An Explanation of Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin's Treatise on The Prostrations of Forgetfulness By Shaykh Muhammad Raslan
ISBN: 9781641363075
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Raslan
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 43
Size: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inch
Publication year: 2017
About This Book:
"An Explanation of Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin's Treatise on The Prostrations of Forgetfulness," by Shaykh Muhammad Raslan, is a thorough explanation of a treatise authored by Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin. The book is about "Prostrations of Forgetfulness" in Islamic prayer. Shaykh Muhammad Raslan dives into Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin's teachings in this work, providing clarity and insights into the notion of Prostrations of Forgetfulness. When a worshipper forgets or makes a mistake during their prayer, they execute these prostrations.
Readers will have a greater understanding of the proper process for executing these prostrations, as well as the precise conditions in which they are required, as a result of this discussion. Shaykh Muhammad Raslan's writing style is approachable and instructive, making it easy for readers to understand and apply the concepts in daily prayers "An Explanation of Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin's Treatise on The Prostrations of Forgetfulness" is an excellent resource for anybody looking to gain a better knowledge of this crucial part of Islamic prayer. The insights provided by Shaykh Muhammad Raslan offer light on the right observance of Prostrations of Forgetfulness and lead to more meaningful and accurate conduct of Islamic prayer.
The Biography of the Eminent Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal By Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmi
ISBN: 9781641363068
Author: Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 60
Size: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inch
Publication year: 2017
About This Book:
"I heard Muhammad ibn Salman talking about Ahmad ibn Hanbal," stated Ibn Khuzaymah, a well-known scholar. 'May Allah show him mercy in this world,' he said. He is a patient guy who resembles righteous persons who have died. He is quite close to them. He was offered the entire globe, but he declined. He was also provided with new ideas, which he rejected.'" In this speech, Ibn Khuzaymah praises Ahmad ibn Hanbal for his patience and dedication to following in the footsteps of the pious. He also admires Ahmad's firm rejection of worldly temptations and religious innovations. Ahmad's dedication to adhering to Islamic principles and refusing to deviate from them garnered him the admiration and esteem of his contemporaries.
Questions & Answers Regarding the Most Important Affairs By Shaykh Abdur Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sadi
ISBN: 9781532315954
Author: Shaykh Abdur Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sadi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 81
Size: 6 X 9 X 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2016
About This Book:
"Questions & Answers Regarding the Most Important Affairs" by Shaykh Abdur Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sadi is an informative book that answers important questions about important matters. Shaykh Abdur Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sadi delivers straightforward and insightful solutions to significant concerns about numerous facets of life in this work. The book discusses a variety of topics, including faith, worship, morality, family, and societal challenges. The comments of Shaykh Abdur Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sadi are based on Islamic principles, making them useful for persons seeking direction in their daily lives.
Readers will obtain a better grasp of Islamic concepts and how they might be applied in real-life circumstances as a result of this book. The author's approach is realistic and approachable, making complicated subjects understandable to readers from different backgrounds. "Questions & Answers Regarding the Most Important Affairs" is an excellent resource for individuals seeking clarification on numerous areas of Islamic beliefs and practices. The detailed explanations and wisdom of Shaykh Abdur Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sadi provide useful insights and practical solutions to life's issues.
This book is a fantastic companion for anyone attempting to live a satisfying and meaningful life according to Islamic principles. Shaykh Abdur Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sadi's work displays his extensive knowledge and commitment to guiding readers through difficult situations with wisdom and faith.
What is the reality of Tawheed; and what are its categories?
What are Al-Eemaan and Al-Islaam? And what are the foundations of each?
What are the pillars of Al-Eemaan in the Names and Attributes of Allaah?
What is your statement regarding the issue of Allaah's ‘Uloo (Highness) above the creation and His rising above the throne?
What is your statement regarding the Speech of Allaah and the Qur'aan?
How many are the levels of believers and what are they?
What is hypocrisy; its categories; and description?
What is innovation and what are its categories?
These questions and more are posed and answered in detail by the great Imaam ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir As-Sa'dee; and explained by one of the eminent scholars of this era; Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ibn ‘Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr.
Extraordinary Occurrences from the Allies of Allah By Imam Al lalikai
ISBN: 9781792345692Author: Imam Al lalikaiBook Binding: PaperbackPages 82Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inchPublication year: 2020DescriptionAbout This Book:
Imam Al-Lalikai's book "Extraordinary Occurrences from Allah's Allies" is exceptional. The author describes awe-inspiring and astonishing incidents that occurred in the lives of Allah's allies (Awliya) in this engaging compilation. The book dives into the lives of some great personalities from Islamic history who were noted for their piety, dedication, and intimate relationship with Allah. The author offers events that show the supernatural interventions, spiritual insights, and divine favors experienced by these unique people through fascinating narratives.
These narratives offer insight into the Awliya's intimate relationship with Allah, illustrating the exceptional ways in which they were directed, protected, and bestowed with particular bounties. Each narrative is an inspiration, emphasizing faith's strength and the closeness one can establish with Allah through honest devotion and justice. "Extraordinary Occurrences from Allah's Allies" is a treasure trove of extraordinary anecdotes that enlighten readers on the enormous spiritual potential that can be unlocked through faith and commitment.
