Quran with Tajweed ... 'Quran recitation modulating'. System of Tajweed serves as a guide for improving the recitation of Quranic style. It was in this way that the Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him); as well as the manner in which he recited it. Therefore; the readers of the Quran are eager to realize the promise of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): 'whoever recites the Quran correctly and proficiently will be with the bountiful dutiful writers (the angels of the preserved tablet - Al lauh Al Mahfuz'.Based on a practical understanding of phonology; we have color-coded some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy Quran. This enabled us to classify these letters into three possible categories to enhance the reader's knowledge and remembering of Tajweed rules:- The letters which requires expanded vocalization. We used red color to highlight these letters.- The letters which are nasalized these letters are green in color.- The dark blue color indicates the emphasis of the letter (R); the blue color indicates the unrest letters-echoing sound- (qualquala)- While the letters which are written but are not vocalized. These letters are gray in color.The reader will get used to reciting the Quran by using colors very easily. By engaging the eye; the reader will find him/herself applying 24 rules of Tajweed with ease and precision while his/her mind is left un-enganged to comprehend and understand the meaning of the holy Quran. For more details click hereIt is an honor for Dar Al-Maarifa to adopt and offer this methodology which has been accurately applied after examining the passages written at the end of it; and which was examined and accredited by the Committee of The Noble Quran.
All our Tajweed Quran products -including this Quran- come with the following:
Color coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules; very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules.
Obvious script:
extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.
Permissible stops:
long spaces were added at certain places where it is permissible to stop. It helps to avoid stopping at wrong places or times.
A set of very useful indexes such as:
Surahs Color Index; Subject Index.Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration.
Miraculous Dual Verses in Quranic Pages
Author: Dr. Eng. Subhi Taha
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 304
Size: 9.5 x 6.8 inch
Publication year:2008
About This Book:
This is one of the Tajweed Quran products that aims for better understanding of the Holy Quranic meanings and its miraculousness.Dual verses are two Aya in the same Quranic page between them there is integrated relationship in form and meaning.This product shows the full Quranic page; Highlights dual verses in each Quranic page by using colored background and explains the Miraclousness on the margin.Alla (sw) ordered us in his holy book to recite the Quran with Tajweed ... 'Quran recitation modulating'. System of Tajweed serves as a guide for improving the recitation of Quranic style. It was in this way that the Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him); as well as the manner in which he recited it. Therefore; the readers of the Quran are eager to realize the promise of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): 'whoever recites the Quran correctly and proficiently will be with the bountiful dutiful writers (the angels of the preserved tablet - Al lauh Al Mahfuz'.Based on a practical understanding of phonology; we have color-coded some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy Quran. This enabled us to classify these letters into three possible categories to enhance the reader's knowledge and remembering of Tajweed rules:- The letters which requires expanded vocalization. We used red color to highlight these letters.- The letters which are nasalized these letters are green in color.- The dark blue color indicates the emphasis of the letter (R); the blue color indicates the unrest letters-echoing sound- (qualquala)- While the letters which are written but are not vocalized. These letters are gray in color.The reader will get used to reciting the Quran by using colors very easily. By engaging the eye; the reader will find him/herself applying 24 rules of Tajweed with ease and precision while his/her mind is left un-enganged to comprehend and understand the meaning of the holy Quran. For more details click hereIt is an honor for Dar Al-Maarifa to adopt and offer this methodology which has been accurately applied after examining the passages written at the end of it; and which was examined and accredited by the Committee of
The Noble Quran.All our Tajweed Quran products -including this Quran- come with the following:
Color coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules; very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules.Obvious script: extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.Permissible stops: long spaces were added at certain places where it is permissible to stop. It helps to avoid stopping at wrong places or times.A set of very useful indexes such as: Surahs Color Index; Subject Index.Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration.
Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
ISBN: 9781904336730
Author: Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Book Binding: Paperback
About This Book:
Allah, the Most High, Says: “Remember Me, and I shall remember you” Qur’an 2:152Abu Hurayrah (radiy Allahu ‘anhu), said that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘Allah the Almighty said:’ “I am as My servant thinks of Me. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a cubit, and if he draws near to Me a cubit, I draw near to him a fathom, if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed. (al-Buhkari and Muslim)Remembrance in Islam has a lofty position, its great virtue and excellence is crystal clear in the Book of Allah and the Noble Sunnah. Allah, the Most High commands the believers to remember Him.
