Explanation Of: Al-Qasidah Al-Haiyah On Asceticism, Endearment, & Inspiration Of Fear By Ash-Shaykh Ḥāfidh ibn Ahmad ibn ʿAli al-Ḥakamī
ISBN: 9781636498515Author: Ash-Shaykh Ḥāfidh ibn Ahmad ibn ʿAli al-ḤakamīBook Binding: PaperbackPages 118Size: 6 x 9 inchPublication year: 2020DescriptionAbout This Book:
"Al-Qasidah Al-Haiyah on Asceticism, Endearment, and Fear Inspiration" is a profound and insightful lyrical composition authored by the renowned scholar Ash-Shaykh fidh ibn Ahmad ibn Ali al-akam. The author dives into the themes of asceticism, affection, and the inspiration of dread in this exquisite qasidah (poem), providing essential insights for spiritual growth and self-improvement. The qasidah opens with an examination of asceticism, emphasizing the significance of distancing oneself from worldly distractions and concentrating on the quest of spiritual closeness to Allah. It explores the virtues of contentment, simplicity, and self-discipline, encouraging readers to value the eternal over the temporal.
We have before us a beneficial poem that was written by Al- ‘Alaamah, Ash-Shaykh, Al-Imām, Ḥāfidh ibn Ahmad ibn ‘Ali Al- Ḥakamī (May Allah have mercy upon him). He is known for having good writings and excellent knowledge-based poems that are in various aspects of the religion. For what they possess of ample knowledge, beneficial arrangement, reasonable deduction, beautiful sequence, clear expression, and sound advice, that is from this magnanimous Imām. From his pieces of poetry (May Allah have mercy upon him) is this poem entitled ‘Al-Hāʾīyah.’ It concerns a lofty aspect and an essential matter of knowledge. It is concerning having Zuhd (abstinence) in this worldly life, cautioning from being tested in it. This poetry contains safeguarding it, from making it one’s most significant importance, from it being the scope of one’s knowledge, and from it is the extent of his objective.
Whoever is like that, this worldly life will cause him a great deal of harm. It will be the cause of his destruction and being deprived of any good. The poet (May Allah have mercy upon him) has undoubtedly done well and was proficient in writing this poem. Along with its conciseness, it is comprised of many excellent and tremendous benefits. The scholars (May Allah have mercy upon them) have written beneficial books concerning this field, like Imām Ahmad, Ibnul Mubārik, Wakee’, Hanād ibn as-Sarī, and other than them.
Reverence For The Salah By Shaykh Abdur Razzaq ibn Abdul Muhsin Al-Abaad al-Badr
ISBN: 9781684182404
Author: Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq Ibn Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbad al-Badr
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 196
Size: 6 x 9 inch
Publication year: 2020
About This Book:
Shaykh Abdur Razzaq ibn Abdul Muhsin Al-Abaad al-Badr's book "Reverence for the Salah" is profound and enlightening. The acclaimed scholar digs deeply into the significance of Salah (Islamic prayer) and the value of establishing sincere reverence and dedication to this act of worship in this excellent work. Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Al-Badr gives excellent insights on how to achieve Khushu' (humility and attentiveness) in Salah throughout the pages of this book. He dives into the spiritual components of prayer, advising readers on how to strengthen their relationship with Allah through each prayer and transform it into a transformational and gratifying experience.
The Ṣalāh is the most crucial affair in a Muslim’s life. To preserve one’s religion, one has to observe it consistently; otherwise, one would be negligent of the Ṣalāh, let alone other acts of worship. It is the pillar of Islām, as it is soundly reported from the Prophet (May Allah elevate his rank & grant him peace). At the same time, the remaining deeds serve as the axis of support. Similarly, a tent without a pillar is useless. The Ṣalāh is the criterion for accepting all other deeds; if it is rejected [by Allāh], all other deeds will be rejected. It is the first obligation ever in Islām and the last act of worship to wither. So, if one is negligent to the first and the last thing in Islām, then one will lose everything in-between. Inadequate observance of the Ṣalāh that lacks adherence to its prescribed form in the manner performed by the Messenger of Allāh (May Allah elevate his rank & grant him peace) will derail one’s religion. It will invalidate all deeds, cause misconduct in one’s religious and worldly affairs.
Steps to Prayer By Laila MabrukISBN: 9781905516865Author:Laila Mabruk Book Binding: Laminated Paper CardsPages 40 CardsSize: 10 cm x 11cm each cardDescriptionAbout This Book:
Looking for a fun and effective way to teach your child to pray? Look no further than "Steps to Prayer" (formerly titled 'What's Next?'). This interesting and informative book will walk your child through the Salah process step by step. Let me explain in more detail:"Steps to Prayer" is an engrossing prayer sequence game that your youngster will enjoy playing. Each card includes a clear illustration of each phase, making it simple for visual learners to grasp the process.But wait, there's more! Each card includes a clear explanation of how to do each step, ensuring that your youngster understands the prayer process completely.Are you looking for a fun and effective way to teach your child how to pray?With the Steps to Prayer (formerly known as 'What’s Next?'), you can teach your child how to perform the Salah in an engaging and comprehensive way. Here’s how:
Steps to Prayer is a step-by-step prayer sequencing game that's fun for your child to engage with and understand.
On each card, there is a clear picture relating to the step making it easy for visual learners to identify each step.
There is an explanation on the back of each card explaining how to perform the step.
Steps to Prayer also teaches your child how to make wudu, what to say in Salah and prayer times.
The cards are made from laminated card ensuring they are durable for long term use.
Steps to Prayer has helped thousands of children across the globe learn how to pray in a simple way that is easy to understand. It contains 40 wonderfully illustrated cards measuring 10cm by 11cm.To order your Steps to Prayer, click the 'Add to Cart' button above. May you and your child be of those who establish the prayer.
The Box of Manners: For the Charming Muslim Child (New Edition)
Book Binding: Box Packing
Size: 3.8x3.8x1.5" (9.5x9.5x3.5 cm)
Publication year: 2010
About This Book:
Discover the Secret Behind Well Mannered Children
Are you sometimes embarrassed by the way your children behave in front of guests or when they’re outdoors?Do you feel frustrated because your kids don't always listen to you and do as you say?Do you wish your children were more dignified, polite, or just simply behaved themselves?! After all, Muslims are renowned for their upright behaviour, right?You’re right. But you already know that simply telling your child to behave does not work. Children need to see for themselves that being respectful and well-behaved opens up a world of good for them.And that’s what the Box of Manners does.This delightful little box showcases 27 timeless etiquettes from the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (S), and gets your child to adopt them. Here’s how:
Each manner is coupled with a hadith and reflection question which get your child to deeply REFLECT on the effects of good manners in their own lives so they have a greater impact.
Playing miming and charades games SHOW your child the effects of good manners so they can see their effects for themselves.
Active engagement through play means your child is immersed in a positive environment that encourages the best of behaviour and makes it the norm.
Each card has a pair so a memory game and charades can be played to increase the versatility and fun so your child can enjoy continuous learning of polite manners.
A reference game is included for each of the manners so your child can feel the spiritual connection from their newly formed good habits.
There are 27 lofty characteristics presented in this box so your child will have comprehensive coverage of what it takes to become a well-rounded polite individual.
Each card has a vivid illustration and clearly titled cards so your child can relate to the context of each manner and gain an instant understanding of its effects.
The cards are produced on a thick card which is laminated on one side making them durable for long-term use.
The cards measure 8cm in diameter making them ideal for little hands, yet large enough to showcase each manner.
Some of the manners covered in this game include:
Kindness to parents
Knocking before entering
Suppressing the yawn
Sharing (food and other items)
Starting from the right side
The Box of Manners is our longest serving game and has brought joy to tens of thousands of Muslim homes around the world. It also makes a wonderful gift for family and friends.
A Hanbali Epitome: The Student's Guide For Accomplishing The Pursued Objectives Pertaining to Worship By Mar'i Yusuf al-Karmi al-Hanbali
ISBN: 9781916475663
Author: Mari Yusuf al-Karmi al-Hanbali
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 376
Size: 9.7 x6.5 x 1.3 inch
Publication year: 2020
Language: Arabic
About This Book:
Mar'i Yusuf al-Karmi al-Hanbali's "A Hanbali Epitome: The Student's Guide For Accomplishing The Pursued Objectives Pertaining to Worship" is a thorough guidebook that offers significant insights and practical instructions connected to worship within the Hanbali school of thought. The book contains a wide range of religious acts, such as prayers, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, and other Hanbali-recommended rituals. Its goal is to be a useful resource for Islamic jurisprudence students and knowledge seekers who want to expand their understanding and practice of Hanbali worship.
This book is a translation of Mar'i b. Yusuf al-Karmi’s (d. 1033/1623) classical Ḥanbali law manual, Dalīl al-Ṭālib. In 1961 George M. Baroody translated the section of criminal law as part of a Masters’ thesis. The present work focuses on the sections of worship (ʿibādāt). It clearly presents the rules and regulations the Muslim community requires for purification, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, and warfare. A lengthy introduction to Islamic law and the Ḥanbalī school has been included to prepare the readers. The language employed in the translation has been kept simple, straightforward, and modern to make the work accessible to everyone who speaks English – law student or otherwise. This bilingual edition, with its parallel Arabic text, will allow readers to access the original Arabic and hopefully help with vocabulary building, oracy, and future translations. Muslims for many centuries have turned to Dalīl al-Ṭālib for study, and ultimately to be informed of their religious practices. It is hoped the translation, The Student’s Guide, will produce a similar response and convey the spirit and manner of the original owing to its style and simplicity.
