75 Questions & Answers on Hajj & Umrah By Dr. Zahoor Ali Shaikh
ISBN: 9786035001359Author: Dr. Zahoor Ali ShaikhBinding: SoftcoverPages: 128Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2012DescriptionAbout This Book:
Dr. Zahoor Ali Shaikh's "75 Questions & Answers on Hajj & Umrah" will take you on a profound spiritual trip. This precisely designed guide is a comprehensive resource, answering crucial questions about the sacred pilgrimages of Hajj and Umrah. Dr. Shaikh, a seasoned scholar and authority on Islamic rites, brings forth a wealth of knowledge to demystify the complexities of these sacred travels, providing readers with a vital tool for improving their comprehension and preparation.
Recognizing the Importance of Hajj and Umrah
Dr. Zahoor Ali Shaikh goes into the historical and spiritual significance of Hajj and Umrah in this introductory portion. Readers acquire insights that expand their understanding for the rituals that have stood the test of time, from the beginnings of these sacred acts to their significant impact on the Muslim religion.
Rituals and rites of passage
Dr. Shaikh breaks down the basic ceremonies that distinguish these sacred excursions, allowing you to navigate the complexities of Hajj and Umrah traditions with ease. This chapter gives a step-by-step guide to help pilgrims complete their religious requirements, from the Tawaf around the Kaaba to the symbolic deeds at Mount Arafat.
Pilgrims' Practical Advice
Practical issues are critical for individuals performing Hajj and Umrah. Dr. Zahoor Ali Shaikh provides crucial logistical assistance ranging from travel plans and lodging to health and safety precautions. This section is essential for pilgrims and prospective travelers to have a seamless and spiritually meaningful pilgrimage experience.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Dr. Shaikh dispels prevalent misconceptions about Hajj and Umrah, enabling readers approach these important rites with precise knowledge. This area is a valuable resource for anyone seeking clarification on a variety of issues, encouraging a deeper knowledge of the rituals and their significance.
8 Steps to Happiness (Awakening the Inner Self in Pursuit of Personal Change) by Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sa'di
Author: Shaykh Abu Abdu-r-Rahman Nasir As-Sa'di
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 80
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inch
Publication year:2020
About This Book:
veryone chases after happiness, yet few fully recognize what it is or whence it comes from. Happiness isn’t a destination but a journey needing certain inner qualities and a right state of mind to experience and reap. It’s neither sold as a commodity nor can be bought, except through carefully crafting one’s character and following a plan of action. For indeed, those who don’t plan will fail to realize desired results. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Those among us (destined to be) from people of happiness [in the Hereafter] will (find it easy to) enact deeds of people of happiness...” [Sahih Al-Bukhari, #4948]. In other words, by choosing a path reflecting attitudes of happy people one will recognize its reality and the ease and pleasantry in having good deeds done that are in themselves, characteristics of happy people. It requires contemplation of an alternate world view to one that compounds first world problems, for example. Shaykh Nasir Al-Sa’di mentions in this short summary, eight ways to achieving the goal of bringing about happiness while driving away its opposites - sadness, grief, and anxiety. Reaching it is contingent on three main causes he identifies to leading a goodly life. These succinct pointers are easy to understand and you’ll be able to identify the impediments you need to rework and hence live your life with happiness. This will transform you into being the best Muslim you can in today’s complex world, and will also inspire you to train your inner self. Whoever follows these eight steps will find self-awareness and a pathway to joy and success in this life and the next, Insha’Allah.
A Book on Islamic Studies By Abdur-Rahman Al-Mahmood
ISBN: 9786035000871Author: Abdur-Rahman Al-MahmoodBinding: HardcoverPages: 189Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2007DescriptionAbout This Book:
"A Book on Islamic Studies" by Abdur-Rahman Al-Mahmood arises as a careful aid in the hunt for information and a more profound comprehension of Islam. This book adopts an extensive strategy for Islamic examinations, offering perusers a coordinated examination of different parts of Islamic investigations, incorporating philosophy, history, and useful bits of knowledge to make a balanced comprehension of Islamic confidence.
Foundational Principles:
Abdur-Rahman Al-Mahmood lays out a strong groundwork by digging into the fundamental thoughts of Islam, like the mainstays of confidence, love, and the moral lessons that structure the existence of a rehearsing Muslim.
Thematic Exploration:
The book jumps into significant issues like Islamic law, religious philosophy, and otherworldliness. Each segment is fastidiously ready to furnish perusers with a superior comprehension of the different perspectives that make up the perplexing embroidery of Islamic investigations.
Historical Context:
Al-Mahmood gives bits of knowledge into Islam's verifiable turn of events, setting significant occasions in their social and ordered settings. This authentic perspective expands the peruser's cognizance of Islamic ideas and practices.
Contemporary Relevance:
The author overcomes any issues between traditional lessons and contemporary troubles, showing the way that Islamic ideas can be applied to current difficulties. This technique energizes an energetic and significant collaboration with Islamic investigations.
The intended audience is as follows:
"A Book on Islamic Examinations" is expected for a large number of perusers, including understudies, researchers, and anybody looking for an essential handle on Islam. Whether one is new to the confidence or needs to work on their comprehension, Al-Mahmood's congenial language and thorough strategy make the book satisfactory for many perusers.
A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam By I. A. Ibrahim
ISBN: 9789960340111Author: I. A. IbrahimBinding: SoftcoverPages: 74Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2000DescriptionAbout This Book:
I. A. Ibrahim's "A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam" is an educational outline of Islam's significant thoughts, convictions, and practices. This showed reference offers perusers a straightforward yet intensive outline of Islam, revising normal misguided judgments and giving an unmistakable comprehension of the key ideas. This guide is an open and outwardly captivating asset for those new to Islam or those looking for real information about confidence.
Visual Clarity:
The aide incorporates visual components to assist perusers with getting a handle on the substance, like representations, outlines, and photos. This visual lucidity assists perusers in figuring out complex ideas and fabricates a more grounded association with the material.
Foundational Beliefs:
I. A. Ibrahim digs into Islam's fundamental precepts, like the unity of God (Tawhid), prophethood, heavenly messengers, holy writing, and the idea of the Day of Judgment. Every thought is made sense of basically, permitting perusers to get a handle on the major precepts of the confidence.
Misconceptions About Islam:
The handbook tends to normal misguided judgments about Islam by offering the right realities to disprove legends and biases. The creator desires to make a more educated and nuanced comprehension of religion by explaining got regions wrong.
Inclusive Approach:
The aide takes care of perusers with different degrees of colleague with Islam, making it reasonable for a different crowd. It is a superb asset for those new to the confidence, those researching Islam, and anyone with any interest in finding out about Muslim convictions and practices.
A Child Reads (Successful Family Upbringing Series 06) By Dr Abdul Karim Bakkar
ISBN: 9789671256558
Author: Dr Abdul Karim Bakkar
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 98
Size: 15X21 cm
About This Book:
"A Child Reads (Successful Family Upbringing Series 06) By Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar" is an informative and practical guide for parents and caregivers who want to instill in their children a love of reading and learning. Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar, a famous author and child development expert, offers sound advice and tactics for raising children who are voracious readers and lifelong learners.
The following are the book's main features:
Literacy Promotion:
The book emphasizes the vital role of parents in fostering literacy and a strong reading culture within the family. It emphasizes the idea that reading helps children develop not only information but also critical thinking abilities and creativity.
Early Childhood Development:
Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar discusses the importance of early childhood development as well as the impact of reading on a child's cognitive and emotional development. He underlines that beginning to read with children at a young age creates a solid foundation for their future scholastic success.
Practical Advice:
The book provides parents with practical advice and ideas for creating a reading-friendly environment at home, selecting age-appropriate books, and engaging children in meaningful reading activities. These ideas can assist parents in becoming excellent reading role models.
Fostering a Love for Books:
Dr. Bakkar investigates methods for instilling a true love of books and reading in children. He advises on how to choose diverse and engaging reading materials that are appropriate for a child's interests and age level.
Parent-Child Bond:
Reading together can help parents and children enhance their relationship. The importance of shared reading time as an opportunity for great parent-child interactions and discussions is emphasized throughout the book.
A Collection of Advices on Tranquility and Honesty of the Hearts By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhaad Al Wasaabi
ISBN: 9781634439916
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhaad Al Wasaabi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 50
Size: 8.5 x 5.7 Inch
About This Book:Shaykh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhaad Al Wasaabi's "A Collection of Advices on Tranquility and Honesty of the Hearts" stands as a beacon of wisdom and guidance in the tranquil and contemplative domain of Islamic literature. This fascinating work is a treasure mine of spiritual insights and moral precepts that have been meticulously gathered to explain the routes to inner peace and sincerity.
Author Information:
Shaykh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhaad Al Wasaabi, a well-known scholar and spiritual teacher, has created a work of art that transcends time and culture. The book is a comprehensive investigation of two key virtues: tranquillity and heart honesty, drawing on the rich tapestry of Islamic tradition.
Exploring Inner Peace: Heart Tranquility:
Readers will find a plethora of practical counsel and spiritual wisdom that addresses the challenges of modern living within its pages. Shaykh Al Wasaabi's teachings provide a road map for achieving inner tranquillity, peace, and equilibrium in the midst of the world's turbulence. Readers are urged to seek consolation within themselves through his calm and wise words, fostering a heart free of the tumult of worldly distractions.
Cultivating Sincerity: Heart Honesty:
The concept of heart honesty runs throughout the book, as Shaykh Al Wasaabi discusses the significance of sincerity and authenticity in one's intentions and acts. He highlights the need to match one's heart with one's principles and ideals in order to cultivate a feeling of integrity that pervades all aspects of life.
