Tafseer As-Sa'di : Juz Amma : The thirtieth Part of the Qurʼan By Abdur Rahman Ibn Nasir As-Sadi
ISBN: 9786035012638
Author: Abdur Rahman Ibn Nasir As-Sadi
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 184
Size: 8.7 x 5.8 x 0.5 inch
Publiication: 2014
About This Book:
Abdur Rahman Ibn Nasir As-Sadi wrote the commentary "Tafseer As-Sa'di: Juz Amma: The Thirtyth Part of the Quran." This book concentrates on the final section of the Quran, known colloquially as "Juz Amma." It offers comprehensive explanations and interpretations of the Quranic verses found in this section. Abdur Rahman Ibn Nasir As-Sadi looks into the meanings and context of the verses in Juz Amma, providing readers with a deeper grasp of the Prophet Muhammad's words and teachings. The commentary aims to clarify different parts of the Quranic text, such as its linguistic intricacies, historical context, and spiritual truths.
"Tafseer As-Sa'di" is a wonderful resource for anybody trying to understand the Quran's lessons and apply them to their life by examining the verses in Juz Amma. The book's goal is to bridge the gap between the Quranic text and its practical application by guiding readers on how to embody the Quranic ideals and principles. The book's concentration on the thirty-first chapter of the Quran makes it an excellent choice for people who want to go further into a specific section of the holy book. The commentary by Abdur Rahman Ibn Nasir As-Sadi allows readers to enhance their relationship with the Quran and receive insights that can encourage personal growth and spiritual development.
About The Author:
Shaykh Abdur Rahman Nasir as-Sa'di was one of the foremost prominent scholars from the Arabian Peninsula. He was born in the city of 'Unaizah, Saudi Arabia, in the year 1309 AH (1885 CE). He began studying Islam at an early age. He excelled in his studies to such an extent that his fellow students asked him to tutor them; thus, not only was he a student, but he was also a teacher at the same time. He studied various Islamic sciences and disciplines from some of the leading scholars of that area, as well as some famous visiting scholars. He authored many works, which are in print today. Shaykh as-Sa'di passed away in the year 1376 AH (1956 CE) at the age of 69, and was buried in the city of 'Unaizah.
Tafseer Soorah Al Kahf By Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaymeen
ISBN: 9781467592369
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Al Uthaymeen
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 301
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publiication: 2014
About This Book:
"Tafseer Soorah Al-Kahf" by Muhammad receptacle Salih al-Uthaymeen is a careful and enlightening examination of one of the Quran's most significant sections, Surah Al-Kahf. This perfectly pre-arranged text looks profoundly into the refrains of Surah Al-Kahf, clarifying their significant implications, otherworldly illustrations, and never-ending astuteness for Muslims.
Surah Al-Kahf has a specific spot in the hearts of devotees due to its story intricacy and otherworldly profundity. Sheik Muhammad container Salih al-Uthaymeen, a very much respected Islamic researcher, offers perusers a nitty-gritty and shrewd assessment of the Surah's sections in this complete Tafseer (exposition).
The Tafseer dives into the Surah's verifiable background, etymological subtleties, and significant insights. It digs into the legends of the Cavern Partners, the Man of the Two Nurseries, Moses and Khidr, and the contention between Dhul-Qarnayn and Gog and Magog. Perusers have superior information on trust, difficulty, perseverance, and the outcomes of self-importance and modesty because of these stories.
Tafseer by Sheik al-Uthaymeen goes past understanding to offer useful utilizations of the Surah's examples in the existences of current Muslims. It examines subjects like the benefit of looking for information, lowliness notwithstanding success, the risks of commercialization, and the significance of blessedness chasing after God's pleasure.
This book is an immortal aide for the two specialists and general perusers, permitting them to explore the stanzas of Surah Al-Kahf with profundity and lucidity. It stresses the need for reasoning on the Quranic disclosures and applying their insight to current issues.
Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurat By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
ISBN: 9789960966694Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal PhilipsBinding: SoftcoverPages: 304Size: 8.3 x 11.7 inchesPublication Year: 2006DescriptionAbout This Book:
"Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurat" by renowned scholar Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips delves into the depths of Quranic wisdom. This insightful work focuses on deconstructing the meanings and lessons buried in Surah al-Hujurat, guiding readers with clarity and depth through the complexity of its passages.
Getting to the Heart of Surah al-Hujurat:
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips methodically uncovers the layers of Surah al-Hujurat in this incisive commentary, demonstrating its relevance to the social fabric of Muslim society. Readers are guided through the ethical and moral precepts that underpin this chapter, obtaining a comprehensive comprehension of the principles that govern interpersonal relationships.
Ethics and Conduct in the Muslim Community:
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips emphasizes the practical application of Quranic teachings, notably those found in Surah al-Hujurat, by linking them to the conduct and ethics demanded of Muslims. This tafsir guides negotiating the complexities of social interactions, from gossip and slander to the necessity of unity and brotherhood.
Contemporary Relevance and Timeless Wisdom:
As the commentary progresses, readers discover the Surah al-Hujurat's contemporary relevance, with Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips drawing parallels between the Quranic verses and the difficulties of the global Muslim community. This surah's ageless wisdom becomes a source of inspiration for anyone seeking guidance in their personal and communal life.
The Method of Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips:
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, known for his intellectual expertise and adherence to true Islamic teachings, gives a distinct viewpoint to the tafsir genre. His engaging writing style and ability to condense difficult concepts make this work accessible to a wide range of readers, from seasoned scholars to those dipping their toes into the depths of Quranic commentary for the first time.
Tafseer Surah Fatihah & Clarifying The Categories of Tawheed in it by Shaykh Hammaad ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree
ISBN: 9781467577694
Author: Shaykh Hammaad Ibn Muhammad Al-Ansaaree
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 99
Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inches
Publication year: 2013
About This Book:
This book delves into Surah Fatihah, the first chapter of the Quran, and its deep lessons on the numerous levels of Tawheed (monotheism).
The book is divided into two sections. The first section digs into the Surah Fatihah interpretation, giving light to its meanings and teachings. The next section digs into the many types of Tawheed discussed in the chapter. A valuable resource for Muslims seeking a greater grasp of Surah Fatihah's interpretation and its tawheed principles. It provides readers with the knowledge they need to understand the critical function of Tawheed in the Islamic religion.
Valuable takeaways:
Surah Fatihah is a pivotal passage in the Quran.
The chapter elaborates on several aspects of Tawheed.
Tawheed is the fundamental premise of Islam.
Muslims are expected to embrace and incorporate tawheed's numerous facets into their daily lives.
With the name Allah the most Merciful and Gracious. All praise is due to Allah Lord of all that exist. Owner of the Day of Judgment. You alone we worship, and You alone we seek aid. (We beg you to) guide us the straight path. The path of those whom You have bestowed Your bounty upon them, not the path of those who have a wrath upon them nor those who are astray. Ameen.This tremendous chapter is recommended for every Muslim to know generally some of the noble meanings that only a few has brought attention to that is included in it
Tafsir 67 A Commentry On Surah al Mulk By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips
ISBN: 9781898649731Author: Dr Abu Amina Bilal PhilipsBinding: SoftcoverPages: 212Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Dr. Abu Amina Bilal Philips presents an enlightening commentary on Surah Al-Mulk in "Tafsir 67," providing readers with a thorough and incisive analysis of this chapter from the Quran. Dr. Philips, a renowned Islamic scholar, combines his extensive understanding of the Quranic text with clarity and accessibility, revealing the meanings, teachings, and spiritual dimensions hidden in Surah Al-Mulk.
An Overview of Surah Al-Mulk:
The first chapter provides as an introduction to Surah Al-Mulk, providing readers with context, historical context, and an overview of the ideas covered in this strong chapter. Dr. Philips sets the tone for an in-depth trip, urging readers to delve deeper into the verses.
Thematic Analysis:
In this section, Dr. Philips delves into the key messages and lessons embedded in each verse of Surah Al-Mulk. The commentary reveals the many facets of Surah Al-Mulk, touching on issues like divine sovereignty, creation, accountability, and Allah's unfathomable kindness.
Linguistic and Rhetorical Insights:
Dr. Philips goes expertly into the linguistic and rhetorical intricacies of Surah Al-Mulk, unraveling the verses' elegance and accuracy. This part provides readers with a better understanding of the poetic beauty and grammatical expertise inherent in the Quranic text.
Contemporary Relevance:
Dr. Philips investigates the eternal applicability of Surah Al-Mulk to the issues and questions encountered by individuals and communities today, bridging the historical background with current relevance. The commentary highlights analogies between the Surah passages and the complexity of modern life, offering spiritual reflection and practical application instruction.
Tafsir 85 A Commentary On Surah Al Buruj By Dr Abu Amina Bilal Philips
ISBN: 9781898649748Author: Dr Abu Amina Bilal PhilipsBinding: SoftcoverPages: 93Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Dr. Abu Amina Bilal Philips presents an informative commentary on Surah Al-Buruj in "Tafsir 85," providing readers with a profound analysis of this chapter from the Quran. Dr. Philips, a recognized Islamic scholar, uses his knowledge and profound grasp of the Quranic text to unearth the meanings, teachings, and spiritual insights hidden in Surah Al-Buruj.
Unveiling the Surah Al-Buruj:
The first chapter introduces readers to the essence of Surah Al-Buruj and places it within the larger context of Quranic revelations. Dr. Philips digs into Surah's origins, historical context, and important themes, creating the framework for a thorough and enlightening reading.
Thematic Analysis:
Dr. Philips discusses the primary meanings and teachings communicated by the verses in this section, which includes a thematic analysis of Surah Al-Buruj. The reader is guided through the various levels of meaning, offering insight on the Surah's moral, spiritual, and historical components.
