Aqidah ( Creed )

226 products

  • The Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles By Shaykh Salih Al Fawzan (Paperback) The Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles By Shaykh Salih Al Fawzan (Paperback)

    Authentic Statements Publications The Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles By Shaykh Salih Al Fawzan (Paperback)

    68 in stock

    The Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles By Shaykh Salih Al Fawzan ISBN: 9781792308376 Author: Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzan Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 368 Size: 9 x 6 x 1 inc Publiication: 2019 Description About This Book: "These are referred to as principles (Usool) because they serve as the foundation upon which all other aspects of the religion are built," Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan remarked. These three principles serve as the foundation for the entire religion, and they serve as the center around which all religious concerns swirl."These principles, like the cornerstone of a building, give solidity and support for Islam's whole construction. Without a strong comprehension of these fundamental principles, comprehending and practicing the many components of the religion becomes difficult.

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  • The Inner Secrets Of Worship By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi The Inner Secrets Of Worship By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi

    Dar As Sunnah Publications The Inner Secrets Of Worship By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi

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    The Inner Secrets Of Worship By Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi ISBN: 9781904336624 Author: Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 128 Size: 9 x 6 inch Publiication: 2019 Description About This Book: Imam Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi's "The Inner Secrets of Worship" is a deep Islamic literature that digs into the inner dimensions and spiritual components of Islamic acts of devotion. This book is regarded as a classic work of Islamic spirituality and law, having had a considerable impact on Islamic thinking and practice. Here is a summary of what this book contains: Spiritual Dimensions of Worship: Imam Ibn Qudamah delves into the deeper spiritual dimensions of acts of devotion like as prayer, fasting, and supplication. He highlights the need of sincerity (ikhlas) in worship as the key to attaining Allah's favor. Cleansing of the Heart: As a vital component of worship, the book emphasizes the cleansing of the heart (tazkiyah). It deals with the idea of cleaning one's intents and inner self in order to come closer to Allah. Tawhid (Monotheism): Imam Ibn Qudamah emphasizes the importance of tawhid (belief in Allah's oneness) in worship. He shows how knowing and embracing tawhid is critical to a Muslim's spiritual growth. The Role of Intention: A recurring subject in the text is the intention (niyyah) underlying acts of devotion. Imam Ibn Qudamah emphasizes that acts of worship should be performed entirely for the love of Allah and not for the benefit of worldly gain. Ihsan (Excellence): The notion of ihsan, or worship excellence, is examined in depth. It entails worshiping Allah as if one sees Him, and understanding that He sees everything even if one does not see Him. Imam Ibn Qudamah delves into how to achieve this level of worship perfection. Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah): The book dives into the importance of dhikr (remembrance of Allah) as a method of strengthening one's relationship with the Divine and maintaining a state of mindfulness and thankfulness. Sufism and Tasawwuf: "The Inner Secrets of Worship" briefly mentions Sufism (Islamic mysticism) and Tasawwuf (spiritual growth), although it largely concentrates on the spiritual qualities of conventional Islamic activities. Practical Guidance:Imam Ibn Qudamah gives practical suggestions throughout the book on how individuals might improve their prayer and spiritual path. He provides practical applications for the spiritual themes he addresses.

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  • Last stock! Spreading Out Flags Of Sunnah For the Belief of The Saved and Victorious Sect By Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Alqusair Spreading Out Flags Of Sunnah For the Belief of The Saved and Victorious Sect By Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Alqusair

    Darussalam Publications Spreading Out Flags Of Sunnah For the Belief of The Saved and Victorious Sect By Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Alqusair

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    Spreading Out Flags Of Sunnah For the Belief of The Saved and Victorious Sect By Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Alqusair ISBN: 9786030322947 Author: Prof Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Alqusair Book BInding: Paperback Pages: 187 Size: 8.3 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication Year: 2019 Publisher: Darussalam Publications Description About This Book: Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Alqusair is the author of the book "Spreading Out Flags of Sunnah For the Belief of The Saved and Victorious Sect". The book is a condensed version of a piece of writing by Hafidh Ahmad Al-Hakami, titled " ," which is regarded as one of the modern writings addressing the idea of Tawheed (monotheism) within Islam. Three major sections make up the book's structure: The first section explores the value of following the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) teachings and emphasizes the dangers of departing from them. The beliefs of the rescued sect, which are in line with those of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions, are discussed in the following section. The last section discusses many false notions that have spread among Muslims. For those looking to learn more about the Sunnah (the Prophet's teachings and customs) and the rescued sect's beliefs, this book is an invaluable resource. The following are a few of the major themes covered in the book: The Prophet Muhammad and his companions' teachings and customs are collectively referred to as the Sunnah. It acts as the Muslims' primary manual. A serious sin that can result in misguidance and probable repercussions in the hereafter is departing from the Sunnah. Those who carefully follow the Sunnah make up the saved sect. They are respected as defenders of the truth and wisdom. Deviant sects, on the other hand, are those that have strayed from the Sunnah and as a result represent deception and deceit.

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  • Ways of staying firm upon the Religion Ways of staying firm upon the Religion

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Ways of staying firm upon the Religion

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    Ways of staying firm upon the Religion By Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzāq Ibn ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbād al-Badr ISBN: 9781944245191 Author: Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr Book Binding: Paperback Pages 67 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.2 inch Publication year: 2015 Description About This Book: "Ways of Staying Firm on Religion" by Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzq Ibn 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbd al-Badr is most likely a thorough book that discusses techniques for maintaining a steadfast dedication to one's religious path. The following themes are covered in the book: Building a firm Foundation: Emphasizing the need of developing a firm foundation of faith and knowing the religion's essential ideas. Knowledge and Understanding: Exploring how constant learning and strengthening one's grasp of the religion help to resilience in the face of adversity. Prayer and Worship: Discuss the value of frequent prayers, acts of worship, and devotion in cultivating a close relationship with Allah. Defending Against Doubt: Investigating ways for dealing with questions and uncertainties, emphasizing the need of getting solutions from informed sources. Community and Support: Emphasizing the importance of belonging to a caring community that develops and reinforces religious devotion. Petition and Remembrance: Investigating the benefits of remembering Allah on a regular basis and seeking His direction via petition. Avoiding Sin: Discussing the significance of abstaining from immoral behavior and seeking repentance when errors are made. Enduring Trials: Guidance on how to keep faith and perseverance in the face of adversity, believing in Allah's wisdom and purpose.

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  • Last stock! The Stability of the Aqeedah of the Salaf & Its Safety From Alteration The Stability of the Aqeedah of the Salaf & Its Safety From Alteration

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications The Stability of the Aqeedah of the Salaf & Its Safety From Alteration

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    The Stability of the Aqeedah of the Salaf & Its Safety From Alteration By Abdur Razzaaq Bin Abdul Muhsin Al-Badr ISBN: 9781943281107 Author: Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr Book Binding: Paperback Pages 98 Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inches Publication year: 2015 Description About This Book: Abdur Razzaaq Bin Abdul Muhsin Al-Badr's "The Stability of the Salaf's Aqeedah & Its Safety from Alteration" investigates the constancy and preservation of the essential principles (Aqeedah) maintained by the early generations of Muslims (Salaf). The following were included in the book: Belief Preservation: The book discusses how the Aqeedah of the Salaf, the pious forefathers, stayed unbroken across time, undisturbed by changes. Orthodox ideas: It delves into the Salaf's essential ideas, highlighting their commitment to real Islamic principles. Historical Context: The book investigates the historical setting in which the Salaf lived and practiced their faith, which contributed to the stability of their Aqeedah. Challenges to Aqeedah: It discusses historical challenges aimed at changing Aqeedah and how the Salaf responded to these attempts. Guardians of Authenticity: The book emphasizes the responsibility of Salafi academics and leaders in preserving the integrity of Aqeedah. Quran and Sunnah: It emphasizes how the Salaf got their views straight from the Quran and Sunnah, so assuring their legitimacy. Contemporary Relevance: The book discusses the need of knowing the Salafi Aqeedah in modern times and its value in keeping pure Islamic principles. Today's Suggestions: It explains how knowing the stability of Salafi Aqeedah may help Muslims navigate various ideological problems.