The book is intended to increase one's understanding of the Islamic idea of Awliya while also providing a glimpse into the unusual events that have impacted the lives of these blessed persons. It motivates readers to seek a closer relationship with Allah and to strive for justice, knowing that divine assistance and guidance are available to those who pursue the road of devotion
Video Games & Our Children By Shaykh Dr. Saeed Ibn Saalim Ad-Darmaki
ISBN: 9781792349362
Author: Shaykh Dr Saeed Ibn Saalim Ad-Darmaki
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 42
Size: 8.3 X 5.8 X 0.4 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
The book focuses on the impact of video games on children, emphasizing both the positive and negative consequences. It provides vital advice to parents on how to ensure their children's use of video games is safe and healthy. The writing style is simple and direct, and the book is based on Islamic ideas.
This book is an excellent resource for parents looking for guidance on how to approach video gaming appropriately. It underlines the significance of setting screen time restrictions for children and monitoring the types of games they play. It is also recommended that youngsters play games with their friends and family, as this promotes social contact and bonding. According to the book, video games may be used as a teaching tool to instill vital qualities such as cooperation and teamwork. Parents can teach positive attributes to their children while keeping a healthy balance between gaming and other activities by using video games as a form of learning and family bonding."
The Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games on Children" offers practical advice based on Islamic principles, assisting parents in navigating the world of video games and ensuring their children's well-being while enjoying this type of entertainment. This very timely book covers various aspects of video games and their effects upon the individual, family, and community. Topics discussed in this book include:
Recreation of the Companions during childhood and adolescence
Video game addiction and drug addiction similarities
Subliminal messages in video games
The effects of video games upon the religion
The effects of video games upon mental health
The effects of video games upon physical health
The effects of video games on security
Video game addiction in adults
Treatment for gaming disorders and much more.
Secret Society (Freemasons, illuminati and Missionaries) By Rasheed Barbee
ISBN: 9781792355165
Author: Rasheed Barbee
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.5 inch
Publication Year: 2021
About This Book:Rasheed Barbee's book "Diving Deep into the Intriguing World of Secret Societies" explores the deep philosophy and rich history of these enigmatic groups. The story reveals the fascinating beginnings of each group, revealing the unique beliefs, rituals, and practices that have defined their identities over time, with a focus on Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and Christian missionaries.The book extensively investigates these secret societies' tremendous effects on the world in addition to shedding light on their enigmatic elements. The investigation is fascinating and provocative, covering topics like secretive rites and secret brotherhoods.
Secret Societies is a collection of writings from the scholars of Islam uncovering the secret underworld of the Freemasons, Illuminati, and Christian missionaries, &posing their conspiracy to establish a New World Order.Their affiliates are covert, their undertakings are cryptic, and their objective is unmistakable.
Illuminati: "We will strengthen the freedom of individual thought with all the powers at ourdisposal, and we will declare war against the real enemy of man, which is religion.
"Missionaries: Inside one Southern university—one of three schools in the United States with a degree program exclusively devoted to Christianizing Muslims—Christian missionaries are trained to go undercover in the Muslim world and win converts for Jesus. Their stated goal: "To Wipe Out Islam."
Colonialist: "When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, "Let us pray." We closed our eyes; and when we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land."
The Impact of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Upon Marriage By Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar
Author: Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 139
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year:2021
About This Book:The Book named "The Impact of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Upon Marriage" by Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Tayyar. Authentic Statements released it in 2021. The book investigates medical and Sharia perspectives on contagious and genetic disorders, as well as their impact on marriage, fertility, and children. It addresses essential, but rarely mentioned, issues such as:
The benefits and drawbacks of requiring a medical evaluation before marriage.
Genetic testing for abnormalities that can lead to miscarriage.
Marriage to someone infected with a contagious sickness.
When both partners have an infectious condition, they cannot marry.
Intimacy with a spouse suffering from an infectious sickness.
A pregnant lady with an infectious illness.
Having children while the father has a contagious sickness.
Abortion because of an infectious sickness
The book is written in straightforward and brief language, and it is packed with useful advice that can be utilized in everyday life. It is an excellent resource for anyone seeking knowledge on the effects of sexually transmitted illnesses on marriage. Shaykh Dr. ʻAbdullāh al-Tayyār examines various medical and Sharia opinions related to infectious and genetic diseases, and their effect upon marriage, fertility, and children.
He tackles important, yet rarely discussed, topics, such as:
the pros and cons of mandating medical examination before marriage.
testing for genetic disorders that can cause miscarriage.
marriage to someone with an infectious disease.
marriage when both spouses have an infectious disease.
intimacy with a spouse who has an infectious disease.
pregnancy of a woman who has an infectious disease.
conceiving children when the father has an infectious disease.
abortion due to infectious disease.
sustainability of marriage with an infectious disease.
divorce due to infectious disease.
a parent with an infectious disease raising a healthy child
Leaving Sufism, How I was guided to monotheism and the straight path By Shaykh Muhammad Jamil Zeno
ISBN: 9781792378256Author: Shaykh Muhammad Jamil ZenoBook Binding: PaperbackPages 118Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inchPublication year:2021DescriptionAbout This Book:
Shaykh Muhammad Jamil Zeno's book, Leaving Sufism: How I Was Guided to Monotheism and the Straight Path, describes his transition from Sufism to Salafism. Zeno spent many years studying Sufism before being born into a Sufi family in Syria. He finally quit the Sufi path, nevertheless, after coming to the conclusion that Sufism was against the Quran and Sunnah. Zeno explains the different versions of Suffic ideas and practices and makes a case study that they are not found on the Quran and the sunnah He also talks about the several issues he observed with Sufism, including its concentration on mysticism and its use of tawassul (seeking intercession with people other than Allah). Shaykh Muhammad Jamil Zeno tells of his journey of coming to the truth, from the polytheism of Sufism to the monotheism of Islam. "Another Sufi wanted to cultivate his soul and belittle it, so he carried a bag around his neck and filled it with nutmeg fruit. He went to the market, and every time a child passed by him,he would say to him, "Spit in my face so I can give you a nutmeg fruit." It is a fruit that the children love, so the child would spit in his face, and he would give him a nutmeg fruit. And like this, the spit from the children came in succession on the face of the shaykh, desiring to take the nutmeg fruit, while the Sufi shaykh was happy. When I heard these two stories, I almost burst with rage and my chest became tightened from this corrupt cultivation that Islam is free from."