Video Games & Our Children By Shaykh Dr. Saeed Ibn Saalim Ad-Darmaki
ISBN: 9781792349362
Author: Shaykh Dr Saeed Ibn Saalim Ad-Darmaki
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 42
Size: 8.3 X 5.8 X 0.4 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
The book focuses on the impact of video games on children, emphasizing both the positive and negative consequences. It provides vital advice to parents on how to ensure their children's use of video games is safe and healthy. The writing style is simple and direct, and the book is based on Islamic ideas.
This book is an excellent resource for parents looking for guidance on how to approach video gaming appropriately. It underlines the significance of setting screen time restrictions for children and monitoring the types of games they play. It is also recommended that youngsters play games with their friends and family, as this promotes social contact and bonding. According to the book, video games may be used as a teaching tool to instill vital qualities such as cooperation and teamwork. Parents can teach positive attributes to their children while keeping a healthy balance between gaming and other activities by using video games as a form of learning and family bonding."
The Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games on Children" offers practical advice based on Islamic principles, assisting parents in navigating the world of video games and ensuring their children's well-being while enjoying this type of entertainment. This very timely book covers various aspects of video games and their effects upon the individual, family, and community. Topics discussed in this book include:
Recreation of the Companions during childhood and adolescence
Video game addiction and drug addiction similarities
Subliminal messages in video games
The effects of video games upon the religion
The effects of video games upon mental health
The effects of video games upon physical health
The effects of video games on security
Video game addiction in adults
Treatment for gaming disorders and much more.
Health and Wellbeing for Muslims By Asmaa Ansari
ISBN: 9781910015292
Author: Asmaa Ansari
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 124
Size: 8.1 x 6.1 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
Action plans to help you live well
Asmaa Ansari's book "Health and Wellbeing for Muslims" examines several areas of health and wellbeing from an Islamic perspective. The book dives into ways to maintain our physical, mental, and spiritual health while adhering to Islamic principles and values. The author, Asmaa Ansari, understands Islamic health practices and how they can be integrated into our daily life. She provides practical counsel, recommendations, and direction to assist Muslims live a healthy lifestyle while simultaneously strengthening their spiritual relationship with Allah.
Readers can expect to learn how to balance their physical health with their emotional and spiritual well-being. The book most likely emphasizes the significance of maintaining a comprehensive approach to health that adheres to Islamic values. This book will teach Muslims how to care for themselves in a way that is both good to their bodies and uplifting to their souls. It is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to improve their general well-being while being faithful to their beliefs. “Whoever among you wakes up secure in his property, healthy in his body and he has food for the day, it is as if he were given the entire world” (Tirmidhi)
Good health is one of the greatest blessings in life should never be taken for granted; our bodies are a trust that we need to look after and Islam gives us guidance on how to achieve this. Presented in a concise and straightforward style, Muslim Health and Well-being is a must-read for people of all ages. It is full of practical advice and action plans on how to maintain physical. mental and spiritual well-being.
About the Author:
Asmaa Ansari is a Librarian who lives in London with her husband and three children. She loves books and opportunities to help others, and this is what prompted her to write books. She is also the author of A guide to Muslim Parenting.
Quran and Seerah Stories: Take Along Storybook Set -1 By Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9788194366393
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: box packing
Size: 9.6 x 7.4 inches
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
The "Quran and Seerah Stories: Take-Along Storybook Set - 1" is a collection of five gorgeously illustrated storybooks that bring to life some of the most renowned tales from the Quran and the Seerah, or Prophet Muhammad's biography. These stories have been particularly designed in a simple and appealing format, making them ideal for children aged 4 to 8.
The inclusion of a CD on which Saniyasnain Khan reads the stories aloud adds to the attraction of this bundle. Children who are still learning to read independently can benefit from this audio function. This collection will be a great resource for parents and educators who want to introduce their children to Islamic stories. The books are not only visually appealing with their lovely illustrations, but they are also fascinating and informative. They are certain to pique the interest of young readers and inspire in them a desire to learn more about and comprehend their faith.
Children can immerse themselves in the timeless narratives of the Quran and the exemplary life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with this wonderful storybook collection. It's an excellent approach to instilling awareness and curiosity about Islam in young minds, as well as a love of stories with deep spiritual importance.
The Daughters of The Prophet Muhammad (Paperback) By Sr. Nafees Khan
ISBN: 9789386589897
Author: Sr. Nafees Khan
Book Binding: Soft cover
Pages 128
Size: 9 x 7 x 0.25 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
In this exciting work, the author skillfully ties together the lives and experiences of Prophet Muhammad's four daughters: Zainab, Ruqqayah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah. Readers gain a look into the amazing history of these exceptional women and their parents, the Prophet and Khadija, through stunning images and compelling narratives. The book delves into numerous facets of their life, beginning with their upbringing in the hallowed area of the Kabah and progressing to their marriages and motherhood. It also highlights their tremendous efforts to disseminate Islam's message, which continues to inspire believers throughout generations.
As we delve into the lives of these remarkable women, we discover significant lessons and inspiration that can lead us in the correct direction. Their unwavering loyalty to Islam, strength, and involvement in assisting the Prophet Muhammad are examples of qualities that believers might follow in their own lives.
Their experiences serve as a reminder that Islamic principles are ageless and can help us through the challenges of our own time. We can draw closer to Allah and follow the road of righteousness by learning from their lives. This beautifully written and illustrated book provides an engaging experience for readers, allowing them to connect with the lives of these noblemen and get significant insights that can favorably influence their own spiritual journey.
Forty Hadith On Prayer By Abu Hamza Abdul Khaliq Siddiqui
ISBN: 9786035004336
Author: Abu Hamza Abdul Khaliq Siddiqui
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 64
Size: 8.5 x 9.0 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
"Forty Hadith on Prayer" by Abu Hamza Abdul Khaliq Siddiqui is a collection of forty Hadiths (sayings and actions) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the topic of prayer (Salah) in Islam. Prayer is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is extremely important. These Hadiths compiled in the book may provide significant insights and direction on numerous elements of praying, such as their significance, correct etiquettes, and the spiritual benefits linked with them. As the author, Abu Hamza Abdul Khaliq Siddiqui is a renowned scholar who has taken the time to compile and publish these Hadiths in order to help Muslims better comprehend the importance of prayer and enhance their practice. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, May Allah bless a man who hears a Hadith from us, and memorizes it so that he can convey it to others, for perhaps he is conveying it to one who will understand it better than him, and perhaps the one who conveys knowledge does not understand it himself.
Seerah Encyclopedia: The Hidden Pearls (Vol 2)
ISBN: 9786035004374
Author: Muhammad Kamal Myshhkat
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages 656
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 1.3
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
Muslims face numerous hurdles in these difficult and dangerous times. Outsiders are attempting to undermine Islam from within the Muslim community. They attain this goal through politics and education. The world's culture, which emphasizes instant gratification, satisfying cravings, and keeping up with the latest entertainment, has led Muslim youth to wander away from Allah's Messenger's teachings. It has forced them to utterly disconnect from him.
The best way to overcome this difficult crisis is for every Muslim to rediscover their love for Allah's Messenger. We may accomplish this by accurately recounting his life and teachings. This will illuminate their souls and keep them connected to their beliefs.
In these dark and disturbing times, the Muslim Ummah is confronted with innumerable challenges. The entire disbelieving world is arrayed against the believers attempting to challenge and destroy Islam from the inside out. Through political and academic means, there people working day and night in an effort to achieve this end. A global culture of instant gratification, fulfilling sexual desires and acquiring the latest entertainment technology has alienated Muslim youth from Allah's Messenger, pushing them to cut off their relationship to him entirely. The only solution to this terrible situation is to rekindle the love of Allah's Messenger in the hearts of every Muslim, illuminating their souls with an accurate account of his life and works. Not a single event of the Messenger's life has been left or overlooked in this encyclopedia. Each and every event has been thoroughly researched, examined and vetted by the thirteen-member Committee and then written in an easy, flowing style. Note: This NOT the translation of the 4-Vol Arabic work with the same name, اللؤلؤ المكنون. It is a brand new work recently compiled by Darussalam originally in Urdu and being translated in to other languages of the world.
I Am Proud To Be A Muslim By Dr. V Abdur Rahim
ISBN: 9781872531564
Author: Dr. V Abdur Rahim
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 109
Size: 6.1 x 4.5 inch
Publication year:2018
About This Book:
"This book is the discussion about the beauty of Islam and richness ."This book is composed of comprehensive research work in simple English. The book is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about Islam or strengthening their faith.The book is divided into different chapters fewer are discussed here:
Introduction: This chapter of this book is a discussion about this book's aimForty Selected Gems:
This chapter contains the forty essays that comprise the book. The book discusses a lot about some serious issues, including the beauty of Islam, the significance of prayer, the value of charity, the value of family, the position of women in Islam, the value of education, the necessity for social justice, and the value of peace.
At the end of the book, it summarizes what the book discussed and its primary point.