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  • Last stock! The Answers Of The Esteemed Scholar Rabee Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali On Questions Related To Minhaj The Answers Of The Esteemed Scholar Rabee Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali On Questions Related To Minhaj

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications The Answers Of The Esteemed Scholar Rabee Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali On Questions Related To Minhaj

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    The Answers Of The Esteemed Scholar Rabee Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali On Questions Related To Minhaj By Aboo Rawaah Abdullah Ibn Isa Al-Mawree ISBN: 9781945171789 Author: Aboo Rawaah Abdullah Ibn Isa Al-Mawree Book Binding: Paperback Pages 89 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year: 2016 Description About This Book: Aboo Rawaah Abdullah Ibn Isa Al-Mawree's "The Answers of the Esteemed Scholar Rabee Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali on Questions Related to Minhaj" is a compilation of replies offered by Scholar Rabee Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali. These are the topics covered in the book. Clarification of Minhaj: It is that the book will discuss many topics of "Minhaj" (methodology) in connection to Islamic teachings and practices. Islamic Rulings: Within the scope of the minhaj, it gives Islamic rulings and advice on many topics. Academic Insights: The book contains academic insights on how to approach and understand the Minhaj within the framework of Islam. Misconceptions: It seeks to explain misunderstandings or misconceptions about the Minhaj and its application. Practical Advice: The book is to give practical advice on how to apply the Minhaj in many spheres of life. Religious Authority: It establishes Scholar Rabee Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali's authority as a trustworthy source of information and guidance on Minhaj-related subjects. Educational Resource: The book is useful for anyone who wants to better comprehend and follow the right Minhaj in their religious activities. Islamic Jurisprudence: It mentions Islamic law (fiqh) and how it pertains to the understanding and implementation of the Minhaj.

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  • The Statement of At-Tawhid: La ILaha Illa-Allah The Statement of At-Tawhid: La ILaha Illa-Allah

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications The Statement of At-Tawhid: La ILaha Illa-Allah

    69 in stock

    The Statement of At-Tawhid: La ILaha Illa-Allah (Its Virtues, Significance, Conditions, & Nullifiers) By Shaykh ʿAbdur-Razzāq Ibn ʿAbdul-Muhsin al- ʿAbbād al-Badr ISBN: 9781943844708 Author: Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr Book Binding: Paperback Pages 93 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year: 2015 Description About This Book: Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq's "The Statement of At-Tawhid: La ilaha illa-Allah (Its Virtues, Significance, Conditions, & Nullifiers)" is a thorough examination of the Islamic statement of faith. The book address the following topics: Monotheistic Foundation: The book emphasizes the vast benefits and significance of the assertion "La ilaha illa-Allah" (There is no deity except Allah). Conditions of Acceptance: It is to go into how this assertion forms the cornerstone of Islamic monotheism (tawhid), highlighting the notion of Allah's oneness. Acceptance circumstances: The book describe the necessary circumstances for the sincerity and acceptance of this proclamation, such as sincere belief and comprehension. Significance in Islam: It is to investigate how the statement includes the essential ideas of Islam and functions as a unifying force among Muslims. Tawhid Nullifiers: The book discusses behaviors or thoughts that might invalidate the notion of tawhid, emphasizing the significance of avoiding such problems. Faith and Practice: It discusses how this proclamation affects both faith (iman) and daily actions, impacting how Muslims live their lives. Connection to Worship: The book delves into how the declaration is inextricably tied to numerous acts of worship, serving as the foundation for prayers and other rituals. Elevating Spiritual Understanding: The book may try to increase readers' understanding of this profound proclamation through explanations and examples.

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  • Tawakkul on Allah By Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr Tawakkul on Allah By Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Tawakkul on Allah By Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr

    64 in stock

    Tawakkul on Allah By Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr  ISBN: 9781635877540 Author: Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr Book Binding: Paperback Pages 80 Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inches Publication year: 2016 Description About This Book: Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul Muhsin al-Badr's book "Tawakkul on Allah" goes into the notion of trusting in Allah. The following topics are expected to be covered in the book: Understanding Tawakkul: Exploring the essence of tawakkul, in which believers depend on Allah's guidance while simultaneously taking practical measures. Balancing Effort and Trust: Examining the relationship between initiative and confidence in Allah's perfect design. Coping with Anxiety: Discuss how tawakkul might help people cope with anxiety by realizing Allah's power over all outcomes. Facing Challenges: Exploring how tawakkul enables believers to tackle obstacles with patience and trust. Surrender to Allah: Discuss the value of giving power to Allah and acknowledging His superior wisdom. Inner Peace: Emphasizing how tawakkul leads to spiritual tranquility and trust in Allah's judgments. Making Informed Decisions: Addressing the idea of seeking guidance but ultimately depending on Allah's judgment. Divine Support: Exploring how tawakkul draws Allah's blessings even in seemingly tough circumstances.

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  • Taqwa Is the Cause for Every Good By Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz Taqwa Is the Cause for Every Good By Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Taqwa Is the Cause for Every Good By Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz

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    Taqwa Is the Cause for Every Good By Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz ISBN: 9781631736162 Author: Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Bazz Book Binding: Paperback Pages 32 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.2 inch Publication year: 2014 Description About This Book: The book "Taqwa Is the Cause of Every Good" by Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz emphasizes the importance of taqwa (God-consciousness) in leading to all that is good. The book will most likely explain:Virtuous Outcomes: The book will most likely go into detail about how building taqwa in one's heart and deeds leads to beneficial and virtuous outcomes in different facets of life. Spiritual Growth: It describes how taqwa fosters spiritual growth by creating a close connection with Allah and driving good acts. Ethical Conduct: The book look at how taqwa encourages people to maintain ethical conduct, integrity, and moral behavior in all circumstances. Protection from Sin: It underlines how taqwa functions as a barrier against sin and transgression, allowing believers to avoid temptations. Guidance and Wisdom: The book will go into detail about how taqwa gives guidance and wisdom in decision-making, allowing individuals to make choices that are consistent with Islamic ideals. Improved Relationships: It describe how taqwa effects interactions, fostering kindness, compassion, and empathy in interpersonal relationships. Contentment and Thankfulness: The book discuss how taqwa develops contentment and thankfulness, urging people to be grateful for their benefits. Elevated standing: The book emphasizes how persons who possess taqwa are valued in Allah's eyes and have a recognized standing in the community.