How Do We Raise Our Children & What Is The Obligation Of The Parents & The Children By Shaykh Muhammad Jameel Zeno
ISBN: 9781792375484Author: Shaykh Muhammad Jameel ZenoBook Binding:PaperbackPages:87Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inchPublication year: 2022Language: EnglishDescriptionAbout This Book:
The importance of raising children in accordance with Islamic principles is explored in depth in the book. The writer uses a straightforward, succinct writing style that appeals to both parents and teachers. It clarifies the idea that children are a blessing from God and have certain rights that should be upheld. The second chapter delves into the pivotal role parents play in nurturing their children. In the third chapter, the book addresses the obstacles encountered when raising children in today's society. It sheds light on the importance of setting boundaries, implementing discipline, and instilling Islamic values in children's lives. The fourth chapter offers practical advice on effectively raising children in accordance with Islamic teachings. It provides valuable insights into communication with children, teaching them about Islam, and managing common challenges that arise in the process.A gift for every mother and father who want happiness for their children,for teachers who are an example to their students,for students who want to be successful,for all parents and children,I present to them this treatise.
Tafsir of Short Surahs for Muslim Youth By Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi
Author: Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 72
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year:2022
About This Book:
Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi's book "The Tafsir of Short Surahs for Muslim Youth" is a helpful tool for giving Muslim youth an understandable knowledge of the shorter surahs (chapters) of the Quran. In this work, Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi examines and explains the interpretations and meanings of the chosen shorter surahs. During their early Quranic study, young Muslims frequently memorize these surahs. The book intends to aid young readers in developing a greater understanding of the Quran's message and its value in their lives by concentrating on these few chapters. The explanations of Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi are lucid and perceptive; they provide useful advice, motivation, and profound teachings that appeal to Muslim youngsters. This book is a useful resource for engaging with the Quranic text and developing a deeper understanding of its wisdom and lessons, whether utilized for individual study or in educational settings.Tafsir of Short Surahs for Muslim Youth was written for Muslim children and the youth, and is a concise explanation of Surah al-Fatihah and some short chapters, beginning with Sarah Ad-Duha and ending with Sarah an-Nas. This book was written to allow them to understand the general meaning of the Qur'an so they can ponder over it, benefit from it and work according to it. Shaykh Ahmad al-Mazrooi selected this explanation from the tafsir of Ibn Kathir, Sa`di, Baghawi, and others.
Stories of The Punishments Lessons,and Exhortations BY Shaykh Hamood Ibn Abdullah Al-Tuwaijri
Author: Shaykh Hamood Ibn Abdullah Al-Tuwaijri
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 140
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.4 inch
Publication year:2022
About This Book:
In this outstanding work, Shaykh Hamood At-Tuwaijri offers a compilation of stories illustrating the repercussions and punishments suffered by people who audaciously disobeyed Allah's order.
Numerous captivating tales can be found in the book, some of which include:
The story of the miserable man who took the black stone, a priceless artifact.
The story of a Roman who wanted to desecrate the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) grave.
The tale of a couple who committed adultery on the Day of Arafah, an important day for Muslim pilgrimage.
The event involving the kidnapping of a small boy in the Ka'bah area.
Cases in which people lied about their wives.
The account of a couple that switched wives.
The instance where a child injured a bird.
Reports of people disrespecting their mum.
Instances in which the dead were buried facing the wrong Qibla (direction of prayer), and more.
Respected scholar Shaykh Rabee praises Shaykh Hamood's writings and emphasizes how crucial it is for young people to read this excellent Salafi master's publications. Shaykh Hamood committed his entire life to educating people about the truth and safeguarding the Sunnah (teachings) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from new ideas and erroneous teachings.
I am a Muslim Girl by Ahmad Al- Mazrooi (Small Booklet)
ISBN: 9781792390531
Author: Shaykh Ahmad Al- Mazrooi
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 6.0 x 4.0 x 0.1 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
Ahmad Al-Mazrooi does a wonderful job of capturing the struggles and victories that Muslim females confront in the modern world. He discusses issues including donning the headscarf, negotiating cultural expectations, and juggling one's faith with one's aspirations in life. The book helps Muslim girls accept their individuality and find confidence in their faith by offering them helpful advice and motivation. "I Am a Muslim Girl," a condensed pamphlet written by a human named Ahmad Al-Mazrooi, explores the existence and identity of Muslim girls. By examining a variety of facets of young Muslim girls' life, this influential book seeks to empower and encourage them. It clarifies the Islamic concepts of justice, fairness, and compassion and illustrates how Muslim girls conduct their lives according to these ideals.
Marital Guide :Fatwas, Advice, Guidance & Comments on Marriage and Its Rulings by Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz
ISBN: 9781792389689
Author: Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.7 inch
Publication year: 2011
About This Book:
It dives into a number of subjects and circumstances and provides theological judgments to explain the Islamic viewpoint on marriage.
Key topics discussed in the book include the following:
Choosing a Righteous Spouse:
The book emphasizes the traits to seek in a prospective spouse while examining the significance of picking a pious and virtuous companion for marriage.