Linguistic and Rhetorical intricacies:
Dr. Philips explores beyond the surface meaning of Surah Al-Buruj, exploring its linguistic and rhetorical intricacies. The commentary dives into the Quranic language's eloquence, revealing the great beauty and accuracy with which the verses are written.
Practical Applications:
The commentary finishes with insights into the practical applications of Surah Al-Buruj's teachings. Dr. Philips provides advice on how to apply what you've learned in your daily life, nurture spiritual growth, and face problems with faith and resilience.
Tafsir al Jalalayn By Jalalu’D-Din Al Mahalli & Jalalu’ D-Din As Suyuti
ISBN: 9781870582612Author: Jalalu’D-Din Al Mahalli & Jalalu’ D-Din As SuyutiBinding: HardcoverPages: 1378Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
"Tafsir al-Qurtubi (Volume 1)" is a sublime clarification of Quranic stanzas composed by the celebrated researcher Imam al-Qurtubi. This old discourse, wonderfully interpreted by Aisha Bewley, plunges into the Quran's significant implications, giving perusers important bits of knowledge into the consecrated text's semantic, authentic, and jurisprudential aspects.
Tafsir al-Qurtubi: An Overview
The Tafsir of Imam al-Qurtubi starts with a presentation that sets the ground for an exhaustive assessment of the Quranic entries. Aisha Bewley's interpretation appropriately catches the center of the old Arabic language, permitting perusers to begin an excursion to fathom the heavenly messages of the Quran.
Linguistic and Grammatical Examination
This book contains an exhaustive semantic and linguistic assessment of chosen Quranic texts. The peruser gains a superior comprehension of the perplexing nuances and polish concealed in the Quranic sections due to Imam al-Qurtubi's skill in Arabic language and syntax.
Historical Background and Revelation Situations
Imam al-Qurtubi makes sense of the verifiable setting and conditions encompassing the disclosure of different Quranic sections. This part furnishes perusers with an understanding into the social and cultural setting of the Prophet Muhammad, expanding their cognizance of heavenly direction.
Perspectives on the Law
Imam al-Qurtubi dives into the Quranic refrains' jurisprudential perspectives, introducing legitimate understandings and experiences. This part is fundamental for anybody looking for a more profound handle of the Quran's moral and legitimate topics.
Tafsir al Qurtubi (Volume 1) (A Classical Commentary Of The Quran) By Imam al-Qurtubi & Tr. Aisha Bewley ISBN: 9781870582223 The publication of this volume represents a significant landmark in the history of Islamic literature in English. There has until now been a dearth of translations of classical tafsir literature into English. With the first volume of this abridged translation of Imam al-Qurtubi’s al-Jami’ li-ahkam al-Qur’an (“The Compendium of Legal Rulings of the Qur’an”), an important step has been taken towards remedying this situation. It gives English-speaking readers access to one of the great classical commentaries, containing a wealth of authoritative traditional exposition of the Sacred Text. Comprehensive interpretation of the Holy Qur’an requires consideration of every aspect — spiritual, legal, linguistic, social, and others. While his Tafsir covers them all, Imam al-Qurtubi was especially concerned to bring out the legal implications of the Qur’anic text, and his work emphasizes the practical applications of the Revelation. This gives it particular relevance to those interested in learning how the Qur’an informs the daily life of the Muslims, on both the individual and communal level. The author also explains the diversity of the various readings (qira’at) and explores the alternative interpretations that can be derived from them.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn Arabic Language (Small Size)
Author:Jalal al-Din al-MahalliBinding: HardcoverPages: 1248Size: 6.0 x 4.2 x 1.3Publication Year: 2010Language: ArabicDescriptionAbout This Book:
A mainstay of old-style Islamic information, "Tafsir al-Jalalayn" gives invaluable experiences into the implications of the Quranic sections. The exemplary analysis by Jalal al-Noise al-Mahalli and Jalal al-Racket al-Suyuti is rejuvenated in this reduced Arabic version, empowering perusers to collaborate straightforwardly with the adept understanding of the Quran in its unique tongue. This book, a consolidated at this point careful asset, keeps up with the soul of "Tafsir al-Jalalayn," empowering a more extensive readership to get to the scholastic discourse.
Classical Exegesis:
The old-style translation of the Quran in "Tafsir al-Jalalayn" is very much commended. The discourses by the recognized researchers al-Mahalli and al-Suyuti offer perusers a profound and extensive understanding of the Quranic stanzas by combining etymological, verifiable, and legitimate perspectives.
Arabic Language:
To protect the first text's realness and etymological virtue, this version is given only in Arabic. Perusers are more capable at understanding the implications and subtleties of the Quranic analysis by submerging themselves in the rich language, no matter what their degree of Arabic capability.
Compact Size:
This release's decreased size works on its versatility, empowering perusers to take this priceless asset for Islamic review with them any place they go. As a result of its convenience, individuals can investigate the profound experiences of "Tafsir al-Jalalayn" at whatever point they need, which supports customary connection with the editorial on the Quran.
Extensive Commentary:
"Tafsir al-Jalalayn" gives a broad editorial on each section of the Quran, covering the entire text. The editorial gives perusers a complete understanding of the Quranic text by including etymological examination, verifiable setting, legitimate decisions, and otherworldly reflections.
Tafsir As-Sa'di (Part 1-2-3) Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Quran By Shaikh Abdur-Rahman ibn Nasir As-Sa'di
ISBN: 9786035004015
Author: Shaikh Abdur-Rahman ibn Nasir As-Sa'di
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 525
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication Year: 2016
About This Book:
Shaikh Abdur-Rahman ibn Nasir As-Sa'di's "Tafsir As-Sa'di (Part 1-2-3)" is a comprehensive and logical analysis of the Noble Quran. Shaikh As-Sa'di unpacks the meanings, teachings, and wisdom contained within the Quranic verses with profound insight and scholarly clarity, presenting readers with a thorough knowledge of the Quran's message and direction. This multi-volume study is an essential resource for anyone looking for a thorough examination of the Quran.
Key characteristics include:
Comprehensive Coverage:
"Tafsir As-Sa'di" is divided into several volumes and provides a broad and exhaustive explanation of the entire Quran. It gives readers a thorough knowledge of the Quranic text.
Scholarly Authority:
Shaikh Abdur-Rahman ibn Nasir As-Sa'di was a well-known Islamic scholar noted for his proficiency in Quranic interpretation and Islamic jurisprudence. His authoritative viewpoint maintains the Tafsir's authenticity and reliability.
Methodical Approach:
The Tafsir interprets the Quran in a methodical and systematic manner, making it accessible to readers of diverse levels of expertise.
Clear Language:
Shaikh As-Sa'di's writing is distinguished by its clarity and accessibility. He employs simple language that aids readers in grasping the meanings of the Quran without adding needless complication.
Spiritual Insights:
In addition to linguistic and legal analysis, the Tafsir offers spiritual insights by emphasizing the moral and ethical principles found in the Quranic verses.
Contemporary Importance:
While founded in classical Islamic research, "Tafsir As-Sa'di" addresses contemporary challenges, illustrating the Quran's everlasting relevance.
Tafsir as-Sa'di (Vol 1-10) Tafseer As-Sa'di By Abdul Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sa'adi
ISBN: 9786035013598
Author: Abdul Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sa'adi
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 6600
Size: 10.25 X 8.80 X 6.25 inch
Publication Year: 2018
About This Book:
Abdul Rahman Receptacle Nasir's "Tafsir as-Sa'di" As-Sa'adi is a ten-volume book of Islamic review that gives a careful and canny discourse on the Quran. This magnum work exhibits the writer's exhaustive perception of the Quranic message and his devotion to uncovering its suggestions, offering perusers a profound and edifying examination of the Heavenly message.
Coming up next are the principal attributes of "Tafsir as-Sa'di (Vol 1-10) - Tafseer As-Sa'di":
Comprehensive Quranic Commentary:
This ten-volume series jumps into the Quranic text, giving a profound critique of its sections, uncovering etymological, verifiable, and religious components.
Scholarly Authority:
Abdul Rahman Receptacle Nasir As-Sa'adi, a recognized Islamic researcher and scholar, was perceived for his cautious way of dealing with Quranic interpretation. His academic meticulousness is profoundly recognized and regarded.
Clarity and Accessibility:
The critique is noted for its lucidity, which makes it open to a wide range of perusers, from Islamic investigations understudies to individuals searching for superior information on the Quran.
Spiritual Reflection:
"Tafsir as-Sa'di" stresses otherworldly reflection and examination notwithstanding intelligent investigation. It works with perusers' private and significant associations with the Quran, advancing a nearer commitment to the Heavenly message.
Historical and Cultural Context:
The discourse gives a verifiable and social setting for Quranic refrains, permitting perusers to get a handle on the importance and shrewdness of Quranic lessons in their regular routines.
Voluminous Resource:
This voluminous ten-volume gathering incorporates the entire Quran, making it an extraordinary asset for those looking for a full and broad Quranic translation.
Tafsir As-Sadi (Parts 28-29-30) Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran By Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi
ISBN: 9786035002806Author: Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-SaadiBinding: HardcoverPages: 477Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication: 2014DescriptionAbout This Book:
"Tafsir As-Sadi (Parts 28-29-30)" is the culmination of Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi's profound journey through the Quran, providing a comprehensive and insightful exegesis of the Noble Quran's final sections. This continuation of the Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran is an important contribution to the field of Quranic exegesis studies.
Scholarly Excellence:
The Tafsir of Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi is distinguished by its depth, clarity, and correctness. His interpretation demonstrates significant knowledge of the Quranic text and tafsir principles, making it a respected resource among Islamic academics and students.
Methodical Approach:
The book interprets the Quran in a methodical and structured manner, allowing readers to follow the author's thought process and analysis. This makes it suitable for both scholars and individuals who are fresh to Quranic exegesis.