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  • Restoring One’s Iman Restoring One’s Iman

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Restoring One’s Iman

    82 in stock

    Restoring One’s Iman By ‘Abdur-Razzāq Ibn ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbād al-Badr ISBN: 9481975172458 Author: Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul-Muhsin al-Badr Book Binding: Paperback Pages 64 Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.2 inches Publication year: 2016 Description About This Book: "Read 'Restoring One's Iman' by 'Abdur-Razzq Ibn 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbd al-Badr, a book that examines the importance of faith in Islam and how to strengthen it." The novel is broken into three sections. The first emphasizes the significance of faith, while the second digs into ways to deepen it. The final section tackles difficulties in faith and how to overcome them.The book is an essential resource for Muslims wishing to understand and strengthen their faith. It provides them with the knowledge to help them overcome situations that may jeopardize their faith. Important Takeaways: The foundation of Islam is faith. There are several ways to strengthen faith. Challenges such as sin and uncertainty can erode faith. Muslims can overcome difficulties in their faith by adhering to Quranic and Sunnah teachings and seeking Allah's guidance. This website helps Muslims understand the core of faith and provides strategies to help them keep their faith in the face of adversity."

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  • Last stock! Reflecting on Allaah’s statement: The good pleasure from Allaah is greater Reflecting on Allaah’s statement: The good pleasure from Allaah is greater

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Reflecting on Allaah’s statement: The good pleasure from Allaah is greater

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    Reflecting on Allaah’s statement: The good pleasure from Allaah is greater By Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr ISBN: 9781631732416 Author: Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdul-Muhsin al-Badr Book Binding: Paperback Pages 64 Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.2 inches Publication year: 2014 Description About This Book: "Reflecting on Allah's Statement: 'The Good Pleasure from Allah is Greater'" by Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq bin 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr is a meditative book that digs into the underlying meaning of the Quranic verse "The good pleasure from Allah is greater" (Quran 9:72). The author investigates the following topics in this book: Divine Pleasure: The book dives into the notion of Allah's pleasure and how believers should pursue His pleasure as their ultimate objective. Comparison and Priorities: The verse under consideration underlines that Allah's pleasure is greater than any worldly goods or ambitions. The book discusses the significance of putting spiritual interests ahead of material pursuits. Spiritual satisfaction: It highlights how obtaining Allah's pleasure leads to a profound sense of spiritual satisfaction and contentment that much outweighs any fleeting worldly joys. Motivation for Good Deeds: The book investigates how comprehending the supremacy of Allah's pleasure might drive believers to undertake virtuous deeds and acts of worship genuinely and with dedication. Reliance on Allah: Thinking on this verse will help believers put their faith and reliance on Allah alone, realizing that His pleasure is the ultimate source of success and satisfaction. Detachment from Worldly Attachments: The book might describe how comprehending the magnificence of Allah's pleasure can lead to a release from excessive connection to worldly things and hobbies. Hope and Optimism: Thinking about Allah's pleasure can give believers hope and optimism, reminding them that Allah's reward and acceptance much outweigh whatever challenges they endure on the path of faith.

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  • Fundamentals Of Eemaan By Shaykh Abdul Azeez Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz Fundamentals Of Eemaan By Shaykh Abdul Azeez Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Fundamentals Of Eemaan By Shaykh Abdul Azeez Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz

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    Fundamentals Of Eemaan By Shaykh Abdul Azeez Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz ISBN: 9781631733185 Author: Shaykh Abdul Axeex Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 91 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publiication: 2014 Description About This Book: The Qur’aan has clarified these fundamentals ‎within many verses; likewise, our Prophet, ‎‎(sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), has clarified ‎them within the authentic Sunnah. They are six ‎fundamentals, and they are the fundamentals of ‎Eemaan. They are the fundamentals of the ‎religion; for Eemaan is the entire religion, and it ‎is Islaam and the guidance. It is righteousness ‎and piety. It is that with which Allaah sent the ‎Messenger, (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), from ‎beneficial knowledge and righteous actions. All ‎of it is referred to as Eemaan. These six ‎fundamentals of our religion have been clarified ‎by the Mighty Book within various places and ‎the trustworthy Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu ‎‎‘alayhi wa sallam) clarified them within the ‎Ahadeeth. From that which has come within the ‎Book of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, is His ‎statement:‎ ‎ “It is not Al-Birr (piety, righteousness) ‎that you turn your faces towards east and ‎‎(or) west (in prayers); but Al-Birr is (the ‎quality of) the one who believes in Allaah, ‎the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, the ‎Prophets.” ‎‎[Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:177]‎Allaah, Glorified and Exalted be He, clarified ‎here five of the fundamentals of Eemaan. They ‎are:‎ Eemaan in Allaah The Last Day The Angels The Book The Prophets The religion revolves around these five ‎fundamentals, inwardly and outwardly. Allaah, ‎the Majestic and High, has said:‎  “The Messenger (Muhammad) believes in ‎what has been sent down to him from his ‎Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one ‎believes in Allaah, His Angels, His Books, ‎and His Messengers. They say, “We make ‎no distinction between one another of ‎His Messengers.”‎‎[Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:285]‎

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  • Last stock! Reflections on the believers' resemblance to the date tree Reflections on the believers' resemblance to the date tree

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Reflections on the believers' resemblance to the date tree

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    Reflections on the believers' resemblance to the date tree By Shaykh 'Abdur Razzaaq bin Abdil-Muhsin al-'Abbad al-Badr ISBN: 9798650561545 Author: Abdur-Razaaq bin Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr Book Binding: Paperback Pages 106 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year:2021 Language: Arabic Description About This Book: Allah says: “See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? - A goodly word as a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the sky (i.e. Very high). Giving its fruit at all times, by the Leave of its Lord and Allah sets forth parables for mankind in order that they may remember.” [Soorah Ibrahim 14:24-25]This is a remarkable parable with an enormous benefit and applies perfectly to that which it is being compared with. Allah begins the verse by saying,“See you not how Allah sets forth a parable?” [Soorah Ibrahim 14:24]Meaning, does not your heart see and comprehend how Allah makes an example and a comparison for the "goodly word", the word of Eemaan. Allah finishes the verse with: “Allah sets forth parables for mankind in order that they may remember.” [Soorah Ibrahim 14:25]Meaning: that the intention behind this parable and others, are to remind the people and invite them to consider and understand the speech of Allah.There can be no doubt that this beginning and end to the verse are the best of encouragements for a person to learn and understand this parable. They also show the enormous importance of this parable and how it includes Eemaan, which is the best thing for a person to seek and the greatest goal. When we consider this splendid parable we find that Allah mentions the thing that is being compared, the thing it is being compared to and the similarity between them. The thing that is being compared is "the good word", the thing it is being compared to is “the tree”, and the similarity between them is like Allah says:“Whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the sky (i.e. Very high); giving its fruit at all times, by the Leave of its Lord.” [Soorah Ibrahim 14:24]Allah, The Blessed, The Most High, compares the Eemaan that is firm in the heart of the believer and that which results from that Eemaan in the way of branches, divisions and fruit, with the "goodly tree” whose roots are firm, its branches outstretched into the sky, and always produces fruit.So if, one was to consider the thing being compared to, which is the tree, and the thing being compared, which is the proclamation of Eemaan that is in the heart of the believer and that which results from it, then they will find that they share many similar characteristics, some of which are mentioned in the verse. Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy upon him) said:“If you were to consider this resemblance you would see that it applies to the tree of Tawheed that is firmly rooted in the heart; its branches are the righteous actions which reach high into the sky and this tree never stops producing good deeds. The amount of righteous actions is dependent upon the extent that Tawheed is embedded in the heart, the extent of the love the heart has for Tawheed, the extent of sincerity one has for Tawheed, the extent of knowledge one has of Tawheed, the extent one applies Tawheed, the extent one performs its rights, and the extent that one takes care of it.Whoever firmly roots the proclamation of Eemaan in their heart and characterizes their heart by it and anoints it with the religion of Allah, of which there is no better religion, and then he knows the reality of divinity, which his heart affirms for Allah alone and he bears witness to that with his tongue and confirms that with his limbs. He negates this divinity and that which it necessitates, for everything other than for Allah; and his heart agrees with the tongue in this negation and affirmation and his limbs submit to that which he testifies to with Tawheed, obediently walking the path of his Lord with humility, without deviation and without desiring another to replace it.There's no doubt that this proclamation in the heart and on the tongue continually produces good deeds that raise up to Allah all the time.