Innumerable are the beauties of Islam a Muslim can be proud of, but some of these beauties of Islam through important in themselves do not get highlighted enough in a holistic approach to Islam. Hence the need to highlight them specially now when the benign and humane teachings of Islam need to be presented in a way which is not only acceptable to the new generation but also is attractive to them. Forty beautiful aspects of Islamic teachings pertaining to different walks of life have been dealt with in this short book. It is hoped that it will succeed in enthusing the reader with a sense of pride in the teachings of Islam and its great contribution to human civilization and culture.
Allah and Me By Vinni Rehman
ISBN: 9788178986951
Author: Vinni Rehman
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 63
Size: 9.6 x 7.4 inches
Publication year:2018
About This Book:
"Allah is aware of what is best for us. This book is intended to help you comprehend what He expects from us, as well as what He likes and dislikes. "Allah and Me" covers numerous Islamic values that we should implement into our daily lives in order to be in accordance with Allah's will and worthy of Paradise.
As Muslims, we endeavor to accomplish everything for the cause of Allah. "Allah and Me" is a book that gives a series of discourses on several virtues, educating us on how to apply them in our daily lives. Each discussion contains questions designed to get kids thinking about their own behavior in relation to the virtue being discussed. Every discussion finishes with pertinent Quranic verses and Hadith excerpts that underline the relevance of the Islamic virtue presented in that particular session to reinforce the lessons. This allows us to better understand and internalize these lessons, resulting in a closer bond with our faith."
Islamic Studies (KG1) By Molvi Abdul Aziz
ISBN: 9786035004473
Author: Maulvi Abdul Aziz
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 31
Size: 8.5 x 11 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:"Islamic Studies (KG1) by Molvi Abdul Aziz is a delightful and child-friendly book designed to introduce young readers aged 3 to 5 to the fundamentals of Islam." It includes a wide range of themes that build the groundwork for their religious understanding:
Allah, the Almighty Creator of the Universe
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Allah's final messenger
The Qur'an, Islam's sacred text
The Islamic pillars
Islamic etiquette and manners
Inspiring Islamic narratives
The book makes learning about Islam a fun and participatory experience for children, thanks to its brilliant and colorful images and engaging activities. It's a fantastic resource for parents and educators looking for an effective approach to introducing Islam to their children.
Among the important topics discussed in the book are:
Understanding Allah's identity and function as the Creator
Understanding the value of the Qur'an as Islam's holy scripture
Learning about the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) life and teachings
Getting acquainted with Islam's five pillars
Accepting Islamic etiquette and manners as a fundamental element of their behavior
Investigating inspirational Islamic legends that provide useful life lessons
Islamic Studies (KG2) By Molvi Abdul Aziz
ISBN: 9786035004480
Author: Maulvi Abdul Aziz
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 35
Size: 8.5 x 11 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:"Islamic Studies (KG2) by Molvi Abdul Aziz is a wonderful book designed specifically for young readers, introducing them to the fundamentals of Islam in a child-friendly manner." This book, aimed at youngsters aged 3 to 5, covers a wide range of themes, including:
Allah, the Almighty Creator of the Universe
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Allah's ultimate messenger
The Qur'an, Islam's sacred text
The Islamic pillars
Islamic etiquette and manners
Interesting Islamic stories
The book captures children's imaginations with its rich and colorful images and interactive activities, making learning entertaining and participatory. It is a fun and engaging resource that allows youngsters to learn about and understand their faith. This book is a wonderful resource for parents and educators who want to introduce Islam to their children. Islamic Studies (KG2) provides a firm foundation for children who are just beginning their journey of learning about Islam by infusing fundamental principles and teachings in a way that young minds can easily understand and relate to. It's an excellent resource for assisting children in developing a strong and good connection with their faith.
"Congratulations young readers! you are holding in your hand a child-friendly book that will tell you about your Lord the creator. It will tell you about your Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and about the Qur'an. It also has some very interesting stories. It has many fun activities which you can do on your own or along with your friends. So read and enjoy it! you will have fun and you will also be gaining very important knowledge about your religion.
Note: Parents have to read it for their children.
Islamic Studies (KG3) By Molvi Abdul Aziz
ISBN: 97860350044971
Author: Maulvi Abdul Aziz
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 39
Size: 8.5 x 11 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
"Islamic Studies (KG3) by Molvi Abdul Aziz is a delightful book for young readers that aims to introduce them to the fundamental principles of Islam in an engaging and child-friendly manner." The book covers a wide range of subjects, including:
Allah, the Almighty Creator of the Universe
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Allah's ultimate messenger
The Qur'an, Islam's cherished holy book
The Islamic pillars
Islamic etiquette and manners
Inspiring Islamic narratives
The book captivates children's attention with brilliant and colorful images, and engaging activities make learning about their faith a joyous experience. This book is a fantastic alternative for parents and educators looking for a valuable resource to introduce Islam to young brains."Congratulations young readers! you are holding in your hand a child-friendly book that will tell you about your Lord. It will tell you about your Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, about your religion Islam, and about the Qur'an. It also has some very interesting stories. It has many fun activities which you can do on your own or along with your friends. So dive in and enjoy! As you are having fun, you will also be gaining very important knowledge about your religion.
Note: Parents have to read it for their children.
The Four Caliphs Of Islam (4 Books) By Sr. Nafees Khan
ISBN: 9788178985442
Author: Sr. Nafees Khan
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 124
Size: 7 x 9 inch
Publication year:2018
About This Book:
"The Four Caliphs of Islam (4 Books) by Sr. Nafees Khan is an enthralling collection that takes readers on a journey through the lives of the Prophet Muhammad's first four successors, known as the Rashidun Caliphs." The series is appropriately titled:
Abu Bakr Siddiq: Islam's First Caliph
Umar Farooq: Islam's Second Caliph
Uthman Ghani: Islam's Third Caliph
Ali Murtaza, Islam's Fourth Caliph
The amazing stories of each caliph emerge in these four books, from their early lives to their legacies after death. Sr. Nafees Khan writes each narrative in a clear and approachable style, making the stories understandable and fascinating for readers of all ages. These enthralling books are loaded with fascinating facts and riveting anecdotes that bring the rich history of early Islam to life. These works are a wonderful resource for anyone interested in diving into the foundations of Islamic history. This collection is a treasure trove of insight and inspiration for anybody interested in the exceptional personalities who shaped the foundations of Islam, whether they are students of history, seekers of knowledge, or simply curious about the extraordinary figures who shaped the foundations of Islam.
These books are the perfect way to introduce your older child to the four Caliphs of Islam. These four books, penned by different authors are easy to read and understand as well as contain a wealth of information and knowledge. My 9 year old was very interested in reading them one after the other. Perfect for older kids.
Reviving the Spirit of the Youth By Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzan Ibn Abullah Ibn Al-Fawzan
ISBN: 9781904336679
Author: Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages 5.5
Size: 8.5 x 8.3 inches
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
Youth are the backbone to any nation; they are the leaders of tomorrow who fuel the future of a society. Thus, they shoulder an enormous responsibility in cultivating a constructive community, which requires characteristics that will equip them in fulfilling this duty. Thereafter, subsequent generations will carry the baton to greater heights should they inherit virtues of uprightness and steadfastness, placing them in a better position to refine the world around them. slam places fundamental importance in the well-being of the youth. As we witness the rise of new trends and their far-reaching influences, concern over potential harm is elevated due to their consequences that follow: impairing the lines between good and bad, right and wrong.
In this timely publication, we are introduced to a basic outline of the role the youth play in society, and some of the problems and challenges they face at this crucial stage of life. A number of practically effective solutions and their virtues are highlighted to assist in mitigating the issues that are mentioned, alongside the wider tangible benefits they offer when implemented accordingly. This book belongs to every young person, male or female, who aspires to achieve great heights in this world and the next. It speaks to every soul that wants be successful: motivating you to take advantage of this life, advising on how to plan for a better tomorrow, and much more. But it also signposts you to be cautious of the plots and plans that lead to failure. If you want to leave behind a legacy then this sincerely simple book will show the way, Insha’Allah.
Things that Move (Arabic/English) By Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9789386589484
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Boardbook
Pages 14
Size: 6 x 6 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
Saniyasnain Khan's "Things that Move (Arabic/English)" is an educational book aimed at young children, introducing them to various means of transportation as well as fundamental terminology in both Arabic and English. The ability of Saniyasnain Khan in developing engaging and useful content for youngsters implies that this board book will be both enjoyable and educational.
The book provides a board book format, with sturdy and thick cardboard pages that young children can handle without damage. It is likely to include colorful and vibrant drawings of various moving vehicles and objects, catching the attention and curiosity of young readers. "Things that Move" enables youngsters to become acquainted with transportation-related words in two languages, fostering language development and cross-cultural understanding. Simple words and phrases about cars, trucks, airplanes, boats, and other vehicles may appear throughout the book.
The book's content will revolve around investigating various forms of transportation and their names, colors, and basic qualities. It may also include intriguing facts about how these vehicles work and what they are used for, making learning exciting and interactive for young readers. The book provides an immersive and engaging experience through visual learning and multilingual text, assisting youngsters in developing cognitive and language abilities while nurturing a curiosity about the world around them.
Fruits Board Book (Arabic/English) By Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9789386589453
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Boardbook
Pages 18
Size: 6 x 6 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
Saniyasnain Khan's "Fruits Board Book" is an interesting instructional book for young children, introducing them to the world of fruits and basic language in both Arabic and English. Saniyasnain Khan's reputation as a well-known author of children's Islamic books and educational resources implies that this board book will provide a mix of entertaining and instructional content.