A Coloring Book of Islamic Manners By Malik Abdul Majid
ISBN: 9781563163234Author: Malik Abdul MajidBinding: SoftcoverPages: 18Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication 2007DescriptionAbout This Book:
Noura Durkee, Husain Abvia, and Susan Douglass' "A History of Muslim Civilization - Volume 1" is a riveting and comprehensive overview of the rich and colorful fabric of Muslim history. This engrossing book gives readers a thorough overview of the complex path of Muslim civilizations from their birth to significant historical milestones.
Historical Depth:
The book goes deeply into Muslim civilization's history, documenting its origins, evolution, and major events that molded its character over centuries. It covers everything from the period of the Prophet Muhammad to the early Islamic empires.
Cultural and Intellectual Insights:
Beyond political and military history, this book delves into the contributions of Muslim civilizations to other subjects such as science, art, philosophy, and literature. It emphasizes the important role that Muslim scholars performed in the preservation and advancement of knowledge.
Geographic Diversity:
The writers investigate the growth of Muslim civilization across wide swaths of land, from the Arabian Peninsula to Asia, Africa, and Europe. This regional variety emphasizes the far-reaching influence of Muslim culture and government.
Cultural Appreciation:
The book encourages an appreciation for Muslim civilizations' rich and diverse cultural legacy. It delves into architecture, art, and other forms of cultural expression that have had an unforgettable effect on world history.
Readers of different backgrounds and knowledge levels will find the book to be inclusive. It invites history buffs, as well as students and educators looking for a comprehensive resource for learning about Muslim civilization.
A commentary on a Ḥadīth covering broad topics on the Islāmic Creed
Author: Abdur Razzaaq Bin Abdul Muhsin al Badr
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 94
Size: 8.3 x 5.8 x 0.3 inch
Publication Year: 2022
About This Book:
Also, it is reported in al-Musnad and others from the Ḥadīth of Abū Hurayrah (May Allāh be pleased with him) that he said:“Renew your ʾĪmān. Someone said, ‘O Messenger of Allāh, ‘how do we renew our ʾĪmān?’ He (May Allāh elevate his rank & grant him peace) said, ‘utter more and more the statement of Islāmic monotheism: Laa ilāha illa Allāh (i.e., none has the right to be worshiped, in truth, except Allāh).”Meaning: that consistency with this statement (i.e., Laa ilāha illa Allāh) renews ʾĪmān in the heart, fills it with light and increases it in certainty and sincerity.This station requires the servant to be consistent and fight against the soul continuously. The ʿAqīdah is not a text you read at school then you stop, or you study it with a scholar in one of the Masājid then you quit. Rather it is singularly a matter that stays with you throughout your life.These words amazingly fortify the ʿAqīdah and strengthen it in the heart.So, it is befitting for the Muslim to memorize these words by heart and be diligent in making it a part of one’s night prayer, as reported by the noble Prophet (May Allāh elevate his rank & grant him peace). Also, he should not leave off his nights to pass him by, for indeed he will be deprived of this copious good, tremendous favor, and blessed gift.Imām al-Ājurrī (May Allāh have mercy on him) stated about this remembrance,“Truly, it is excellent and helpful for the one whom Allāh guided to implement it. So, a person who usually observes night prayer should memorize it. I also urge one to memorize it to implement. Likewise, every Muslim who doesn’t observe night prayer should memorize it and invoke Allāh, hoping that He grants him success to establish the night prayer.”
A Commentary on al-Ajrumiyyah By Muḥammad Muḥi al-Din ibn Abd al-Ḥamid’s
Author: Muḥammad Muḥi al-Din ibn Abd al-Ḥamid’s
Book Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 408
Size: 9.8 x 6.5 x 1.3 Inch
Publication Year: 2018
About This Book:
"A Commentary on al-Ajrumiyyah" by Muammad Mui al-Din ibn Abd al-amid is a work of study that digs into the subtleties of the Arabic language via a thorough commentary on the famed linguistic primer, "al-Ajrumiyyah." This book provides an in-depth look at the basics of Arabic grammar, making it an excellent resource for students, academics, and everyone interested in learning Arabic.
This book's highlights include:
In-Depth examination:
Muammad Mui al-Din ibn Abd al-amid offers a detailed and complete examination of "al-Ajrumiyyah," revealing its difficult grammatical principles and norms. This commentary will help readers manage the difficulties of Arabic grammar.
"al-Ajrumiyyah" is an ancient Arabic grammar work that has been studied for generations. The commentary by Ibn Abd al-amid adds depth and clarity to this already prestigious work, making it more accessible to current learners while keeping its historical significance.
Explanation of Key ideas:
The commentary deconstructs essential language ideas such as syntax, morphology, and phonology, giving readers a thorough comprehension of Arabic grammar. This clarity promotes comprehension as well as actual implementation.
Practical Application:
The book not only teaches theoretical principles, but it also exhibits their actual application. It provides examples and activities that assist readers practice and strengthen their comprehension of Arabic grammar, allowing them to become more fluent in the language.
Cultural and Linguistic Context:
Ibn Abd al-amid's commentary situates Arabic grammar within its cultural and linguistic context, allowing readers to understand the Arabic language's rich history and tradition.
A Commentary On The Ḥadīth: Whosoever Shows Enmity To A Walī Of Mine, I Will Announce War Against Him By Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Abdur Rahman ar-Rajiḥi
Author: Shaykh ʿAbdul ʿAzīz bin ʿAbdullāh bin ʿAbdur Raḥmān ar-Rājiḥī
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 69
Size: 6x0.18x9 inches
Publication year:2021
About This Book:
This tremendous Ḥadīth is known as the Ḥadīth of ʾAwliyāʾ (of Allāh). Abū al-ʿAbbās, Imām Shaykh ul-Islām ibn Taymiyyah (May Allāh have mercy on him) discussed it in length in the well-known Book, ‘Al-Furqān bayna ʾAwliyāʾ ar-Raḥmān wa ʾAwliyāʾ al-Shaytān.’ (The Criterion between the allies of Allāh and the allies of the devil). This Ḥadīth further illustrates the excellence, status, and rank of ʾAwliyāʾ with Allāh. So, whoever wages war against any of His ʾAwliyāʾ or shows hostility towards them has done so to Allāh. In contrast, whoever displays allegiance and loyalty to them has shown devotion to Allāh. Furthermore, this Ḥadīth illustrates the excellent status of obligatory duties which Allāh has mandated upon His servants. It also indicates the excellence and tremendous reward of the increasing observance of supererogatory acts of worship. All of these matters can be found within this tremendous Ḥadīth.
A Commentary on the Poem al-Bayquniyyah By Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymeen (Hardcover)
ISBN: 9781916475694
Author: Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymeen
Book Binding: Hardcover
Size: 9.7 x 6.5 x 0.7 inch
Publication year:2021
About The Book:
A commentary on the famous poem in the field of hadith sciences entitled al-Manzumah al-Bayquniyyah by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen (Rahimahullah) The Merits of the Poem of al-Bayquni Shihab al-Din al-Dimyathi said, “The poem of the knowledgeable Imam of understanding and perception, al-Shaykh al-Bayquni (Rahimahullah) is one of the most interesting summaries of the science of hadith and the most eloquent of the writings upon which one takes the rigorous course upon, for it is comprised of clear yet fine expressions that overwhelms its counterparts with a grim face.
”The importance of this subject:
The knowledge of Usul al-hadith is a science that serves the radiant Prophetic traditions; with it one can distinguish the Prophetic narrations in terms of authenticity and fabrication, soundness and weakness.Al-Imam ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak said, “The quality of the hadith is not in the conciseness of the isnad, rather its quality lies in the soundness of its narrators."Al-Imam Yahya ibn Sa`id al-Qattan said, “Do not look at the hadith but rather look at its chain. If the chain is sound [then the narration is sound]. If not, then do not be deceived by the narration with a chain that is not sound.”Al-Hafiz ibn Qutaybah al-Daynuri said, “There is no nation amongst the nations with the isnad like their chains (i.e. this nation); narrator from the narrator, the trustworthy from the trustworthy in such a way until it reaches the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) and his Companions, so that the sound can be differentiated from the weak, the connection from the disconnected and the fabricated from the genuine.”About The Commentator Shaykh UthayminMuhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymin al-Wuhaibi al-Tamimi (1925-2001 CE) was one of the most prominent Saudi Islamic scholars of the latter half of the twentieth century. Born in Saudi Arabia, he memorised the Qur'an at an early age and studied under some of the well-known scholars of the time including Abd ar-Rahman as-Sa'adi, Muhammad Ash-Shanqiti, and 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Baz. During his many years of study, he became world renowned as a reviver of Salafi dawah and his knowledge in fiqh.