Quranic Context:
Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Ibn As-Saadi looks into the historical and contextual background of the Quranic verses, giving readers a thorough grasp of the circumstances surrounding these revelations.
Spiritual Insight:
The Tafsir, in addition to linguistic and historical analysis, provides spiritual and moral insights, encouraging readers to draw lessons and implement Quranic teachings in their daily lives.
Authentic Sources:
The interpretations are deeply based on the Quran, Hadith, and the Islamic academic tradition, confirming the content's accuracy and reliability.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir (10 Volume Set) By Hafiz Ibn Katheer
ISBN: 9781591440208Author: Hafiz Ibn KatheerBinding: HardcoverPages: 10 BooksSize: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2000DescriptionAbout This Book:
The "Tafsir Ibn Kathir" - a magnificent 10-volume book meticulously produced by the great Hafiz Ibn Kathir - will take you on a fascinating and illuminating journey through the pages of Islamic learning. This extensive compilation is a cornerstone of Islamic exegesis, offering readers unmatched insights into the Quran's meanings and interpretations.
The Origins of Quranic Exegesis
The first volume delves into the foundation of Tafsir Ibn Kathir, investigating the historical backdrop and methodology used by Hafiz Ibn Kathir to uncover the complexities of Quranic texts. The voyage begins with a deep dive into the underlying implications of Al-Fatiha, laying the groundwork for the in-depth investigation that follows.
The Meccan Revelations: A Journey
The following chapters of the voyage journey through the Meccan revelations, uncover the spiritual and moral teachings inherent in the verses. Hafiz Ibn Kathir's painstaking commentary illuminates prophetic stories, ethical ideals, and everlasting wisdom woven within the fabric of these early revelations.
The Medinan Period Taught Us
Moving on to the Medinan period, readers investigate the disclosures addressing the Muslim community's sociopolitical situation. The profound thoughts of Hafiz Ibn Kathir guide readers through the scriptures that describe topics of administration, justice, and the ethical behavior expected of believers.
Divine Wisdom Culmination
The latter volumes capture the pinnacle of heavenly wisdom revealed in the Quran's later chapters. Hafiz Ibn Kathir's commentary dives into verses that cover a wide range of topics, from personal behavior to societal peace, providing readers with a complete comprehension of Quranic concepts.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir (6 Books, Urdu) تفسير ابن كثير
Author: Hafiz Ibn Kathir
Book Binding: Hardcover (6 Vol)
Pages 4650
About This Book:
Ibn Kathir's Tafsir is a well-known Islamic interpretation written in Arabic. This extensive commentary covers the entire Quran and is highly regarded by Islamic academics and students. Ibn Kathir's Tafsir, which draws on Hadiths, historical narratives, and prior commentaries, provides vital insights into the meanings and interpretations of Quranic verses. His work strives to clarify the context, themes, and lessons given in the Quran, making it understandable to readers from various backgrounds and degrees of expertise.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir has been translated into a number of languages, including Urdu, in addition to Arabic. The Urdu translation is divided into six books, extending its accessibility and comprehension to Urdu-speaking consumers. The Tafsir is renowned for its lucidity and intellectual approach, which allows readers to get a comprehensive grasp of the Quran and its teachings. It is still studied and referred to by Muslims all over the world, and it is an invaluable resource for anybody desiring to dig into the depths of the Quran's message and wisdom.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Al Misbah Al Munir) Arabic Only
ISBN: 9780685702833Author: Imam Ismail Bin UmarBook Binding: HardcoverPages: 1598Publication year: 2005DescriptionAbout This Book:
"Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Al Misbah Al Munir) - Arabic Only" is a worshipped and exhaustive editorial on the Quran composed by Imam Ismail Receptacle Umar Ibn Kathir, a regarded Islamic researcher. This gigantic work is perceived for its scholarly profundity and lucidity in enlightening the implications, setting, and translations of Quranic sections, making it a priceless asset for understudies, researchers, and anybody looking for a profound handle on the Quranic text.
Imam Ibn Kathir's "Tafsir" is an Arabic-just discourse that furnishes perusers with direct admittance to the first language of the Quran, permitting them to feel more associated with the holy text. Each page of this broad work gives a significant examination of the refrains of the Quran, including verifiable setting, etymological investigation, and religious experiences to make an all-encompassing and exact cognizance of the Quranic message.
"Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Al Misbah Al Munir) - Arabic Only" has the following features:
Exegesis of the Entire Quran:
Imam Ibn Kathir deliberately concentrates on each part and refrain of the Quran, giving inside and out critiques on the substance, subjects, and lessons of each segment.
Scholarly Authority:
Imam Ibn Kathir is notable in the Islamic scholarly local area for his broad information and tireless examination. His "Tafsir" shows his insightful meticulousness.
Historical and linguistic insights:
Perusers will find exhaustive clarifications of authentic occasions as well as language complexities that will assist them with understanding the unique situation and significance of Quranic refrains.
Clarity and Accessibility:
In spite of its logical intricacy, the editorial is introduced in a clear and open tone, making it appropriate for a wide assortment of perusers, from understudies to scientists.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Al Maida, Surah Al Anam (Part 7) By Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
Author: Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 288
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication 1998
About This Book:"Ibn Kathir Tafsir" Al Maida, Surah Al Anam (Part 7)" by renowned Islamic scholar Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky is a thorough and intellectual analysis of two crucial chapters (Surahs) of the Quran, Al Maida, Surah Al Anam. This precisely written Tafsir (interpretation) is an excellent resource for students of Islam, scholars, and anybody seeking a thorough knowledge of the contents and historical settings of these chapters.
Unlocking The Quranic Text:
Tafsir by Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky peels back the layers of meaning in Surah Al Maida, Surah Al Anam, providing significant insights into the verses, their historical context, and their application in modern life.
Comprehensive Explanation:
This work goes beyond simple translation to provide readers with a detailed and multifaceted explanation of the Quranic text. To improve comprehension, it incorporates historical descriptions, linguistic analysis, and allusions to the Hadith (Prophet Muhammad's sayings and actions).
Historical Context and Relevance:
The Tafsir digs into the historical backdrop of these chapters, offering light on the events and circumstances that inspired the revelation of these verses. It also investigates their long-term relevance in addressing contemporary moral, ethical, and societal concerns.
Spiritual Insights and Guidance:
Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky stresses the spiritual and ethical components of Al Maida, Surah Al Anam, guiding readers on how to use the teachings of these chapters to live a more meaningful and moral life.
Meticulous Scholarship:
The author's profound scholarship and passion to preserving and transmitting the knowledge of the Quran shine through in this work. The thorough approach of Imam Ibn Kathir ensures the truth and validity of the information delivered.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 30 By Hafiz Ibn Katheer
ISBN: 9789960899541Author: Hafiz Ibn KatheerBinding: HardcoverPages: 256Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2012DescriptionAbout This Book:
"Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 30" by Hafiz Ibn Kathir takes you on a profound trip into the depths of Quranic interpretation. This famous work is a section of the famed Tafsir (exegesis) written by Hafiz Ibn Kathir, an esteemed Islamic thinker. Readers are guided through the interpretation of the final section of the Quran in this chapter, the final part of the Tafsir, uncovering the meanings, wisdom, and contextual insights underlying the divine verses.
Investigating the Culmination of Revelation
This part introduces readers to the final chapters of the Quran, providing insights into the distinctive themes and narratives found in the heavenly scripture's final quarter. Hafiz Ibn Kathir guides the reader through the passages, revealing the conclusion of divine wisdom that serves as a beacon for believers.
Historical Background and Contextual Analysis
Examine the historical context and backdrop of the poems in Part 30. Hafiz Ibn Kathir offers a detailed knowledge of the events surrounding the revelations, increasing readers' grasp of the Quranic text by situating it within its historical and social context.
Thematic Study of Quranic Verses
Investigate the reoccurring themes and interrelated narratives that characterize this section's poetry. The painstaking analysis of Hafiz Ibn Kathir allows readers to grasp the thematic coherence and divine wisdom that unifies the Quran, providing a full knowledge of the interplay between different aspects of the scripture.
Spiritual Thoughts and Lessons
This section encourages readers to participate in spiritual reflections inspired by the Tafsir. Hafiz Ibn Kathir provides insights into the Quranic verses' moral, spiritual, and practical aspects, encouraging a greater connection between the reader and the profound teachings encapsulated in the text.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Surah Al Anam, Surah al Araaf (Part 8) By Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
ISBN: 9781874263319
Author: Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 293
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication 1998
About This Book:
"Ibn Kathir Tafsir" Tafsir Ibn Kathir Surah Al Anam, Surah al Araaf (Part 8) By Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky (Part 8)" by renowned Islamic scholar Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky is a thorough and intellectual analysis of two crucial chapters (Surahs) of the Quran, Surah Al Anam, Surah al Araaf . This precisely written Tafsir (interpretation) is an excellent resource for students of Islam, scholars, and anybody seeking a thorough knowledge of the contents and historical settings of these chapters.
Unlocking The Quranic Text:
Tafsir by Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky peels back the layers of meaning in Surah Al Anam, Surah al Araaf, providing significant insights into the verses, their historical context, and their application in modern life.
Comprehensive Explanation:
This work goes beyond simple translation to provide readers with a detailed and multifaceted explanation of the Quranic text. To improve comprehension, it incorporates historical descriptions, linguistic analysis, and allusions to the Hadith (Prophet Muhammad's sayings and actions).
Historical Context and Relevance:
The Tafsir digs into the historical backdrop of these chapters, offering light on the events and circumstances that inspired the revelation of these verses. It also investigates their long-term relevance in addressing contemporary moral, ethical, and societal concerns.
Spiritual Insights and Guidance:
Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky stresses the spiritual and ethical components of Surah Al Anam, Surah al Araaf , guiding readers on how to use the teachings of these chapters to live a more meaningful and moral life.