Through this the servant will attain the pleasure of His Lord, His Mercy and forgiveness. Those who are devoted to the remembrance of Allah, their heart will be at peace and tranquillity – full of joy and will find themselves in safety and security.For in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. In this very valuable and useful text the author – may Allah have mercy on him – mentions 78 benefits of remembrance. Ibn Qayyim commences the book with chapters related to the path of happiness, how to rectify the heart and cleanse it. He also talks about the different stages of the prayer, charity and fasting. He then goes through 78 benefits of remembrance of Allah.
This gripping text will keep the reader in awe and quench the thirst of every reader that seeks for the closeness to their Lord, a book that you will read over and over again.It will up-lift your heart, give you a much lacking spiritual connection to the remembrance of Allah and the sincere servant of Allah will shed many tears at the lost opportunity that life has passed him by, but this masterpiece will awaken your soul to make up for the lost time. After reading it you will see every new dawn as a new opportunity to get closer to Allah, the Most High.You will never see remembrance in the same light again, a delight to read and learn. Strive! O reader and wear the robes of remembrance, equip yourself for you will not be disappointed, through it you will fi nd strength, meaning to your life and a path to eternal salvation. A text every devoted believer cannot afford to be without!
Rules Of Tajweed (Safar Learn To read Series) Madinah Script
ISBN: 9781912437221
Author: Safar Publications
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 112
Size: 9.3 x 6.5 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
An instructional book called "Rules of Tajweed (Safar Learn to Read Series) - Madinah Script" is intended to help readers grasp the rules of Tajweed as well as the correct pronunciation and recitation of the Quran. The book offers a thorough explanation of Tajweed, addressing issues like pronunciation, articulation points, elongation, and the unique properties of the numerous letters and sounds in the Quran. It provides thorough justifications and illustrations to aid students in comprehending and effectively using Tajweed laws.Rules of Tajwīd, is a sequel to the Safar Qāʿidah and part of the comprehensive Safar Learn to Read Series. This book consists of seven progressive levels, each targeting a unique feature of learning, which follow on from the 13 levels of the Safar Qāʿidah. It may be taught alongside Safar Juz ʿAmma or while a student starts to read the Qurʾān. While reading the book, students will master the application of tajwīd in the passages of the Qurʾān that are to be read to the teacher. This book is the product of teaching tajwīd for several years at Safar Academy and will help students to gradually reach a proficient level of Qurʾān recitation. The script has been imported directly from the Madīnah Qurʾān which is used worldwide. The text is not colour-coded with Tajwīd rules, so that students are able to read black and white Qurʾāns without such aids. It includes a unique marking code, diary and checklist, designed to keep track of students’ progress and enhance communication between students, parents and teachers.
Quran in Pushtu Language (Tafseer Quran Kareem)(Pushtu and Arabic)Translation and Tafseer in Bottom, HC
Translator: Abu Zakariya Abdus Salam RustamiBinding: HardcoverPages: 1666Size: 9.7 x 7.0 x 2.4 inchPublication Year: 2002DescriptionAbout This Book:
Begin your sacred journey through the Quran with the "Quran in Pushtu Language." The Holy Quran is presented in the beautiful Pushtu language, supplemented by the eternal beauty of the original Arabic text, in this remarkable version. This hardcover edition, enriched with Tafseer, encourages readers to dig deeply into the profound insights and wisdom of the Quran Kareem.
A Linguistic Tapestry:
Immerse yourself in the linguistic complexity of the Pushtu language as the Quran unfolds its words in an eloquent tapestry. This edition offers Pushtu speakers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with the Divine message in their tongue.
Translation and Tafseer in Harmony:
Each line is meticulously translated into Pushtu, it is complemented by a detailed Tafseer that unravels the layers of significance. This dual presentation ensures that the Quranic teachings are thoroughly understood.
Hardcover Elegance:
Enjoy the Quran in a magnificent hardcover style that reflects the sacred text's reverence and sanctity. This durable version is built to last, making it a treasured companion for personal thought and study.
Insights into Divine Knowledge:
Delve into the depths of Quranic knowledge with extensive Tafseer explanations at the bottom of each page. Readers can delve into the context, historical backdrop, and spiritual insights to better understand the Divine message.