A Commentary On Zad Al-Mustaqni By Shaykh Salih Fawzan Al-Fawzan
Author: Salih Fauzan Al-Fawzan
Book Binding: soft cover
Pages 378
Size: 9.5 x 6.3 x 1.0 inch
Publication year:2021
About This Book:
It covers the Book of Purification, the Book of Prayer, the Book of Funerals, the Book of Zakat, the Book of Fasting, the Book of Rites, the Book of Jihad and the Book of Food. Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd said in al-Madkhal al-Mufassal, Zād al-Mustaqnī’ fī Ikhtisār al-Muqni’ is the text that came to be considered as the main source for the study of the Hanbalī madhab (school of jurisprudence) and quintessential for the students in the land of the Hanābilah (i.e. the Arabian Peninsula); particularly in the region of Najd. The people busied themselves reading, memorising and writing commentaries upon this book. This was carried out in study circles in the masājid where the scholars imparted knowledge to others and also in formal learning institutions. This book was studied in-depth so much so that some scholars provided explanations just upon the phrases within it so as to make it easy for the new learner. This was expanded to include proofs and evidences for those in the intermediate level. In the levels thereafter, proofs and evidences were fused with the disputes that exist within the madhab and in comparison to the other madhabs. Some scholars said: The texts of Zād and Bulūgh, Suffice for one to attain genius. They indicated through this [the importance of] Zād al-Mustaqni’ with regards to the study of fiqh and Bulūgh al-Marām with regards to the study of hadīth.No book as exemplary has been authored since it that contains as many important points (muhimāt) and issues (masā’il) as Zād. In fact, Zād excelled in terms of quantity and content. It is said that there are approximately three thousand important points and issues mentioned and similarly another three thousand inferred from the text. Meaning that it possesses within it around six thousand issues. This is what we heard from some of the noble scholars of the madhab in our time. While [in the current time] the students of knowledge transmit from some of the contemporary scholars that the number of issues in Zād goes beyond thirty thousand. Thus one should not avoid it.
A Comparison Between Veiling and Unveiling By Halah bint Abdullah
ISBN: 9789960740546Author: Halah bint Abdullah (A woman author)Binding: SoftcoverPages: 47Size: 12x17cmPublication Year: 1995DescriptionAbout This Book:
"A Comparison Between Veiling and Unveiling," by Halah bint Abdullah, is a thought-provoking discussion of the intricate and much-contested topic of veiling in Islam. Halah delivers a comprehensive study that goes beyond the surface, engaging readers in a complex discourse about the choices women make regarding veiling and unveiling. She has a good awareness of cultural nuances and a genuine respect for other opinions.
Cultural viewpoints and Historical background:
The book begins a journey by diving into the cultural viewpoints and historical background of veiling and uncovering. Halah bint Abdullah presents a thorough analysis of the cultural influences and historical changes that have formed veiling traditions in many groups, creating a fuller awareness of the range of interpretations and implementations.
Religious Significance and Interpretations:
This section delves into the religious significance of veiling in Islam, providing readers with a thorough examination of relevant Quranic texts and Hadiths. Halah investigates multiple interpretations, emphasizing the various approaches and scholarly viewpoints that have contributed to the ongoing debate around veiling.
Empowerment and Agency:
The author delves deeply into the themes of empowerment and agency about veiling and uncovering. Readers get a grasp of how women perceive and exercise their agency in making veiling decisions through personal tales, case studies, and scholarly insights, challenging preconceptions and misconceptions.
Veiling in Modern Contexts:
As the book develops, Halah bint Abdullah addresses the contemporary relevance of veiling, recognizing the changing socioeconomic landscapes and the junction between tradition and modernity. The chapter examines the effects of globalization, shifting social standards, and the many forms of veiling in the modern Muslim world.
A Comprehensive Guide For the New Muslim - Important Lessons to Help the New Muslim Correctly Practice Islam By Anwar Wright
ISBN: 9781532369377
Author: Anwar Wright
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 181
Size: 8.2 x 5.7 x 0.6 inch
Publication Year: 2018
About This Book:
Anwar Wright's "A Comprehensive Guide for the New Muslim" is a must-have manual written exclusively for people who have accepted Islam and are starting their journey as new Muslims. This thorough guide offers key teachings and practical advice to assist new Muslims in navigating their faith with clarity and confidence.
The following are the main features of "A Comprehensive Guide for the New Muslim":
straightforward and Accessible:
The book is presented in a straightforward and accessible way, making it appropriate for people new to Islam as well as those looking to improve their understanding of the faith.
Fundamental Lessons:
It includes key parts of Islam such as beliefs, worship, ethics, and everyday activities, ensuring that new Muslims receive a well-rounded introduction to the religion.
Step-by-Step Direction:
The handbook provides step-by-step directions and explanations, making it simple for new Muslims to study and apply Islamic principles in their daily lives.
Spiritual Nourishment:
The book emphasizes the significance of spirituality, personal growth, and a deep relationship with Allah, in addition to rituals and customs.
Frequent Issues:
It tackles frequent issues and questions that new Muslims may face on their journey, giving reassurance and direction.
Community Resource:
This handbook might be useful for Islamic centers, mosques, and community leaders who assist and educate new Muslims.
Authoritarian Source:
The author, Anwar Wright, draws on genuine Islamic texts and his personal experiences as a Muslim convert to provide readers with a trustworthy and accessible viewpoint.
A Concise Biography Of The Prophet (SAW) And His Special Traits By Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan
ISBN: 9781910015315
Author: Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan
Book Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 55
Size: 160 x 240mm
Language: English
About This Book:
The highly regarded author of "A Concise Biography of the Prophet (SAW) and His Special Traits," Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan, is the author of the book. This outstanding piece of literature explores the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and sheds light on his extraordinary traits and defining traits.
Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan, the author of this biography, is probably a well-known academic with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the teachings and life of the Prophet Muhammad. He skilfully delivers a condensed yet comprehensive biography that captures the essence of the Prophet's life, crucial moments, and his distinctive characteristics through rigorous research and devoted study.
About The Author:
Islamic literature and academic study. He has written extensively on numerous topics related to Islamic history, spirituality, and jurisprudence. He is renowned for his knowledge of the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The depth of Haytham Ibn Muhammad Sarhan's comprehension of Islamic ideas and his dedication to providing true and correct information can be seen in many of his publications. He is probably knowledgeable about the Quran and Hadith, and his writings may make use of these authoritative primary sources to offer enlightening and trustworthy insights on Islamic beliefs.
A Concise Description of Jannah & Jahannam By Shaikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani
ISBN: 9781842001202Author: Shaikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-JilaniBinding: SoftcoverPages: 123Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Shaikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani's "A Concise Description of Jannah & Jahannam" is a significant examination of the Islamic idea of the great beyond, giving perusers a brief and sharp portrayal of both Heaven (Jannah) and Damnation (Jahannam). The book, which is established on Islamic standards, gives an exhaustive clarification of the prizes and punishments that anticipate people in view of their lead in this world. Shaikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani's brief however strong composing goes about as an aide for devotees looking for lucidity on the idea of the hereafter.
Islamic Eschatology Unveiled:
At the focal point of the book is the investigation of the last days and eternity, known as Islamic eschatology. Shaikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani utilizes Quranic sacred texts, Hadiths (idioms of the Prophet Muhammad), and Islamic grants to make sense of what anticipates adherents and non-devotees to existence in the wake of death.
The Garden of Eternal Bliss: Jannah
Jannah, the paradisiacal dwelling vowed to the dependable, is distinctively depicted in the book. Shaikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani portrays the nurseries, waterways, and heavenly pleasures that anticipate individuals who have carried on with prudent lives. Perusers are taken to the locale of timeless joy through rich words, where adherents are compensated with unrivaled delights and delights.
The Abyss of Divine Justice: Jahannam
Conversely, the creator jumps into the portrayal of Jahannam, the spot of discipline for the people who reject Islam or enjoy malicious way of behaving. Shaikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani examines the outcomes of noncompliance, offering a dreary image of the wretchedness and experiencing that anticipates the people who stray from the straight way.
A Concise Encyclopedia of Jinn And Shaytaan (with 2 Cds) By Abu Hammam Sayyed Murad Salama
ISBN: 9781874263999Author: Abu Hammam Sayyed Murad SalamaBinding: SoftcoverPages: 208Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2012DescriptionAbout This Book:
"A Concise Encyclopedia of Jinn and Shaytaan" by Abu Hammam Sayyed Murad Salama delves into the mystical worlds of the unseen. This thorough book takes readers on an enthralling trip into the complex world of Jinn and Shaytaan, revealing insights into their nature, behavior, and the profound impact they have on the human experience.
Uncovering the Mysteries:
Abu Hammam Sayyed Murad Salama deftly unravels the riddles of Jinn and Shaytaan in this work, providing a succinct and understandable examination of their existence as understood in Islamic tradition. The author's painstaking study and extensive comprehension of Islamic eschatology make this book a great resource for those trying to understand the spiritual dimensions that exist beyond our visible reality.
Comprehensive Coverage:
The encyclopedia covers a wide range of Jinn and Shaytaan-related issues, such as their origins, classifications, and the many roles they play in Islamic cosmology. In-depth discussions on the cultural, historical, and religious elements of these entities will be found in this book, making it an indispensable reference for experts, students, and aficionados alike.
Accompanying CDs:
The addition of two CDs improves the learning experience by adding an audio layer to the study of Jinn and Shaytaan. These CDs may include recitations, lectures, or expert interviews, providing a multi-sensory approach to understanding the information and transforming the book into an immersive learning tool.
Practical Insights:
While founded in traditional Islamic research, the book also provides practical insights on dealing with Jinn and Shaytaan's spiritual obstacles. Abu Hammam Sayyed Murad Salama dispels prevalent myths, provides safety advice, and shares experiences that highlight the need of spiritual awareness in traversing the unseen realm.
A Concise Explanation Of The Three Fundamental Principle Followed By The Four Foundation And The Ten Invalidators of Islam By Sheikh Haytham Ibn Sarhan.
ISBN: 9781910015209
Author:Sheikh Haytham Ibn Sarhan
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 128
Size: 9.5 x 6.8 x 0.3 inch
Publication Year: 2020
About This Book:
Haytham Ibn Sarhan's book, "A Succinct Elaboration on the Three Fundamental Principles, Complemented by the Four Foundations and the Ten Nullifiers of Islam," presents a detailed discussion of these important doctrines within the Islamic religion. Expanding on this basis, the author digs into the Four Foundations, digging into parts of knowledge concerning the existence of Allah, the devotion due to Him, His divine names and qualities, and a comprehension of His divine command.