Meticulous Scholarship:
The author's profound scholarship and passion to preserving and transmitting the knowledge of the Quran shine through in this work. The thorough approach of Imam Ibn Kathir ensures the truth and validity of the information delivered.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Surah al Araaf, Surah Al Anfal (Part 9) By Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
ISBN: 9781874263463
Author: Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 296
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication 1998
About This Book:
"Tafsir Ibn Kathir Surah al Araaf, Surah Al Anfal (Part 9)" by renowned Islamic scholar Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky is a thorough and intellectual analysis of two crucial chapters (Surahs) of the Quran, Surah al Araaf, Surah Al Anfal. This precisely written Tafsir (interpretation) is an excellent resource for students of Islam, scholars, and anybody seeking a thorough knowledge of the contents and historical settings of these chapters.
Unlocking The Quranic Text:
Tafsir by Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky peels back the layers of meaning in Surah Surah al Araaf, Surah Al Anfal, providing significant insights into the verses, their historical context, and their application in modern life.
Comprehensive Explanation:
This work goes beyond simple translation to provide readers with a detailed and multifaceted explanation of the Quranic text. To improve comprehension, it incorporates historical descriptions, linguistic analysis, and allusions to the Hadith (Prophet Muhammad's sayings and actions).
Historical Context and Relevance:
The Tafsir digs into the historical backdrop of these chapters, offering light on the events and circumstances that inspired the revelation of these verses. It also investigates their long-term relevance in addressing contemporary moral, ethical, and societal concerns.
Spiritual Insights and Guidance:
Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky stresses the spiritual and ethical components of Surah al Araaf, Surah Al Anfal, guiding readers on how to use the teachings of these chapters to live a more meaningful and moral life.
Meticulous Scholarship:
The author's profound scholarship and passion to preserving and transmitting the knowledge of the Quran shine through in this work. The thorough approach of Imam Ibn Kathir ensures the truth and validity of the information delivered.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Surah Al imran, Surah An nisa (Part 4) By Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
ISBN: 9781874263752
Author: Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 288
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication 1998
About This Book:
"Ibn Kathir Tafsir" Surah Al imran, Surah An nisa (Part 4)" by renowned Islamic scholar Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky is a thorough and intellectual analysis of two crucial chapters (Surahs) of the Quran, Surah Al imran, Surah An nisa. This precisely written Tafsir (interpretation) is an excellent resource for students of Islam, scholars, and anybody seeking a thorough knowledge of the contents and historical settings of these chapters.
Unlocking The Quranic Text:
Tafsir by Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky peels back the layers of meaning in Surah Al imran, Surah An nisa, providing significant insights into the verses, their historical context, and their application in modern life.
Comprehensive Explanation:
This work goes beyond simple translation to provide readers with a detailed and multifaceted explanation of the Quranic text. To improve comprehension, it incorporates historical descriptions, linguistic analysis, and allusions to the Hadith (Prophet Muhammad's sayings and actions).
Historical Context and Relevance:
The Tafsir digs into the historical backdrop of these chapters, offering light on the events and circumstances that inspired the revelation of these verses. It also investigates their long-term relevance in addressing contemporary moral, ethical, and societal concerns.
Spiritual Insights and Guidance:
Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky stresses the spiritual and ethical components of Surah Al imran, Surah An nisa, guiding readers on how to use the teachings of these chapters to live a more meaningful and moral life.
Meticulous Scholarship:
The author's profound scholarship and passion to preserving and transmitting the knowledge of the Quran shine through in this work. The thorough approach of Imam Ibn Kathir ensures the truth and validity of the information delivered.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Surah An nisa, Surah Al maidah (Part 6) By Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
ISBN: 9781874263167
Author: Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 295
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication 1998
About This Book:
"Ibn Kathir Tafsir" Surah An nisa, Surah Al maidah (Part 6)" by renowned Islamic scholar Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky is a thorough and intellectual analysis of two crucial chapters (Surahs) of the Quran, Surah An nisa, Surah Al maidah. This precisely written Tafsir (interpretation) is an excellent resource for students of Islam, scholars, and anybody seeking a thorough knowledge of the contents and historical settings of these chapters.
Unlocking The Quranic Text:
Tafsir by Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky peels back the layers of meaning in Surah Surah An nisa, Surah Al maidah, providing significant insights into the verses, their historical context, and their application in modern life.
Comprehensive Explanation:
This work goes beyond simple translation to provide readers with a detailed and multifaceted explanation of the Quranic text. To improve comprehension, it incorporates historical descriptions, linguistic analysis, and allusions to the Hadith (Prophet Muhammad's sayings and actions).
Historical Context and Relevance:
The Tafsir digs into the historical backdrop of these chapters, offering light on the events and circumstances that inspired the revelation of these verses. It also investigates their long-term relevance in addressing contemporary moral, ethical, and societal concerns.
Spiritual Insights and Guidance:
Imam Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashky stresses the spiritual and ethical components of Surah Al Surah An nisa, Surah Al maidah, guiding readers on how to use the teachings of these chapters to live a more meaningful and moral life.
Meticulous Scholarship:
The author's profound scholarship and passion to preserving and transmitting the knowledge of the Quran shine through in this work. The thorough approach of Imam Ibn Kathir ensures the truth and validity of the information delivered.
Tafsir Muntakhab, Tafsir 30th part of the Quran in Urdu Language
Publisher: Shehryar Bano
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 176
Size: 8.5 x 5.8 x 0.5 inch
Publication year:
Language: Arabic/Urdu
About This Book:
The Indian scholar Shehryar Bano wrote a tafsir (exegesis) of the Quran titled Tafsir Muntakhab. All 30 chapters of the Quran are covered in this extensive and well-researched treatise. One of the most well-known tafsirs in the Urdu-speaking world is Tafsir Muntakhab, which is written in the language. The Tafsir Muntakhab is broken up into three sections. The first section of the Quran comprises the first fifteen verses, the second part the middle ten verses, and the third part the final five verses. Each section is then broken down into chapters, and each chapter is then broken down into verses. Anyone who wishes to understand more about the Quran should consult Tafsir Muntakhab. It is a thorough and well-researched text that offers a thorough interpretation of the Quranic verses. Anyone who wants to understand more about the Islamic faith should consult Tafsir Muntakhab.
Tafsir of Short Surahs for Muslim Youth By Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi
Author: Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 72
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year:2022
About This Book:
Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi's book "The Tafsir of Short Surahs for Muslim Youth" is a helpful tool for giving Muslim youth an understandable knowledge of the shorter surahs (chapters) of the Quran. In this work, Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi examines and explains the interpretations and meanings of the chosen shorter surahs. During their early Quranic study, young Muslims frequently memorize these surahs. The book intends to aid young readers in developing a greater understanding of the Quran's message and its value in their lives by concentrating on these few chapters. The explanations of Shaykh Ahmad Al-Mazrooi are lucid and perceptive; they provide useful advice, motivation, and profound teachings that appeal to Muslim youngsters. This book is a useful resource for engaging with the Quranic text and developing a deeper understanding of its wisdom and lessons, whether utilized for individual study or in educational settings.Tafsir of Short Surahs for Muslim Youth was written for Muslim children and the youth, and is a concise explanation of Surah al-Fatihah and some short chapters, beginning with Sarah Ad-Duha and ending with Sarah an-Nas. This book was written to allow them to understand the general meaning of the Qur'an so they can ponder over it, benefit from it and work according to it. Shaykh Ahmad al-Mazrooi selected this explanation from the tafsir of Ibn Kathir, Sa`di, Baghawi, and others.
Tafsir Suratul Hadeed By Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sa'dee
ISBN: 9781467518819Author: Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sa'deeBinding: SoftcoverPages: 65Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication 2012DescriptionAbout This Book:
"Tafsir Suratul Hadeed" is an exhaustive and enlightening work composed by Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Container Nasir As-Sa'dee, a striking Islamic researcher. This book gives an intensive exposition and editorial on Surah Al-Hadeed, one of the Quran's sections that jump into key philosophical, moral, and otherworldly subjects. The 57th part of the Quran is Surah Al-Hadeed, and Shaykh As-Sa'dee's insightful translation provides perusers with a more prominent cognizance of this eminent text.
In "Tafsir Suratul Hadeed" Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Container Nasir As-Sa'dee makes sense of the stanzas of Surah Al-Hadeed utilizing his broad comprehension of Islamic law, religious philosophy, and otherworldliness. This tafsir (critique) is an astounding asset for people keen on digging into the Quranic text and its never-ending shrewdness.
The following are some of the highlights of "Tafsir Suratul Hadeed":
Surah Al-Hadeed Exegesis:
The book gives an itemized exposition of the Surah Al-Hadeed refrains, giving bits of knowledge into the verifiable setting, phonetic complexities, and otherworldly statutes held inside the section.
Theological Insights:
Shaykh As-Sa'dee digs into philosophical parts of the Quranic section, offering light on Allah's qualities, the idea of heavenly heading, and the significance of confidence in a devotee's life.
Moral and Spiritual Guidance:
The tafsir underlines the moral and profound illustrations that can be acquired from Surah Al-Hadeed, featuring characteristics like much obliged, tolerance, and confidence in Allah, among others.
Contemporary Relevance:
The writer overcomes any issues between the Quranic text and the advanced world, making Surah Al-Hadeed's profound and moral statutes open and applicable to the present perusers.
Tahdhib al Akhlaq (Arabic) A hadith guide to personal and social conducts (Tahzib)
Author: Sayyed Abdu'l-Hayy al-Hasani
ISBN:9781872531588Binding: HardcoverPages: 259Size: 9.7 x 7.0 x 0.7 inchesPublication Year:2023DescriptionAbout This Book:
Sheikh Sayyed Abdul Hayy al-Hasani's "Tahdhib al Akhlaq (): A Hadith Guide to Personal and Social Conducts" is a comprehensive analysis of Islamic ethics and behavior based on the authentic sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Sheikh Sayyed Abdul Hayy al-Hasani, with rigorous scholarship, gives a guide that not only addresses individual moral development but also includes a broader spectrum of societal behavior, providing a significant resource for individuals wishing to embody Islamic ideals in their daily lives.