The pages of the board book are likely constructed of robust and thick cardboard, making it perfect for little hands to explore without risk of harm. The book's images of various fruits are likely to be vibrant and appealing, catching the attention and curiosity of young readers. The bilingual text in Arabic and English introduces children to fruit names in both languages, fostering language development and cross-cultural understanding. Simple words and phrases like fruits, colors, forms, and basic descriptions may be included in the book.
The "Fruits Board Book" is most likely about studying different sorts of fruits and identifying their names, colors, and shapes. It may also contain interesting facts about the nutritional advantages of various fruits, helping youngsters to develop healthy eating habits at a young age. The engaging and immersive experience provided by the book's visual learning and bilingual text gives a wonderful opportunity for young readers to strengthen their cognitive and language skills while having fun.
Vegetables Board Book (Arabic/English) By Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9789386589460
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Boardbook
Pages 18
Size: 6 x 6 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
Saniyasnain Khan's "Vegetables Board Book" is a popular educational book aimed at young children, introducing them to the world of vegetables and fundamental terminology in both Arabic and English. Saniyasnain Khan is a well-known author of Islamic books for children and educational tools, and this board book is expected to uphold his reputation for generating engaging and useful content. The board book format is ideal for young children, with thick cardboard pages that are robust and simple for small hands to touch without causing damage. The book's images of various vegetables are likely to be brilliant and colorful, catching the attention and curiosity of young readers. The "Vegetables Board Book" is presumably created to familiarize youngsters with vegetable names in two languages, boosting language development and cultural understanding. Simple words and phrases about veggies, colors, forms, and basic descriptions may be included in the book.
The book's content might revolve around studying many varieties of veggies and identifying their names, colors, and shapes. It might also include interesting facts about the nutritional benefits of different veggies, helping youngsters to develop healthy eating habits at a young age. The book delivers an interactive and immersive experience for young readers by integrating visual learning with multilingual text, assisting them in developing cognitive and language skills in a fun and engaging way.
Farm Board Book (Arabic/English) By Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9789386589590
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Boardbook
Pages 18
Size: 6 x 6 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
Saniyasnain Khan's "Farm Board Book" is an instructive book for young children, introducing them to the world of farms, animals, and fundamental terminology in both Arabic and English. Saniyasnain Khan is a well-known author of Islamic novels for children and educational resources. The board book style is frequently great for young children since it contains durable pages made of thick cardboard, making it easier for small hands to handle without tearing or ruining the pages. The book's bright drawings of diverse farm animals, objects, and scenes are certain to capture the attention and imagination of young readers.
Saniyasnain Khan's ability in generating entertaining and informative content for youngsters suggests that the "Farm Board Book" will be interactive and instructional. It may comprise elementary farm-related terms and phrases such as animal names, colors, numbers, and basic actions. The book's bilingual content in Arabic and English attempts to familiarize youngsters with vocabulary in two languages while also boosting language development and cultural awareness. The book's content revolves around studying farm life, identifying various animals and their sounds, and grasping basic principles relating to farming and agriculture. The book provides an interactive and immersive experience for young readers by integrating visual learning with multilingual text, boosting their cognitive and linguistic skills.
Kids Box: Arabic Learning (Ages 3+) By Saniyasnain Khan
ISBN: 9788194366317
Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Book Binding: Cards
Pages 56 Cards
Size: 4.7 x 4.7 x 4.7 Box Size
Publication year:2020
DescriptionAbout This Book:
The educational tool "Kids Box: Arabic Learning (Ages 3+) By Saniyasnain Khan" is intended to introduce Arabic language learning to kids aged three and up. A well-known author of Islamic children's books, Saniyasnain Khan has made a considerable impact on the subject of Islamic teaching for young students.A set of books, flashcards, audio files, or interactive learning tools may be included in the "Kids Box" series if the goal is to engage and instruct young children in the fundamentals of the Arabic language. The information is probably delivered in a kid-friendly and age-appropriate way, with engaging exercises, vivid visuals, and straightforward language to make learning fun and successful.
Learn Arabic Words & Develop Observation Skills:
Perfect for encouraging children to build vocabulary and language skills, Kid’s Box: Arabic Alphabet helps children grasp basic Arabic words, their formation, meaning and usage. Children will love discovering and learning new words to build Arabic vocabulary in a fun way while playing various games.A card game for 2 and more playersSuitable for children 3 years and aboveLearn more than 300 Arabic wordsImproves memory and concentration skillsA simple, fun-filled and educational gameChallenge your brain in just 15 minutesFull of fun illustrationsA perfect boredom buster for childrenIncludes words from topics such as animals, home, school, fruits, and transport.Includes 56 double sided cards and a dice.
At-Tadhkirah - The Reminder About the Condition of the Dead and the Events of the Hereafter By Al-Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abu Bakr bin
ISBN: 9781532369421
Author: Al-Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abu Bakr bin Farah
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 391
Size: 8.3 x 5.7 x 1.1 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:The timeless Islamic work "At-Tadhkirah," also known as "The Reminder," explores the profound facets of the afterlife, addressing the state of the deceased and the events that take place in the Hereafter. Al-Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abu Bakr bin Farah al-Qurtubi, who passed away in 671 AH/1272 CE, is the eminent scholar who authored this work.
The book is expertly split into four sections, each of which addresses important topics related to the afterlife. The first section informs us of the state of the dead in their graves, describing the angels Munkar and Nakir's interrogation and the potential punishment or blessing of the cemetery. The second section focuses on what happened on the Day of Resurrection. The sounding of the Trumpet, the ascension of the dead, the assembly of humanity, the assessment of actions, the crossing of the Bridge, and the final resting places of Paradise or Hell are examples of key events that fall under this category. In the third section, Paradise and Hell are vividly described, along with their various levels and the profound pleasures or agonies that await their residents.
The fourth and final section, which offers crucial foresight into the future, illuminates the indications that preceded the Hour.This is an abridged version of At-Tadhkirah- by Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abu Bakr bin Farj al-Ansari, al-Khazraji, al-Andalusi and then al Qurtubi may AlL11-1 forgive him, his parents and every Muslim - Amlin! He says: Absolute praise belongs to Allah The Most High, Al Wall, Al malwa ,The One Who created and gave life and has ruled that His creation shall die and perish before Resurrection in the abode of recompense for every matter to be judged over and settled, so that every soul be recompensed for what they used to do.I deemed that it would be suitable to write a concise book that will act as a reminder to myself, and a righteous deed to put forth for me after I die regarding the reminders of death, the condition of those who have died, the event of gathering the creation on one plain, the Resurrection, Paradise, Hellfire and the trials and signs of the Final Hour. All of which I cited from the books of the highly regarded Muslim scholars and the trustworthy vanguards of this (Muslim) nation in accordance to its transmission and how it has reached me, as you will come to see insha Allah.
English Translation of Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal (Set of First 6 Volumes) By Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal
ISBN: 9786035001076
Author: Musnad Imam Ahmad bin
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages 1841
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication year:2012
Language: Arabic/English
About This Book:
A collection of hadiths—sayings, deeds, and approvals—attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and occasionally to his companions—makes up the Musnad. These hadiths were gathered by Imam Ahmad from a variety of sources, including other scholars, the Prophet's companions, and hadith narrators. Given that the Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal is spread throughout more than 30 volumes, the set of the first six volumes probably contains a portion of the total collection. Depending on their interests and goals, many publishers may issue sets with a variety of volumes Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal is the collection of Ahadith, collected by the famous Sunni scholar Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal to whom the Hanbali madhab of Sunnis is attributed. It is said by some that Ibn Hanbal made a comment in regards to his book which read as follows: "There is not a hadith that I have included in this book except that it was used as evidence by some of the scholars
."Al-Marwadhi Said: "I said to Ahmad how are you this morning?"He said : "How would anyone be whose Lord is demanding that he carries out the obligatory duties, and his prophet is demanding that he follow the sunnah, and the two angels are demanding that he mend his ways, and his nafs (Inner Self) is demanding the he follow its whims and desires, and ibless (Shaytan) is demanding that he commit immoral actions, and the angel of death is watching and waiting to take his soul, and his dependants are demanding that he spend on their maintenance?" A monumental Ahadith collection by the Shaykh ul Islam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, a must have for every library of every student of knowledge, the first 3 volumes in the many volumes of Musnad Imam Ahmad are now presented in the English language.
Pen Quran
About This Products:
Darussalam Publishers is proud to launch, “The Pen Quran”. An amazing technology that makes Quran reading, learning, understanding and memorizing very easy. Young or old, Arab or non-Arab, beginner or master, the Pen Quran will make you wonder how you ever lived without it. Simply by touching the pen on any ayah, surah or page, the pen will start reading it in a loud and clear sound. The Pen Quran improves reading skills for all learners, maintains the flow of reading as students and non-Arabic people. Use the Pen Quran as your reading assistant anywhere, any time. This versatile device will improve the Holy Quran Reciting skills dramatically. With the auditory support provided by the Pen Quran, frustration and embarrassment disappear. Both struggling and fluent readers can rapidly improve their skills in Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Spelling, Pronunciation, Academic vocabulary, and grammatical structure. It has the audio recitation by world-famous Al-Sudais, Abdul Basit, Al-Afasy, Al-Ghamidi, Al-Ajmi, Al-Hudhaifi, and Al-Maeqali, etc. It is not a region specific device as it has translations of the Noble Quran in major languages of the Islamic world. You can find preinstalled Translation in English, Urdu, Bengali, Pushtu, Turkish and Punjabi. Besides the Noble Quran, the Pen Quran includes the following booklets so that you may also learn the basics of Islam to strengthen your faith and Islamic knowledge.