The literature investigates the Ten Nullifiers of Islam in detail, pinpointing behaviors and ideas that violate the core of the faith. The author investigates these nullifiers with great regard to Islamic texts, providing a clear grasp of what undermines the integrity of a Muslim's belief.Haytham Ibn Sarhan's work is an important resource for anyone seeking a comprehensive yet simply accessible understanding of these essential components of Islamic philosophy since it presents these concepts and nullifiers in a concise manner. This text not only gives readers a greater knowledge of their faith, but it also acts as a guide for preserving a solid and untainted relationship with Islam's essential precepts.
A Concise Presentation of the Creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal- Jamaah By Abdullah Bin Abdul-Hamid Al-Athri
ISBN: 9789675699061Author: Abdullah Bin Abdul-Hamid Al-AthriBinding: SoftcoverPages: 300Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2011DescriptionAbout This Book:
Abdullah Container Abdul-Hamid Al-Athri's "A Concise Presentation of the Creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaah" is a point-by-point examination of the key convictions upheld by the Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaah, giving perusers a basic and open handle of the doctrine. This book is a superb asset for anybody looking for an explanation of the basic convictions of Sunni Islam. The clear show of Abdullah Canister Abdul-Hamid Al-Athri blends exemplary lessons in with present-day pertinence, making it a significant aid for people looking to improve their insight into Islamic religious philosophy.
The Faith Foundations
The story starts with laying out the essentials of confidence inside the setting of Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jamaah. Abdullah Container Abdul-Hamid Al-Athri dives into the crucial components of religion, offering perusers a solid system for getting a handle on the substance of Sunni Islamic philosophy.
The Divinity of God
Confidence in the unity of God is vital to the religion. The book plunges into the idea of Tawhid, zeroing in on the monotheistic rules that act as the establishment for Ahlul Sunnah Wal's comprehension of Jamaah might interpret God's unity, uniqueness, and characteristics.
Messengership and Prophethood
The book digs into the confidence in prophethood and couriers, enlightening the job of prophets in giving heavenly insight. Abdullah Canister Abdul-Hamid Al-Athri digs into the capability of prophets as good examples, disclosure transporters, and guides for humankind.
The Afterlife and Divine Will
"A Brief Show of the Ideology" digs into the faith in restoration, responsibility, and the everlasting repercussions of human deeds, as well as the ideas of the Great beyond and divine pronouncement. The book furnishes perusers with a careful comprehension of how different strict bits of insight are interconnected.
A Concise Presentation on the Rulings of Fasting By Shaykh ʿAbdul ʿAzīz bin ʿAbdullāh bin ʿAbdur Raḥmān ar-Rājiḥī
ISBN: 9781637950791
Author: Shaykh ʿAbdul ʿAzīz bin ʿAbdullāh
Book Binding: Soft cover
Pages 70
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.3 inch
Publication year:2021
About This Book:
Shaykh Abdullah bin Abdur Ramn ar-Rji is a well-known Saudi Arabian Islamic scholar noted for his knowledge and experience in numerous parts of Islamic jurisprudence. Following are the some aspects of the FASTING rules for Muslims are discuss below in. The author knowledge gives us vast knowledge and understanding regarding rules of Fasting
Obligation and Timing:
All adult Muslims who are physically and psychologically capable must fast during the month of Ramadan. The sighting of the new moon determines the start and end of Ramadan, and fasting begins at dawn (Fajr) and ends at nightfall (Maghrib).
It is critical to have a serious intention to fast each day before sunrise. The purpose can be formed in the heart and does not need to be expressed verbally.
While fasting, Muslims are supposed to refrain from eating, drinking, and engaging in personal connections from the start of Fajr prayer until sunset. It is also vital to avoid doing anything that will invalidate the fast, such as purposely vomiting or breaking the fast.Exceptions & Exemptions:
Certain events, such as illness, travel, menstruation, postpartum bleeding, pregnancy, and breastfeeding, may exempt people from fasting. Except for those with chronic disease or advanced age, who may be compelled to provide fidyah (feeding a needy person) instead, these people must make up for the missed fasts at a later date.
Taraweeh Prayer:
The Taraweeh prayer is an optional prayer conducted after the required Isha prayer during the evenings of Ramadan. It is highly recommended and traditionally consists of congregational recitation of lengthy passages of the Qur'an.
This is a concise presentation on the rulings of fasting taken from the treatise “al-Ilmām bi shayin min ʾAḥkām al-Ṣiyām.” I saw the need which called for it. This concise treatise includes in whole the foundation of the rulings (of Ṣiyām). It has been arranged in subject matters that will bring the reader closer to understand the meanings of fasting.I ask Allāh to make this a benefit and bestow us all with beneficial knowledge and righteous deeds. May Allāh make us all firm upon His guidance. Indeed, He is the Guardian and Protector of this and All-Powerful. May Allāh elevate our Prophet Muḥammad’s rank as well as his family and all his companions. May Allāh grant peace for all of them.
A Critique Of The Ruling Of al-Taqlid By Muhammad ibn Ali al-Shawkani
ISBN: 9781916475649
Author: Muhammad ibn Ali al-Shawkani
Book BInding: Hardcover
Pages: 232
Size: 8.5 x 6.0 x 0.7 inch
Publication Year: 2020
About This Book:
In the 18th century, eminent Islamic scholar and jurist Muhammad ibn Ali al-Shawkani wrote "A Critique of the Ruling of al-Taqlid." He provides a critical analysis of Taqlid's practice in Islamic jurisprudence in this work. Taqlid, the practice of adhering to religious judgments purely based on the views of well-known scholars without personally examining the evidence provided by the Quran and Hadith, which serve as the main sources of Islamic law, is defined as failing to do so. A large number of Muslims who follow this custom do so because they have faith in the knowledge and reliability of recognized scholars.
Abu Dāwūd stated that Aḥmad said to him, “Do not make taqlīd of me, nor Mālik, al-Shāfiʿī, al-Awzāʿī or al-Thawrī; rather take from where they took.” [Masāʾil al-Imām Aḥmad (pp.276-277).
Nawāb Ṣiddīq Ḥasan Khan relays,
“He was the judge of the congregation, the shaykh of al-Islam, the muhaqqiq, the ʿallāmah, the imām, the sulṭān of the ʿulamā, the imām of the world, the seal of the ḥuffāẓ (i.e. major ḥadīth scholars) without dispute, the proof for debaters, the supreme in isnād and the foremost within the domain of al-ijtihād He did not see one similar to himself, and those who saw him did not see his likeness in knowledge and piety, and in standing for the truth with strength of character and preciseness of tongue He gained proficiency within all the rational and textual sciences.
This was to the point that he reached the apex of human understanding, his power of examination was acceded to by both friend and foe, his excellence in the sciences of ijtihād was acknowledged, and [he became] the one to clarify the matters of subtlety within the religion. […] From his works is Nayl al-Awṭār Sharḥ Muntaqā al-Akhbār of Ibn Taymiyyah, in four volumes. The eye of time has not been adorned with its likeness in examination, nor has the entirety of time granted its similitude in attention to the smallest of detail.” [Summarised extracts from his biography in al-Tāj al-Mukallal (443-449)]
The author states:
“One of the researching scholars amongst the people of knowledge requested me to compile a treatise for him that would contain affirmation of the truth regarding al-taqlīd, as to whether it is permissible or not, in a manner that no doubt would be left after it nor objection to it would be accepted. Since the questioner is one of the eminent scholars, the response will be in the manner of ilm al-munāẓarah (the science of dialectics).”
A Day in the Life of a Muslim Child By Abdul Malik Mujahid
ISBN: 9789960717456Author: Abdul Malik MujahidBinding: SoftcoverPages: 64Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
"A Day in the Life of a Muslim Child" by Abdul Malik Mujahid takes you on a riveting trip through the day-to-day experiences of a young Muslim. This charming children's book gives a vivid image of the routines, morals, and joyful moments that fill a Muslim child's life. Abdul Malik Mujahid helps young readers to experience the beauty of living according to Islamic beliefs through uplifting tales and fascinating visuals.
Scenarios that are realistic and relatable:
"A Day in the Life of a Muslim Child" unfolds with realistic and accessible scenes, providing children with a glimpse into a Muslim child's daily existence. The book captures the essence of daily experiences, from morning routines to evening rituals.
Heartwarming pictures:
The narrative is brought to life by heartwarming pictures that vividly describe the protagonist's world. The vivid and emotive pictures complement the narrative, resulting in an immersive and enjoyable reading experience.
Islamic Ideals and Practices:
The book effectively weaves Islamic ideals and practices into the protagonist's daily activities. Young readers learn the importance of activities like prayer, thanks, and kindness, which helps them grasp Islamic ideals.
Family and Community relationships:
The documentary "A Day in the Life of a Muslim Child" emphasizes the value of family and community relationships. Within a Muslim household, the protagonist's interactions with family members and friends demonstrate the principles of love, respect, and collaboration.
Cultural and Educational components:
The book contains cultural and educational components, giving young readers with an interesting experience. It covers ideas like Arabic numerals, the lunar calendar, and Islamic months, thereby increasing cultural awareness as well as educational progress.