Marriage Process:
The stages involved in marrying a good woman are covered, as well as the function of the guardian, the significance of the dowry, and appropriate behavior during the marriage contract.
Maintaining a Harmonious Relationship:
The book emphasizes the value of encouraging positive companionship between couples and offers advice on how to foster a strong and loving marital tie.
It clarifies the circumstances and laws surrounding polygyny, revealing when it is acceptable and how to perform numerous weddings in a respectful manner.
Resolving Marital Conflicts:
The book offers guidance on how to handle and settle disputes and conflicts inside a marriage, encouraging amicable resolutions and reconciliation.
Invalid and Impermissible Marriages:
It identifies and describes marriages that are deemed invalid or forbidden in accordance with Islamic law, assisting readers in understanding the limitations and boundaries in marital partnerships.
Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool
ISBN: 9781467582315
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool
Book Binding: Paperback
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2013
About This Book:
The fascinating work "Contemplation of the Qur'an and Its Effect Regarding Purification of the Soul" by Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool discusses the transformative power of contemplating the Quranic verses and their effect on soul purification. Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool explores the fundamental process of studying the Quran in this illuminating work, highlighting its significance in fostering spiritual development and inner self-purification. Readers are led on a transformational journey of self-reflection and spiritual introspection by the author through an incisive examination of several Quranic verses and their profound implications. Excerpt: "A Book (the Qur’an) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses, and that men of understanding may remember." [Sad:29]. It is known that anyone who does not busy himself with contemplation of the Great Qur’an, i.e. reading it, understanding it, appreciating its meanings, and acting on it, then is in opposition to the Qur’an, not a contemplator of it, and therefore deserving of the disapproval and scolding mentioned in the verses, as Allah gave him understanding in order that he may be able to contemplate the Qur’an.
Common Mistakes Of The Woman By Shaykh Dr Abdullah Al-Tayyar
ISBN: 9781792393419
Author: Shaykh Dr Abdullah Al-Tayyar
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book:
The author of "Common Mistakes of the Woman" is Shaykh Dr. Abdullah Al-Tayyar. Specifically within the context of Islamic teachings and values, the book strives to address and throw light on typical mistakes that women may inadvertently make in various facets of their lives. He has devoted his time to learning about and instructing about different facets of Islam, especially topics specifically related to women. To address the issues faced by women in modern society, his work in "Common Mistakes of the Woman" probably draws on Islamic teachings, scholarly research, and real-world experiences.The mistakes outlined are both numerous and varied. From them are: mistakes in beliefs, in clothing, in changing the appearance of the body, in the way they walk, concerning food and drink, mistakes related to the way in which they sleep and awake, free-mixing, holidays and events, listening (i.e. to music and the likes of it), mistakes concerning traveling, and the condition in which one goes to the doctor.
The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger
ISBN: 9781792394300
AUTHOR: Rasheeed barbee
BINDING: Paperback
PAGES: 767
SIZE:9 x 6 x 2.0 inch
About This Book:
Rasheed Barbee's thorough work "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" explores the lives of more than 850 of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) companions. It is split into three separate portions, each of which focuses on a different time period. Biographies of the companions who had the privilege of meeting the Prophet before to his relocation to Medina are given in the first part. These people participated in the early phases of Islam's formation and witnessed them. The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger is an encyclopedia of more than 850 noble companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, those from mankind and the jinn. This book was extracted from the classic history book Attainment of the Objective in Distinguishing the Companions by Hafidh Ibn Hajar Asqalani, with notes taken from The Lives of Noble Figures by Imam adh-Dhahabi. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them (the next generation), and then those who will come after them (i.e. the next generation),……Sahih Al Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 437. For those who want to learn more about the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" is a priceless tool.
About This Author:
American Muslim author and lecturer Rasheed Barbee. Numerous publications on Islam are written by him, including "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" and "The Reality of the Nation of Islam in Light of True Islam." In 1967, Barbee was created in Raleigh, North Carolina. While serving in the US Army in 1992, he converted to Islam. After receiving his Army discharge, Barbee relocated to New York City and started studying Islam under the guidance of numerous eminent masters. Barbee established the Islamic Dawah Centre of New York City in the year 2000. The center's mission is to inform and engage the broader public about Islam. In addition, Barbee has provided consulting services to a number of other Islamic institutions.
The Reality Of The Nation Of Islam In Light Of True Islam By Rasheed Barbee
Author: Rasheed Barbee
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 70
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year: 2022
About This Book
Rasheed Barbee's book "The Reality of the Nation of Islam in Light of True Islam" is thought-provoking and educational. It examines and contrasts the beliefs and practises of the Nation of Islam with the tenets and teachings of traditional Islam in-depth. Rasheed Barbee provides a critical assessment of the Nation of Islam, a religious movement that originated in the United States in the middle of the 20th century, throughout the course of the book. He provides a detailed overview of the majority of Islam while examining its history, notable individuals, and distinctive teachings. Regrettably, there are those within the Black American Muslim community who exaggerate the praises of Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, while offering no criticism of their egregious errors.Remaining silent about the errors of the N.O.I. is disingenuous to the Muslim community and betrayal toward those in the Nation of Islam who are sincerely searching for the truth.This is a clarification of the divergent beliefs of the Nation of Islam that prevent them from being within the fold of Islam.This is an invitation to the Nation of Islam to accept and embrace true Islam.