Complete List of Contents:
Pen Quran with HD sound quality
Long life battery enabling longer playback time and less charging hours
Charger, Data Cable, Handsfree and Built-in 16GB Memory
Efficient and accurate sensor
Can be connected to a PC and used as USB storage
Can be used as an mp3 player
You can get firmware and content updates from our lab
Quran Al-Kareem: Published by Darussalam in full color to learn Quran with Tajweed
Darussalam’s Qurani Qaidah: with complete Audio
Sahih Bukhari: Complete Audio in Urdu
Seerat un Nabi (PBUH) card – Urdu + English: Audio in Urdu
Ashra Mubashra Card: Urdu Audio
Hajj & Umrah Guide: Urdu Audio
Stories from Quran: English Audio
Islamic Figures: English Audio
Stories of Prophets: English Audio
Ummahatul Momineen: Urdu Audio
Qasas Al-Anbiya: Stories of the Prophet in the Urdu language
Travel Card: A pocket-size card making listening to Quran easy while traveling
Adhkar: Learn Masnoon Adhkar (Azkaar)
Hamd-o-Naat: make your moments blessed by listening to Hamd and Naat
Warranty Card and User Manual
Quran Translations:
Included the Quran’s translation in six languages which you can listen with any Qari (reciter). Three of which (English, Urdu, Pashto) are included by default and remaining three (Dari, Sindhi & Balochi) can be added on demand.
Quran Tafseer:
Tafsir by Dr. Farhat Hashmi
Tafsir Bayan-ul-Quran by Dr. Israr Ahmad
Qari/Reciter Collection:
Includes Quranic recitation in the voice of 32 famous Qari (reciter of the Quran). No model available market offers such an extensive range of reciters. (13 of which are included by Default while remaining can be added on-demand)
Tafseer Ahsan-ul-bayan Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Extra large Size) Deluxe Edition By Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yusuf
Author: Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yusuf
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 860
Size: 11.7 x 8.7 x 2.0 inch
About This Book:Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yusuf's "Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Bayan Arabic with Urdu Language Translation (Extra Large Size) Deluxe Edition" is a well-known and thorough Quranic commentary that incorporates the original Arabic text of the Quran with a thorough Urdu translation. The author and commentator, Hafiz Salah-ad-Din Yusuf, is most likely a well-known Islamic scholar noted for his proficiency in Tafseer (exegesis) and Quranic studies. The author of "Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Bayan," seeks to give readers a thorough knowledge of the Quranic verses in both Arabic and Urdu in this deluxe edition. The name "Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Bayan" implies that the commentary concentrates on offering concise and understandable justifications, making it accessible to a wide spectrum of readers, from novices to experienced academics. The addition of an Urdu translation guarantees that readers who know Urdu can understand the subtleties and meanings of the Quranic verses in their own language.
According to the "Extra Large Size" designation, this edition is probably built with larger letter sizes and a more open layout, making it simple to read and use, especially for people who have visual impairments. This Tafsir Ahsan-ul-Bayaan has the Urdu translation under each line and tafseer (commentary) around the page border. This version is an extra large (9 x 12") hardcover book.
The Essential Matters of Tawheed: For The New Muslim By Shadeed Muhammad
ISBN: 9781411686915
Author: Shadeed Muhammad
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 224
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 inch
Publication Year: 2013
About This Book:
Shadeed Muhammad's book "The Essential Matters of Tawheed: For The New Muslim" was written with the express purpose of introducing new Muslims to the foundational ideas of Tawheed (Islamic monotheism). Islam's central doctrine, or Tawheed, emphasizes the unity and singularity of Allah (God). A Muslim's religion and practice are centered on comprehending and embracing Tawheed. For individuals unfamiliar with Islam, this book probably serves as a thorough introduction, distilling difficult theological ideas into explanations that are simple to grasp. The author, Shadeed Muhammad, is probably a qualified teacher or scholar with expertise in assisting new Muslims in their spiritual journey. Through this book, he hopes to clarify and allay common doubts and questions about Tawheed that new Muslims frequently have.
The organization of the book is simple, dividing the fundamentals of Tawheed into different chapters or divisions. Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Oneness of Allah's Lordship), Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah (Oneness of Allah's Worship), and Tawheed al-Asma' wa-Sifat (Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes) may all be explained. To reinforce the explanations and give readers reliable references, the author may use verses from the Quran, Hadiths, and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Essential Matters of Tawheed for The New Muslim, compiled by Abu Azzubayr Shadeed Muhammad, taken from the works of the most renowned scholars of Islaam, the likes of Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn ul Qayyim, Al Hafidh Al Hakamee, Shaykh ul Islaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahaab and much more (RahimahumUllaah) The book was released in June 2009. The book is an excellent comprehensive collection of all the essential matters of Aqeedah. It is an excellent addition to any library for the new Muslim and those who have been Muslim for some time wa lillah hil hamd. It contains the issues and types of Tawheed, its meanings, conditions, nullifiers, as well as shirk, kufr, and nifaaq all with their conditions and types etc.
The Marriage Guide: According To The Sunnah Of The Prophet By Imam Nasir Al-Din Alabni
ISBN: 9781904336686
Author: Imam Muhammad Nasir Al-Din Alabni
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 96
Size: 8.5 x5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication Year: 2021
About This Book:Imam Muhmmad Nair Al-Din Al-Albani
Allah,the'Most High said: "Among His Signs is that He created spouses for you of your own kind so that you may find tranquility in them. And He has placed love and mercy between you. Verily in that are Signs for those who reflect." Surah Ar-Rum, 30:21 The Messenger of Allah (a) said, "When a person gets Married, he has completed half of his religion; so, let him. fear Allah with regard to the other half."Bayhaqi, Shu'ab al-Iman, Shal Al-Albani Hasan Li Ghayrihi, Sahih al-Targhib waq-Tarhib (1916) Marriage is an important institution in the great religion of Islam. Humans have been treated as social Creatures, requiring interactions with each other in order to survive.Harmoniously coexisting in love and mercy amongst men and women were created To complement one another in companionship. The family as a basic social institution is the cornerstone of society, and strong marriages are the basis for strong communities.
Thus, marriage was the way of the previous prophets and messengers, and it was the practice of our noble Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his companions - may Allah be pleased with them all, Amin. This Simple but important text, covers many aspects of married life which every Muslim Must acquaint themselves with. The Sheikh - may Allah have mercy on him has diligently put together this work, quoting from the Qur'an and authentic Ahadith of the messenger of Allah It is a great guide for all those who intend on getting married, as much as for those who are already married. Familiarizing oneself with this work is a must for every Muslim who wishes to learn and practice the Islamic manners etiquettes related to marital life, It is a text that no Muslim home or library should be without.
5-Pillars of Islam Activity Book (for Beginners) By Husain A. Nuri
ISBN: 9781936569199
Author: Husain A. Nauri
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 94
Size: 11 x 8.5 x 0.4 inches
Publication Year: 2016
About This Book:Husain A. Nuri's "5-Pillars of Islam Activity Book (for Beginners)" is an engaging educational tool created to expose young readers, especially beginners, to the five major tenets of Islam. The Five Pillars of Islam, which constitute the foundation of Islam, are five essential acts of worship. They are as follows:Declaration of Faith: Bearing witness that Muhammad is Allah's messenger and that there is no god but He, according to the Shahada
Salah (Prayer): Saying the five daily prayers at set intervals of time.
zakat (charity): Giving a portion of one's riches to people in need as a kind of purification and compassion.
Sawm (Fasting): is the practice of going without food, liquids, and other necessities for the entire month of Ramadan.
Hajj (Pilgrimage): If financially and physically possible, make the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once in a lifetime.
The Five Pillars of Islam will likely be the focus of a variety of entertaining and interesting activities in the activity book, including puzzles, games, crafts, and coloring sheets. Children's learning is intended to be engaging and interactive through these activities, helping them to better understand and value the pillars.
Tawheed for Children (Islaam for Children Series) By Hassan Somali, Umm Faruq Mariam, and Faruq ibn Saja
ISBN: 9781513667096
Author: Hassan Somali, Umm Faruq Mariam, Faruq ibn Saja
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 119
Size: 8.5 x 0.28 x 8.5 inches
Publication Year: 2021
About This Book:
As a part of the "Islaam for Children Series," "Tawheed for Children" was written by Hassan Somali, Umm Faruq Mariam, and Faruq ibn Saja. The book is intended primarily to expose young readers to the idea of Tawheed. Islam's foundational idea of Tawheed emphasizes the unity and singularity of Allah (God). It is the conviction that all of God's qualities, deeds, and worship are totally identical. In order for kids to quickly acquire and comprehend this concept, the book seeks to explain it in a straightforward and age-appropriate way.
Children can relate to the authors' realistic stories, anecdotes, and images as they explain the concept of Tawheed. To emphasize the value of knowing Allah as the one true God and appreciating His magnificence and unity, they may employ realistic everyday scenarios. The "Islaam for Children Series" probably consists of a number of kid-friendly books that cover a range of Islamic doctrines. The goal is to establish a solid grasp of children's faith and to inculcate in them a love of Allah and His religion from an early age. For parents, teachers, and anyone else concerned with the upbringing and education of young Muslim children, "Tawheed for Children" is probably a useful book. Teaching children the essential principle of Tawheed, which serves as the cornerstone of Islamic belief and conduct, is done in a kind and caring manner.