A Description Of The Supererogatory (Sunnah) Prayers By Shaykh Muhammad Ibn 'Umar Baazmool
ISBN: 9782987456148
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Ibn 'Umar Baazmool
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 104
Size: 6 x 9 inches
Publication Year: 2013
About This Book:
Shaykh Muhammad Ibn 'Umar Baazmool's "A Description Of The Supererogatory (Sunnah) Prayers" is a careful and educational manual for grasping the pertinence, importance, and practice of the supererogatory (sunnah) supplications in Islam. This book offers incredible experiences in a feature of Islamic love that is in a genuine way and strictly important to Muslims.
This book's features include:
In-Depth Knowledge:
A recognized Islamic researcher, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn 'Umar Baazmool, draws on his broad comprehension of Islamic regulation to give perusers a definite examination of the supererogatory petitions. He portrays the many structures, when and how they ought to be performed, and their benefits in Allah's view.
Spiritual Enrichment:
The book investigates the otherworldly parts of supererogatory supplications, featuring their importance in fortifying one's association with Allah and expanding dedication. Perusers will have a superior comprehension of how these additional demonstrations of love could assist them with filling in their confidence and otherworldliness.
Practical Guidance:
Shaykh Baazmool gives commonsense guidance on the most proficient method to integrate supererogatory supplications into day-to-day existence, including bit-by-bit guidelines and instances of their importance in different settings. This guidance is significant for both new and prepared professionals who need to work on their love.
Scriptural References:
The creator backs up his cases with citations from the Quran and Hadith (colloquialisms and demonstrations of the Prophet Muhammad, harmony arrive), laying out the authenticity and meaning of supererogatory petitions in Islamic custom.
Clarification of Misconceptions:
The book handles incessant confusions and inquiries concerning supererogatory petitions, guaranteeing that perusers have an unmistakable and right handle on their job inside Islamic commitment.
A Gift for a Muslim Bride By Muhammad Haneef Abdul Majeed
ISBN: 9789834420871
Author: Muhammad Haneef Abdul Majeed
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 462
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication Year: 2014
About This Book:
The immortal and valued manual A Gift for a Muslim Bride" by Muhammad Haneef Abdul Majeed is expected to offer fundamental insight and useful help to Muslim ladies leaving on the exquisite excursion of marriage. This book is a significant asset for ladies, grooms, and anyone hoping to further develop their marriage bond inside an Islamic system, composed of extraordinary knowledge, social responsiveness, and an exhaustive comprehension of Islamic lessons.
Key Takeaways and Insights:
The Islamic View of Marriage:
This book starts with an assessment of the Islamic perspective on marriage as a consecrated and strongly suggested establishment. It underlines the otherworldly component of marriage in Islam as well as the capability of the nuclear family in the development of a solid Muslim people group.
Marriage Preparation:
Muhammad Haneef Abdul Majeed offers commonsense guidance on the arrangements and assumptions that ought to be considered prior to going into a marriage. This part is a significant asset for expected ladies and grooms, covering everything from marriage commitments to the significance of character and similarity.
The Wedding ritual:
The book dives into the Islamic wedding custom, featuring its straightforwardness, significance, and adherence to Sunnah (the Prophet Muhammad's lifestyle). It stresses the profound parts of marriage (Nikah) and the meaning of looking for Allah's gifts.
Building a Strong Marriage:
The creator gives pragmatic ideas on the most proficient method to develop a cherishing and durable wedded organization. Successful correspondence, question goals, and saving close to home, and actual closeness are among the subjects covered.
A Gift For The Bereaved Parent By Zamir Hussain
ISBN: 9781842001172Author: Zamir HussainBinding: HardcoverPages: 56Size: 145 x 145mmPublication Year: 2010DescriptionAbout This Book:
Zamir Hussain's "A Gift for the Bereaved Parent" is a sympathetic and sensitive handbook aimed to bring peace and assistance to parents who have faced the tragic loss of a child. This book acts as a loving companion in the face of the particular challenges and emotional turbulence that follow such a loss, offering wisdom, understanding, and practical assistance to help bereaved parents navigate their grief journey with resilience and hope.
Navigating the Uncharted Terrain of Grief:
This touching book acknowledges that the journey of mourning is uncharted and stormy, especially for parents who have lost a child. Zamir Hussain guides readers through the complexity of mourning, acknowledging the enormous and long-lasting consequences of such a tragic loss.
Source of Solace and Understanding:
"A Gift for the Bereaved Parent" is primarily intended to provide consolation and understanding. Zamir Hussain draws on his personal experiences and insights to help bereaved parents feel seen, heard, and understood in their grief. The book becomes a friend in mourning, recognizing the individuality of each person's sadness while creating a sense of shared understanding.
Faith-based and compassionate wisdom:
The book, which is based on faith and compassion, conveys wisdom derived from Islamic beliefs. Zamir Hussain incorporates spiritual truths, Quranic passages, and Hadith traditions throughout the narrative, providing solace and hope that stretches beyond the immediate struggles of mourning. For bereaved parents seeking spiritual and emotional healing, religious integration becomes a pillar of strength.
A Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam By Al-Arabi Abu Hamzah
ISBN: 9789960892993Author: Al-Arabi Abu HamzahBinding: SoftcoverPages: 80Size: 14x21cmDescriptionAbout This Book:
Al-Arabi Abu Hamzah's "A Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam" is a thoughtful investigation that provides readers with a compelling insight into the tremendous beauty and wisdom inherent in the Islamic faith. The author invites both Muslims and non-Muslims to study the rich tapestry of Islamic teachings through poetry prose and profound comments, providing a look into the spiritual, ethical, and aesthetic components that make Islam a source of inspiration.
Aesthetic Appreciation:
Al-Arabi Abu Hamzah digs into the aesthetic aspects of Islam, highlighting the beauty found in its teachings, rites, and ideals. The book urges readers to embrace the spiritual aesthetics found in Islamic art, architecture, and nature.
Spiritual Wisdom:
The author delves into the profound spiritual insight buried in Islamic precepts. Readers get a deeper grasp of the spiritual components that contribute to the beauty of Islam via meaningful observations on issues such as prayer, charity, and morality.
Cultural Harmony:
"A Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam" emphasizes the cultural compatibility found in Islamic teachings. The book highlights the various cultural representations of Islam from various places while emphasizing the unifying themes that unite Muslims worldwide.
Accessible Language:
Written in simple English, the book is appropriate for a wide range of readers, including Muslims and non-Muslims. The author explains complicated topics clearly and engagingly, enabling readers to experience Islam's beauty with an open heart and mind.
A Glossary of Islamic Terms By Aisha Bewley
ISBN: 9781897940785Author: Aisha BewleyBinding: HardcoverPages: 291Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Aisha Bewley's "A Glossary of Islamic Terms" can assist you in exploring the domain of Islamic grants with lucidity and accuracy. This intensive reference work is an unquestionable requirement for both new and experienced understudies, disentangling the rich embroidery of Islamic wording with incredible meticulousness. Aisha Bewley, a notable researcher, gives an important asset that demystifies Islamic phrasing and makes it open to a wide crowd.
Navigating the Labyrinth of Islamic Vocabulary:
The book starts by directing perusers through the thick snare of Islamic jargon clearly and clearly. Aisha Bewley's experience radiates through as she takes apart troublesome words, permitting perusers to cross the syntactic complexities that recognize Islamic talk.
Derivation and Historical Context:
Every section in the glossary is something other than a definition; it takes you on an excursion through the term's determination and verifiable setting. Aisha Bewley's smart discourse furnishes perusers with a rich embroidery of semantic and social experiences.
Bridging Language and Culture:
Aisha Bewley's glossary goes about as a scaffold between the Arabic starting points of Islamic wording and their English interpretations, with a focus on etymological rightness. This etymological receptiveness works on diverse comprehension by guaranteeing that perusers, no matter what their semantic foundation, can see the intricacies of Islamic standards.
Comprehensive Coverage:
The dictionary covers a large number of Islamic subjects, from philosophy and statute to otherworldliness and magic. Aisha Bewley's cautious choice of jargon guarantees that perusers get an exhaustive familiarity with the different parts of Islamic information, advancing a balanced comprehension of the religion.
A Guide for Authors Translators and Copy Editors
ISBN: 9781565642829
Author: IIIT
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 63
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication Year: 2002
About This Book:
In "A Guide for Authors, Translators, and Copy Editors" you'll find a brilliant asset that will direct you through the specialty of successful correspondence in the realms of distributing, composing, and interpretation. This far-reaching guide gives experiences and useful counsel on the intricacies of making very much created composed content that reverberates with readers and holds its trustworthiness all through the interpretation interaction.
Craftsmanship in Writing:
This guide opens with a salute to composing creativity. It underscores the significance of each word, expression, and sentence, knowing that the specialty of composing fills in as the establishment for compelling correspondence.
Language Barriers:
In an undeniably interconnected world, interpretation makes light of the basic job of breaking language hindrances. This book shows writers and interpreters how to hold the substance and importance of the first material during the interpretation cycle.
Excellence in Copyediting:
Duplicate editors are the distributing business' unrecognized yet truly great individuals, guaranteeing that composed substance is clear, firm, and blunder-free. "An Aide for Creators, Interpreters, and Duplicate Editors" furnishes duplicate editors with exhortation and best practices for sharpening their gifts.
Clarity, Consistency, and Flow:
The book accentuates the significance of composed material clearness, consistency, and stream. It offers writers and editors functional ways of accomplishing these traits, guaranteeing that perusers figure out the expected message.
Respect for Cultural Differences:
Understanding social contrasts is fundamental for interpreters and duplicate editors. This handbook advances mindfulness for the social setting in which the substance is given, as well as guidance on the most proficient method to protect social awareness.