Islamic Ethics' Foundations:
The book begins by laying the groundwork for Islamic ethics, drawing on Hadiths to define the principles that underpin good behavior. Sheikh Sayyed Abdul Hayy al-Hasani explains the Islamic ethical framework in detail, emphasizing the need for sincerity, honesty, and integrity in personal and social interactions.
Personal Development and Personal Conduct:
"Tahdhib al Akhlaq" digs into individual behavior, providing insights into personal development and self-discipline. Sheikh Sayyed Abdul Hayy al-Hasani delivers Hadiths that help readers cultivate characteristics like patience, thankfulness, humility, and compassion, advocating a holistic approach to spiritual and moral development.
Interactions with Others and Community Ethics:
The book broadens its scope to include social interactions and communal ethics, presenting a variety of Hadiths to help Muslims navigate their relationships with family, neighbors, and society at large. Sheikh Sayyed Abdul Hayy al-Hasani addresses issues of justice, kindness, and cooperation, highlighting the significance of positively contributing to the community's well-being.
Taiseer Ul Quran - Urdu - 4 Volume SET
Author: Mawlana Abdul Rahman KailaniBinding:
Hardcover (4 Vol Set)
Pages: 2990
Size: 9.7 x 6.9 x 1.4 inch
Publication Year: 2022
Language: Arabic / Urdu
About This Book
"'Taiseer Ul Quran - Urdu - 4 Volume SET' refers to a four-volume set dedicated to understanding the meanings of the Quran." This package includes the Quranic commentary named 'Taiseer Ul Quran,' which is widely recognized among Muslims all over the world. 'Taiseer Ul Quran' is a commentary that aims to explain the Quranic passages. Its goal is to help readers understand the thoughts and meanings contained in the Quran, Islam's sacred book. The use of Urdu makes the discussion more accessible to a wider audience, particularly those who are fluent in the language.
Each of the four volumes in this collection is expected to focus on a different portion or chapter of the Quran, providing for a thorough examination of the complete book. 'Taiseer Ul Quran' is expected to give historical background, linguistic analysis, and verse interpretations, allowing readers to get a better grasp of the Quran's teachings and advice. The 'Taiseer Ul Quran - Urdu - 4 Volume SET' is an excellent resource for individuals seeking a deeper relationship with the Quran. This commentary, without a doubt, assists readers in discovering the layers of meaning hidden in the Quranic text and how its lessons may be realistically integrated into their lives."
Tajalliyat-e- Nabuwat (Urdu Language) By Maulana Safi-Ur-Rehman Mubarakpuri
ISBN: 9789695740293Author: Maulana Safi-Ur-Rehman MubarakpuriBinding: HardcoverPages: 318Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Maulana Safi-Ur-Rehman Mubarakpuri's "Tajalliyat-e-Nabuwat" is a significant Urdu-language book. This literary masterwork delves into the depths of Islamic academia to reveal the different manifestations of prophethood, investigating divine revelations and the tremendous impact of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on humanity.
The Divine Light:
In the first three chapters, Maulana Safi-Ur-Rehman Mubarakpuri delves into the concept of Tajalliyat-e-Nabuwat, giving light on the divine aspect of prophethood. Readers are led through the Quranic texts and Hadiths that explain how God's wisdom manifests itself via the selected prophets.
Prophetic Revelations:
This section discusses the revelations received by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in great detail. The significance and impact of these discoveries on creating the Islamic faith and directing the Muslim community are expertly explained by Maulana Safi-Ur-Rehman Mubarakpuri.
The purpose of the Messenger:
Moving beyond the revelations, the author dives into Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) purpose. This section of the book delves into the Prophet's obstacles, his persistent determination to preach the message of Islam, and the transforming effects of his teachings on society.
Historical Context:
Maulana Safi-Ur-Rehman Mubarakpuri provides a thorough historical context, situating the Prophet's life events within the larger tapestry of the periods. This contextualization enables readers to understand the struggles, victories, and societal changes that happened throughout the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) age.
Tajweed Made Easy By Ruquiyah Islam
ISBN: 9781936569205
Author: Ruquiyah Islam
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 99
Size: 11 x 8.5 x 0.2 inches
Publication Year: 2015
About This Book:
"Tajweed Made Easy" by Ruquiyah Islam is a thorough and approachable manual created to assist Quranic students in mastering the technique of Tajweed with ease and precision. This book is a priceless tool for anyone looking to improve their Quranic recitation abilities. Tajweed is the science of correctly pronouncing and reciting the Quranic text.
Key Characteristics:
Simplified Learning:
This book simplifies the complex Tajweed rules into simple lessons that may be understood by readers of various competency levels. It provides a methodical and progressive path to learning Tajweed, moving from fundamental to more complex rules.
Clear Explanations:
Tajweed rules are described simply and plainly, using real-world examples and visuals to assist students in comprehending and accurately applying each rule. The author's method of instruction encourages retention and understanding.
Practice Exercises:
The book is filled with Quranic texts and a ton of practice questions that let readers put what they've learned about Tajweed into practice. This practical method strengthens learning and boosts reciting confidence.
Quranic Text:
Tajweed is best learned by practicing with the authentic Quranic text, according to the Quran. Selected Quranic passages are provided in this book so that readers can directly apply Tajweed guidelines to the verses they are reciting.
Ideal for Self-Study:
"Tajweed Made Easy" is a good choice for self-study because it takes readers step-by-step through the requirements and procedures of Tajweed. It is also a useful tool for instructors and students who are studying the Quran.
Tajweed Qur'an ( Juz Tabarak, Juz Amma,) (Arabic Edition)
ISBN: 9789933423292
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 57
Size: 9.5 x 6.6 inch
About This Book:
The "Tajweed Qur'an (Juz' Amma, Tabarak, Qad Same'a) (Arabic Edition)" is a meticulously crafted and essential edition of the Quran, dedicated to the application of Tajweed rules. Tajweed refers to the precise and melodious recitation of the Quranic text, and this edition focuses on the 30th part (Juz' Amma) of the Quran, which includes chapters like Tabarak and Qad Same'a.
Key features and highlights of this book include:
Tajweed Emphasis:The major purpose of this version is to teach and follow Tajweed standards, guaranteeing that readers recite the Quran with perfect pronunciation, enunciation, and rhythm.
Juz' Amma Content:This book contains the text of Juz' Amma, the concluding portion of the Quran that comprises some of the most widely recited chapters, making it appropriate for learners of all levels.
Original Arabic Text: The book includes the original Arabic text of Juz' Amma in a clear and readable form, making it accessible to Arabic-speaking readers.
Phonetic Aids: This version includes phonetic aids to help with accurate pronunciation and intonation for people who are not fluent in Tajweed or Arabic pronunciation.
No Translations: Unlike Quran versions that incorporate translations, this book concentrates only on the Arabic text and Tajweed regulations, making it an excellent resource for Quranic recitation students.
Educational Tool: The book is an excellent teaching tool for Quran students who want to increase their Tajweed skill and recitation accuracy.
Spiritual Enrichment: Tajweed is about more than simply correct pronunciation; it is also about improving the spiritual experience of Quranic recitation. The beauty and power of the Quran's words are enhanced by proper Tajweed.
Universal Applicability: While this version is primarily designed for Muslims looking to enhance their Quranic recitation abilities, non-Arabic speakers interested in discovering the beauty and complexity of the Quran's original language will find it useful as well.
Tajweed Qur'an (From Al-Ahqaf to Al-Nas) (Arabic Edition)
ISBN: 9789933423551
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 120
Size: 9.5 x 6.7 x 0.3 inch
About This Book:
The "Tajweed Qur'an (From Al-Ahqaf to Al-Nas) (Arabic Edition)" is a precisely created and indispensable edition of the Quran, meant to aid in the exact and harmonious recitation of the Quranic text according to Tajweed standards. This book comprises a section of the Quran ranging from Al-Ahqaf to Al-Nas.
This book's key features and highlights include:
Tajweed Mastery:
This book is dedicated to the skill of Tajweed, which insures proper Quranic verse pronunciation, articulation, and rhythm. It provides a thorough way to learning Tajweed rules.
Selected Quranic Portion:
The book focuses on a certain passage of the Quran, from Al-Ahqaf to Al-Nas. This option is appropriate for those who want to concentrate on a certain section of the Quran.
Original Arabic Text:
It presents the selected Quranic portion's original Arabic text in a clear and readable script, making it accessible to readers who are familiar with the Arabic language.
Phonetic Aids:
This version includes phonetic aids to assist with accurate pronunciation intonation for individuals who are not adept in Tajweed or Arabic pronunciation.
Tajweed Emphasis:
The major purpose of this book is to teach and implement Tajweed guidelines, guaranteeing that readers recite the Quran with precision and beauty.
No Translations:
Unlike Quran versions that incorporate translations, this book concentrates only on the Arabic text and Tajweed regulations, making it a great resource for Quranic recitation students.
Teaching Tool:
The book is an essential teaching tool for Quran students who want to improve their Tajweed competence and recitation accuracy.
Spiritual Enhancement:
Tajweed not only promotes accurate pronunciation but also enhances the spiritual experience of Quranic recitation. It amplifies the beauty and impact of the passages of the Quran.
Universal Applicability: While this version is primarily designed for Muslims wanting to enhance their Quranic recitation abilities, non-Arabic speakers interested in discovering the beauty and complexity of the Quran's original language will find it useful as well.