Pushtu and Arabic Parallel Text:
Study the original Arabic verses alongside the Pushtu translation to gain a comprehensive grasp of the Quran. This dual-language presentation appeals to a wide range of audiences by emphasizing inclusivity and accessibility.
Bulugh Al-Maram Hindi Language
About This Book:
Based on the Ahadith of our Prophet, which serve as the foundation for Islamic jurisprudence, Bulugh Al-Maram (attainment of the purpose in accordance with the proof of the regulations) is a concept. If there are multiple sources, he has also done a comparison of the variations. It delivers the hadiths in a thorough way that makes it simpler for readers to comprehend and use them in their daily lives.The Hindi translation of "Bulugh Al-Maram" encourages readers to expand their understanding of Islamic law and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. People can get advice on problems of worship, moral behavior, and the application of Islamic principles in various spheres of life by studying the hadiths included in this book. Bulugh Al-Maram is based upon the Ahadith of our Prophet which have been the sources of Islamic Jurisprudence. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (Hijrah 777-853) has recorded the true significance of the Ahadith and their origins & also made a comparison of the versions, if the sources are more than one Bulugh Al-Maram - Attainment of the Objective - According to Evidence of the Ordinances. Compiled by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani with brief notes from the book Subul-us-Salam written by: Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Sanani.
Riyad us-Saliheen Hindi
Author: Imam an Nawawi
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 8.8 x 6.0 inch
Publication year: 2007
About This Book:
Riyadh-us-Saliheen is an extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith. It serves as an excellent hadith primer and daily reader. It includes a wide range of topics: sincerity of purpose, spending in the way of Allah, rules of fasting, seeking knowledge, attending funerals, and safeguarding the Quran. This handsome, hardcover two-volume set presents the Arabic text as well as the English translation. Riyadh-us-Saliheen comprises about 2000 hadiths in 372 Chapters and 19 Sections. These sections are The Book of Good Manners; The Book about the Etiquette of Eating; The Book of Dress; The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying, and Sitting; The Book of Greetings; The Book of Visiting the Sick; The Book of Etiquette of Traveling; The Book of Virtues; The Book of I'tikaf; The Book of Hajj; The Book of Jihad; The Book of Knowledge; The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah; The Book of Supplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah's Messenger (PBUH); The Book of the Remembrance of Allah; The Book of Du'a (Supplication); The Book of the Prohibited Actions; The Book of Miscellaneous Hadiths of Significant Values; and The Book of Forgiveness.
I am a Muslim Girl by Ahmad Al- Mazrooi (Small Booklet)
ISBN: 9781792390531
Author: Shaykh Ahmad Al- Mazrooi
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 6.0 x 4.0 x 0.1 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
Ahmad Al-Mazrooi does a wonderful job of capturing the struggles and victories that Muslim females confront in the modern world. He discusses issues including donning the headscarf, negotiating cultural expectations, and juggling one's faith with one's aspirations in life. The book helps Muslim girls accept their individuality and find confidence in their faith by offering them helpful advice and motivation. "I Am a Muslim Girl," a condensed pamphlet written by a human named Ahmad Al-Mazrooi, explores the existence and identity of Muslim girls. By examining a variety of facets of young Muslim girls' life, this influential book seeks to empower and encourage them. It clarifies the Islamic concepts of justice, fairness, and compassion and illustrates how Muslim girls conduct their lives according to these ideals.
Marital Guide :Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz
ISBN: 9781792389689
Author: Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.7 inch
Publication year: 2011
About This Book:
It dives into a number of subjects and circumstances and provides theological judgments to explain the Islamic viewpoint on marriage.
Key topics discussed in the book include the following:
Choosing a Righteous Spouse:
The book emphasizes the traits to seek in a prospective spouse while examining the significance of picking a pious and virtuous companion for marriage.
Marriage Process:
The stages involved in marrying a good woman are covered, as well as the function of the guardian, the significance of the dowry, and appropriate behavior during the marriage contract.
Maintaining a Harmonious Relationship:
The book emphasizes the value of encouraging positive companionship between couples and offers advice on how to foster a strong and loving marital tie.
It clarifies the circumstances and laws surrounding polygyny, revealing when it is acceptable and how to perform numerous weddings in a respectful manner.
Resolving Marital Conflicts:
The book offers guidance on how to handle and settle disputes and conflicts inside a marriage, encouraging amicable resolutions and reconciliation.