A Guide to Male-Female Interaction in Islam By Dr. Hatem Al-Haj
ISBN: 9786035012423
Author: Dr. Hatem Al-Haj
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 158
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication 2014
About This Book:
Dr. Hatem Al-Pilgrimage's "A Guide to Male-Female Interaction in Islam" is an exhaustive and enlightening asset that gives perusers a decent and nuanced handle of the standards and principles directing connections among people in Islam. Dr. Al-Pilgrimage gives down-to-earth bits of knowledge and direction to help people in overseeing and supporting unassuming and deferential connections as per Islamic morals, drawing on Islamic statutes, Quranic sections, and Hadith (Prophetic practices).
Key Takeaways and Insights:Foundations of Islamic Ethics:The book starts by making sense of the essential standards of Islamic morals, underscoring the requirement for unobtrusiveness, virtue, and regard for all people, paying little heed to orientation.
Understanding Male-Female Interaction:Dr. Hatem Al-Pilgrimage digs into the idea of male-female connection in Islam, analyzing the intricacies and fluctuated settings wherein associations could happen.
The Importance of Intentions:The Significance of Aims: In all associations among people, the creator underlines the significance of one's goals and virtue of heart. In supporting Islamic convictions, he accentuates the requirement for earnestness and consideration.
Guidelines for Modesty:This book gives reasonable ideas for keeping up with unobtrusiveness in dress, conduct, and discourse while drawing in with individuals of the contrary orientation.
Social and Professional Interactions: Dr. Al-Pilgrimage covers the passability and limits of people's social and expert connections, tending to normal situations like working environments, instructive settings, and local area exercises.
Family and Marital Relationships: The creator dives into the intricacies of Islamic family and conjugal connections, stressing the upsides of adoration, regard, and organization between companions.
A Guide to Parenting in Islam Addressing Adolescence By Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari
ISBN: 9781842001257Author: Dr. Muhammad Abdul BariBinding: SoftcoverPages: 124Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari's "A Guide to Parenting in Islam: Addressing Adolescence" is a scholarly and comprehensive booklet that provides vital help to parents navigating the challenges and opportunities of raising teenagers within an Islamic framework. Dr. Bari, a well-regarded Islamic scholar, draws on his wealth of knowledge to offer practical counsel, spiritual insights, and ethical issues for parents looking to establish a loving atmosphere during the critical stage of adolescence.
Understanding the Adolescent Journey:
The book begins by digging into the distinctive features of adolescence, blending psychological insights with Islamic teachings. Dr. Bari delves into the physical, emotional, and cognitive changes that occur during this transforming time of life, providing parents with a better understanding of their adolescent children's experiences.
Islamic Concepts in Parenting:
Integrating Islamic concepts into the parenting experience is central to Dr. Bari's book. The author guides the reader through Quranic texts and Hadiths, laying the groundwork for ethical parenting techniques during adolescence. Dr. Bari offers parents with the tools they need to develop Islamic principles and qualities in their children during this important era by highlighting the significance of compassion, communication, and continuous moral guidance.
Navigating Challenges with Faith:
Adolescence frequently presents new issues for both parents and teenagers. Through an Islamic lens, Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari discusses typical themes such as peer pressure, identity development, and the impact of technology. The book offers practical solutions and spiritual insights to assist parents in guiding their teens with love, patience, and a firm commitment to Islamic beliefs.
A Guide to Parenting in Islam Cherishing Childhood By Muhammad Abdul Bari
ISBN: 9781842001547
Author: Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari
Book Binding: Softcover
Pages: 112
Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches
Publication Year: 2015
About This Book:
Muhammad Abdul Bari's "A Guide to Parenting in Islam Cherishing Childhood" is an exhaustive and thorough reference that furnishes guardians and parental figures with fundamental bits of knowledge about bringing up youngsters inside the system of Islamic qualities and standards. This book gives guidance on building a mindful and sympathetic air that energizes kids' development and improvement, with an emphasis on supporting their physical, profound, and otherworldly prosperity.
Parenthood's Sacred Role
In Islam, nurturing is viewed as perhaps the most significant and decent job. Muhammad Abdul Bari's book underscores the significance of this obligation, underlining how it gives an open door to form the eventual fate of one's kids as well as to add to society all in all decidedly.
Islamic Parenting and Values
The book dives into how Islamic goals and thoughts can be utilized in all parts of nurturing. Guardians are exhorted from the second their child is brought into the world on the meaning of giving an Islamic childhood that imparts affection for Allah, sympathy, and information on moral standards.
A Comprehensive Approach to Child Development
Bari's methodology focuses on youngsters' all-encompassing turn of events, which incorporates actual well-being, the capacity to appreciate anyone on a profound level, scholarly progression, and otherworldly prosperity. Guardians are urged to cultivate a climate where their youngsters can develop and create to their greatest potential.
Character and Morality Development
This book's center is character improvement. Guardians are given reasonable advice on the best way to impart temperances in their youngsters like trustworthiness, compassion, a noble cause, and regard, adding to the advancement of ethically upstanding people.
A Guide to Ramadan and Fasting By Dr. Musharaf Hussain and Dr. Abia Afsar Siddiqui
ISBN: 9781842000793Author: Dr. Musharaf Hussain and Dr. Abia Afsar SiddiquiBinding: SoftcoverPages: 56Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Dr. Musharaf Hussain and Dr. Abia Afsar Siddiqui's "A Guide to Ramadan and Fasting" is a detailed and insightful analysis of the hallowed Islamic month of Ramadan. This guide is more than just a fasting manual; it dives into the spiritual, cultural, and practical aspects of Ramadan, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of this wonderful season in the Islamic calendar.
Ramadan's Spiritual Importance:
The book's central theme is an examination of Ramadan's spiritual value. Dr. Musharaf Hussain and Dr. Abia Afsar Siddiqui dig into Islamic teachings, highlighting how Ramadan is more than just a month of fasting, but also a time for self-reflection, increased dedication, and spiritual growth. During this auspicious month, the book serves as a guide for anyone seeking a deeper connection with their faith.
Practical Fasting Advice:
The guide provides practical counsel to those fasting, addressing typical questions and concerns about the physical elements of fasting. Dr. Musharaf Hussain and Dr. Abia Afsar Siddiqui discuss how to properly observe Suhoor and Iftar, manage daily activities, and stay healthy while fasting. The book is intended for both seasoned practitioners and those who are experiencing Ramadan for the first time.
Dimensions of Culture and Society:
Beyond the individual act of fasting, the authors investigate Ramadan's cultural and societal implications. The book puts light on the social components of this month, such as the value of family, community, and charitable activities. Drs. Musharaf Hussain and Abia Afsar Siddiqui demonstrate how Ramadan creates a sense of unity, understanding, and charity among Muslims all across the world.
A Guide to Salah (Prayer) By Muhammad Abdul Rahim Saqib
ISBN: 9789834462604
Author: Muhammad Abdul Rahim Saqib
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 112
Size: 5.5 X 8.5 X 0.2
Publication year: 2017
About This Book:
Muhammad Abdul Rahim Saqib's "A Guide to Salah (Prayer)" is a comprehensive and accessible resource meant to help Muslims of all ages and backgrounds enhance their understanding and practice of one of Islam's core pillars: Salah, or Islamic prayer. This instructive book is an invaluable companion for those trying to develop and strengthen their connection with Allah via prayer.
Key Characteristics include:
Step-by-Step Directions:
The book provides clear and simple directions for every step of Islamic prayer, from the beginning of Takbir (Allahu Akbar) to the closing of Tashahhud. It teaches readers how to conduct Salah correctly in a systematic and methodical manner.
Spiritual Insight:
Beyond the mechanics of prayer, Muhammad Abdul Rahim Saqib digs into Salah's spiritual and emotional components. He emphasizes the importance of prayer as a means of seeking Allah's proximity and obtaining inner serenity and tranquillity.
Frequent Salah Mistakes and Misconceptions:
The book discusses frequent Salah mistakes and misconceptions, assisting readers in identifying and correcting problems in their prayer practices. This ensures that readers can do Salah in an Allah-pleasing manner.
"A Guide to Salah (Prayer)" is written in a way that accommodates people with varying levels of experience with Islamic prayer. Whether you are new to Salah or looking to improve your current practice, this book will give you with important insights and assistance.
Legitimate Islamic Sources:
The book's teaching is solidly founded in legitimate Islamic sources such as the Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). Readers may rely on the material offered to be accurate and true.
A Guide to Salah By M. A. K Saqib
ISBN: 9780907461449Author: M. A. K SaqibBinding: SoftcoverPages: 80Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
"A Guide to Salah" by the perceptive M. A. K Saqib will take you on a transformational spiritual trip. This excellent book offers as a detailed and approachable reference to Salah (prayer), Islam's fundamental cornerstone. It is meticulously constructed to provide readers with a thorough understanding of the significance, rituals, and spiritual core of Salah, allowing both newbies and seasoned practitioners to deepen their prayer experience.
Unveiling the Essence of Salah:
M. A. K Saqib digs into the profound significance of Salah in Islam in the first few chapters. The author explains the spiritual and practical significance of this ritual, asking readers to recognize the transformational power of frequent prayer in cultivating a stronger relationship with the Divine.
Rituals in Steps:
The book's heart is in its careful analysis of the Salah ritual. The author walks readers through each step, from the Takbir (opening proclamation) to the Tasleem (ending greeting), with clarity and precision. This part serves as a practical manual, making Salah available to people at various levels of their spiritual journey.
The Spiritual Dimensions:
M. A. K Saqib goes beyond the physical actions to investigate the spiritual components of Salah. Readers acquire a better grasp of the aims, humility, and attentiveness that characterize meaningful prayer through thoughtful discussion. This section promotes a holistic approach to Salah, highlighting the relationship between the body, mind, and soul.