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  • Basic Tenets Of The Muslim Its True Meaning & What Nullifies It Basic Tenets Of The Muslim Its True Meaning & What Nullifies It

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Basic Tenets Of The Muslim Its True Meaning & What Nullifies It

    74 in stock

    Basic Tenets Of The Muslim Its True Meaning & What Nullifies It By Shaykh ʿAbdul ʿAzīz bin ʿAbdullāh bin ʿAbdur Raḥmān ar-Rājiḥī ISBN: 9781637950784 Author: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Abdur Raḥman ar-Rajihi Book Binding: Paperback Pages 77 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inch Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: According to the authentic Hadīth of ʿUmar bin al-Khattāb (May Allāh be pleased with him), Imām Muslim and others reported that the angel Jibrīl appeared before the Prophet (May Allāh elevate his rank & grant him peace) in the form of a man. Jibrīl asked the Prophet (May Allāh elevate his rank & grant him peace) about various aspects of faith, starting with Islām, then ʾĪmān, and finally ʾIḥsān. When asked about mn (faith), the Prophet (May Allah increase his position and grant him peace) delivered a detailed response, outlining six key characteristics that compose the core of faith: Have faith in Allah.Have faith in His Angels.Have Faith in His Books.Have faith in His Messengers.Belief in the Second Coming.Belief in Divine Decree and Ordainment, which includes both the good and the terrible. Imām Muslim and others authentically reported in the Hadīth of ʿUmar bin al-Khattāb (May Allāh be pleased with him) that the angel Jibrīl came to the Prophet (May Allāh elevate his rank & grant him peace) in the image of a man asking him about Islām, ʾĪmān, ʾIḥsān, and finally asked him about the signs of the Last Hour. So, the Prophet (May Allāh elevate his rank & grant him peace) when asked about ʾĪmān he answered by saying:“ʾĪmān is that you believe in Allāh, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and that you believe in the Divine Decree and Ordainment; the good of it as well as the bad.”Our Noble Prophet (May Allāh elevate his rank & grant him peace) clarified in this tremendous Ḥadīth the fundamentals of our belief and creed, distinguishing the believer from the disbeliever.

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  • Rituals of a Worshipping Heart By Dr. Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef Rituals of a Worshipping Heart By Dr. Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef

    Dakwah Corner Bookstore Rituals of a Worshipping Heart By Dr. Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef

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    Rituals of a Worshipping Heart By Dr. Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef ISBN: 9789834462642 Author: Dr. Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef Book Binding: Soft cover Pages 182 Size: 8.5 x 5.8 x 0.3 inch Publication year:2020 Description About This Book: "Rituals of a Worshipping Heart" by Dr. Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef explores the significance of the human heart in Islam and provides guidance on its purification. The book is composed of 5 sections. Understanding of Hearts and Virtues: This section emphasizes the vital role of the heart in Islam. It highlights how the heart serves as the center of faith, knowledge, and righteous actions. The author delves into the virtues of the heart, including its capacity for perceiving truth, nurturing the love for Allah, and being guided by divine teachings. The Corrupting Influences on the Heart: In this section, the author explores the causes that contribute to heart corruption. The emphasis is on the negative consequences of wrongdoing, associating partners with Allah, and yielding to self-desire. The author also delves into the symptoms of a corrupted heart, such as uncertainty, hypocrisy, and sorrow.Purifying the Heart: This part provides practical advice on how to purify the heart. The author emphasizes the significance of genuine repentance, following the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and avoiding negative influences. The advantages of cleaning the heart are also mentioned, such as achieving inner peace, growing closer to Allah, and receiving divine guidance.Five Heart-Related Acts of Worship: The author examines five acts of worship that are closely linked to the heart: Tawheed (monotheism): Emphasizing belief in Allah's oneness while rejecting all kinds of polytheism.Tawakkul (faith in Allah): Developing faith in and dependence on Allah in all aspects of life.Ikhlas (sincerity): Acts of worship performed with honest intentions, seeking solely Allah's pleasure.Zuhd (asceticism): Adopting a mindset of detachment from earthly riches and focusing on the eternal qualities of life.Mahabbah (love of Allah): The development of a deep and genuine love for Allah, the Creator.

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  • Detailed Chapters Clarifying Tawhid, Minor Shirk & Major Shirk Detailed Chapters Clarifying Tawhid, Minor Shirk & Major Shirk

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Detailed Chapters Clarifying Tawhid, Minor Shirk & Major Shirk

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    Detailed Chapters Clarifying Tawhid, Minor Shirk & Major Shirk By Shaykh ʿAbdul ʿAzīz bin ʿAbdullāh bin ʿAbdur Raḥmān ar-Rājiḥī ISBN:9781638487494 Author: Shaykh ʿAbdul ʿAzīz bin ʿAbdullāh bin ʿAbdur Raḥmān ar-Rājiḥī Book Binding: Soft cover Pages 137 Size: 6x9 inches Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: Tawhid: Tawhid is the core idea of Islamic monotheism, confirming faith in Allah's oneness. It includes the belief in Allah's uniqueness, singularity, and absolute sovereignty in His lordship, titles, and qualities, as well as His right to be worshiped alone. Tawhid is a very basic concept of Islam which is the backbone of the Muslim religionMinor Shirk: refers to acts or ideas that include associating partners with Allah but do not rise to the level of blatant polytheism. It can involve activities such as flaunting one's worship, seeking favors from objects or others in a way that jeopardizes Tawhid, or an excessive connection to material riches that leads to a neglect of one's relationship with Allah.Major Shirk: Major Shirk is the most serious kind of polytheism, in which a person ascribes partners to Allah in His sole divine characteristics or adoration. It entails identifying others with Allah in adoration, supplication, or imbuing created beings with divine traits. Major Shirk is a serious transgression that undermines the foundation of Tawhid. It’s incumbent for the Muslim to be concerned with renewing his ʾĪmān (i.e., correct Islāmic faith) in the evening and the morning by pondering on the meaning of the statement of Tawḥīd lā ilāha illa Allāh since there’s no success except for the people of Tawḥīd. For it is the statement of Islām. So, the Muslim (Muwahhid) must learn about Tawḥīd, implement it, be aware of its position, reject Shirk which is the opposite of Tawḥīd, have a hatred for associating partners with Allāh as well as those who practice it. The Muslim must deem the one who commits major Shirk (knowingly) is a disbeliever of the true Islāmic Faith. The Muslim must also be aware of the position of Shirk.