Invalid and Impermissible Marriages:
It identifies and describes marriages that are deemed invalid or forbidden in accordance with Islamic law, assisting readers in understanding the limitations and boundaries in marital partnerships.
Al Quran Al Kareem: Mushaf Uthmani (Medium Size) 15 Lines
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 8.0 x 5.8 x 0.7 inch
Publication year: 2015
About This Quran:
The medium-sized Quran "Al Quran Al Kareem: Mushaf Uthmani (Medium Size) 15 Lines" is written in the Mushaf Uthmani script. It is formatted with 15 lines on each page, giving readers a text that is clear and easy to read. For its correctness and faithfulness to the Uthmani script, the Quran's traditional script, this edition of the Quran is highly valued. Genuine Uthmani Script.The original Uthmani script is used to present the Quran, upholding the long-standing and well-known calligraphic style. The Uthmani script is renowned for its elegance and clarity, which enables readers to interact deeply with the text. The Quran is portable and practical for everyday usage due to its medium size. It is portable and simple to use, so readers can interact with the Quran This Arabic only Qur'an, features a deluxe hardcover, with Deluxe Pages of the Qur'an in standard Uthmani script. Beautiful Page and Script. Color may vary depends upon availability of stock
The Holy Quran Tajweed Rules with Colour Coded (Pocket Size) (Persian/Urdu script)
Publisher: Islamic Books Servise
Book Binding:Hard Cover
Size: 5.7 x 4.0 x 1.3 inch
About This Book:
A portable version of the Holy Quran with Tajweed rules and color-coded text is called "The Holy Quran Tajweed Rules with Colour Coded (Pocket Size) (Persian/Urdu script)". With the aid of visual clues and instructions, this edition seeks to make the proper recitation of the Quran easier.
Tajweed Rules: The rules guiding the correct pronunciation and articulation of the Arabic letters and sounds are provided alongside the Quranic text in this edition. These guidelines aid readers in pronouncing the Quran correctly and accurately.
The Quranic text has been color-coded to draw attention to certain Tajweed regulations and pronunciation instructions. Different hues are utilized to distinguish between various articulation points and sound genres. This graphic aids readers in comprehending and using the Tajweed regulations when reciting the Quran.
The tiny and portable form of this version makes it easy for readers to bring it with them and use it wherever they are. Its diminutive size makes it manageable and accessible.
Persian/Urdu Script: To better serve readers who are more accustomed to this particular script, the Quranic text in this edition is offered in Persian/Urdu script. For those who prefer reading the Quran in Persian or Urdu, it adds another degree of accessibility.
A color-coded Quran in an Arabic script that is easy to read for the non-Arabic speaking person as well. Seven different-color shades have been used: each color representing a different tajwid rule. Letters are colored according to the corresponding tajweed rule. The actual rules of tajwid in English are included in the back of the Quran. This edition of the Qur'an can help those who desire to recite the Qur'an correctly with the proper pronunciations and intonations.
The Path Of The Prophets : A Thrilling puzzle Adventure
ISBN: 9509572151987
Author: Learning Roots
Book Binding:175 Pieces Puzzle
Size: 11 x 8.2 x 2.2 inch Box Size
About This Book:
Some puzzles are fun to make. Some are great to look at. Some are great to learn from. Few puzzles have all three qualities. You’re looking at one of the few. The Path of the Prophets combines over 200 elements to detail over 70 stories from the lives of the Prophets all into one amazing image. There’s so much to learn, so much to discover and so much to discuss. The Path of the Prophets is arguably one of our most creative works and we feel comfortable saying you’ve probably never seen anything like this before. Here’s why: It’s an all-in-one story image that sticks in your child’s mind as it is visually engaging which helps them remember the Prophets in a fun way. Each Prophet’s name along the path has images relating to highlights from their story so your child builds an immediate mental association for better long-term memory. There is a pathway that helps your child learn the order in which the Prophets were sent. There are subtle details in the images which reveal hidden relationships between the Prophets for the more advanced children. The set comes with a map guide that walks you through the stories illustrated along the path of discovery. There are special pieces in the shape of different objects, making the puzzle more engaging. The Path of the Prophets is a large floor puzzle, measuring 68cm x 48cm with 178 pieces ensuring that it is just the right level of difficulty for a child aged 8-11 to complete. It is also easy to handle and the pieces are not small assuring that the pieces will not get lost. The puzzle comes in a sturdy box that’s highly durable for safekeeping and storage. The puzzle pieces are made from specialist puzzle boards used in high-quality products from world-class puzzle makers. The fact that this is a puzzle, guarantees that your child is more likely to learn about the Prophets in a much more engaging and fun way. If you’re looking for something similar for younger children, check out The Giant Journey which covers a similar concept for little kids To get your puzzle, click the ‘Add to Cart’ button above. May you and your children be adorned with the character of the Prophets.