Common Misconceptions and Clarifications:
Addressing common misconceptions about Salah, the author expertly navigates probable problems and concerns. This section is a helpful resource for readers seeking clarity on the subtleties of Salah since it provides concise explanations and contextualizes the significance of particular gestures and phrases.
A Guide to Salat By Muhammad Abdul Karim Saqib
ISBN: 9789960717173Author: Muhammad Abdul Karim SaqibBook Binding: SoftcoverPages: 64Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication year:1997DescriptionAbout This Book:
Begin your spiritual journey with "A Guide to Salat" by renowned author Muhammad Abdul Karim Saqib. This comprehensive and beautifully designed guide acts as a beacon, giving readers a deep grasp of Salat, Islam's primary act of devotion. Saqib's guidance is written with clarity and insight to help both newbies and seasoned practitioners traverse the subtleties of this sacred ceremony.
Understanding Salat's Essence:
Readers are urged to delve into the deeper essence of Salat, which is more than just a collection of ritualistic gestures, but a highly spiritual and transformational encounter with the Divine. Saqib digs into Salat's spiritual meaning, underlining its vital position in a Muslim's life.
Step-by-Step Direction:
The guide unfolds systematically, providing a step-by-step trip through the many Salat components. Saqib provides clear and straightforward directions from the purification of intentions to the ending supplications so that readers of all levels can approach their prayers with confidence and dedication.
Incorporating Spiritual Reflections:
What distinguishes "A Guide to Salat" is its incorporation of spiritual reflections, which encourage readers to engage in a deeper, more contemplative connection with Allah in addition to doing the physical tasks of Salat. Saqib encourages a contemplative attitude, which enhances the spiritual experience of this precious act of worship.
Common Issues and Solutions:
Recognizing the difficulties that people may experience in sustaining a regular and focused prayer regimen, Saqib addresses typical roadblocks. Practical answers are offered, enabling readers to overcome distractions and establish a constant and meaningful relationship with their prayers.
A History of Muslim Civilization Volume 1 By Noura Durkee, Husain Abvia and Susan Douglass
ISBN: 9781563164552Author: Noura Durkee, Husain Abvia and Susan DouglassBinding: SoftcoverPages: 372Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication 2003DescriptionAbout This Book:
Noura Durkee, Husain Abvia, and Susan Douglass' "A History of Muslim Civilization - Volume 1" is a riveting and comprehensive overview of the rich and colorful fabric of Muslim history. This engrossing book gives readers a thorough overview of the complex path of Muslim civilizations from their birth to significant historical milestones.
Historical Depth:
The book goes deeply into Muslim civilization's history, documenting its origins, evolution, and major events that molded its character over centuries. It covers everything from the period of the Prophet Muhammad to the early Islamic empires.
Cultural and Intellectual Insights:
Beyond political and military history, this book delves into the contributions of Muslim civilizations to other subjects such as science, art, philosophy, and literature. It emphasizes the important role that Muslim scholars performed in the preservation and advancement of knowledge.
Geographic Diversity:
The writers investigate the growth of Muslim civilization across wide swaths of land, from the Arabian Peninsula to Asia, Africa, and Europe. This regional variety emphasizes the far-reaching influence of Muslim culture and government.
Cultural Appreciation:
The book encourages an appreciation for Muslim civilizations' rich and diverse cultural legacy. It delves into architecture, art, and other forms of cultural expression that have had an unforgettable effect on world history.
Readers of different backgrounds and knowledge levels will find the book to be inclusive. It invites history buffs, as well as students and educators looking for a comprehensive resource for learning about Muslim civilization.
A History Of The Ahlul-Hadeeth A Study Of The Saved Sect And That It Is The People Of Hadeeth By Shaikh Ahmad Ibn Muhmmad ISBN: 9781902727240 Indeed Allah, the Most Perfect, has favored this Ummah with the chain of narration as a distinguishing mark. He has specified this for them, giving them this connection which was not given to those who preceded them from amongst the slaves. With that, in every era unique Imams and brilliant critics have arisen, where one of them would take great pains in his precision over it, and they strove with excellence. They sought the ways to explain its obscurities and they were successful in achieving that which they intended. That is from one of the miracles of our Prophet (p.b.u.h.) which he informed us would occur.He supplicated for the one who undertook this specialty and sipped from its spring, for he said, “You will listen and then you will be heard, and they will be heard from those who listened to you.’ This specialty, which is continuous throughout the ages, is from amongst the special characteristics of the Companions of the Sunnah (Ashaabus-Sunnah) and the People of Hadeeth (Ahlul-Hadeeth). With it they stood a mighty stand and they persisted in the call to it with a mighty persistence.So because of this, their methodology, may Allah have mercy upon their deceased and preserve their living ones, is the methodology of recording the truth which nobody else can uncover and no-one can tarnish with any defect.
A Khimar for Nadia By Fawzia Gilani
ISBN: 9781842000595Author: Fawzia GilaniBinding: SoftcoverPages: 23Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesDescriptionAbout This Book:
Enter the lovely world of "A Khimar for Nadia" by Fawzia Gilani, a gifted storyteller. This exquisitely designed children's book celebrates identity, variety, and the links that bind us all. Young readers are welcome to experience the diversity of culture and the thrill of self-expression through the eyes of the charming protagonist, Nadia.
Nadia's World of Vibrant Khimars
Enter Nadia's universe, where khimars are more than just pieces of cloth; they are bright representations of her individuality. Fawzia Gilani introduces readers to the kaleidoscope of colors, patterns, and emotions that accompany Nadia's vast collection of khimars, each of which represents a different aspect of her personality.
Accepting Diversity and Culture
The story grows into a tapestry of ethnic variety and originality as Nadia dresses in several khimars. Fawzia Gilani deftly crafts narratives that highlight the beauty of diversity, urging young readers to respect and love both their own and others' cultural heritage.
The Pleasure of Passing Down Traditions
Nadia's path includes more than just self-expression; it also includes the satisfaction of sharing traditions with friends and family. Fawzia Gilani demonstrates the value of cultural interchange, developing a sense of unity and understanding among youngsters from many origins, via heartwarming moments and wonderful interactions.
Empathy is used to build bridges.
"A Khimar for Nadia" is more than simply a clothes story; it's a story about creating bridges through empathy and understanding. Fawzia Gilani helps young readers connect with Nadia on a deeper level, urging them to embrace the beauty of differences and discover common ground in their shared childhood memories.
A Letter to The Incarcerated Muslim (With Appendices Regarding Major Sins) By Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Jaru Allah
ISBN: 9781792320996
Author: Shaykh Abdullah ibn Jāru Allah
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 117
Size: 6 x 9
Publiication: 2019
About This Book:
Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Jaru Allah's work "A Letter to the Imprisoned Muslim (With Appendices Regarding Major Sins)" is a sincere letter addressed to a Muslim who is now jailed. Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Jaru Allah gives compassionate guidance and invaluable advice in this letter on how to overcome the particular problems of being imprisoned while retaining a strong and unshakeable faith.
The letter is carefully separated into two sections:
The first segment dives into the challenges of incarceration, such as the loss of personal freedom, isolation from loved ones, and the attraction of indulging in immoral habits due to the surrounding atmosphere.
The second section provides practical advice on how to successfully face these obstacles. It emphasizes the significance of cultivating one's relationship with Allah, participating in constructive and helpful activities, and avoiding bad influences and people.
The letter includes appendices that address key sins in Islam. These appendices serve as a valuable reference to help readers avoid acts that can have serious consequences both in this life and in the hereafter. This letter, written in a simple and accessible tone, is intended for readers with varying degrees of acquaintance with Islamic principles. It is a vital resource for jailed people seeking consolation and direction, as well as those who assist them throughout their incarceration.
A Life with the Divine: 25 Names of Allah and their everyday expressions in life by Ali Hammuda
ISBN: 9781847742179Author: Ali HammudaBinding: PaperbackPages: 411Size: 8.5 x 5.4 x 0.8 inchPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Kube Publishing Ltd
Dsecription:Tradesmen look at buildings differently, depending on their trade: The carpenter casts an eye on the woodwork, the bricklayer on the brickwork and the painter on the walls and ceilings. Similarly, the greater a person's perception of Allāh's names, the greater their alertness and understanding of life. Nothing passes them by, without thought and contemplation.When they see a display of mercy, they automatically and very naturally reflect on the names of Allah; Al-Rahīm" (The Most Merciful), Al-Ra'ūf (The Pitying), Al-Wadūd (The Affectionate). When they sense might and awe, they are overcome with the names "Al-Jabbār" (The Compeller), "Al-Muntaqim" (The Avenger) and "Al-Qahhār" (The Subduer). Eventually, they reach a station where every scene that unfolds, any sin which presents itself or any opportunity that drifts by, becomes a trigger for perusal and the remembrance of Allāh, the achievement of which is precisely the objective of this book.
A Man and a Horse By Sami Ayoub
ISBN-10: 9960717542ISBN:13: 9789960717548Author: Sami AyoubBook Binding: SoftcoverPages 24Size: 6.5 x 4.6 x0.1 inchPublication year: 2002DescriptionAbout This Book:
Explore the touching story of "A Man and A Horse" by Sami Ayoub and Mrs. Vivian Taylor Ayoub, a captivating short story published by Darussalam. Despite its short length, this book contains a significant lesson on Islam's ethical treatment of animals. Readers are enlightened on the acceptable Islamic approach to interacting with animals through a fascinating story set against the backdrop of a man's journey with a horse-drawn carriage.