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  • Knowledge Seeker’s pursuit in an Explanation of Teaching Children Islamic Monotheism (Tawhid) Knowledge Seeker’s pursuit in an Explanation of Teaching Children Islamic Monotheism (Tawhid)

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Knowledge Seeker’s pursuit in an Explanation of Teaching Children Islamic Monotheism (Tawhid)

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    Knowledge Seeker’s pursuit in an Explanation of Teaching Children Islamic Monotheism (Tawhid) By Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab ISBN:9781685248604 Author: Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab Book Binding: Soft cover Pages 171 Size: 6x9 inches Publication year:2021 Description About This Book: Value of studying concise books: Scholars paid great attention to authoring these concise books and invested their efforts in summarizing and briefing them, then kept them for their students as fundamentals to benefit themselves and others. Starting with these summarized books is the basis for students. The student of knowledge should learn gradually, starting from the knowledge fundamentals and so on. These summarized books serve as a means to elaborate ones. The elaborate books cannot be understood without gradually grasping the summarized ones. Therefore, they commented on the meaning of what Allāh said: “On the contrary (he would say): “Be you Rabbaniyyun (learned men of religion who practice what they know and also preach others) because you are teaching the book, and you are studying it.” [Sūrah ʾĀl-ʿImrān (3):79] Rabbaniyyun refers to who starts teaching the simple matters before the complicated ones, as Al-Bukhari said on the authority of Ibn ʿAbbās (May Allah be pleased with him): “Be you Rabbaniyyun”: means patient and learned.” It is said that Rabbani is the one who teaches people the simple matters of knowledge before the complicated ones.

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  • Excellence of Patience & Gratefulness Excellence of Patience & Gratefulness

    Darussalam Publications Excellence of Patience & Gratefulness

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    Excellence of Patience & GratefulnessAuthor: Ibn Al-QayyimBook Binding: SoftcoverPages 504Size: 9.03x 6.05x 1.3 inchPublication year:2021DescriptionAbout This Book: Two of the most essential traits a Muslim can have are patience and gratitude. Both the Quran and the Sunnah mention them, and both are necessary for leading a moral and contented life. The ability to endure difficulties without grumbling is patience. It is the antithesis of rage and irritation. One of the secrets to prosperity in this world and the next is patience, a virtue that Allah rewards.The act of being grateful is expressing gratitude for one's blessings. It is the antithesis of ungratefulness. Being grateful is a quality that makes Allah happy and is essential to finding happiness in this life. Patience and gratitude have numerous advantages. We are able to overcome obstacles and accomplish our goals with patience. It also enables us to maintain composure and concentration under pressure. Being grateful makes it easier for us to recognize the positive aspects of our lives and fosters contentment with what we already have. This book is written to highlight the necessity and the pressing need to pursue these two qualities and to illustrate that happiness in this world and the Hereafter is dependent on them. It is intended to be a comprehensive, extensive and useful book. It contains a great amount of useful information, which is worthy of being held firmly and clung to vigorously. It is pleasing to the reader, plain to him who reads it thoroughly, engaging to the distressed, stimulating for the neglectful one, and encouraging for the one who is ready to work. It also contains points of benefit from the exegesis of the Quran and the traditions of the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) duly referred from their sources, reports from pious predecessors with references, juristic issues supported by evidence, and indications to the spiritual path. All of these will be obvious to the one who contemplates over it and is endowed with a sound intellect.

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  • Explanation Of Kitab Al-Tawhid By Imam Muhammad B. Abdil-Wahhab, B. Sulayman B. Ali, B. At-Tamimi An-Najdi Explanation Of Kitab Al-Tawhid By Imam Muhammad B. Abdil-Wahhab, B. Sulayman B. Ali, B. At-Tamimi An-Najdi

    Hikmah Publications Explanation Of Kitab Al-Tawhid By Imam Muhammad B. Abdil-Wahhab, B. Sulayman B. Ali, B. At-Tamimi An-Najdi

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    Explanation Of Kitab Al-Tawhid By Imam Muhammad B. Abdil-Wahhab, B. Sulayman B. Ali, B. At-Tamimi An-Najdi ISBN: 9781792369797Author: Imam Muhammad B. Abdil-Wahhab, B. Sulayman B. Ali, B. At-Tamimi An-NajdiBook Binding: PaperbackPages 630Language: EnglishDescriptionAbout This Book: The leader of the Salafi movement Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab write a short book as Kitab at Tawhid Book provides an easy explanation of Tawheed as it is understandable for every person Ibn Abd al-Wahhab contends that Allah is the sole genuine God and that He is One and Unique in Kitab at-Tawheed. Additionally, he contends that polytheism, or the worship of multiple gods, is shirk and that all other deities are false. A key text in the Salafi tradition is the Kitab at-Tawheed. This book is translated into various languages and is mostly read by Salafis worldwide. This book expresses a good way of debate and Muslims are attacked for its hard words for shirk The Salafi tradition still holds Kitab at-Tawheed in high regard notwithstanding the debate. It has played a significant role in forming the Salafi worldview since it provides a clear and succinct explanation of the Islamic concept of Tawheed. The Book of Tawhid with 330 questions and answers to assist understanding of each chapter.

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  • Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

    Dar As Sunnah Publications Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

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    Remembrance of the Most Merciful by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah ISBN: 9781904336730 Author: Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah Book Binding: Paperback Description About This Book: Allah, the Most High, Says: “Remember Me, and I shall remember you” Qur’an 2:152Abu Hurayrah (radiy Allahu ‘anhu), said that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘Allah the Almighty said:’ “I am as My servant thinks of Me. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a cubit, and if he draws near to Me a cubit, I draw near to him a fathom, if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed. (al-Buhkari and Muslim)Remembrance in Islam has a lofty position, its great virtue and excellence is crystal clear in the Book of Allah and the Noble Sunnah. Allah, the Most High commands the believers to remember Him. Through this the servant will attain the pleasure of His Lord, His Mercy and forgiveness. Those who are devoted to the remembrance of Allah, their heart will be at peace and tranquillity – full of joy and will find themselves in safety and security.For in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. In this very valuable and useful text the author – may Allah have mercy on him – mentions 78 benefits of remembrance. Ibn Qayyim commences the book with chapters related to the path of happiness, how to rectify the heart and cleanse it. He also talks about the different stages of the prayer, charity and fasting. He then goes through 78 benefits of remembrance of Allah. This gripping text will keep the reader in awe and quench the thirst of every reader that seeks for the closeness to their Lord, a book that you will read over and over again.It will up-lift your heart, give you a much lacking spiritual connection to the remembrance of Allah and the sincere servant of Allah will shed many tears at the lost opportunity that life has passed him by, but this masterpiece will awaken your soul to make up for the lost time. After reading it you will see every new dawn as a new opportunity to get closer to Allah, the Most High.You will never see remembrance in the same light again, a delight to read and learn. Strive! O reader and wear the robes of remembrance, equip yourself for you will not be disappointed, through it you will fi nd strength, meaning to your life and a path to eternal salvation. A text every devoted believer cannot afford to be without!