Al-Quran Al-Kareem Ahsan-al-Hawashi (Arabic /Urdu Translation)
Author: Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.7 x 7.0 x 1.8 inch
Publication year: 2016
About This Quran:
The Holy Quran's translation into Urdu, known as the Ahsan-al-Hawashi Quran, the author is renowned for its thoroughness, beauty, and fluency. The translator, Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf, is well known and esteemed for his illustrious work, Ahsan-ul-Bayan. Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf expertly combines commentary with the pertinent verses on the same page in this translation, showcasing his outstanding capacity to do this difficult task with great completeness. The two-color cover that the translation is provided adds to its appealing design. The Ahsan-al-Hawashi Quran, as a whole, is an exceptional Urdu translation of the Holy Quran that retains the translator's illustrious reputation and offers readers a thorough and attractive presentation of the sacred text.
An Inspiration to the World by Dr. Aid al-Qarni
ISBN: 9786039177234
Author: Dr. Aid al-Qarni
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.8 x 7.0 x 1.5 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
A Prophetic Biography Unlike Any Othe
Unlike any book of Seerah that came before it.
Based on authentic reports
Connecting the Seerah to our everyday, modern lives.
Beyond biography – a project towards reformation of character.
To guide you through all aspects and circumstances of life.
An Inspiration to the World is not a repetition of what has already been written about the Seerah, or an imitation of those who have written on this topic before me. It is not a collection of quotations or a list of reports. Rather it is based on reflection and contemplation of those reports, aimed at presenting the spirit of the Seerah and connecting it to people›s everyday lives, by diving deep into its ocean, trying to discover its secrets, show its lights, highlight its objectives, display its uniqueness and discuss its benefit
This book is Unique and different from other seerah books like Sealed Nector, Golden Seerah by Abdul Malik Mujahid, As- Seerah by Dr. As-Sallabi, As- Seerah by Dr. Mahdi Rizq-ul-Allah and many others, Because these books are about the biography of the Prophet PBUH, his childhood, Life before Prophethood, Life in Makkah, Life in Madinah, etc.These books are also informative and useful but “An inspiration to the world” is different from all such books.An Inspiration to the World is a record of the Sunnah, a biography of one who was the greatest example, a way of life, a book of manners, a covenant of honour, a call to salvation, a project of reform, a message of Tawheed, and a call to a new life.An Inspiration to the World is the story of a Prophet and Messenger PBUH, a biography of one who was infallible, a historical record of the mercy whom Allah sent to the world, a great blessing, in which you will find divine inspiration, prophetic breezes, the greatest miracle, the momentous news, and the final, eternal message.An Inspiration to the World represents the journey of half a century, in which the author accompanied the one who was an inspiration to the world PBUH by night and by day, at home and when traveling, in private and in public, at times of hardship and times of ease.
The author spent his life studying his noble Sunnah and biography, and he realized that he should pay his dues and fulfill the covenant, by undertaking the duty to convey and promote his Sunnah and to spread his message.
French Quran: Le sens des versets du Saint Qouran (Medium Size) By Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda
Author: Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda
Book Binding:Hard Cover
Size: 6.8 x 5.0 x 1.5 inch
Publication year: 2010
About This Book:
Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda translated and elucidated a French-language Quran entitled "Le Sens des Versets du Saint Coran". The goal of this small book is to give French translations and explanations of the Holy Quran's passages. The following are important aspects of "Le sens des versets du Saint Coran":
The verses of the Holy Quran are translated from their original Arabic into French in this book. It enables readers who speak French to access and comprehend the Quran's message and lessons.
Explanations and Interpretation:
Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda offers interpretations and explanations of the verses of the Quran. These explanations aid readers in comprehending the verses' intended meanings, historical context, and practical ramifications, which improves their comprehension of the Quran's instructions.