Lesson on Animal Treatment in Islam:
In this brief but effective story, the authors craft a tale that serves as a profound lesson on how to treat animals according to Islamic values. The story sheds light on the ethical responsibility humans have toward the creatures who share our earth by providing insights into the humane and compassionate treatment required by Islam.
A Journey of Merchandise and Morality:
The main story follows a man on a mission who travels in a horse-drawn carriage to sell products in the market and increase profits. However, the plot twists when the man is approached by a stranger while resting under a tree. What follows is a life-changing lesson that transcends material gain and leaves an unforgettable imprint on the man's conscience.
Islamic Approach to Animal Care:
Through the characters and events in "A Man and a Horse," the authors show the true Islamic approach to animal care in minute detail. The story serves as a vehicle for understanding the need for kindness, responsibility, and empathy toward animals in Islamic beliefs.
A Mercy to Humanity By Dr Aid Al Qarni
About This Book
"A Mercy to Humanity" by Dr. Aid Al-Qarni takes you on a remarkable trip through the life and character of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This insightful book explores the aspects of the Prophet's life that made him a beacon of mercy for all of humanity, not just his contemporaries. The author digs into the Prophet's compassionate and exemplary life. The work of Dr. Aid Al-Qarni is a motivational homage to the Prophet's everlasting legacy of justice, generosity, and compassion.
Character Analysis:
Dr. Aid Al-Qarni explores the Prophet Muhammad's complex personality, portraying him as a shining example of justice, kindness, and compassion. The Prophet's interactions with people, groups, and even enemies are examined in the book, demonstrating his remarkable talent for understanding and empathy.
Timeless Relevance:
"A Mercy to Humanity" offers universal teachings from the life of the Prophet that cut beyond cultural and temporal bounds. Dr. Aid Al-Qarni makes the book applicable to a wide range of readers worldwide by establishing links between the Prophet's deeds and the problems that people and civilizations confront today.
Inspirational Thoughts:
The book challenges readers to consider the Prophet's teachings and strive to live up to his admirable traits. Dr. Aid Al-Qarni inspires readers to follow the Prophet's lead and implement his teachings in the contemporary day by means of motivational stories and anecdotes.
Dr. Aid Al-Qarni's "A Mercy to Humanity" teaches us the eternal lessons and values of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Prophet's life is revealed in the book, with particular instances of kindness, knowledge, and compassion that have a lasting impact on people all around the world.
A Message Exclusively to The Husband
ISBN: 9781495196799
Author: Shaykh Abu Furayhan Jamal Ibn Furayhan Al-Harithi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages: 112
Size: 8.2 x 5.8 x 0.4 Inch
Publication Year: 2016
About This Book:
"A Message Exclusively to the Husband" is a touching and enlightening book that dives into the complexities of marital relationships, providing advice, wisdom, and a sympathetic perspective intended exclusively for husbands. This book, written with respect and care, is a useful resource for men who are dedicated to nurturing a happy and loving marriage.
Understanding the Husband's Unique position:
This book begins with delving into the unique position that husbands play inside the marriage partnership. It offers a thoughtful study of the responsibilities, problems, and rewards of being a husband in today's environment.
Navigating the Complexities of Marriage:
"A Message Exclusively to the Husband" educates husbands with the tools they need to negotiate the complexities of married life through practical counsel and real-world examples. It addresses frequent challenges, misunderstandings, and miscommunications that can strain relationships.
Excellent communication and Emotional Connection:
The significance of excellent communication and developing a strong emotional connection with one's spouse is central to the book's theme. It offers suggestions for improving understanding, empathy, and closeness in the marriage.
Nurturing Love and Respect:
The importance of cultivating a culture of love and respect in the marriage bond is emphasized throughout the book. It explains how husbands can show appreciation, affection, and consideration for their spouses.
Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution:
"A Message Exclusively to the Husband" prepares spouses for conflict resolution and crisis management. It promotes a proactive approach to confronting difficulties and working together to develop solutions.
A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman By Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi
ISBN: 9781532333873
Author: Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi
Book Binding: Paperback
Pages 52
Size: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inch
Publication year: 2017
About This Book:
Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi's "A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman" is a particular and dedicated message to Muslim women. Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi addresses Muslim women in this book with crucial counsel and advice adapted to their specific roles and obligations in Islam.The book delves into numerous facets of a Muslim woman's life, such as her relationship with Allah, family, and community.
Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi's writing style is compassionate and sympathetic, which makes the message realistic and relevant to Muslim women's lives. In "A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman," readers will obtain a better understanding of the role of faith in shaping their lives.
The book offers useful insights and practical advice on how to negotiate the obstacles and opportunities that life throws at them while adhering to Islamic beliefs and principles.Shaykh Jamal Al-Harithi's work is an inspiration and source of empowerment for Muslim women who want to deepen their spirituality, nurture their relationships, and constructively contribute to their communities. It emphasizes the crucial role of Muslim women in society and the need of obtaining education and spiritual improvement.
"A Message Exclusively to the Muslim Woman" is a touching and educational book that recognizes and honors Muslim women's unique talents and accomplishments.
A Muslim Boys Guide to Lifes Big Changes By Sami KhanISBN: 9781842000724Author: Sami KhanBinding: SoftcoverPages: 48Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2007DescriptionAbout This Book:In the mosaic of a young Muslim boy's life, marked by the inevitability of change, Sami Khan lends a helpful hand with his book, "A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes." This insightful guide is a constant companion, covering the many transformations that come with adolescence and providing practical counsel based on Islamic principles.Embracing Adolescence ConfidentlyAs Sami Khan sensitively handles the physical and emotional changes that accompany puberty, embark on a voyage of self-discovery. This chapter gives Muslim boys the knowledge and confidence they need to navigate this changing stage while remaining true to their Islamic principles.Developing Meaningful RelationshipsInvestigate the dynamics of friendships and other social relationships. Sami Khan offers advice on making genuine relationships, distinguishing good friendships from poisonous ones, and cultivating a supportive social circle based on mutual respect and similar ideals.Understanding the Meaning of Modesty and EtiquetteInvestigate the ideals of humility and behavior in Islam. This chapter teaches Muslim boys the importance of ethical behavior, respect for others, and sustaining the ideals that define a noble character.Academic Success Through FaithNavigate the academic landscape with helpful tips on studying, time management, and dealing with school-related issues. Sami Khan enables Muslim boys to thrive intellectually while also developing spiritually and personally.Emotional Management and Mental HealthKhan tackles the emotional landscape throughout the book, providing insights into managing stress, fostering mental well-being, and embracing emotional resilience. This chapter attempts to provide Muslim boys with the tools they need to negotiate the intricacies of their emotions while maintaining a firm faith basis.
A Muslim Boy's Journal to Life's Big Changes by Sami Khan
ISBN: 9781842002162Author: Sami KhanBinding: PaperbackPages: 160Size:8.3 x 5.9 x 0.5 inchesPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd
Dsecription:Bursting with inspiring illustrations, activities and challenges, this journal is your fun space to building a stronger relationship with Allah and living your best life.Would you like to know the secret to living a brighter, better, more blissful life? Well, this journal has all the answers. Bursting with inspiring illustrations, activities and challenges, this journal is your fun space to building a stronger relationship with Allah and living your best life.Your loyal mentor, Sami, will be guiding you to success along the way.Recommended for ages 9-13.
A Muslim Girl's Guide to Life's Big Changes by Rayhana Khan
ISBN:9781842002193Author: Rayhana KhanBinding: PaperbackPages: 160Size: 8.3 x 5.9 x 0.5 inchesPublication Year: 2024Language: EnglishPublisher: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd
Dsecription:Would you like to know the secret to living a brighter, better, more blissful life?Well, this journal has all the answers.Bursting with inspiring illustrations, activities and challenges, this journal is your manual to building a stronger relationship with Allah and living your best life.Your loyal mentor, Rayhana, will be guiding you to success along the way.Recommended for ages 9-13
A Muslim Girls Guide to Lifes Big Changes By Rayhana KhanISBN: 9781842000656Author: Rayhana KhanBinding: SoftcoverPages: 32Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inchesPublication Year: 2007DescriptionAbout This Book:Rayhana Khan's book, "A Muslim Girl's Guide to Life's Big Changes," offers a sympathetic hand in the tapestry of a Muslim girl's life, marked by development, transformation, and the obstacles of change. This intelligent companion acts as a calming companion, covering the numerous adolescent transitions and providing practical guidance based on Islamic teachings.Confidently Accepting PubertyRayhana Khan takes you on a voyage of self-discovery as she sensitively explores the physical and emotional changes that come with adolescence. This chapter gives Muslim girls the knowledge and confidence they need to navigate this changing stage while remaining true to their Islamic principles.Maintaining Healthy FriendshipsInvestigate the dynamics of friendships and other social relationships. Rayhana Khan offers advice on how to make meaningful relationships, distinguish healthy friendships from poisonous ones, and cultivate a supportive social circle based on mutual respect and similar ideals.Unveiling the Hijab ExperienceInvestigate the significance of the hijab and the unique experiences Muslim females may have while wearing it. This chapter provides advice on how to confidently wear the hijab, appreciate its spiritual significance, and navigate cultural perceptions with grace.Academic Difficulties and SuccessNavigate the academic terrain with practical guidance on studying, time management, and dealing with school life's problems. Rayhana Khan enables Muslim girls to thrive academically while also growing spiritually and personally.Emotional Intelligence and Mental HealthKhan tackles the emotional landscape throughout the book, providing insights into managing stress, fostering mental well-being, and embracing emotional resilience. This chapter attempts to provide Muslim girls with the tools they need to navigate the intricacies of their emotions while being grounded in their faith.