The Noble Men Who Met The Messenger (Hardcover)
ISBN: 9781792394553
AUTHOR: Rasheeed barbee
BINNDING: Hardcover
PAGES: 767
SIZE: 9 x 6 x 2.0 inch
About This Book:
Over 850 of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) companions are profiled in Rasheed Barbee's book The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger. The companions are broken up into three sections: the first lists them alphabetically, the second lists them by tribe or location, and the third lists them according to their professions. The name of the companion, their tribe, locality, vocation, and any renowned occurrences or quotations attributed to them are all included in each entry in the book. A number of hadiths (proverbs of the Prophet Muhammad) that extol the companions and their merits are also included in the book. The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger is an encyclopedia of more than 850 noble companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, those from mankind and the jinn. This book was extracted from the classic history book Attainment of the Objective in Distinguishing the Companions by Hafidh Ibn Hajar Asqalani, with notes taken from The Lives of Noble Figures by Imam adh-Dhahabi. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them (the next generation), and then those who will come after them (i.e. the next generation),……Sahih Al Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 437
About The Author:
American Muslim author and lecturer Rasheed Barbee. Numerous publications on Islam are written by him, including "The Noble Men Who Met the Messenger" and "The Reality of the Nation of Islam in Light of True Islam." In 1967, Barbee was created in Raleigh, North Carolina. While serving in the US Army in 1992, he converted to Islam. After receiving his Army discharge, Barbee relocated to New York City and started studying Islam under the guidance of numerous eminent masters. Barbee established the Islamic Dawah Centre of New York City in the year 2000. The center's mission is to inform and engage the broader public about Islam. In addition, Barbee has provided consulting services to a number of other Islamic institutions.
Sittings In The Month Of Ramadan & A Gift To The People Of Iman In Lessons For The Month Of Ramadan (Hardcover) By Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
ISBN: 9781792301698
Author: Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzaan
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 340
Size: 9.3 x 6.3 x 1.2 inch
Publication Year: 2019
Language: English
About This Book:
And from the virtues of this month is that the good deeds are multiplied. It has been narrated that the optional deeds are equal in reward to the obligatory deeds; and the obligatory deeds have the reward of 70 obligatory deeds. And whoever provides food to break the fast of the fasting person shall have forgiveness for his sins and his neck freed from the Fire; and he will have the reward of the fasting person without decreasing the reward of the fasting person in the least.
Therefore; all of this good and all of these blessings and opportunities are provided for the Muslims by the entrance of this blessed month. Therefore; it is befitting that the Muslim greet this month with happiness; delight; and joy. And he should praise Allah when he reaches the month and seek Allah's help in fasting and putting forth good deeds during the month.'
About The Author:
Respected Islamic scholar Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzaan is well-known for his depth of understanding and proficiency in Islamic jurisprudence, Quranic studies, and a number of other branches of Islamic sciences. He was born in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1933. Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzaan has devoted a considerable portion of his life to spreading knowledge of Islam. He was a lecturer at the Islamic University of Medina, where he instructed students in a range of Islamic studies-related disciplines. He also belongs to the Saudi Arabian Council of Senior Scholars.
Forty Hadiths Consisting of only Two Words By Shaykh Mustafa Ibn Muhammad Mubram
Author: Shaykh Mustafa Ibn Muhammad Mubram
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 292
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.7 inch
Publication Year: 2022
Language: English
About This Book:
The Prophet was serious when he rebuked and spoke with eloquence, according to the blurb. He never said more than was necessary. every time he spoke, he had control over his speech. He regulated and guided his remarks with the utmost precision in order to win over the hearts and eyes of the unconverted.The eloquent's speech is significantly more impressive than his eloquent speech, thus it cannot be compared.This is due to the fact that he has the most fluent tongue and speech among them, as well as the best delivery. Even though this was the general condition of the Arabs and the status of their language, praise was given to them, especially the Quraysh, to whom the Qur'an was initially revealed in their dialect; to the point that he implored his Lord more so Allah enhanced its modes as a bounty from Him.
Legislative Rulings on Amusement and Entertainment by Shaykh Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah Al Mazroui
ISBN: 9781792397752
Author: Shaykh Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah Al Mazroui
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 128
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication Year: 2022
Language: English
About This Book:
Islamic jurisprudence, which is founded on the Quran, the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, and academic interpretations, determines whether particular forms of entertainment are acceptable or prohibited in Islam as well as the corresponding ethical issues.
Adherence to Islamic principles:
Muslims are supposed to act in ways that are consistent with Islamic teachings, such as refraining from doing things that go against what the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad said.
Prohibition of haram (forbidden) activities:
Islam forbids participating in actions that the Quran and Hadith specifically forbid. Gambling, using drugs or alcohol, having illicit relationships, and encouraging indecency are examples of such behaviours.
Nourishment Of The Hearts and Relief Of Sorrows By Shaykh Faysal Aal Mubarak
ISBN: 9781792373695
Author: Shaykh Faysal Aal Mubarak
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 83
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication Year: 2011
Language: English/Arabic
About This Book:
Its about wellness of heart of humans. We have seen that God is bountiful in his mercy. He has provided for our needs, and renewed our strength. We have also seen that GOD is the only source of salvation for man. The Spirit of God has regenerated the heart of man, and made him a new creature in Christ Jesus; so that this new nature, renewed by the Spirit of God, works together with the old nature to make up a whole being.
Ibnul QayyimI
bnul Qayyim said, “…and there are more than one hundred benefits in the remembrance of Allah: it drives away the Shaytaan, and is pleasing to the Most Merciful ,it removes sorrow and worry, andbrings about joy and happiness, and strengthens the heart and the body, and it illuminates the face and the heart, and brings about provisions, and covers the good and the bad, and brings about love andmindfulness of Allah , so one worships Allah as if he can see Him, and brings about reliance upon Allah and closeness to Him, and it is nourishment of the heart and soul.