Tajweed Qur'an (Juz Amma, Juz Tabarak, Juz Qad Same'a ,3 Parts Of Quran) (Arabic Edition)
ISBN: 9789933423100Author: Dar Al MarifahBinding: SoftcoverPages: 77Size: 9.8 x 6.8 InchPublication Year: 2000DescriptionAbout This Book:
The "Tajweed Qur'an" is a revered and precisely created edition of the Quran in three parts - Juz Amma, Juz Tabarak, and Juz Qad Same'a - that emphasizes the significance of accurate pronunciation and recitation. Each verse in this Arabic edition is presented in a way that helps readers acquire the rules of Tajweed, the science of Quranic recitation.
Improving Recitation Precision:
This edition is a strong tool for people who want to recite the Quran precisely and in compliance with Tajweed regulations. It includes particular notations and symbols to help readers pronounce letters and words correctly.
Three Crucial Sections:
The addition of Juz Amma, Juz Tabarak, and Juz Qad Same'a allows readers to concentrate on specific passages of the Quran that are frequently remembered and recited in various Islamic activities and rituals.
Text in Arabic:
The Arabic script is presented in clear and legible text, making it accessible to readers of varying levels of proficiency.
Educational and spiritual advantages:
This edition not only facilitates correct Quran recitation but also creates a deeper spiritual connection with the sacred scripture. Readers' spiritual experiences are enhanced by accurate recitation.
Scholarly Guidance:
To ensure correctness and obedience to the principles of recitation, the "Tajweed Qur'an" is created under the supervision of Quranic scholars and Tajweed experts.
Tajweed Qur'an (Juz' Tabarak, With Meaning Translation in English and Transliteration) (Part 29 only)
ISBN: 9789933458508Language : English, ArabicPublisher : Dar Al-Ma'arifahBinding: PaperbackPages: 34Size: 10 x 7 x 0.25 inchesPublisher year: 2012
Juzk Tabarak with Meanings Translation and Transliteration in English
This isTabarak part of the Tajweed Quran, Part twenty nine , starts from sura Mulk till sura "Mursalat", it includes translations and transliteration into English. Translation: meanings of the Quranic versus are translated into English and placed on the margins around the Arabic text.
Arabic letters are presented by English letters with added symbols in order to give the same sound of Arabic letters. English transliteration makes it easier for the speakers of the English language to read the Tajweed Quran in Arabic pronunciation using the English alphabet letters. Considering that this Part contains small suras; it is a perfect start for kids, beginners and students.
This Amma Part comes in the standard portrait form, with a nice glossy soft cover. Each page contains 15 lines as any standard Quran. This part of the Tajweed Quran is in Hafs narration.
All our Tajweed Quran products - including this item - come with the following:
1- Colour coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules, very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules .
2- Obvious script: extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.
3- Permissible stops: long spaces were added at certain places where it is permissible to stop. It helps to avoid stopping at wrong places or times.
4- A set of very useful indexes such as: Surahs Colour Index, Subject Index.
5- Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration.
Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Qur'an, Qaloon Narration) Arabic Edition By Dar Al Marifah-978-9933-423-54-4
ISBN: 9789933423544Author: Dar Al MaarifahBook Binding: HardcoverPages:604Size: 9.7 x 6.7 x 1.4 inchPublication year: 2007DescriptionAbout This Book:The Tajweed Qur'an (Arabic Edition, Qaloon narrative) from Dar Al-Marifah is a Quran designed to assist Muslims in reading the Quran with correct Tajweed while following the Qaloon narrative. This version offers some features created specifically for this purpose:Tajweed Markings:Each page of the Quran is embellished with color-coded markings that emphasize the Tajweed regulations. This makes it easy to appropriately enunciate each word.Qaloon narrative:The Quran recitation in this version follows the Qaloon narrative, which provides a distinct recitation style.Durable Hardcover Binding:The Quran is provided in a hardcover binding that ensures its durability and simplicity of usage.Dar Al-Marifah's Tajweed Qur'an (Arabic Edition, Qaloon Narration) is a great resource for anyone wishing to read the Quran with correct Tajweed while sticking to the Qaloon narration. Its user-friendly design and extensive feature set make it an excellent candidate for this purpose.The Tajweed Qur'an (Arabic Edition, Qaloon narrative) from Dar Al Marifah is a wonderful resource for those who want to read the Quran with the correct Tajweed while following the Qaloon narrative. Its user-friendly design and extensive feature set make it a good choice for this application.
Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Qur'an, Warsh Narration) Arabic Edition By Dar Al-Ma'arifah
ISBN-10: 9933423061
ISBN-13: 9789933423063
Author: Dar Al Maarifah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages 604
Size: 9.7 x 6.7 x 1.2 inch
Publication year: 2007
About This Book:
Dar Al-Ma'arifah's Tajweed Qur'an (Arabic Edition, Warsh narrative) is a Quran meant to help Muslims read the Quran using Tajweed while following the Warsh narrative. This version has numerous features designed specifically for this purpose:Color-coded Tajweed Markings:
The Tajweed regulations are emphasized with different colors on each page of the Quran. This function makes it simple to determine the proper pronunciation of each word.
Warsh narrative:
The Quran in this volume is recited using the Warsh narrative, which is one of the two commonly accepted Quranic narrations.
Hardcover binder:
The Quran is bound in a hardcover binder, which ensures its longevity and user-friendliness.
Dar Al-Ma'arifah's Tajweed Qur'an (Arabic Edition, Warsh narrative) is a useful tool for people who want to read the Quran with Tajweed while following to the Warsh narrative. Its user-friendliness and wide range of capabilities make it a great companion for this attempt.
By implementing these guidelines and making use of the materials offered by the Tajweed Qur'an (Arabic Edition, Warsh narrative) by Dar Al-Ma'arifah, you may begin on a rewarding journey of Quranic reading while adhering to the Tajweed principles within the framework of the Warsh narrative.
Tajweed Quran & Memorizing Arabic and English Language,Abbreviations to facilitate understanding & Memorizing The Quran
ISBN: 9789933458089
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 609
Size: 9.7 x 6.8 x 1.5 inch
Publiication: 2011
About This Book:
This Tajweed and memorization Quran comes with a nice hard cover.
Memorization of the Quran is facilitated here by making the eyesight shares the mind in memorizing both the text and the subject in a very creative way. On every page of this copy of the Tajweed Quran, subjects are distinguished by a different background colour, with brief overviews of the subject in English added on the margin. This helps in understanding the sequence of the Surah, and increases the awareness and the ability of linking the subjects to the texts for more enhanced memorization.
This Tajweed Quran is in Hafs narration.All our Tajweed Quran products - including this Quran-- come with the following:
Colour coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules, very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules .
Obvious script: extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.
Permissible stops: long spaces were added at certain places where it is permissible to stop. It helps to avoid stopping at wrong places or times.
A set of very useful indexes such as: Surahs Colour Index, Subject Index.
Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration
Tajweed Quran (Robo Yaseen) (Arabic Edition)
ISBN: 9789933900250Author: Dar Al MarifahBook Binding: SoftcoverPages: 184Size: 9 x 6.5 inchPublication year: 2001DescriptionAbout This Book:
"Unlock the beauty and depth of the Quran with the 'Tajweed Quran (Robo Yaseen) (Arabic Edition),' a remarkable publication that emphasizes the importance of precise Quranic text pronunciation and articulation." This book will help you grasp and embody the divine verses of the Quran rather than just reading them.
A Focus on Tajweed:
Tajweed, the skill of reading the Quran with precise pronunciation and intonation, is central to this text. 'Robo Yaseen' is a work of art that inspires readers to approach the Quran with the respect it deserves.
Arabic Excellence:
Because this edition is provided in Arabic, you will be able to experience the Quran in its original, untouched form. It is a wonderful tool for Arabic-speaking folks who want to recite the Quran with accuracy.
'Robo Yaseen' is a robot. Expertise:
The name 'Robo Yaseen' is linked with strict adherence to Tajweed standards. This book displays their commitment to preserving the purity and authenticity of the Quran in every recital.
Clarity and precision:
The Tajweed regulations are stated clearly in the text, making it accessible to readers of all levels, from beginners to experienced students. Each letter and vowel indication is intended to help you pronounce the words correctly.
Spiritual Connection:
The Quran is more than just a book of verses; it is a spiritual guidance. 'Tajweed Quran (Robo Yaseen)' not only assures that your recitation is correct but also allows you to connect with the text's deeper meanings and messages.
Tajweed Quran (Whole Quran, With Zipper, Medium size) (Arabic Edition) 8.5 x 5.8 x 1.2 inch-978-9933-423-43-8
ISBN: 9789933423438
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Leather Zipper case
Pages: 64
Size: 8.5 x 5.8 x 1.2 inch
Publication Year: 2003
About This Book:
The "Tajweed Quran (Whole Quran, With Zipper, Medium Size) (Arabic Edition)" is a precisely produced and deliberately designed Quranic edition that focuses on the art of Tajweed, or perfect Quranic recitation guidelines. This medium-sized edition (8.5 x 5.8 x 1.2 inches) is a useful resource for people who want to recite the Quran with precision, beauty, and deep spiritual resonance.
Key Features:
Tajweed principles:
The whole text of the Quran in its original Arabic form is included in this Quranic edition, with a special emphasis on Tajweed principles. It includes symbols and notations to help readers pronounce and recite the Quranic passages correctly.
Whole Quran:
The book covers the complete Quran, from the first chapter, Al-Fatiha, to the last chapter, An-Nas. It provides readers with access to the entire sacred text in one compact volume.
Arabic Edition:
As an Arabic edition, this Quran is an essential resource for people who are fluent in Arabic and want to read and recite the Quran in its original form.