The Compact Format:
Readers may readily access the translated Quranic text and explanations because of the small size, whether they're at home, on the go, or in another location.
Authentic Source:
Cheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda, a recognized scholar and translator, is the creator of the translation and interpretations presented in the book. The validity and veracity of the information supplied may be trusted by readers.
Interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an with Arabic text in the modern French language. A summarized version of At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari.This summarized 1 volume version offers brief commentary and Ahadith wherever necessary. This unique combination of commentary and relevant Ahadith makes this a very useful study reference tool. The Arabic text is taken from Mushaf al Madinah.
Fathul Majeed (Sharh Kitab At-tawheed), (Arabic Language) By Syaikh Abdul Rahman Hasan Al Sheikh (Darussalam) Large Size
Author: Syaikh Abdul Rahman Hasan Al Sheikh
Book Binding:Hardcover
Size: 9.7 x 7.0 inch
About This Book:
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Hasan Al Sheikh's prestigious Arabic-language book "Fathul Majeed (Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed)" was released by Darussalam in a large-size version. A thorough commentary on the significant Islamic text "Kitab At-Tawheed" (The Book of Monotheism) is provided in this book. "Fathul Majeed (Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed)"'s salient characteristics include:
Because the book is published in Arabic, readers have the chance to interact with the original text directly and deepen their comprehension of Islamic ideas.
Comprehensive Commentary:
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Hasan al-sheik, the author, offers a thorough commentary on "Kitab At-Tawheed." The commentary examines the key ideas, tenets, and teachings around the unity of Allah (Tawheed). It offers in-depth explanations and dives into the text's linguistic, legal, and theological facets. The author backs up the provided lessons with proof from the Qur'an and reliable Hadiths.
Printed at a large size:
Which makes it simple to read and follow along with the content, the book is produced. The legible typography and roomy layout make reading easier and improve understanding. Fathul Majeed Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed ( Abdur Rehman Bin Hasan ) Darussalam Arabic
Islamic Studies Student Workbook Level 6 (Weekend Learning Series) By Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
ISBN: 9781936569793
Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri
Book Binding:softcover
Language : English
About This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri's "The Islamic Studies Student Workbook Level 6" is a priceless instructional tool that is a component of the renowned "Weekend Learning Series." This workbook is designed exclusively to assist students at Level 6 in their pursuit of Islamic education.This workbook's main attributes are as follows:
Comprehensive Curriculum:
The workbook provides a thorough education that builds on the fundamental information learned in earlier levels. A comprehensive understanding of Islam is provided via its exploration of numerous facets of Islamic studies, including the Qur'an, Hadith, Seerah (biography of the Prophet Muhammad), Islamic history, and current challenges.
Engaging Exercises:
The workbook includes a number of enjoyable exercises that are intended to reinforce important ideas and encourage active learning. Students can apply their information in meaningful ways with these exercises, projects, critical thinking questions, debate starters, and more.
Islamic Studies - Student Workbook - Level 6 is designed to complement the revised and enlarged Islamic Studies textbook for this level. The workbook has large number of test questions to cover each lesson in a comprehensive manner.
Islamic Studies Student Workbook Level 3 (Weekend Learning Series) By Mansur Ahmad and Husain A.NuriISBN: 9781936569717Author: Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. NuriBook Binding:softcoverPages:128Language : EnglishDescriptionAbout This Book:
Mansur Ahmed and Husain A. Nuri are the authors of "The Islamic Studies Student Workbook Level 3", a renowned instructional tool from the "Weekend Learning Series." This workbook has been specifically created to assist students at Level 3 in their pursuit of Islamic education.
This workbook's main attributes are as follows:
Comprehensive Curriculum:
The workbook provides a thorough education that builds on the fundamental information learned in earlier levels. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Islam by examining a variety of Islamic studies topics, such as the Qur'an, Hadith, Seerah (biography of the Prophet Muhammad), Islamic history, and moral principles.
Exercises that are Interactive:
The workbook includes exercises and activities that are interactive to keep students interested and promote active learning. These exercises contain short answer questions, matching exercises, fill-in-the-blanks, comprehension questions, and more. Students can successfully apply their information and solidify their understanding through these activities.Islamic Studies - Student Workbook - Level 3 is designed to complement the revised and enlargedIslamic Studies textbook for this level. The workbook has large number of test questions to cover each lesson in a comprehensive manner.