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  • The Pillars of Islam and Iman, And what every Muslim must know about his religion By Muhammad bin Jamil Zino (Paperback) The Pillars of Islam and Iman, And what every Muslim must know about his religion By Muhammad bin Jamil Zino (Paperback)

    Darussalam Publications The Pillars of Islam and Iman, And what every Muslim must know about his religion By Muhammad bin Jamil Zino (Paperback)

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    The Pillars of Islam and Iman, And what every Muslim must know about his religion By Muhammad bin Jamil Zino (Paperback) ISBN: 9789960732503 Author: Muhammad bin Jamil Zino Book Binding: Paperback Pages:264 Size: 15x22cm Publication year: 2006 Description About This Book:The instructive paperback "The Pillars of Islam and Iman, And what every Muslim must know about his religion By Muhammad bin Jamil Zino (Paperback)" will improve your knowledge of Islam and fortify your faith. Readers will take a profound journey of study into the fundamental ideas and customs of Islam within the pages of this fascinating book. The five pillars of Islam—Shahadah (Testimony of Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakah (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (Pilgrimage)—are expertly dissected by the author with painstaking attention to detail. The author reveals the profound significance of each pillar while also emphasizing the useful applications and spiritual advantages that result from their serious adherence through rigorous examination and explanation. Besides being a great scholar, Sheikh Muhammad bin Jamil Zino is also the author and compiler of many books directly related to the fundamentals of Islam. He holds the honor to have a place in the rank of those authors of the present time whose works have been widely accepted & attributed.This is his first ranking work. In this Book, the learned writer discussed the fundamental constituents of Islam: Salat (prayer), Saum (fasting), Hajj and Zakat, etc., in a lucid and impressive manner. The discussion regarding Faith and Belief in the first part is an added value to the book The distinctive feature of this book is its simplicity. Anyone can learn & practice Islam easily through the guidance of this book.

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  • Learning About Iman By Siddiq Hasan Khan al-Qanuji Learning About Iman By Siddiq Hasan Khan al-Qanuji

    Dar Al-Arqam Learning About Iman By Siddiq Hasan Khan al-Qanuji

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    Learning About Iman By Siddiq Hasan Khan al-Qanuji ISBN: 9781838489779 Author: Siddiq Hasan Khan al-Qanuji Book Binding:Soft cover Pages: 90 Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inch Publication year: 2022 Language: English Description About This Book: In the words of the author, this small treatise, Ta 'limul (man (Learning About Iman),is the explanation of complete Iman, which is the means of entering Paradise.The first thing he mentioned at the start of this treatise in a summarised explanation ofthe famous badith of Jibril. He then goes on to mention a summarised definition ofman, the virtue of the statement of Tawlid as well as other issues pertaining to"Agidab in a concise manner.This treatise was authored on1305/1888. Wednesday the 9th of Jümadul Äkhirah in the year Shaykh Siddiq Hast Khan was born in 1832 in his mother's village, Banis Barele. He was of noble linage which traced back to the Prophet (%) and he ended up becoming a Sunni scholar of high eminence during his era. At 21 years of age, he travelled to the centre of Islämic knowledge in his region, Delhi. During his studies he mastered the Arabic language, Figh, Tafsir, Hadith and other sciences from the likes of Shäh 'Abd al-'Aziz. Dehlawi and Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir Muhaddith Banärsi. In 1871, while he was in the service of the state of Bhopal, hegained the status of Nawab (Viceroy) which is a royal title indicating a sovereign ruler and essentially acted as the head of state. With his new-found authority he launched orphanages, Masjids and research centres for the propagation of Islamic academic works etc. He made every effort to prevent and exterminate crime in order to promote peace and security within his region. He spent lots of money on buying the manuscripts of Tafsir In Kathir, Fathul Bari Sharb Sahil al-Bukhäri and Naylul Awtar etc. He spent 50,000 rupees (of his era) on Fathul Bari alone which shows that he was funding a significant amount of wealth towards these ventures. Before this,these books were not obtainable in the Indian Subcontinent. Due to all of this effort, Bhopal flourished in becoming the centre for the scholars of hadith and knowledge for a certain period of time. His Fathud Bayan Fi Magasid al-Qur an, Fathul 'Allam Bi Shark Bulighul Maram, Makärim ul-Akblag, Ieihaf An-Nubala and Abjad al- Ulim are great examples of his vast knowledge and eloquence in Islamic authorship.

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  • Trials and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik Trials and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik

    Ta-Ha Publishers Trials and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik

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    Trials and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik ISBN: 9781915357045 Author: Faisal Malik Binding: Hardcover Pages: 118 Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 0.5 inch Publication Year: 2022 Language: English Description About The Book: Trial and Tribulations-An Islamic Perspective By Faisal Malik An Islamic Perspective, Faisal Malik examines how Muslims approach overcoming obstacles in life. A variety of duas (supplications) that can be used to ask Allah for assistance are offered in the third section of the book, which is separated into three sections: the first part addresses the nature of trials and tribulations, the second part offers helpful advice on how to cope with them, and the third part offers advise on how to deal with them. Malik starts off by pointing out that everyone experiences hardships in life, regardless of their religious beliefs. He then goes on to talk about the various kinds of difficulties that Muslims could have, like physical illness, financial difficulty, and emotional anguish. According to Malik, these difficulties are not a punishment from Allah but rather a chance for spiritual development. He also stresses the value of perseverance and faith in Allah amid trying times.

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  • Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles by Shaykh Al-Islam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles by Shaykh Al-Islam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab

    Hikmah Publications Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles by Shaykh Al-Islam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab

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    Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles by Uthaymin ISBN:9781792369810 Author: Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab Pages: 127 Book Binding: Paperback Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch Publication year: 2022 Language: English Description About This Book: Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles by Shaykh Al-Islam Muhammad Ibn Abdul WahhabShaykh Al-Islam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab (May Allah have mercy upon him) is renowned for his dedicaiton to author concise treatises that can  be understood by both the common person and the student of knowledge.One of these concise booklets is the Six Fundamental Principles, which are: The First Fundamental Principle: Making the religion sincerely and purely for Allah, and an explanation of its opposite which is Shirk (association partners with Allah). The Second Principle: Unity in the religion and the prohibition of separation. The Third Fundamental Principle: Hearing and obeying those in authority. The Fourth Fundamental Principle: An Explanation of what knowlege is and who the scholars are, what is Fiqh and who the Jurists are, and a clarification of the one who feigns to be from them. The Fifth Fundamental Principle: An explanation of who the Awliya (allies) of Allah are. The Six Fundamental Principle: A refutation of a doubt invented by the Devil to (support) the abandonment of the Quran and the Sunnah.These fundamental principles are extremely important and they are deserving of careful observation and study.

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  • An In-Depth Look At This is Our Call and Our Creed By Allamah Muqbil B.hadi Alp-Wadi'i An In-Depth Look At This is Our Call and Our Creed By Allamah Muqbil B.hadi Alp-Wadi'i

    Hikmah Publications An In-Depth Look At This is Our Call and Our Creed By Allamah Muqbil B.hadi Alp-Wadi'i

    24 in stock

    An In-Depth Look At This is Our Call and Our Creed By Allamah Muqbil B.hadi Alp-Wadi'i ISBN: 9781792369827Author: Allamah Muqbil B.hadi Alp-Wadi'iBinding: PaperbackPages: 282Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 inchPublication Year: 2023Language: English/ArabicDescriptionAbout This Book: Explore Allamah Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i, the renowned scholar, and his profound thoughts with "An In-Depth Look At 'This is Our Call and Our Creed.'" This thorough study gives readers a closer look at the foundational work and a better comprehension of the call and philosophy upheld by Allamah Muqbil. This book unlocks the layers of ideology and wisdom, making it a helpful resource for anyone looking for an explanation of basic Islamic beliefs. In-depth Analysis:  Allamah Muqbil's "This is Our Call and Our Creed" is carefully examined in this work, which digs into the minute aspects of both the creed he promotes and his call to Islam. The deep concepts and tenets that underpin his teachings become more fully understood by readers. Contextual Insights:  The analysis situates Allamah Muqbil's work within the larger framework of Islamic thinking, providing contextual insights. By examining the intellectual, social, and historical milieu in which the call and credo were formulated, it offers readers a comprehensive understanding of the viewpoint of the scholar. Clarification of Major Concepts:  To help readers understand the complex ramifications and meanings of Allamah Muqbil's call and creed, the book clarifies major concepts that he offered. The reader's comprehension of Islam and their capacity to apply these ideas in their own life are improved by this explanation. Relevance to Current Issues: "An In-Depth Look At 'This is Our Call and Our Creed'" explores how Allamah Muqbil's teachings relate to the problems and difficulties that the Muslim community is currently facing. Because it makes the connection between historical background and contemporary situations, the book is both relevant and useful.