The "Tajweed Quran (Whole Quran, With Zipper, Medium Size)" is essential for those committed to studying the practice of Tajweed and reciting the Quran with appropriate pronunciation and rhythm. Tajweed is an important part of Quranic recitation, and this edition is an excellent resource for newcomers and anyone looking to improve their recitation skills.
Tajweed Quran (Whole Quran, With Zipper, Pocket size) (Arabic & English Edition) 978-9933-423-03-2
ISBN: 9789933423032
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Softcover in Zipper Purse
Pages: 656
Size: 3 x 4.5 inches
Publication year: 2002
About This Book:
The "Tajweed Quran (Whole Quran, With Zipper, Pocket Size) (Arabic & English Edition)" is a remarkable and adaptable edition that combines the beauty and profundity of the Quran with practicality and accessibility. This one-of-a-kind version has been meticulously crafted to give readers a strong tool for enhancing their Quranic experience, facilitating comprehension, pronunciation, and reverence for its hallowed verses.
The Quran's Profound Wisdom Preserved:
This book contains the eternal wisdom of the Quran, preserved in its original Arabic form. This sacred scripture, which is cherished by millions around the world, is now more accessible thanks to the inclusion of a thorough English translation. It allows readers from a variety of backgrounds and linguistic skills to interact with the Quran's teachings, encouraging a deeper grasp of its message.
Tajweed Rules for Better Recitation and Understanding:
Tajweed, the skill of Quranic recitation, plays an important role in this edition. It strictly follows Tajweed standards, assuring proper pronunciation and intonation of Quranic texts. Readers can comfortably recite the Quran using these rules, keeping the beauty and clarity of the original text while also deepening their understanding of the sacred verses.
Portability and Convenience:
This edition's tiny, pocket-sized design with a handy zipper clasp makes it an adaptable companion for readers on the go. This edition is easy to carry and access whether at home, on the road, or in the midst of a hectic daily schedule. The zipper closing not only preserves the Quran but also conveys attention and care when handling this sacred text.
Tajweed Quran (Whole Quran, With Zipper, Small size) (Arabic Edition) By Abdullah Yusuf Ali, 978-9933-423-36-0
ISBN: 9789933423360
Author: Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Book Binding: Leather zipper cover
Pages: 607
Size: 5.8 x 4.3 x 1.1inch
About This Book:
The "Tajweed Quran (Whole Quran, With Zipper, Small Size) (Arabic Edition) By Abdullah Yusuf Ali" is a painstakingly created edition of the Quran that focuses on perfect pronunciation and recitation of the Arabic text while adhering to Tajweed guidelines. This compact and portable Quran is an excellent resource for Muslims looking to improve their Quranic recitation and gain a better grasp of the sacred word.
This edition's key features and highlights include:
Tajweed Rules:
Tajweed is the science of perfect Quranic recitation, which includes pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. This edition includes Tajweed rules to assist readers in reciting the Quran correctly and melodiously.
Whole Quran:
The complete Quran is included in this edition, which includes 114 chapters (surahs) in clear and legible Arabic writing. The full text ensures that people can read the entire Quranic message.
Compact form:
The Quran's tiny and portable form makes it easy to carry, allowing Muslims to read and study it wherever they go.
Zipper closing:
The addition of a zipper closing to the Quran adds a practical and protective feature. It protects the pages and keeps the Quran safe, making it perfect for travel and daily usage.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation:
While this is largely an Arabic version, the translator's name hints that Abdullah Yusuf Ali's famed English translation is included. This enables users to compare the Arabic text to the English translation for a more complete comprehension.
Educational Resource:
Tajweed regulations included in this edition make it a wonderful instructional resource for individuals looking to improve their Quranic recitation skills. It is appropriate for pupils of all ages.
Tajweed Quran - Abi Ja'affar Reading
Narration: Ibn Ja'affar
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 266
Size: 9.5 x 6.8 x 1.4 Inch
Publication Year: 2021
Language: Arabic
Publisher: Dar Al Maarifah
About This Book:
Explore Islamic jurisprudence in a scholarly manner by starting with "Reading Abu Jaafar from the Path of Durra." This insightful work, told by Ibn Wardan, explores the nuances of the legal system and provides a thorough analysis of Abu Jaafar's ideas. The margins include special remarks on the narration by Ibn Jamaz, which is a unique supplement that gives readers a thorough understanding of the various viewpoints found in Islamic law.
Path of Durra Narration:
Dive into the lessons of Abu Jaafar as they are conveyed via Durra's illustrious narration path. The book carefully adheres to this course, guaranteeing accuracy and genuineness in the way legal ideas and concepts are presented. Ibn Wardan's narration: This great work is narrated by Ibn Wardan. Take advantage of his knowledge and scholarship. His careful attention to upholding Abu Jaafar's teachings improves the content's dependability and depth and provides readers with a reliable resource for comprehending Islamic jurisprudence.
Extensive Legal Tradition:
"Reading Abu Jaafar from the Path of Durra" is an extensive manual on Islamic jurisprudence, not just a book. Take an active interest in the legal concepts, procedures, and decisions discussed in the book to develop a deep comprehension of the philosophical heritage that has influenced Islamic legal philosophy.
Tajweed Quran 30 Parts Set with English Translation and Transliteration By Abdullah Yusuf Ali - 978-9933-458-46-1
ISBN: 9789933458461
Author: Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Book Binding: Soft Cover
Pages 30 Individual Parts
Size: 9.4 x 6.5 inch
About This Book:
Arabic Tajweed ul Quran Large size 30 parts set, with translation in English and English transliteration; whole Quran in 30 separate juzz packed in a leather box, with colour coding key and duaa al-khatm. Allah (SWT) ordered us in his holy book to recite the Quran with tajweed. "Recite the Quran modulatingly." the system of tajwid serves as a guide to improve the style of Quranic recitation. It was in this way that the holy Quran was revealed to prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and also the manner in which he recited it. Therefore, the reader of the holy Quran longs to achieve the promise of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH): "whoever recites the Quran correctly and proficiently will be with the bountiful dutiful writers (the angels of the preserved tablet (Al lauh Al Mahfuz). Based on a practical understanding of phonology, we have color-coded the place of some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy Quran. This had enabled us to classify these letters within 3 possible categories to enhance the reader's knowledge and remembrance of tajweed rules. 1. The letters which requires expanded vocalization. We used red colour to highlight these letters. 2. The letters which is nasalized. These letters are green in colour. 3. The dark blue colour indicates the emphatic of the letter (R), the blue colour indicates the unrest letters-echoing sound- (qualquala) 4. While the letters which are written but are not pronounced. These letters are gray in colour. The reader will get used to reciting the Quran by using colour just as he got used to stopping at red lights and passing though green lights. By engaging I this sublime act, the reader will find himself applying 24 rules of tajweed with ease and precision while his mind is left free to contemplate and understand the meaning of holy Quran.
Arabic Text:
The whole Arabic text of the Quran, presented in a clear and legible script, allowing readers to interact directly with the original source.
English Translation:
Abdullah Yusuf Ali's English translation supplements the Arabic original, allowing readers to appreciate the Quran's contents and messages in modern English.Tajweed Guidelines: Tajweed guidelines are provided to assist readers in reciting the Quran with accurate pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm in accordance with traditional Tajweed standards.
For readers who are not fluent in Arabic, the transliteration tool delivers Arabic sounds in the Latin alphabet, making pronunciation easier to understand.
30 Parts Set:
The Quran is divided into 30 portions, which allows readers to pace their recitation throughout the month.
Tajweed Quran Arabic Only Large Size -White Paper- Economic Edition 978-9933-458-56-0
ISBN: 9789933458560
Author: Dar Al Marifah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 604
Size: 9.8 x 6.8 Inch
Publication Year: 2011
About This Book:
The revered Quranic book "Tajweed Quran Arabic Only - Large Size - White Paper - Economic Edition" has been precisely designed to assist Muslims in reciting and interpreting the Quran with precision and devotion. This large-format, low-cost edition is intended to make the beauty and advice of the Quran available to a broad audience without sacrificing text quality.
Raising the Status of Quranic Recitation
Tajweed, the technique of reciting the Quran with appropriate pronunciation and regulations, is extremely important in Islamic culture. This Economic Edition of the Quran is an excellent resource for anyone looking to develop their recitation skills, allowing them to approach the Quran with the utmost respect and regard.
Arabic Text that is Clear and Legible
This edition's Quranic verses are presented in a clean and easily readable Arabic script. The large text size improves visibility, making it appropriate for readers of all ages and levels of Arabic skills. This provides a relaxing and immersive reading experience.
White Paper Improves Visibility
The use of white paper complements the large-sized writing by improving visibility and reducing eye strain. This feature is extremely useful for individuals who engage in extensive Quranic study since it allows for unbroken concentration on the hallowed words of the Quran.
A Cost-Effective Option
This Economic Edition has been carefully tailored to meet the needs of budget-conscious people and families. It makes getting a Tajweed Quran cheaper, allowing a broader spectrum of people to enjoy the beauty and guidance of the Quran without financial restraints.
Tajweed Quran Arabic Only Medium Size-White Paper-Economic Edition 978-9933-458-57-7
ISBN: 9789933458577
Author: Dar Al Marifah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 624
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
About This Book:
The "Tajweed Quran Arabic Only - Medium Size - White Paper - Economic Edition" is a treasured resource for Muslims who want to recite and comprehend the Quran with accuracy and clarity. This Quranic version is precisely crafted to facilitate perfect pronunciation and Tajweed (Quranic recitation standards), while also providing an economical and practical solution for people on a budget.
Improving Quranic Recitation:
Tajweed, or the accurate pronunciation and recitation of the Quran, is crucial in Islam. This Economic Edition of the Quran is a must-have for anyone looking to improve their recitation skills and approach the Quran with the respect and regard it deserves.