The natural curiosity of children is one that is driven by their desire to learn, investigate, discover, and understand the world around them. It is within their innate disposition (fitrah) to want to know about their Lord, His rights, and the purpose of their existence. Like most children, Abdullaah and Khadeejah are very inquisitive. In a turn of events, they spark a full day’s conversation with their parents about some very important matters in the religion concerning worship, Tawheed, Shirk, the Shahadah, al-Istawa, and much more. Through a unique delivery, 'Tawheed for Children' teaches the foundation of Islaam in a way that is relative to Muslim children everywhere-- through an engaging story, questioning, exploration, and meaningful connections.
The Explanation Of The Book Of Knowledge From Sahih al-Bukhari by Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhali
ISBN: 9781532369339
Author: Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhali
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 401
Size: 8.3 x 5.7 x 1.1 inch
Publication Year: 2018
About This Book:
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of legislative knowledge because it is the basis for eradicating ignorance. In actuality, the need for legislative knowledge outweighs even the most fundamental needs for living, such as food and water, which are necessary for our physical survival. Many individuals may not fully understand the relevance of this knowledge, but experts have worked hard to emphasize it in order to enlighten and direct people. Learning how to worship Allah becomes crucial for individuals who lack knowledge. They can build a deeper relationship with the Creator and experience a more fruitful spiritual journey when they know how to worship the Creator appropriately.
On the other hand, those who are endowed with knowledge should always work to improve it. More information enables individuals to take on leadership roles in their communities, influencing and motivating others to follow the path of righteousness. In the same way that the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) did while he was alive, they can emerge as lights of knowledge and act as tangible examples of the beauty and profundity of Islam. Legislative knowledge is a treasure that eliminates ignorance and provides humanity with illumination and direction. Whether one is informed about worship or just wants to learn more about it, gaining knowledge should always be a lifelong process that benefits both the individual and society as a whole.
Nothing removes ignorance except legislative knowledge, and the need of the people for legislative knowledge is greater than their need for food and drink. It is greater than their need for air, which none can do without. However, most of the people do not know this need, which the scholars have specifically clarified for the people. The ignorant person is in need of learning how to worship Allah. He whom Allah has given something from knowledge is in dire need of increasing it so he can be a leader for the people and so he can be a proof, just as the Messenger of Allah was a proof.
Explanation of The Hadith: Indeed The Blissful Person Is He Who Has Been Kept Away from Fitan By Shaykh Abdur Razzaq ibn Abdul-Muhsin Al-abbad Al-Badr
ISBN: 9781649452931
Author: Abdur-Razaaq bin Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr
Book Paperback
Pages: 74
Size: 9.0x 6.0 x 0.2inch
Publication Year: 2021
DescriptionAbout This Book:
The hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is thoroughly and in-depth analyzed in the book "Explanation of the Hadith: Indeed the Blissful Person Is He Who Has Been Kept Away from Fitan" by Shaykh Abdur Razzaq ibn Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbad Al-Badr. Indeed, the one who has avoided fitan is the happiest. This book explores a variety of fitan-related topics, including their numerous varieties, underlying reasons, and ways to avoid falling prey to them. A selection of supplications to find safety from Fitan are also included.
The book is divided into three major sections:
Part 1: A Hadith's ExplanationPart 2: The Various Fitan TypesPart 3: Fitan Self-Protection Techniques
The book is reader-friendly and simple to understand because it is written in a straightforward and concise manner. Additionally, it is well-cited, making it simple for readers to research more details on the subjects covered.
Just how much more beautiful would it be that the believing servant is consistently conscious of this blessed meaning, which this Hadith illustrates, “who has been kept away from Fitan,” meaning that Allāh keeps Fitan away from him and shields him from its evil. This Hadith is inclusive of the following connotations. It is unbefitting for the Muslim to seek out Fitan, expose oneself to it, involve himself in it, or be entangled in its complexities and dire consequences. Let alone put oneself through its wicked outcome(s).Instead, Islām requires the servant to keep one’s distance and avoid it. He should make efforts to remain safe from its evil. Avoiding Fitan is the main objective here; not heading long into it or being entangled. Instead, one should seek refuge with Allāh and beg Him for well-being. Well-being is unparalleled to anything else. Whoever has been blessed with it has been gifted with a tremendous amount of good. Numerous supplications have been cited where the Prophet (May Allah elevate his rank & grant him peace) asked Allāh (The Exalted) for well-being.
Muntakhib Qurani Waqiat (Urdu Language) By Abdul Malik Mujahid
ISBN: 9786035004077
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 88
Size: 8.5 x 9.0 inch
About This Book:
"Muntakhib Qurani Waqiat" its an urdu book with the compilation of Quranic incidents. This book is authored by the Abdul Malik Mujahid. Gathered different incident across the life from the Prophet Adam AS to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH with detailed description related to the Quranic verseThe creation of the prophets Eve and Adam (peace be upon them both). The epic tale of the great deluge and the prophet Noah (peace be upon him). Prophet Ibrahim's (peace be upon him) offering. Prophets Moses (may peace be upon him) and Aaron (may peace be upon him) led the Children of Israel out of Egypt. Prophet Yusuf's (Joseph, peace be upon him) life narrative. Prophet Isa's (Jesus, peace be upon him) birth and miracles. The purpose of Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) role as the Prophets' Seal. An essential resource for comprehending the episodes recorded in the Quran is this book. It aids in understanding the significance of the events and the lessons they teach. Every Muslim should read this book because it provides insightful explanations of the parables and lessons found in the Quran.
Sabit Bin Qais (Khateeb E Rasool) (Urdu Language) By Abdul Malik Mujahid
ISBN: 9786035004114
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 32
Size: 9.3 x 65 x 0.1 inch
About This Book:Thabit ibn Qays was a Sahabah, a first generation Muslim, someone who was converted by Rasulullah SAW himself. He played a prominent role in the meeting at the Saqifah. Al-Bukhari recorded that Anas bin Malik said, “Rasulullah SAW missed Thabit Ibn Qays RA and a man said, `O Allah’s Messenger! I will find out about his news.’ That man went to Thabit Ibn Qays RA and found him sitting at home with his head lowered and asked him, `what is the matter’ Thabit Ibn Qays RA said, `An evil matter!’ And he said that he used to raise his voice above the voice of Rasulullah SAW. Thabit Ibn Qays RA feared that his good deeds would be useless and he would be among the people of the Fire. The man went back to Rasulullah SAW and conveyed Thabit’s statement and returned to Thabit Ibn Qays RA with wonderfully good news.
Rasulullah SAW said,
(Go back to him and tell him this news; you are not among the people of the Fire. Rather, you are among the dwellers of Paradise.)”Al-Bukhari collected this Hadith with this wording.
Anas bin Malik RA commented,
“We used to see Thabit walk among us knowing that he was (to be) among the dwellers of Paradise. During the battle of Yamamah, our forces suffered retreat. Suddenly, Thabit bin Qays bin Shammas RA came, having put on his Hanut and shrouds, and said, `The worst habit is the one you acquire from your enemy and do not set a bad example for your companions.’ And he went on fighting until Thabit Ibn Qays RA was martyred, may Allah be pleased with him.”
Thabit bin Qays bin Shammas RA:
The companion who shared the name Thabit bin Qays was Thabit bin Qays bin Shammas bin Zahîr al-Ansari. He is also referred to as Abu Muhammad or Abu Abdul Rahman, meaning the father of Muhammad or the father of Abdul Rahman. Both his sons were killed in the battle of Harra while defending Madina. Thabit Ibn Qays RA was known as the Speaker of the Ansar (Khatîb al- Ansar) as he would eloquently address the Ansar on behalf of the Messenger, upon him be peace. Thabit Ibn Qays RA was also known as Khatib al-Rasul, the one who gave the sermon for Rasulullah SAW.
Syedn Suhail Bin Umro R.A By Abdul Malik Mujahid
ISBN: 9786035004107
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 32
Size: 9.3 x 65 x 0.1 inch
About This Book:
One of the famous Sahabah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was Syedn Suhail bin Umro RA. He was wise, persuasive, and accomplished, and he was a key figure in the early history of Islam. Suhail was raised in a wealthy and well-respected family in Mecca, where he also received a first-rate education and gained a thorough understanding of international events. Additionally talented in poetry and public speaking, he was. Suhail was a leader among the Quraysh at first and passionately resisted the Prophet Muhammad's teachings, working to stop Islam from spreading. But with the Battle of Badr, he started to doubt his convictions. He eventually had a life-changing encounter with the Prophet Muhammad and converted to Islam. Suhail grew to be a close friend of the Prophet Muhammad and took part in pivotal conflicts like Uhud and the Trench. As one of the signatories to the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, he also had a substantial influence on it. Suhail's wisdom and experience allowed him to frequently provide the Prophet Muhammad with helpful advice, while his lyrical talent allowed him to write several verses praising the Prophet and Islam. In the year 38 AH (659 CE), Suhail bin Umro RA died away at the age of 70 and was buried at Medina.