    24 in stock


  • Last stock! The Final Prophet: Proof of the Prophethood of Muhammad By Mohammad Elshinawy The Final Prophet: Proof of the Prophethood of Muhammad By Mohammad Elshinawy

    Kube Publishing The Final Prophet: Proof of the Prophethood of Muhammad By Mohammad Elshinawy

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    The Final Prophet: Proof of the Prophethood of Muhammad By Mohammad Elshinawy ISBN: 9781847742070Author: Mohammad ElshinawyBinding: PaperbackPages: 230Size: 5.9x8.2inchesPublication Year: 2022Language: EnglishDescriptionAbout This Book: With The Final Prophet" by Mohammad Elshinawy, a marvelously formed work that investigates the persuading proof supporting Muhammad's (tranquility arrive) prophethood, you can go on a journey of significant disclosure. This book is a shrewd and exhaustive asset that deftly confirms the heavenly mission of Muhammad (harmony arrive), the endlessly last courier. Evidence-Based Analysis: Muhammad Elshinawy completely analyzes the information supporting Muhammad's prophetic status. The writer handily directs perusers through an enthralling excursion of learning and affirmation through sensible contention, verifiable setting, and strict implications. Understanding in Context: The book offers a refined and context-oriented understanding of the life and work of Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive). It takes a gander at the socio-verifiable setting of his day, enlightening the specifics that help his case to be the last courier. Scriptural References: The creator makes a story that underscores the heavenly disclosures and lessons that give undeniable proof of Prophet Muhammad's prophetic status by drawing on the rich embroidery of Islamic texts, including the Quran and Hadith. Logical Analysis: "The Last Prophet" gives perusers a coherent assessment of the qualities, marvels, and predictions that recognize Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive) as the Mark of the Prophets. The writer suggests a compelling viewpoint and provokes perusers to think about the irrefutable proof of his heavenly task.

    3 in stock


  • Last stock! Ibn Taymiyyah on The Oneness of God Ibn Taymiyyah on The Oneness of God

    Dar Al-Arqam Ibn Taymiyyah on The Oneness of God

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    Ibn Taymiyyah on The Oneness of God By Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Abd al-Halim al-Harrani ISBN: 9781916475687 Author: Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Abd al-Halim al-Harrani Binding: Paperback Pages: 119 Size: 6 x 9 inch Publication Year: 2020 Language: English/Arabic Publisher: Dar al-ArqamIbn Taymiyyah on The Oneness of God Dsecription: "Ibn Taymiyyah on The Oneness of God" is an exhaustive and sharp investigation of quite possibly of Islam's most powerful researcher, Ibn Taymiyyah's, religious and philosophical ideas. This book dives into the core of Islamic religious philosophy, giving perusers intensive information on Ibn Taymiyyah's concept of Tawhid, or the Unity of God. Ibn Taymiyyah, an extraordinary middle-aged Islamic rationalist and scholar, is associated with his unfaltering situation on God's solidarity and uniqueness in Islam. His perspectives keep on sounding valid with present-day researchers, scholars, and devotees, making this work an important asset for anyone attempting to figure out the fundamental ideas of Islamic monotheism. Key characteristics include: In-Depth Examination: "Ibn Taymiyyah on The Unity of God" takes readers on a complete outing into the possibility of Tawhid, looking at its numerous features, verifiable turn of events, and significance in Islamic philosophy. Historical Context: The book gives a fundamental verifiable setting, assisting perusers with understanding how Ibn Taymiyyah's thoughts emerged and developed inside the bigger Islamic practice, incorporating his showdowns with philosophical enemies. Scholarly Analysis: The writer takes apart Ibn Taymiyyah's compositions widely, giving an insightful examination of his perspectives and their ramifications for the current Islamic way of thinking and practice. Importance Today: This work uncovers Ibn Taymiyyah's hypotheses' continuous significance in settling contemporary philosophical issues, especially with regard to strict majority and interfaith participation. Accessible Language: While diving into multifaceted religious subjects, the book utilizes language that is justifiable to the two researchers and the relaxed reader keen on becoming familiar with Islamic monotheism.

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  • Alerting Mankind of the Principal Rulings New Muslims need to know (Part 1: Aqeedah) Alerting Mankind of the Principal Rulings New Muslims need to know (Part 1: Aqeedah)

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Alerting Mankind of the Principal Rulings New Muslims need to know (Part 1: Aqeedah)

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    Alerting Mankind of the Principal Rulings New Muslims need to know (Part 1: Aqeedah) ISBN: 9798894126715 Author: Shaykh Ali bin Abdul Aziz Musa Book Binding: Paperback Pages: 138 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.5 inch Publication year: 2024 Description About This Book: Get started on a life-changing spiritual enlightenment and discovery journey with "Alerting Mankind of the Principal Rulings New Muslims Need to Know (Part 1: Aqeedah)." Written by an informed academic, this book is a vital resource for those who are just becoming Muslims. It gives them a basic comprehension of the Islamic faith, or Aqeedah, and helps them find their way to a clear and confident understanding of Islam. Comprehending Aqeedah The notion of Aqeedah, the cornerstone of Islamic belief, is taught to readers in the first chapter. The author illustrates the significance of Aqeedah in forming a Muslim's worldview and spiritual attitude with concise explanations and pertinent examples. The importance of accepting true beliefs and comprehending the Islamic creed as a basis for one's religious journey becomes clear to readers. Allah's unity (Tawhid) This chapter delves deeper into the primary doctrine of Islam, the Oneness of Allah (Tawhid), which lies at the heart of Islamic thought. Readers investigate the profound idea of Tawhid and come to grasp its implications for their relationship with the Creator and their responsibility as Allah's slaves through scripture, Hadiths, and academic interpretations. The chapter stresses how crucial it is to respect and affirm Tawhid in every facet of worship and belief.