Text in Arabic that is Easy to Read:
This edition's Quranic text is presented in clear, legible Arabic writing, making it suitable for readers of all ages and levels of Arabic skill. The medium-sized typeface maintains a compromise between readability and mobility, making it appropriate for everyday reading and study.
White Paper to Increase Visibility:
The use of white paper improves the visibility of the Arabic text, which reduces eye strain and allows for a more comfortable and extended reading experience. This is very useful for individuals who spend a lot of time reading the Quran.
Economical and cost-effective:
This Economic Edition is intended for budget-conscious readers. It provides a cost-effective solution for individuals or families looking to purchase a Tajweed Quran without sacrificing quality. It ensures that the beauty and advice of the Quran are available to a large number of people.
A Spiritual Connection Tool:
The Quran is more than just a book for Muslims; it is their ultimate source of wisdom, peace, and spiritual connection. This edition is intended to improve one's relationship with Allah via recitation and comprehension of His words.
Tajweed Quran Arabic Only,Leather Zipper Case,(7 x9 inch) (Large Size),978-9933-645-18-2
ISBN: 9789933645182Author: Dar Al MarifahPublisher: Islamic Books ServiseBinding: Zipper SoftcoverPages: 608Size: 14 x 20 cmPublication Year: 2008Language: ArabicPLEASE NOT: TITLE COLOR OF QURAN DEPEND ON AVAILABILITYDescription From PublisherThis is complete Deluxe Color Coded Tajweed Quran (from Surah Al-Fatiha to Surah Al-Nas), it comes with a nice, beautifully designed hard and heavy-duty cover, very strong binding, perfect finishing. This Quran comes in different colors (unfortunately we cannot guarantee the color availability, however all colors are very nice). The paper quality is very high, with Interpretation of selected words on the margin of each page.Allah (sw) ordered us in his holy book to recite the Quran with Tajweed ... "Quran recitation modulating". System of Tajweed serves as a guide for improving the recitation of Quranic style. It was in this way that the Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as well as the manner in which he recited it. Therefore, the readers of the Quran are eager to realize the promise of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): "whoever recites the Quran correctly and proficiently will be with the bountiful dutiful writers (the angels of the preserved tablet - Al lauh Al Mahfuz".Based on a practical understanding of phonology, we have color-coded some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy Quran. This enabled us to classify these letters into three possible categories to enhance the reader's knowledge and remembering of Tajweed rules:- The letters which requires expanded vocalization. We used red color to highlight these letters.- The letters which are nasalized these letters are green in color.- The dark blue color indicates the emphasis of the letter (R), the blue color indicates the unrest letters-echoing sound- (qualquala)- While the letters which are written but are not vocalized. These letters are gray in color.The reader will get used to reciting the Quran by using colors very easily. By engaging the eye, the reader will find him/herself applying 24 rules of Tajweed with ease and precision while his/her mind is left un-engaged to comprehend and understand the meaning of the holy Quran.This Tajweed Quran is in Hafs narration.All our Tajweed Quran products -including this Quran- come with the following:* Color coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules, very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules.* Obvious script: extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.* Permissible stops: long spaces were added at certain places where it is permissible to stop. It helps to avoid stopping at wrong places or times.* A set of very useful indexes such as: Surahs Color Index, Subject Index.Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration
Tajweed Quran Colour Coded (Pakistani-Indian-Persian script) 978-9933-423-24-7
ISBN: 9789933423247
Author: Allah
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 848
Size: 6.8 x 5.0 x 1.5 inch
About This Book:
The "Tajweed Quran Colour Coded (Pakistani-Indian-Persian script)" is a unique Quran. It is designed to help individuals learn Tajweed, which is the correct way to read the Quran with proper pronunciation and sounds. This version is written in a writing form known as Persian script, which is popular in Pakistan, India, and Iran. This complete Colour Coded Tajweed Quran comes with a nice and beautiful hardcover. This Tajweed Quran is in the Oriental Indian Calligraphy. The size of this Tajweed Quran makes it easy to handle or to keep in a small pocket. This Tajweed Quran is in Hafs narration. All our Tajweed Quran products - including this Quran-- come with the following:
Colour coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules, very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules .
Obvious script: extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.
Permissible stops: long spaces were added at certain places where it is permissible to stop. It helps to avoid stopping at wrong places or times.
A set of very useful indexes such as: Surahs Colour Index, Subject Index.
Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration.
Tajweed Quran Colour Coded 6 Parts (Pocket Version)
ISBN: 9789933423285Author: Dar Al-MarifaBinding: HardcoverPages: 600Size: 5.3 x 3.5 x 2.5 inchesPublication Year: 2011DescriptionAbout This Book:
The "Tajweed Quran Colour Coded 6 Parts (Pocket Version)" is a compact and user-friendly edition meant to make Tajweed recitation easier. Tajweed is the precise pronunciation and articulation of Arabic letters, which ensures that readers recite the Quran correctly and reverently. This one-of-a-kind pocket-sized edition is color-coded, making it a great companion for both new and experienced Quran readers looking to improve their recitation skills.
Tajweed regulations are Color-Coded:
Each Arabic letter in the Quran is color-coded to denote specific Tajweed regulations. This novel feature assists readers in understanding and applying accurate pronunciation, elongation, and other Tajweed norms.
Six Pocket-Sized sections:
The Quran is divided into six easily manageable sections, allowing readers to conveniently carry a portion with them. This segmentation makes it especially useful for daily recitation, memorizing, or on-the-go studying.
Clear and readable Script:
The content is provided in a clear and readable script, making it accessible to readers of all ages. The precise placement of the text improves the overall reading experience.
Tafsir and Concise Translation:
A short translation and Tafsir (exegesis) of the Quranic verses may be found beside the Arabic text. This helps readers comprehend the meaning and context of the verses they are reciting.
Durable and portable:
The pocket-sized style makes this Quran more portable, allowing users to take it in a handbag, pocket, or bag. The long-lasting structure makes it suited for daily use.
Tajweed Quran Colour Coded in 4 Parts ,Whole Quran,(9.7 x 6.7 inch)(Large Size),978-9933-573-74-4
ISBN: 9789933573744
Author: Dar Al-Marifa
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 604
Size: 9.7 x 6.7 inch
Publication Year: 2011
Language: Arabic
About This Book:
This is whole Tajweed Qur'an divided in to 4 large parts, each part comes with a nice hard cover, each page contains 15 lines as any standard Quran, comes with an interpretation of selected words placed on the margins on every page. This four parts whole Tajweed Quran comes in the standard portrait form and every part is numbered on the front from 1 to 4.The set comes in a beautiful solid case open from one side to slide the books in the case is perfectly designed to keep the parts from any loss or damage. It is good for memorization and reading in prayer as it fits in your pocket easily. It has same features as the large Tajweed Quran with distinct colors for each Tajweed rule, making it easier to follow and correct your Tajweed recitation of the Holy Qur'an. AllaH (sw) ordered us in his holy book to recite the Quran with Tajweed ... "Quran recitation modulating". System of Tajweed serves as a guide for improving the recitation of Quranic style. It was in this way that the Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as well as the manner in which he recited it. Therefore, the readers of the Quran are eager to realize the promise of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): "whoever recites the Quran correctly and proficiently will be with the bountiful dutiful writers (the angels of the preserved tablet - Al lauh Al Mahfuz". Based on a practical understanding of phonology, we have color-coded some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy Quran.
Tajweed rules:
The letters which requires expanded vocalization. We used red color to highlight these letters.
The letters which are nasalized these letters are green in color.
The dark blue color indicates the emphasis of the letter (R), the blue color indicates the unrest letters-echoing sound- (qualquala)While the letters which are written but are not vocalized. These letters are gray in color.
The reader will get used to reciting the Quran by using colors very easily. By engaging the eye, the reader will find him/herself applying 24 rules of Tajweed with ease and precision while his/her mind is left un-enganged to comprehend and understand the meaning of the holy Quran. This Tajweed Quran is in Hafs narration.
All our Tajweed Quran products -including this Quran- come with the following:
Color coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules, very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules.
Obvious script: extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.
Permissible stops:
long spaces were added at certain places where it is permissible to stop. It helps to avoid stopping at wrong places or times.A set of very useful indexes such as: Surahs Color Index, Subject Index.Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration.
Tajweed Quran in 30 Parts In Leather Case (10x14 inches)
Author: Dar al-MaarifahBinding: Leather CasePages: 30 PartsSize: 9 x 13.2 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
The "Tajweed Quran in 30 Parts in Leather Case" is a meticulously produced and elegantly presented Quranic edition that emphasizes Tajweed regulations. Tajweed is a precise and beautiful recitation of the Quran that ensures each letter is spoken correctly and with the appropriate phonetic properties. This edition is intended to aid learners, scholars, and enthusiasts in the accurate recitation and understanding of the Quran.
30 Individual Parts:
The Quran is divided into 30 individual sections known as Juz' (plural: Ajza'), making it easier to recite and study, especially during Ramadan when Muslims strive to complete the Quran.
Tajweed principles:
The text is embellished with Tajweed principles, such as accurate pronunciation, articulation, and intonation, to assist readers in reciting the Quran with precision and beauty.
Leather Case:
This edition comes with an exquisite leather case, which adds to its durability and attractiveness while also serving as a protected and fashionable storage solution.
Large Dimensions:
The generous dimension of 10x14 inches improves the text readability and visibility of the Tajweed insignia.
Clear Arabic Script:
The text includes a clear Arabic script, allowing readers to recite the Quran with ease and precision.
Ideal for Learners:
This edition is ideal for people who are learning to recite the Quran, memorizing verses, or studying Tajweed, since it promotes a better knowledge of the rules of good Quranic recitation.
The Tajweed Quran in this exquisite leather case offers a thoughtful and meaningful gift for Quranic students, scholars, and anybody looking to enhance their connection with the Quran.