Reflections on the believers' resemblance to the date tree By Shaykh 'Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdil-Muhsin al-'Abbad al-Badr
ISBN: 9798650561545
Author: Abdur-Razaaq bin Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 106
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year:2021
Language: Arabic
About This Book:
Allah says: “See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? - A goodly word as a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the sky (i.e. Very high). Giving its fruit at all times, by the Leave of its Lord and Allah sets forth parables for mankind in order that they may remember.” [Soorah Ibrahim 14:24-25]This is a remarkable parable with an enormous benefit and applies perfectly to that which it is being compared with. Allah begins the verse by saying,“See you not how Allah sets forth a parable?” [Soorah Ibrahim 14:24]Meaning, does not your heart see and comprehend how Allah makes an example and a comparison for the "goodly word", the word of Eemaan. Allah finishes the verse with: “Allah sets forth parables for mankind in order that they may remember.” [Soorah Ibrahim 14:25]Meaning: that the intention behind this parable and others, are to remind the people and invite them to consider and understand the speech of Allah.There can be no doubt that this beginning and end to the verse are the best of encouragements for a person to learn and understand this parable. They also show the enormous importance of this parable and how it includes Eemaan, which is the best thing for a person to seek and the greatest goal. When we consider this splendid parable we find that Allah mentions the thing that is being compared, the thing it is being compared to and the similarity between them. The thing that is being compared is "the good word", the thing it is being compared to is “the tree”, and the similarity between them is like Allah says:“Whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the sky (i.e. Very high); giving its fruit at all times, by the Leave of its Lord.” [Soorah Ibrahim 14:24]Allah, The Blessed, The Most High, compares the Eemaan that is firm in the heart of the believer and that which results from that Eemaan in the way of branches, divisions and fruit, with the "goodly tree” whose roots are firm, its branches outstretched into the sky, and always produces fruit.So if, one was to consider the thing being compared to, which is the tree, and the thing being compared, which is the proclamation of Eemaan that is in the heart of the believer and that which results from it, then they will find that they share many similar characteristics, some of which are mentioned in the verse. Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy upon him) said:“If you were to consider this resemblance you would see that it applies to the tree of Tawheed that is firmly rooted in the heart; its branches are the righteous actions which reach high into the sky and this tree never stops producing good deeds. The amount of righteous actions is dependent upon the extent that Tawheed is embedded in the heart, the extent of the love the heart has for Tawheed, the extent of sincerity one has for Tawheed, the extent of knowledge one has of Tawheed, the extent one applies Tawheed, the extent one performs its rights, and the extent that one takes care of it.Whoever firmly roots the proclamation of Eemaan in their heart and characterizes their heart by it and anoints it with the religion of Allah, of which there is no better religion, and then he knows the reality of divinity, which his heart affirms for Allah alone and he bears witness to that with his tongue and confirms that with his limbs. He negates this divinity and that which it necessitates, for everything other than for Allah; and his heart agrees with the tongue in this negation and affirmation and his limbs submit to that which he testifies to with Tawheed, obediently walking the path of his Lord with humility, without deviation and without desiring another to replace it.There's no doubt that this proclamation in the heart and on the tongue continually produces good deeds that raise up to Allah all the time.
Secret Society (Freemasons, illuminati and Missionaries) By Rasheed Barbee
ISBN: 9781792355165
Author: Rasheed Barbee
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.5 inch
Publication Year: 2021
About This Book:Rasheed Barbee's book "Diving Deep into the Intriguing World of Secret Societies" explores the deep philosophy and rich history of these enigmatic groups. The story reveals the fascinating beginnings of each group, revealing the unique beliefs, rituals, and practices that have defined their identities over time, with a focus on Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and Christian missionaries.The book extensively investigates these secret societies' tremendous effects on the world in addition to shedding light on their enigmatic elements. The investigation is fascinating and provocative, covering topics like secretive rites and secret brotherhoods.
Secret Societies is a collection of writings from the scholars of Islam uncovering the secret underworld of the Freemasons, Illuminati, and Christian missionaries, &posing their conspiracy to establish a New World Order.Their affiliates are covert, their undertakings are cryptic, and their objective is unmistakable.
Illuminati: "We will strengthen the freedom of individual thought with all the powers at ourdisposal, and we will declare war against the real enemy of man, which is religion.
"Missionaries: Inside one Southern university—one of three schools in the United States with a degree program exclusively devoted to Christianizing Muslims—Christian missionaries are trained to go undercover in the Muslim world and win converts for Jesus. Their stated goal: "To Wipe Out Islam."
Colonialist: "When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, "Let us pray." We closed our eyes; and when we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land."
Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women By Na'ima B. Robert
ISBN: 9781847741417
Author: Na'ima Robert
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 120
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication Year: 2021
About This Book:
Nai’ma shares the story of how she came to understand the meaning of ‘Showing Up’ through tragic circumstances and enormous life changes.So many of us sleepwalk through life: frustrated, unhappy and lacking confidence in our abilities and accomplishments, destined never to reach our full potential. We allow our limiting beliefs to hold us back. We allow our challenges to define us. We allow other people’s expectations to imprison us.‘Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women’ is based on the lessons Na’ima learnt on her journey, inviting the reader to show up, authentically and sincerely, in their lives, casting aside the role of victim and instead, living as the hero of their own life story.It Covers Many Topics including:
The Loss
What is Showing Up?
Showing Up: A Prophetic Sunnah
What does ‘Showing Up’ in YOUR life look like
Showing up For Yourself
Showing up For Your Relationship
And More
The book is replete with personal stories, quotes from Qur’an, Hadith, and contemporary thinkers, as well as action points and space for the reader, to reflect and apply the principles.
The Modernist Menace To Islam by Daniel Haqiqatjou
ISBN: 9789675699672
Author: Daniel Haqiqatjou
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 273
Size: 8.4 x 5.45 x 0.6 inch
Publication Year: 2021
About This Book:
Daniel Haqiqatjou's insightful assessment "The Modernist Menace To Islam" explores the effects of modernism on Islam in great detail. Haqiqatjou expresses concern in this insightful critique about how modernist interpretations can erode the conventional understanding of the religion. He contends that these interpretations, which are inspired by Western colonialism and imperialism, pose a threat to the genuine fundamental beliefs and customs that the Muslim community holds dear.Haqiqatjou makes perceptive remarks regarding the difficulties that Islam faces in the modern world, particularly as it negotiates the complexity brought on by modernism, throughout the entire book. He places a strong emphasis on protecting religious traditions and fending against pressures that can taint the core of a religion. Both positive and negative reviews have been given to "The Modernist Menace To Islam". Supporters value the book's comprehensive examination of the problems that current Islam faces and salute Haqiqatjou's bravery in tackling the issue. Although the book makes strong criticisms of modernism, some commentators have voiced concern that this could cause divides within the larger Muslim debate.
Lessons From Surah Yusuf (Pearls from the Qur'an) By Yasir Qadhi
ISBN: 9781847741370
Author: OYasir Qadhi
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 254
Size: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.6 inch
Publication Year: 2021
About This Book:
Surah Yusuf, a chapter of the Qur'an (Koran), was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad at a critical juncture of his life. This was the time when he had gone through ten to eleven years of ridicule and rejection in Makkah, a time when he lost his wife and partner, Khadija, a time when he lost his dear uncle Abu Talib. Allah revealed this precious surah to strengthen the Prophet Muhammad’s heart. To remind him that he lives in the footsteps of the great prophets of the past and that Allah’s help and support is there. This surah is full of meaningful messages of patience, reliance on Allah and how to overcome hardship and betrayal. It was also educational, teaching the Prophet Muhammad the answers to queries that were posed to him by the local Jews and Muslims. Finally, this surah was a timely morale booster for the Prophet and his companions in a time of need. Yasir Qadhi has clearly divided the surah into related themes, as per the revelations, so that the reader can easily understand and grasp the great wealth of knowledge relayed through this surah to all.
40 on Justice; The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform By Omar Suleiman
ISBN: 9781847741431
Author: Omar Suleiman
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 339
Size: 9.3 x 6.2 x 0.7 inch
Publication Year: 2021
About This Book:
The insightful book "40 on Justice: The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform" was written by eminent Muslim activist and scholar Omar Suleiman. The collection of 40 insightful hadiths (proverbs) from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) centers on the Islamic concept of social justice. Each hadith is accompanied by Suleiman's intelligent commentary, which deftly clarifies its significance and modern relevance. The book explores a wide range of social justice-related topics inside its pages, including problems with poverty, inequality, discrimination, and environmental challenges. Suleiman skillfully steers conversations around the tremendous contribution Muslims make to promoting constructive social change. For anyone who want to learn more about the Islamic view of justice, "40 on Justice" is a priceless resource. It offers timely insights into how Muslims might effectively address the challenges of injustice in the twenty-first century, demonstrating its timeliness.The following are a some of the deep hadiths examined in the book:
Justice is the foundation of the throne of Allah." (Tirmidhi)
"The most beloved deed to Allah is to establish justice between two people." (Bukhari)
"Whoever oppresses a person, Allah will oppress him on the Day of Judgment." (Muslim)
"The strong is not the one who overpowers others, but the strong is the one who controls his anger." (Bukhari)
"The best of you are those who are best to their women." (Bukhari)
The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith (Concise Words on Good and Bad Companionships) By Shaikh 'Abdur-Rahman As-Sa'di, Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan, Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Hadi, and Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhali
ISBN: 9781902727493
Author: Shaikh Abdur-Rahman As-Sa'di
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 58
Size: 8.5 x 5.25 x 0.2 inch
Publication year:2017
About This Book:
"The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith" is a brief and thorough compilation on the importance of good and bad companionships written by four eminent scholars: Shaikh 'Abdur-Rahman As-Sa'di, Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan, Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Hadi, and Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhali.The book goes into the impact of who we associate with and who we keep company with on our character and conduct. Using the comparison of a perfume seller and a blacksmith, the writers make clear contrasts between positive effects (such as a perfume seller's smell) that raise one's conduct and negative influences (such as a blacksmith's soot) that tarnish one's behavior.The scholars underline the necessity of choosing righteous and pious partners who inspire and encourage virtuous behaviors throughout the text. They caution against exposing oneself to harmful influences, which might lead to moral degeneration and deviance from the proper path.The lessons offered in this book provide invaluable assistance for those trying to live a moral and God-conscious life. The scholars motivate readers to be attentive to the company they keep and aim to preserve positive relationships that contribute to personal and spiritual development by underlining the importance of companionship in our spiritual progress.