    32 in stock


  • Explanation of the Book of Divorce By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin Explanation of the Book of Divorce By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Explanation of the Book of Divorce By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin

    9 in stock

    Explanation of the Book of Divorce By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin Binding: Paperback Pages: Part1:230 Pages, Part 2: 236 Pages , Part 3:236 Pages Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inch Publication Year: 2024 Language: English Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Available in 3 Parts, you can buy individual book or set. Explanation of the Book of Divorce Part 1, ISBN:9798894431048 Explanation of the Book of Divorce Part 2, ISBN:9798894430966 Explanation of the Book of Divorce Part 3, ISBN:9798894430980 About This Book: This third installment of the "Explanation of the Book of Divorce" by Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin provides an in-depth analysis of Islamic rulings and guidance on the sensitive and intricate matters of divorce. Drawing from the rich tradition of Islamic jurisprudence, Shaykh Al-Uthaymin offers clarity on key issues surrounding talaq (divorce), its conditions, and implications. Key Topics Types of Divorce: Understand the different forms of divorce in Islam, including revocable and irrevocable divorce, and the situations where each applies. Conditions and Procedures: Detailed guidance on the proper steps and conditions for issuing a divorce, ensuring it aligns with Islamic law. Consequences and Aftermath: Explanation of the effects of divorce on family life, child custody, and financial responsibilities.

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  • Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 1)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 1)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 1)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin

    65 in stock

    Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 1)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin ISBN: 9798894431048,9798894430959 Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin Binding: Choose Pages: 230 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inches Publication Year: 2024 Language: English Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Description: About This Book: This third installment of the "Explanation of the Book of Divorce" by Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin provides an in-depth analysis of Islamic rulings and guidance on the sensitive and intricate matters of divorce. Drawing from the rich tradition of Islamic jurisprudence, Shaykh Al-Uthaymin offers clarity on key issues surrounding talaq (divorce), its conditions, and implications. Key Topics Types of Divorce: Understand the different forms of divorce in Islam, including revocable and irrevocable divorce, and the situations where each applies. Conditions and Procedures: Detailed guidance on the proper steps and conditions for issuing a divorce, ensuring it aligns with Islamic law. Consequences and Aftermath: Explanation of the effects of divorce on family life, child custody, and financial responsibilities.

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  • Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 2)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 2)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 2)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin

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    Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 2)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin ISBN: 9798894430966,9798894430973, Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin Binding: Choose Pages: 236 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inches Publication Year: 2024 Language: English Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Description: About This Book: This third installment of the "Explanation of the Book of Divorce" by Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin provides an in-depth analysis of Islamic rulings and guidance on the sensitive and intricate matters of divorce. Drawing from the rich tradition of Islamic jurisprudence, Shaykh Al-Uthaymin offers clarity on key issues surrounding talaq (divorce), its conditions, and implications. Key TopicsTypes of Divorce: Understand the different forms of divorce in Islam, including revocable and irrevocable divorce, and the situations where each applies. Conditions and Procedures: Detailed guidance on the proper steps and conditions for issuing a divorce, ensuring it aligns with Islamic law. Consequences and Aftermath: Explanation of the effects of divorce on family life, child custody, and financial responsibilities.

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  • Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 3)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 3)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin

    Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 3)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin

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    Explanation of the Book of Divorce (Part 3)By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin ISBN: 9798894430980,9798894430997 Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin Binding: Choose Pages: 236 Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.6 inches Publication Year: 2024 Language: English Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications Description: About This Book: This third installment of the "Explanation of the Book of Divorce" by Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymin provides an in-depth analysis of Islamic rulings and guidance on the sensitive and intricate matters of divorce. Drawing from the rich tradition of Islamic jurisprudence, Shaykh Al-Uthaymin offers clarity on key issues surrounding talaq (divorce), its conditions, and implications. Key Topics Types of Divorce: Understand the different forms of divorce in Islam, including revocable and irrevocable divorce, and the situations where each applies. Conditions and Procedures: Detailed guidance on the proper steps and conditions for issuing a divorce, ensuring it aligns with Islamic law. Consequences and Aftermath: Explanation of the effects of divorce on family life, child custody, and financial responsibilities.

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  • The Danger Of Innovated Principles Upon Methodology & Creed By Shaykh Hasan al-Mardawi The Danger Of Innovated Principles Upon Methodology & Creed By Shaykh Hasan al-Mardawi

    Authentic Statements Publications The Danger Of Innovated Principles Upon Methodology & Creed By Shaykh Hasan al-Mardawi

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    The Danger Of Innovated Principles Upon Methodology & Creed By Shaykh Hasan al-Mardawi ISBN: 9798350730258 Author: Abu Ahmad Ayyub Ibn James Elkins Binding: Softcover Pages: 144 Size: 9.0 x 0.5 x 6.0 inch Language: English Publication Year: 2024 Publisher: Authentic Statements Publication Description: About This Book: Shaykh Hasan al-Mardawi offers an invaluable analysis of how innovated principles (bid’ah) can affect the Islamic Methodology (manhaj) and Creed (‘aqeedah) in this beneficial work titled; The Danger of Innovated Principles Upon Methodology & Creed. Using messages from the Quran and Sunnah as appropriate, this book stands as a valuable critique of Muslims’ ignorance of the Holy book’s teachings and a cautionary tale against relying on resources other than the Quran and Sunnah for guidance. Understanding Innovated Principles (Bid'ah) Chapters 24 to 26 in this book present Shaykh al-Mardawi’s understanding of how such changes in the area of innovation of religious practices and beliefs give rise to a gradual erosion of the correct Islamic methodology and creed. He however come up with a good definition of bid ‘ah term, stating it to mean any additions or changes that were not performed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions. Innovations such as these the author stresses often enter the Muslim culture insidiously and unobtrusively, gradually and slowly eroding the Muslims commitment to the original and pure teachings of their faith, Islam. The Impact on Methodology (Manhaj) Shaykh al-Mardawi states clearly the consequences of Atraf in Islamic methodology and stated they create deviation in the perceptions of Muslims concerning their religion. Socio-Cultural Innovations usually create confusion about the rights application of Islamic laws in the day to day life.

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  • The Ruling On The One Who Leaves Off The Prayer By Shaykh Muhammad Taqiud-Deen al-Hilali The Ruling On The One Who Leaves Off The Prayer By Shaykh Muhammad Taqiud-Deen al-Hilali

    Authentic Statements Publications The Ruling On The One Who Leaves Off The Prayer By Shaykh Muhammad Taqiud-Deen al-Hilali

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    The Ruling On The One Who Leaves Off The Prayer By Shaykh Muhammad Taqiud-Deen al-Hilali ISBN: 9798350721713 Author: Abu Ahmad Ayyub Ibn James Elkins Binding: Softcover Pages: 112 Size: 9.0 x 0.5 x 6.0 inch Language: English Publication Year: 2024 Publisher: Authentic Statements Publication Description: About This Book: Al-Hilali’s work: In The Ruling on the One Who Leaves Off the Prayer emphasizes the information on one of the main tenets of the Muslim faith which is Salah. This book discusses the terrible end and the Shariah verdict for missing the obligatory prayers and highlights the place of this act of worship in the life of a Muslim. The Importance of Salah in Islam After that, Shaykh al-Hilali sets the stage by defining Salah as one of the five main pillars of the Islam religion. It also calls prayer not only as a worship but an interaction betweeen a believer and Allah. The author emphasizes many a Quranic verse and a hadith revealing the pivotal role the prayer occupies in the life of a believer in terms of faith, spirituality, and association with Allah. The Rulings on Abandoning Prayer This book discusses in details the different opinions from the Islamic jurists as to how the absentee from the prayers should be treated. Shaykh al-Hilali compares the lazy people in Salah with those who deny Salah at all, looking at the Islamic legal right of both sides. This work uses Quranic ayats, Hadiths, and the rulings of scholars and jurists summarise the spiritual and legal consequences of leaving out this act of worship.

    48 in stock


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