Nourished With Blessings:
The same blessing which supplies our daily wants--food--supplies our deepest wants--comfort, joy and peace. This blessed truth cannot be too often repeated
The Muslim Women's Role in Giving Advice By Shaykh Rida Boushamah
ISBN: 9781792373695
Author:Shaykh Rida Boushamah
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 49
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.2 inch
Publication Year: 2022
Language: English
About This Book:
In the Quran, Allah (God) says: "Guide us to the straight path. The path of those upon whom your Lord has bestowed favor from among the Prophets and from the masters of profound knowledge." (Quran 5:15)Allah has created women with a special ability to give advice, especially about issues related to family life. They can do this without being criticized by their husbands or others; instead they are praised for their wisdom and knowledge. This is because they have been given more power than any other creature on earth.
A Message From Allah:
All praise and thanks are to Allah. He who has ennobled the children of Adam - the males and the females - whom He has created, and clarified for them the path of guidance and uprightness, and legislated for them legislations in this worldly life, and He did not differentiate between the male and the female in the obligation of obeying Him and following His Path. Thus, He has obligated upon both sexes certain requirements, and enjoined upon them commandments, and has given every one with rights their right; therefore, the man has his right and the woman has her right, and mankind did not know of a religion that gave more concern in its beautiful care, nor more complete protection, nor more perfection for the women than Islam.
Explanation & Contemplation upon Al-Fatihah,
The Mother of the Book & Integral Aspect of the Prayer By Shaikh Saalih ibn Abdul-Aziz Aal Ash-Shaikh
ISBN: 9798350711547Author: Shaikh Saalih ibn Abdul-Aziz Aal Ash-ShaikhBinding: PaperbackPages: 152Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.5 inchPublication Year: 2023Language: EnglishPublisher: Authentic Statements PublicationsDescriptionAbout This Book:
"Explanation & Contemplation on Al-Fatihah" will take you on a profound spiritual trip. This enlightening book provides a thorough examination and serious meditation on Surah Al-Fatihah, the first chapter of the Holy Quran. This book, written with clarity and depth, provides a guide for believers looking for a deeper connection to the meanings and significance of this foundational Surah.
In-Depth Analysis of Surah Al-Fatihah:
"Explanation & Contemplation upon Al-Fatihah" meticulously analyzes the verses of Surah Al-Fatihah. The author deconstructs each verse's linguistic, historical, and spiritual components, giving readers a thorough comprehension of the substance of this key chapter.
Spiritual Contemplation and Reflection:
The book encourages readers to participate in Al-Fatihah's poetic contemplation and reflection. It goes beyond surface-level comprehension, asking believers to consider the Surah's deeper spiritual significance, and developing a meaningful relationship with Allah's teachings.
Practical Insights for Daily Application:
The book contains practical insights that offer direction on how the teachings of Al-Fatihah can be used in daily life. Readers will discover practical suggestions on how to incorporate the Surah's ideas and lessons into their prayers, relationships, and overall behavior.
Historical Context and language intricacies:
To illuminate the verses of Al-Fatihah, the author provides historical context and analyzes language intricacies. Readers acquire a greater grasp of the Surah's everlasting relevance and significance by studying its history and linguistic intricacies.
The Hebrew Israelites in Light of the True Teachings of Jesus By Rasheed Barbee
ISBN: 9798350711547Author: Rasheed BarbeeBinding: PaperbackPages: 99Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inchPublication Year: 2023Language: EnglishPublisher: Authentic Statements PublicationsDescriptionAbout This Book:
"The Hebrew Israelites in Light of the True Teachings of Jesus" takes readers on a thought-provoking journey through the junction of biblical teachings and Hebrew Israelite beliefs. This intriguing book digs into Jesus' teachings, bringing light on their significance to the Hebrew Israelite community's ideas and narratives. The book, written with intellectual insight, aims to promote awareness and dialogue about these overlapping religious traditions.
Exploring Biblical Teachings:
The book begins with an exploration of Jesus' fundamental teachings as presented in the Bible. Readers get a complete understanding of the underlying ideas that support Christian teachings by digging into the Gospels and other pertinent scriptures.
Understanding Hebrew Israelite Perspectives:
"The Hebrew Israelites in Light of the True Teachings of Jesus" presents a complete review of the Hebrew Israelite community's ideas and perspectives. The author aims to bridge the gap between these beliefs and Jesus' teachings via thorough analysis, promoting a nuanced and informed discussion.
Intersecting Faith Traditions:
The book examines points of convergence and difference between Christian teachings and Hebrew Israelite beliefs. By highlighting parallels between the two faith traditions, the author urges readers to look for common ground within their respective theological frameworks.
Dialogue and Acceptance:
One of the book's main themes is to encourage dialogue and understanding amongst diverse religious perspectives. The author hopes to enable meaningful conversations that contribute to a deeper appreciation of other religious traditions by providing a fair and objective critique.
The Scales On The Day Of Judgement & The People On The Heights By Shaykh Mari Al-Karmi
ISBN: 9798350712353Author: Shaykh Mari Al-KarmiBinding: PaperbakPages: 40Size: 6 x 9 inchPublication Year: 2023Language: EnglishPublisher: Authentic StatementsDescriptionAbout This Book:
Shaykh Mari Al-Karmi presents a profound exploration into the intricate facets of Islamic eschatology in "The Scales On The Day Of Judgment & The People On The Heights," delving into the spiritual dimensions of the Day of Judgment and the elevated status of those who attain the heights of righteousness.