A compilation of small treatises regarding companionship, collected from the works and speeches of some of the noble scholars of our times.
Al-Hafiz Abu Hatim Muhammad bin Hibban Al-Busti (rahimahullah) said: “Indeed; from the greatest indications upon understanding what it is a person is upon by way of his fluctuations and his dormancy is: taking into consideration who it is that he converses with and loves. Since a person is upon the religion of his close friend; and the birds of the sky converge on their own likeness.” (Rawdatul Uqalaa wa Nuzhatul Fudalaa) Al-Allamah Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaimin (rahimahullah) said:“Strive to keep company with a people who are people of good. They show you the right way if you err. They guide you if you are misled. They remind you if you forget. They teach you if you do not know. All of these are from the factors for the increase in Ulamaa.”(Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari)
A Simple Guide To Funeral Rites In Islam From The Point Of Death To The Burial By Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alam
ISBN: 9781902727639
Author: Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alam
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 59
Size: 5.8 x 4.1 x 0.2 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
"A Simple Guide to Funeral Rites in Islam from the Point of Death to the Burial" by Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alam provides a thorough examination of Islamic funeral procedures. The book gives practical information for people in charge of funeral arrangements, covering everything from cleaning the deceased's body to the burial process The author begins by highlighting the importance of following Islamic principles during funerals. Such kinds of events show how much Muslims love their deceased that also represents their love for the Allah The book then goes on to detail the stages involved in Islamic funeral customs. The first step for this is clean the body of the deceased and this is a very important element of the process. To achieve proper purification, the body is cleaned three times with pure water and clean towels. After cleaning, the body is wrapped in plain white cloth. Typically, men are veiled in three pieces of cloth, while women are shrouded in five. The shroud should be free of any decorations.
The funeral prayer, known as Salat al-Janazah, follows. This prayer, led by an imam, is a modest supplication to Allah for mercy on the deceased and their admission to Paradise. Following the funeral prayer, the body is placed to rest in a grave in a serene and respectable setting. The body is positioned in the grave with the head towards Mecca, and the grave is filled in. As a mark of respect, it is common to place a tree or bush over the grave.
The Pagan Roots Of Christmas - How Muslims Treat Christmas? And What Is The Muslim Belief Regarding Jesus Christ By Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid
ISBN: 9781902727608
Author: Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alam
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 46
Size: 5.8 x 4.1 x 0.2 inch
Publication year:2019
About This Book:
The book begins by looking into the mysterious origins of Christmas. These ancient celebrations were generally centered on the birth of a deity or goddess and were accompanied by gift-giving and feasts. Moving on, the author discusses Muslims' faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus is seen as a prophet chosen by God to guide humanity in Islam. The faith recognizes his miraculous birth from a virgin as well as his great deeds. Muslims say that the Jesus is not the Son of God and they said Jesus is never punished through the crucifixion method The author offers a sensible way to Muslims' treatment of Christmas. Because of its pagan origins, he cautions against celebrating the occasion. Nonetheless, he underlines the significance of treating people who do celebrate it with respect and tolerance. Muslims might show their appreciation by exchanging presents with Christian acquaintances or attending Christmas festivities. The book concludes with a striking reminder of the importance of following Islamic beliefs. They things that Muslims need to focus on following the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH rather than focusing on the issues of Non-Muslims cultural activities
The word ‘Christmas’ means ‘mass of Christ’ which later became shortened to ‘Christ-mass’. It was the Roman Catholic Church who spread the term among other Christian denominations and non-Christians. So where did the Catholic Church get the celebration from? It is not in the New Testament, and certainly not in the Old Testament. The 1911 edition of Catholic Encyclopedia itself states, “Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church. The first evidence of the feast comes from Egypt… Pagan customs centring around the month of January gravitated to Christmas.” This book provides a short but valuable discussion that looks at non-Muslim festivals and the Muslim belief in Jesus in the light of the Islamic texts.
The State Of The Ummah: The Causes Of Weakness And Means Of Rectification By Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alam
ISBN: 9781902727646
Author: Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alam
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 83
Size: 5.8 x 4.1 x 0.2 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
The Book titled "The State of The Ummah" discusses the status and positioning of Muslim Ummah in the current scenario of the World. The author "Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alams" dig deeply into this topic, and he thinks that the major issues regarding current Muslim positioning in the world. Different factors are involved in the weakness of Muslim Ummah. The author says that avoiding the teaching of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the cause of the weakness of Muslim Ummah On the other hand, the innovations in the rules and terms of Islam are some factors for the weakness of Muslim Ummah in the current world. The book highlights that returning to the original teachings of Islam is the way to repair the Ummah's frailties. We have to follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and not make innovations in Islamic rules. Abu Khadeejah's work serves as a timely and vital reminder for Muslims to refocus themselves on Islamic teachings. The book offers a clear and brief evaluation of the Ummah's current situation and practical proposals to rectify its inadequacies.
"Every Muslim can see that the Ummah is in a state of turmoil, factionalism and tribulation. Muslims are suffering, facing oppression, being forced to flee their homes and dying in conflicts around the world. We see tens of thousands of them rising up against the rulers, protesting and marching in the streets that lead to violent clashes with the authorities that result in the destabilization of Muslim societies. So what is the solution to their woes in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah?
The Origins Of The Celebration Of The Prophet's Birthday By Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid Alam
Author: Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid Alam
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 27
Size: 5.8 x 4.1 x 0.1 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
The position of Ahl As-Sunnah as it was understood by the earliest generations of Muslims, free from latter day additions and distortions. One of the most talked about, hotly debated and controversial subjects of discussion amongst Muslims for a long time has been whether or not it is permitted to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him). In this short booklet, we hope to shed light on this practice that has been celebrated by a body of Muslims for centuries. To enable oneself to eventually come to a conclusion in this subject, we must be certain of the fact that the earlier one goes back in history, the purer the religion gets, until we reach the era of the Companions of Allah’s Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him), to whom the Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, “I have left you on a clear proof, its night is like its day, no one deviates from it except that he is destroyed, and whomsoever amongst you lives for long will see great differing. So cling to what you know from my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs after me. Bite on to that with your molar teeth and beware of newly invented matters.” So when Muslims differ, they must return to clinging to the Sunnah of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the Sunnah of his noble Rightly Guided Companions (Peace and blessings be upon him). So this brief booklet has been compiled in light of this principle.
The Hijab: Liberation or Oppression? A Detailed Discussion in The Light of Scientific Research By Dr. Gohar Mushtaq
ISBN: 9786035013826
Author: Dr. Gohar Mushtaq
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages 307
Size: 8.7 x 5.9 x 0.7 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
"The Hijab: Oppression or Liberation?" Dr. Gohar Mushtaq wrote the book "A Detailed Discussion in the Light of Scientific Research." This thought-provoking text digs into the complicated and frequently contested topic of the hijab, investigating its different dimensions and ramifications through scientific investigation.
The hijab means that the woman needs to cover her body, and hair in front of any man who is not related to that particular woman. Hijab is the religious practice of Islam. This book also discusses the fact that whether the hijab shows the independence of women or the suffering of women Dr. Gohar Mushtaq's book goes into this sensitive subject, providing a thorough explanation based on scientific research. The book could cover subjects including the hijab's historical context, various views of its significance within Islamic societies, and its impact on women's empowerment, self-expression, and identity. The author is likely to examine the psychological, sociological, and cultural components of the hijab through a thorough assessment of scientific studies and empirical evidence, giving light on its potential consequences on women's mental well-being, societal attitudes, and personal autonomy.
The basic purpose of this book is to provide knowledge and understanding about the hijab. This book also describes that the hijab is the culture of Islam not the forced implication of Islam It encourages readers to engage in serious debate and contemplation, allowing them to establish their own informed opinions regarding the function of the hijab in women's life.
In the twenty-first century, the obligation of wearing the hijab is being questioned, and indeed, the freedom of Muslim women to wear the hijab is under threat in many countries. In this useful resource book, Dr. Gohar Mushtaq comprehensively explains the benefits of wearing the hijab, citing evidence from both Islamic sources and scientific research. The author also expertly cites and analyzes fascinating research to highlight the little-known wisdom behind the institution of the hijab. Furthermore, he tackles some of the topics that are generally misunderstood in Islam, such as the segregation of men and women in gatherings. Muslims and non-Muslims alike will glean new insights into the hijab, which generates so much controversy in some circles.