Eschatological Precision:
Shaykh Mari Al-Karmi, noted for his intellectual approach to Islamic teachings, examines the scales on the Day of Judgment with painstaking precision. This book provides an in-depth understanding of the divine justice that will be revealed as deeds are weighed, illuminating the relevance of this important feature of the hereafter.
Spiritual Journey to the Heights:
The author takes readers on a spiritual journey, examining the fascinating concept of the "People on the Heights." Shaykh Mari Al-Karmi illuminates the way to spiritual ascent through insightful narratives and Quranic references, shedding light on the elevated spiritual states attained by people who embody piety, compassion, and devotion.
Quranic Insight:
The book heavily draws on the Quran, giving readers a deep and true relationship to the core Islamic source. Shaykh Mari Al-Karmi deftly combines Quranic passages to illustrate themes of judgment, accountability, and the spiritual accomplishments that lead to a high standing on the Day of Judgment.
Practical Application:
Beyond theoretical investigation, the author underlines the practical consequences of comprehending the scales on the Day of Judgment and the importance of spiritual elevation. The book is a guide for readers who want to connect their behaviors with Islamic teachings to live a meaningful and purposeful life.
Wandering of Spirits and Souls by Shaykh Mart ibn Yusuf
ISBN: 9798350718331Author: Shaykh Mart ibn YusufBinding: SoftcoverPages: 71Size: 6 X 9 X 1Publication Year: 2023Language: EnglishPublisher: Authentic Statements PublicationsDescriptionAbout This Book:
"Wandering of Spirits and Souls" takes readers on an intriguing journey into the dark domain of spirits and spirits, stitching together material from various sources ranging from old folklore and stories to modern brain research and parapsychology. This book provides a thorough and engrossing examination of a complicated and exciting subject.
Spirits and Souls: Definitions
The journey begins with a cautious examination of the concepts "soul" and "soul," delving into their shifting connotations throughout nations. Perusers eventually have a basic understanding of the puzzling concept of these ethereal entities.
Types of Spirits and Souls:
The book then depicts the various spirits and spirits that inhabit this vast realm. Every element is depicted and contextualized, from the vaporous plea of heavenly messengers to the stunning character of villains, from apparitions of the left to creature spirits.
Reasons for Wandering:
The ability of spirits and spirits to travel is one of their most intriguing properties. The book analyzes the reasons behind this inclination, whether it is motivated by vexing concerns from their shared past, lingering karmic strands, or a simple need for a more expansive contact with the present.
Wandering Methods:
Meandering is a complex concept with physical and metaphysical components.
Physical Wandering:
Spirits and spirits may promptly leave their physical bodies to go to locations of affiliation or to accomplish unfinished business. This might be a conscious or unconscious display, and it frequently serves as a link between the living and the ethereal.
Spiritual wandering:
However, it rises above actual bounds, allowing spirits and spirits to traverse multiple levels and planes of manifestation. This type of wandering is frequently used for significant development, illumination, and interaction with other elements.
The Legislated Ruqyah Between Revelation & Implemenation by Shaykh falah Ibn Ismail MandakarISBN: 9798350711561Author: Shaykh falah Ibn Ismail MandakarBook Binding: PaperbackPublication Year: 2024Pages: 112Size: 6x 0.2 x 9 inPublisher: Authentic StatementsTranslator: Rasheed BarbeeDescription:About This Book:In “The Legislated Ruqyah Between Revelation and Implementation”, Shaykh Falah Ibn Ismail Mandakar takes into consideration all aspects of the Islamic form of Ruqyah which is the unlawful method of healing through Qur’anic recitations coupled with supplications. As a concept, Ruqyah has been in existence since medieval age and it has not lost its relevance as form of spirituality and healthy to the Islamic world. To my satisfaction, Shaykh Falah Ibn Ismail Mandakar, a leading figure in the world of Islamic scholars, specifically examines the correlation between the sacred scriptural texts of the Qur’an and the physical application of the recitation therapy known as Ruqyah in the contemporary era. Therefore, this book is dedicated to explain to the opens which is the right way of Ruqyah, its origin and application base on the Islamic Law.The Foundations of Ruqyah: Revelation and Practice: Ruqyah is part of the Islamic practice that entails recitation from the Holy Qur’an and supplications passed across by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to overcome aches and diseases. Dr. Shoayb Falah bin Ismail Mandakar precisely expounds the history of Ruqyah with regard to practice as it was initiated by Prophet Muhammad through his revelations. The book underscores strict compliance with the Qur’anic principles of Ruqyah and the Sunnah, practices of Prophet Muhammad, in order to have a proper and effective form of Ruqyah.Practical Implementation of Ruqyah:Such guidelines are too comprehensive as they include all the details of performing Ruqyah down to the procedures of treating particular diseases and ailments. Picking advice from Shaykh Falah on how to employ the tool known as Ruqyah does not only mean that one should keep it around in one’s everyday life like food people consume, but rather, it has to be used frequently as part of the nurturing process people hope to receive. To support his explanation, he presents many and varied cases and examples of how Ruqyah can be effectively done and implemented, based on his practice and work.
How to Get Rid of Magic by Shaykh Abdullah Al-TayyarISBN: 9798350721706Author: Shaykh Abdullah Al-TayyarBinding: PaperbackPages: 67Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inchPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Authentic StatementsDescription:About This Book:Professor Abdullah Al-Tayyar’s How to Get Rid of Magic can be described as an all-embracing manual based on Islamic orthodoxy to avoid magical negativity. Accurate particulars of magic, consequences of it, and the ways given in Islam to treat this evil are also discussed in the book. Islamic Scholar Shaykh Abdullah Al-Tayyar gives peoples useful advices, every day rituals about how Muslims can protect their faith and stay safe.In "How to Get Rid of Magic," Shaykh Abdullah Al-Tayyar addresses a topic that has intrigued and troubled many Muslims: the fact and role of magic. Finally, in relation to the topic at hand, it is noteworthy to turn to the Qur’an and hadith again to understand those aspects of the nature of magic that would manifest in the modern context and those which can become potentially dangerous. He then goes on and gives comprehensive instructions on how to remedy the situation through spiritual means and how to avoid or minimize the impacts. Indeed this book is an asset for anyone who wants to strengthen their beliefs as well as guard against the negative energy of magic. The instructions provided by Shaykh Al-Tayyar are quite clear, the ideas given very deep, as to help readers to understand this non-trivial problem, the author shares methods which can be applied in accordance with the Islamic canons.
Earnest Advice to My Brothers and Sisters in the W.D Community by Rasheed BarbeeISBN: 9798350724431Author: Rasheed BarbeeBinding: PaperbackPages: 181Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inchPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Authentic Statements PublicationsDescription:About This Book:Earnest Advice to My Brothers and Sisters in the W. D Community by Rasheed Barbee is a crises map intended for the members of the W. D community containing practical and spiritual guidelines with references to Islamic rules of conduct. Barbee installs himself as the main figure of the community along with the difficulties of the contemporary society and offers counsels on how to stay religious and moral. The sincere and empathetic disposition with which Barbee addresses his brothers and sisters is a force for positivity and communal solidarity when it comes to wanting to draw closer to Allah and also for seeking change in one’s own life as well as in the lives of people around.Rasheed Barbee uses this title Earnest Advice to My Brothers and Sisters in the W. D Community” to directly appeal to his audience, their souls, and emotions. Barbee also admonishes his brothers and sisters to always remain Muslims thus needing to practice various principles in this righteous life; gain knowledge, be patient, and remain close to Allah. He tries to be a counselor to the W. D. community and he also looks at the problems confronting women in the W. D community or even anywhere advising them to seek the word of God for countering what they face. Being a phenomenal example of a wise and compassionate man, Barbee gives his readers motivation to develop unity, strength, and incomparable purpose that leads them on the right way.
The Danger Of Innovated Principles Upon Methodology & Creed By Shaykh Hasan al-Mardawi
ISBN: 9798350730258
Author: Abu Ahmad Ayyub Ibn James Elkins
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 144
Size: 9.0 x 0.5 x 6.0 inch
Language: English
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Authentic Statements Publication
About This Book:
Shaykh Hasan al-Mardawi offers an invaluable analysis of how innovated principles (bid’ah) can affect the Islamic Methodology (manhaj) and Creed (‘aqeedah) in this beneficial work titled; The Danger of Innovated Principles Upon Methodology & Creed. Using messages from the Quran and Sunnah as appropriate, this book stands as a valuable critique of Muslims’ ignorance of the Holy book’s teachings and a cautionary tale against relying on resources other than the Quran and Sunnah for guidance.
Understanding Innovated Principles (Bid'ah)
Chapters 24 to 26 in this book present Shaykh al-Mardawi’s understanding of how such changes in the area of innovation of religious practices and beliefs give rise to a gradual erosion of the correct Islamic methodology and creed. He however come up with a good definition of bid ‘ah term, stating it to mean any additions or changes that were not performed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions. Innovations such as these the author stresses often enter the Muslim culture insidiously and unobtrusively, gradually and slowly eroding the Muslims commitment to the original and pure teachings of their faith, Islam.
The Impact on Methodology (Manhaj)
Shaykh al-Mardawi states clearly the consequences of Atraf in Islamic methodology and stated they create deviation in the perceptions of Muslims concerning their religion. Socio-Cultural Innovations usually create confusion about the rights application of Islamic laws in the day to day life.
The Ruling On The One Who Leaves Off The Prayer By Shaykh Muhammad Taqiud-Deen al-Hilali
ISBN: 9798350721713
Author: Abu Ahmad Ayyub Ibn James Elkins
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 112
Size: 9.0 x 0.5 x 6.0 inch
Language: English
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Authentic Statements Publication
About This Book:
Al-Hilali’s work: In The Ruling on the One Who Leaves Off the Prayer emphasizes the information on one of the main tenets of the Muslim faith which is Salah. This book discusses the terrible end and the Shariah verdict for missing the obligatory prayers and highlights the place of this act of worship in the life of a Muslim.
The Importance of Salah in Islam
After that, Shaykh al-Hilali sets the stage by defining Salah as one of the five main pillars of the Islam religion. It also calls prayer not only as a worship but an interaction betweeen a believer and Allah. The author emphasizes many a Quranic verse and a hadith revealing the pivotal role the prayer occupies in the life of a believer in terms of faith, spirituality, and association with Allah.
The Rulings on Abandoning Prayer
This book discusses in details the different opinions from the Islamic jurists as to how the absentee from the prayers should be treated. Shaykh al-Hilali compares the lazy people in Salah with those who deny Salah at all, looking at the Islamic legal right of both sides. This work uses Quranic ayats, Hadiths, and the rulings of scholars and jurists summarise the spiritual and legal consequences of leaving out this act of worship.